choicelady : Well, friends on and of The Planet, we are wrapping up a bit early. Everyone had weekend plans and needed their beauty sleep. Come join us next Friday here on Vox and let your ideas flow freely. Oh – and don’t forget the snacks! Good night!
choicelady : Good night, PPO – great having you here. Hope to talk with you next week, too! Be well – and hope it’s cooler. NICE of you to say good night to BING – he must get lonely!
pinkpantheroz : Oh, Goodnight, BING!
pinkpantheroz : Ah, well. At least one putrid soul is no longer with us. Hopefully that odious Church and it’s deranged followers will fade into infamy. Great job tonight, choicelady and I’ll let you go and rest the sleep of the righteous. Sweet dreams and TTFN.
pinkpantheroz : Yes, choice, until now. Shouldn’t they be checked anyway to eliminate what is probably a wild idea? I think so.
choicelady : PPO – oh ugh, that’s scary! But the 777 has an excellent reputation, and that counts for something.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, the Landing gear fire is a good theory, but what’s worrisome is that I haven’t heard as much as a peep from Boeing. Absent any real data, should’nt Boeing be grounding 777s to make sure that there’s nothing wrong with the aircraft itself. Moneywise, crew-going-nuts and hijacking theories work for Boeing, ‘cos they don’t have to ground the type. Hmmmmmm …..
choicelady : Murph – wishing you well! Hope you get the rain you need but not what you got LAST year. Good luck to you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- weather has varied but warming, need rain….farming jut starting up.
choicelady : PPO – I think you’re articulating everyone’s fear. NO ONE knows how far Putin’s delusions of Tsardom go. Everyone is scared. I don’t know anything about Ukrainian nukes. HORRIBLE.
pinkpantheroz : Choice, I’m as concerned about Putins onion land grabs as well. If he tries the same tactic with other ex-USSR countries, there will be a war. You notice he isn’t trying anything near Russia’s borders with China – he knows what he’d get in return, seeing as China’s doing the same in the South China Sea and near Japan. It’s potentially a return to Munich days with Hitler, and we all know what happened then. Much scarier now that nukes could be involved. Does anyone know, BTW, if Ukraine have any old soviet nukes? probably not by now!
choicelady : Murph – it’s definitely late for you. How is your weather and your farm before you go? Hope you are surviving. glad to be here, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks for hosting, choice
MurphTheSurf3 : Well….I think I need to skeedaddle…
choicelady : glenn – I totally agree with you. Horrible.
pinkpantheroz : ‘night Glenn.
glenn : CL–I have to respond to your question before I go. It’s so sad that our media has become so inept and so far right that they cannot recognize the truth when someone tells it. So much for the “left-leaning” media. Sheesh!
MurphTheSurf3 : ood night Glenn
choicelady : PPO – hell Pearl Harbor is PBO’s fault – he was born in Hawaii so of COURSE it’s his doing!
choicelady : Good night, glenn – have a wonderful weekend! Sleep well!
choicelady : glenn – what if you tell the truth, and NO ONE listens? I do feel for them. The only time they got heard was when Mitt pretended to have met and remembered my colleague, Glenn Dougherty. They called him out and demanded he stop using Glenn’s name because the story was totally false. Mitt DID stop, but no one else called him out on his lies!
pinkpantheroz : glenn, never mind that Tillman died on Dubya’s watch, It is STILL Obama’s fault!
glenn : Alright folks, time for me to call it a night. Take care everyone, and have a great weekend.
glenn : CL–OMG–those poor family members!
choicelady : glenn – ahhhhhh yesssss, the ‘real Americans’. MmmmHmmm.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink- one of the best theories I have seen is that of a fire in front landing gear assembly that turns the tire into a source of billowing black heavy smoke that fills the cockpit in seconds. A pilot its the auto pilot button but does not have time to do anything else. In minutes the entire cabin of the jet fills with smoke, the fire is put out in the wheel well for lak of oxygen but it is too late and all are dead on board. A ghost ship.
glenn : CL–Yes, I remember the Pat Tillman story, but that is different. He was killed under a republican president, so there are no questions asked. After all, everyone knows that republican presidents are the real americans!
choicelady : glenn – my colleague’s family HAS told FOX that in no uncertain terms. They were silenced by FOX that never reported this. They have appeared on other networks to say these things – it was never shown.
glenn : CL–I can totally understand if the families are reluctant to speak out, but I wish they would tell the rwnj, especially foxsocallednews, that they know what happened in Benghazi, and to give it up, already!
choicelady : glenn – one can expect NO LESS from Rush.
choicelady : PPO – that’s the most sensible thing I’ve heard EXCEPT for the abrupt turn NOT back to the airport. We may never know.
choicelady : glenn – remember the man, a football player, killed by friendly fire (or perhaps assassinated) during the Iraq war? His family STILL does not have the whole story. Pat Tillman I think was his name. THAT is despicable.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, I have the feeling that there was so sort of problem in the cockpit. The crew switched everything it could off, and succumbed to smoke or something and the autopilot just flew it onwards till it ran out of fuel. I doubt it landed anywhere – you can’t hide a 777 in the bushes – intact, that is.
