AdLib : Night Sally!
SallyT : Oh, it ends good and that is all I will say. Night!
AdLib : Still have more to see of Season 2! See you later and on Sunday for the Funnies!
SallyT : Thanks AdLib. I love House of Cards! I should have paced myself better on it. I now have another long wait. I will see you later.
AdLib : Okay Sally. Really enjoyed the film chat! And will always be grateful for your turning me onto House of Cards. Rest well tonight and feel better!
SallyT : Well, AdLib, I think I need to pop another pill.
AdLib : The music in Llewyn Davis is great, early 1960’s folk music though the film is a bit loosely plotted but many funny incidents.
SallyT : I’ll have to get that.
AdLib : Great chemistry.
SallyT : You can tell that they like each other off the set, too.
AdLib : What a team those two make, Woody and Matthew.
SallyT : No I haven’t seen that.
SallyT : Woody Harrelson has become a good actor, IMO.
AdLib : Did you see the Coen Brothers movie, Inside Llewyn Davis?
SallyT : Helps me follow better.
SallyT : I like True Detective! I really like watching them on OnDemand because you get the director after telling you what you were watching….
AdLib : I’ve been watching True Detective on HBO with McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, pretty good.
SallyT : I saw Last Vegas and it isn’t a Hangover. But, if you don’t have to pay a high ticket price to see it, it is good.
AdLib : Good to know!
SallyT : YES her
SallyT : It is a good “girl” flick. I think you wife would enjoy it and you, too, if you watch knowing that up front.
AdLib : Julia Louis Dreyfus
SallyT : YES and the gal that is now on that HBO show about her being Vice President…
AdLib : I heard it was fun.
AdLib : James Gandolfini.
SallyT : It has oh you know the guy that played Tony Soprono….can’ t think of his name.
AdLib : Nope, haven’t seen it. Any good?
SallyT : Have you seen Enough Said?
AdLib : Right.
SallyT : Ron Howard directed RUSH.
SallyT : True
AdLib : I heard Rush was good. Appreciate the recommendation.
AdLib : Hard not to see Oprah in the role she’s playing.
SallyT : If you like car racing, RUSH is good.
SallyT : AdLib, its worth a watch but not as good as it could have been.
AdLib : No, didn’t see The Butler. Did you like it?
AdLib : Some funny stuff near the beginning but the whole quest thing and turning it into a drama was kind of a mistake, IMO.
SallyT : Did you see The Butler?
SallyT : Yes and it is slow but does have some funny stuff in it.
AdLib : Did you see it?
AdLib : Yes, I thought it was pretty bad.
SallyT : Have you seen The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty?
AdLib : Autumn Osage that is.
AdLib : My wife wasn’t impressed with it and I thought she would like it.
SallyT : That is true.
AdLib : And it doesn’t help having the focus of the story being on an unpleasant woman who is so closed off and inaccessible.
SallyT : Well, I am glad to learn that missing Autumn in Osage isn’t going to ruin the Oscars for me. Thank you for giving me a heads up.
SallyT : Exactly, a tv movie.
SallyT : Right! I can see why families were disappointed by it. More like a movie about contracts and artistic differences. Nothing for kids.
AdLib : I didn’t need it to be a kids’ movie, I would have been fine if it was a well made (and more honest) story about the conflicts and relationship between the two but it was poorly written and produced, it felt like a tv movie.
AdLib : Right! They really engaged in false advertising in their quest of Saving Mr. Banks’ Box Office. Even including Mary Poppins scenes in the trailers!
SallyT : Yes, Walt was all those things.
SallyT : Oh, hell, Adlib, it wasn’t a kid movie.
SallyT : I meant the movie Saving Banks was a kid movie.
SallyT : He wasn’t really a kids movie. I think that really took people by surprise.
AdLib : He was anti-semetic too.
SallyT : And, he was a bit racist, too.
SallyT : And, Walt Disney was nothing like how he appeared in the movie. He didn’t care for women in business.
AdLib : My daughter was so upset after watching Mr. Banks. Not a good movie and a real disappointment for kids. Poorly done all around.
AdLib : I know a little bit about it, it’s an AI program that becomes self-aware. Not the most original idea to those who are familiar with science fiction.
SallyT : I saw Saving Mr. Banks, too. And, yes, Tom Hanks is Tom Hanks playing Walt Disney as Tom Hanks.
SallyT : Well, I don’t want to ruin the movie for you but these laptops start thinking for themselves and reading stuff on the internet themselves and oh you get the picture.
AdLib : Sounds good, anxious to see McConaughey’s performance.
SallyT : I would pick Dallas Buyer’s Club between those if I had to choose one. American Hustle is pretty typical for his movies and those characters playing them.
AdLib : That’s got to be humiliating, dumped by your personal computer? That’s a very personal computer.
AdLib : Oh, a laptop, my bad, I was thinking of Siri!
SallyT : Of course, the laptop goes to the phone, too.
AdLib : I am hoping to catch up on at least one more film this weekend before the Oscars. Maybe American Hustle? Or Dallas Buyer’s Club?
SallyT : It is more like a laptop, AdLib, but stupid just the same. It is really hard to get.
SallyT : Lone Survivor is good if you like war pictures.
AdLib : The fickle phone app that breaks a man’s heart? Er…
SallyT : And, she leaves him for another, too, AdLib! Figure that out!
AdLib : I think I would too. The kind of story that sounds a bit too clever for itself and too far from how real people actually behave. Falling in love with your phone app? Really?
SallyT : I thought it was stupid.
AdLib : Haven’t seen Her, seems a bit contrived to me.
AdLib : Bruce
SallyT : That one I am even surprised that it is in Best Picture.
AdLib : Brice Dern is different, he’s a character actor, not a movie star so I can enjoy him in different roles. I’ve always liked him.
SallyT : Have you seen the movie Her?
AdLib : Oh…the meds are doing their thing.
SallyT : When you see Nebraska, I don’t think you will see Dern but the guy he is playing. He really gets into character.
SallyT : Yep and they make me feel like I am in slow motion.
AdLib : Sorry Sally, I thought you were feeling better. Are you on the mend?
AdLib : Agreed, Matthew McConaughey is likely to win Best Actor. Saw August in Osage but it was again, for me, watching famous actresses act and hard for me to get ensconced in the story. I’ve seen this type of Southern homecoming story a number of times before though so it didn’t stand out to me.
SallyT : Right now I would say it is between Cate and Judi Dench.
SallyT : Can’t tell….I am typing like I feel.
SallyT : haven’t seen August I can tell where Meryl is in the running for Best Actress.
