MS collage

Chris McDaniel’s campaign manager and Mississippi state Senator, Melanie Sojourner, took to Facebook on Independence Day – not to express her patriotism but to swear she will never ever endorse Thad Cochran. In a litany of complaints spanning three paragraphs, Sojourner expressed bitter disappointment and acrimony with the avowed enemy firmly in her sights.

Melanie Sojourner's Fourth of July message

Sojourner then linked her Facebook message to The Minority Report’s Conservatives, Remember Mississippi which calls on all conservatives to defund the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “This will get their attention like nothing else” declares blog author, Ken Cuccinelli, President of the Senate Conservatives Fund. It will – though possibly not in the way Cuccinelli intends.

The blog’s introduction lays out a point-by-point complaint of the Tea Party’s grievances against the establishment with the focus on Thad Cochran’s runoff campaign.

The list begins with:

> We must remember that the establishment urged Cochran to run against McDaniel even though Cochran wanted to retire.

Then tosses in a mention of Reince Priebus:

> We must remember that the establishment opposed McDaniel even though, according to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, McDaniel would win the seat for Republicans in November.

Refers to the “gun-grabbing” Michael Bloomberg and devotes three points to “race-baiting” before concluding with:

> We must remember that Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — who vowed to “crush” conservatives “everywhere” – raised over $800,000 from Washington, DC lobbyists and other GOP senators to help pay for Cochran’s attacks against McDaniel.

> We must remember that the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) continued to oppose McDaniel after he won the most Republican votes in the primary, and then spent $175,000 of party money to defeat McDaniel in the runoff.

Contrary to appearances, Cuccinelli, in a highlighted sentence, accuses the establishment faction of tearing the GOP apart. This contradicts the widely-acknowledged perspective that it’s the Tea Party who launched a sustained attack on Cochran’s camp, an attack which has included the shameful exploitation of Cochran’s wife, a courthouse break-in on the night of the primary election and a threatened lawsuit challenging the run-off election results. Cuccinelli mentions none of these events.

Instead, he encourages anger and urges vengeful action in another highlighted sentence:

Conservatives should not fund a Republican committee that recruits liberal Democrats to defeat constitutional conservatives.

In the cock-eyed style of Grover Norquist, Cuccinelli calls upon all conservatives to sign a pledge to defund the NRSC and links to the pledge page. Signatories can also “like” the pledge page on Facebook and link it to both Facebook and Twitter. The final line reveals that the pledge is organized and paid for by the Senate Conservatives Fund with the disclaimer that it is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. At the time of writing, the pledges numbered 8,987.

Cuccinelli’s contentious contribution marks a sharp escalation in this internecine feud. No longer is it confined to the Republican disputants in the Senate race in Mississippi. The Senate Conservatives Fund has taken it nationwide and targeted the powerful NRSC. In the race to November, the GOP may well find itself hobbled by a fierce battle within its ranks – and that’s good news for Democrats everywhere.

Cross-posted at Daily Kos

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Miles Long
Miles Long

Well said, Mopshell.

Miles “Popping Popcorn On The Sidelines” Long


Mopshell, thanks so much for an excellent article. And believe me, the reaction to it here is anything but “meh”! This kind of reporting matters!

Wow… what does it say when the candidates in a GOP race consist of a guy who seemed to be clueless to the fact that Eric Cantor lost in a huge upset (and who brags about what indecent things he’s done to farm animals), and a flaming extremist whose operatives think it’s okay to illegally photograph a poor woman with Alzheimer’s in a nursing home?

Can a contest possibly get any lower than that?

Well, maybe with Cuccinelli’s help other contests can — and will.

This GOP civil war is — more and more — looking like the very crazy vs the very, very crazy. The Morally Bankrupt vs The Anarchist Nihilists.

But the real losers in this war will be the American people — if they fall for the sales pitches of any of them.

Please keep the reporting coming, Mopshell! Well done.

James Michael Brodie

There really is nothing that I can add to the mess this group has created. No matter how they try to spin it, the Tea Party has positioned itself against Black America.

Does anyone believe the outrage would have been as fierce had Cochran won with White Democrats?

We have to remember that this is Mississippi. This state has a history, a painful one. It is a state that has lagged near the bottom academically and economically.

Mississippi makes South Carolina look progressive.


McDenial needs to fight this as long as it takes to reveal that his election loss was due to massive voter impersonation fraud by ACORN!!


This is like watching a Little League game after the Incumbent team beats the Oppositional Disorders, who react to their defeat with a collective tantrum supported by their division, The Sore Losers, streaming onto the field to join in the head bashing fray.


Very interesting- these behind the scenes struggle, the inside ball that makes or breaks a game- are the key to understanding the big picture.

Each side is blaming the other.
Each is shouting charges about ideological betrayal.
Each threatens to undermine the others base.
Each demands the defunding of the other.