glenn : Well, choice, dontchaknow there will be no impeachment proceedings against PBO because as rushlimpbag says, “No one wants to impeach the first black President.” Doesn’t matter to limpbag that there are no grounds to impeach the president–now all of a sudden, PBO gets a “pass” because he’s black.
choicelady : glenn – one of the people killed in Benghazi was a colleague in an organization with which I work. His family and the others have been briefed regularly, the entire experience explained to them (and through a mutual colleague who knows the family, I know a lot of what happened to him) so they were never left in the dark. That is what the RWNJs pretend did NOT happen – but PBO included them from day one. My colleague’s parents believe they have been treated very well by this administration. They are not in doubt about the events or what caused them.]
glenn : Murph and Choice–and the familes of the passengers on the plane must feel the same way as did the families of the 4 people killed in Benghazi…at least according to foxsocallednews. No mention, however, of how the families of those 4000+ killed in Iraq must feel.
choicelady : Does anyone have some idea what Russia might do next? I read that sanctions are really creating a pinch on their economy, and with Putin having crony capitalism, he may feel the pressure from his own wealthy people? Benghazi and the IRS issues have been well investigated – there is NO ‘there there’. Nothing was done wrongly or poorly or illegally. This insistence that there is some impeachable offense by PBO is disgusting. Now Issa screwed up and adjourned without even letting Lerner answer whether she was going to testify (she turned over all the documents ages ago) so he cannot cite her for contempt. Raging maniacs run the House.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- Fox has linked Malaysia to Benghazi by pointing out how the story must be making Obama happy since it has done as you say…the Secretariate of Propaganda….ha rd at work.
glenn : CL–I wish foxsocallednews would make up their “mind”. (I use that term loosely when referring to the foxcritters.) First, they’re pissed that no one is covering the airline story–then they’re pissed that all of the coverage is taking away from the “scandals” of Benghazi and the IRS. And, can someone PLEASE tell me when will we ever get to the “truth” of Benghazi?
choicelady : Murph – that IS what is needing our attention!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….I am most struck by the fascination with this story as hundreds dies every week in the Syrian camps, as the Ukraine is threatened by a NeoImperial Russia, as events with real facts to be discovered and delved into for meaning. The wild theories…with CNN in the lead….
glenn : Murph–No theories from me–but there are certainly plenty out there. I really think the media is overhyping this and going into all of their speculation seems to be just a waste of time until we actually know something. I’m not trying to stick my head in the sand (or the water, as the case may be), but I don’t think making up theories is a good practice, either. Have you read any theories that sound plausible to you?
choicelady : Murph – did you see that FOX is furious at the Malaysian plane story because it’s diverting our attention from – BENGHAZI! I’m NOT making that up.
choicelady : glenn – yes, I do understand about the wild variations in one day!
choicelady : Murph – yes. My thought is I know nothing. I keep hoping it landed somewhere, but I am watching the debris 1420 miles off Perth and fear it’s probably the plane parts. I keep thinking of the young man fleeing Iran – one with a phony passport – and trying to get to his mother in Germany. It’s heartbreaking no matter what happened.
glenn : CL–Yes, it gets VERY hot in the Middle East. I guess I should have clarified that the extreme temperature changes in one day were what I was comparing, not the temps themselves.
pinkpantheroz : g’night, sabreen!
glenn : ‘Night Sabreen
choicelady : glenn – maybe there is a higher burden of proof in GA? In FL it seems if you’re white you’re all right. Never mind whom you kill if they are NOT white.
pinkpantheroz : Glenn, yes Nov is late Spring and ne=ow we’re just about to fall Back. Queensland is like, say Panama to Venezuela. Victoria and Tasmania, down the bottom of this HUGE continent, is like, say, from New york to baffin!
glenn : CL–I’ve not seen anything here in the papers about SYG, so I don’t know if anyone has used it for a defense, or it’s just not reported…becau se people here in GA don’t think it’s a big deal. So, I really have no experience with SYG here. As you say, FL is another story!
choicelady : Sabreen – good night! Lovely having you here. Hope to see you next week and at TPV and Twitter. Be well!
choicelady : glenn – lots of the Mid East people with whom we work say that places such as Qatar that get into the 130s are SO HOT that if the bus is late, people at the bus stop can DIE. Yikes!
Sabreen60 : CL, I guess so. And with that, I’m going to say Good Night to everyone.
glenn : PPO–That weather you’re describing sounds a lot like the Middle East. Of course, it was a lot hotter during the day, but got down to the 60’s at night, too. Although, I’ve been to Queensland during your summer (November) and I thought the weather was perfect! November is summer, right? Or is it spring?
Sabreen60 : Good night glenn and KT. Take care!
choicelady : Sabreen – apparently it’s a lifelong dream come true for us Boomers in CO!
pinkpantheroz : Cheers, KT, Sleep tight.
Sabreen60 : While I’m reading your comments and trying to garner information, hubby is on his laptop reading about applying for cannabis jobs in CO. “Hundreds line at job fare. Most have gray beards”. Oh My!
