AdLib : Will do!
SallyT : Anytime, AdLib. ENJOY!
AdLib : Thanks Sally!
SallyT : Here, so you don’t even have to look it up! «link»
AdLib : Night!
SallyT : You, too. Off to the funnies!
AdLib : Thanks Sally! Have a great weekend!
SallyT : Well, I will let you close up shop and go watch something. If you don’t have time for all of Real Time tonight, you will find just the New Rules on Crooks and Liar’s website. Take time to watch that. Really a good end of this day and memories of Kennedy.
AdLib : That’s kind of strange.
SallyT : I have looked in once in awhile and they still ask about me. They think I may have gone to the Big Brother in the sky.
SallyT : I have been known to come up with a good one liner now and then.
AdLib : No, really? You told an off color joke? Hard to believe…heh!
SallyT : The young people on there, I think, thought I was older than I was and loved a Grandma that could tell an off colored joke.
SallyT : Sure!
AdLib : Can I have your autograph?
SallyT : My call to fame, AdLib!
AdLib : So true, that’s what I dislike about them, showing that the worst traits are what bring you success.
SallyT : I was BBGrandma and everyone knew me. In fact, even the producers that were interviewing my daughter had heard of me.
SallyT : I think it is terrible because it show young people that you only win if you cheat, lie, and back stab others. I stopped watching even though I did have a great following on their website.
AdLib : A friend of mine worked on Big Brother and told me all about how staged it is.
SallyT : My daughter was in the finalist for Big Brother several years ago and you learn how they really are.
AdLib : I’ll buy you one!
SallyT : LOL, who owes who the Coke?
SallyT : People are so stupid if they think that is real! They put the people up to saying and doing that stuff. It is staged.
AdLib : I don’t watch reality shows…because they’re not really reality, things are staged, editing changes things around. Don’t need to be a voyeur.
SallyT : I hate those reality shows!
AdLib : The kind of “variety” movie they used to make. With a number of comedians, dancing and singing.
SallyT : I don’t think I remember that. I will have to look for it.
AdLib : International House was the name of it.
AdLib : I watched an old movie not too long ago, it had Burns and Allen and WC Fields, a fun and silly movie!
SallyT : There are times when I get so mad at some of the guest Bill has on there. I stop listening and wait for New Rules.
SallyT : And, Gracie Allens timing is amazing.
AdLib : Yep, I watch it too as you know but it is inconsistent whereas Stewart and Colbert are so consistently brilliant.
SallyT : My mother loved Jack Benny. His facial expressions are timeless.
SallyT : And, I watch Real Time. This was the last show of his season tonight. He won’t be back until after the New Year.
AdLib : Agreed! Big Jack Benny fan and really enjoyed Burns and Allen. And WC Fields, Marx Bros, Laurel and Hardy…love the old school and new school.
SallyT : Oh, yes, I do watch the Daily Show and I love Stephen Colbert!
AdLib : I watch The Daily Show, Colbert, watched Breaking Bad…not too many other shows.
SallyT : I tend to go and watch the old stuff like Burns and Allen, Jack Benny and stuff. They are still funny.
SallyT : There really isn’t much on TV I watch anymore.
SallyT : I understand.
AdLib : It’s less a weather issue here, just a time thing for me. Easier to take some time off at the end of the year.
SallyT : Me, too, Adlib. I can’t get outside much and I watch movies.
AdLib : This time of year is when I start catching up on movies so I will add that to my list!
SallyT : Now if you need a laugh, watch We Are The Millers, if you haven’t already.
AdLib : Great! You’re the one who urged me to watch House of Cards and really appreciated that.
SallyT : I think you will like it. Tom Hanks is one of the producers on it.
AdLib : Especially in the old days, all the members of a family could be marked if one of them was mentally ill.
SallyT : Oswald’s mother comes off a real looney toon. And, all I have read on her, she was. Explains a lot about her younger son.
SallyT : It really shows you how Oswald’s own family were treated, especially his brother. The poor guy. He was only guilty of having a crazy brother but he sure gets punished for it.
AdLib : Cool, I will check it out.
SallyT : Yes, it is very good. I did learn somethings that I didn’t know.
AdLib : No, is it good?
SallyT : Have you seen Parkland, yet?
AdLib : Yep!
SallyT : Right! And, her mother at the same time.
AdLib : To ask a daughter to trash the memory of her father? No way.
SallyT : I mean she is full grown and everything but she is still someones child in that situation.
AdLib : They don’t care anymore, anything for ratings no matter how crass or rude.
SallyT : Would she like someone, Lesley that is, to ask her child that kind of trash?
AdLib : It was stupid and no doubt the producers insisted on the “sex” issue.
SallyT : I just thought is was so stupid to even ask that!
AdLib : Indeed!
SallyT : She is her mother’s daughter. That’s for sure.
AdLib : Classy.
SallyT : But, she added, “Look, I know my mother and father truly loved each other and that is all that mattered to me and my brother.” Shut her up!
SallyT : Caroline looked at her and said calmly, “Well, I wouldn’t be my mother’s daughter if I bother to answer that.”
AdLib : Of course, that’s the exploitative stuff the MSM lives on.
SallyT : And, how did her mother feel about that?
SallyT : Then she asked her about her father infidelities!
SallyT : Caroline said, “Why would I? That is how my mother felt at the time. Yes, she changed as she got older and more independent. But, that is how she felt then and that is history.”
AdLib : It’s history, she preserved it.
SallyT : She asked Caroline why she didn’t edit out some of the things her mother said.
SallyT : I was watching Lesley whats her name interviewing Caroline about her mother’s tapes. Old show.
AdLib : No kidding! How do you not look like a petty jerk after saying that to John Jr. and getting that reply.
SallyT : I thought it was too. Bet it shut that guy up!
AdLib : True and sad, great response.
SallyT : And, that is a point so many don’t stop and think about. Those children lost their father that day.
AdLib : Wow, that’s terrible. Conspiracy theorists are so single-minded.
SallyT : John Jr. said, “Well, I could do that for years and years and probably still not find the answer. But, what difference would it make? I still would have had no father while growing up.”
SallyT : He said that someone had the nerve to ask him if he was going to use his magazine to find out the truth on what happen to his father.
SallyT : And Begala said that he was working with John Jr. when he was starting his magazine.
SallyT : Maher was talking about the Kennedy and conspiracies and Bill said, “To quote Hillary, which I think is fitting, what difference does it make? What difference does it make now?”
AdLib : What did he say?
SallyT : I have to tell you what Begala said about John Jr.
SallyT : You may use it anytime it is fitting.
AdLib : It is funny!
SallyT : Why thank you, AdLib! Made my day.
AdLib : Perfect Sally!
SallyT : Right! And, they wouldn’t read Green Eggs but maybe The Grapes of Wrath.
AdLib : Yep, I agree, Dems wouldn’t be afraid of standing up for their filibuster. Just ask Wendy Davis.
SallyT : Oh God, no! But, if by some weird chance, I think the Dems would put on diapers and stand up for days and filibuster the old way!
AdLib : Oh! Well, I think that if a Bagger-type Repub could win, which they can’t, then I could imagine the Dems wanting to block his attempts to destroy the government and nation and filibuster a lot. But Repubs would blow up the filibuster right away on them and make them look like fools for keeping it in place when they were in the WH. In reality though, no Bagger will win the WH.
SallyT : That the Dems were going to filibuster everything if a Republican got to be President. You know, when Hell freezes over.
AdLib : What do you mean about payback?
SallyT : Think that the Dems were going to do a payback.
SallyT : Right! They were going to change it the first chance they got.
AdLib : Gotta like them liberal sites.
AdLib : The Repubs would have nuked the filibuster much sooner had the Dems used it half as much as they did. SO what’s the point of keeping it? It would have been trashed by Repubs and Dems wouldn’t have gotten any benefit until after they unseated a Repub Senate and WH (in the year 3000).
SallyT : I get those from a Liberal site.
SallyT : Yes, that was to me, too. I knew you would like to see that.
