AdLib : One recall is close and in favor of recall, another is heavily against recall: «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib – de Blasio would have my vote…any word on Colorado recalls.
AdLib : BTW – De Blasio at 37% right now!
AdLib : Kes – Like those cartoon chipmunks! “No after you!”
kesmarn : G’night again!
kesmarn : Heh… they could go ’round in endless circles on that one AdLib! “You first. No, you first!”
AdLib : See you on Friday, Murph!
AdLib : Night Kes! Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us including Obama.
MurphTheSurf3 : And on that question…I think I shall head to bed…see y’all on Friday.
kesmarn : Well, kiddos, I guess I’ll bow out too. Prayers for our hard-working Prez tonight. Wouldn’t want to be in his shoes, although he himself does a great job of filling them.
AdLib : So if COngress passes a resolution permitting an attack if Syria doesn’t disarm on chem weapons by a fixed date, will Russia claim that violates its demand that no attack be voted for?
AdLib : Good question, Murph. Was the demand by Russia just another stall and manipulation or earnest?
kesmarn : I’ll feel better if there’s a signed, sealed delivered agreement. Then the onus is on Syria and Russia.
AdLib : And the UN report should be out this week I believe, confirming the use of chemical weapons and the delivery systems which I think will confirm Assad was behind it. That should push Syria and Russia into the frying pan on making the agreement happen.
kesmarn : Well — if nothing else it has bought some time for possibly cooler heads to prevail.
MurphTheSurf3 : Putin said that he could not represent a negotiated solution if the U.S. voted for a military strike- so Obama asked the Congress to table his request….NOW will the Russians return the favor an support a Security Council meeting on this.
AdLib : Kes – Same here, I was very relieved at the news of the agreement but as time has passed, I have become a bit skeptical about it really happening.
kesmarn : I was letting myself get pretty elated earlier today. Have to keep reminding myself that it ain’t over till it’s over.
AdLib : Kes – Yep, Jesus might get more into his moneychangers ass-kicking mode on those exploiting him for money, power and the mass murders of innocent human beings.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….yes.
kesmarn : Keeping the pressure on, Murph.
AdLib : Even though there is a possibility for a diplomatic resolution, we shouldn’t believe it’s a probability.
kesmarn : Jesus in reality would probably throw those phony Christians out of the temple. Lock ’em up forever in the Creation Museum in KY with the other plastic dinosaurs.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- Pelosi, it seems to me, is saying that force is still likely and that its up to the Syrians and Russians to keep it from happening.”
AdLib : Murph – So true, dealing with Putin is like dealing with a gangster…becau se he is one. And gangsters can’t be taken at their word.
AdLib : Kes – WWJDTBAAA – What Would Jesus Do to Bring About an Apocolypse?
kesmarn : I’m trying not to read too much into her words, AdLib. I hope it’s just that and no more.
AdLib : Kes – I think Pelosi is supporting Obama on keeping the threat of force alive to pressure Syria.
MurphTheSurf3 : Today on Al Jazeera a specialist on Russian political history made this comment: “Putin was a Communist KGB Thug and then he was a Democratic Revolutionary Thug and now he is a Russian Nationalist Thug. The common denominator….t hug.”
kesmarn : Yes. What could be more Christian than praying for the ME to go up in flames? Arghhhh! These people!
AdLib : Night Sabreen, see you on Friday!
kesmarn : G’night, Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Good night folks. Hope to be back Friday.
AdLib : As CL referred to, the RW Christian types here are hoping for a ME inferno because they think it will bring The Rapture, they’re all for things going “to hell” there.
kesmarn : Nancy Pelosi’s latest Tweet: “Pres. Obama’s leadership brought diplomatic solutions back to the table, shows his willingness to exhaust every remedy before use of force.” Is she saying force will likely be used?
kesmarn : Yeah, AdLib. I’m beginning to wonder if keeping a strike still on the table is more than just a rhetorical device or bargaining chip…
AdLib : Kes – Putin is known for being crooked as a pretzel so Obama is right in being very skeptical about this as being a possible ploy instead of a real solution.
kesmarn : I mean, this civil war could go on indefinitely then…?
kesmarn : It kinda gives me the creeps then, if this negotiated settlement is actually a way of prolonging stalemate in Syria and works to Pooty’s advantage in that sense.