MurphTheSurf3 : Night KT
KillgoreTrout : Hello glenn, goodnight glenn!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn… here is the link «link»
choicelady : Good night, KT – sleep well. You’re doing great things for your Mom!
choicelady : glenn – what has been the GA experience with SYG and why is FL the only state that appears to give people a total pass on murder with that as an excuse? Or a pass if you’re WHITE. What does anyone think of the FL state’s attorney that is threatening the Black woman with 60 years for just DISCHARGING her gun, not even shooting her husband?
glenn : ‘Night KT–Sleep well.
KillgoreTrout : Well good peeps, time to hit the hay. Mom wakes me up at 7:00 am, to help her check her blood sugar. Yikes! See you on the music thread!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn – that is plenty good.
glenn : Murph and CL yes we have Stand Your Ground, too. The statement comes from Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills. The quote is in a column from Jay Bookman of the Atlanta Journal Constitution in the March 21 edition. Sorry about not giving you a direct link, but my computer skills are limited in that regard.
choicelady : PPO – that’s what I hear about Victoria and Australia in general.
pinkpantheroz : Glenn, its a hassle figuring out what to wear!
pinkpantheroz : Glenn, come to Victoria, Australia! You can have 50’s overnight, then 110 by noon, and a southerly buster in the afternoon dropping temps to the ’70s! 4 Seasons in one day.
choicelady : glenn – that’s so funny! People all have different wants. Nice solution in the car!
glenn : CL–I don’t know how I’ll feel in the middle of summer, but my granddaughter and her BFF and I have a discussion quite frequently about being cold vs. warm. I take them both home from school and to soccer practice, and they’re constantly asking me to open the windows and the sun roof in my car, and I’m constantly freezing. They always ask me, “Would you rather be cold or hot?” My answer is always, “hot” and theirs is always, “cold.” It’s really funny. However, as I said, ask me again in the summer, and maybe I’ll have a different answer. Right now, though, our deal is they get to open the windows in the back seat, and I get to keep the sun roof closed.
choicelady : glenn – I did NOT know GA had ‘stand your ground’!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…where is that statement from? I would love a link. What is the reaction by the legislators….y ou all have Stand Your Ground as well, correct?
KillgoreTrout : BRB!
glenn : Sabreen–I believe it’s Michigan with the “rape insurance law”. Thank goodness the GA legislature is now out of session, or they might have come up with that one, too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink..I vote in the UK for a while and that was their system. Early voting was very easy to do. The hours were generous and 6 days a week.
glenn : Murph–the police are saying that provision, of not being able to ask about a permit, is one with “devastating potential, particularly to law enforcement personnel.”
Sabreen60 : BRB
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn..what are the cops saying about this new law. Here in Mo. a law was in the process of being passed that would have pitted state law enforcement against federal law enforcement. The police chiefs made it clear that this law put everyone at risk. The legislature backed down.
choicelady : PPO – we’ve been trying to shorten the cycle for decades now, and nothing works.
choicelady : Sabreen – I agree, and it makes NO sense when they claim they have to stop being the party of stupid. They cannot seem to help themselves!
pinkpantheroz : Murph – sorry hit the button too soon. Yes, we have absentees and early voting for expats overseas, etc. the polling otherwise is on one day only. I can’t remember the lead time for early voting, I think it is one month out. Don’t dforget that our electioneering campaigns last only 6 weeks from the dissolution of Parliament and the calling of the election! Mayhbe th US can save a few squillion cutting back from the 2+ years stupidity!
Sabreen60 : I think GA must be in a race to see which state will be named the craziest. Which state has the “rape insurance” law? Talk about insane. These Repubs have totally lost it.
choicelady : glenn – Maybe it’s not the sun but the heat? That makes ME cranky!
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…how very civilized.
glenn : CL–you would think with the rw getting all the sunshine that they’d be nicer people. Maybe the sun has fried their brains! Although, I get quite grumpy when I don’t have sun; so maybe the rw would be even grumpier! Don’t know if that’s possible!
pinkpantheroz : Murph, No, no ID needed. You state your full name, and address. they check it on the Roll and if you haven’t yet voted, they issue the ballot papers. BTW, they do check to see if you voted in another are already, but that happens after the polls close.
glenn : Kes–get your rest! Hope your weekend is wonderful!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…I have to beleive that Georgia is in the grips of a kind of death throes insanity when I see things like that. What are the police saying.
choicelady : glenn – and RACISM!!!
choicelady : glenn – it’s one of many reasons I don’t want to live in the South ever again. Guns, bugs, humidity. The triple threat.
KillgoreTrout : It’s a good idea CL. Sleep tight kes.
choicelady : ‘Night kes!
glenn : Kes–the good ole’ GA legislature just passed a law that you can carry just about anywhere. And the greatest part? A law enforcement officer can NOT ask you if you have a concealed carry permit. So, anyone can also carry a gun into a bar, and a law enforcement officer can’t ask you if you have a permit. In addition, for some reason, silencers are now allowed for hunting. The legislature ended its session yesterday afternoon, and the bill is headed for Gov. Deal’s desk, where he is expected to sign it. Ain’t the second amendment wonderful?