AdLib : I really liked those charts. The one that showed how re-admissions to hospitals have dropped big time for Medicaid (or Medicare?) patients was really eye opening too.
SallyT : I just don’t see the Democrats being as ridiculous about using it.
AdLib : Yep, democracy is evil and will come back to bite the Dems. Then it will come back to bite the Repubs. Then the Dems, then the Repubs, etc. And I doubt there will be a Repub in the WH for a long time so the amount it will help Dems will be significant. In any case, it is a neutral thing, it helps the party that holds the WH and Senate and that will change hands from time to time so it helps or hurts everyone equally.
SallyT : He did say something really touching tonight. About John Kennedy, Jr.
SallyT : Thank you for the compliments on the charts. That one that shows how many filibusters in all of history and that under Obama he has had just about the same tells it all!
AdLib : Begala is a pretty quick witted guy, even though I have issues with what a corporate Dem he is, can’t argue that he’s not clever.
SallyT : Oh, the that jerk of a Governor also brings up that is going to come back and bite the Democrats.
SallyT : Paul Begala is on there, too.
AdLib : The big thing is, what’s wrong with a simple majority deciding things? That’s the way it is in every election, every vote in the House. Why is it an outrage for a democratic vote of majority rules in the Senate and why would that concept offend Americans? It’s a totally trumped up “conflict”.
SallyT : Well, that helps. I will remember that.
AdLib : I had the same issue and have come to remember it by affect being the root of affectation and cause and “effect”. So, one thing has an effect on another but something can affect me.
SallyT : Well, he is a jerk and talks the same old Republican talking points on ACA.
SallyT : Is it affect or effect, I get those mixed up.
AdLib : Heh…I don’t really know much about Erlich, goes to sow you how hard it is for Maher to find Repubs to come on his show. They are creatures that prefer living underground, they don’t like to be in the non-Fox News spotlight.
SallyT : Yes, I think they might be overly scared about that. Besides it doesn’t affect laws or Supreme Court Judges.
AdLib : Well, that does sound quite entertaining.
SallyT : I looked it up.
SallyT : Its former Maryland Governor Ehlrich.
AdLib : What annoyed e today is the MSNBC BS machine making a big deal about how the filibuster nuking “could hurt the Democrats in 2014”! There is absolutely no way, Americans do not want a 60 voote filibuster rule, such manufactured controversy belongs on Fox News.
SallyT : Yes, watch it. It is about healthcare and Savage pretty much tells the former Governor what’s his name to stick it.
AdLib : Savage’s confrontation is on Overtime? I watch it sometimes, only if the guests are interesting but I’ll watch it tonight.
SallyT : Now that I think about it, it was on Over Time.
SallyT : Wait, that might have happen on Over Time…….but you watch that, too, don’t you?
AdLib : I was thinking that the filibuster nuke is such a reasonable move, it just isn’t the kind of conflict-driven material cartoonists look for.
SallyT : Really gets in that Repub face.
SallyT : He does have Dan Savage on and he gets hot!!
AdLib : I don’t know that Repubs can ever “win” a conversation anymore on tv with a reasonable Dem, they have no credibility, truth or logic to offer.
SallyT : I remember that night. I agree. They were boring and I think even Bill was thinking the same thing.
SallyT : Lots of ACA again and not too much on the Filibuster but I have really gotten into them tonight and that is probably where they will start hitting.
AdLib : I’m sure it’s hard for him to get a decent mix of Repubs and Dems on a given night but one night he had all Repubs on and it was a snoozefest of mild propaganda.
SallyT : Former Governor such and such, I don’t remember his name.
SallyT : Yes, good guests. One Republican but no one special.
AdLib : Will do. Good guests tonight?
AdLib : How are the Funnies looking for this weekend? I’d imagine a lot of ACA still and filibuster?
SallyT : Do watch New Rules on Bill Maher. They are a hoot.
SallyT : That’s it!
AdLib : Got it, the other side of the Planet! It’s sunny over there when it’s night time here.
SallyT : Off of Vox but still on the Planet.
AdLib : “The Other Side”?
SallyT : Nope, I haven’t been on for several weeks.
SallyT : I was over on the other side but saw you ask if I was here so I came back.
AdLib : Heh! Haven’t closed the Vox bar with you for a while!
SallyT : No, but I can be.
AdLib : Sally, are you here?
AdLib : Rest well and take care of yourself, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well this really is good night.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I think my breathing disorder is affecting the oxygen to my brain….of course she did….I am going to make some comments on it this weekend so I will pour on the kudos then.
AdLib : Cheers Murph but CL wrote the ACA Is Working post which complimented my numbers post.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…popped back in for a moment to thank you for your ACA is working story. I have used a number of elements from it at HP.
AdLib : Just when I got back, folks are heading out! Night Murph and SHTR!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well…time to cash it all in….good night one and hall. Enjoy T Day….
SallyT : Well, we all have doubts but President Kennedy didn’t have as much time as President Reagan.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….you read and commented on my JFK piece and know that I have some doubts about JFK but I have huge doubts about RR
MurphTheSurf3 : choice…Hah.
SallyT : Murph, I teared up at the end when he said, “Our Kennedy is Kennedy.”
choicelady : Murph – boggle boggle for vegetarians?
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy good night and thanks for the enlightenment.
choicelady : Good night all – come back soon, SHTR – it’s been great talking with you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice..gobble, gobble. Good night.
PatsyT : I have to sign off myself too… Love you all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Week!
seehowtheyrun : Goodnight all.
seehowtheyrun : I think I’m out for the night too. Thanks for all the great links Patsy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…I thought Maher was pretty much “on” tonight….his Reagan bit was especially strong.
choicelady : patsy – thanks for the radiation site!
choicelady : I think I will exit along with KT. I for some reason got very little sleep last night, and suddenly I’m feeling it all. Thanks for the link on Maher, Sally – I will watch it! good night and HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone! Enjoy the day however you keep it! See you next Friday I hope!
PatsyT : Nighty Night KT!
PatsyT : Sally, I loved that!
PatsyT : This site is worth following to help protect you and your family from radiation «link»
SallyT : CL, here you go, a link to Bill Maher on JFK vs Reagan: ‘Our Kennedy Is Kennedy’. Go to 3:00 and the Kennedy vs Reagan starts. I know you don’t care for Maher but I think you will like this comparison. «link»
seehowtheyrun : Good night KT. Have a great weekend too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…hope you are correct….but the NSA is making a case that it is outside of the law…citizens cannot sue them….amazing.
KillgoreTrout : Well folks, It’s time for me to sign off for the evening. Hope you guys have a great weekend.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly CL.
choicelady : SHTR – I will definitely get some, thanks.
choicelady : KT – I personally don’t have 24,000 years…the half life of plutonium.
choicelady : Murph – I think NSA will never again be what it was under Bush. People are watching – and that’s all GOOD because we let our guard down after the end of Vietnam and COINTELPRO thinking we’d “won”. We aren’t likely to be so complacent now. My organization got surveilled – hacked – in 2003 so I KNOW what they were doing. I happened to wind up the focus, and it wasn’t nice. That has ALL ended. But had Romney won? It would all be back.
KillgoreTrout : The only thing that neutralizes radiation is time, and lots of it.
PatsyT : Eat lots of organic green veggies and salads
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks Patsy.
seehowtheyrun : CL. I’m sure you could find it in stores now. At the time, all of the natural food stores were out. I found it online.
PatsyT : Murph if you have medical reason for these tests that should be fine. It is when the nuclear industry gives us all those “extra” doses because they can not control a reactor (Chernobyl Fukushima) or want to test atomic bombs.. then we are crossing a threshold
KillgoreTrout : CL, use iodized salt. And lots of it.
choicelady : KT – I also don’t think we as a society will ever be as trusting as we were in JEdgar’s day.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…wth what we know of the NSA power can be accumulated so much more quickly.
choicelady : KT – that and sarin or resistant bacteria are horrible.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I don’t think we’ll ever see another J. Edgar again. He was there from the ground up and just accumulated way too much power.