AdLib : However, Putin is such a snake, I could also imagine that he uses the prospects of a proposal to block the US from acting but they could drag it out endlessly so that it never happens.
AdLib : Murph – Agree with you on that, Russia is looking down the barrel of a possible Islamist Syria which would be a nightmare come true for them as well as the rest of the world. That sure seems like strong enough motivation.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- perhaps…just brainstorming right now.
Sabreen60 : Good night CL.
kesmarn : G’night, C’lady!
AdLib : Seeya CL!
choicelady : Good night all – off to dinner. Or what facsimile I can whip up. Back week after this for Vox. See y’all then!
kesmarn : Aww..give kitteh an extra hug as he’s about to lose his manhood. He’ll go from “Krakken” to Mitch McConnell overnight.
AdLib : Cheers AB!
choicelady : Murph!!! You may well be on to something really important! See? I KNEW the history prof would figure it out. I think that may well be the motivating factor.
AdLib : AB – Heh! We call that “Getting a Boehner”.
AlphaBitch : Eat well, CL. Nice to see you. And thanks again, Ad.
choicelady : AB – Obama was gentle with Putin, too. Yup – a good thing you’re doing.
kesmarn : Sabreen, what did Matthews say? I don’t have cable access.
MurphTheSurf3 : I think that one of the things going on here for Putin is his fear of the kind of Islamic radicalism that set Chechnya ablaze. He has Islamic republics on his border that are fundamentalist and zealous. It is those folks who will be a huge problem in any transition of power. I think Putin wants to be part of a worked out solution and not one that happens in the midst of chaos.
choicelady : AdLib – you well may be right, and that makes a ton of sense. As I said, there’s just this feeling that there’s something more… Not a shred of evidence about it or what it could be.
AdLib : Sabreen – Matthews has been melting down since he lost his timeslot.
AlphaBitch : My kitteh’s gonads become no-nads on Thursday. I need to go cuddle him knowing what is happening. Kinda like Obama/putin, right?
kesmarn : That was my thought, too, AdLib.
AdLib : Kes – I think you’re right, it would lay the groundwork for a globally backed attack if Syria reneges on an agreement.
Sabreen60 : OMG. I don’t know what OMB stands for.
choicelady : Sabreen – he was kinda OK when I came back. Must have had an aneurysm. What a buffoon he can be!
choicelady : AB – loved my meatloaf. Not anymore.
Sabreen60 : OMB. I turned on the TV and Chris Matthews was in complete meltdown.
AdLib : CL – I don’t know that I agree. What would be a bigger loss for Putin than the US bombing away Assad’s military advantage and laying the groundwork for a rebel victory? If the rebels win, they will have those chemical weapons to share with the Chechens and other Russian adversaries. Syria itself would flip from a Russian ally into a Russian enemy. That seems to be a pretty potent reason.
choicelady : I used to be a good cook before I became wheat intolerant. Now? My food resembles WMD. Sigh.
AlphaBitch : I’d like to try, CL. Meatloaf is the Blov’s fave.
choicelady : AB – no one survives my meatloaf.
kesmarn : c’lady, your dinner would melt Pooty’s stony heart!
AlphaBitch : CL – bring it on!
AlphaBitch : Kes, I think you are right.
choicelady : Hey everyone – hubby is home. Gotta swing into dinner mode. That alone could have brought Putin to the table – cooperate or we’ll sic choicelady’s food on you!!! Anyone would cave. ANYONE.
AlphaBitch : Ad – the whole ME would jump in. Israel is the “least popular” if there is such a category.
kesmarn : If Syria agrees to this plan, will not the whole world then be watching? Am I too naive — if they tried something like this last gas attack again, would not the world react somewhat differently?
