AdLib : Night pal!
MurphTheSurf3 : I agree re. women and Hillary. AND on that night cap, we adjourn!
AdLib : No worries Murph, we can close the Vox bar for the night. Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Murph – That’s very cool and charming! I think we’ll see a number of Repub women voters vote for Hillary because of the dynamics of Repubs being so anti-woman and having the opportunity to see the first woman president in their lifetime.
MurphTheSurf3 : I am still here. And will wait until you finish to reply
AdLib : Also, the Repubs know what they’re doing to get their constituents angry at them and they know that it will just be worse if they keep going along with the nihlism of the Baggers. Appreciate your POV on them and agree, they may want to go out as men instead of live as mice.
AdLib : Interesting about GA, didn’t know all of that. Michelle Nunn running there could make things very interesting there. Yep, I think the overreach by Repubs in NC really helps Hagen, especially because the Senate candidate is the House Speaker behind all the lunacy. And Landrieu has turned things around as you say so three big “gimmies” the GOP counted on don’t look so certain.
MurphTheSurf3 : It’s just you and me, Ad….
MurphTheSurf3 : Hillary…..reme mber my Lysistrata Ladies….had a call from their leader asking if Sen. Clinton (as she called her) would make a good president? I said that I thought so- it was funny- she sort of whispered- well if she runs I am going to vote for her.
MurphTheSurf3 : I suspect that you are correct re. Dem control AND I am beginning to think that some GOP in the Senate are really getting nervous about the party’s life expectancy- since Senators serve longer terms I think these longer term issues are on their minds more than the Reps. SO….we are seeing signs of a GOP opposition to the TP types in the Senate. Further, some GOP House reps- I have one of them – are real old timers and would rather leave office with their heads help up having lost to a TPer than get whipped like a dog or forced to to bend the knee.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- Georgia is interesting. In 2006 a GOP effort to get a voter ID was hijacked by Civil Rights era pols and turned into a bipartisan effort. As a result big resources, a huge campaign, two years and a lot of grassroots effort led to Voter IDs for almost everyone and the voter turnout was big in 2008- it has been getting bigger and more Dem. Now the GOP is trying to do its tricks but they are so transparent…so a Dem shift is possible. NC is becoming one very angry state and that anger is creating a deep divide and Hagen is playing this with key constituents. Landrieu is putting a lot of push behind health care- a gigantic issue in LA. So yes…
AdLib : I expect the Senate will probably stay Dem, maybe just barely. Repubs will lose several seats in the House but retain shrinking control, around 13 seats need to change from Repub to Dem for control to change and gerrymandering makes it tough to get many now. That would set up an opportunity for Hillary in 2016 to have a shot at winning the WH AND winning Dem majorities in Congress.
AdLib : Murph – I know, just a few off the top from the Repub wish list that I think won’t come true for them in full.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- obviously did not mean right now but in time. You seem to have the eye for the horse races
AdLib : GA is now a possible Dem pickup, KY too.The NC mess may help Kay Hagen hold her seat and Landrieu’s looking better in LA. These were all considered probable Repub seats. What do you think?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib I would enjoy seeing one of your rundowns state by state.
AdLib : Murph – It is a possibility though with the momentum on our side, some races seen as tossups for Repubs will shift to Dems and some slamdunk Repub seats like McConnell’s could go Dem. I do think that if Grimes wins in KY, it could be the decisive win for the Dems.
AdLib : Murph – Unfortunately, some people have to hit rock bottom before letting go of political dogma and opening their eyes to what is really going on. Even then, it’s so painful to accept that they’ve been so wrong so many will still hang onto their dogma even though deep down they know it’s flawed.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad….look at the Senate races for me- what do you think. Will the Dems lose the Senate? I can’t believe that this might be a possibility but it seems to be.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- And yet today I saw the spark – the rubes in rebellion- I think there is a dawning awareness that they are cannon fodder in the war being fought for the rich and the rich and the powerful. I think of my neighbors who are about to lose a family farm because of medical bills (and have a vulture bank just waiting to grab the property)
AdLib : Murph, wonder if they’re sick yet of losing Presidential elections and winnable Senate seats?
AdLib : Night Sally! Have a great weekend, see you here for the Funnies!
AdLib : Murph – There is only an on and off switch for some people, narrow minded folks like that just marry themselves to the conviction that Obama is evil and Repubs are on their side and never question themselves. That takes critical thinking and such people never learned that, they’re the rubes the Repubs manipulate like puppets.
SueInCa : Good comeback Murph and now I will sign off. Take care everyone.
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks Sally. He scowled and walked away.
SallyT : Good come back there, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- after the Town Hall this AM, I was approached by a GOP operative from the County who knows of me. He asked me if “I was sick of O-Boy yet!” I said I wasn’t but it sure looks like he’s making you guys look sick.
AdLib : Night Sue! COngrats on your productive day!
SallyT : Okay, Murph, I’ll be watching for them.
SueInCa : Also driving people to the polls….