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks Choice.
choicelady : SHTR – GOOD idea! I have a compromised thyroid anyway, so I think I shall get me some, too.
choicelady : Murph – NO. You are far enough from the coast that you need to do what you need to do. Environmental exposure at the MOMENT is probably not a problem for you. For us in CA? Ehhhh – not so sure.
PatsyT : If that last link did not work.. «link»
KillgoreTrout : Radiation is the most incideous poison on the the planet.
seehowtheyrun : CL. it scared the heck out of me. As soon as the UC site was shut down, I went out and bought Potassium Iodide.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…I have spent the last two weeks getting all kinds of tests for a breathing problem I have been having. X rays, Ct Scans….am I being dumb?
choicelady : KT – I actually have a superb relationship with the FBI under this administration. We have an outstanding US Attorney whom I have known for some time, and things, for the moment, are very good. They act how they are directed to act, and they don’t abuse anyone these days. New administration with different views? Canada here I come…
PatsyT : Choice this Shit is real
AdLib : Hey all! Will be back in a bit!
PatsyT : Radiation is cumulative It is not recommended to get “doses” unless you need for medical reasons There is no safe level of radiation, any medical professional will tell you to avoid unnecessary x-rays and weigh the risks of radiation treatments very carefully. Radiation treatments can lead to second cancers, my own mother had radiation treatment for breast cancer and then 8 years later was diagnosed with lung cancer. «link» r.org/acs/groups /cid/documents/w ebcontent/002043 -pdf.pdf
choicelady : SHTR and Patsy – the info you’re presenting on shutdowns of radiation monitoring is VERY SCARY.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I think FBI stands for Fool Butt In.
choicelady : Murph – indeed!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….recipr ocity at its best
choicelady : KT – It may be the ONLY reason the FBI never picked me up though I HAVE been questioned, not about that but other things.
KillgoreTrout : Well, that’s a good thing.
choicelady : Murph dear – YOU have a fan in California! You are facing daily what I face these days only incidentally. I bow in your direction!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…either way, you have a fan in Missouri.
choicelady : KT – No. It’s my saving grace.
PatsyT : Yes we have already be Fukushimaded
choicelady : Murph – or really dumb chick who won’t bow to authority. Sort of depends on where you stand in how you see me! Isn’t that true of us all?
KillgoreTrout : CL, do they have ladies in Gitmo?
seehowtheyrun : Patsy. There was also a UC Berkeley site that monitored radiation levels that suddenly was no longer up shortly after Fukushima.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….of course you have…the bold crusader!
PatsyT : Cool Choice
choicelady : Murph – I’ve used it. I refuse to capitulate.
PatsyT : «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….Tidy Terrorist…now there’s a screen name!
seehowtheyrun : Patsy. I remember that. I was checking radnet all the time as Fukushima was unfolding, and suddenly, poof, nothing.
choicelady : Patsy – I will write you via FACEBOOK and we will go on from there.
choicelady : Murph – yes. I have presented it along with the original paper – and wound up in the LAPD Terrorist files for talking about it. That got eradicated (yeah. sure.) due to a class action lawsuit – and the report I got back was that the undercover cop said I was “very neat and well dressed” leading my friends to label me “The Tidy Terrorist”.
PatsyT : Radnet was mysteriously not working just after Fukushima …
PatsyT : Choice you and I have to talk more on this
choicelady : Murph – I know about the SSN link. That’s why changing your ID would require your entry into the Fed. Witness Protestion Program. Seems unrealistic?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…what a story…have you ever written it up
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…the accounts are linked to your SS number….one only…they did this to avoid fraud…and instead…
choicelady : Murph – Commoner’s revelation was game changing, but he never got credit for blowing off the secrecy lid. If I’d not been there, I’d never have known.
choicelady : Murph – NOW the panels are pretty commonplace. They were not remotely affordable in 1977 UNLESS you knew about the technology that DOE buried and Commoner revealed.
choicelady : Murph – I imagine this will get fixed, and today they extended the start ups to Dec. 23 (happy Advent) so MAYBE they know it will be OK by then? I surely hope so. OR – change your name and ID and start over? Hmmmm. Maybe not…
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….good Lord..photovolta ic panels …what happened to the design.
choicelady : Patsy – I did not know they turned off RadNet. Wow.
choicelady : Patsy – I gave my paper at the Am.Political Science Assn. on a panel with Barry Commoner who exposed the DOE’s burying of info on a new cheap way to create photovoltaic panels that would make home and business installation totally feasible. The UP wire service reporter scoffed at my assertion that coverups were part of the nuke industry – then MISREPORTED Commoner’s remarks and said DOE had released the info on phootvo;taics. LIES LIES LIES. That was Sept. 1977, and nothing has changed.
MurphTheSurf3 : See….thanks for the Rachel link.
PatsyT : Choice, We do not have any numbers… Why did they turn off RadNet? people have taken to buying their own Geiger Counters and sharing the info «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : See…yes…..th ere are are remedies but they seem very limited. When one gets trapped in an ACA alley there is no way out….they should have hired the ehealth people. They know what they are doing.
seehowtheyrun : This time for sure, Murph. Why can’t I press return without it posting? «link»
KillgoreTrout : CL, that IS true. Something to do with iodine levels. A healthy thyroid needs iodine for proper regulation.
seehowtheyrun : Sorry murph. New computer. Hair trigger.
choicelady : KT – and their thyroids are being impacted I’ve read. I don’t know if it’s true – but it bears watching.
seehowtheyrun : Here’s Rachel’s story on Boehner’s ACA sign-up, Murph.
choicelady : Patsy – WORDS of my heart! I am SO opposed to long line transportation of energy. Wind, solar, even geo can best be done ON SITE. But yeah – where would the utilities and independent producers get their profits?
KillgoreTrout : CL, I know radiation IS more harmful to children because it really affects calcium and children’s bones are still developing. It is horrible, to say the least.
choicelady : Murph – I KNOW. That’s what makes this so awful. I hope you can find resolution with the site soon.
PatsyT : It boils down to the major utilities do not want you to know that you could generate most if not all of your energy on your own rooftop… that would put a big crimp in their business, they actually suppress information for Energy Efficiency and Renewables
seehowtheyrun : Murph. I had a similar problem on coveredCA. I wanted to check and see that my application was in progress and I couldn’t sign in to my account. I kept getting a message that my username is incorrect, and there is no way to re-set it. I called and spoke to someone who confirmed that I was signed -up and she gave me a case number and said I could use that to sign in, but I couldn’t. It’s fine for this year, but if I want to change plans in the future, it could be a headache. Hopefully, they’ll fix it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….a lot of irony in this. I have gotten more than 2 dozen people enrolled but one of them is not me.
choicelady : Murph – I surely hope they fix this for you. That must be maddening.
choicelady : Murph – that’s HORRIBLE. I’m so sorry! And YOU of all people!
choicelady : Ptsy – even culling for hair on fire hype, the reports of impacts on the US West coast from Fukushima are getting very scary. One said newborn infants are being compromised. Do NOT know if it’s true, but it’s damned scary.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…I have been on the phone with ACA every other day for 6 weeks…..Spoken with staff at several levels including their so called resolution desk….no luck.
PatsyT : Once I saw the level of corruption in the nuclear industry I could not longer believe anything they had to say … just look at Fukushima…
choicelady : Murph – that ‘solar spill’ photo and caption made the rounds of Twitter after the pipeline break in OK or wherever it was. Such a good way of looking at it!
AdLib : Brb
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy….love the idea of a Solar Spill being a Sunny Day.
choicelady : Murph – Hmmm. Sorry about that. How about calling and working it through with someone like, you know, YOU?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….I tried to enroll in the first few days and that is when the corruption happened. There is NO WAY for the site to purge an account so one can start over.
choicelady : Patsy – YES!!!!
KillgoreTrout : LOL!
PatsyT : Yes we need Nuclear energy but the reactor we need to use is safely stored 93 Million Miles away its called the SUN Germany is doing this what is wrong with us?
choicelady : KT – A ‘solar spill’ is a SUNNY DAY! No hazards!
choicelady : Murph – are there particular TIMES when the site screws up? Most people not in CA whom I know are having almost no difficulty.
