AdLib : Night!
MurphTheSurf3 : You too…over and out.
AdLib : Heh! No good deed goes unpunished…but good people keep doing them anyway. Night Murph, have a restful weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : AD WELCOME AND GOOD NIGHT…I hope to get some time to do Sally’s Sunday Funnies from last week and get a jump on this week….we will see….OH! And my house guest- the guy with knee surgery whose family walked away on him…well he is almost out the door…good samaritaning is overrated.
AdLib : I know you probably do but keeping in mind the lives that will benefit from finally having health insurance they can count on is quite a legacy to have.
AdLib : Murph – Props and power to you for keeping with it. From all you’ve described, I know it’s been a tough slog. It won’t get better quickly but it will get better as months go by. Thanks for doing all you do!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well Ad…the close of a long week….ACA really is a mess here in Mo. and not really getting a lot better. We have lost a number of ACA counselors and the few navigators we could embed are overwhelmed. The Medicaid Gap is murder
AdLib : Funk – I know you’ll thrive working for yourself, very happy for you.
AdLib : Murph – Whoops, left out that you just paste the link into the box that pops up after clicking the “Add an image” link then click “OK”.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I just copied your tutorial and am putting it on my desktop in a post it. Thanks.
funksands : Thanks man I appreciate it. Ad appreciate it very much. No new endeavors, just a lot less of the old ones!
AdLib : Night Funk, good seeing you and congrats on your independence!
MurphTheSurf3 : Night Funk…and best in the new endeavors…
AdLib : Murph – To ost a YouTube video, just add a “v” after the “http” of a link to a Youtube video (so it starts off https) and it will automatically embed. To post an image, copy the URL for it then you can click the link in the comment entry box that says, “Add an image to your comment by clicking here.”
funksands : Folks I gotta bail. Verry tired. Have a great weekend boys.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk. I also agree.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad. I agree
funksands : Murph, if Jersey doesn’t watch it they’ll end up like Minnesota and Wisconsin. Got fat and happy and lazy and now look at them, fighting off rabid RWNJ’s in their government every day.
AdLib : Murph – There are too many stories, like the Dem who ran against Michele Bachmann and nearly won, where Dem Elites think they’re so brilliant and “know” that they can’t possibly win elections…and lose them because they withheld support.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Ad….before we all leave. Can you give me the directions for posting a you tube video AND for posting an image….??? I got them from KT a few weeks ago, put them away securely…which of course means I lost them….
MurphTheSurf3 : Night Sabreen.
AdLib : Sabreen – Take care and have a great weekend! And you’re so right about CBS trying to look unliberal with such a biased report, they’ve soiled their whole network.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- It is actually the failure of the Dem leadership in NJ that most disgusts me.
funksands : Night Sabreen, I’m not far behind you.
AdLib : Murph – True but look at VA where there was a competitive race, Dems turned out. In NJ, I think Christie was such a lock that Dems just didn’t bother. But in 2014, it will be more nationalized and the concept of elections being a wild card will get more voters in red districts to the polls.
Sabreen60 : I’ve gotta go, but CBS pretty much stepped in with their Benghazi debacle. Y’all take care!
Sabreen60 : Night AB.
AdLib : Funk – Exactly and the MSM was SO desperate at that time for a competitive election after Bush crashed and burned, they elevated Fred Thompson who had really nothing to justify any popularity. So he was an actor? Oh yeah, Reagan was too, that means he’s the next Reagan!!! What greedy idiots populate the media.
Sabreen60 : If you get a chance mosey on over to TPV or TOD and read Liberal Librarian’s piece about the so-called “liberal media”.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib and it is that kind of miserable showing of 25 percent that gives the GOP an advantage.
AdLib : Night AB, look forward to seeing more of you here! Have a great weekend!
funksands : Night AB. What’s you twitter handle?
AdLib : I think it was glenn who posted that only 25% of NJ voters participated in the election so the results are so skewed in any case.
funksands : Ad, we saw it with Fred Friggin Thompson. The MSM is convinced that the GOP has a Golden Child of Moderation hiding somewhere in their ranks, biding their time to emerge in our hour of need.
Sabreen60 : Night KT. Take care.
AlphaBitch : I’m following KT out the door. Y’all lock up and don’t make a mess now, hear? Hopefully I’ll have a little Planet time. I’ve restricted myself to the Twitter verse of late; 140 characters is all I could manage. Sweet dreams, peeps!
AdLib : Night KT! Looking forward to the Music thread as always!
MurphTheSurf3 : By KT
funksands : Night KT, enjoy the quiet countryside tonight!
funksands : White Bipartisan that everyone has been waiting for. He’s full of shit and will be exposed as such soon.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…among the things waiting to break is the way that Christie has disperse relief money – if you are rich and powerful you got a lot…the rest crumbs…all kind of crony hiring for refuse removal and cleanup and a lot of missing $$$$ He stonewalls on tis but the national press will not be so kind.