Sabreen60 : Good night kes. Looking forward to your music thread.
choicelady : PPO – since we will never likely meet, you can be anyone you want to be! We love you for your mind and personality anyway!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…you have a 7th grade houseguest? a grandkid? boy or girl?
pinkpantheroz : ‘Night, Kes. Sorry I’m so late today.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…fare thee well
pinkpantheroz : Ah, Choice, you got me. That photo is like my one on the Dating website, taken when I was young and svelte!
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…do you have the voter ID gambit there as well…how does one id oneself at the polls, do you have early voting, do you have absentee voting, do you have extended hours, how many days a week
choicelady : kes =- sleep well and yes, get rested up for the young’un. Have a wonderful time and a super weekend!
kesmarn : Before I leave, I have to second that music thread theme — the Wanderer!
KillgoreTrout : CL, yeah, and it fried their brains.
choicelady : PPO _ LOL!!! Thought they did that ONLY in Chicago where I’m from!
kesmarn : Well, kids. It’s 11 p.m. and I may be having my 7th grade house guest this weekend so I’d better grab a few winks while I can. Have a great weekend everyone!
choicelady : KT – I’m a Wanderer – theme for the Music thread?
pinkpantheroz : Kes, Murph, the gerrymander and other nasties are here as well. I’ve heard that if I die, I should ask to be buried in Queensland, because you can still vote there!
KillgoreTrout : kes, I’ve always been a wanderer.
choicelady : KT – that kind of marks Liberal Land – it’s either hideously expensive (CA, MA) or dreary. The RW got all the sunshine!
KillgoreTrout : cl, no, not really. I’m leary of Portland because of all the rain. Dreary. But very liberal.
kesmarn : Murph, thank you for that link. Kasich has been such a disaster.
choicelady : PPO – you can’t be an old fart – why we can see you’re tall, lean, and, well PINK.
kesmarn : Oh wow…KT … that’s a lot of potential life changes!
choicelady : KT – anyone you know in CO?
KillgoreTrout : maybe CL. Maybe Colorado.
pinkpantheroz : Hi, Murph, finest kind, as they say. No point in complaining – no one listens to an old fart any more!
kesmarn : PPO, that sounds pretty similar to what I’d be doing, but — you know how it is in the US — never know when someone’s going to decide to bring a gun to the polls!
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…in Oz our government is not working to disenfranchise entire segments of our population.
choicelady : KT – are you heading to Portland to be with your daughter?
Sabreen60 : Murph, I can’t believe what I’ve read about voter suppression in Ohio. Sen. Nina Turner (she’s running for Secy of State) is outraged about these laws.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I don’t really know. I’m staying with my mom for as long as necessary, then plan on moving out west.
MurphTheSurf3 : PPOZ….how’s it going?
choicelady : KT – that’s a wise move. Absentee in OH? You’re right about the rules meant to disenfranchise.. .
pinkpantheroz : Kes, I’ve done it here in OZ. Nothing really to it. the main thing they need you to get right is the correct person ‘s name noted in the book. Think of all the J Smiths and Chans and the like. Correct address. Also people in the same house with similar names. The ballot forms must be handed out with the advice on how they are filled in, but you may NOT tell anyone what party or person to vote for. That’s about it. a bit of other stuff about if someone wants another form
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, you got the snow that missed us here on the cape.
kesmarn : That’s great, Homie! But I hope that doesn’t mean you’ve left the Buckeye State for good?
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes… here is a good one «link»
choicelady : Sabreen – the Marketplace (Exchange we call it) is now up to 6.2 million, and the CBO says that exceeds what is needed to make it financially viable!
kesmarn : Murph, yes, there’s a big GOP push toward disenfranchiseme nt. I’m a little nervous about all the new rules.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I’m registered to vote in Mass now.
Sabreen60 : KT, No. Silver Spring, MD – a suburb of DC.
choicelady : Murph – here is news on increased coverage, lowered costs from Spandan at The People’s View: «link»
kesmarn : Hey, KT! Are you gonna be voting absentee this year?
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…Ohio…one of the states trying to squeeze out Dem voters….we need you at the polls but you best do some reading on this….
kesmarn : glenn, it’s good to hear that your mom-in-law enjoyed it.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie!
Sabreen60 : Murph, Those numbers are fantastic. I read that the CBO decreased their number from 7 million to 6 million.
glenn : Murph–I’ve seen the numbers–looking good. What happens after March 31? Does that mean people can no longer sign up for insurance?
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…that’s for the info…what do you mean “the exchange”
kesmarn : Ohio, Murph.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, where you? Michigan?
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…I work the polls every election…what state are youfrom
choicelady : Murph – one correction on this MARVELOUS info – it’s now up to 6.2 million in the Exchange!!!
glenn : Kes–good on ya! I’ve never had experience with being an election official, but my mother-in-law used to do it, and she loved it!
Sabreen60 : KT, Sick of the snow – suppose to get some more Tuesday, but otherwise doing ok.
pinkpantheroz : Cool and damp today. Everyone is so determined to find that MAS aircraft. Nothing so far as I can see, but it’s looking like it has ditched in that area, God help all on board.