MurphTheSurf3 : Take care Sabreen.
KillgoreTrout : CL, a “solar spill?”
PatsyT : bookmark the reading for later… check out the latest from Barbara Boxer this week «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice or Ad or anyone…got a good link to the Boehner ACA signup…..BTW I am still not fully enrolled. They now think my application was corrupted….whe n ACA site works it is fine but when it does not, trouble shooting and problem solving is nearly pointless.
choicelady : Patsy – have you seen the photo – “When there is a massive solar spill we call it a great day!” ?? It’s just super to think about.
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend Sabreen.
choicelady : Good night Sabreen – this time for real. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
choicelady : KT – he also passed Medicaid expansion, and that seriously is a very good thing. That’s TWO for Kasich…
PatsyT : Oww Jeeezz We don’t need the fracking or the dammed crappy nukes We can have all the energy we need «link»
seehowtheyrun : Goodnight Sabreed60. Have a nice Thanksgiving.
choicelady : Sabreen – I so agree! Between that and Boehner enrolling for health insurance in 45 minutes, the week ended VERY well.
KillgoreTrout : CL, that’s really the first time i’ve ever heard of K-Sick doing anything good for the people of Ohio.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….Christm as in Missouri….such magic.
AdLib : Patsy – The mindset and carelessness of execs in the nuke industry is no different than the greedy pigs in the oil industry who are knowingly destroying the planet. They simply don’t care about dooming our future since they’ll be richer now and dead then.
Sabreen60 : Well I’m glad Reid pulled the trigger. It made an otherwise difficult week much better. I had stopped watching TV entirely – so tired of hearing how PBO was on the ropes and his Presidency was all but lost. And that ACA was practically on life support. So Reid’s courage was great. With that said, this time I am saying Good Night. I hope Thanksgiving is enjoyable – whether alone or with family and/or friends. I have spent Thanksgiving alone before and I was fine. It’s another day. So don’t get depressed. Take care everyone and hope to see you next week.
choicelady : Patsy – that is another good thing Kasich did. I have friends in Youngstown, and they just refused to vote to BAN fracking INSIDE the city limits. How dumb is THAT? People in desperate economic circumstances will allow most anything. Kasich at least did not.
PatsyT : Wow AdLib, I think maybe the opposite. Gov Kasiick on Ohio put a hold on fracking because of the “tremmors” it was causing and those reactor in Ohio are not ready for the big one we get in CA
choicelady : Sally – always good when you want to hang up the Christmas crap. Step in the right direction I say.
SallyT : I use to spend Christmas alone because my girls were always going back to MO to spend it with their father. So, it was depressing for me. But, once they grew up and didn’t have to go back, their choice, I got back into the decorating. Than I got sick…….well, I am feeling good and the crap is coming out of the boxes again!
choicelady : Murph – We Episcopalians know how to do holidays.
choicelady : AdLib – I can’t see how adding radioactivity can do anything but make fracking WORSE.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….yep it is the Episcopal calendar.
choicelady : Patsy – I wrote a paper on nuke accidents and their suppression by the media back in 1977. I know how utterly irresponsible not just the PLANTS are but the entire “food chain” from extraction to processing to power plants to waste disposal have ALL been. Deadly stuff they let into the atmosphere and water – and don’t report much of it.
AdLib : Patsy – Any truth to the rumor that incorporating radioactive material can make fracking less polluting?
PatsyT : Sorry for the Heavy stuff
choicelady : Sally – because my husband had heart surgery Dec. 18, last year was pretty minimalist, but it was SO WONDERFUL because he was ALIVE! I will probably be putting more out this year.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…have fun…really…. the decorations are meant to help us invest in the season and its meaning.
PatsyT : When I first looked into this I could not believe that anyone in “nuclear” would be irresponsible or reckless.. but very sadly I found the the opposite is the reality.
choicelady : Murph – I suspect the influence of the Episcopal church on the Advent to Christmas to Epiphany stuff for sure. But why rush it all – it’s to be savored.
SallyT : Murph, I will start decorating Friday after Thanksgiving and will get done just in time to take it all down again. I have a lot of Holiday decorations. Last year was the first I had felt like getting them out in 8 years. I feel good again this year and I will get them out again.
choicelady : Patsy – thank you for the link. EXCELLENT to have all that.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….inspir ed minds thinking alike
seehowtheyrun : Thanks Patsy. I just sent a friend request. My real name is Michelle.
AdLib : Will do KT!
choicelady : Murph – my timetable EXACTLY on decorating!
PatsyT : Folks you can friend me on Facebook I am mostly posting current nuke stuff we need to know «link»
choicelady : Patsy – back when I was doing anti-nuke stuff someone said that the dumps will become lost in memory EXCEPT that we will first have guards then priests who will keep the ‘sacred evil spot’ as lore for all to pray to and avoid.
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, I used to live in Carlsbad. Beautiful place.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice and Sally… I am a major decorator…..bu t there are strict boundaries. Halloween…four days before and two days after. Thanksgiving Sunday before through Friday after. Christmas….fir st Sunday of Advent – wreaths only and then adding week by week with the tree appearing at the end of the third week and staying up through Epiphany.
KillgoreTrout : Sounds good Ad. Do you mind performing the wizardry?
choicelady : Patsy – any plutonium involved – half life is 24,000 years. That is NOT a typo!
seehowtheyrun : I mean Patsy.
Sabreen60 : CL, I’ve known a couple of people like that – do something really nasty and then look innocent with a smile that would melt butter.
seehowtheyrun : Great job Patti. I just watched the vid.
PatsyT : Guys subscribe to the youtube channel and see the other local citizens speak out on this CRAP the NRC is having these meeting all over the country to e tell everyone that it is just dandy to store highly lethal radioactive material on site for 100 – 300 years… they have no plan for after that even though the stuff is killer deadly for thousands of years.
KillgoreTrout : Very true Sally. Got to worship that Almighty Dollar.
AdLib : KT – Works for me, we can go with that theme.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy….fine address….your reference to your kids playing outside….go no where until you clean THAT up……very effective.
choicelady : Sally – when we were kids the time from T’giving to Christmas WAS three months in kid waiting time! But when they start the decorations and sales before LABOR Day, you do have a problem.
seehowtheyrun : We sure haven’t Sabreen60.
seehowtheyrun : We sure haven
SallyT : KT, when we were young, Christmas only lasted a couple of weeks and ended at New Years. Now it is 3 months long!
Sabreen60 : SHTR – Absolutely and we as a society have not recovered from not caring for our mentally ill citizens.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not sure he wasn’t impacted by dementia in his first term.
seehowtheyrun : Nice to meet you too Killgoretrout.
choicelady : Sally – OMG yes – killing the family farm, building up AgriBiz. Stupid man.
PatsyT : opps meetings and sucks
AdLib : CL – Reagan was an actor and they act other people’s thoughts. Some aren’t well practiced in thinking for themselves. And the scary truth is he was suffering from Alzheimer’s in his second term.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, Reagan had a tremendous ego. he thought really highly of himself.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…famous and going viral
PatsyT : Issa is a No Show at all of our meeting here! He suck the big one in the sky
choicelady : Sabreen – the traffic controllers and many related issues is why I think Reagan is evil. Genial yes. Evil underneath the aw shucks grin.
KillgoreTrout : Welcome seehowtheyrun! Glad to meet you.
SallyT : I didn’t like Reagan as an actor and certainly didn’t care for him as President. He killed the family farm, the AHole!
choicelady : Patsy – that’s YOU??? Great to see what you look like – and you are doing a MAJOR big deal job. Issa or NO Issa. He probably keeps U234 in his pants…
seehowtheyrun : I think of mentally ill people being turned out onto the streets, Sabreen60
PatsyT : Every nuclear power plant is destined to become a permanent nuclear waste dump! For 100 – 300 years!!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, me too Sabreen. I think Christmas is more for the kids than the adults. Although, I remember my dad having as much or more fun than us kids did on Christmas day. he really enjoyed our wild eyed wonder.