KillgoreTrout : Well Planet peeps, I too will say goodnight. Hope you all have a great weekend.
funksands : Christie gives everyone hope that he is the Great
AdLib : The MSM hype of Christie is such prostitution, we’ve seen this before with Rudy Giuliani, when he was touted as a shoo-in because he was Mr. 9/11. Christie is Mr. Superstorm Sandy. History is repeating itself. In elections, the track record of a politician is what hangs them and Christie has a terrible track record. He is wrong on almost every issue the majority supports and I agree with the comment below, he will absolutely lose his temper in GOP Debates because any smart competitor will hammer him knowing that they could derail him if he explodes. The core Repub Baggers hate him and they dominate the primaries. This is a farce.
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend glenn.
Sabreen60 : Murph, I was wondering about the Dems in NJ. Even the average Dem voted for Christie. Did they not know his record and his policy positions?
AlphaBitch : Funk – I think TX was shell shocked when Cruz beat Dewhurst. At that point, they gave up and figgered he was invincible. SAve the $$ and use it elsewhere. Now people are swinging mad and if we can keep them embarrassed of Cruz, he will lose all but his die hard fans. Does he have hair plugs? I really want to know, and his office doesn’t respond.
funksands : AB correct me, but didn’t Paul Sadler not get much national money OR Texas dem money because everyone thought his race was a lost cause? I think he could have beaten Cruz with some help
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…Christ ie made lots of insider deals with S. Jersey Dems who are old time bosses and now those deals are being exposed. Buono who ran against Christie is a crusader and she is naming names.
funksands : Sabreen, same thing happened with Paul Sadler in Texas against Cruz (
Sabreen60 : Murph, That’s what I heard.
MurphTheSurf3 : Night Glenn
AlphaBitch : The cooches of Texas will vote for WEndy. The shut down of the abortion clinics has the young women in this state FIRED UP.
Sabreen60 : Night glenn.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen and AdLib….Christi e has so much garbage at his back door that when the vetting starts in earnest he will be overwhelmed by it.
KillgoreTrout : Just sayin!
AlphaBitch : Night glenn. I’m not far behind.
AlphaBitch : KT; Jes sayin?
Sabreen60 : Funk, I heard blame the big wigs in the Dem Party. I do wonder why no one endorsed her. They certainly showed up for Terry in VA.
funksands : Night Glenn
AdLib : Night glenn! You have a great weekend and a lovely glass of wine too!
AlphaBitch : No shit Ad. It will be, trust me.
funksands : Sabreen, if Romney’s camp thinks you are damaged goods, then yeeeeek.
AlphaBitch : Ad – it’s his “blind as bat and dumb as a turd” look that appeals to the ignorant group here.
glenn : Well, folks, whoever you are, it’s time to call it a night. So good to “see” you tonight, AB. And, of course, everyone else. Hope you all have a great weekend. Murph–hope you get some relief from the “stupids”–may be a glass or two of wine? Anyway, good night, all!
KillgoreTrout : I have no evidence at all, but Christie HAS to have ties to the mob. You know, that organization that DOESN’T exist?
AdLib : AB – Yeah, why wasn’t that a bigger story, how Christie wasted $20 million of taxpayer money to keep Booker off his ballot…just to make his margin bigger and help his run for President? That’s theft of taxpayer money for personal benefit.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….here is the kicker…she is chairwoman of her Congressional District’s GOP. I told her that her gender makes her less than reliable.
AlphaBitch : Murph: I’m lucky in that my names matched. Many here had to do the same – I think even Wendy Davis and former speaker Jim WRight.
Sabreen60 : Everyone is saying that Christie wasn’t vetted. If he runs in national election, it’ll be a whole different ball of wax.
funksands : So Murph, what was her reaction to this? I bet she blamed Obama?
AdLib : Murph – Perry’s wearing his “I’m actually smart!” glasses in such interviews while spouting nonsensical blather. I don’t think anyone other than RW TX Repubs thinks he sounds like anything other than a bullshitter.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, I think of Tony Soprano!
AlphaBitch : Ad – we can’t even pave our roads now, with fracking trucks tearing up the roads and God forbid they should be asked to pay a little. Every man for his self. The state is Beckistan.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- I don’t know if you were here last week when I shared that my very GOP sister was knocked off of the voting rolls in a challenge. She had to submit an affidavit. She tried to get it straightened out over a two week period (all because of inconsistencies in name usage). SOOOO angry…I told her that this was the shape of things to come.
funksands : I’m Leia
Sabreen60 : KT – I’ll never get that image out of my head. Every time I see Christie, I’ll think of you and Funk – Jabba and Leigh
AlphaBitch : I think those demanding to keep their crappy insurance should be sat down, given a lesson into what they CAN get and what it would REALLY cost, then made to sign a waiver that they will forego all treatment exempted by their insurance company, which will be filed in every ER.