SueInCa : I agree with you both Murph and Ad. I will work on that end this time.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…hey I have my comments ready to go in the AM…they will be there. I have an especially good anecdote to share with you about one….
SallyT : Good night, glenn and Sherlock. I am out the door behind you both.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- I know it is important to fight the GOP efforts to block the vote but I think we need ready the field of battle. SOOOOO I want every Dem activist to get behind the Secure ID’s campaign….”qu ite cher bitchin” and get to work is what I want to push. IDs for all.
AdLib : Sue – I think it will be a multi-pronged campaign to get the Dem vote out in 2014. Women’s groups, black groups, Latino groups, youth groups, all the demos that the Repubs have been assaulting will be mobilized and then there will be Obama’s groups pushing hard too because he sure wants a Dem Congress for his last two years. Hmm, wonder who might be good at organizing a community like that?
SueInCa : Well I think I am going to sign off too. I have to get up early to go see about some new furniture. It was a good night here, thanks to everyone.
SallyT : Oh wait! Sorry, I meant good night to KT! You rest and take another pill! See you around here later!
AdLib : glenn, so it’s time for you to say Goodnight Moon? Night and sleep well!
SueInCa : I am looking for that opportunity Murph. We mostly are a blue area but there is still opportunity. I would also be willing to travel if it is close. Night KT Night Glenn. Ad I hope someone in the lead in the party makes that a priority to get out the vote
SallyT : Good night Murph and you haven’t commented on the funnies. I checked everyday!
glenn : KT–Night–looki ng forward to the music thread.
AdLib : Night KT, looking forward to the Music Thread as always!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- peace is found in the conquered pole
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Murph!
glenn : Okay, folks, now that I know how to paint a 30-foot flag pole, I can go to sleep without worrying. The moon is going to the other side of the earth now. G’night all.
MurphTheSurf3 : Take care KT….depart with a song in your heart.
AdLib : And Dems did do better than predicted in turnout and margins in 2012 for a similar reason. Remember, most polls were way off and didn’t predict the kind of victory Obama and the Dems had.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- here in Mo. we are working to get everyone, everyone, everyone a state ID card or a driver’s license. And we are registering til the cows come home.
KillgoreTrout : Well good people of the Planet, I think I’ll excuse myself and begin working on this weekend’s music thread. Sleep tight kids.
SueInCa : Sally Tony did that with paint rollers and we finished the paint job in half the time
glenn : Sue–Agreed. GOTV is the only way to overcome gerrymandering.
AdLib : Sue – I’m not expecting Repubs to vote using reason, I expect them to keep voting Repub. But if they’re discouraged, their turnout will be lower. And if Dems are more energized, their turnout will be higher. That’s the whole reason Repubs are pushing the Voter ID, they know that if Dems turnout is as strong as Repubs, they lose. What I’m proposing is that due to a backlash against the GOP attacks on so many Americans, Dem turnout in an off year election, in 2014, may be higher than usual and that will make a big difference.
glenn : Sally–very clever.
SueInCa : Ad that is where I see the work needed. Making sure people are registered to vote and GOTV. THAT is going to make the difference
glenn : Murph–thanks. I also think that’s why they’re fighting so much now–among themselves as well as with the American people. They are like cornered animals.
SueInCa : It was the Hindenberg KT and John Boy was there to see it and his dad got Roosevelt to sign a pardon for a black friend just before he died in Warm Springs. Like VA is really close to AR but I still watch the show
MurphTheSurf3 : kT- I don’t see Christie getting into the fray…he knows he cannot win in his own party so why hurt his rep and ruin his chances later when the GOP’s floundering ship either rights itself or sinks and something new comes along.
SallyT : Tied a roller to the end of one of those ball grabbers that extend that you use in golfing.
AdLib : I’m not naive about the true believers in the GOP not changing their self-destructive mindset but the majority of Americans don’t support Baggerism so as long as turnout is as motivated on the Left as it is on the Right, Dems will win.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- good image of the GOP in the corner.
SueInCa : Ronulans always try to do that in comments
glenn : Ad–I agree about the 2010 election. It was the “perfect storm” for the tp. But as gwb once said, “fool me once, it’s my fault–fool me more than that…..” or something like that. Anyway, I think the tp has shown the country their idea of “governing” and the country is no longer buying it.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, or the Goodyear Blimp from New Jersey! Or would that be The Hindenburgh?
SueInCa : Please tell Watson
SueInCa : I was hoping for that last year Ad but I still don’t believe even the few R’s that are sensible will vote other than party lines. I love the independents who try to talk everyone into dropping both parties……lik e we are going to vote for The Aqua Buddha
glenn : Sally–Okay–we cry “uncle”. How did you paint your 30 ft. flag pole?
glenn : KT, Murph, and Ad–I think the r/tp’s have painted themselves so far to the right corner that they have no idea anymore where the center is–moral or otherwise. And the paint is beginning to peel.
SallyT : Nope and I wouldn’t get my shimmy off the ground!