AdLib : CL – I was thinking that Hezbollah and other terrorist Syrian allies might be the ones to attack Israel with missiles.
choicelady : AdLib – RWs in Israel are backed by The Family et al. So no, Obama is NOT going to bring about the Second Coming. nope.
AlphaBitch : I just remember Israel giving a time line that Iran must give up the nuclear option and I think we are at tick-tock.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s the mystery isn’t it? What moved Putin to play? I don’t know. It’s not clear, and I just feel with absolutely NO evidence, that it’s NOT military might.
AdLib : AB – There are RWs in Israel that want to strike Iran but the US under Obama won’t let that happen.
choicelady : AdLib – I am unsure Syria has the capacity to harm Israel. so either way it’s off the table I believe.
AlphaBitch : I think Israel is hell bent for Iran or its proxy Syria. Remember 1981 and the Iraqi nuclear power plant in Osirak? I do.
AdLib : CL – What else could be so convincing to Russia?
choicelady : AB – OMG – that’s IT! Fracking residue or peace! I’d go for peace, wouldn’t you?
choicelady : AB – oh. Sorry about the kitteh_Kraken. And yes, I DO know the Kraken. One of my fave Sci Fi stories.
AdLib : AB – If the US attacks Syria, there could be a desperate attack against Israel to create more chaos and distract from Syria. But if we don’t attack Syria, does that happen? I don’t think so.
AlphaBitch : CL: Maybe we offered to relocate our fracking water to Russia for a good price?
kesmarn : Oh I hope not, Frennie. That would be a tough one to contain.
choicelady : AdLib – i’m thinking it has nothing at all to do with bombs. I think there’s something we’ve not yet heard about.
AlphaBitch : I still think there may be a proxy war between Israel and Iran/Syria. “Release the Krakken” as we say about our new kitten.
choicelady : Murph – that’s a solid observation, EXCEPT when it comes to children. Most people kind of get that. You CAN make hell less hellish by removing the things that you CAN control. If Assad has agreed – and apparently he has – that is HUGE. He agreed to become country 190 on the anti-chemical weapons sign on. Wow.
AdLib : CL – Any guesses on what else it would be? I kind of think Obama might have inferred that a bombing campaign in Syria could harm Russia’s interests there as well.
MurphTheSurf3 : choice- good point re. what may be known but not yet in public as a lever.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- yes, but it sure seems to me that there are few anywhere moved by this. I have a friend who lives in Washington State in a very liberal area. She says that the typical response is that the Middle East is hell and we cannot make hell less hellish.
AdLib : CL – Hadn’t heard that about the French resolution. But even so, shouldn’t there be a meeting on it so it can be amended into something that we do like?
choicelady : Murph – I can’t say about how solid this is. But think about it – Russia was totally dissing us on this issue until, suddenly, and I do not think it was the strike on the missiles, they capitulated. Why? I will be skeptical indeed – but there is more here than we know I think.
kesmarn :
AlphaBitch : “Just sayin’ it would be a shame if our 500 tons of chemical weapons got loose in Russia. Just sayin.”
kesmarn : Have to agree, c’lady. One of the few diehard T-baggers I know was the only person I heard say “Hell, they’re not OUR kids,” today. Everyone else gets it.
AdLib : AB – “That’s a nice lookin’ partnership you’ve got there with Syria on manufacturing and energy plants.. Too bad if anything should happen to them.”
choicelady : kes – LOL!!!
choicelady : AdLib – I heard earlier that even WE don’t like the French resolution!
choicelady : Murph – love you, Missourian that you are, MO is NOT the mainstream. I do think his appeal to children is actually quite smart. Y’all have “Winter’s Bone” situations. I take my MO knowledge from a refugee from your fair state – you’re an ‘outlier’ sad to say. I being a MO granddaughter and all…
kesmarn : “That goldurn bomb jes’ fell right outta that plane…”
AlphaBitch : “Just sayin, it would be a shame if that gas pipeline got blown to smithereens.”