SallyT : And, since I haven
SallyT : And, the movie I havent seen is called August in Osage not Autumn. Dumb
SallyT : American Hustler was good but not that good.
SallyT : I kinda like spreading the awards around.
SallyT : I liked 12 Years A Slave but I don’t really see it as best picture. I do hope the director wins, tho. And, Nebraska for best picture because I don’t think Bruce Dern can beat Matthew McConaughn for best actor and I don’t think he should.
AdLib : Sally – What did you think of 12 Years a Slave?
SallyT : Night, Funk. See you later.
AdLib : Thanks Funk! Have a great time at your Oscar party!
AdLib : Funk – That’s kind of what I was worried about.
funksands : Night all, gotta put some kiddos to bed! Have a fun Oscars weekend!
SallyT : Although Philomena is really good, too.
SallyT : I guess I will pull for Nebraska.
funksands : Ad, they started to really delve into the Somali pirate sociology in the first part, which was really interesting. The interaction and politics among the pirates was really cool. Then Hanks shows up. ftttttttt
AdLib : Just joking.
AdLib : Bad Grandpa – Best Picture!
funksands : I really enjoyed the Lego Movie!
AdLib : Funk – I have a hard time watching any Tom Hanks film because I just see Tom Hanks acting. I like the actor who plays the lead pirate though, he looks remarkable.
funksands : Ad, I’m with you on your bet. I thought Gravity was visually stunning. Not much movie though.
funksands : Cate Blanchett is pretty damn good in anything.
AdLib : What film do you think will win Best Picture?
funksands : Ad, I thought Capt Phillips was all right. The first half was really good. The second half was meh
funksands : I’m really interested in Nebraska and 12 years.
SallyT : I don’t really care for Woody Allen or his movies usually but Cate Blanchet (sp?) is really wonderful in Blue Jasmine.
AdLib : What did you think of Capt. Phillips, Funk?
funksands : Funny how I forgot that
AdLib : Sally – Been meaning to see Nebraska, have seen scenes and it does look very funny.
funksands : Oh wait, I did see Capt. Phillips!
AdLib : Funk – You should have a lot of fun!
AdLib : Funk – I did like it. My only criticism is that it seems to be a bit of a familiar story for Scorsese to have told, kind of a less gritty Casino or Goodfellas but it was entertaining.
SallyT : Nebraska is great!
funksands : We got invited to our first Oscars party on Sunday. I’m not sure what that’ll be like.
SallyT : I did like Wolf! I was surprised that I would.
SallyT : I do like to watch the Oscars.
SallyT : I don’t go out to the movies, Funk.
funksands : Ad, did you like “Wolf”?
AdLib : I’d put all my money on this, 12 Years a Slave will win Best Picture.
funksands : Awesome! Do you like watching the Oscars? My wife loves it.
SallyT : I’ve seen all but Autumn In Osage.
funksands : Sally, I’ve only seen 1! That’s pretty typical though. It’s hard to get out to the movies without kids. I saw Gravity. I thought it was pretty good.
AdLib : How about you?
AdLib : Sally – I’ve seen 12 Years a Slave, Gravity, Wolf of Wall Street…
SallyT : Hey,guys, how many of the movies up for Oscars have you seen?
AdLib : Where would Baggers be without hollering for a birth certificate, being able to claim the President is a Muslim, he’s a socialist and a communist and doesn’t think like “us”? Nope, without a President Obama, Baggers just don’t have a raison d’etre.
funksands : Very true
AdLib : Funk – Also, losing Obama as a galvanizing force for these racists will leave them aimless. They’d never admit it but they need Obama as President as much as Progressives do!
funksands : I think you might be right Ad. That’s what it feels like…
SallyT : LOL I ain’t tellin’, Funkie……
AdLib : Funk – My guess would be that the Baggers will recede after losing their momentum, just like the Moral Majority, their earlier incarnation and the GOP Elite will once again become dominant again. But that’s at least 4-6 years away.
funksands : Sally it might be time to come up and get some medical mary jane. If you haven’t already.
SallyT : I think he might call Boehner Lassie. She was kinda orange wasn’t she?
funksands : Sally, doing good! Another beautiful sunny day today.
AdLib : Sally – Sorry to hear you’re still not feeling well!
funksands : Ad, do you still see the GOP splintering into multiple factions? Or has that fever passed?
SallyT : Funkie! How you doing up there in WA?
AdLib : Sally – Reagan would be calling John Boehner “Mommy?”
funksands : Ad, good point about absentee ballots
AdLib : Time is already passing by the GOP, they’ve just rigged the game to still be in positions of power nationally (after 2014, Repubs will only represent The South for the most part, a minority of states and population).
funksands : Sally, good to see you!
funksands : Night Kes.
SallyT : AdLib, do I know how to empty a room, or what. I came in and everyone is leaving. I guess I will go, too. Still not feeling too well.
funksands : Night Murph
SallyT : Reagan would be out looking for strawberries and get lost, AdLib, if he was still around.
AdLib : Night Sabreen! Sleep well!
AdLib : Sally – Reagan raised taxes, no way would he fit into today’s GOP if he was just coming along today.
Sabreen60 : Night Kes & Murph. I’m going to say good night, also. Take care everyone.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…you are correct…denyin g Reagan….the GOP has been doing that for years…
AdLib : Cheers Murph, you’ve been fighting the good fight! You deserve some good rest! Have a relaxing weekend!
SallyT : Night, Kes and Murph.
AdLib : Have lots of fun, Kes! And a great weekend!!!
Sabreen60 : Murph, I try to think like the Deals of the world. I can’t do it. How do you not treat a critically injured person? How can a doctor who has taken an oath refuse to treat a patient?
AdLib : Sally – And also falling out of Rand’s head would be a drawing with crayons of him at Ayn Rand’s feet licking her sensible shoe.
SallyT : Wouldn’t turning people away from Emerg Rooms be going again their hero Reagan? That is where he thought we should all go.
MurphTheSurf3 : I am saying goodnight. Tired from two days of wrestling alligators.
kesmarn : Well, kids, it’s approaching the midnight hour here. Guess I’d better call it a day, since I’ll have the energetic 7th grader here tomorrow. Have a great and snow-free weekend all!
SallyT : AdLib, if you shake Rand Paul’s head, all that falls out is that fuzz that is at the bottom of my purse when I dump it out to change to a new one.
AdLib : Kes – Just glad you liked it!
kesmarn :
I’m still laughing about the penny-loafers! Why is that sooo funny?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- Deal says that taking the expansion now requires greater debt by the state later.