AdLib : AB – That’s great, if people are educated I think a majority in TX will get it and see the ticking time bomb the Repubs’ “Let the poor get sick and burden us!” is for the state.
funksands : Han, Mah kee cheezay. Hassatamooma koh kee malyaloongee
funksands : Solo! Solo! Too Nakma Noya Solo!
funksands : KT, you got it!
Sabreen60 : Funk
KillgoreTrout : funk, with princess Leigh chained to his rotund waist!
AdLib : KT – Since each state has different insurance companies, risk rates, costs of business, etc., they can’t all be on the same basis. However…a national exchange…singl e payer that is…would eliminate the differences.
AlphaBitch : YIkes, Funk! That’s a scary thought. He’s Fat Bastard in my mind.
AlphaBitch : Ad – pissed me off royally to see TExas Monthly cover with wheelchair bound Gregg “Shithead” Abbott and the headline “The Gov”. WTF???? He is about 5 points ahead now. Wendy is knocking herself out. Our $$ is going to her this year; asking relatives to donate to her fund as our Christmas present, too.
Sabreen60 : But AdLib, I thought the people complaining were those who got the cancellation notices, but want to keep their crappy insurance. The media never mentions that these people can go on the exchange (or call) and find better policies that may cost a little more, but they would qualify for subsidies.
funksands : I keep waiting for Christie to demand Han Solo be brought to him
glenn : Ad–I’m not trying to be a pain, but how is President Obama going to fix the problem of people caught in the middle? He has to get it through Congress, and I don’t see the tpers trying in any way to do anything to make the ACA better!
AlphaBitch : Ad – Or Chrispy Crème Chrisie who spent millions so’s he wouldn’t have to be on the ballot w/ Booker. Think I am fooled?
AdLib : AB – That sounds like a plan! Wendy and Alison Grimes are my two top “projects” for 2014.
KillgoreTrout : LOL AB!
AlphaBitch : Circle jerk those repubs.
AlphaBitch : Hi KT!!! Oh my stars and garters, shades of Rummy!
glenn : Murph–all repubs talk in circles–it’s their stock in trade.
KillgoreTrout : AB is that Carters or Garters?
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…oh…wro ng carter.
AdLib : AB – Yep, that’s what Obama pretty much said he would do, fix this problem for people who are caught in the middle with higher premiums and no subsidies. Now that is responsive government! As opposed to those on the other side who cost us $24 billion in a pointless shutdown.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I saw Perry interviewed and he addressed the issue of the health insurance crisis in TX…His response…we don’t have health insurance for a lot of folks but we do have health care….the interviewer tried to make sense of this and failed at every turn. He talked in circles.
AlphaBitch : Thanks, Glenn. Like to keep my Carters straight.
AlphaBitch : Ad – I know there is a huge movement underway to educate voters as to what this is costing them. I told the Blov, Texas: it’s got the Crazy and the Lazy. If we can just get the folks to vote, we’ll take care of the crazy.
glenn : Murph–it was James Carter who released the 47% video–this is Jason Carter who is running for governor.
KillgoreTrout : All I can say is thank goodness for the VA!
AdLib : Sabreen – I think TX and Repubs there will pay a heavy price for being the biggest state to keep millions of the poor without health insurance.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…yes…the state has to agree.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, shouldn’t there be a requirement for all states to have exchanges that are equal? I know that’s not the case, but it sure should be.
glenn : AB–No, it was a different grandson. This one is named Jason and he has been in the Senate for a couple of years.
AlphaBitch : Ad: as to cost of living in Texas, come on down w/ that lovely wife and ChicaLib and we’ll stand w/ Wendy.
funksands : Murph, I guess it would have to be state rather than national legislation huh?
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…yes indeed….that’ s the guy.
glenn : Murph–sorry I missed your question about Jason Carter. Yes, I do think he stands a chance. At least we have Atlanta, which is pretty progressive. It’s a mixed bag, however, a Dem mayor, but he works very closely with the repub gov, so I’m not sure how that will play out. The Dem mayor is considering the governorship, too, I think. Anyway, back to Carter–he has been in the Senate for about two years, and has represented the progressive pov very well, from what I have read. I will keep on it–but I do think there are pockets of progressives, besides Atlanta. It all depends on the voter turnout, I believe.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….our governor, in part because he is running for the U.S. Senate in 2016 is pushing the legislature to fix this but they are holding fast…..there is a rising tide of fury.
AdLib : KT – Yep, my point is that income vs. expenses is so relative that setting a national income ceiling for premium support hurts millions of Americans who live in big cities.
AlphaBitch : Glenn/Murph – wasn’t this the same grandson who got the 47% video on the Mittens? Go, honey. You saved us all mighty grief.
