AdLib : Night Murph! G’day ppo! Have a great weekend all!
AdLib : ppo – Just what I was thinking too. The Ukranians would begin with decent weaponry as an insurgent, guerrilla force against a Russian invasion and it’s a huge country to try and occupy. It would be horrible as a war but Russia wouldn’t have an easy time maintaining power there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite ALL.
pinkpantheroz : Good night, Murph. Sleep well. See you next week and maybe in the Music post over the weekend. Cheers, Adlib, as well, I’m away for the night.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- it may be illegal but the vote would be overwhelming. PPO- The Russian army is no paper tiger still it would be a mess.
pinkpantheroz : Right Murph. The USSR got it’s ass handed to them on a plate in Afghanistan by tribesmen! Even a half-decent western army might be too much for Putin, especially with help from the west.
AdLib : Murph – It still is illegal, Crimea has no right to join Russia on their vote alone, it would require the nation of Ukraine to vote on that. That wouldn’t bother Putin but it would make any deal illegal and an affront to Ukraine.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well guys – nice to end the evening with some intelligent chit chat. Farewell…time for bed..
MurphTheSurf3 : The Ukrainian army is a shell (as is its navy) but nationalism would be a powerful animator and I don’t think Putin would risk a hot war even with a far inferior foe.
AdLib : they’re
AdLib : ppo – Exactly! Republicans love saying their Americans but also love acting like czars. Ask Darrell Issa about that.
AdLib : Murph – Right now the Gop is looking at Putin and chanting, “One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble! Gooble Gobble! One of us!”
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…yep BBC Insider News spoke of a 100 year equivalent value for the base lease….and then permitting a “plebiscite” so the Crimea could be “reintegrated into Russia”.
AdLib : ppo – Putin just invaded a nation Russia had agreed in writing never to invade and he bald face lies about having invaded it. He’s so exposed as a phony that all the Olympics in a century couldn’t help his image now.
pinkpantheroz : I can see why the GOP would admire a dictator who would invade a country next door……er hang on, the names Iraq and Kuwait ring a bell….
AdLib : Murph – Ukraine does have a military too, nowhere near as big as Russia’s but big enough to give Putin pause if he threatens the country’s existence. Don’t understand the payout thing, you mean buying Sevastopol?
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO Putin is loathsome….whi ch makes GOP admiration for him even more so.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, it made my blood boil earlier when I saw Putin standing with the Olympic Committee at Sochi with the opening of the Paralympic games. The cretin pretending he cares about the challenged athletes. Look at Russia’s treatment of disabled and mentally ill people.
AdLib : PPO – Yep, I replied to that tongue in cheek suggestion that Putin would agree to buy Crimea then just invade Ukraine and put the money back in his pocket. It is a very good thing that there hasn’t been any shooting yet but there has been violence as the undercover Russian troops have been beating up and threatening journalists and anti-Russian protestors and activists.
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO- BBC reported tonight that there are talks going on about Russian doing a payout to the Ukraine for Sevastopol to ease the Crimean move.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad….an over reach is possible but his own population is nervous and the Ukraine (unlike Crimea) had always been a partner republic.
AdLib : ppo – The GOP is using the same PR firm Putin is. “Are you going to believe me or your own eyes?”
pinkpantheroz : I agree with both of you wise folk. I did suggest in another post that maybe Ukraine could SELL the Crimea to Russia! Then use that money to build the border and fund membership applications to the EU. But I suppose Putin would sooner grab than pay. Still, no major fireworks so far and please God it stays that way.
AdLib : Murph – I wouldn’t underestimate Putin’s overreaching, extremists often do that before suffering a severe setback. Might he try to annex the east? He might but as you say, it’s not as clean a get as Crimea. And if he advances like that, it will be harder for the cowardly EU nations to refuse economic sanctions against Russia.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad..that is also how I see it.
AdLib : And then Sevastopol and Crimea would look at how people in Ukraine are prospering while they sit under the yoke of an economically anemic Russia…and would start getting upset at how much worse off they are under Russian rule. This could turn out to be a long term disaster for Putin and Russia and end up flipping Crimea back to Ukraine.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…yes….I will go a step further…I think that annexing the E. Ukraine is now out of the question as it is not a separate entity within the Ukraine itself. His having to send troops into the Crimea has shown his hand and is panicking many of the former soviet republics.
AdLib : Murph – I think you’re right on all of that but I heard a very insightful view on the blowback from all of this. If Putin keeps Crimea and annexes eastern Ukraine, then Ukraine itself will have far less Russian-sympathe tic voters and the country can be in a better position to turn to the EU and the west. That would be devastating for Putin, having an EU nation right on his border!
pinkpantheroz : good one, Adlib! Maybe Boner can persuade to GOP to hold the Primaries in Sevastopol. They’d never notice it isn’t the one in Wisconsin! Someone once said that ‘War is the means to teach Americans geography!”
MurphTheSurf3 : And hi Pink!
MurphTheSurf3 : putin….long time plan on his part…started with Georgia and the two breakaway provinces, installation of key figures in the Crimea, and then a patronage president in the Ukraine. His ouster pushed Putin to move….he wants Sevastopol to be Russia’s without question and without lease.
AdLib : Hey ppo! Now, if only we can convince Putin to invade the GOP…on the other hand, he might be more welcomed there than in Crimea.
pinkpantheroz : Better late than never, Murph. How are you? Lots of banter and good stuff as usual tonight. Lots about Vlad the Mad and the Gopers castigation of POTUS. Typical!
AdLib : CPAC is now a parody of itself and as predictable as the sun rising and setting. We know they’ll all compete to pander to the farthest right and show the most hatred towards Obama. Yawn. As for the enrolling info, that is fantastic news!
MurphTheSurf3 : CPAC was just a little more unhinged than usual…oh- I had an interesting conversation with someone from ehealthinsurance .com They are enrolling the under 35’s at record speeds as the insurers have created enticing packages for them.
AdLib : Not in KY!
AdLib : And the invite to go to the shooting range with her? You don’t want to be outgunned by a woman Dem!
AdLib : Yep, that was very smart and clever of her!
AdLib : Jindal and Rubio will be on Dancing With The Stars in a few years.