AdLib : Kes – I rounded to the closest 7.
kesmarn : Why thankee, professor. I think that 7 is a bit generous, though.
AdLib : Night PPO! Have a nice weekend!
Sabreen60 : Good night PPO.
AdLib : Kes – That still counts as a correct answer!
kesmarn : G’night, PPO. Make sure you put a little something in Sarah’s vodka.
AdLib : Kes – Nice one! The Hairs Apparent.
SallyT : Then they really didn’t care about cost did they, Murph.
AdLib : Sally – Rand can carry a poodle in his head and have room left over for a bowling ball, a pair of penny loafers and an open umbrella.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally..they did not.
pinkpantheroz : I guess I better be off. I’m joining Sarah Palin on her porch to watch the Sochi Olympics! Night all.
kesmarn : AdLib, am I allowed to answer “7-0-0” on that one?
kesmarn : Rand and Trump should run on the same ticket. The Hair-brained Party.
SallyT : Did they take the money for Medicaid there in Georgia, Murph?
AdLib : Kes – Add their three IQs together and you can complete the name of this convenience store, “7-__”.
SallyT : AdLib, I have always said that Rand Paul is kinda like those women that carry their poodles in their purses. He just carry his on his head.
kesmarn : If you added all three of their IQs together, AdLib, I doubt you’d break single digits.
Sabreen60 : Hi Sally
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Sally..I am drawing everyone’s attention to Gob. Deal of Georgia’s plan to deny access to emergency rooms for the poor as a way to deal with out of control medical costs.
pinkpantheroz : Sally, he probably has both!
AdLib : Sally – As Rand Paul brushes his hair, there is a poodle somewhere without back fur.
Sabreen60 : Good night KT
SallyT : Shit, not craps but crabs! Crap is in Nugent’s pants.
AdLib : Hey Sally!
pinkpantheroz : Sorry, glenn, missed your early question. A ‘Gasper’ is slang for a cigarette. So a ‘mouthful and a gasper’ is a coffee with a smoke.
AdLib : Kes – Repub politicians couldn’t even pass literacy tests. Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin?
SallyT : Well, I think he has something there with Rand Paul’s hair. I also think he has craps in it.
kesmarn : Dubya has a PhD in election fraud.
AdLib : Funk – And the main opportunity for voter fraud are absentee ballots…which favor Repubs more so how about restricting those, Repubs?
kesmarn : Hey, Sally! One of his best comments was about Rand Paul and whether a man growing pubic hair on his head can win the nomination.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Buddy. I guess so. Sorry I have to leave so soon. Looking forward to the funnies.
kesmarn : G’night, KT
SallyT : KT, my Buddy, you have been on fire tonight and I have missed the blaze?
pinkpantheroz : See you over the weekend, KT. Sleep well.
kesmarn : I say — make ’em take and pass their own literacy tests, funk. And drug test ’em too while we’re at it.
AdLib : Night KT! See you then, pal!
funksands : brb
funksands : Simple, just let them know that there have been 10X the amount of arrests and convictions for ELECTION FRAUD since 2000. Know how many bills the GOP has introduced to fight that problem? Zero.
KillgoreTrout : I too better call it a night. Got to get up early, which is something I’m not used to. Hope to see you all on the music thread tomorrow.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…even better….
kesmarn : You are on fire tonight, KT. :lol;
funksands : You want the sure-fire lock down answer to righties that say that all of these voter-fraud initiates are legit?
Sabreen60 : Good night glenn!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, how about a musket ball?
AdLib : Have a great weekend and a great soccer game! Rained out here for softball so I get to sleep in tomorrow!
pinkpantheroz : G’night glenn. Go the Spurs!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn, if you get a chance to take a shot at Deal’s head with a soccer ball, go for it.
kesmarn : Sleep well, glenn. It was great fun, as always.
KillgoreTrout : Take it easy glenn. Enjoy the game.
funksands : Night Glenn!
glenn : Alright, folks, I just looked at the time, which means it’s time for me to “toddle off”. Soccer season has begun, so it’s early Saturdays for me! Take care everyone! For those of you expecting snow, hope you stay warm, safe, and stocked up! Hope to see you at the Planet over the weekend!
kesmarn : Poor Holder. He has enough on his plate to keep 10 AG’s busy. No wonder his heart rate is up…
pinkpantheroz : No, glenn, I was thinking about the current crop that might give Dubya a run for his money in the Dumb Stakes at Hialeah!
AdLib : Sabreen – I heard an OH state legislator state that a suit is going to be filed swiftly against OH for the radical change in voting, apart from Holder doing what he likely will. I don’t think it will be in place by SUmmer, it is a discusting attack on our democracy.
KillgoreTrout : LOL funk. It could be I think.
funksands : KT, that could be the most important question of the election
glenn : PPO–Do you mean dubya managed to get a bigger dick than himself as VP?
KillgoreTrout : PPO, I think Rick Perry has him beat. (no pun intended)
funksands : Can’t get the link to work. Sorry
kesmarn : They really have nothing. Nada. No one.
pinkpantheroz : KT, Dubya managed it, and you can’t dind a bigger dick that him, but then again……..
glenn : I still think the pubs should run the quitter and the shitter. An awesome combo!
kesmarn : Sabreen, the voter suppression in Ohio is a real disgrace.
AdLib : Funk – Of course, Rand will indeed flock himself. Over and over.
funksands : My favorite pic of Nina: Her shirt says: “GOP get out of my panties”
kesmarn : KT…:lol:
kesmarn : Consider it donned, funk.
KillgoreTrout : Can a man with pubic hair growing on his head win the nomination?
pinkpantheroz : Funk, those 3 poisons in Buddhism seem to be attributes in the GOPers version of christianity.
AdLib : Kes – I’m looking forward to Christie running! He won’t accept that he’s over and he will run. Combine that with Rand Paul’s nastiness, Ted Cruz’s nastiness, Rick Santorum’s nastiness and Rick Perry’s…dumbn ess. What a circus that will be!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab….I hear what you are saying….I generally feel sorry for those who have been suckered into the Right Wing Memes BUT I have come to truly despise those who construct those memes, finance them and benefit from them.
funksands : Kes:
Put your hat of shame on.
kesmarn : Let’s see… who would be Rand’s running mate? How ’bout Ted Nugent?
Sabreen60 : Nina is awesome. She takes no prisoners. I hope she wins Secretary of State. It’s disgusting what the Ohio legislature is doing to suppress the vote. I’m waiting to hear form AG Holder on this one.
