AdLib : Cheers Murph! Rest well and feel better! Have a great weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : Nice parting thought…thanks .
AdLib : That has to be so frustrating. There’s something there and it can’t be identified…dam n.
AdLib : Murph – It is tough when surrounded with so much negativity but you have prevailed over it with all your great work.
MurphTheSurf3 : Docs…every test is negative….so I am back where I started. I am going to work on my conditioning and see what happens.
MurphTheSurf3 : As you have pointed out before…living in Misery, my outlook is jaundiced.
AdLib : Great, look forward to seeing more of you over the weekend. Hope you’re feeling better and that there’s been some progress with docs.
AdLib : Murph – I don’t know, I see Repubs as far more greedy and power hungry than that. And…do they really concede the balance of the SCOTUS over to the Dems? I don’t think so. They may want Dems to think they don’t care about the WH but it all sounds like sour grapes to me. They can’t win so they say they don’t want it anyway, they tout their control over the House but they lost seats in 2012 and I think we’ll see more of that in 2014…making it possible for Dem control of Congress and the WH in 2016. So, I am optimistic but I think these are more likely than less likely possibilities.
MurphTheSurf3 : As always I hope you are correct….ok… I have kept you after hours long enough. Thanks for filling me in. Hope to spend some time at the Planet this weekend. I have been very busy.
AdLib : Murph – I confess to being an optimist but I hope I’m a realistic one. There simply isn’t a good reason for a non-Repub to vote Repub anymore. And since their only plan is to run against the ACA…which by Nov 2014 will be well established and widely approved…I don’t see how they prevail.
MurphTheSurf3 : I don’t think the GOP is planning on winning the Presidency- the party cannot pull off a national win- so they need another McCain, Romney, so that is why I choose Ryan…..what they plan to do is control the House forever and the Senate every now and again.
AdLib : Good to hear that the investigations are guaranteed to go to fruition but as you say, the Feds are on this now so it’s beside the point and only damaging to Christie if he tries to block more investigation.
AdLib : That’s the thing, no one could come up with a Repub nom that could possibly be a contender against Hillary. Paul Ryan has as much charisma and crossover appeal as a mosquito bite. Who in the GOP could possibly appeal and energize moderate voters?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- you are always the optimist and I must admit that you are more often correct than not….I think you outscore me in general.
MurphTheSurf3 : Yeah..the new leaders of the State Assembly have already announced that they will fully endorse the investigations now going on for the reasons you list…..I think even if the subpoena power had been removed….the federal investigation is just revving up.
AdLib : Murph – I don’t know, I don’t think the odds or momentum favors Repubs in 2014. After shutting down the government and with the conflicts ahead, I think Dems are in a better position to hold the Senate. They may not win back the House but I think they’ll gain seats.
MurphTheSurf3 : so who did you all come up with?
AdLib : Murph – Wish you had been here earlier, nope, no one mentioned that. But it’s all folly because this scandal is now a national issue and bringing in a more favorable Legislature that whitewashes it will only boomerang worse on Christie. What was mentioned is how much his “I am not a bully!” sounds like Nixon’s “I am not a crook.” And we all know how true such statements seem to be.
MurphTheSurf3 : As you know my focus is on 2014 and how we keep the GOP from taking the Senate….I think the odds favor them…as to 2016…..Hillary vs. ???? I think Ryan is a real possibility.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sorry I missed it….did you all talk about Christie trying to run out the clock on this session of the legislature in the expectation that his people who will lead the next one would squash the subpoenas?
AdLib : The big unanswered question tonight was, if Christie is out as most of us seemed to think, who could win the 2016 Repub nom?
AdLib : The discussion was great, mainly about Christie’s dooming himself and the press failing to nail him down at the press conference because it’s to their corporations’ advantage to have a closely contested Hillary/Christie race in 2016 (which ain’t gonna happen!).
MurphTheSurf3 : Yep…State Senator (and leader of the Democratic majority in the NJ State Senate)
AdLib : Yep, the Right just can’t regain any credibility. The Rep is the leader of the state legislature, isn’t she?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ok sounds we were all on the same page. How was the discussion overall tonight?
MurphTheSurf3 : The Rep. for the town is one of the biggest Christie foes…she is one tough lady…and now Buono is having the satisfaction of saying, told ya so.
AdLib : He also looks like a big fat coward, throwing everyone in his Admin overboard to bailout himself. What an unprincipled reptile.
MurphTheSurf3 : Agreed. Did you find the efforts from the right to try to link Obama to Christie- you know, Benghazi, IRS, Climategate whatever….fall en flat especially because so many on the right hate Christie.
AdLib : Murph – No, didn’t hear that! It sounds very damning! We did discuss Maddow’s proposition that this may all have been about his battle with Dems on NJSC justices and that the bridge shutdown happened the day after a big confrontation over it.
MurphTheSurf3 : I agree with the consensus. Either he gave the orders, or he put into place a climate of intimidation, or he chose really bad people, or his staff felt free to sneak around, or he could not ferret out the truth….or …..there are no “ors” in which he looks good.
AdLib : How do you rebound from displaying dishonesty, feigned ignorance and an atmosphere of vindictive law breaking? So we want a President who either doesn’t know what his entire cabinet is doing or does but lies about it? Neither choice is a winner.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib, did anyone talk about the mayor of Jersey City who this morning reported that after telling the CC campaign he was endorsing Buono had ALL of his calendared appointments with state officials canceled for two months. More of that on the way.
AdLib : The consensus tonight seemed to be that Christie has destroyed his chances even if many aren’t paying attention today. He’s positioned himself as a liar (since his conversation with Cuomo disputes his Sgt. Schultz impression, “I know Nothing!”) And he’s proven to create an admin of corrupttion around him.
MurphTheSurf3 : What did the gang have to say about CC of NJ
MurphTheSurf3 : We had 13 inches of snow, subzero for two days and in the single digits for two more, rained here today and it is 42 degrees
AdLib : Very cool to hear about the ACA! Great work on your contributions to that, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad….fine….AC A is moving along in Mo. now…..AND I just wanted to see what the lowdown here was re. Christie of NJ
AdLib : Did you bear up okay under the Vortex?
AdLib : Hey Murph, was just closing the Vox bar for the night. How are you doing?
MurphTheSurf3 : I see there are, including smotpoker,funksa nds, and the inimitable Ad Lib
MurphTheSurf3 : Is anyone still here?
AdLib : Funk – It’s very appreciated. As you can see from tonight, we’ve got some fantastic new members here who will enjoy them as well! Exciting game, glad you’ll be enjoying it so much with the kids! Night pal!
funksands : Thank you! I’ll keep an eye out for it for sure. Going to watch the big game tomorrow. My kids are excited about it for some reason though they don’t know a damn thing about football. Night Ad.
AdLib : WOW! Fantastic!!! Congrats on the biz and all my best wishes! And I’m drooling at the prospect of all those articles! Have a big sociological piece I’m working out that I think you’ll find interesting too.
funksands : MMT will be first. Followed by Iceland and the Bankruptcy Bill.
funksands : I’d really like to do my part to keep up the traction the site has gained over the last few weeks.
funksands : I am launching the new independent business on Monday. Been preparing it for a while now. The next 6 months are going to be busier than I’ve ever been. Really looking forward to it. I’m signing off every site but this one until June. Look for some good articles over the next few weeks. Iceland, Nazis, Drones, Local town legal challenges, Ethic in Energy, 2005 Bankruptcy bill, Modern Monetary Theory. Bam!
AdLib : Good point and I will catch up and watch that episode (missed it last night but have it recorded!).
AdLib : Funk – The one wild card is how insistent Dems are on her leaning over to the Progressive side. She could be a likely one-termer if she overplayed her hand. Americans may want to make history with her but if she wins the WH but alienates Dems while keeping Repubs madly against her…who knows?
funksands : Ad, go back and watch the opening of John Stewart last night. He really nailed it. The day most Dems accept that real change is going to come from the bottom up is the day the put a 20 year run on the GOP. I’ll be retired by then, but that is the nature of what we have to do. The Birchers did it. We can do it.
AdLib : Funk – Right, she would bring the “common sense” of “balancing” what’s best for Wall Street and main street…which means keeping the inequality balanced on the shoulders of the 99%. Not my top choice for the Presidency but compared to whatever Repub alternative there would be…not even close.
funksands : Too many of the “old school” around her. She might surprise me though. She’s not her husband, which is to her credit.