AdLib : CL – There was supposed to be a meeting at the UN today on a French drafted resolution and Russia blocked that from happening.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…I think the ground is very shaky, very shaky.
AdLib : CL – I have a sinking feeling that this can indeed just be a ploy. Russia and Syria come out publicly to announce an agreement…that they never intend to bring to fruition but will just keep saying that they will.
choicelady : AdLib – from whence does the ‘Russia is blocking’ idea come from? I’d not heard anything LIKE that today.
MurphTheSurf3 : This is going to sound awful…Obama is appealing to Americans to care about these children….but for many Americans these children are not their children….fore ign, Muslim, from a savage nation tearing itself apart…All too bad and awful and sad and blah, blah, blah….what does it have to do with us. I can hear my Missouri neighbors right now.
kesmarn : It’s very interesting — the way PBO has distanced himself from the deal in public.
AlphaBitch : Me too, CL. But eventually truth DOES win out.
choicelady : Good night, Nirek!
AdLib : Night Nirek!
choicelady : AdLib – I think the missing link is that we actually don’t know if the Big Stick is the reason Putin moved in to convince Assad to turn over chem weapons. It seems so. I am not convinced this is the REAL issue that moved Russia to pressure Syria. I think I will be worm food before the truth is known.
Nirek : Got to get some sleep, good night all.
AdLib : Hmm…the pundits are saying that while the agreement is front and center, Russia is simultaneously blocking the UN from bringing this matter forward.
AlphaBitch : Well he said he would give a speech. He cut out the trip to CA, so he HAD to do it or face the blah blahs about his being wishy washy.
AdLib : CL – It sure does seem that way. The threat of an attack has pushed Syria to fold so far, he seems to just want to keep up the pressure to give the agreement the best chance to succeed.
choicelady : Murph – it is my understanding that a targeted strike is NOT within the tradition, though a few folks smarter than I said it is. I’m at a loss but NOW think the ultimate issue is doing this internationally NOT unilaterally.
AlphaBitch : Blov thought it was a “pretty good speech”.
Nirek : CL, I agree
MurphTheSurf3 : How is it that the U.S. can act on its own when it is not under direct attack or has not been authorized by the UN?
kesmarn : It looks as though he’s not going to say anything about the deal until it’s a done deal. In the meantime, he wants to give the impression that we’re going right ahead “with all due deliberation” it seems.
choicelady : AdLib – I see this yes, as a bargaining chip. We have no idea what got said to Putin at the G-20. But I do have confidence that the movement is toward international diplomatic settlement with the Big Stick in reserve.
AdLib : Nirek – Agreed, this sure seemed more like keeping the threat solid than changing many minds.
AdLib : AB – You are so cool!
Nirek : That he just wants them to see that “BIG stick”.
AdLib : So was this just basically a transformation of this speech from being convincing of a need to attack to keeping this as a strong bargaining chip?
kesmarn : Frennie, it’s amazing what you can learn in the process of just being a mom!
AlphaBitch : Bigger bang than “bang”.
AlphaBitch : I get to host a young man from Turkey. I hope I have a chance to learn some things, but I don’t want to pry or make him feel uncomfortable. I’m happy to just be a “mom”
Nirek : Bet you are right , Ad.
AdLib : I’ll bet the original speech was far stronger and longer, before the deal was announced.
kesmarn : Apparently he wants to keep the heat on.
AlphaBitch : If it ain’t war, it’s diplomacy.
kesmarn : What? Nary a word on the possible diplomatic solution? Interesting!
AdLib : Well, that was relatively brief and not too pushy.
Nirek : That was quick.
AlphaBitch : Ad – “just sayin'”
AdLib : Cool, Nirek!
AlphaBitch : Me too.
AdLib : AB – “It would be a shame if a cruise missile went off target and blew up your gas and oil businesses in Syria.”
Nirek : Hi Kes , AB, and Murph
kesmarn : Hey, Nirek.