MurphTheSurf3 : McConnell being schooled by Grimes as to how to hold a rifle. Gotta love it.
AdLib : Cheney give McConnell shooting lessons…
MurphTheSurf3 : Well….I have no meetings next Friday. So…I should be here. Take care.
AdLib : Many as always!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Ad….miserable week in general. Any notes of real brilliance on the ranch tonight.
AdLib : That’s a drag.
AdLib : Hey Murph, just wrapped up a few minutes ago!
MurphTheSurf3 : Traffic from St. Louis was a bear – some kind of fire along one of the country roads. So two detours.
MurphTheSurf3 : I am arriving way too late. Ah well.
AdLib : Night all!!!
Fergie1 : CL
. And a very good night to you. Take care. see you around the traps.
Fergie1 : Sorry folks, but I have to say cheerio also. It’s only 4 PM but I really have got to get a few things done one of these Saturdays! Ad, you asked a while back if not getting things done was a good or bad thing!! Well, it’s fantastic being here among friends and sanity but I get a guilty conscience about not doing a myriad of those things which must get done at some point, preferably not at 1 am! So Good night all and thanks as always for the welcome and the chat about the world at large.
choicelady : Fergie – I can perfectly understand that!
Fergie1 : CL, I’d rather have a root canal!
choicelady : Well I think I’m following Sabreen out the door. AdLib – it was lovely seeing you last week, and good night to everyone North and South. See you next week I hope!
Fergie1 : ‘Night Sabreen. Sleep the sleep of the rightous!
Fergie1 : G’nite from Downunder funk. Always great to “talk” with you. See you soon.
Sabreen60 : Thanks CL. You too!
choicelady : Good night Sabreen – see you wherever. Choice or Church, I always look for your posts. Have a good night’s rest and great weekend.
Sabreen60 : Funk, I’m right behind you. Good night everyone. It’s been enlightening, as usual!
choicelady : Fergie – it’s pretty silly but kind of innocent fun. So long as the RWNJs aren’t on anyway.
choicelady : Good night, funk. Take good care. We’re so glad you’re here with us given all the pressure you’re under. See you next week I hope!
Fergie1 : I wouldn’t watch DWTS if my life depended on it as with any of that rubbish.
funksands : Folks I am fading fast. Long week at the ranch. Great seeing and talking with all of you. Stay tuned for my final installment of MMT coming up this next week!
Sabreen60 : Night kes! Be good or be careful.
choicelady : funk – you were correct either way about Geller.
choicelady : ke – Good night and sweet dreams! Lovely talking with you!
funksands : Nite Kes, keep a light on tonight
funksands : *without* (getting sloppy)
Fergie1 : G’nite kesmarn. Take good care. Always lovely to see you.
choicelady : AdLib – I think you missed our discussion of CPAC trying to ‘man up’ McConnell with the gun.
funksands : What’s CPAC with Pam Gellar?
choicelady : AdLib – It’s all so boring. As funk said, they did not even have outside lunatics this year. Where’s the fun gone, I ask you?
AdLib : Doesn’t CPAC look like a parody of itself nowadays? It’s so cliche now, with all those weasels acting like ten year olds trying to get Mommy’s approval by showing how they’re tougher and meaner than the others.
choicelady : Sabreen – swear to it. He DID.
funksands : X, when are you guys getting rid of Steven Harper?
Sabreen60 : CL, No! He didn’t have on a jumpsuit. Did he??
kesmarn : G’night, glenn. I think I’ll call it a day as well. Kinda nice to head off to bed after a reminder of how the GOP has nothing, zip, nada on their bench for ’16. Have a great weekend, all!
Fergie1 : Good Night glenn. Sleep well. Great to see you here! You help to keep us all sane!
choicelady : glenn – that way you did not go blind. See? There IS a god, and he saved you from Delay.
glenn : CL–Even though I do watch DWTS–it’s one of my “guilty pleasures”–I missed DeLay. Thank my lucky stars for that one! I just started watching last year.
Sabreen60 : Good night, glenn. Take care of yourself!
AdLib : Night glenn!
funksands : Night Glenn
choicelady : glenn – lovely talking with you. Have a great weekend!
glenn : Hate to leave while everyone is on such a roll, but it’s time for bed! Thanks once again for another night of sanity. Take care everyone. Hope to see you around the Planet over the weekend!
choicelady : Beatlex – among many other ‘attributes’, yes indeedy.
Sabreen60 : CL,
Beatlex : Bobby Jindal is a fracking idiot
choicelady : glenn – did you see Delay in his red velour jump suit? who knew he had such a tight little tush? My gaydar erupted.
Sabreen60 : glenn, I don’t know. Get mental help. What did he do? Compare Eric Holder to a segregationist? I didn’t read the story.
kesmarn : Or FOX News contributors — the elephant graveyard.
choicelady : Sabreen – SAVE THE PATRON!
choicelady : funk – If Tom Delay can be on Dancing with the Stars, that is the logical retreat for the rest of them.
glenn : Funk–good one–dancing with the stars!
Sabreen60 : Ok Funk. You just made me almost waste my Friday night Patron
glenn : Sabreen–Help Jindal do what?
funksands : Sabreen, he’s doomed. He and Rubio are going to be on Dancing with the Stars in a couple years. Lightweights.
choicelady : Sabreen – NO! Let Bobby slowly melt away. It’s the best he deserves!
kesmarn : I think he’s beyond help, Sabreen.
Sabreen60 : And will someone pluzeee help Bobby Jindal.
funksands : …and your chin is sunken into your spine.
glenn : Fergie–LOL!
choicelady : Fergie – THAT is what I’m afraid of! Cheney leading McC to target practice!!!
choicelady : funk – It’s hard to look manly when your face looks like a turtle and your body like an over-ripe pear.
Fergie1 : Breaking news: Cheney gives McConnel shooting lessons.
kesmarn : He could store guns under those. Even get on airplanes.
glenn : Alright folks, I have a question–how would we tell if McConnell took off his shirt? Isn’t he an empty shirt already? Sorry–couldn’t resist some sophmoric humor!
funksands : This would be a good time for Ad to come back
choicelady : funk – LOL!!
funksands : McConnell stores filibusters under his man-boobs…
choicelady : glenn – Nope. Even the GOP stopped that. Be thankful for small favors.
choicelady : kes – Yup. Righteous fail that.