AdLib : Very cool, Funk. Nice to hear!
funksands : It was utter madness, but terrific. We left town last Christmas so we really made up for it this year.
funksands : Ad, I am with you about Hillary. I think she would stall the nearly invisible progress we’ve made in the areas of the economy / Wall St. / inequality
AdLib : Funk – It was a non-stop, hectic but loads of fun holidays here. Thanks for asking. Yes, Santa was great, brought her a camera! How was your Christmas?
AdLib : Fergie1 – I think you’ll find that Hillary isn’t well described as a Progressive but yes, best to do more research then less on her.
funksands :
Fergie1 : I unfortunately am now Funk!
funksands : Ad, how were your holidays? Santa good to your daughter?
funksands : As you should
funksands : Fergie, you in Melbourne?
Fergie1 : Thanks Funk. I thought that I had read just about everything pertinent to Hillary at this stage. I’ll do some more research. Not that I don’t believe the wise sources here tonight! I just like to do more digging in relation to this!
AdLib : Nite Fergie1! Have a great weekend!
funksands : Night Fergie! Stay cool!
AdLib : Fergie – I think the reason her belonging to a Dominionist cult didn’t come up was that Obama wasn’t the kind of person who would attack someone on their religious beliefs and also, Obama probably didn’t want to throw rocks from the glass house of the Rev. Wright stuff…though Hillary’s nasty campaign tried to bury him with Rev. Wright.
Fergie1 : I’m going to have to sign off now. Thanks for a good discussion and the laughs! Glad to see that the Polar Vortex has moved but not happy that the residuals could be hitting Ireland and the UK! Nite all:)
AdLib : True, O’Malley is not Mr. Charisma. Maybe someone runs though, not expecting to win but to promote their Progressive views and becomes a surprising competitor?
funksands : Fergie, no worries. It’s not common knowledge.
funksands : Very true.
AdLib : And Bill Clinton won because most name Dems thought the year was unwinnable against Bush after he “won” the Gulf War. So it’s worked for the Clintons, it could work against them.
funksands : O’Malley and “fire” are not synonymous. I think he’s a solid candidate though.
Fergie1 : I will have to read more on Hillary and her religious connections to make a more cogent decision on that. How come it didn’t come out in the 2008 Primaries etc. Some of these connections are politically motivated but as I say, I will withold any more thoughts on that for now.
AdLib : Funk – Warren’s been very plain about not running and I don’t think it’s the right time for her but maybe another Dem like O’Malley runs, just to raise their profile and name recognition…an d somehow, catches fire if Hillary stumbles. No one thought Obama had a chance…
funksands : I think Hillary has changed a bit since 2008. Just not enough for my tastes.
funksands : I’d love to see Warren run, just to pull the tone of the conversation where it needs to be.
AdLib : Funk – That’s why I’m thinking that it may not be as good for Dems if Hillary runs than if she doesn’t. She could afford to be the pro-corporatist she and Bill are and not care that most Dems don’t like that…because they’ll vote for her anyway.
funksands : Ad, she wins the nomination if she runs. I’d love a big field to really push her, but I don’t think it will happen. Though of course everyone said that in 2008 too….
AdLib : CL – Thanks for the update, CL! Glad to hear it! Rest well this weekend!
choicelady : funk – I love Biden. I’m not sure he’d be a great president, but I prefer him. That may be personality talking, but he’s a pretty good guy.
Fergie1 : Good Night PPO. Take care and stay out of the heat next week!
funksands : Night Choice, night Sabreen, not far behind you.
AdLib : Does anyone here think it’s possible for Hillary to stumble in the Dem primary and fall to another Dem? Or is she bulletproof for Dems if she runs?
Sabreen60 : Oh, it’s after midnight in my neck of the woods. I’m out to. Take care everyone and hope to see you soon.
choicelady : I think I’m signing off, too – it’s been a very powerful and busy week. Still no word AdLib, but people ARE reviewing HOPE. Or so they say. I will talk with more folks next week.
funksands : Its Biden who won’t run if Hillary runs.
Sabreen60 : Night Pink.
AdLib : Seeya PPO! Have a great day!
choicelady : Good afternoon PPO – enjoy your weekend! Great having you here.
funksands : Night Oz!
funksands : Sabreen, you have to be a comparative voter in federal elections. You have the luxury of being an objective voter the more local an election becomes.
pinkpantheroz : Well, thank you everybody for a great chat. I’m signing off now. Have a good weekend, everybody.
choicelady : AdLib – I think we have some cool folks on the 9th Appellate and a couple of other courts. I hardly am an expert on who’s who, but I know we don’t get progressive rulings from those who have not been immersed in the law. We can get support, sure – but not progress.
funksands : Her campaign was run by the head of Burson-Marstella r. Say no more
AdLib : CL – I’m fine with it being a sitting judge but as you say, not looking for a back bencher.
choicelady : Sabreen – spot on, thanks. I agree.
Sabreen60 : Pink, In order to be a Democrat in the Party you are suppose to believe in the Democratic Principles. We are not like the Republicans. We can not care for a Democrat, but we are not purists. At least most of are not. So no, I don’t like everything about Hillary. She’s a little to hawkish for me. But she’s better than any Repub I’ve seen thus far.
choicelady : AdLib – well of course I want GOOD lawyers!!! But with the constitutional issues that arise, I do want someone with real intellectual and experiential legal background. It’s very important. You can always get doofuses. But you don’t move good policy without knowing the Constitution inside and out.
AdLib : Booker is actually a corporate Dem and a weak candidate. Don’t look for him to run.
choicelady : PPO – In a two party system, you kinda have to take what you get.
AdLib : CL – I don’t know, Scalia and Thomas are lawyers and they isntead use that instead of common sense and an understanding of humanity and reason to twist their decisions into having legal grounds. I don’t agree that a lawyer needs to be a great SCOTUS judge.
Sabreen60 : Funk, I’m not thrilled with Corey.
choicelady : funk – NO to Brooks. Too corporate!
pinkpantheroz : Ah, Choice and all, here we see the sad dilemma facing us all. We don’t neccessarily like out candidates, but we’ll vote for them anyway! Puts a mirror to us all, both sides of the aisle, doesn’t it?
choicelady : Sabreen – I don’t think she CAN be a member because she’s female, but she is close to them. How much that endures I don’t know. But it’s worrisome.
choicelady : Fergie – she has ties, deep ties, to “The Family”, Doug and David Coe who are the “C Street” people. It’s in Jeff Sharlet’s book, “The Family” that everyone should read. Totally scary stuff about the hidden players on the religious right. These are people you rarely hear from and are far more powerful than the ones you DO know – and she made Doug Coe her personal pastor. NOT a good thing.
funksands : Don’t count out Corey Booker running either. Wouldn’t surprise me. Cuomo is thinking about it, but will come to his senses.
Sabreen60 : Fergie, Hillary was a member of The Family. Probably still is.
AdLib : PPO – I think that when you consider the egos of both Hillary and Bill, it seems an inescapable conclusion that she will run. They both would want her to be the first woman President and Bill wants to be back making decisions in the WH. It all seems a charade, her “indecisiveness “. All the baggage against her is mostly decades old and boring to the public. They would be far more focused on electing the first woman President I think.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s why I said ‘easily’. And if Harry does away with the filibuster as he has threatened, then…all doors are open. I do think judges need legal background and a solid one. I’m no more fond of the ‘citizen judge’ than the ‘citizen Congressperson’ . You can see how well THAT is working out – baggers who’ve never held any office are dumb as bricks. Even liberals need some experience.
funksands : I am 100% certain she’ll run. I’d bet money on it.
Fergie1 : CL, Hillary’s “religious conservatism”? I must have missed that memo!
Sabreen60 : I’ll vote for Hillary over any Repub. But I’d rather O’Malley – he doesn’t have the name recognition – or Deval Patrick, who would have to be crazy to run.
funksands : Mike O’Malley will run if Hillary doesn’t. Hell Jerry Brown will run if she doesn’t.
funksands : Choice, you have stated my view of her exactly
pinkpantheroz : Funk, I’m with you on that, but plans sould be made for an alternative.
funksands : Ad, that’s one reason why Ruth has held on for so long (plus she loves it).
Fergie1 : PPO, I agree. I honestly do not think that Hillary will run.
choicelady : PPO – I dislike Hillary for a lot of reasons. Not enough NOT to vote for her if she’s nominated, but I agree we need to consider who ELSE is out there. The baggage she carries in my book is her corporatism and her religious conservatism. But if she’s nominated, I will vote for her.
funksands : Ad, very true.
funksands : Oz, you could be right. But I think that she really really wants it. Cooler heads may prevail. I’m not particularly excited about her candidacy, but will gladly vote for her over any GOP opponent
AdLib : CL – Not true, SCOTUS nominations are still open to filibuster.
choicelady : Sabreen – I could definitely live with that! I have watched him closely, and he is very solid on Constitutional issues.