AlphaBitch : I think I would just say, “OK. This is a problem. I’ll just fiss it with a little ole Executive Order (or as AB calls them, a Fatwah) giving a public option to those folks and anyone else who wants it and then we can do away with this nasty old Heritage Action (or Inaction in this case) plan.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…I asked earlier if you thought “young”Mr. Carter stands a chance. In light of your AJC comments…does he?
funksands : Murph, yep. That is a big problem. Can it be fixed (filled) by something other than legislation?
Sabreen60 : AB, I know that’s right. I read TX has more uninsured than any other state. Maybe Virginians will get covered now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Repeating this…Mo. having not expanded Medicaid creates a situation where a dirt farmer making 14 Grand a Year (plus what he pulls off of his farm) makes too much for Mo. Medicaid AND HE MAKES TOO LITTLE TO GET A SUBSIDY SINCE THE SUBSIDY CALCULATORS WERE BUILT WITH THE ASSUMPTION THAT EVERY STATE WOULD HAVE EXPANDED MEDICAID….anot her damn hole in the system.
KillgoreTrout : I’m glad I’m not the “cosmopolitan, ” I once was. I would not like to live in a big city now. 30 years ago, it was fascinating. Now, I just want a quiet rural area.
AlphaBitch : Have faith, Murph. I’m challenging my CFO at work who is a Repub. Brought cancelled checks, old policy PLUS print out. He said nothing. Nada. Zip. Doo=dah. I won.
AdLib : AB – Hmm…but wouldn’t I have to live in Texas? What’s the cost of that? (Just kidding, as you know, my wife’s from TX).
glenn : AB, Murph, and all other “red-staters”. It’s nice to have some progressive company in the midst of the crazies who live around me. I read the Atlanta Journal Constitution on line, and the comments there against President Obama are sometimes so ridiculous. And, of course, the names they call him are even worse! Although, I was very pleased that one poster got all of his comments deleted because he was being homophobic–it was very satisfying to watch him get “wiped out”.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB-+-well done….you are one of those who stand as a witness to what the program should be doing for so, so many….and which it has failed to do because it did not provide for a portal through which they could pass. We are playing catchup now and it was SO unnecessary. Still I appreciate your good words.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Ad, that does sound about right for property in the “promised land.” I know prices in San Diego aren’t much better.
AdLib : AB – That’s a great story and the type that people need to hear. And how little we hear about those who couldn’t even qualify for or afford to buy insurance…and now are getting it cheaply with many more benefits.
AlphaBitch : Funk – I don’t know. Should I worry? Now I have to find the Xanax. Damn it all.
Sabreen60 : DC – A 2 BR condo is a decent location will cost at least $200,000 probably more.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen – 10,000 people showed up in DALLAS (Repub nirvana land) to get info on healthcare.gov.
funksands : AB, that’s awesome. Does it cover acute paranoia? I’m asking for a friend….
AlphaBitch : Move here, Ad. You can buy a 3/3 for about $300,000. Nice neighborhoods.
Sabreen60 : Seems PBO was all up in TX face. Where was Perry? Hiding in the Bushes. Pun intended.
AdLib : KT – That’s the median price for the entire city of LA. A 3 bedroom house has a median price of $608,000. In the nicer neighborhoods, the median price is quite a bit higher…and just for an average type house. Here’s a link to the data: «link»
AlphaBitch : Funk – I”m at the Alamo, doll. Davy Crockett and all that.
AlphaBitch : So Murph – you are fed up w/ website? I logged on. Here is the truth from me: in 2002, the BLov left his job. We cobra’d for 18 mos. Then I tried to buy insurance. $700/month with a $5000 deductible because I had asthma (only when I have a cold) and a uterus (which I had yanked, but it still counted against me). So I did the high risk pool from BC/BS for years. Got on healthcare.gov and found out that the Blov and I could BOTH have a comparable plan (no pre-existing, no lifetime caps) for $761.31 a month. That’s a two-fer some 8 years later. Amazing!
AdLib : AB – No worries, just wanted to let you know folks were thinking of you.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen!
funksands : AB, you are in Fort Worth right?
KillgoreTrout : Ad what parts of LA does this apply to?
AlphaBitch : Sorry, Ad. I’ve kept my head down and my feet busy.
funksands : *sigh*
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! Good to see you!
AlphaBitch : Funk – it was only in the 60s today. tomorrow back to 70s. Love this time of year!
AdLib : AB – Someone was asking about you here last week!
Sabreen60 : Doing okay, glenn et al.
funksands : Hi Sabreen!
AdLib : AB – Missed you!!!
funksands : Ugh. I hat to say it but some Texas sun sounds pretty good right now.
glenn : AB–true that–we’ve missed you!
AlphaBitch : What I have learned in the last month: 61 is NOT – I repeat NOT – 25. I am worn out entertaining the young uns.