Sabreen60 : When I think of Reagan I remember the air traffic controllers being thrown out of their jobs and the welfare queen. I have no fond memories of Reagan.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad. One reason I popped in was to suggest that we go with your filibuster blues theme for the weekend music thread. Just relocat or rename your original post. What do ya think?
choicelady : Sabreen – that is why I hate the O’Reilly push to have stores wish ONLY Merry Christmas. It so commercializes it all over again, just when we thought we were making strides. I do NOT appreciate ads that pander to “crèche” scenes etc. I hate that!
PatsyT : How about this bit of Issa reality… Issa was once again, A No Show! We just had a NRC meeting on “Waste Confidence” Yeah I know it sound like a way to describe adult diapers but we have some serious major shit on our hands. Here I am at the meeting in Carlsbad last monday «link»
seehowtheyrun : CL And he was one of the NICE Republicans!!!!
choicelady : KT – that’s nice. We’re going to a brunch with friends so I’m doing cooking on Friday. REST is very much the goal over that weekend.
Sabreen60 : KT, I think I’m becoming a scrooge in my old age. Seriously, I will be glad when January 1 arrives. I hate the commercializatio n of Christmas.
SallyT : Just think of it like this, KT, when you dine alone you control the conversation!
choicelady : SHTR – I think Reagan gives narcissism a bad name. I think he was a megalomaniac. He could be really nasty. I know someone assigned by the Air Force to work in the WH, and he though from day one, Reagan was not really sane.
AdLib : Hey KT!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, no problem CL. Tranquility is sort of my thing these days.
seehowtheyrun : Cl I agree with you about Reagan. Do you think he was a narcissist?
choicelady : KT – I hope you can find or make a decent dinner. T’giving alone can be very tranquil!
AdLib : Heh! Sorry Sabreen; my bad!
KillgoreTrout : How goes it Sabreen?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally..oh…quit e possible….yeah …I read them every week. I probably should stop trying to do a complete review….just do what I do and then come back later.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph and CL. I have no plans for Thanksgiving. My family lives in different states and I’m not traveling this year.
Sabreen60 : Hi KT!
choicelady : SHTR – I agree about Issa.
seehowtheyrun : CL . For me, Issa is the equivalent of someone with violent tendencies that chooses not to become a thug, but becomes an NFL player or a cop instead. Issa is the political version of that: a dangerous crook.
choicelady : Hi KT – what plans do you have for Thanksgiving?
SallyT : Murph, I think you meant to say good night to me because I am going. I commented on your post. Hope you saw it. When you get to the funnies, well, you get to the funnies. I won’t hold it against you if you are weeks behind.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello KT…
choicelady : SHTR – I think Reagan had an element of sheer ideological self interest. He embraced extremists at many turns when he did not have to, and I believe he DID make a treasonous deal with Iran to KEEP the hostages to secure his own election. But compared to today’s crop of GOP he was a pussycat.
PatsyT : Hey guys as some of you know I am in the Issa CA district 49th. Ugg! but check this out and please help spread the word on this guy … Dave Peiser !! «link»
KillgoreTrout : Hey folks, just popped in for a bit. How is everybody this evening?
Sabreen60 : Issa should be in jail.
seehowtheyrun : CL. Issa is a scary clown.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab….I think we have a chain reaction, no idea how it started. Glad you are here.
seehowtheyrun : That is sad. Cl. I never thought he was a bad person. I thought trickle down was a disaster in the making, and it was/is! For me, he was the first obvious figurehead of a President.
choicelady : Sabreen – well I did not see you say good night, but apparently SOMEONE thought so! Stay please!
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Nice to see you and thanks for the kind words!
Sabreen60 : Hi Patsy!
Sabreen60 : Did I say good night and don’t remember?
choicelady : SHTR – maybe the clown from Stephen King’s “IT”????
choicelady : SHTR – I think Issa is worse than a clown. He really IS evil.
choicelady : Good night Sabreen – Happy Thanksgiving!
choicelady : SHTR – at his age, surgery under general anesthesia can have long term consequences cognitively. I’ve seen it before. Very sad.
seehowtheyrun : Issa is a clown!
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night Sabreen
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
seehowtheyrun : CL. I had never thought about that. It could have accelerated his dementia/alzheim er’s whatever it actually was.
choicelady : AdLib – I will say Issa serves a most useful service in being a complete dick, yes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Patsy…thanks for the thanks-giving.
choicelady : Hi Patsy – Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! How ARE you?
AdLib : CL – Hasn’t Issa been the Dem’s best friend? Totally discrediting himself and Repubs with all his hyped up attacks which have all been proven to be phony. He is the wealthiest and sleaziest Rep in The House.
choicelady : SHTR – well, I remember when Reagan was shot, too. So big deal. He was not killed, though I wondered today if it had an impact on his mind. He was never the brightest bulb, but after that? Worse.
seehowtheyrun : CL. It’s already been pruned once, but not by a certified arborist. I will use one this time and I will ask about that.
PatsyT : Hey, I just want to stop in and say Have a Great Thanksgiving Everyone! I can’t stay but wanted to let you know I think about you guys and am very grateful forall of the wonderful work you all do.
SallyT : Okay, obviously you are a Matlock fan, CL. It was the comparison of the physical more than the characters.
choicelady : SHTW – can the trees be pruned? I’d hate for you to have to cut them DOWN!!! I can only imagine what the East hills are like – they always were windy. I’d not be on the other side on 680 for ANYTHING tonight!
seehowtheyrun : CL I was on a blog today talking about where people were when President Kennedy was shot and people were posting their memories. Righties were posting their memories of when Reagan was shot.
choicelady : Sally – Yup, but Matlock was canny, and Reagan was…not.
seehowtheyrun : CL. I ate having to do it, but I’ll hate it more if it falls on my house, or a neighbor’s. There are lots of trees down in the area. Pretty big power outages that lasted most of today. It’s pretty calm here now, but still very windy up on the ridge of the east bay hills.
SallyT : CL, the point is Kennedy was young and cool and Reagan was old and slow.
choicelady : AdLib – nice when your Tour of Hate goes where you have safe audiences. Issa is creepy beyond words. Scary dude.
choicelady : Sally – Reagan is no Matlock. In fact the actor who played Matlock was for PBO – how’s THAT for fun?
AdLib : CL – Yep, Boehner’s play didn’t turn out the way he had hoped so he’s tried to sweep it under the rug. Meanwhile, the House Repubs are staging a rigged road show led by Issa, going through only Red states that refused to set up exchanges, packed with pre-screened haters of the ACA. I doubt many will buy their propaganda tour.
choicelady : SHTR – I hear you. We have giant sycamores that three times have dropped HUGE branches on our cars. I’m getting so we need to adopt the glass repair guy. Scary what you went through – was looking at Tweets w photos – YIKES!
SallyT : One of the comparison, CL, was Kennedy is our James Bond and Reagan is Matlock.
seehowtheyrun : OMG CL ! My trees are still standing, but I have one that I’ve been meaning to have removed because it dropped two HUGE branches last summer. I HAVE to get that done.
Sabreen60 : See ya Kes. Have a great Thanksgiving.
choicelady : Sally – “Reagan is their Kennedy”? Oh? Seriously?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…charts.. .I need to look.
seehowtheyrun : Hi Murph ! I’ve seen your posts for along time. Nice to meet you.
choicelady : Wow – anything LEFT of you after the winds in Richmond? I’m in Sacramento – we had it yesterday afternoon, but NOTHING as bad as you all had!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello “See” – I think this is the first time we have met.
SallyT : And, Bill shows them the difference and it is a hoot but oh so true, too.
SallyT : Well, I am sure they will be show by themselves, CL, somewhere. Anyway, he speaks of the Republicans saying that Reagan is their Kennedy.
seehowtheyrun : Choicelady, I’m in Norcal: Richmond.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…I owe you from last week….it was so well done…I have a little health issue right now and I seem to be falling behind in general
choicelady : Sally – I haven’t been to TOOT to see the charts, but they’ve been given rave reviews. Thanks!
choicelady : Hey SHTR (I’m using Sabreen’s shorthand) -that is GREAT news. Congratulations! Where in CA are you?