AdLib : CL – There is a history of great SCOTUS’s not being lawyers. It’s not a prerequisite and considering the SCOTUS we have, might be a better idea.
pinkpantheroz : Maybe it is time for common sense to rear its unwelcome head.. What I mean is that very little thought seems to have surfaced so far on the Democratic side of the aisle as to who the candidate might be if Hilary doesn’t run. Everyone, including the GOP/TP are scrambling to cope with her supposed scenario, but I don’t think, honestly, that she will run. Too many alleged scandals, an awful lot of baggage and, of course, Benghazi. Add Bubba as a backdrop and it could be a very turbulent time, with no confidence of a win. Anyway, Thats my view.
Sabreen60 : Hee hee. If you really want to see RWNJs go completely wacko, PBO could appoint Eric Holder.
choicelady : AdLib – they can’t filibuster nominations so easily any more. And if Harry does what he’s threatened, the filibuster on ALL issues is about to die. That makes a huge difference!
funksands : Any GOP President will start nominating 30 year-olds to the Supreme Court
AdLib : But I would think the Repubs in the Senate would filibuster ANY SCOTUS nominee Obama put up to block the shift from right to left majority.
choicelady : AdLib – we have a LOT of good judicial candidates. We have only one of her in the Senate. I think that’s where SHE wants to be. She is NOT a lawyer. That makes a considerable difference I think. She knows her strengths – the Senate is it.
funksands : Thanks!
choicelady : funk – his name is Ben Wagner. He prosecuted guys from Spokane who did bank robberies in CA to fund their Aryan Nation efforts. He’s brought down loads of RW extremists and done it brilliantly. He has protected many groups impacted by hate crimes here in the Easter District of CA. I think the world of him.
AdLib : CL – Doesn’t have to be Warren but she would have far more power there than in The Senate. Just to get a 5-4 Progressive majority on the SCOTUS…we would finally see light at the end of the tunnel for reversing plutocracy and corporate personhood.
choicelady : Good night Bealex – take care of yourself! Make sure it’s not flu – this year’s stuff is nasty. Get thee to a doc if you have a fever. Be well soon!
funksands : Name?
Sabreen60 : Night Beatlex. Take care.
funksands : Choice, who is it?
choicelady : AdLib – ahhhh. Music to my ears. But maybe not Warren who is perfect where she is. My money is on MY US Attorney who is marvelous. He is the best guy I’ve ever worked with – superb on corporate corruption, and a bull dog on hate crimes and civil liberties. He’s wonderful. I backed his candidacy for US Attorney, and I’m over the moon he got it. He’s simply incorruptible and a funny, nice, humane person.
AdLib : Night Beatlex, it’s going around and quite nasty so please take care of yourself!
Sabreen60 : CL, Wouldn’t that be great!
funksands : Night X, hope you feel better!
AdLib : Funk – Man, if she was the deciding vote on issues and writing decisions…that would be amazing!
Beatlex : Early night for me,i have cold symptoms,and must get the Cold FX regimen to work.Goodnight everyone.Christi e is toast,and the R’s are in disarray,its all good
funksands : Ad, THAT’s where I’d love to see Elizabeth Warren ascend to.
Sabreen60 : Nite KT.
AdLib : CL – That’s what I wake up each morning hoping to hear, “Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has apparently been abducted by aliens from another galaxy. President Obama sadly bids farewell to a great Justice (not revealing which Justice he was referring to) and appoints Elizabeth Warren to the Supreme Court to fill Scalia’s seat.”
choicelady : Sabreen – I’m not sure they can hold the House. There are several good challengers in a number of districts that are less Red than the GOP thought. It’s all on GOTV. That matters a lot!
pinkpantheroz : BTW, KT, don’t fuus about jinxes. Shows how alike we think, even comedywise! G’night
Fergie1 : You’ve got that right Ad. It’s all about control and power.
choicelady : AdLib – I SO want one of the old croakers to croak on the Supreme court – one of the conservatives. Without the filibuster, we would get a good justice and change everything.
AdLib : Night KT!
funksands : X, let’s hope so. I hope that particular war lasts a long long time. What interesting is that there is now a third faction that in play that’s splintered off. Now we have the coporatists, the baggers, and the libertarians. I love it.
AdLib : Sabreen – Nope, as long as he left that job before announcing a campaign, he can stay on air.
Sabreen60 : Funk, I think that’s a good point. And with all the redistricting, it’s very possible they will hold the House. Everything Repubs haven’t been able to accomplish in Congress they’ve had good success in Red states.
Beatlex : See You tomorrow Killgore!!
AdLib : Funk – When it comes to greedy, power-obsessed billionaires, I do think they care about controlling the WH.
choicelady : Beatlex – GOOD. Let the party rip apart. They earned it.
funksands : Night KT!
Beatlex : The Republicans HATE Cruz Funk,the mainstream ones.it will tear the party apart IMO
pinkpantheroz : Goodnight, KT, Looking forward to getting the ears on tomorrow.
Fergie1 : Cheerio and G’nite KT. Take good care! Look forward to the Music Thread.
choicelady : KT – good night! Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow.
choicelady : funk – I’m no sure the Bagger hold on states is that strong. Look at Ohio – they took up Medicaid and have backed off trying to kill unions as much. It’s not working for them, and a number of local races look vulnerable EVEN in redistricted areas.
KillgoreTrout : Well folks, I’m going to call it a night. Hope to see you on the music thread tomorrow Have a great weekend everybody.
funksands : I like a good show.
Beatlex : Choicelady,indee d Wheeeeee!!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, But isn’t it something that Newtie has a job on CNN?
choicelady : funk – I do think he’s so extremist, so wedded to End Times that yes, he will blow up. Get out the flack jackets. It’s gonna be a big blow when it comes.
funksands : Ad, I wonder if they really care? They’ve got exactly what they want by controlling the majority of statehouses and congressional districts. Maybe that’s good enough.
AdLib : CL – Newtie is so done, hard to imagine Sheldon sticking with him instead of finding a new ventriloquist dummy.
choicelady : Beatlex – I think the GOP/TP alliance was supposed to be good but has become a horror. The older GOP thought they could control Baggers. They cannot. It’s a huge mistake they made – wheeee!
funksands : Choice, totally agreed on Cruz. He’s the dangerous one. No compunction. A complete predator. He’s the guy I worry about. I don’t know enough about the guy to know whether he’ll implode himself.
Beatlex : Yeah Funk,but if the R’s keep going the way they are,that might be in doubt,at least in 2016
AdLib : I wonder if Citizens United may continue to twist itself into a noose around the GOP’s neck. If wealthy Repubs keep backing puppets to represent them…and who appeal to no one but the GOP lemmings, might they never win the WH again for many years to come?
choicelady : Sabreen – Rubio no, but Cruz’s father is a slavering Dominionist, and that has traction. It makes a major difference in his ‘acceptability ‘ with the religious right.
Sabreen60 : HERE IS -+- one more of these typos and I quit.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen because they think they are sooo qualified.
funksands : X: The House of Representatives
Beatlex : So what did the R’s really gain by getting in bed with the t-bags in 2010? The party is in disarray,It’s all good
funksands : Choice, I sure hope so!
choicelady : AdLib – you don’t think Sheldon will try to get Newtie to run again do you?
Sabreen60 : But hears the thing: Rubio and Cruz are feriners, too. RWNJs are so against immigration mainly because of Hispanics, why would Rubio and Cruz think RWers would accept them.
KillgoreTrout : Oh a reverse birther coalition.
choicelady : AdLib – I am pretty sure Jindal would never set foot in Los Angeles – sin, corruption, scandals. Oh wait – that’s HIS state’s claim to fame. Never mind.’
AdLib : Funk – And Sheldon’s gonna need a new errand boy in 2016!
funksands : Ad, Gingrich showed us the way in 2012. Find a billionaire and stay in the race the whole way. Super-crazy candidates don’t need the RNC
choicelady : KT – I think both his parents were from India where PBO’s mom was from Kansas.
AdLib : CL – Heh! Jindal would get laughed out of Los Angeles if he tried to run for office here! It is confusing to say LA, know what you mean!
KillgoreTrout : Damn! jinx again!
choicelady : KT – Jinx!
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, he’s also a feriner.
choicelady : Sabreen – and he is definitely a furriner even tho he was born here, too.