Nirek : Hey, Ad, listening here. Kind of nice.
AlphaBitch : There’s a comedy skit for SNL Ad – The Alto Sopranos. Stop or else.
kesmarn : I googled it, Frennie, but so far no hard evidence of Koch involvement.
AlphaBitch : Hi Nirek – use the stick to whump ’em when you need to.
AdLib : Hey Nirek!
AdLib : AB – Amuses me to think Obama speaking to Putin like Tony Soprano on how he was going to “take care of this”.
Nirek : Sounds to me like diplomacy is the way to go , but keeping that “big stick” handy.
AlphaBitch : Kes, let’s look at who has stake in Syrian pipeling.
AlphaBitch : If you talk to Pooty, ask him to keep his shirt on, fer Cris’ sake!
AlphaBitch : AD, oh I bet Pooty-Poo knows it. G20 was a great time for such a “chat”.
kesmarn : Yes, Frennie. The one about the large gas reserves. Bigger even than Boehner’s.
AdLib : Murph – They keep losing zombie employees over Fox due to starvation since they must eat brains.
AlphaBitch : Kes – did you see that link that Kalima sent me on TOOT?
AdLib : Kes – Haven’t heard that but wouldn’t be surprised. Let me know more if you find out more.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad..Zombie Commentators…a re they unionized?
kesmarn : Is it true that the Kochs have a stake in that pipeline? I read that but didn’t find any verification of it elsewhere.
AdLib : Murph – The live thread is here, the undead thread is on foxnews.com.
AdLib : AB – That would be powerful damage! To Syria and Russia and maybe Putin knows that too.
MurphTheSurf3 : OK here you all are…
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. “I will turn over those chemical weapons that I don’t have.” Right, Bashar.
AdLib : Kes – The irony is that Assad lied in that interview denying he had chemical weapons…then the next day, he agreed to give them up. When has Obama lied? Assad lies all the time and we should believe a mass murderer tyrant over our Pres?
MurphTheSurf3 : Is this the live thread? If so I am in the wrong place
AlphaBitch : Because he is smart, AdLib. Wanna bet that he will blow up that gas line as well? That would e detrimental to Russia’s economy.
kesmarn : Even Assad used the Bush club to beat C. Rose with. “Why would the world believe your so-called “evidence”? Your last president lied?” Thanks Dubya/Cheney!
AdLib : This is such a tough sell, to build support for war in the ME after the fraud of Iraq but Obama makes a strong presentation.
AlphaBitch : Slam you Bush and Cheney.
AdLib : Aqua Buddha will declare war and black people as wrong.
AdLib : And I always associate the term “embolden” with the scare tactics of the Bush Admin…even if it may make some sense in this case.
AlphaBitch : AQUA BUDDHA speaks??
AdLib : The slippery slope argument, that’s one I have difficulty with because it can always be used.
kesmarn : Hahaha! I was kidding. Once again the GOP is a parody of itself! Hey, AdLib and friendies!
AlphaBitch : KES!! Howdy, Frennie.
AdLib : Hey Kes!
kesmarn : Maybe Randy Paul? He’s just full of ideas. All of them crazy.
AdLib : AB – Rand Paul is doing an unofficial rebuttal that the MSM will of course cover, just like Bachmann, because nutjobs get viewership!
AlphaBitch : Pretty damning.
AlphaBitch : Boehner is drinking – heavily – now. Who is doing the rebuttal? Ted Crazypants?
AdLib : AB – Yep!
AlphaBitch : 98%. That’s impressive.
AdLib : Let’s hear it from all the pro-chemical weapons Repubs out there!
AdLib : Sad that right now, Repubs are listening intently to his speech just to find some reason to attack him, closing off their minds to what is actually being said.
AlphaBitch : Nice reference to “can’t change a civil war outcome”.
AdLib : Right now Repubs across the country have their fingers stuck in their ears and are humming.
AdLib : Now, live from the Bin Laden death announcements room…it’s…P resident Obama!