AdLib : KT – The median house price for a two bedroom house in LA is $477,250. So, figure a median mortgage of around $2,000 plus property tax and insurance, maybe $3,000 a month. Then food, utilities, car payments, insurance on car AND $1,300 for health insurance…$4,0 00 won’t even cover that.
funksands : KT, Mississippi insurance commissioner never met a premium increase that he/she didn’t like. Blue states not so much
MurphTheSurf3 : Gleen…Absotute ly…the website gave them a ton of free chips in the game.
AlphaBitch : Glenn – good. Hey AdLib – long time, no hang around.
glenn : Hey Sabreen–how are you doing?
AlphaBitch : C’mon down! Weather’s fine, Funk. Shipped off my Turkish young man (that was a BLAST) and am waiting to receive my last Afghan boy. Life is busy, but good.
KillgoreTrout : What’s shakin AB?
glenn : Hey AB–how the hell are you?
KillgoreTrout : Thanks, I guess that makes some sense, but it’s not right.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen – how’s by you?
funksands : I was just thinking about you the other day Tex
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers. So glad the Cucch thinks Obamacare lost. What a dingbat.
AlphaBitch : Oh Murph – if cars ran on stupid, we’d be getting 100 mpg.
glenn : Murph–I agree. The website is a great target. No matter how many times progressives point out that the website may be a problem, but that the law itself is a good thing, the rwnjobs just want to have something to hammer the President with. And, no matter how many times we point out the problems with Medicare Part D (I think that is what I mean), and how the Dems actually worked to help support the LAW of the land, the lunatics won’t give up.
AlphaBitch : Hi Funkie! How goes it???
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello AB….deep in the heart of Texas…..Rick Perry is running for President again and making Stupid a Texas Commodity
funksands : BACON!
funksands : KT, yes they are because premiums are still subject to the individual state’s insurance laws. And every state’s is different.
AlphaBitch : Hola from the land of Ted Cruz and Joe Barton AND Pete Sessions and last but not least, Louie Gohmert. What’s shakin’ bacon?
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk AND ALL…add to this that Mo. having not expanded Medicaid creates a situation where a dirt farmer making 14 Grand a Year (plus what he pulls off of his farm) makes too much for Mo. Medicaid AND HE MAKES TOO LITTLE TO GET A SUBSIDY SINCE THE SUBSIDY CALCULATORS WERE BUILT WITH THE ASSUMPTION THAT EVERY STATE WOULD HAVE EXPANDED MEDICAID….anot her damn hole in the system.
KillgoreTrout : So, are insurance prices being set upon where in the country one lives? That doesn’t seem right to me at all.
KillgoreTrout : No doubt Ad. I used to live in Boston during the 80s, and it wasn’t so bad. Now, a studio apartment goes for at least 900 a month. I mean a small studio.
funksands : OH! Here’s MY vent! WA State is the ONLY state that didn’t set up a BUSINESS exchange. WTF?
AdLib : Murph – The website debacle was such an unnecessary self-inflicted wound but it will be forgotten by a year from now. Still, right now, it’s a pain in the ass. As for the RW religious extremist you mentioned, I don’t know that even the most perfect rollout of the ACA would have changed his mind. As we’ve discussed, these people are obliviously damaging themselves and their families, like cigarette smokers who support the cigarette companies against “meddling government regulators” while currently or eventually coming down with cancer.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….the Web Site provides the perfect target for those who want to make the worst of a good thing…..there is enough happening that is good to save the story as a whole but still we have lost a lot of ground.
funksands : Murph, I feel you. I can’t imagine how frustrating it is to be in a red state that never bothered to set up an exchange.
KillgoreTrout : Murph do you think that the ACA website is being deliberately sabotaged? It really wouldn’t surprise me in today’s political and economic climate.
glenn : KT–I’ve never made that much either, but as I said, it’s all relative.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk I know that I am being a bit subtle and my meaning could be a tad obscure…but… .if I could get my hands on the jackasses who failed to do their jobs in this I would kick the living crap out of them.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I’ve never made clsoe to 4 grand a month. Anywhere. Thirteen hundred a month for adequate health insurance just seem way too much, even for a family of four.
glenn : Murph–We hear you, and we are with you. I don’t want to sound like an “emo-prog”, but I do wish the web site was working. And…of course, the states that have created their own programs, as the law and the SCOTUS said they could, are doing quite well. But, once again, the “liberal media” is not reporting that.
funksands : Murph, so…..are you telling me you are frustrated by the website?
AdLib : KT – In cities like NY, SF, LA, etc., people can make $100,000 and more and yet, with the high costs of homes, schools, credit card debts, etc., barely make their bills…or even are falling behind each month. The cost of living is ridiculously high in the biggest cities compared to most of America.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad and Glenn….I had one of those crazy conversation with a fellow townperson yesterday who asked me point blank why I was pushing “Godless Socialist Medicine that came forth from the Mouth of Satan’s Own Obama” a Quote….from his preacher to him to me….AND I know that this guy is one of those whose family could really, really use what ACA is offereing BUT THAT GOD DAMNED WEB SITE IS MAKING MY CASE REALLY HARD TO SELL…sense my frustration?
glenn : KT–4 grand a month may seem like a lot in some parts of the country, but in places like CA and NY, it’s a good wage, but not “over the top”. I used to live in the Florida Keys, and teachers made more there than in any other place in the state, but it was enough to “get by”–not to get rich. It’s all “relative”–ho using, utilities, even groceries are much higher.