Sabreen60 : Funk
glenn : CL–Oh, please, please, don’t tell me McConnell is going to take his shirt off! I think I would become blind from that image!
funksands : “than*
kesmarn : He still looks like a turtle holding a gun.
choicelady : funk – they had to give him a gun. NO ONE wanted to see him without his shirt!
funksands : Yep, nothing more manly that sansabelt, blazer, and rifle.
choicelady : funk – I did like the gun handoff to McConnell though. They’re trying to man him up. Putin like, y’know.
Fergie1 : PPO,
choicelady : funk – oh how terminally boring!
choicelady : Sabreen – since I am a lobbyist and do a little at the federal level, while legally I can give to out of state candidates, I can’t to ones in CA, so I decided not to give to anyone unless they are extraordinary. I’m still sizing up the field.
funksands : Oh yeah Choice, no kooks other than Donald Drumpf
glenn : Funk–exactly–e ven if he could get the nomination. However, if he doesn’t run as a Dem, then we’re back to him being “Nader 2.0” as CL says.
choicelady : funk – mainstream? CPAC?
kesmarn : Naughty, PPO!
Sabreen60 : CL, Funny how Sanders and other Dems don’t give PBO credit for much. I have decided that I will contribute to individuals rather than Dem organizations because they have really pissed me off.
funksands : Glenn, he wouldn’t run as a Dem.
choicelady : PPO – oh boooooo. Well done.
funksands : Anyone notice how mainstream CPAC is this year?
choicelady : glenn – good point. If he becomes a spoiler, damn his hide.
pinkpantheroz : Before I go, a question…… What British Newspapers does Sarah Palin read? Well, the takes a Mail, two Mirrors, several Observers and as many Times as she can get! Byeeeee
glenn : ‘Night, PPO. Have a great weekend!
glenn : CL–But Sanders’ point is that he isn’t sure that he would run as a Dem., so I’m not sure how that would affect him in the primaries, and it certainly wouldn’t affect him in the general if he does decide to run as an independent. That is why he mentioned the Nader thing.
Sabreen60 : Good night, PPO!
funksands : Night Pink
choicelady : PPO – have fun shopping!
Fergie1 : Bye PPO. Sorry you have to go. Take care and have a lovely evening!
choicelady : Sabreen – that is EXACTLY my point about Sanders. No track record. PBO agreed easily to letting VT do single payer as their state option this year, and he never gave the president a single bit of thanks. I think that sucks. I had to be the one to tell ALL the single payer leadership that PBO had done that because they sure did not hear it from Bernie!
kesmarn : G’night (or G’day) PPO!
kesmarn : glenn, that’s interesting that he would mention the Nader thing. I hear that Nader recently sent a critical letter to Sanders — basically implying that Sanders has never been a team player. HAHA! THIS from Nader??
pinkpantheroz : Rats! Gotta go shopping for dinner. BCNU all soon.
Fergie1 : Bernie doesn’t stand a chance.
choicelady : glenn – I don’t care if Sanders runs in the primary solong as he doesn’t try to keep on into the general.
Sabreen60 : I don’t think Bernie has one bill with his name on it. I don’t think he is presidential material.
choicelady : kes – I am not sure Warren is a good executive as even VP, and I believe her when she says she is not running. She has a solid niche, and I WANT her to stay there!
funksands : brb
glenn : Hey Kes–I read the interview with Sanders in Salon (I think it was either Salon or Slate), and he mentions that very thing–Nader 2.0–which is why he is only considering it. His point is that the structure of the elections would have to change for him to be effective. It was a very interesting interview, and after reading it, I’m not sure how I would react to a Sanders run, especially if it would dilute the Dem vote. I don’t ever want to see another repub in the WH in my lifetime!
Fergie1 : Funk, Sabreen……jin x
funksands : Choice if he runs in the general as an Independent I think he would do a lot of electoral damage, while moving the conversation in a good direction. Mixed bag.
kesmarn : If Elizabeth Warren were his running mate…maybe.
choicelady : Sabreen – I am ALREADY sick of hearing about Hillary!
choicelady : funk – he’d do no more or less damage than Kucinich 2008.
Sabreen60 : Me too, Funk. I replied to the host of the show Disrupt (which I never watch)on Twitter when she tweeted she would talking about Hillary. I told her by the time campaign season starts, I’m going to be sick and tired of Hillary Clinton.
funksands : I have a lot of mixed feelings about Bernie running. It would be a really good and really bad thing all at the same time.
choicelady : funk – he said yesterday he was thinking about it.
choicelady : kes – Bernie really shouldn’t do the presidential thing. He’s an OK gadfly, but he has no broad view of anything or anyone. Oh, well.
kesmarn :
Fergie1 : glenn, agree with you 100%. How PBO keeps his cool is a wonder. I would love him to get mad as hell one of these days and scare the pants off these duplicitious loons.
funksands :
funksands : Hey anyone hear about Bernie Sanders running?
kesmarn : jinx, glenn!
glenn : Hey CL–did you see where Bernie Sanders is “considering” running for President? That would be interesting!
kesmarn : I see Bernie Sanders is making tentative moves toward running for Prez. I dunno. Nader 2.0?
choicelady : funk – that’s fine. I actually agree.
choicelady : kes – yes, CPAC sure brings out the crazy in ’em.
Sabreen60 : Thanks Funk. That’s it.
funksands : Choice, I’m still not ready to talk about Hillary. Just makes me tired…
choicelady : funk – Good for him doing an EO on sanctions!
kesmarn : Beatlex, I always dread these CPAC things because they all seem to feed off of each other’s negative energy when they get together.
choicelady : funk – I am worried they will survive the election. Hope not, but Hillary’s people and machine are sitting it out. BAD move on her part, and another reason I won’t vote for her if there is a primary.
glenn : Sabreen–I so admire how PBO keeps his cool amid all of those idiots! And, I’m so glad he is signing EOs. Let them scream–as we have all pointed out–it doesn’t matter what he does, the right will never support him. I’m just hoping that sane, rational people are seeing how the right is bringing this country down!
funksands : Sabreen, Ukraine sanctions.