AdLib : Hey Sally! Mentioned the charts you posted in TOOT, they’re great.
choicelady : Hi Sally – sorry funnies are dragging you down. I don’t get anything that would let me see Maher. What are the ‘new rules’?
seehowtheyrun : Adlib. I just got my confirmation from coveredCA today. All signed-up, ready to go. Cheaper than my current individual plan. I think that more and more self-employed/se lf-insured people will be finding good deals with the ACA.
AdLib : Night Kes!
MurphTheSurf3 : So long Kes
choicelady : I see Sally in the balcony but not here, Murph. Where is she?
SallyT : I just dropped in to say “Hi”. I can’t stay. Have to work on the funnies. Anyway, even if you don’t care for Bill Maher, tonight’s new rules is worth the watch.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Sally…
choicelady : Good night, kes – lovely to have a chance to talk. Have a good rest and good weekend. AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Sabreen60 : Hiya Sally and SHTR. Hope you don’t that I abbreviate your name
choicelady : Seehow (mind if I abbreviate?) I totally agree that by election 2014 ACA will be very popular everywhere but Texas.
AdLib : Night Sue!
kesmarn : I think on that happy note, I may have to sign off. 11:15 here in corn country. Have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Thanksgiving to those I might not see before then!
AdLib : Hey Seehowtheyrun! We’re on the same page on that.
seehowtheyrun : Thanks. Nice to see everyone.
kesmarn : Excellent!
choicelady : kes – I do think Kasich is totally safe, yes. Jindahl and Brewer did the same. Slam dunk – their call.
kesmarn : Hello to Sally and welcome seehowtheyrun!! Good to see you.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m looking at how utterly silent Boehner is about signing up ON the web site in 45 minutes. Crickets…
kesmarn : c’lady, thanks for that info. I wasn’t sure about how solid Kasich’s legal position would be. Sounds like he’s safe.
choicelady : Good night Sue – HOPE to see you soon. I’m off to a conference and then MAYBE a trip to SLO area, but I will try to find time to get down there for that long delayed lunch and book swap.
Sabreen60 : Good night Sue. Take care of yourself.
seehowtheyrun : Thanks choicelady. Nice to see you too.
SallyT : Hi everyone!
AdLib : Priebus has declared that 2014 will be all about tying the ACA “disaster” to the Dems. And if the problems of the rollout are a distant memory? What then?
MurphTheSurf3 : Nite glenn and sue…I am having a health issue right now as well and probably call it early tonight.
choicelady : Hi seehowtheyrun! Nice to see you!
kesmarn : Awww…feel better soon, Sue. G’night and rest well.
choicelady : kes – let them sue. (Not SUE in CA) because it IS an admin issue. He was well within legality doing it. For three years it’s FREE to all states – the feds pick up the entire tab. Hospitals – Cleveland Clinic et al – were insisting on it because they cannot tolerate any more uncompensated care for the uninsured.
seehowtheyrun : Hello everyone. I have no doubt Adlib, that the ACA will have wide approval by 2014.
SueInCa : Well peeps, I think I am gonna shut down too. I have not felt well off and on today and am feeling flu-ey again. Take care all
kesmarn : AdLib, I think even now getting it totally repealed would be a tough sell. And that sentiment will only grow over time.
Sabreen60 : Nite glenn. Take care!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…better but the website is a pain….I am looking for stores on potential and ongoing cyber ttacks.
AdLib : Does anyone here doubt that the ACA will be widely approved of and accepted by Nov 2014?
kesmarn : C’lady, the RW is still saying they’re going to challenge the legality of what K-sick did in court. Nice folks!
choicelady : glenn – kes is right. Nothing pathetic at ALL about your questions.
SueInCa : night glenn sleep well
choicelady : kes – lucky for him, expanding Medicaid is largely an administrative issue NOT a legislative one. He squeaked that one by!
kesmarn : G’night, glenn, and nothing pathetic about those questions!
SueInCa : LOL Kes I asked that question about the Republican, who the hell snorts coke these days?
choicelady : glenn – lovely talking with you. Sweet dreams!
kesmarn : Right, C’lady. K-sick was very sly about it too. Knowing that the GOP legislature would vote it down, he let a committee make the decision. There was howling from the far RW. But he knew he’d never be re-elected if he didn’t do something to redeem himself.
choicelady : Murph – how is it going for you in the land of DEEP suspicion?
glenn : Okay, folks, time to turn in. It’s getting late for this old lady. Thanks to all of you for being so informative and answering my pathetic questions. Good night!
choicelady : kes, Sue – LOL!!!
choicelady : kes – yes, I also am surprised, but I was whomperjawed when Kasich took up Medicaid expansion, too. I think that we see here the power of low income people’s advocacy – ie. HOLLERING about what would happen to them. Pressure from docs and hospitals, too.
kesmarn : You got it! (Not the kind that Rob Ford indulges in, though.)
SueInCa : You owe me a coke, I prefer Cherry
kesmarn : Jinx, Sue!
kesmarn : I think that program predates Kasich, CL. (Strickland.) But I’m surprised Kasich hasn’t succeeded in killing it yet!
SueInCa : That is nice Kes, I am surprised Kaysick has not cut it all to hell
choicelady : kes – OHIO???? Whoda thunk Kasich would do something that cool? That is VERY good news.’
choicelady : glenn – there is a downward trend in ALL policies. Glad that happened to YOU. PBO is trying to close the ‘donut hole’ – it will take time so there is no budget shock, Pharma can be strong armed into cooperating, and reality of bulk buying, discounts, etc can be worked in. But it’s already much better. Part D is a crock – always has been. Thanks W. For NOTHING.
kesmarn : In Ohio, people on Medicare who have income that is low, but still too high to qualify them for Medicaid can go on a program in which the State picks up the cost of the Medicate supplemental premium, and helps out with prescription drug costs.
SueInCa : Sabreen Kaiser called me out of the blue and explained a lot, it was very helpful. I still read the medicare stuff but Kaiser was very helpful except for how the cost would be divided up, they cannot answer for PG&E Pension Plans
choicelady : Sue – there you go. I’d take Kaiser over United any day of the week, true.
glenn : CL–That huge hole may be there–but the ACA IS having an effect (affect?) on the supplemental policies. My supplemental policies are less than what I was paying for group insurance with my former employer. Almost $100 a month less. And, of course, I can’t be turned down for pre-existing conditions. Of course, there is still the hole in my prescription plan, thanks to gwb.
Sabreen60 : Sue, What’s ahead of us giving me angina. My husband is already 65. I won’t be 65 until April. So-+-will it be cheaper for both of us to get of Medicare with supplementals or stick with the employer insurance. I’m not looking forward to the research.
SueInCa : They do United Healthcare and I won’t do business with them. We have Kaiser so know we can stay but for Part D we have to pay but the rest is going to be paid up to 80% so we should get some reduction in premiums as we are only covering 20% for him.
choicelady : The folks with the big hit are upper income level people who have had employer based insurance but are now on their own. Yikes – that CAN be pricey. Only hope for it – move to Eureka. Their rates are CHEAP. And the finally have Kaiser now!
SueInCa : That should have been No to Kes
choicelady : Sue – for supplemental insurance NOT provided by an employer as part of retirement, I’d start with AARP and go on from there.
SueInCa : I told her to do that. CL
choicelady : Sue – it’s not going to help everyone, but before your friend enrolls, have her TALK to someone. There are options that are not always clear enough on the web site.
SueInCa : oh glenn hubby is getting ready to go on Medicare and we still do not know if our regular premium is going to go down……..No CL
choicelady : glenn – the one HUGE hole in ACA is that no matter what, we could NOT get ACA to offer Medicare supplemental or longterm care policies. Sigh.
kesmarn : Would she be eligible for subsidies, Sue?