MurphTheSurf3 : Have you all seen these numbers….ACA 5 Million through Marketplaces; 1 Million through the Private Brokers including e insurance; 7 Million through Medicaid; 7.9 million seniors have save 9.9 on prescription drugs; 129 million with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage; 71 million gained coverage for free preventive care; 3 million young adults stay on their parents’ plans; Women can no longer be charged twice what men are; Insurance companies had not brake on premium increases; Medical Care Providers had no benchmark evaluations; Pharmaceutical Companies had no limits on what they could charge for a drug; Annual and lifetime caps can no longer be used to drop people from insurance; All insurance has to meet a 10 point list of basic standards
choicelady : kes – I’ve never done it, but GOOD FOR YOU!
kesmarn : Have any of you Planeteers had experience working the polls on election day? I’m supposed to go to a training session next week to be an election official and have never done this before.
KillgoreTrout : We’ve got more snow coming next week. Grrrrrrrrr!
choicelady : KT – thanks! We need both!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- good….working hard on ACA…last minute push.
KillgoreTrout : Hope you get some rain and cooler temps CL.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen, I hope all is well!
Sabreen60 : Hi PPO and KT!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph, how goes it?
choicelady : KT – I’m doing pretty well. Weather is nice though unseasonably warm, terribly dry. MIGHT get rain this coming week. We are SO behind!
KillgoreTrout : All good CL. The cape is still cold, but beautiful sunny days. How are you?
kesmarn : Hey, PPO! How are things in Oz?
glenn : Hey PPO–how’s everything in the land of Oz?
choicelady : hi PPO! How is life down under?
MurphTheSurf3 : Howdy KT
pinkpantheroz : Evening All, Just signed in and catching up for a minute
choicelady : Hey KT – welcome! How’s the Cape and how is your Mom? How are YOU?
glenn : Hey KT–how are you? How’s your mom doing?
kesmarn : Hey, KT? How’s all on the Cape?
choicelady : kes – I agree. All of us give some people a pass where we would NOT do it with others. Oh, well. The police, FBI etc. know what I think and tend to agree. We can’t find evidence.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planeteers! Que pasa?
kesmarn : Now I’m going to be wondering who this guy is. I’ll just have to get hold of a copy of The Family and speculate!
kesmarn : I suppose every reporter/writer has areas where his/her objectivity is questionable.
choicelady : kes – He doesn’t claim he’s a good guy, but he does treat him gently when it’s NOT deserved.
kesmarn : Oh, okay. I haven’t read that one yet. If/when I do I’ll try to bear in mind that not everyone who seems to be a good guy actually is one
choicelady : kes – yes in a sympathetic light. Jeff and he share a common religious background but NOT a common religious present. Jeff has blinders on about him.
choicelady : kes – No. It’s The Family.
kesmarn : I won’t press you to name names, CL, but does this person appear in the C Street book? In a sympathetic light?
choicelady : kes – long story about my checkered past. One of the people he interviewed at length is a man I suspect but cannot prove of masterminding a murder. I detest him with all my heart.
kesmarn : Ohhh…now I’m dying to know the details on that one, CL!
choicelady : kes – he does, but he has HIS blind spots, too. He has sympathy for one of the people he writes about in “The Family” with whom I have tangled and who deserves NO sympathy at all.
kesmarn : Lucky you, CL! Sharlet really gets it.
choicelady : kes – the BOOK is excellent. C Street, no.
choicelady : kes – I know Sharlet, and C Street is excellent.
kesmarn : Right you are, Murph! Also, got Jeff Sharlet’s “C Street” — lotsa great reading ahead.
choicelady : Murph – I always liked the saying, “Any man’s death diminishes me.” I can’t say that about Phred.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…the American Taliban.
choicelady : Murph – way to go!
kesmarn : Hedges is just SO darned smart!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…I have suggested that people post notices of sympathy in for Fred’s family in the local paper making their gay sympathies very clear.
choicelady : kes – I have that book. It’s excellent!
choicelady : Murph – that’s true. That is my impression of Lindsay. USED to be moderate, now extremist.
kesmarn : Exactly, glenn.I’ve just started reading Chris Hedges’ “American Fascists.” So far it’s really wonderful.
glenn : Kes–that’s what most rwnj people are missing. A funny bone, a sense of irony, and most of all, an inability to see their own hypocrisy.
choicelady : All – several gay sites suggested they send flowers to Phred’s funeral. Family quashed that – there will be NO funeral at all.