AdLib : Funk – I’m not one to get overconfident, I will keep my powder dry for when the 2016 Repub Nom field is concrete but my bet at this point is that it will be a greater trainwreck than the 2012 field.
Sabreen60 : I find it hard to believe that the RWNJs would get behind Jindal. Hell he’s darker that PBO. I know he thinks he’s better, but if they’ve lost their cookies over PBO I really don’t think a majority would get behind Jindal.
choicelady : AdLib – I keep having problems when you mention LA thinking you mean Los Angeles, and it’s VERY confusing!
funksands : Ad, it literally will be Thunderdome. Mainstreamers like Boehner see it coming and are helpless to stop it.
AdLib : CL – Jindal’s approval ratings are among the lowest of any Governor. He’s a disaster in LA.
choicelady : KT – I was in my drugstore this afternoon with a lot of people getting prescriptions that CLEARLY were because they finally had health coverage. They were SO HAPPY!
AdLib : Funk – Excellent point! What we may see are Repubs frothing at the mouth so much with Obama in the WH and Hillary campaigning, that they no longer become understandable in interviews and the RW attacks are just a lot of drooling and spitting.
choicelady : funk – even so…
choicelady : funk – oh that’s cool! REALLY cool. Could not happen to a more deserving weasel than Jindal.
Sabreen60 : Good night kes! Take care.
funksands : EDIT Sorry 47-40%
funksands : Jindal trails Hillary in Louisiana by 47 points. *ouch*
KillgoreTrout : I think by 2016, Obamacare will be a huge success.
choicelady : funk – no matter what, PBO is a job creator with all the RW media cranking up in hysteria. Good for the economy even as it’s sucko for politics.
AdLib : Funk – My point is, before anyone is running against Hillary, they have to win the RW Repub vote. I really can’t see Baggers and other RW Repubs voting for a Repub who supported Obamacare while so many other candidates are shouting about how they will repeal it.
Sabreen60 : Funk, That’s what I mean. He’ll be free to run in 2016. Just like Palin and Newt Gingrich made running for Prez a money maker.
choicelady : AdLib – what happened to Jindal? I’ve been very out of the loop.
KillgoreTrout : Jindal is just creepy!
Fergie1 : Good Nite kes! Take care.
funksands : Can you imagine how much the RWing EnterOutrage Complex will clean out their viewers/listener s/readers in 2016? With Obama as President the same time Hillary is running? My God! National GDP will jump 3% on RWing screed alone!!!!! It’s going to be utter lunacy!
AdLib : Night Kes!
choicelady : kes – I’m sorry the bloody mary has knocked you out. Great having you here – sweet dreams! And yes – thank God we don’t live in Joisy.
AdLib : Funk – Very happy about that weasel Jindal crashing and burning! Instantaneous Combustion seems to be the preferred method for campaigning for the GOP Nom.
KillgoreTrout : Night Homie. Sip that Bloody Mary.
funksands : Night Kes!
funksands : Sabreen, Rick Scott will be retired in a little over a year from now. Free to defraud someone else somewhere else.
KillgoreTrout : Very true funk. I hope someone other than Hillary gets the nom, but it would be funny if she won. GOPTP heads exploding all across the country!
kesmarn : Well, kids, UPS has just delivered a Bloody Mary here, so I think it’s time to call it a night. Y’all have a wonderful weekend and thank God if you don’t live in NJ.
choicelady : Fergie – I think Gates’ book isn’t as snarky as the Woodward interview. I went to HS with Bob Woodward. He was BMOC, considered very ‘cute’, but was never considered smart. He was a con job all the way. He did ONE GOOD THING with his life, then he reverted to spoiled, privileged white rich kid. Never recovered from the adulation over Watergate. Now he just LIES.
funksands : You think they hate Obama? They’ve had 20 years to prepare for the Hillary campaign
Sabreen60 : How about Rick Scott? He’s real good with health insurance
funksands : They would vote for ANYONE against Hillary
kesmarn : Sorry, Sabreen….
I forgot to add crying to that description…
AdLib : Funk – Do you think the GOP base would elect a Republican that supports Obamacare?
choicelady : Sabreen – me, too!!!
Sabreen60 : kes
Now I’ll have that picture in my head all night.
choicelady : kes – Boehner doing that puts a whole new spin on the saying “Begin as you mean to go on.” Yowza
funksands : aaaand without the temper and the “relax-fit”
Fergie1 : Maybe Robert Gates will run. He’s written a book – usually a forerunner to a Presidential bid these days. And what timing, although disgraceful.
KillgoreTrout : Too funny kes!
funksands : Ad, he’s Christie without the baggage. Watch him.
kesmarn : Boehner could start out his administration the way Nixon ended his — wandering drunk in the WH talking to the portraits…
choicelady : Beatlex – yup. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh.
KillgoreTrout : Does it come with free boxes of Kleenex?
funksands : How about Bobby Jindal having the worst approval rating of any Governor in America? How the nearly mighty have fallen
AdLib : Funk – Really? Sandoval isn’t well known by the GOP base. AND…he supported the ACA. How do you win the GOP nomination with that hanging around your neck?
Beatlex : Choicelady….AA AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
KillgoreTrout : Uh Oh. Just the place for Boehner.
choicelady : Beatlex – there’s still Neal Bush. God help us all…
kesmarn : Maxi-bar would be in order for Johnny B.
choicelady : KT – the WH comes with a FULL BAR.
Beatlex : AdLib,is America ready for the bottom of the Bush barrel?
choicelady : kes – If we kept him greased, he could do it. He never says anything worth noting, so he’s perfect.
KillgoreTrout : kes, does the whitehouse come with a mini bar?
kesmarn : They should run Boehner!
KillgoreTrout : Not a chance of another shrub in the whitehouse.
choicelady : AdLib – I think even the GOP is not ready for a third Bush. And he has major baggage for diddling the Medicare system – there are fraud issues there.
funksands : Look for Brian Sandoval to seriously explore as well
kesmarn : And they’d only have to pull out that prank tape of the phony Koch brother schmoozing Walker on the phone to Palinize him.
AdLib : So…Jeb Bush to the rescue?
AdLib : Beatlex – Christie was still likely toast even without the scandals for hugging Obama during the 2012 election. The Baggers hate him and they hold the most sway over the primaries. Rubio is such a minor league amateur, he doesn’t stand a chance in the spotlight.
choicelady : KT – LOL!
kesmarn : Good one, KT!
choicelady : Beatlex – Scott Walker is very close to an indictment. He’s in big trouble for corruption prior to his becoming governor.
Fergie1 : Agree Ad re Rubio. I just mentioned him to demonstrate what a low caliber they have to choose from! May as well run Mitch or Boehner and get it over with!
Beatlex : Funksands LOL Rubio is out of his element running for President!
KillgoreTrout : OOOH kes, Liar Suction!
choicelady : kes – now that’s an interesting thought. Why would anyone accept fat from someone else though? Must be corruption here someplace…
funksands : Ad, Rubio has a constant “what the hell am I doing here?” look on his face
choicelady : Fergie – I’m not saying Rubio can’t fool the Baggers – but I don’t think he can convince mods and certainly NOT Latinos! He’s CUBAN fer crying out loud and the antagonisms there are HUGE.
Beatlex : So who is left if Cristie is toast? Rubio? LOL he says the war on poverty has been a failure.There are millions of seniors on medicaid who would disagree with him,he’s a lightweight.Rand ?? BAH-HAHAHAHAA! Scott Walker perhaps?
kesmarn : Maybe Christie was a donor and Huckabee was the recipient on a fat transplant, CL?
Sabreen60 : I read a headline somewhere (didn’t read the article) but Cruz is no longer a states right kinda guy. He’s all for the fed government.
Fergie1 : Cl, agree re Rubio. But I doubt the American electorate will remember his “gulp” moment. A high percentage of baggers can’t remember what day it is or how to spell!
AdLib : Fergie – Rubio is such a disaster, he has everyone against him now including the RW. Don’t think he’ll make it.
choicelady : kes – The Huckster has put back all the weight first he and now Christie has lost. Not photogenic anymore.
funksands : Walker will likely run too.
KillgoreTrout : I think Santorum has learned his lesson about running for prez. He’s too far out for a lot of republicans.
funksands : Oh and Lord Denethor is probably going to run too.
kesmarn : Oh yeah, Huckabee’s gearing up already.