KillgoreTrout : Stay mad Murph! It seems to be showing good results!
funksands : Ad, Rand Pual won’t need any minority votes. All freedom-loving individuals will flock to his message, just like when his dad won the election.
glenn : Funk–hope she kicks some ass!
kesmarn : funk, you know more about my state than I do! I didn’t know that!
funksands : She’s running for Ohio Sec State this year
kesmarn : Oh please…let them run Rand Paul. Please.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT I am sure he did. At the facility- I took on the Social Worker who was going to limit his wife’s home PT and OT because she was unresponsive to instruction…I then changed here hearing aid batteries after cleaning out the wax blockage….the nursing home personnel never considered this…I threatened to raise HOLY HELL…and now she has full coverage….Prog ressive, we are a MEAN lot when we want to be.
funksands : Kes, yep that’s her.
glenn : Funk–okay–than ks. I went to your link, and saw her pic. A black and a woman! Let’s really watch some righties heads explode–or would it be implode? Either way, sounds good to me!
KillgoreTrout : Aqua Buddha for prez! LOL!
funksands : The 3 Poisons in Buddhism: Greed, Ignorance and Hate
kesmarn : funk is she the one who proposed the bill that men should have to have “examinations” like women to access birth control?
AdLib : So this week’s meme on MSNBC, the more likely Repub nom may be Rand Paul. Heh-heh, keep it coming MSNBC! First Rick Perry now Rand Paul? Sure, the guy who is on video opposing the Civil Rights Act and Immigration reform is going to get all those minority votes Romney needed to win. Next?
funksands : Glenn, she kicks a lot of ass. That’s what you need to know about Nina Turner. My favorite race of the year to watch.
KillgoreTrout : Right Murph, then they’d have to go to an emergency room!
glenn : Kes–oops–do you know who Nina Turner is? Funk–who is Nina Turner? I really hate to be so stupid, but my mind is a blank regarding that name.
funksands : Glenn: «link»
Sabreen60 : Murph, I just read you link about Fox News and older folks. It’s sad, really. But they are the ones spewing the hate. I don’t have much sympathy for them. How easy it would be to hate those who have caused harm (or looked the other way) to a people over centuries. Hate does nothing to the people you hate, really. I just makes you bitter and miserable all the time.
kesmarn : funk, that pic is too funny!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….hemorrhag ing money is good, real hemorrhages would be better.
kesmarn : glenn, I think it was funk who mentioned Nina Turner.
KillgoreTrout : That’s hilarious funk!
AdLib : Funk –
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…how the hell did you get that picture…
pinkpantheroz : Kes. Spot on. Would you be prepared to admit that you bore and raised that harridan?
AdLib : What will be funny is watching all the Repub attacks on Hillary (or Biden, it’s not a done deal yet) while Repubs praise their nominee…whatev er loser that turns out to be.
kesmarn : Take consolation in the fact that Clean Channel is hemorrhaging money, Murph.
KillgoreTrout : Great Murph! Rush fans have to hear more reality like that. He probably thought is was a Devil’s Bargain.
glenn : Kes–who is Nina Turner?
funksands : A picture of Murph at the Skilled Care Facility: «link»
kesmarn : glenn, I think the Palinator’s parents are still around, but they must be too embarrassed to come out and admit that they produced her.
AdLib : Murph – Exactly, not understanding how two opposites can both be true if they accomplish one’s goal of trying to smear someone is called “Not Being Republican”.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- I rode up to an area Skilled Care Facility to help a neighbor pick up his wife – rehab following major surgery- He wanted my help in dealing with the admin there. I got in the care and he had Rush on. Like I said I am in a pissy mood. I looked at him and said: “You have a choice. Turn off that lunatic or go get your wife on your own.” He turned it off and we talked the whole up to to Rehab. This guy is smart but he has been totally brainwashed. He may hate me now but I am really starting to draw lines in the sand with people.
kesmarn :
pinkpantheroz : Hey, funk, I thought for a sec you’d said Tina Turner! Wouldn’t that be a kick in the head!
glenn : This question is for everyone, but saying that palin was “bottle fed” leads me to ask–who are her parents anyway? Are they still around? Why don’t we hear anything about them, like we hear ad nauseum about cruz’s daddy?
funksands : I hear Issa is already starting impeachment hearings against Clinton.
KillgoreTrout : kes, if brains were dynamite, Palin wouldn’t have enough to blow her nose!
kesmarn : We’ll still be hearing about Benghazi when Sasha Obama and Chelsea Clinton are on the ticket.
KillgoreTrout : LOL kes!
funksands : I’d like to see Nina Turner run for President. Now that would be fun.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, it’s like a scene from a Dostoevsky novel.
kesmarn : She must have been bottle fed on Mountain Dew/Meth, KT.
AdLib : Funk: Hillary 2016: A woman President’s not as bad as a black one but Repubs will make do.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I think somebody put something in Sahar’s Mt Dew decades ago.
glenn : KT–That’s what annoys me the most about conservatives. They NEVER let a dead horse die!
kesmarn : Especially when they’re in their manic phases, funk.
KillgoreTrout : The old Clinto scandals have been debunked time and again, but I’m sure FOX will keep on pounding those dead horses.
funksands : A liberal may be able to hold two contrary thoughts in their mind at the same time. Ultra-right wing crazies can hold them all.
glenn : Funk–wish I could take credit for that phrase–but “stole” it from a Brit from another blog.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…your failure to understand that those contradictions are an indication of how weak your mind demonstrates why you are a progressive….. channeling Foxphobic Behavior
KillgoreTrout : Ad, Hillary eats scandals for breakfast!
kesmarn : “We believe in the sacredness of marriage. But Hillary should have left her husband.”
funksands : Glenn: “Palindora Box of Lunacy?” That’s awesome!
funksands : Just a few more months until we can all talk about Vince Foster again…..Can’t wait.
glenn : Ad–We all know that consistency is the a goper’s strength!
kesmarn :
glenn, I never thought of that! The Tundra Twunt would have have some strong motivations to put a little something in McCain’s Mountain Dew…
funksands : “Hillary 2016: Doesn’t your Fox-Watching crazy uncle DESERVE an aneurism?”
AdLib : They will throw everything including the kitchen sink at Hillary even though many attacks will contradict each other. “Hillary is too old and will be too weak to be President!” “Hillary will use her power to destroy America if she’s made President!” Make up your mind, Repubs, is she too old and weak or does she have too much strength?