Beatlex : Ted Cruz missile was in fine McCarthy form today.It is only the crazies who like this guy
choicelady : funk – where DO you find these things??? Man those are some ugly pants!
kesmarn : “Anti-establish ment post-grad slacks.” Someone got an A+ in marketing for that one, funk.
funksands : Glenn, that’s the point. They haven’t been voted out of office. They took over more of our government and may get even more this year. There’s been ZERO consequence for their behavior. I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten worse.
choicelady : glenn – well so far they’ve not crossed the line into sedition or treason that the courts have judged HAS to include acts of force. I think I’m OK with that since Bush tried to get a nurse indicted for sedition for writing antiwar stuff, and HE failed. But they are definitely inches away, and some of their follower wingnuts HAVE crossed the line.
Fergie1 : Sabreen, you said exactly what I’ve been thinking re Bin Laden, The Pirates, Gaddafi etc. Oh but the GOPers won’t give Obama credit for ANYTHING under his watch and yet blame him for every single thing that happens to occur under his watch. Vile hypocrites!
Sabreen60 : glenn, The thing is PBO doesn’t give shit about what Repubs think. He signed another EO today. I can’t remember for what.
funksands : ??? «link»
glenn : Funk–The consequence for the right’s treasonous behavior should be that everyone of them should be tried for sedition, or treason. However, I’ll settle for all of those assholes being voted out of office. I will never understand how all these “patriots” can trash the President and, therefore, our country this way.
choicelady : PPO and anyone – what do you make of Cantor’s declaration of support for the president?
kesmarn : Not to mention brilliant. Extra scary points.
choicelady : funk – That is entirely the issue. Strong, Black, smart – totally scary.
choicelady : kes – I’ll happily donate, yes.
funksands : Oh and not black. Strong black people are scary.
choicelady : Sabreen – whatever PBO does, it’s weak. Now the meme is that everything PBO accomplished is because Bush got it started, so Bush deserves credit. Just because he let bin Laden go in Tora Bora and said he didn’t think about him, never mind – HE, not PBO, is the hero.
pinkpantheroz : You got that right, fergie1. I suppose, having vilified and blocked POTUS for so long, it shouldn’t be surprising that they cannot stop themselves, even though it damages the Country as a whole. It is so embedded in the GOP psyche that they’re unuaware that they have become a laughing stock around the world, except of course, Russia.
kesmarn : I’ve always though we should set up a donor plan, CL. Surely someone out there is in need of some fat?
funksands : Sabreen, they want strong!!! Strong and tough on the surface, little bit of squint, snarl, and stare. All surface, just like every other issue they care about.
glenn : Beatlex–You know, it would serve the right right if PBO really were a dictator or a fascist as they keep saying. If he were really either one, he would have them all arrested for sedition!
choicelady : kes – I never thought of that. Problem is – what if you want to REMOVE ugly fat? Is there an anti-silicone plan?
AdLib : BRB!
Sabreen60 : Funk, But what do conservatives consider strong. Was going after bin Laden or Gaddafi strong? What about the pirates? What about the drones that many progressives hate? I heard a Dem Senator say that McCain et al want 200,000 troops in Irag and Afghanistan. They want those wars to continue.
Beatlex : choicelady,yes we do,and it is a disgusting display.I am sure the rest of the western world sees it too
kesmarn : “When you’re too lazy to exercise, just have bags of silicon implanted in both arms.”
choicelady : funk!!! That is correct and incredibly gruesome!!
Fergie1 : Not much that I can add to the the comments expressed about the vile GOP traitorous assertions about President Obama. Even given all that they have done to subvert every move that Obama has made and tried to make, I am actually still shocked at this out and out venomous attack at every turn during a time of high stakes. They are beyond comtempt, although that has been true since 20 January 2009.
choicelady : Beatlex – from that side of the border, do people see how virulently racist a portion of the US has become again?
funksands : Conservatives Ideal Image of President: «link»
kesmarn : That would be the McCain ideal, CL.
choicelady : kes – what a take on the Army slogan: “Strong. Paranoid Schizo strong”!!!
kesmarn : strong as in serial killer strong
funksands : “strong” as in Roid Rage strong
Beatlex : Glenn-I am Canadian,and it makes my skin crawl
kesmarn : “strong” as in violent paranoid schizophrenic strong
funksands : Sabreen, there’s been no consequence for their behavior, so why change?
choicelady : PPO – never look for logic with the RW and especially McCain with reference to “that one”.
Sabreen60 : Funk, It really isn’t any different. That’s the thing. It use to be politics stopped at the water edge, but this does not apply to PBO.
funksands : Conservatives have made it very very clear. STRONG leader regardless of the consequences.
choicelady : kes and funk – indeed.
glenn : Beatlex–I am so disgusted with representatives in Congress of the United States of America saying such disgraceful things about the President! It just blows my mind!
AdLib : glenn – But of course, both can’t be true so McCain is openly admitting he’s a lying sack of shit.
choicelady : Beatlex – that is the point. The RW hated the USSR and KGB and Putin and everyone until they thought he made PBO look bad. While they’re chortling over Putin on the Bear (maybe not the Ritz so much funk) I worry that what Stalin did before to the Ukrainians and what has been done to the Tartars is just getting started. Tartars are finding Xs on their homes as they did decades ago before the purge.
pinkpantheroz : Choicelady, it was MCCAIN who said that! So it beats me that he can be down on President Obama.
Sabreen60 : PPO, when I heard Mitchell was going to have McCain on her show, I tweeted and asked why would she have someone on her show that vilifies a sitting President during and international crisis? Of course, she didn’t respond. They never do. Mrs. Greenspan is a Repub so I know where she stands. Bomb bomb McCain can’t tell me the time of day.
funksands : Choice:
I’m gonna remember that one
kesmarn :
glenn : AdLib–Of course, it’s all Obama’s fault. Isn’t everything?
funksands : Maybe I’m too cynical, but how is this any different than how they’ve treated him on every other issue for the last 5.5 years?
choicelady : yup – two handles, same bitch.
choicelady : kes – the churchlady runs silent, runs deep.
funksands : “By day she is a committed activist for Truth and Justice…by night she is…. ChoiceLady” (brown chicken brown cow)
choicelady : PPO – That is a powerful and useful analysis. I keep waiting for SOMEONE to note that during the Stalinist years, Russia STARVED the Ukraine and committed mass genocide against those people. But no one has brought that up ESPECIALLY the RW that used that story to ‘prove’ the “left’ is even worse than Hitler. Suddenly THE story of the last decades from the Right is now invoking silence.