AdLib : Sabreen –
That would be historic if Hillary was the candidate of both parties!
choicelady : KT – Cruz reminds me of a very bad student I once had. I hope he runs – his father’s Dominionist extremism will kill him dead. Both he and Rand were ‘anointed’ at the same event – so we may ultimately have Cain and Abel. I’m not betting on which is which.
funksands : I bet Ryan will run. I bet Paul will run. Others? Christie, Santorum, and watch for Huckabee!
kesmarn : I know, CL. In baseball they say a team has a “deep bench,” but the GOP only has a deep bench of lunatics.
Fergie1 : Ha Ha Kes, those are funny! Cruz, Paul, Ryan? Someone help us if any of those lightweights get the job of Commander in Chief!
choicelady : Fergie – Rubio will never be a good speaker. He looks like a doe caught in the headlights. He will never live down the Big Gulp swill on camera. He’s too much the buffoon AND he keeps reversing himself on points of policy. He’s just an empty suit.
AdLib : CL – Right! A number of “Progressives” on MSNBC were doing the same thing before “Christiemania ” came to town. I think it’s all self-interest, these professional pundits can’t help but fall into the “I need to make myself standout from the other pundits more!” mentality. Like many actors, behind the on-camera persona, many of these pundits are more about being celebrities and maintaining that status than anything else.
KillgoreTrout : Then there is always “I am a genius Cruz!”
funksands : KT, ooooooh yeah.
KillgoreTrout : I bet a lot of Mormon heads are exploding about now!
funksands : Rubio is the political world’s biggest lightweight. He is vaporous.
choicelady : kes – I hope any one of those or even Big Gulp Rubio. They are all horrible.
Fergie1 : Ad, anyone’s guess re Repub nominee. At this stage, they need to find an unknown entity and use a heck of a lot of dollars making him/her (?) well known! Rubio might go for it.
funksands : There’s no where to run Utah. You’re cooked!
choicelady : funk – THAT was wonderful from the Administration!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I almost said Hillary to your question. But that’s not right
KillgoreTrout : Good news funk. Equal means equal.
choicelady : KT – yes a judge did halt the marriages. It’s going higher up the court chain.
kesmarn : It’s really hard to guess who they’ll run in 2016, AdLib. Paul Ryan? Ted Cruz? Rand Paul?
choicelady : Sabreen – Yup. that’s our Ezra.
funksands : KT, yes, but in a delicious update, the Feds said they’ll honor all of the marriages for tax and legal purposes HA!
choicelady : funk – I am over the moon that a federal judge first decided that polygamy was legal THEN a judge said same sex marriages were. TOTALLY turns around the argument that same sex marriage lead to polygamy. Obviously polygamy leads to same sex marriage. I am still smiling in glee.
AdLib : Got it playing in the background, Beatlex!
KillgoreTrout : funk, didn’t they halt the marriages?
Sabreen60 : Ezra is constantly getting his ass handed to him on Twitter. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I’ve never been a fan, but now he just keeps jumping the shark.
AdLib : So if Christie is as sunk as many of us here think, who do you think the Repub nom will be in 2016?
Fergie1 : Hey Ad! So nice to “see” you all. And thanks for the welcome
funksands : Anybody really really really enjoying what’s going on in Utah right now?
choicelady : AdLib – for several weeks he was ranting not about the healthcare.gov site per se but the ‘total failure of ACA’ which he asserted without a shred of evidence. THAT is his field – and he was just ranting to no purpose. Then he stopped. It’s as if a pod person occupied his body for about a month. Very demented, very weird, very WRONG.
Beatlex : One more of Christie! «link»
kesmarn : We’ll be here when you get that work taken care of, Fergie. Good to see you here tonight, though!
AdLib : Hey Fergie1!
Fergie1 : Hey kes! I want to “play” but I gotta do what I gotta do!
kesmarn : I agree, CL. I don’t know what the motive/reason is, but he’s gone off the rails.
AdLib : Cl – Missed Klein’s divergence, what dd he say?
funksands : I just want to see Santorum, Christie and Paul on the stage at the same time. That would give me at least 10 seconds of entertainment
choicelady : kes – Brooks started to speak some sense then suddenly diverged into nutso land. I don’t get it. Ezra Klein did the same thing. Is this bad weed or something? Insane statements without any reason. No wonder MSM is DOA.
AdLib : Funk – Oh you bet, would love to see Christie run and get just destroyed…whil e he hurled his verbal napalm on the rest of the GOP field. I still think that such a pompous, greedy man will run no matter how doomed the rest of us see his campaign. Christie’s in a bubble like most Repubs…it’s just a much, much bigger bubble.
kesmarn :
Beatlex — great reaction shots there!
Fergie1 : Hey Sabreen, KT et al
I’ll be staying indoors next week for sure funk.
funksands : Republicans like assholes / are assholes /
kesmarn : Hey, Fergie!
Beatlex : One more time «link»
kesmarn : CL, I was surprised. For a smart guy, that was an amazingly dumb statement.
choicelady : Hey Fergie – how are you? How is the weather there?
Beatlex : One more time
KillgoreTrout : Hey Fergie?
choicelady : kes – I cannot believe Brooks on that. What an idiot.
funksands : Fergie hi! Just stay indoors. Oz is cooking!
Sabreen60 : Hey Fergie!
Fergie1 : Christie is a bully, Robert Gates is a disgrace.
choicelady : Beatlex – that is funny!
AdLib : Beatlex –
Maybe Christie can use that video with the catchphrase, “I’m on a roll now!”
funksands : X – Got it!
Fergie1 : Hi all, just popping in from time to time. I’ve read most of the comments here today and agree 100% with all. Have a scorcher of a week coming up so a bit of tidy up to do outside while it’s still temperate!
Beatlex : Choicelady,it will work now…I hope «link»
Sabreen60 : She said — geez. I haven’t had half my drink.
kesmarn : Tonight on PBS. David Brooks: “Sometimes people want a bully in the WH to clean things up.” Mark Shields: “There should never be a bully in the WH. A strong person, yes. NEVER a bully.” One would think that would be obvious.
Beatlex : Adlib-got it!
Sabreen60 : I heard Buono talk about the Democratic bosses in NJ. Seems that NJ still operates with bosses (Repub & Dem) around the state. She say that the bosses backed Christi and didn’t give her the time day. Corruption runs long and deep in Jersey, it seems.
funksands : Ad, that said, I’m sure everyone would agree that we would LOVE to see him run!
Beatlex : «link»
AdLib : Beatlex – Make sure there are no characters next to the link, spaces on either end, then it should work fine.
AdLib : Funk – We agree on that, I too think that there is too much awful baggage in Christie’s past for him to win but this scandal kind of crystallizes it all, it’s the perfect summary issue to be brought up again and again in 2016 to describe why Christie should never be in the WH.
Beatlex : sorry,ignore that link! I don’t know what happened there!
choicelady : Beatlex – must be me. I can’t make it work. I’ll try later. Thank you.
Sabreen60 : CL, I saw that and the piece in the NY Journal.
Beatlex : Choicelady,I will try again.>«link» utu.be/l-q0vOFy9 9A<
AdLib : Funk – True but what this does is embed a nail in that Fat Tire that will leak and call attention to itself by whistling all along the way.
choicelady : AdLib – I disagree he makes FL corruption look better. He IS diverting our attention from it though.
funksands : X, “bully” is his BRAND. That’s why he has a filmographer (?) following him around all the time, to capture his “brand”
AdLib : Kes – Agreed, I think many at The Planet remembered his hateful, obnoxious ranting when he was considering a run in 2012. He can only fool those who don’t pay attention.
choicelady : Beatlex – I can’t get the link to work.’
kesmarn : I’ll have the porch light on, Funk. Thanks!
Beatlex : Watch this one folks! It’s Christie(http:// youtu.be/l-q0vOF y99A)
choicelady : Sabreen – yup. Politico even was doing a resurrection of the IRS ‘scandal’ which was entirely lies. REAL scandals my sweet aunt fanny.
funksands : Kes, on the way. UPS Ground
kesmarn : Ashcroft — Christie had better cover up any topless statues in the NJ courthouse…
funksands : Ad, BTW, I think Christie is cooked for the GOP nom anyway, just not for this. There’s a reason Romney’s folks wouldn’t touch him.
KillgoreTrout : Didn’t he threaten a reporter last year, with a baseball bat in his hands?
choicelady : AdLib – Oh I sure hope the Ashcroft connection goes more public.
Sabreen60 : CL, I absolutely agree with you. However, the RWNJs are already spinning it that he’s tough because he fired Kelly. And of course they’re all over Benghazi, Fast & Furious and IRS and the REAL scandals.
funksands : Ad, 2016 is soooo far away.
choicelady : AdLib – that Tea Baggers could point fingers at corruption kinda boggles the mind.