AdLib : glenn – He’s still saying that he’s just going to have to pay the fine but I don’t know if he means it. It will be a big burden on him to put out another $550 a month but he does know how much one emergency room visit or accident could cost them. The good news is that Obama announced in his interview with newsweasel Chuck Todd, that he is going to pursue addressing people like him who are losing their plan and make too much to get any help from the gov’t paying for a much higher plan.
KillgoreTrout : How do people actually pay those high prices every month? You’d have to make about 4 grand a month. All in. How many people make that kind of money?
glenn : Ad–I remember you mentioning your friend last week. So, he did decide to go with the new, more expensive policy? I know you were saying last week that he said he couldn’t afford it.
AdLib : That is, with his old $750 policy, he would have to fight every denial.
funksands : Wow, that’s a big change.
AdLib : I mentioned last week, my friend had a policy for his family of 4 in CA for $750 but will have to pay $1300 under the ACA…except on most claims he would be denied and would have to fight and fight to get them to pay. So, the trade off for him was worth it.
funksands : Ad, its “settled”
KillgoreTrout : Ad, someone once said the “the sleep of reason brings forth monsters.”
glenn : Murph–thanks for the info–I’m going to keep pointing out to her why repubs are NOT good for business. I do think she is quite typical of “voters of a certain age”–repubs (theoretically) used to be “good for business”, so they still are. I think she, and many people, aren’t paying attention, or fox is their only news source, so they have no idea what is really going on.
AdLib : glenn – You and Murph can attest to the RW folks who have personally been refused insurance for pre-existing conditions, etc. but still supported the Repubs and hate Obamacare. You can’t look to reason for their mindset, it’s all emotional.
funksands : Glenn, totally true. My COBRA for my benefits is $1880 a month. Gold plan in WA State is $950 a month for family of 4.
KillgoreTrout : I think life is a preexisting condition!
funksands : Ad, I thought Trader Joe’s did it right. I think it was a knee-jerk reaction to a financially sound decision for both parties. But I get why people reacted negatively.
glenn : Ad–that’s what I was explaining to my neighbor–how when my husband used to change jobs, we had to pay for COBRA because he had pre-existing conditions, and would never have been able to get insurance with a new company if we hadn’t had COBRA. Once he didn’t have insurance with his pre-existing conditions, he would have never been able to get insurance again–unless, of course, we paid an enormous amount–which we couldn’t afford. That is what I don’t understand about all of these people who are against Obamacare. I know we weren’t the only ones who had those conditions.
funksands : Ad, it literally will change the face of the nation’s labor landscape. Plenty of birthing pains, but wait till we see it in 5 years.
AdLib : Funk Trader Joe’s reversed itself, it first announced it was throwing many employees off of health care then got hammered in public opinion.
funksands : This isn’t as cut and dried, but it will have a similar, if messier, effect.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, take away government employees and defense contractor employees, and look what is left.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn and Funk…per the Small Business Administration: Small businesses comprise what share of the U.S. economy? Small businesses make up: 99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms, 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs, 49.2 percent of private-sector employment, 42.9 percent of private-sector payroll, 46 percent of private-sector output, 43 percent of high-tech employment, 98 percent of firms exporting goods, and 33 percent of exporting value.
funksands : Ad, we’d knock 2 points off of the unemployment number by lowering the Medicare age to 60 alone.
funksands : 89% Glenn
AdLib : Funk – That has been a benefit that’s too rarely mentioned. SO many people stay as employees for that reason alone.
glenn : Funk–that is exactly the argument I used with my neighbor in explaining how Obamacare is good for businesses. I also told her how most of the businesses in the U.S. are small businesses and how Obamacare is so much better for them. Murph, do you know the percentage of small businesses? I think I read it is something like 80-85%–does anyone know if that is correct?
funksands : No prob Glenn
KillgoreTrout : Ad, the southerners wouldn’t like him. He’s a Yankee!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- yes his tough Tony act will wear thin with the national press and he will be pressed to explain why his state is doing so poorly in education, in employment, in balancing its budget- why he shot through the three big funds for infrastructure, energy and property purchases his predecessor left him, why his taxes hit the poor and middle class so hard and let the rich off etc.
funksands : However….in the meantime, it will mean some short term pain as businesses do what they do and act in their own self interest. They will kick people off of their plans and cancel them. Some, like Trader Joe’s will act responsibly, some won’t, but long term it will be a creative force.