SueInCa : Exactly Kes. And even on ACA someone like my friend is having a big increase
choicelady : Sabreen – I knew that! Dyslexia of the fingers. No problem.
glenn : CL–Thanks for the info. Before I retired, the part about the employer making employees pony up a whole lot more, did apply to me. I’m on Medicare now, so it doesn’t apply any more.
Sabreen60 : Meant “site”
choicelady : Sabreen – MAGI – modified adjusted gross – is after your dependents are accounted for. No – you can’t use charitable or business or other deductions, but you CAN use your dependents.
kesmarn : I do think some employers are using this interval to stick it to their employees and blame it on Obamacare.
SueInCa : Employers are doing just that, pony up CL
choicelady : glenn – some employer increases are due to sheer greed. But even there, the RATE of increase is markedly lower than has been the case in the past. So it’s on the employer not on you as an individual UNLESS the employer makes you pony up a whole lot more.
Sabreen60 : Cl, I am confused. You use the term “modified adjusted gross”, but the instructions on the sight say use income become deductions?
SueInCa : I know but they were not expecting their employer doing that to them so it was a shock
kesmarn : Sounds like she might be getting into that 8% range, Sue, where she could go with the ACA exchanges.
choicelady : Everyone – I’m hearing great success stories of lower income people getting their coverage for as little as $1 per month. Yup – true that.
glenn : CL–I understand about the ACA being for people who were not on employer plans. I’m just not sure I understand yours and Murph’s conversation on the increases in employer group plans.
SueInCa : I have talked to people whose Employers raised their coverage percentage this year. One friend went from 96 a month for her husband and her all the way up to almost 400
choicelady : Sue – for most people it IS cheaper than the private individual market and by quite a LOT. With GROUP insurance, it has to involve an employee contribution over 8% of your Modified Adjusted Gross Income – then you can use the Exchange and drop your employer coverage.
AdLib : Sally posted some great graphs on how much In savings have already resulted from the ACA just thanks to rule changes. Add preventative care and costs will drop a lot more.
choicelady : Sue – Nope. No one in a group has been or will be cut.
SueInCa : CL I think that is part of the confusion, people were expecting to go ACA for cheaper rates.
kesmarn : glenn, I’m not sure earlier group plans covered all the required stuff in the ACA. Like free contraceptives and such. But I don’t think you could be excluded from coverage on the basis of pre-existing conditions.
choicelady : ADLIB _ Thought we’d lost you. Glad to see you!
choicelady : glenn – you are right on the money. But ACA was not designed for you. It was designed for people with NO employer coverage, stuck with ONLY the individual market where you were kicked out for pre-existing conditions or refused all together. That hits 50 million Americans. Of these only about 5% got cancellation notices, and about 3% of that 5% will have rate increases since they’re over 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. You are quite right in your evaluations.
SueInCa : It is always private insurance
SueInCa : glenn yes they do keep you from being turned away. At least I have never heard of anyone on a group plan being cut.
AdLib : I’m here, CL!
choicelady : Sabreen – then you are definitely entitled to look for something new. Good luck – it’s tricky isn’t it? Might help to talk with an Enroller or Navigator. Everyone’s story is different.
glenn : Murph and Ad–weren’t employer plans somewhat of a “universal” coverage? From the way employer insurance plans worked when my husband, who had multiple “pre-existing conditions”, was still alive, as long as we had had insurance coverage before, the group plan had to cover him. That’s why we always had to get COBRA when he changed jobs. What I’m trying to ask is, don’t the group employer plans already cover pre-existing conditions, and other tenets of the ACA?
kesmarn : And down the road — all the free prevention measures like mammograms, physicals and such will result in lower treatment costs with many conditions being caught much earlier.
choicelady : Sue – change of topic. That book I’ve BEEN MEANING TO GET TO YOU is STILL in my car. Soon, dear friend, soon.
Sabreen60 : CL, his insurance exceeds 9.5%. If I take myself out the equation, than he can get a really big tax credit. I am retired on disability. Actually, I filled out the form both ways. One with me on disability and one not – just to see the difference. If I include myself they put me on Medicaid and my husband would get a tax credit. But I don’t want our coverage split and I don’t want to deal with Medicaid.
choicelady : Did we lose AdLib???? Hope not!
choicelady : AdLib – very coherent assessment of employer plans, thank you.
kesmarn :
choicelady : kes – LOL!!!!! That is the funniest analogy yet about the mess here in CA on single payer!!! LAUGH OUT LOUD indeed!!! Thanks – I will pinch that next time I see some of them.
AdLib : Murph – Whatever increases there may be for employers, and not all will need to change their plans, over the course of a few years, all will be paying less than they would have under the double digit increases that were the rule before.
choicelady : Sue – shocker – it was BROWN who did NOT want SB 810 to move forward. He is NOT a supporter of single payer at this moment.
kesmarn : c’lady, sounds like the single-payer advocates in CA have been studying the Syrian opposition for tactics on winning…
choicelady : Sabreen =- your husband’s insurance MAY well be more affordable at the moment. That is part of the structure of the plan – keep what you have (that isn’t junk) so we don’t have to subsidize you!!! But yes, see if you pay less – but remember the cost of the employer plan share has to EXCEED 8% of your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (income less your dependents) before you’d be allowed to switch.
SueInCa : That is so ridiculous CL. They should get a new group together to work on it, Gov Brown has the foresight to think about it and act….WTH?
SueInCa : Sabreen We are as well. It would have been more costly for us with the huge deductibles,
kesmarn : Sabreen, it’s good that you were able to research your options. Sounds like your state’s site is working fine.
glenn : Sabreen–so IOW, you get to keep your health insurance? Is it good insurance?
choicelady : Sue – CA was. Supporters have slit their own throats w stupid maneuvers, refusal to do a solid economic analysis, and internecine warfare. So at the moment – NO. There is no single payer movement because the three groups of supporters hate one another. Talking about snatching defeat from the jaws of progress…
SueInCa : HUH? Not sure I asked that question, I was asking about CA and the project you were working on CL
Sabreen60 : oops. Hit the enter key by mistake. Anyway, we’re going to stay with my husband’s employer based insurance. I didn’t see anything cheaper. But I’m going to go back and check more closely.
choicelady : Sue – PBO is no dummy. With the hoohah over ACA, think what would have happened with a single payer plan (there were only 85 votes for HR 676 in 2010) or even public option BEFORE now. President Obama knows that what comes incrementally is GOOD and what is shoved down people’s throats is not. So gradualism toward universality and public coverage works where massive dislocation will not.
AdLib : Doing well, CL. All well with you and hubby?
Sabreen60 : Hey folks. I perused the Maryland exchange and it operating fine. However, we aren’t eligible for tax credits, so I guess we
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- what I have read is that the big employers still plan on having insurance but fully compliant with HHS regs resulting in increases in premiums for themselves and their workers.
SueInCa : Isn’t CA working on that CL?
kesmarn : c’lady, I imagine you’ve heard about Vermont going with Medicaid for everyone?
choicelady : ADLib – lovely to see you! How are you?
SueInCa : That is what Iwas thinking CL
AdLib : Hey CL and Sabreen!
choicelady : glenn – those young women are wonderful role models!
choicelady : Murph – No, I dont’ have any insights, but yeah – I think ultimately it WILL change entirely how we do health care delivery. Employers will demand relief, and the ONLY way to do this well is with a Public Option/Gov’t programs. So…the idiotic single payer people who are not paying attention (and some surely ARE) are missing this point entirely.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- as one who still has not completed my own enrollment because my process has been stuck at the enrollment checklist step 3 for weeks – I am not sure whose account makes more sense. I have not found an authoritative report on the Boehner enrollment.
glenn : CL–Those young women are wonderful role models!
SueInCa : Hi Sabreen
choicelady : glenn – wasn’t that video something else??? THAT is what we think we are, and they lived UP to it.
glenn : Hi Sabreen
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen! How’s your Friday?
choicelady : Sabreen! Great to see you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- do you have any insight on the newest charge that employer based health insurance is going to go down the drain when the grandfather exemptions come to an end. The site the Treasury report and statements from HHS etc.