AdLib : CL – Ashcroft is detestable and Christie being in bed with him can’t help but seriously damage him with moderates.
kesmarn : People here on the Planet saw through Christie from day one. I don’t think any of us ever bought the genial, but tough-talking pragmatist image he was trying to peddle.
choicelady : AQdLib – one of the exposes in the Romney article was that he had some kind of financial link to JOHN ASHCROFT. That, more than almost anything, killed ANY respect I might have had for Christie.
Beatlex : Choicelady,one would hope.It would be a 3 ring circus if they had of held hearings!
kesmarn :
AdLib : Kes
That Christie joke brought a big fat smile!
choicelady : Sabreen – doesn’t it sink him anyway that he could be that ignorant when months ago he mocked the whole lane closure? It’s impossible to be that naïve and be fit to be president. Of course it’s a lie, but it makes him look very weak.
AdLib : Funk – I don’t know about that. Christie’s only hope of winning the GOP nom is to claim he is the only appealing candidate to moderates. This kind of explodes his one strength. Now, what does he say when battling the Bagger candidates who attack him on corruption?
Sabreen60 : Funk, I’m not so sure. It may not hurt him with the narrow Repub base. But I think people are paying attention. If it’s proven that he really didn’t know (for 4 months) what was going on, he may be able to recover.
choicelady : Beatlex – tonight I saw crawls that said his hearing has been ‘postponed’. I should think so!
kesmarn : Bloody Mary for me, funk — extra Tabasco.
Beatlex : Anybody,what about him naming his chief of staff to be attorney general? Kind of a conflict there.His hearings are supposed to start soon
KillgoreTrout : I wonder what would happen if you stuck Christie with a hat pin? Pop?
choicelady : funk – we will be happy to overlook your maturity if you like.
funksands : Cocktail time, BRB
kesmarn : Besides — when he has an apple in his mouth, he’s not yelling at a teacher. AdLib!
choicelady : kes – well, Michael has kind of earned the disregard, too. He’s starting to sound like a left version of Christie – bombast and no facts. I still prefer him overall, but he needs to grow up. He USED to be cool. Now he’s just annoyingly angry all the time, no point to any of it.
Sabreen60 : Hey Beatlex. It’s good to be seen
funksands : Sabreen, I battle the stigma of being a grown-up every day.
AdLib : CL – My policy on making “fat jokes” about Christie is that they need to have a political jab incorporated…a nd you should jab Christie when the media is roasting him to see when he’s done.
funksands : I don’t think this hurts Christie at all nationally. I don’t think anyone outside of NY / NJ / Democrats and his GOP primary opponents care.
kesmarn : I guess that after hearing GOP/TP cracks about Michael Moore for years, I’m yielding to the temptation to go with the fat joke. Just this once! Promise.
KillgoreTrout : If you gave Christie an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox!
Sabreen60 : Funk, Or did you mean that y’all trying to be grownups is a lot pressure?
choicelady : Sabreen – you are ten times the human being Christie is.
Sabreen60 : Funk, I know. But if Christi can take it so can I.
funksands : Choice, too low for grown-ups? That proves it.
choicelady : Sabreen – uhhhhh…didn’t know a thing huh? Well that’s what he wants us to believe.
KillgoreTrout : Ha! Yeah, me too. wink wink!
Sabreen60 : KT, I totally believe Christi didn’t know a thing
kesmarn : AdLib…18 min/pound
choicelady : funk and AdLib – fat jokes are low. Funny yes, but low.
Beatlex : He Funksands! good to “see” you,Sabreen!
AdLib : Hey Funk!!!
funksands : Kes, he has a soft side too! (insert joke here)
choicelady : kes – ohhhhhh I forgot the ‘tragic victim’ scenario for Christie. How could I be so mean?
AdLib : Kes – The Nixon cronies were evil but sophisticated. I can’t imagine the destruction that such crassly vicious people could do to the nation if Christie became President. Fortunately, I don’t think I’ll have to. This should cook him…but if it takes 18 minutes per pound, this could take a while.
funksands : That’s a lot of pressure Sabreen
kesmarn : Far from being a bully, funk. He’s the tragic victim in this whole scenario. Pay no attention to those people stuck for 4 hours in ambulances…
KillgoreTrout : I love Grumpy Cat!
KillgoreTrout : Grown ups? US?
choicelady : Sabreen – we hope the grownups R us???
funksands : Hi Kes, X, Ad, Choice and Grumpy Cat.
Sabreen60 : AdLib
You got it. Ah CL, nah I’m just trying to hang with the grownups
choicelady : funk – you are a man of good heart to note Christie never punched anyone. You’re a sucker, but a man of good heart.
KillgoreTrout : Perfect funk!
funksands : *bowing*
choicelady : Oh funk – that rimshot is boffo, thank you!
funksands : Gov. Christie had a 4 hour press conference and didn’t take a swing at anyone? He’s totally not a bully.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I love it! The Cone of Oblivion!
funksands : KT, not Christie’s political career! «link»
choicelady : Where is funk?? I see him in the balcony but not here yet!
AdLib : Sabreen – Welcome! And may I say…”HO-O-O-G AN!!!”
choicelady : Sabreen – you can’t fool us, dear friend. YOU know a LOT and act wisely upon it. How are you?
KillgoreTrout : And so is Sabreen. How are you Sabreen?
kesmarn : Hey, Funkie and Sabreen!
KillgoreTrout : Funk is in da House! What’s up funk?
choicelady : KT – THAT would be accurate! Cone of Oblivion!
kesmarn : Right, AdLib. We’ve already seen how surrounding yourself with paranoid dirty tricksters in the WH works out. One Nixon is enough.
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers! I know nothing!!
AdLib : Kes – We have left the era of class and tact…if Tosh.0 hasn’t already made that completely clear.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, that was the really funny part. The Chief would always relent, just to shut Max up.
Beatlex : Who shot JR??
choicelady : AdLib – I think Christie’s political fortunes are dead. Whether they get someone to admit they acted at his behest or not is what will morph into criminal issues, but he looks bad every way he turns.
funksands : Bam! Hi!
Beatlex : Killgore,the thing never worked right! Yet Max insisted on using it
KillgoreTrout : I think their bubble is to keep thing out rather than in, like Truth and facts.
AdLib : CL – Now that they have found the smoking gun, doesn’t this show the environment that Christie as an Admin creates around him? That should terrify any reasoning person out of letting him turn the WH into that kind of monstrosity.
kesmarn : Well, at least the Christie scandal took the spotlight off of Gates’ book. Not a particularly classy move on his part at this point, I think.
choicelady : KT – except the ‘cone of silence’ for the GOP has major leaks!
KillgoreTrout : Beatlex. That was a hilarious bit. Now it’s the Republican Bubble!
AdLib : Streets of San Francisco?
AdLib : Hawaii 5-0?
choicelady : AdLib – I’m just showing I can’t remember anything. I thought WWW was later than Star Trek. Bad memory I think.
Beatlex : Killgore…”The cone of silence”
KillgoreTrout : LOL, Ad.
AdLib : Beatlex – Yes, Get Smart! Missed it by that much.
choicelady : AdLib – Buono the Dem who opposed Christie for Governor said they ALL knew it was political from the git go but could not find the smoking gun evidence until yesterday’s emails.
KillgoreTrout : Ah, how could I forget Get Smart. Mel Brooks’ wonderful sense of humor!
AdLib : CL – Nope, all three of those series were on around the same time I think. Which one was later?
kesmarn : Plus a total pattern of bullyism. This is hardly an anomaly.
choicelady : kes – yup. It’s the post judge stuff that is so corrupt.
Beatlex : AdLib, Get Smart was hilarious
AdLib : CL -Not sure if Rachel’s suspicions are correct but they sure seem like stronger motivations than just trying to punish the Mayor for not supporting Christie’s re-election. She may be onto something indeed.
choicelady : Beatlex – I totally agree with you. He had one good moment during Hurricane Sandy – and then he has kept the FEMA money so homeowners did not get a dime. THAT is criminal behavior. He’s a thug.
kesmarn : CL, I just finished reading about Rachel’s detective work on the real cause of the traffic jam. It does go deeper than the initial “explanation” would indicate.
KillgoreTrout : I hope so Beatlex!
Beatlex : His weight doesn’t really matter,what he is does is what counts.He bullied his way up the political ladder,and it seems he may be getting his comeuppance.He deserves it
choicelady : AdLib – aren’t those two different ‘generations’ of shows?
KillgoreTrout : And Man From U.N.C.L.E.