AdLib : KT – Yep, I keep thinking of the term, “President Soprano”. That should wake people up a little about Christie. Really, we want a rude asshole representing America? Okay, maybe a good deal of the Southern half would be perfectly represented but…
funksands : Ad, oh absolutely. The biggest MACRO event that the ACA will usher in is that people will no longer be chained to their employer for health care anymore. That will free businesses AND the employees to be more flexible in their affiliations.
glenn : Funk–oops–sorr y for making you older. But, at least you’re working for yourself now. Awesome!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…thanks. It is good to know that you are finding some inspiration in my efforts…..I need to do the same I suppose.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, when I look at Christie, I see Tony Soprano. And not just due to his physical dimensions. I mean common, this is New Jersey we’re talking about.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…ah, self employed, like moi….well the best then.
funksands : No no guys, not retired. Got a ways to go before that happy day. I’m a youngin’
AdLib : Really pleased for you, Funk. BTW, do you think that the ACA will support more independent businesses starting up?
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….you are retired!!!!!! I hope that unlike mine, it comes properly financed.
glenn : Funk–Congrats. I’ve been retired for two years now, and it is extremely freeing. I have somewhat of a schedule because of my granddaughter, but I love being able to do what I want, when I want.
funksands : Thanks KT, it feels awesome.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- the largest property rebuilding grants have gone to those with connections and the wealthy/powerful . Among those hurt the most by Sandy his approval rating is less than 20 percent. He has a facade….it is a lie. He has given out sweetheart contracts for refuse removal, beach restoration, public works reconstruction to those who were not even in the running in the bidding war. His thinly veiled “we are recovering” commercial that was really a campaign ad….was given to a high end firm because they said they wanted to use his family in the ad.
funksands : Thanks Ad. It’s been brewing for a long time. But just didn’t have the courage to let go until…..wait for it…. The ACA was upheld
glenn : Oops–“a small dose”
KillgoreTrout : As you should funk. Throw that old yoke aside!
glenn : Murph–You’re too humble–I still remember your “grocer encounter” and how you handled that, and I read your posts, both here and on HP, and I admire how you stay calm (at least in print) and on topic. So, if I get a small does of paranoia from that, it’s well worth it.
funksands : 100% complete and only self-employed from here on out. Very excited. Feel free.
AdLib : Congrats Funk! Happy independence Day!
KillgoreTrout : Woo Hoo funk! Are you now retired?
funksands : Totally. Everyone is invited. Today was the last day I threw off the last final vestiges of my employment.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- I could use a celebration
KillgoreTrout : Murph, is there any evidence of a mishandling of Sandy relief funds by Christie?
glenn : Funk–can we celebrate with you? What are we celebrating? Did you bring the party hats?
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…hey there….
funksands : Hi Glenn, Ad: Celebrating tonight.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
funksands : Hi KT!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- I agree Christie is about to be “Rick Perried” from both sides. His real record in NJ is a disaster and a huge scandal will soon be breaking about misappropriation of Sandy releif funds.
glenn : Hey funk! What’s up?
KillgoreTrout : Hey funk!
funksands : Murph, that was really funny.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, you mau be right, but Christies has about 100 IQ points more than Perry. Christie is rather shrewd I think.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- channeling me can lead to episodes of acute paranoia.
glenn : Ad–great turn of phrase–“gobbli ng up cheese in a giant mousetrap”. Another reason I don’t think Christie will not get the gop nomination, or if he does, why he will not win a national election, is his temper. In a long presidential campaign, I think he will blow his top once too often, and turn off many voters. Not everybody is from NJ.
AdLib : glenn – Good job, just presenting reason and facts won’t do it. Heck, they lose an election and celebrate it as a victory! So the soft touch is the only hope, well done and a nice tribute to Murph.
funksands : Evening everyone!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- and he bought of the Dems in key positions in the Legislature agreeing to play nice with them if they played nice with him….his real record is dismal…he is about to be Rick Perried.
AdLib : Murph – We discussed below, there are those on the Left who are bringing up how it’s such an overreaction to elevate Christie over winning an uncontested election. Meanwhile, the RW despise him and are attacking him for not campaigning for the Cooch. Christie is gobbling on cheese in a giant mousetrap and it’s going to get him.
glenn : Ad and Murph–You’ll get a “kick” out of this. I go to lunch with one of my neighbors once a month. We had a conversation this last time, and she told me that “republicans are good for business, and that Obamacare was bad for business.” I channeled my “inner Murph” and calmly told her how Obamacare would help businesses. She didn’t agree with me; just said she was glad that I had given her something to think about, so I am encouraged.
KillgoreTrout : I just don’t see Christie having any luck in 2016 for the GOPTP nomination. He’s too “Obama friendly” or so they think.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn– does Mr. Carter stand a chance?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Ad Lib…
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi glenn-+– Navigating remains frustrating.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- greetings to you friend…What’s up? For Mr. Christie…the jig is up I think.
glenn : Hey Murph–how goes the navigation?