AlphaBitch : I have finally made my mind up to support an attack, and now this? (JK) I DID decide to go with Nicholas Kristoff, until I learned Sheldon Adelson was on that side too. Dilemma, dilemma.
AdLib : CL – Get them computer speakers soon! Sorry to miss you for a bit!
AdLib : AB – Cheney and Rumsfeld rise from their coffins to criticize Obama on his poor judgment??? Repub politics have indeed become a total self-parody.
AlphaBitch : Adios CL.
choicelady : OK lovely people – off to the TV and SOUND. Back when I can. I agree – this is historic!
AlphaBitch : Never mind the Cheney. And Liz – what gall!
AdLib : AB – The destruction Bush has done to the institution of the U.S. will go on for decades.
AlphaBitch : No wonder no one trusts the US anymore, eh Ad?
AdLib : This is actually an historic speech. Needs to be put side-by-side with Bush’s Chock-Full-Of-Li es speech on why we had to go to war in Iraq.
AlphaBitch : Just tryin’ to slam my Frennie. She has ALL the tiaras!
AlphaBitch : From your lips to my fingers that I can multitask and type w/o too many errors.
choicelady : AB – LOL!!! kes as Kuzinski is just NOT on!
AlphaBitch : Kes still in a cabin? That’s a little Kuzinski, no?
choicelady : Ab – from your fingers to God’s ear? Eyes? Whatever.
AlphaBitch : From your lips to my fingers.
AdLib : AB – My pleasure!
choicelady : AB – I have every confidence you can multi-task.
AlphaBitch : Yikes. i’m watching on TV on new laptop. May not be able to type and watch, but will try. Thanks, Ad for doing this. You don’t know what your help did for me during the debates….
choicelady : AB – is brain cleaning anything like a Nefi pot or whatever that sinus wash is? I’m a fan of “Washed my brains today and can’t do a THING with them!” So. No.
choicelady : My main problem is a new computer, NO speakers yet. So I will have to drop off, sorry – TV is in the other room. I’m not Rubber Woman or I’d try to do both.
AlphaBitch : I try and smudge my brain each week after watching pubnuts.
AlphaBitch : Hey CL – did you do a brain clearing?
choicelady : AB = Great to see you!
choicelady : AdLib – I will look at pundits LATER. No room left in the brain for them anymore.
AdLib : CL – Whoa! That would be fantastic news for De Blasio!
AlphaBitch : Hey gang! Weiner-Master. Is that the pass word?
AdLib : I’ll provide the pundit roundup, try this link: «link»
choicelady : Ooops = forgot to say Chessmaster Obama. There. Now I’m “in”.
choicelady : AdLib – I heard De Blasio was ahead enough to avoid a runoff. Wheee!
Sabreen60 : Yep. I don’t intend on listening to the pundits.
choicelady : Hi Sabreen! Check out TPV – lots deleted, a major EmoProg troll invasion by one person who has NO good sense! LOL!
AdLib : Welcome back, CL!
AdLib : What a circus sideshow for the Repubs on this, cheering on the tyrant Putin while attacking our own democratically elected Pres.
choicelady : I’m back – the TV was useless. Wanted to hear the pundit runup. Yawn.
AdLib : I’m also looking forward to the NYC mayoral election results at 6pm. The end of racial profiling in NYC under De Blasio? I think so.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! I have the tv on in the background now but it’s just kind of redundant blather so the sound is way down.
Sabreen60 : Hi folks. Just checking in. I can’t decide if I want to watch PBO on computer or TV
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or “Chessmaster Obama” when you arrive!
AdLib : Hey CL! The feed is above if you want to watch here!
choicelady : BRB – going to check the TV for what good that can do…
choicelady : Hi AdLib – don’t know how long I’ll be on, but thanks for doing this.
AdLib : Join us tonight for a live chat during Pres. Obama’s address on Syria at 6:00pm PDT. We’ll begin a half hour early at 5:30pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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