AdLib : KT – Star Trek and Wild Wild West?
choicelady : kes – Rachel says it’s far worse than the mayor of Ft, Lee but has to do with his removal of a Black judge followed by anger from the Dems and his removal of a white GOP woman judge (which makes NO sense). Bridge land closure came the morning AFTER his declaration that the Dems were ‘animals’ and this is the district of the head of the Dems in the Senate. MUCH bigger and nastier and more stupid story.
KillgoreTrout : I sometimes still dream of Jeannie!
AdLib : CL – First, Cuomo can confirm or allow to leak out that Christie did know about this long before his recent, “OMG!” moment, proving him a bald faced liar. Add to that his choosing to look ignorant and incompetent in selecting staff, hiring an array of vindictive criminals, how does he think this is better?
KillgoreTrout : When I was young, that was one of my favorite shows. The other was I Dream of Jeannie!
kesmarn : The sheer arrogance of the whole thing when you think about it — using commuters as though they were inanimate pawns on a chess board — just to express your pique at another politician.
choicelady : AdLib, KT, kes – good going all three!
KillgoreTrout : Do I hear a jinx on your jinxes and mine?
AdLib : Jinx on your jinxes Kes and KT!
choicelady : kes – be fair. Christie has clearly lost weight. I’m glad for him after the lapband surgery. Does NOT compensate for his evil temper.
KillgoreTrout : kes, a triple, that’s rare.
AdLib : CL – Oh, I’m planning one for next week but waiting for the obvious ones to roll out first.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s it. Yeah – he thinks this works and does not appear to realize he is either crooked or incompetent, and either way – bye bye nomination!
KillgoreTrout : Jinx Ad.
kesmarn : Triple jinx!
KillgoreTrout : Ha, Sgt. Schultz! That’s funny. He was always saying, “i know nothing! Nothing! I can see Christie saying that a lot these days.
kesmarn : I’ve seen those Hogan Heroes images too, CL. “I know nnnnothing!!” With Christie’s face on Sgt. Schultz’s body — only Schultz was much slimmer.,,
AdLib : CL – Sgt. Schultz, “I know no-thing!” Not exactly a winning campaign theme to run for President on.
choicelady : AdLib – I think you should turn your own dab photoshop hand to the job. You’re more clever than most!
choicelady : kes – sorry to hear that but glad YOU are OK.
choicelady : AdLib – they’re out there now! Also ones with him as the Nazi sergeant from Hogan’s Heroes? Lots of spoofin going on!
kesmarn : Oh and — no, CL — no flooding worries in the immediate vicinity. Some outlying areas are vulnerable though.
AdLib : CL – There have got to be impish Photoshop mavens like me out there already doing the Nixon-Christie “I am not a Bullying Crook!” images already!
choicelady : kes – I have yet to see a photo of Brigit smiling. But if YOU worked for him, you’d probably not smile either. EVER.
KillgoreTrout : Ad abd CL, it was condensation on the glass that froze. My apartment itself was pretty warm.
kesmarn : CL, I had a feeling that temper of his was going to bring him down before 2016. And that assistant of his — Bridget? — she looks like a pit bull in stilettos!
choicelady : KT -That was scary when you wrote about INSIDE ice! Hoo boy!
AdLib : KT – Ice INSIDE your windows??? Whoa!
choicelady : kes – your weather is from the sublime to the utterly ridiculous! You at any risk from flooding?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, it was pretty frikin cold for awhile there. I had ice on the INSIDE of my windows.
choicelady : kes – several people picked up on that and compared Christie to Nixon. My husband said that – what a thin skin – even before he knew that. Yup – we got us Bridgegate.
kesmarn : That was quite an experience, AdLib. Once is enough for this year, though.
AdLib : KT and Kes – Glad you made it through the freeze okay!
kesmarn : Hey, Homie! It’s raining up here in NW Ohio — washing the mountains of snow away. Coming attraction: floods?
choicelady : Beatlex – so much of what we think is corrupt is actually LEGAL thanks to many years of GOP control that we can’t jail people. The Bell folks – ohhhhhh yeahhhhh.
Beatlex : Kesmarn-LOL I was thinking the same thing earlier!
KillgoreTrout : Just an expression.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, we’re back to our normal mid winter weather. It was 42 degrees today.
choicelady : KT – I don’t think there’s a cut and dried ‘rule’ on corruption. Many good people serve on principle. SOME do not.
kesmarn : “I am not a bully” sounds an awful lot like “I am not a crook” and just about as believable. And yes, we’re now thawing here in Blizzardville!
Beatlex : Choicelady,sadly it is all to common,they have to start jailing these people
choicelady : kes! Are you and KT thawing out yet? Hope you got through it OK?
KillgoreTrout : I would say Bernie Sanders and Barney Frank are two exceptions that come to mind. I was referring to the young lions coming aboard now.
AdLib : Hey Kes! Love the toast and jam…not to mention the side of ham. How are you faring out there after the Vortex?
choicelady : AdLib – I do think it differs by party. GOP folks are far more likely to enrich themselves at the trough. Dems sometimes come IN rich (Grayson) but many don’t and don’t really GET rich in the process. I look at their associations – I’d say it’s a split by party more than anything, but you can find self interest either way. What you don’t see anymore is altruism in the GOP. Back in the day, it was not that way with every Republican.
kesmarn : Good Friday evenin’ friends. Are we talking about the traffic JAM that made Christie TOAST?
KillgoreTrout : CL, there are exceptions to every rule.
AdLib : CL – That story should be the top story in politics next, Christie has caught fire with the public now but not in the way he would have wanted. News of Rpmney’s reasons for rejecting him would seem to be the hottest nugget out there right now.
choicelady : KT – But look at Biden, a Senator for decades, the POOREST of all the elected folks in both houses. He just did not take anything or enrich himself at all. One reason I really really like him.
choicelady : Beatlex – we have a city council in Bell, a very Latino community with very few businesses where the local taxes are very high. Reason – the ENTIRE City council voted themselves salaries as much as $400K per year. Now THAT is corruption – and the gouging of the poorest of the poor. Despicable people on their way to the slammer.
KillgoreTrout : I think congressional positions have become too attractive. Too many perks and too much lobby money to be made.
AdLib : CL – I wonder though what ratio you’d guess on the percentage of principled pols to morally compromised ones? The GOP in DC sure seems like a majority of sellouts.
choicelady : PPO – I would agree that those who bought into sleaze have refined it to a high art!!!
Beatlex : Maybe Him and Mayor Ford of Toronto can waltz into the moonlight together
KillgoreTrout : Well, that was written over 150 years ago. I think it Was Jefferson who said that.
choicelady : AdLib – there was a story I just scanned then LOST about Romney’s checks – and Christie had some very dangerous financial dealings, all highly borderline to outright illegal. It’s been published before, but I could not find the story again. I’ll try to find it or one like it. He’s scummy from day one.
pinkpantheroz : Back in 10.
choicelady : KT – I don’t agree. I have worked with a number of amazing legislators who never sold out on ANYTHING. Interestingly they are either POC or LGBT. Maybe they find they don’t have to – the issues they care about are pretty demanding. Anyway – I’ve watched for years, never saw corruption at all.
pinkpantheroz : Yes, CL, I understand that there are good and bad ‘uns in politics. It just seems that the sleazier they are, the more they seem to get away with murder. There are many silent heroes out there doing great jobs and it’s a shame their light doesn’t shine in the media like the villains.
Beatlex : Choicelady,of course there are a lot of good people in government.Rats like Christie ARE the exception.Thankf ully
AdLib : CL – What was in the Romney background check on CC?
KillgoreTrout : Well CL, I think it’s a matter of degrees.
choicelady : KT – I don’t agree. I think quite a number of legislators I know have avoided corruption of pocketbook AND soul, and that gives me hope.
choicelady : Beatlex – I think some very good people actually see elected office as service. That’s why I hate term limits. I work (confession – I’m a lobbyist!) with some superb elected people. And some who should have been drowned at birth.
KillgoreTrout : PPO, when a persone decides to run for office, a certain corruption begins in the soul. I can’t remember who said that, but I do agree.
Beatlex : Pink.SANE people want nothing to do with the job!
choicelady : PPO – the drive for power eludes me. I understand wanting to be recognized for your work, but to crush everyone around you? Just don’t get it.
pinkpantheroz : I agree, CL, about the ego. The unfortunate thing about most who seek power is that they are amoral, incapable of telling the truth, bullies, ehomaniacs and frankly sociopathic. And yet someone votes for them!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I think he is too. I would astounded to learn he wasn’t. It’s written all over him for people who know about these things.
choicelady : Sorry – how Christie could believe this would just go away with his assertions he did not know.