KillgoreTrout : Oh Murph, the lethal three character traits for any repub.
glenn : Kes–And, how about how old McCain is, and was, when he ran? I think that’s what scared ME the most about his campaign. If something happened to him, the palindora box of lunacy would be president. And, I think she would have worked very hard to make sure that something happened to McCain!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- the couple convinced me that I am ready for Hillary.
kesmarn : I will grant you, she is not my favorite person, but she’s light years better than anything they have.
pinkpantheroz : Kes, I was just about to write that, AND Eisenhower!
funksands : Murph, that’s sounding pretty good right now.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I think it’s HILLarious!
kesmarn : We can only hope, Murph…
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- I was told a couple of days ago by a couple know that Hillary is a Lesbian Atheist Communist who will be even worse than Obama.
KillgoreTrout : I was, glenn. I thought that’s who you were referring to. I’ve heard others refer to him by that name. I like it.
funksands : We haven’t seen anything yet. Just wait until Hillary announces. With Big O in the White House and a Clinton running, the right will literally EXPLODE with Batshitcrazyness .
kesmarn : Hillary too old? But St. Ronnie was just right?
kesmarn : I can’t believe how utterly, cravenly terrified they are of Hillary. All of them.
funksands : Its all of that “Individual Freedom”. As in me….just me….solo… Everyone else can go f**k themselves.
KillgoreTrout : Well, sillier.
KillgoreTrout : Ha, the other day, FOX put fourth the scare tactic that by 2016, HIllary would be “too old,” for the job! They are desperate. Hilly scares them silly.
AdLib : I think Grimes will win and help the Dems in a big way in retaining the Senate…as well as ridding them of that POS Turtle Head.
glenn : KT–Yes, I meant Clinton when referring to the big dog. I’m assuming you were asking me that question.
funksands : KT *rimshot*
funksands : Yeah, Murph, I’m right there with you.
AdLib : Funk – No surprise really, Repubs are only about what they can get for themselves and trying to take away what everyone else has.
KillgoreTrout : It may just happen. I assume you mean Clinton and his support?
funksands : Clintons are still pretty popular in KY.
kesmarn : “It’s okay if you’re a Republican.” Medicaid can pay your bills. You can sue to keep fracking out of your back yard. Etc., etc…
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk..I have seen that AK legislator interviewed….I wish him ill health…and I am not kidding.
glenn : KT–And, I see the “big dog” went down to campaign for Grimes. How do you think that will “play in KY”?
KillgoreTrout : Christ would be great. I saw him on Maher, and he sees exactly what’s become of the once moderate wing of the GOP.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- I agree…the profile fits…
funksands : Sabreen, its the same mentality that allows an Ark. legislator that got over a million dollars from Medicaid to pay his hospital bills voting to repeal Medicaid expansion in Arkansas.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab…I was “gobsmacked”- that wonderful British term that captures total incredulity.
glenn : Murph–I read that article. However, the saddest part is that, as the writer says, you can’t convince some older people that they are being manipulated and lied to!
kesmarn : Right you are, PPO! Stop the madness!
AdLib : I think Crist will win back FL for Dems, PA and MI are likely takebacks for Dems and Kasich is now in trouble in OH. With just those turnovers, held by 2020, the gerrymandering could be turned around and the Bagger era will abruptly end.
Sabreen60 : Murph, I watched part of Rachel’s show and she did a story of Deal. The guy is sick. He’s got to be a sociopath. I have no other way to explain how he could even consider repealing the law that mandates hospitals treat emergency patients.
kesmarn : Allison Grimes is awesome!
glenn : Kes–that’s a great way to put it! Yes, they are getting meaner! As PPO says, their god didn’t answer their prayers, so they just don’t know where to put themselves!
pinkpantheroz : Kes, they were never really big, just noisy. Now they have little to yell about, maybe the more moderate GOP can regaiin some traction, not that I want that in general, but the insanity has to stop somehow.
kesmarn : I’ve read that article, Murph. That is the profile of the FOX watcher all right.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, and I’d love to see Mitch the Turtle get voted out. That would be a substantial victory in itself.
kesmarn : Interesting.
MurphTheSurf3 : Fox Link «link»
KillgoreTrout : Ad, more dem governors would be great.
funksands : Kes, that is what SPLaw’s opinion is. The hard-core militias aren’t going anywhere, just the casual militia members
pinkpantheroz : Adlib, from your lips……
funksands : Murph try the link again.
kesmarn : glenn, do you think that they are — in effect — getting smaller in numbers but meaner?
KillgoreTrout : Instead of the TPer’s slogan want our country back,” it should be for us, We want our democracy back!, We
funksands : 36 rather. (weird)
AdLib : PPO – Yes, we are locked into this insanity in Congress at least until 2020. And we better get lots of Dem legislatures and governors in many of those purple states by then!
MurphTheSurf3 : Side note: Here is an article on Fox worth reading, really. It describe so many here….in Missouri…subve rted by Fox. «link» .com/2014/02/27/ i_lost_my_dad_to _fox_news_how_a_ generation_was_c aptured_by_thras hing_hysteria/
funksands : The biggest story is that there are <strong> 36 </strong> Governorships up this year. That is a bigger deal in my opinion that Congress right now.
glenn : KT and Kes–I don’t know if it’s a “mellowing” of the teaparty, or it’s that they are showing their true colors out of desperation and people–especial ly independents–ar e completely turned off. Remember, in teabaggers minds, it’s not the message that counts–it’s the messaging. With bills like the one in AZ, and repubs saying that if abortion is legal, then rape should be legal, I think they are shooting themselves in the foot, bigtime! They also can read polls, so, while they may not be at a total loss, they are reacting like cornered animals.
pinkpantheroz : Right on, Funk. Their God didn’t obviously listen to their prayers. How do they reconcile that, I wonder?
kesmarn : Good to hear, KT. Didn’t want you to go MIA on us.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
AdLib : Funk – An analyst explained the decline in hate groups and militias to Obama winning re-election. They saw that most of America isn’t with them and their hatred changed nothing, all for nothing so many lost their enthusiasm.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…again really hope you are on the mark here.
Beatlex : Hey funksands!
kesmarn : Like Romney — they couldn’t believe the election results, funk! They bought those Rasmussen stats!
KillgoreTrout : Kes, absolutely. She doesn’t get into computers, but my brother keeps Internet connection for when he vists and I visit. We even haven have wifi!
funksands : Kes, I think a lot of easily whipped up baggers were stunned when America decided to re-elect a Commie Kenyan Community Organizer. Took the wind right out of them.
pinkpantheroz : The major problem, AdLib, is the gerrymander of districts, done so any idiot can get elected id they’re GOP. It will still be very difficult to move them, dammit!
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I hope you are correct.
kesmarn : KT, just happened to think — does your Mom have a good internet connection??