Beatlex : To get back on topic? This situation with the Ukraine and the way the R’s are treating their Commander in Chief is truly a new low.Lives are literally lives at stake,and the R’s are brazenly trying to score political points.A-Wholes
AdLib : PPO – So what McCain said was, “Putin would have invaded Crimea after Ukraine had political turmoil no matter what…and it’s all Obama’s fault for being weak too.”?
funksands : Kes, you know it. Tigers on the prowl.
funksands : Putin’s goals are entirely mundane and common. Money/Power/ Distraction from crappy domestic problems. SSDD.
pinkpantheroz : Sorry guys, finger troubles. And I haven’t even had anything yet!
kesmarn : Those innocent looking churchladies are always the ones to watch out for, funk.
glenn : Ad–Why didn’t repubs ask what saintronnie would’ve done after 9/11? They are such assholes sometimes. I just don’t understand how they can look themselves in the mirror!
choicelady : glenn – yes, choicelady, and I think the name alone gets me in trouble. And yes – it IS political. I got the NEW account banned for a bit this morning – and I’d not been on for 12 hours. They immediately reinstated me.
funksands : Ack!!! My Eyes!!!
pinkpantheroz : Sorry, hit wrong button! Mitchell asked whether McCain thinks Putin is trying to re-form a “Soviet-style empire,” to which McCain responded: I think that he always has had that ambition. And when Ukraine looked like it was going the wrong way because of recent events, that put his control of Crimea and Sebastopol in jeopardy. And by the way, you know that one of the reasons, whether it’s majority Russian population or it’s because Stalin moved all the Tartars out — Tartars out and killed half of them and they came back, 1994 there was a treaty between Russia and Ukraine that the territorial integrity of Crimea would be respected as part of Ukraine. This man is blatant because he has these ambitions for the return of Russia. That’s why the next thing we need to worry about is pressure on the Baltic states. And I believe that the — that this is the second time now, but particularly now, where the excuse of Russian-speaking people’s rights are protected in Romania, in Poland, in the Baltic states, they all have Russian-speaking populations and, of course, this hearkens back to the days of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Mitchell asked whether McCain thinks Putin is trying to re-form a “Soviet-style empire,” to which McCain responded: I think that he always has had that ambition. And when Ukraine looked like it was going the wrong way because of recent events, that put his control of Crimea and Sebastopol in jeopardy. And by the way, you know that one of the reasons, whether it’s majority Russian population or it’s because Stalin moved all the Tartars out — Tartars out and killed half of them and they came back, 1994 there was a treaty between Russia and Ukraine that the territorial integrity of Crimea would be respected as part of Ukraine. This man is blatant because he has these ambitions for the return of Russia. That’s why the next thing we need to worry about is pressure on the Baltic states. And I believe that the — that this is the second time now, but particularly now, where the excuse of Russian-speaking people’s rights are protected in Romania, in Poland, in the Baltic states, they all have Russian-speaking populations and, of course, this hearkens back to the days of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.””
funksands :
funksands : (or so I hear)
kesmarn : AGAIN, funk?
funksands : Kes: Racy pictures
kesmarn : CL, what is up with the Twitter ban? If I may ask?
choicelady : Sabreen – changed the name but also had to get a different email. Stupid people over there.
pinkpantheroz : Mea Culpa! I occasionally pop in to The Site that dare nnot speak it’s name, to see what idiocy is being perpetrated on the huddles Nascar set and Golly Whizz, check this out. Non other than ‘Crash’ McCain :
glenn : CL–is your name ChoiceLady because you had some “choice words” for someone on Twitter?
Fergie1 : Hey funk, close! It’s 3:13 Sat. afternoon.
AdLib : glenn – No question that Bush’s negligence was a much more massive disaster for our nation than Russia’s invasion of Crimea and yet Repubs crucify Obama over it while NEVER speaking out against Bush’s carte blanche for Al Qaeda to do whatever they wanted in attacking the U.S.
choicelady : glenn – the hope that keeps me going is that unlike Clinton who caved, no matter what is thrown at him, PBO does NOT cave.
Sabreen60 : Really CL? That sucks? Are you going to contest or just change your name?
funksands : Fergie, what is it there? 4pm Saturday?
choicelady : Fergie – thank you.
glenn : Sabreen–It’s unbelievable to me what foxsocallednews will do to sensationlize a story. And, it doesn’t matter that the constitution gets shredded. It only matters that they managed to block President Obama again.
choicelady : funk – OK – got it. Won’t remember, but thank you.
Fergie1 : CL, ‘arvo’ is afternoon in Aussie land!
choicelady : Sabreen – great to see you, too. Look for me again under a new name. Twitter banned me for life. Spam blocked for NOTHING.
funksands : Choice: “Afternoon”
Sabreen60 : Hi CL. Great to see you!
choicelady : Fergie – can you translate please?
Fergie1 : Just swell funk! Good ‘arvo’ as the locals say!
choicelady : AdLib – you nailed it, yes.
AdLib : CL – I’d say that for many Repubs, they don’t believe black people should have a right to defend themselves period. It’s just “letting them get away with being criminals”.
kesmarn : Hey, Fergie!
glenn : Hi Fergie!
choicelady : Hi Fergie!
Sabreen60 : Hi Fergie! Hi Funk!
choicelady : Ooops – Roberts is white, so…
funksands : ‘Ow ya goin’ Fergie?
choicelady : Sabreen – but but but –
glenn : Ad–And, it was America that was attacked on 9/11. Putin is invading a country nowhere close to ours. Of course, that is the repub way–invade a country no where close to ours. First of all, it costs more, and secondly….well I’m not sure there is a “secondly”.
kesmarn : And Harry Reid said that Adegbile had almost nothing to do with the case in question — that he only worked for the NAACP.
choicelady : AdLib – I think it is “Black people accused of killing white cops should not have representation. ” The fact the courts finally commuted his sentence means the doubt many of us had of his guilt has some weight. So yeah – GOP violates the Constitution again. Surprised?
pinkpantheroz : Good to see ya Fergie1.