Beatlex : Now this is not even close is it? He has implicated everyone in his office except for the guy he has named attorney general????What the FU?
choicelady : Anyone – during the press conference the only thing that kept coming to mind was how
choicelady : KT – I’m thinking it’s a family inheritance. Probabaly learned it from The Family…cause I’m pretty sure Christie is mobbed up.
KillgoreTrout : Jinx PPO!
choicelady : AdLib – I could see Christie has lost a lot of weight. Cool. Now if he could lose the FAT EGO and the lies that go with that…
KillgoreTrout : CL, it wouldn’t surprise me, though he is a little young.
choicelady : Eeeeuwww PPO – yuck!
KillgoreTrout : Ha! He ate them!
choicelady : KT – Maybe Christie knows where Jimmy Hoffa is?
pinkpantheroz : KT, they’ll never find those bodies. He ate them!
Beatlex : Under his suit perhaps Killgore?
choicelady : Hi PPO – glad to have you last week. You add a LOT as does Beatlex to the conversation. Welcome welcome!
pinkpantheroz : Hi, CL. I echo the praise for your great job last week.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, I don’t see him willfully subjecting himself to close examination. He’s probably got a few bodies buried somewhere.
choicelady : AdLib -= I read the report from Romney on Christie – wow. There is a whole lotta scum there! Christie is deluded if he thinks he can keep the lid on that stuff NOW.
Beatlex : Stewart has had some good bits on Christie,Jon’s ON!
AdLib : I think this is the tip of the iceberg that Christitanic has hit. That ship is going to sink like Christie’s beltline. Bu-dum-bah!
choicelady : AdLib – oh well. Who’d want week-old popcorn anyway?
choicelady : Hi Beatlex – I lived in Philly years ago, and it was Joisy that was our suburb. Philly clean up a bit. Joisy never will.
AdLib : CL – Yes, thanks so much! Sorry, no leftovers!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad, glad to be here.
AdLib : KT – Christie didn’t pass Romney’s people’s background check, just imagine what’s sitting out there just waiting to be publicized!
choicelady : KT – I was just thinking that LAST Friday seemed about 2 days ago…
Beatlex : Hi Choicelady! Just talking about the buffoon of Joisy!
KillgoreTrout : Here we are again CL. My how the time flies.
choicelady : AdLib – my pleasure by far. Hope you had a good evening off? Did you bring us anything?
KillgoreTrout : Can you imagine the scrutiny Christie will go through if he decides to run for prez? He’ll never make it past the nomination process.
AdLib : Hey CL, thank you so much for your wonderful job hosting Vox last week!
choicelady : Hi KT, AdLib, SmotPoker, Beatlex PPO – how are you all?
AdLib : What up KT?
AdLib : Beatlex – When Google’s search engine is indexing our web pages so people searching Google can find them, that’s the message our chat system displays.
choicelady : Beatlex – when “Google is crawling the site” it means you should not worry about NSA but about them!
KillgoreTrout : Que pasa Planet folk?
choicelady : Evening all – I see we’ve “Christied” for now. What a buffoon and bully all rolled into one.
Beatlex : AdLib,what does it mean when it says where who is on site,”google is crawling the site”
AdLib : Beatlex – Christie is making FL government look less corrupt by comparison.
Beatlex : And his chief of Staff has been named the Attorney General? How is that going to work?This is farce!
AdLib : PPO – Since PBS was “equalized” with Republican sensibilities, it’s been downhill for them.
AdLib : PPO – I believe so. What madness!
pinkpantheroz : Talking about MSM’s wimpout on the questions, I notice that PBS doesn’t get a mention at all. Those folk could get somewhere, maybe, if the pollies were game to be questioned by them. But, then again, I despair at the way they seem to avoid direct answers to ANYTHNG!
pinkpantheroz : Hi, Ad. Has everyone come through safely from the storms? They made huge headlines here.
AdLib : Not that Christie can win the GOP nom anyway since the core despises him but now, he may be fatally damaged with GOP moderates.
AdLib : And less ratings then. Ah, greed driven decisions, decisions…
AdLib : As for Christie, he poses a “big” problem for the MSM. Elevating this scandal will get them ratings today but undermining his candidacy could make the 2016 GE less of a contest if he’s not the nominee.
AdLib : Beatlex – IMO, the proportion of honest and investigative journalists is very small when one regards all the ones out there. The entire Fox News crew, half or more of MSNBC, most on CNN, most on the major networks. Who challenges the status quo or the true power in this country? Rarely those who work for corporations that need to sell advertising to other corporations.
Beatlex : There are a lot of really good commentators in the media.They need a bigger audience
AdLib : Whoops, meant to say that primarily through the web is the how most learn of non-propagandize d “news”. The MSM is just a propaganda delivery system for the corporate class.
AdLib : Smot – If it wasn’t for the web, there might not be a communal medium for people to discuss the non-propagandize d truth that passes for “the press” nowadays.
Beatlex : AdLib,of course you are right,It has only been since I started coming around to the different sites and listening to Americans that I realized how bad your MSM is.We have the same thing,on a smaller scale of course
SmotPoker : Weird eh?
AdLib : Smot – Corporate media is protecting the system that helps corporations? Outrageous!
AdLib : Beatlex – The MSM wants a strong Christie run because they want as much of a “neck-and-neck ” race in 2016 as possible. It’s all about the Bens for them. Not surprised the only snotty, presumptuous questions are reserved for Obama.
SmotPoker : The MSM never ask the right questions. Notice how nobody has asked why Clapper is still employed by taxpayers after lying to Congress?
Beatlex : So Christie said he just learned of the wrongdoing just after working out with his trainer,I think he needs a new trainer
AdLib : And this is a two-for-one scandal thanks to Christie’s denial. Abusing power on a huge scale that endangered lives and violated federal law…then lying about it! Buh-bye, Christie. He will still run but he’s now damaged goods.
Beatlex : Lawrence Odonnell was right yesterday,the MSM asked the wrong questions,and could have pinned him down with any decent follow up Q’S
AdLib : Funny how this scandal just looked and smelled like it would grow and lock itself around Christie’s ankle like a ball and chain. His denials are proven lies with the discussion he had with Cuomo documented.
AdLib : Hey PPOZ!
AdLib : Smot – Agreed. In this case, Christie’s physical “stature” is reflective of his character so it is hard to separate one from the other.
Beatlex : AdLib,it will be like shooting fish in an oil tanker!
pinkpantheroz : Evening all. Looks as if Obelix is gunna get a run tonight. I hear that when he arrived for a news conference, he arrived backward, but nobody noticed the difference.
AdLib : Beatlex – You may want to crack your knuckles and warm up your fingers then.
SmotPoker : None of us are perfect, but he’s a real piece of work.
SmotPoker : I normally don’t joke about overweight people, but people like Christy are fair game. That kind of gluttony is just too much. At some point you have to look at yourself in the mirror and say this is not natural.
AdLib : Smot – Some things are just fucked up. They just are and it’s okay to be upset at that. But after a healthy period, appreciating the life we have should re-emerge.
Beatlex : Weight puns allowed AdLib? cuz I got a ton!
AdLib : Chris Christie.
AdLib : Beatlex – There’s no getting around Christ Christie. And I mean that in every way!
SmotPoker : Thanks Adlib. As I’m so very tired of saying to myself, it is what it is. I’ve really come to despise that phrase these last few months.
Beatlex : AdLib! Do you know the topic for tonight? could it be CC?
AdLib : Smot – I read your comment, sorry you’ve had to deal with what you have. Very nice to see you back though.
Beatlex : Smotpoker LOL.I have a half of a Sub for my supper!
AdLib : Hey Beatlex and Smotpoker!
SmotPoker : Indulging in a bit of some purple bud myself right now, and slamming on a hoagie
SmotPoker : That’s always a good option
Beatlex : I Poked some Smot in your honor while you were away
SmotPoker : Thanks. Not sure how much I have to say tonight, but I’m around at least.
Beatlex : I hear you,good to see you back
SmotPoker : I was on the last weekend music thread early on in the day.
SmotPoker : I’ve kind of withdrawn within my shell the last couple of weeks. Still processing my recent losses, and have not had much to say.
Beatlex : How have you been dude? Missed you the last couple Killgores music days.How were your holidays?
SmotPoker : I’m here Beatlex
Beatlex : AdLib,I have been meaning to ask you about SmotPoker.Have you heard anything from him? I have not seen him around for about 2 weeks.Others here say you know how to get a hold of him.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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