MurphTheSurf3 : GOP – Lady L used to be one….but he has veered righter and righter
Sabreen60 : I watched Scandal last night. There was a flashback when Cyrus was still in the closet. Lindsey is very feminine.
choicelady : Murph – you know MODERATES in the GOP? My God – put them under glass! They’re almost extinct!
kesmarn : And a funny one at that!
choicelady : kes – Barney is a mensch!
kesmarn : Gotta love dear Barney Frank who is just so comfortable with being who his is. His retirement is such a loss.
choicelady : Murph – while it’s all pretty stereotypical, Lindsay if not the general gay population, deserves that mocking.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- moderate GOP do not want to know….or acknowledge the truth.
choicelady : kes – I imagine she gets a pretty penny from ol’ Lindsay!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- Stewart “sash-shays” very well
choicelady : glenn – apparently, yes…
Sabreen60 : kessssss
choicelady : All – the one I despise is Mr. Bachmann because he’s quite clearly gay AND has engaged in “pray away the gay” faux therapy.
kesmarn : I wonder what the going rate for “Rent-A-Fiance ” is?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…..SC is represented by someone who I think is gay who hates gays and someone who has no regard for the injustice done every day to minorities and is black.
glenn : CL–graham has been “engaged” for 30 plus years?
choicelady : Murph – when you never marry your ‘fiancee’ don’t people think it’s kind of weird after 30 plus years?
glenn : I love watching Jon Stewart imitate Lady Lindsey.
choicelady : Murph – I’d not known that about Lindsay. Then to HELL with him! Oh. Wait. He’d have too much fun with Phred. never mind.
glenn : CL–To me, it doesn’t matter if graham is gay or not–as you said before what matters is to turn on others to pretend you’re not is just so hypocritical.
MurphTheSurf3 : choice- he is likely not active now but there is a lot of evidence that this was not always so….he also has a prop “fiancee” who he trots out for campaigns…and he is virulently anti gay ala Phelps
kesmarn :
choicelady : Sabreen – would it humanize him? Nahhhhh…
Sabreen60 : CL, If Lindsey is not gay, he should be.
choicelady : Murph – I have NO idea if Lindsay is or isn’t gay, but he sure is a hypocrite no matter what.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sav…yes WE do
choicelady : Murph – I did not know who he was at the time, but I was horrified. When gay men would NOT discuss their lives, he’d make stuff up that was just horrid and salivate over what he was saying.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- which is why SO many are so angry with Lindsey Graham…who is jokingly referred to as Lady Lindsey in Palmetto Cuntry.
Sabreen60 : Murph, Great minds think alike
kesmarn : Right. Intense self-loathing turned outwards is so cruel.
choicelady : kes – I can perfectly understand why people need PRIVACY because society is so mean, but to turn on others to pretend you’re NOT what you are? Horrid.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- your chat line experience with freddie….methi nks he doth protest WAY too much.
Sabreen60 : CL, I sometimes think those who protest so strongly may be doing so as a cover up.
kesmarn : I agree, CL.
choicelady : kes – the whole world would be different if MANY closeted gay people were true to themselves.
kesmarn : He surely must have been deeply closeted. If only he could have accepted himself as he was.
choicelady : kes – Montreal is a world unto itself and the food is spectacular. Working class Ontario? Not so much.
glenn : Sabreen–well, if you’re “nothing good” in life, don’t know why it should change when you’re dead.
choicelady : Sabreen – Phelps was just evil. I once inadvertently got into a chat line with him on some blog, and his obsession with male same sex PRACTICES was gross and disgusting! I’m no prude, but he was revolting!
kesmarn : CL, have you been to Montreal? The food there is AWESOME.
Sabreen60 : glenn, nothing good. That whole “don’t speak badly about the dead” went right out the window.
kesmarn : I didn’t really check out the Twitter reaction, Sabreen. Otherwise I was kinda relieved to see that most folks were pretty compassionate.
choicelady : kes – my ex and I used to go up to Lock 7 Motel on the Welland Canal and watch ships go through the locks. Lazy, quiet, nice. Only thing we did NOT love about Ontario was the food. Pizza, Tim Horton’s, and ice cream were about the only options outside of rather bad meals at rather poor restaurants. But other than that – LOVE Canada!
glenn : Sabreen–I’m not on twitter–any good ones that you remember? Was there any one “defending” him?
Sabreen60 : I noticed that people on Twitter did not hold back what they thought about Phelps.
kesmarn : So true! I do love Canada!
glenn : Kes–and you would have had health care, too!
choicelady : kes – well at least you’d have been detained on the better side of the border!
kesmarn : No, CL. We might still be in Canada if that guy had had an American border guard’s sense of humor.
glenn : Sabreen–glad to hear you’re kicking. Beats the alternative!
choicelady : Sabreen – what’s getting you down? Sorry you’re not feeling PERFECT.
Sabreen60 : glenn et al, I’m kicking, but not to high
choicelady : kes – that’s a funny story indeed! Glad the border guard got it – might not have happened in the US!
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Sabreen
kesmarn : Long ago I was crossing the border into Canada with a friend. She had one of those small, clear plastic pencil sharpeners in her bag. The crossing officer had apparently not seen one before and was studying the shavings in it. (Drugs?) My friend finally said: “It’s. A. Pencil. Sharpener.” We all laughed.
choicelady : Murph – yup. I’ve seen those signs.
glenn : Hey Sabreen. I’m feeling o.k.; how about you?
MurphTheSurf3 : Oh, Canada my home and native land… Wish it were
choicelady : glenn – Nope. I think he just missed his family and realized beating the crap out of them was maybe NOT the way to go!