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers!
glenn : Hi ChoiceLady–how are you? BTW, I was on The People’s View website earlier tonight, and saw that awesome video about the girls’ softball teams. Made me cry! Thanks for recommending that site!
choicelady : kes – GREAT to see you, and thank you for such nice feedback.
kesmarn : glenn, pretty soon a lot of those guys are gonna be taking the 5th amendment, if they don’t watch their step.
choicelady : Murph – I read it took Boehner 45 minutes, during which he had the hapless Navigator/Enroll er on HOLD for 35. NOW where are his “train wreck” talking points? And his “we care about people” meme is sounding a little weak for what indifference he had to her.
SueInCa : Just turn on your camera phone Murph
glenn : Murph–are there any other amendments in the constitution except for the first and second? You know “free speech” and “guns”.
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady! Wonderful article on the success of Obamacare to date!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi choice…
choicelady : Hi everyone – hope you all are well!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…and that rationale is one I have heard here…2nd amendment remedies.
kesmarn : That is a great cartoon, glenn! I get the picture totally. Great analogy!
SueInCa : I will look for it glenn, thanks
glenn : Kes and Sue–Exactly. That is what the repubs were so afraid of, and why they kept filibustering. Love Luckovich’s cartoon in the AJC today showing a Dem breaking a bat (entitled “filibuster”) over his knee, and the repub, of course, whining that he was breaking the bat he (the R) was using to bully him (the D) with. Not sure I’ve explained it well, but it was funny. I’m sure it will be on Sally’s lineup this Sunday, as she includes a lot of Luckovich’s work.
AdLib : Dems are really energized about the chances to take the House back so there will be good turnout. But even if Dems just pick up seats, it will be a big loss for Baggers and we’d be just a few seats away from control.
SueInCa : LOL I think they might be in for a surprise. Black people can buy guns too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- there are those who would welcome a repeat of the night riots (ala MLK) as provocation for taking “all of them” down.
kesmarn : Murph, I’ve seen other nonsense about some people claiming that the 2d Amendment gives them the “right” to do that kind of vigilantism. Some of these folks are in for looong interviews with the Secret Service.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…I saw the Boehner story. It took him about four hours to get it done….I am amazed he hasn’t made a bigger deal of it.
SueInCa : That is why they are blocked, plain and simple
kesmarn : The great thing about getting those Obama-nominated judges into position is that it will be the gift that keeps on giving for years after he is out of office!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…my farm keeps me here but I appreciate the thought…..thes e loons are a small part of the crowd but in this part of the world they get to say things like that out loud without anyone shouting them down.
glenn : Murph–did you see where Boehner “finally” made it onto the Obamacare website?
SueInCa : Murph, they are not going to do anything most people remember the night MLK died, nationwide they do not want to see that because they know they will be the hunted
glenn : Ad–So you think people are getting tired of temper tantrums and government by obstruction? I am looking forward to President Obama being able to put his nominees into judicial positions. That will really give the repubs/tpartiers something to moan about!
kesmarn : Murph, we need to airlift you out of there!
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL….In my redneck part of the world…heard a comment today….”Yeah, Kennedy. In those days they knew how to take care of a president they hated….What do you say? Let’s JFK Obama!” Conversation at a Bar and Grill this afternoon.
kesmarn : Speaking of shutdowns, did I miss something? I saw some reference to McConnell threatening to shut the Senate down in revenge for the filibuster reform, but then saw no documentation or follow up. Anyone else see anything like that?
SueInCa : Only in America will a President lose favor when he is truthful and takes responsibility for something.
kesmarn : They would say all of the above, glenn. And then some.
SueInCa : He is a man who is governing while black
glenn : Kes–that’s because the prez isn’t a tyrant–he’s a dictator. Or, is it a king? Or is it a muslim? Or is it a nazi? Or a socialist? I just get so confused!
AdLib : glenn – The world is very different in 2013 than it was in 2010. Don’t forget, there will be more shutdowns and debt default threats from the Repubs between now and 2014 so voters will be reminded how important it is to get rid of them.
kesmarn : I know we’ve said it before, but they are genuine anarchists, glenn. They just hate government.
SueInCa : He has nothing to worry about, he is not up for re-elect for 4 years, he can do a lot of damage in that time
glenn : Kes–Yes, and little teddycruz is talking about shutting down the government again in Jan. He’s such a dork!
kesmarn : It’s such a relief to be among folks who don’t accuse the Prez of arrogance and tyranny every five minutes…
SueInCa : We did BFF
SueInCa : I only buy shoes online that I have already tried and generally only Naots
kesmarn : Seems like we just parted!
SueInCa : Imagine seein you here BFF “-)
glenn : Sue–not to mention that you don’t know how high up your calf they go…sigh. Kes…that’s my worst nightmare–that she will only wear them once.
kesmarn : In these parts I think there are two factors that have caused major disillusionment with the RWers — the shut-down and the cut in food stamps.
AdLib : Hey Kes and Murph!
SueInCa : Hi Murph, just saw your name
glenn : Ad–I hope you’re right. I do see encouraging signs that most sane people are getting fed up with tpartiers, so I do have hope.
kesmarn : I once bought the Fave a pair of boots that she wore — once. Then outgrew. Sigh…
SueInCa : Not to mention how they feel when you actually put them on glenn
AdLib : glenn – The 2010 election was an anomaly, mainly caused by the continuing Great Recession. That’s not the case this time around.
glenn : Kes–the worst part is that she and I looked at them online before I ordered them, and she was the one who chose them. In her defense, it’s hard to tell from pics online.
SueInCa : They are going to divide the R party with their primary challenges although they will prob still vote for an R if one wins. I know Green cannot win but I am sick of supporting people who are too lazy to vote. In CA I still could vote Dem ticket anyway. I might go non-affiliated.
kesmarn : comes, not come!
kesmarn : And hi, glenn and all. Boot shopping can be a real migraine-inducer when it come to the pre-teen set.
kesmarn : Hey, Murph!
glenn : Hi Kes and Murph.
AdLib : glenn – That’s the kind of holiday headache I’m talking about.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello one and all…
glenn : Ad–I agree that it might not have much effect. And, by that time, who knows what other nefarious devices the republicans/tpar tiers can come up with? However, as I said to Sue, I am worried about voter turnout. And…it does seem that repubs are working out on still trying to suppress the vote.
SueInCa : I know Glenn, Parenthood last night was a lesson in someone who is savvy not voting……
kesmarn : Requiem for a filibuster and Medicaid for all in VT. All in all not a happy week for the GOPTBillies! Let’s celebrate!
glenn : Sue–I agree. I’m just worried that those intelligent people won’t get out and vote. 2010 and the “rise of the tparty” still haunts me.
AdLib : glenn – I don’t think so. The Baggers were coming out strong anyway and Dems who want to retake the House would be coming out strong too. What do you think?
glenn : Ad–A tad frustrated trying to find boots for my granddaughter for Christmas. It doesn’t help that the princess is pretty picky. Have had four pair ordered (online) and delivered, and she doesn’t like any of them. So…she and I are going shopping on Monday, and Tuesday if necessary, so she can see them, touch them, and try them on. Other than that, I’m fine.
SueInCa : I think it might with people who are intelligent and understand why it was done, glenn
glenn : So…Ad…do you think the “nuclear option” will have any effect on the midterm elections?
AdLib : Glenn – All is well but getting a little hectic as T-Day approaches. How about you?
SueInCa : BRB
glenn : Hi AdLib–what’s new in your corner of the world?
AdLib : Hey Glenn!
glenn : Sue, Doing well, as well.
SueInCa : Hey Glenn and Adlib
AdLib : Hey Sue! How are you?
SueInCa : Doing well how bout you?
glenn : Filibusted! Love it!
SueInCa : Oh darn I said hello Hi or Filibusted/
glenn : Hey Sue–I’m here. How are you?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Filibusted!” when you arrive!
SueInCa : Hello anyone here?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Another big news week, lots to chat about, hope to see you then!
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