AdLib : Hi Fergie!
Sabreen60 : glenn, Debo Adegbile defended the sentencing phase of Mumia’s case. Not his guilt or innocence, which have mattered either. Debo Adegbile won the case and the death penalty was overturned and Mumia got life without parole. Justice Roberts defended a serial killer who killed 8 people and that didn’t stop him from being approved for the Supreme Court. FOXNews ran the Debo Adegbile story almost non-stop. They may as well have been running the “Willie Horton” ad. They showed Mumia in handcuffs with his dreads over and over. The Dems caved. Sen. Hartman, I believe, said that if Debo Adegbile had been white he would have been approved.
Fergie1 : Hi all and Greetings from sunny Melbourne. Sorry to the East Coast folks!
funksands : Can’t have a guy who specializes in voting rights in that position Ad, that will to a conflict of interest.
kesmarn : Always happy to clarify.
choicelady : funk – only if you hate beer.
AdLib : The Repub argument against Adegbile was basically, “People viewed as guilty should not have legal representation. ” Republicans rail about Obama tearing up the Constitution but Repubs practice that daily, they oppose the concept of American justice and the right to representation.
funksands : Kes, I always get that mixed up…
choicelady : Hi AdLib, glenn kes, PPO, Sabreen! Is Beatlex on, too – I see the name, but not on the commentary.
kesmarn : Not drinking beer is considered a sacrifice, funk.
pinkpantheroz : Hi, funk, Choice.
funksands : Is drinking beer considered a sacrifice?
choicelady : funk – I think you are having a religious event in Seattle – a beautiful day. Be sure to make some kind of sacrifice to the Mt. Ranier gods.
funksands : Hi Glenn, Ad, Kes, Sabreen, Pink,
glenn : Hey Funk–Hey Choice!
choicelady : kes – yes. I did see that. I did not WANT to see that, but I did see that.
funksands : Naughty Naughtyh
funksands : 62 and not a cloud in the sky
kesmarn : Hey, funk and CL! As you can see, we’re just discussing the size of Putin’s equipment.
choicelady : funk – you promised you’d never tell!
funksands : Choice and I just got done Snapchatting.
AdLib : Hey CL! Hi Funk!
choicelady : Hey funk – I just got here, too. How are you. Is it REALLY sunny>
glenn : Sabreen–oh yes I did!
choicelady : How is everyone?
funksands : Greetings from Sunny Seattle!
choicelady : Hi- well this is a weird place to come in. More than I want to know about Putin fer sher.
kesmarn : Which reminds me — are there any little Putins? Putinettes? Mini-poots? Pootchiks?
AdLib : glenn – That’s true, there was real justification for Bush to be attacked for his neglect in protecting this country, especially after getting the “Bin Laden Determined to Attack America” briefing. And yet, Dems knew you don’t attack your president at a time of conflict.
Sabreen60 : glenn, No you di’dent
glenn : Sabreen–Oooh–t hat was another one! Adegbile defended someone–which is his job as a lawyer. Saw Jon Stewart’s take on that–it was disgusting what foxsocallednews did with that. And, every time they talked about Adegbile, they showed the picture of the defendant–not Adegbile! They are disgusting–and the 7 Dems that voted with the repubs should be censured by the Dem caucus!
Sabreen60 : PPO, kes
kesmarn : Ewwwww…no….. !
glenn : PPO and Sabreen–persona lly, I think Putin’s manboobs are bigger than his penis–but I don’t want to see his penis, either!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, Rethugs know Dems don’t play dirty like they do. If fact, to often Dems roll over as 7 of them did when they voted against Debo Adegbile.
glenn : oops–there shouldn’t be a question mark after my first statement in my last comment.
glenn : Ad–And the sad part about all of those questions you just asked is that gwb was asleep at the switch when we were attacked on 9/11? I’m really not sure we could have prevented 9/11, but we sure might have had a better handle on it if gwb hadn’t ignored the warnings.
pinkpantheroz : Spot on Sabreen. Putin’s got a terminal case of Smallmanitis.
kesmarn : It looks like a classic mid-life crisis to me, Sabreen. The phony manly photo ops. Divorcing the old wife and replacing her with a 22 year old. Surely he must be driving a red convertible (tank) by now too?
AdLib : Sabreen, can you imagine if Democrats were praising Bin Laden as a “real leader” after 9/11 and attacking Bush as “feckless” and “wearing Mom jeans” and “playing marbles while Bin Laden is playing chess”? Can you imagine Dems stating that Bush caused the 9/11 attack because of his weakness? How would Repubs have responded to that?
pinkpantheroz : Sorry, Kesmarm, didn’t see your question. No, I was so disgusted seeing Putin there that I switched channels and watched the New Zealand Sheep Dog trials instead!
glenn : Kes–Siberia is so “yesterday”. Crimea is the up and coming place–just ask Putin.
Sabreen60 : Putin tried to be the tough guy. Maybe has a problem with his height.
glenn : PPO–I just cannot understand how elected representatives of the United States of America can trash the elected President of the United States of America during an international crisis. Disagree with him, yes–but privately, and preferably with solutions to the crisis. Of course, as Kes says, the republicans have no solutions–only trash talk!
kesmarn : Right, Sabreen. There’s a huge difference between conscientious objection to an ill-advised war and mean-spirited sniping at a President for cheap political reasons.
Sabreen60 : Any negative comments made when GWB lied us into a war was about the war. I don’t recall Dems on national TV calling him weak, feckless, inconsistent, and not as “manly” Putin-with his shirtless self showing his man-boobs.
kesmarn : The Crimea or — possibly Siberia, glenn.
glenn : Kes–they could join Snowden. However, maybe the Crimea would be a better place for our republithugs. They could set up a government there–or not.
pinkpantheroz : Hi, glenn, beautiful today, sunny and warm. A huge contrast to the political climate in the US right now. It makes me sick that the party of the 1% is so down on its leader. disgusting. And don’t get me started on Issa, McCain and those cretins.
kesmarn : We should take a page from their book. “America — love it or leave it.” If Putin’s such a great “leader” let ’em move to Russia.
kesmarn : Right, glenn. They have zero alternatives on anything. No ideas on healthcare to “replace Obamacare.” No ideas on foreign policy. Nothing on job creation. (Except more $ to the rich.) On and on…
glenn : Kes-that was one ugly look on Issa’s face. And, just when you think he couldn’t get any uglier!