KillgoreTrout : True Ad, but Syria just ads to all the tensions in that part of the world.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…please take a moment to find the story below regarding Gov. Deal of Ga and his plan to deal with medical costs by stopping the poor from using emergency rooms.
funksands : Hi Glenn, KT, X, Sabreen, Ad, Murph and Pink.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen! I’ve got a bit of an early morning too.
kesmarn : Yea verily.
AdLib : Murph – When election time comes, the Repubs will be getting loud and nasty to whip up turnout for their base and that will sour indies so many close races will have a better likelihood to go for Dems.
funksands : Kes, forsooth.
funksands : Murph, the state-elected baggers know their time is short, they’re going to throw every piece of shit law there is against the wall to see if it sticks before they’re dragged from the statehouses.
kesmarn : funk, that is so cool about the SPLaw finding a drop in militia groups! A really hopeful sign.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…good for you…
glenn : Hey Funk–Hey Sabreen!
KillgoreTrout : funk is in da house!
Beatlex : Hi Sabreen!
AdLib : KT – Yes but Russia isn’t paying much of a price for aiding the holocaust in Syria.
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers! Stopped by to say hi, but I’ve got an early morning.
kesmarn : funk, that is the bottom line!
BTW, I haven’t had a chance to read your latest on MMT yet, but don’t give up on me!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I did not watch one minute of the Sochi Olympics. There was no true Olympic spirit at all this year. IMO.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….please find the story I posted early re. Gov Deal and his plan to solve Georgia’s health care emergency by blocking the poor from emergency services.
funksands : SPLaw Center has reported a huge drop in militia groups over the last year.
MurphTheSurf3 : I am proud to say that I and most of my friends boycotted the winter Olympics from beginning to end…in no small part because of the aggression that is at the heart of Putin’s foreign policy that exists to set the state for the return of a totalitarian and imperialistic Russia (some would say they are already there)….now add in the treatment of gays, the poor in Soshi, and the environment in the mountains while making the Russian Mafia richer and giving Cossacks a chance to pull out their whips….Like I said…I am pissed tonight.
kesmarn : I get the same impression, AdLib. Now that they know that Obamacare isn’t going anywhere, they’re at a total loss.
KillgoreTrout : Definitely kes. The unemployment cuts is a biggie. Thousand of veterans are relying on food stamps.
funksands : Kes, its because Obama won a second term. Takes the heart out of any lazy teaperson.
kesmarn : Hey, funk!
KillgoreTrout : I think Cruz is being muzzled now too. Even the GOPers have had enough of his bullshit.
kesmarn : The shutdown and the SNAP and unemployment cuts, KT.
AdLib : Kes – From much of what I’ve read and heard, the Tea Party is aimless right now and that’s what it sounds like you’re describing. The one thing they had to unite and energize them was fighting Obamacare but they know that’s over now so they have no idea how to enthuse and focus themselves now.
funksands : Evening peeps
kesmarn : I’m just SOOOO glad we don’t have Romney/Ryan at the helm right now…
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, just from people I talk to, and over hear talking. The last shutdown really pissed them off.
KillgoreTrout : The US needs to proceed carefully, for sure. Things could turn into the perfect storm that could ignite WWIII.
kesmarn : Really, KT? You’ve noticed the same “mellowing”?
AdLib : glenn – I don’t know if there will be a net gain for Dems in the House but I do think they will win some of the remaining purple seats away from Repubs but they could lose some bluedog seats. I would think it may be closer to a break even or a couple of seats gained…unless the Repubs pull another crazy stunt around Fall and they may.
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. Putin is a megalomaniac narcissist and they always eventually bite off more than they can chew.
KillgoreTrout : kes, same here too. I’d like to think some of them are having a change of heart.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….from your hopes regarding the Senate I draw some hope..some.
kesmarn : I don’t know if it means anything, but I’ve noticed that the teabaggers around here are much less bellicose and in-your-face than they were maybe a year ago. Don’t know if this is a change in tactics or if they really are having second thoughts.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, there is also the mess in Syria.
AdLib : Kes – Putin has Georgia still rebelling, Chechnya, on and on. Add Ukraine to the list and the sanctions that would follow and Putin is in big trouble. We’ll see what happens but so far, Obama’s steady and measured approaches to international crises have been pretty successful.
KillgoreTrout : kes, no biggie. I have a hard time when things get poppin.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I think it’s a good possibility. A lot of people are sick of the tea bagger’s bullshit.
glenn : BRB
kesmarn : “so” not “do”… what the heck is up with my typing tonight??
glenn : Ad–what do you think about the chances of the Dems gaining more reps in the House?
Beatlex : If the people in the Crimea region want to hitch their wagon to Putin,just let them,B’Bye and good luck
kesmarn : There was an analyst on the news tonight who said that Putin has everything to lose by provoking a conflict with the U.S., do he’d better get to the negotiating table with the Pres and pronto.
AdLib : Murph – I am relatively confident that Dems will hold onto The Senate but in Repub states, I do think we’re going to see deeper retrenching for some time before voters tire of these hate-minded nihilists.
glenn : KT–Yes, some involvement, but not the only ones involved.
KillgoreTrout : We are a member of the UN, so we would have to have some involvement.
kesmarn : Right, glenn. A truly international force that is well-equipped and well-financed by a broad coalition of countries.
glenn : Kes–I agree completely! I think we should be using the UN more to get other countries, and/or the UN to “police” some of these countries.
AdLib : No way should we or will wee get involved militarily in Ukraine. We may offer aid along with the EU but it would be a good investment for our future.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I can try to work something up…frankly I am overwhelmed right now….there is so much happening and little of it is good.
kesmarn : “Considered,” not “Consider” Oops.
KillgoreTrout : No doubt glenn. Good analogy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…your projections re. where states like mine are going reflect my own fears. My state legislature is getting worse and the people are being gulled and cullied into every increasing Obama hate.I am really fearful – looking at the Senate races again….scared, angry, and deeply worried.
kesmarn : My feeling is that there are other developed economies in the world and they can take a share of those “policing” duties that up until now have been consider the job of the U.S>
glenn : KT–spreading democracy at the point of a gun is about the same as “trickle down economics”. Someone always gets pissed off or pissed on!
AdLib : Cheney has no sensible human beings paying attention to him, he gets the attention because the MSM knows it will whip up the Left and the Right. He is meaningless today.
KillgoreTrout : Spreading democracy? Sheeeiit.
KillgoreTrout : glenn that’s one reason the excuse for the Iraq war was such a farce.
kesmarn : Right again, glenn!