AdLib : Hey Murph!
KillgoreTrout : Murph’s in da house. What’s up Murph?
glenn : Ad–Yes, I agree about the small towns; I live in one and it is dominated by repubs–of course, so is my state. Hey–speaking of my state–Jimmy Carter’s grandson has thrown his hat into the ring for governor of GA. YEA!
MurphTheSurf3 : Howdy, howdy, howdy
KillgoreTrout : Let’s hope the dems win the farm bill battle. The TPers want to take food out of the mouths of poor people, including children.
AdLib : glenn – Those numbers also speak to how the Repubs only reign over the minority, the small, less populated, less educated towns.
glenn : Ad–I agree about the mayors. It would be nice to see some more governorships OUT of repub hands, though. Congress is a totally different story–but I think so-called moderate repubs are finally getting disgusted, too. There are a lot of them who are still pissed off about the government shutdown, and if the gopers try it again in Jan., they may lose even more. At least, I hope they continue to lose suppport for their lunacy.
KillgoreTrout : Ah yes, that fabled “liberal press.”
AdLib : glenn – First, that’s wonderful that you’re making that trek and spending Thanksgiving with your mother! Second, I think Mayors reflect more of reality than Congress. There’s no gerrymandering in mayor’s elections.
glenn : KT–Yes, that is also encouraging about CA. Of course, we don’t hear much about it in the so-called liberal press, which really pisses me off.
KillgoreTrout : Californis has really turned things around and they are becoming more progressive than ever. They are a huge part of our national economy as a whole.
glenn : Ad–The top 12 cities are Dem–the 13th one is gop. However, out of the 30 largest cities, 27 are Dem. Yea!
glenn : Ad–Although we have a long way to go to “restore sanity” in this country, I am becoming encouraged. I think people have had enough of the negativity, lies, and downright hatred of the gop–finally! Of course, there are still over 40% of people in the U.S. who will vote for repubs no matter what, so we have to overcome that somehow.
AdLib : glenn – The top 13 cities in the U.S. are Dem, right? That is a big deal.
KillgoreTrout : I think the good ole boy network is crumbling. I sure hope so. How long can people continue their support when they are being shat upon by their own leaders?
glenn : KT–FL–she’s in a retirement home there run by the Moose Clubs. It’s a great place for her!
AdLib : glenn – I think Baghdad Bob is the top PR person for the GOP. When they lose elections, it’s a win? Keep it up boys and win like that in 2014.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, Jacksonville NC or Florida?
glenn : AdLib–I watched that RM segment too. Also quite interesting about how all of the major cities in the U.S. are now in Dem hands. Next, we have to get the governorships back in Dem hands.
KillgoreTrout : Noppe, just good ole pasta, homemade suace and home made garlic bread! Yum!
glenn : KT–That pasta does you in, huh? Me too. I’m fine–just made reservations to travel to Jacksonville on Thanksgiving Day to see my 87-year-old mother. My brother and sister are going too. We thought we’d make sure we did Thanksgiving with her this year.
KillgoreTrout : Even though NYC is only across the river from Jersey, they are miles and miles apart, culturally.
AdLib : KT – Did you have Spaghetti and Oxycontin Balls?
KillgoreTrout : Same thought process, for sure. Tha barbarians are at the gate…..NO they’re not! We’re winning.
AdLib : Rachel Maddow did a segment tonight covering the issues I had in my post about Christie being overly pumped up (and appearing on most all Sunday shows this weekend) because of his margin of victory…while DeBlasio more than doubled that margin and had an even more bipartisan electorate.
glenn : KT–Maybe Baghdad Bob is Lindsey Graham’s campaign manager. He’s probably one of the witnesses Graham wants to call.
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn. I’m feeling a little sedated from an excellent spaghetti dinner. How about you?
AdLib : Hey glenn! Fine and how are you this evening?
glenn : Good evening, AdLib and KT–how are you?
KillgoreTrout : Great minds!
AdLib : You beat me to it!
AdLib : …he’s Ted Cruz’s campaign manager!
KillgoreTrout : Maybe ole Bob is now working for Cuccineli?
AdLib : Bagdad Bob…oh yeah, he
KillgoreTrout : I don’t think ole Bob is still alive. Either that, or he is in some prison somewhere.
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know, but what the TP damage control spin is doing, reminds me of him. He kept swearing to the Iraqi people that Saddam’s forces were winning, even though US forces were less than a mile away from the city, and closing fast.
AdLib : And is he getting a gig on 60 Minutes?
AdLib : Oh yeah! Whatever happened to him?
KillgoreTrout : Do you remember Baghdad Bob?
AdLib : hey KT!
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Ad?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Will the Tea Party enjoy more victories like Ken Cuccineli’s loss? Discuss that and more tonight with your fellow Planeteers! Hope to see you then!
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