MurphTheSurf3 : choice- one of the favorite counter signs was to stand on each side of Phelps with one person holding a sign with the word “He’s” and an arrow pointed to him. On the other side another person has a sign with the word “Gay” on it…so yes, the story has been out thre.
glenn : CL–I guess changing his ways was really too much to hope for. Gee, you think he was getting close to “meeting his maker” and realized that abusing your family is NOT what Jesus would do?
choicelady : hi Sabreen! Welcome!
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers! Hope everyone is feeling ok.
choicelady : Murph – I lived in Canada for a summer teaching at the University college of Cape Breton. I absolutely agree – even the border police were funny and nice. GREAT people, Canadians!
kesmarn : Oh. Gotcha. That certainly came through in the documentary. A highly dysfunctional clan to say the least.
MurphTheSurf3 : choice- the Mountie helped them…How funny and SOOOOOO Canadian. When the Canadian police stop you they assume that they you are innocent and that they are probably making a mistaken observation…re ally….so polite….at least when I lived there.
choicelady : Murph – rumors floating that Phred died of AIDS. We will never know.
glenn : Kes–OMG–someti mes the name truly fits.
choicelady : glenn and kes – well, ‘changed his ways’ no. Just wanted not to be so violent to his own family. He had a huge record of abuse – of ALL kinds – to his kids and grandkids.
kesmarn : Truly, glenn. I’m pretty sure I have the spelling right.
glenn : Kes–his name is really Steve Drain? As in down the drain? Or brain drain?
MurphTheSurf3 : Phelps did not change his ways…he advocated a more benign governance WITHIN the church- that they treat each other nicer- one of those being treated badly was his daughter- so they expelled him and her.
choicelady : kes – that’s him. Drain.
choicelady : Only funny story about Westboro – they went to Ottawa to protest Canada’s legalization of same sex marriage. They were preparing to burn the Canadian flag on the steps of Parliament when a Mountie, worried they’d do themselves harm, came over and SHOWED THEM THE SAFE WAY TO BURN THE FLAG!!! That says great things about Canada AND the Mounties!
kesmarn : OMG. That must be Steve Drain, CL. He was in the docu. He came to report on them and ended up joining.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…really. ..he joined them…good Lord or not-so-good Lord
glenn : Kes–I was just going to ask the same question. Phelps changed his ways?
kesmarn : CL — seriously? They threw Phred out for excessive KINDNESS??
choicelady : kes -one of the people who filmed them JOINED them, and he’s one of the hardcore haters.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…have to look up that BBC effort.
choicelady : kes – lots of us who ‘followed’ him named him that.
kesmarn : I saw that too, glenn! So funny! There’s an amazing documentary from the BBC — done by Louis Theroux — on the Phelps family. Theroux lived with them for about 2-3 weeks and filmed the madness.
choicelady : Murph – that’s wonderful! Yes – the church kicked him out because he suggested they might be a bit more kind. That was after several of his children AND 20 grandkids left. I think he wanted them back. Rest of the ‘congregation’ excommunicated him! His daughter was thrown out, too. A friend who monitors them in Topeka said the group is now less than 40 but is even NASTIER than before. Yikes!
glenn : Kes–Good one! Hey, saw a great cartoon in my local newspaper regarding Phelps. Showed a picture of him arriving at the pearly gates and St. Peter introducing him to Adam and Steve!
kesmarn : Good for you, Murph! And I love the spoonerish spelling of Phred Felps’ name CL!
choicelady : kes – you know I don’t really believe there’s an afterlife, but I wish there were because Phred Felps deserves to rot I hell.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey- Did you all see that Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church died (outside the church). I took part in a number of counterprotests where we used Angel Wings to block the view of them, sang wonderfully upbeat kumbaya songs, and held up signs declaring from scripture messages of the God of Mercy and Compassion. I suggested that if there was a service people should go, stand in silence, wear name tags with those messages and then leave in silence.
choicelady : kes – OMG – it WOULD BE!!!
kesmarn : No, glenn… I believe it’s from the Westboro Baptist Church cookbook.
choicelady : glenn – LOL!!
glenn : Kes–just a quick question. Does your recipe for liver and beet casserole come from Benghazi?
choicelady : kes – my mother adored beets, so I’m not sure where my loathing of them comes from. She did not like liver, so I was spared all that as a kid.
kesmarn : Hey, Murph and glenn. I think I can do without it myself as well!