AdLib : Murph – There are some directions we can go. Would you be able to work up an article that includes the Deal story and the personal experience you had? We can try promoting to our colleague sites and try to get some momentum behind it.
glenn : Oops–see the money “spent” here at home
KillgoreTrout : I’m with ya glenn.
glenn : Kes–You betcha! As much as I feel for the people in the Crimea, I would much rather see the money spend here at home for OUR children. I am somewhat of an isolationist, and believe that the best way the USA can promote democracy is to practice it here at home. People will never appreciate one’s POV when it’s received at the point of a gun!
AdLib : Murph – I hate to say it but thanks to our sociopathic SCOTUS 5, these Repub-driven states will get to oppress the poor in their state for some time until the situation becomes unmanageable and finally, they are forced by necessity to come on board with expanded Medicaid. As the only states with a declining society due to millions uninsured and sapping hospitals and public health, they will eventually have no choice or else decline economically.
KillgoreTrout : Things are a little tense between Russia and us, lately. Congress would never cut much military spending, if any.
MurphTheSurf3 : AD LIB…do you have some bright ideas regarding how to multiply and magnify the Deal story? This feels like a 47 Percent story to me?
KillgoreTrout : Murph, give the big newspapers a shot. Couldn,’t hurt.
kesmarn : glenn — exactly! We already spend more on the military than the whole rest of the world combined. He just wants to fatten up the Halliiburton profits to the levels they were under Dubya again.
Beatlex : DICK Cheeney is an evil bastard,pure and simple
KillgoreTrout : Pink, would that be a GOB full?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- folks here know I am armed. They also know I know how to shoot. They also know I have a concealed carry permit. They can guess if I am packing!
glenn : Hey PPO–is a gasper a drink?
pinkpantheroz : Sorry! Mouthful!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- if folks like you and I drop this story everywhere we can, at every blog, tweet it, retweet it…..WHO HERE HAS CONTACTS AT ALTERNET OR RAW STORY? This is the GOP in a Nutshell!
glenn : And, then we have the biggest dick of all–Cheney–say ing that the President would rather spend money on food stamps than the military! Shit, I would rather spend money on food stamps than the military! I don’t mean not supporting the troops–many of whom are on food stamps–I mean not buying any more weapons of mass destruction!
pinkpantheroz : grabbing a mothful and a gasper. back soon
KillgoreTrout : Murph, have someone hide your guns for a while.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…I may have confused you…my Mom passed a long time ago, and it is unlikely I will end up in an emergency room (unless I am shot) -what is more dangerous is bottling it up.
kesmarn : I hate to say it but more so in the South, I’m afraid Murph.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT….don’t think I did not think of that…concealed carry is very real here.
KillgoreTrout : Murph how can you a story like that to go national? Maybe call the New York Times and a few other major newspapers.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, I understand you being pissed off mightily, but don’t blow a fuze and end up in the Emergency yourself! Stay around for your Mom. But I love the fact that we can vent on this site and not get the PC police on our asses.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I am as close today to embracing a radical agenda as I have been since the days of the anti war and civil rights movement….ther e is genuine evil afoot in the land.
AdLib : Beatlex – I will put the Badlands on my list!
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely kes.
AdLib : Murph – That is so messed up! I mentioned below, this is all unnecessary suffering wrought on people by the agenda-driven Repub governors and legislatures, just to thwart the black President! Repubs were all for individual mandates and universal care (Romneycare) before the black President pushed it through. Bastards.
glenn : Murph–Sounds like your patience has worn thin. You are truly a good man to help that single mom.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….not only will they blame the mom, and ACA but they will convince everyone around her that it really IS Obama’s fault.
kesmarn : KT, that’s not too far off the mark.
Really, there are some loonies out there.
MurphTheSurf3 : PINK…..the death panels are here and they are staffed by the GOP bastards.
KillgoreTrout : Be careful Murph, some NRA wacko might shoot at you.
kesmarn : I think some of these Southern governors are actually hoping that all the poor will move to other states. But who will clean their toilets and pick their peaches then?
MurphTheSurf3 : FOLLOWUP….TODA Y I got the Mom hooked up with a food pantry, helped her file an appeal for SNAP, and got her the application for CHIP…I also yelled at 5 public service workers for being bastards and lackeys of a fascist state. I thought for sure I was going to get arrested. Like I said…I AM REALLY PISSED OFF TONIGHT.
KillgoreTrout : The GOPers just don’t give a crap about anybody unless there is something to gain for themselves. More republican voters better start waking up.
AdLib : glenn – Deal may get re-elected and other Regressives down there may too but they will not get that emergency room law overturned ever. SO this unworkable BS they’re desperately using to avoid Medicare expansion will eventually blow up in their faces.
kesmarn : It’s interesting that the only time they do the right thing is when there’s a financial advantage to it. E.g., the Brewer veto.
glenn : Murph–And, the r/tp folks will blame your single mom’s lack of insurance on Obamacare!
glenn : Kes–didn’t know that, but that makes his line even better!
Beatlex : AdLib,Go to the Badlands of Drumheller if you ever get the chance,it is like looking at the very distant past when dinosaurs walked the earth
kesmarn : glenn — and I think Cuomo is Catholic!
pinkpantheroz : Hey, Murph, remember the gopers were bleating about ‘Death Panels ‘ under the ACA? Well, isn’t that exact thing they want to do with this situation? Disgusting cretin.
MurphTheSurf3 : Last night I was at my neighborhood grocery store and had a conversation with a single mom who has a an 8 year old with chronic ear infections….Sh e has just lost her SNAP eligibility…WH Y? She took a THIRD JOB WHICH HAS PUT HERE $10 OVER THE ELIGIBILITY LINE AND WILL NOW LOSE $110 A WEEK…and….he r kid lost her insurance because her dad lost his job in a reduction in force to boost profits at his trucking company AND no one has told her about CHIP! Mom makes too little money for the Marketplace and too much for Medicaid (since we do not have the expanded Medicaid). FOLKS, I AM ROYALLY PISSED TONIGHT.
glenn : KT–The sad part is that, here in GA, they will get the votes. Haven’t seen any “pushback” against it yet. However, the good news is that GA was considering a law like AZ’s “religious freedom” bill and another one that “defines” marriage, but both have been shelved in light of the business pushback, both in AZ and here in GA, and also due to Brewer’s veto. Speaking of defining marriage, saw an article re CNN interviewing a Catholic bishop–think it was Cuomo interviewing–an d Cuomo told the bishop that he (meaning the Catholic Church) doesn’t “own” marriage, so the church doesn’t get to define it. Best comeback I’ve heard in a long time!
kesmarn : Yes, it seems to make the possibility of a cochlear implant working more likely, no?