This is the very definition of civil war….or rather the uncivil war.

I am hoping that each side digs trenches and fortifies for a long siege.


Agreed Murph.

proper and long life!!


Doing my best to support the possibility of both!


Yes, I do so also.

I played Golf with my best friend mike a libertarian and a devoted tea party guy named Oscar last week. I ribbed / pitted them against each other! Mike for Rand, Oscar for Cruz.
Boy i had a good time.

Mike and I worked for the same oil company for 20 yrs, He in not retired yet and I am. SO i always Kid him. Are you working hard mike? I still receive my pension check and this time I just got a raise get my pension. Say something similar each time we play, once a week on Fridays. I am in Texas.


Be careful, Tx rattlesnakes….beware!


Yes Murph your correct on this issue.

It works both ways on the golf course though.

When playing for money, just drop a comment on how well Obama is doing as prez. There goes their golf game for 4 golf holes. Instant money.

Prosper always


In response to your last comment:

You live dangerously…pardner! Don’t Mess with Texas!


Yea sometimes.

live in peace!!


Simple The tea party will take the whole GOP down with this infighting!

OH i looked up the mortality rates on older americans.
The GOP being about 10 yrs older as citizens, They are losing voters at a 2.8/3.0 to 1 ratio to the democrats of dying of old age.
Since 2012 that means approximately 2 million less GOP voters in 2014.
For 2016 it is about 4.5 million GOP voters total.

SO the younger citizens favor the democratic party also.

Essentially the GOP will need more votes then ever just to keep their own districts in 2014 and much more in 2016!
Look for more voter blockage bills soon.

A synthesizer can sound like any instrument in the world today.
A synthesizer can create instruments not invented yet also.

Always prosper in the music you love the best!!


Mr. Music, I feel young, THANKS!

I play cribbage with the old folks at the senior center Thur. nights. Every one of them votes and vote D NOT R. I guess Vermont is bucking the trend or has smarter old folks.

Nirek, music lover!


HI Nirek,
Well a cribbage player!! 15-2 15-4 and a run of 4 for 8.
Yes i play cribbage also. SO glad you do this on Thursday.
Those stats are for people that actually die around the country. The red states make up more of the lose by republicans.
There is a shift in the old age vote toward the democrats also.

SO what groups of single artists in music do you like the best??

MR music? I looked behind me for my father when i read that, he died a few yrs a go. humor!!

The ghost is my nickname for many reasons. You can use that.


Hi Ghost, I like lots of different music. Doris Day has the best voice. Doo wop is great! Folk music may be my favorite. Big bands, country, and Celtic music are close, too. I enjoy the weekend music thread and the only stuff I don’t care too much for is the loud noise that some call music.


HI Nirek.

YA you like some good music. Lets see you are most likely older then i at 56?

Doris day sure does have a great voice.
I like the big bands also.

The weekend music thread i have just found and somethings are good but not all.

I have been writing original music for 38 yrs. I use classical, rock and jazz as structure. MY favorite group is the band ( Yes ) but i listen to all types. Not in favor of rape through.

check this out

this will lead you to 3 of my compositions. If you want to listen start with
( ON the wings of Love )


Let’s hope and pray these two steps are taken soon, and we all get to celebrate the fall of the Republican Party. 🙂


I think it’s great that they are fighting among themselves. TP has infiltrated the GOP and is dragging it down. Fine with me.


Perhaps I believed too much on the tale of David and Goliath when I was a child but I never fell or the idea of David in Goliath as the Tea Party seems to have positioned itself. Why does this group not have the courage to stand freely in opposition to the GOP? Why has the GOP allowed their near death by allowing the Tea Party to get this far?
I simply see the Tea Party as very damaging to the American fabric and thier lack of courage and integrity are but two facits of why.

James Michael Brodie

History, my friend.

I have often referred to this period as Post Reconstruction II.

During the first incarnation, a Tea Party-like group was able to undo gains made from the Civil War and strip Blacks a newly found power. Remember that in the mid-to-late 1800s, there were more Blacks in the US Congress than there are today — and there were fewer states back then.

Now that there is a Black president, the Tea Party today is attempting to revisit that old playbook, and they have had some success. But two key factors are hurting them:

1. There are more Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans who reject the politics of exclusion — and when this coalition votes together, the GOP becomes a mere afterthought. Only gerrymandered districts have allowed them to have a voice.

2. Modern media. The battles and the rhetoric are public, out in the open — there for the world to see and judge. The nasty rhetoric from Limbaugh, Santorum, Plain, Cruz, Ryan, et al, is coming back to bite them an ways not thought of a century ago. Their hate is being exposed to the light of day — and there is pushback.

Over the next two decades, this version of the GOP will fade away and go the way of the Whigs.