Good thing it’s virtual.
choicelady : kes – yes, dear. You have an EXCELLENT memory – sad to say!
glenn : Evening, Kes–nice to see you, but I’m with CL, and could do without the liver and beet casserole. LOL
kesmarn : I kinda remembered that from last week, CL. So had to kid a bit about my culinary offering this week.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hidey Hodey Howdy Kes
choicelady : kes – you are a dear. It was my birthday yesterday, so stick a candle in the liver, and we’ll call it done?
glenn : Murph–Of course you can’t lay claim to all of those names; some of them are totally contradictory, but that never stops any rwnj from using them, and sometimes simultaneously (sp.).
choicelady : kes! How are you! Glad you’re here however long. However, I will pass on the beet-liver stew. Those are the only two foods I cannot abide. Sorry after you went to all that trouble!
choicelady : Murph – that’s the ticket – not caring what foul people call you.
kesmarn : Good Friday, Planeteers! Can only stay for a little while, but I did bring a lovely beet and liver casserole for CL…
choicelady : glenn – then I am very glad you have sun!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….well I do not claim all of those names…but I am proud to claim that I get called them by people who I do not respect in the least and whose opinion of me matters not at all.
glenn : CL–weather is getting better here–rainy and cold the beginning of the week, but sunshine the last two days. Temps up to the low 70’s today, and maybe tomorrow, but supposed to rain on Sunday. Seeing as I lived in FL and the Middle East most of my adult life, I hate going more than two days without sunshine. Makes me grumpy!
choicelady : Murph – I’m not sure there is crossover, but if Beatlex is reading another section, his ID pops on Vox.
choicelady : glenn – I used to know of a man whose wholesale condemnation was to call someone a ‘commienazi’. Kinda covers the waterfront!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…oh, I get it…so everyone at HP right now is also at Vox.
choicelady : glenn – LOL!!! We all love Murph for that!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…I have been spending two hours a night on the phone for ACA thus I am here….
choicelady : Murph – we figured out long ago that if you sign on to any part of PPOV, you show up “in the balcony’ even if you’re not right here.
glenn : Hey CL–I’m fine–same old, same old.
glenn : Murph–you are just one of those socialist, commie, marxist, nazi, elitist, critical thinking libs, and I love you for it!
choicelady : glenn – how are you? How is your weather and all?
MurphTheSurf3 : Beatlex….h-e-l -l-o up there!
choicelady : Murph – that’s redundant: trouble making lib.
glenn : Hey Murph, glad to see you here early tonight.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn, thank you so much…I am a trouble making lib.
choicelady : Murph – Beatlex has been up in the balcony but not yet down here.
choicelady : Evening glenn! Hope you’re well. Yes, our Murph has gone toe to toe with the naysayers. And will keep on doing so.
MurphTheSurf3 : DO I see Beatlex and Glenn have just stepped into the room…welcome to the Party.
glenn : Good evening, CL, Murph. Murph, sounds as though there are treacherous waters for you, the navigator, in gop land. You are such an inspiration for me that you just keep on trying to get the truth to people!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice but Pat does know me as a person in the same way we are known here AND I suspect we all know each other in ways that are both more profound and more affecting of others.
choicelady : Murph – that’s fine. I have my own reasons for not wanting to be totally public either.
choicelady : Murph – OMG – I am so sorry! There is nothing some of them won’t do to stop ACA. They are wedded to ideology over humanity.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- actually Pat only knows part of my real identity- probably no more than you all know. I have my reasons.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I had a very nasty encounter with a local GOP organizer who invaded a meeting of the coop I help run…they are absolutely committed to sabotage.
choicelady : Murph – do you mind if she tells me your REAL identity. We can work on keeping you Murph the Surf!
choicelady : Murph – I’m so glad you brought her over here and that you got to know her outside of the chats. I am doubly glad she’s getting well. Excellent way to begin the evening!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…Pat and I met at HP and then we became e mail and phone friends….I brought here to PPOV where she had just started to get comfortable when things fell apart for her.
choicelady : Murph – we’re having problems and we ARE certified Outreach and Ed people. The bureaucrats reign supreme. Just up to us to find ways around it all. Stupid people beget stupid rules.
choicelady : Murph – did you meet her via PPOV or did you two know each other in ‘real’ life?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…true but since I am doing it via a public service organization it is important to use the proper terminology. I have had a couple of people go after me…
choicelady : Murph – that is SUPER to hear! I am so glad she’s on the mend!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice I will…I will leave it with ad lib at the end of the evening…..She is back to her feisty self.
choicelady : Murph – nothing can stop you from giving ‘friendly’ advice. It’s what you ‘d do for anyone. So long as you’re not being paid, it’s irrelevant. So you’re not a Navigator. You’re a friend.
choicelady : Murph – please tell her I will get her phone, we WILL talk. I am so sorry she’d been so ill.
choicelady : Howdy to you, Navigator! Thank you for all you do!
MurphTheSurf3 : I am here early tonight. Hello…Just got off the phone after two hours of chat with folks wanting ACA info in my role as an “ACA advocate” cuz I can’t be a Navigator unless Mo. licenses me….Howdy to you Choice….Pat is doing better want to pass on her cell phone number to you via Ad Lib….she wants to talk.
choicelady : Uhhh – see you!
choicelady : We will be here whenever you can drop back in. See you1
AdLib : You said it, CL! Thanks so much, have a fun evening! I’ll catch up on the conversation later on!
choicelady : AdLib – have a good evening off. You’ve EARNED it! See you next week!
choicelady : Evening Vox fans – We are here and waiting for another round of excellent talk tonight. AdLib is off for the evening so I’m sitting in. Be sure to say hello or whatever moves you when you check in!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Filling in for me as your host tonight is the always witty and lovely, Choicelady. Have a great Vox tonight!
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