Beatlex : I was glad to read that Smotpoker HEARD something when he went for his examination,That bodes well
AdLib : Hey PPO!
AdLib : Beatlex – Visited Banff, just amazing.
kesmarn : Hey, PPO. Send a few of those 80 degrees up this way!
KillgoreTrout : Hey PPO! G’day!
kesmarn : I have to wonder how many doctors are actually going to be OK with turning away a person who is actually having a heart attack or delivering a preemie baby… Who could do that?
Beatlex : AdLib,where in Alberta?
pinkpantheroz : G’day from 27 degree Melbourne ( Celcius, that is!). a balmy 80degrees F. I’m sure everyone’s totally fed up with winter by now. Stay warm/
AdLib : Beatlex – Visited Alberta years back, many fond memories! SO beautiful!
KillgoreTrout : Do those idiots really think that’s the way to get votes?
kesmarn : I’m speechless, glenn…
glenn : Kes–that’s my guv! Ain’t he a great “deal”?
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…the same thing is happening here in Missouri. The Cape Giradeaux General Hospital is going to set up a Triage Center and airvac everyone to St. Louis…costing far more than the already paid for Medicaid expansion.
Beatlex : Thx Kesmarn,I have lived here for my whole life,so I expect,and am prepared for it
kesmarn : Dear God, Murph! Is he saying that the fact that prompt treatment of serious conditions in the ER is a “bad fact”? What a heartless loon.
AdLib : Murph – I hadn’t heard about that! Deal with The Devil is the phrase that comes to mind with that evil Bagger genuinely wanting people to die who can’t afford health insurance!
glenn : Murph–It has gotten some press in the Atlanta Journal Constitution–th at’s about the only paper I read.
glenn : Murph–and in the meantime, as a result of GA not accepting Obamacare and Medicaid, at least seven public hospitals have closed in the state.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…has this gotten much press….it is an outrage…really …the GOP and the Heart of Darkness.
kesmarn : Beatlex, that makes our mere zero seem tropical. Stay warm!
MurphTheSurf3 : Deal’s Deal….Gov. Nathan Deal has often called on Congress to reconsider the Affordable Care Act. But on Monday evening, he pushed his former Washington colleagues to revisit a separate health care law that fewer politicians openly critique. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act is a 1986 law that requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone who needs it, regardless of citizenship or their ability to pay. It’s provided life-saving care to countless people, but it’s also strained hospital resources and turned emergency rooms into the first stop, instead of a last resort, for some. “If they really want to get serious about lowering the cost of health care in this country, they would revisit another federal statute that has been there for a long time,” Deal told a crowd of dozens at a University of Georgia political science alumni gathering. “It came as a result of bad facts, and we have a saying that bad facts make bad law.”
kesmarn : I should have gone to Costco, AdLib!
They sell everything by the case.
glenn : Murph–just another “compassionate conservative” in the land of dixie! But we can afford another Braves stadium!
MurphTheSurf3 : Here is this night mare of a man’s story….. «link»
AdLib : Kes – Do they sell chips by the pallet?
Beatlex : Kesmarn,Edmonton Alberta,Canada
KillgoreTrout : BRB
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…what is the deal with your Gov. Deal and his plan to get the Reagan’s “emergency rooms must accept really sick people” law repealed as a way of cutting medical costs in your state. Just saw Maddow take it apart.
kesmarn : Beatlex! Where are you!?
KillgoreTrout : Damn Beatlex!
kesmarn : That’s what I did this afternoon, AdLib. Hope there’ll be enough.
AdLib : Beatlex – Holy Frozen Mackeral!
AdLib : Kes – You better stock up in case you’re snowed in!
Beatlex : Adlib,overnight here for me is going to be -29 fahrenheit,-49 with the wind chill F’n BRRR!
MurphTheSurf3 : I am fine.
KillgoreTrout : Howdy Murph!
kesmarn : Hey, Murph!
glenn : Hey Murph–how are you?
kesmarn : I hope so too. She’s a little peanut — 86 pounds — but she can eat!
AdLib : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello..peoples of the light….
glenn : Kes–Is that a good thing that the 12-year-old will be there until spring? Sure hope you stocked up enough!
KillgoreTrout : Her home glenn. She’s been there over 35 years.
kesmarn : glenn, I’m supposed to have the 12 year old Fave here this weekend. If this snow rolls in she may be here until spring.
glenn : KT–Is your mom in her/your family home?
KillgoreTrout : kes, you couldn’t blast her out of that house. She’s there to stay.
glenn : KT–Doing well. Same old, same old.
AdLib : So is everyone here affected by extreme weather this weekend?
KillgoreTrout : Thanks glenn. I will, eventually. Hopefully on time. How are you?
kesmarn : She’s a lucky lady to have someone there for her to allow her to stay at home, KT.
glenn : Kes–Better in GA. It’s cold, but better than snow!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah kes. She’s really excited that I’m coming.
kesmarn : Homie, will you be taking up your caregiver duties starting Wed?
glenn : KT–Hope you make it to Boston.
kesmarn : Hey, glenn. That is entirely possible. But I was kinda kidding about eight-point-oh, since we’ve had so many snowstorms this winter. How’s all in GA?
KillgoreTrout : kes, I have to fly to Boston on wednesday, I hope my flight doesn’t get canceled.
glenn : Kes–Ouch! 8 inches of snow expected?
AdLib : We’ve got that big rainstorm down here but all is well where I am. We need the rain!
kesmarn : Hey, AdLib! Are you finally getting some rain there?
glenn : Hi KT–Hi Kes–good one, Kes!
AdLib : Kes –
kesmarn : Hey, Homie! I stocked up for the expected snowstorm 8.0 this weekend!
KillgoreTrout : Que pasa, Ad
AdLib : Hi Kes!
AdLib : Hey KT!
Beatlex : I missed last week due to illness,my first absence since I came back,HOW are you all?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie! Good one!
kesmarn : Hola, kids. I see that Vlad Putin is putting the crime in the Crimean.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Planet peeps?
KillgoreTrout : Is Putin shootin? You betcha!
AdLib : Hey glenn!
AdLib : Hey Beatlex!
glenn : Hi AdLib, Hi Beatlex. How is everything with you both? Shootin’ Putin!
Beatlex : Adlib,That would be to good for him,a life sentence in Siberia would give him lots of time to think of the error of his ways! At hard labor of course
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Shootin’ Putin!” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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