Sabreen60 : Whatever happened to politics end at the water’s edge?
AdLib : Sabreen – I completely agree, it is traitorous at a time of conflict for the opposing party to take the side of the dictator of the opposition nation and savage our President. Traitorous.
kesmarn : I know Sabreen. I can’t recall one instance — ever — in PBO’s tenure when they have supported him on anything. It’s unparalelled, I think. And the look on Issa’s face —
glenn : Sabreen–I agree. Remember when Dems criticized gwb during the Iraq war? Then, it was all about “standing together”. Now, repubs give the people who hate America all the ammunition they need to trash our President, and our country. And, the thing is, what is it the repubs want the President to do? From what I’ve read, none of them seem to want to send troops. So, what exactly is it that they want PBO to do?
Sabreen60 : kes, Yes I did. Isaa is repugnant. I can’t believe nothing is ever done to him. Of course, I read he’s worth about $450 million, so that may have something do with his privilege.
kesmarn : LOL! ‘Zactly, glenn. And then Issa issues a puny (non-public) apology and thinks that’ll make it all go away. At the very least they should take the chairmanship away from him.
Sabreen60 : Kes, I’ve been around for a while and paid attention to politics. What got me madder than anything else this week were comments from McCain, Ms. Graham and others who insist on vilifying PBO, a sitting President during an international crisis. I have never seen this done to any other President that I can remember. And of course the crook Issa and his thuggish behavior. Boehner won’t do a thing to him though. It’s just so disgusting.
glenn : Kes–well, you know those repubs are all about freedom of speech, and liberty, dontcha know? That’s why Issa cut Cummings’ mic–because….
glenn : Sabreen–that’s why I’m here every Friday night I can be. To help restore my sanity, and to connect with people who don’t call me names!
kesmarn : Sabreen, did you see the video of Issa shutting the mic off on Elijah Cummings in the IRS hearings? Talk about thugs.
kesmarn : We were just saying that, Sabreen. When Merkel says Putin’s not living in the real world, that applies to all his GOP friends too.
Sabreen60 : Hey everyone. I’m trying to stay sane in this insane world. Between Putin and the thugs in the Repub party, it’s getting pretty hard.
glenn : PPO–Haven’t had a chance to say “hi”. How’s the weather in your neck of the world?
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
glenn : Kes–well if he’s a foxwatcher, he doesn’t hear those facts.
Sabreen60 : KT, Just finished reading the comments. So sorry to hear about your mother. I wish her and you all the best.
kesmarn : Yep! Stock market up. Jobs added — up. 4,000,000 signed up for Obamacare. None of it registers…
glenn : Hey Sabreen! How are you?
glenn : Kes–“the script in his head”–it’s an endless conservative loop that bounces around and lets nothing else enter–especiall y those pesky little things called facts!
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Hi Planeteers.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks kes.
glenn : ‘Night, KT. Don’t forget to take care of yourself as well as your mom!
kesmarn : G’night, KT. All the best to you and your family.
kesmarn : I know right, glenn? I have a family member (by marriage) who predicted that right after the beginning of 2014 Obamacare would cause the economy to crash, millions of jobs to disappear and millions more to lose insurance. None of the above have happened. In fact the complete opposite on all counts. And still he’s ranting anti-Obamacare talking points. I think he doesn’t know how to get rid of the script in his head.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad. Well good folks, I’ll see you guys later. Have a great weekend.
AdLib : KT – No problem, I’ll cover it this weekend!
glenn : Kes–yes, I watched that one, too. Stewart does have a way of putting things.
glenn : Kes–Regarding the 50th repeal try on Obamacare. The conservative motto is, “If at first you don’t succeed, try again, and again (I won’t write it 50 times). And, if you don’t succeed, then just keep on lying.” All of their Obamacare “horror” stories have been found to be lies, or distortions, or at the very least, out of context. But then, again, if they had to go with the facts, they’d be helping Dems make Obamacare work even better!
kesmarn : glenn, Mandvi could do it. Stewart is so amazing. I loved his comment about Dick Cheney – something like: “Here’s a guy who spent 8 years getting everything wrong and right before he leaves the job he shoots and old guy in the face. And people are asking him for HIS opinion on things??”
KillgoreTrout : Hey B. I hope Ad can cover the thread this weekend.
Beatlex : Killgore Trout,I had an idea for a thread,comedy bits,there are plenty out there!
kesmarn : And meanwhile on the home front, we have the 50th (FIVE OH) vote to repeal Obamacare. Do they think they’re in the movie “Groundhog Day”??
KillgoreTrout : Thanks glenn. I’m staying as long as necessary.
glenn : Kes–no it was a real fox idiot–as if they have anything else but idiots on fox. He was talking about how Obamacare was going to ruin the country, and Mandvi put him in his place!
glenn : KT–are you leaving? Stay strong and know that we are thinking about you and your mom!
kesmarn : glenn, I don’t have cable but I’ll have to see if I get get the archived Stewart show online. Was it a real FOX idiot or an actor playing one?
glenn : Did anyone see Jon Stewart’s piece last night on how the right wing is fawning over Putin? It was so funny! However, the next segment with Aasif Mandvi interviewing the foxbusinessnews idiot? That was priceless! If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a look. The look on the loony’s face when Mandvi confronted him with facts was priceless!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad, I just stopped in to say hey, and I was hoping you could cover the music thread this weekend.
Beatlex : There was someone on Rachel Maddow earlier who said ” the Crimea is as good as gone” to the rushkies
kesmarn : PPO, did you see that the Ukrainian paralympic team boycotted the opening ceremonies?
KillgoreTrout : Thanks PPO. She does have great neighbors.
AdLib : KT – It’s unpleasant to have to do but older folks get like that and make poor decisions, it’s up to their kids to make the best decisions for them.
kesmarn : That’s what a friend said about Merkel too, AdLib. “We need more than words from her,” was the way it was put.
kesmarn : My pleasure, glenn! I meant every word. And totally agree with you on national priorities.
AdLib : Kes – Merkel seemed alarmed after her call but so far, she has seemed cowardly about doing anything more than condemning or insulting Putin. We could really use that German resolve right now to lead the EU in sanctioning Putin.
KillgoreTrout : it really was glenn. Definitely the right decision.
pinkpantheroz : I’m utterly disgusted at the sedition fomoented by the Gopers. and it has been exacerbated by the sight of Vlad the Mad standing on the podium at the opening of the Paralympic Games! He’s invading a sovereign state, but still needs to be fawned on at the Games. Excuse me while I spew!
kesmarn : KT, my 91 year old dad is losing a bit of ground too. Also poor vision problems. And memory issues now, too. Equally determined to stay in his home, which I understand. Just hope we can do it!
glenn : Hey Kes–thanks for the kind words about my vent on OT today. Personally, I would much rather see my taxes go to provide free lunches for American children than to see them go to aid to Crimea. Not saying we shouldn’t help in some way, but I just don’t understand how we can send billions overseas in aid, yet we can’t afford to keep SNAP, UE, and other safety net programs here at home. Shaking my head!
Beatlex : Kesmarn-LOL
KillgoreTrout : thanks Ad. She really does need to be in an assisted care center. She won’t budge from her house though. She’s very stubborn.
kesmarn : Hey, AdLib! Don’t you think Angela Merkel nailed it when she said Putin wasn’t living in the real world? No wonder the RWNJ’s love him.
pinkpantheroz : Sorry for your troubles, KT. Hope she’s well mended by now and that she will be taken care of. Looks as if she has great neighbors who look after each other.
AdLib : Hey Kes!
glenn : KT–Oh, what a scary experience that must have been for you! I’m so glad you’re there for your mom, and that she has been discharged. Sounds like your decision to be with her was absolutely the right one!
AdLib : KT – Jesus…how horrible to come upon that scene! Thank goodness for her neighbors but as you say, you can’t depend on them after this, she needs full time care. What if this had happened at 3 am? So scary but glad she’s out of the hospital.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Homie. She’s OK for now. I’m staying as long as needed. She is almost blind now and really needs my help. I don’t really know what the near future holds in store for her. She really needs to be in assisted care. She won’t even hear of it though.
Beatlex : KT,really sorry to hear about that,hopefully she will get the care she really needs as an outcome
kesmarn : Good Friday, Planet peeps. KT, so sorry to hear about the awful experience you had on arrival at your mom’s house. I’m hoping she’s feeling better by now?
AdLib : glenn – The Repub fawning over Putin seems to have at least two main motivators. First, he is positions as our President’s enemy so of course to them, the enemy of my enemy is my friend…even when that means it’s America’s or the free world’s enemy. Secondly, the GOP is all about a celebration of dictatorship. They would love to have Putin’s “democracy” sham in place if they were in power.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks glenn. Yeah I flew to Boston Wednesday morning, took a bus down to the cape and got to mom’s house at about 8 that evening. I arrived at a vey unexpected scene at the house. My mother had to be taken to the hospital the day before I got there, and I didn’t know about it. She passed out from a diabetic reaction and was seen through a window by a neibor who called the emts. They had to break through the front door to get to her. When I got there, there was police tape on the door and the door was ajar. I freaked. There was splintered wood and screws and busted locks on the floor. Fortunately a good neighbor left me a note to let me know what was going on. I went to the hospital the next morning and was there to bring her home after she was discharged. What a scary experience for her and me. She’s OK now, but she absolutely can no longer live alone.
pinkpantheroz : no, glenn, he couldn’t take off his shirt. It would only inflame the loonies because it would highlinght the fact that he’s not white!
Beatlex : Glenn,They have really outdone themselves with this,it is truly disgusting!
AdLib : Thanks for the props on the song, glenn!
AdLib : Sorry folks, was away for a moment.
pinkpantheroz : Hi, everybody! Catching up on the latest shite from the GOP. Unbelievable, isn’t it? Crash McCain at his geriatric worst. And people still vote for these nongs. I give up!
glenn : Beatlex–I just don’t get the right fawning all over Putin. Can you imagine the hissy fit the right would have if President Obama acted like Putin? Remember when President Obama talked about using force in Syria and the right said he had to go through Congress? And, then when he went through Congress, they said he wasn’t a leader? Sheesh, I sure wish they’d make up their minds! Perhaps PBO needs to take off his shirt while invading another country, and then the rwnjs would be happy.
glenn : KT–Are you at your mom’s? So glad you could make it to VOX tonight.
Beatlex : KT i really know that feeling,not getting any younger!
Beatlex : Hey Glenn!
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn, B and Ad. I’m OK, a little tired right now. been really busy the last three days.
glenn : Hey KT–How are you?
glenn : Evening, Beatlex, AdLib. Love your song, AdLib–so fitting for those vile people!
Beatlex : KT-The traitors the R’s have been on the Ukraine file
KillgoreTrout : Hey folks, what’s up?
Beatlex : LETS GO!
Beatlex : And the right has the gall to call this President the worst in history.GWB did untold damage to the country,financia lly as well as in foreign affairs.R’s have short and selective memories
AdLib : Beatlex – But if he had seen that, he would have responded.
Beatlex : AdLib,for sure.Especially if he had seen a report titled….Bi Laden determined to strike the Homeland
AdLib : Beatlex – I mentioned on our thread, can you imagine if 9/11 happened when Obama was President? The Repubs would be viciously attacking Obama instead of rallying together in a time of great national distress.
Beatlex : Speaking of disgusting displays!
AdLib : When you arrive, don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “CPAC up your troubles in your old cracked bag and be vile, vile, vile.”
Beatlex : Thx AdLib,this is very important,it shows how little they care about their own country,Can you imagine if the dems did this to Bush if something like this happened with Russia? I can’t
AdLib : Hey Beatlex! An excellent topic!
Beatlex : May I suggest one topic AdLib? The disgusting(even for them)display of Republicans singing the praises of Putin while putting their own President down at this very delicate time.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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