AdLib : IMO, the only reason the Repubs won in 2010 was that many people were still being terrorized by the economic collapse the Repubs put us in anyway. And that fear was amplified by the ACA fearmongering. But in 2014, the economy may not be booming but the electorate won’t be in a state of shock and they can’t be stampeded with the false promise of, “We’ll fix the economy that Obama can’t!”
SueInCa : did you shimmy up the pole and paint as you slid down?
SallyT : Nope
SueInCa : Sally did you throw it up and hoped it stuck?
SueInCa : I know Murph, I know
SueInCa : Same here glenn. I stayed up all night to watch them get married. I was not into anything else about the monarchy but those two have captivated me
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue Never underestimate the staying power of abject ignorance.
SallyT : Sherlock, I can tell you how we painted our 30 ft flag pole.
glenn : Sue–I solved the problem about the ladder–I hired professionals to paint my house.
And, yes, I think Will is sweet. When I see pictures of Will and Catherine looking at each other, my heart just melts. They look like they’re so much in love.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, the right is also in a Catch 22 when it comes to religious fundamentalism. If the move to a “moral center,” they will piss of the evangelicals.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb- stuck in a decaying orbit- how apropos
SueInCa : That is pretty much what that article said about the right Ad. But the independents are as slow as the Teabillies. They are only independents because they don’t want to admit they voted for the Toy Story Cowboy
SallyT : I worry about that short memory span, too, Sue.
glenn : Ad–I do agree with you, but don’t want to get my hopes up too much. Although you were right about the presidential election when I was worried. I do think the r/tp’s, for some reason, are feeling much more emboldened and are just coming out with more racist and just plain crazy remarks. Shutting down the government over Obamacare is just nuts! I know you hate HP, but I go there to see what the crazies are up to and there are more and more people condemning the r/tp’s for their craziness.
AdLib : The GOP is in a Catch 22 situation. They need to bring in voters from other demographics but what it would take to do so would enrage and alienate the only demo they have left. They’re stuck in a decaying orbit.
SueInCa : I worry about the “slow memory” people who will be fooled when it gets close and the right all of a sudden tries to do the “peoples’ work”. That mentality will forget all the bad shit they have done.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- Never underestimate the staying power of abject ignorance.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, as long as the right keeps trying to maintain it’s white supremecy attitudes, they will continue to lose more often. The country is changing and they just refuse to acknowledge that fact.
SueInCa : But he is still sweet glenn. He was kind of mean to her but he straightened out. Me? It was always white but now I have color. I even had a burgandy wall in my dining room. Now everything is caramel but I just don’t have the energy to paint vaulted walls. In the middle it is about 20 ft up or more with no way to get there except a ladder
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue and Glenn- I am an anglophile of the first order- the marriage of Will and Kate is very interesting- true love (and pretty mature love) between a prince and a honest to God commoner- the first ever. The British Monarchy reinventing itself
AdLib : glenn – It’s not wishful thinking, which is what I’m always on guard for. Murph’s experience at the town hall matches that of what we’re seeing in the media and the assaults on women, minorities, students, etc. has reached a crescendo. With Repubs spouting misogynistic and racist garbag daily and threatening to destroy our economy, I think the Bagger/GOP is on a downswing and the pendulum is swinging our way.
glenn : Sue–This is the first time in my life that I have had every room in my house painted in a color. Usually it was just tan or white.
SueInCa : Ad I am waiting to see what happens, I do not trust any republican or tea billy
glenn : Sue–I’m with you on the Will and Catherine thingy. I think they’re just so cute. Although Will is looking more and more like his daddy and that is not so cute!
SueInCa : She was mainly talking outside but I bet she would say inside too. I never painted anything but white until about 2003
glenn : Sue–I love Easter egg colors!
SueInCa : She really did KT. That is my one weakness, Will and Kate
KillgoreTrout : Catherine, of course.
SueInCa : Glenn my girlfriend calls houses with lots of color easter egg homes
SueInCa : Which KT? Catherine or my projects
glenn : Ad–From your lips to the voters fingers at the ballot boxes. Vote the Rancid Penis followers out!
SueInCa : I saw purple with turquoise and it looked good. I just made a bracelet in orange and purple for a friend glenn
KillgoreTrout : Mine neither glenn! Once upon a time!
KillgoreTrout : Sue, that’s funny!
glenn : KT–Thanks for understanding that my full moon is not quite ready for prime time.
SueInCa : One is bronze and the other is a light pink with silver lining.
glenn : KT–
glenn : Hey Sue–What colors are you using? My painters say my house is a house of fun colors, so I love colors! Sounds crazy, but my living room is purple with orange accents, and I love it!
SueInCa : I wish more men knew that KT
AdLib : Here’s my way-too-early prediction for 2014, I think the Dems will have a surprisingly strong performance, better than most pundits have any idea right now. The momentum is out there for Dems, after the Voter ID, Zimmerman verdict, anti-abortion laws, Voting Rights Act decision, etc. People have had enough and that’s what the Dems should run on, if you’re sick and tired of the lunatics at the wheel and want Washington to get things done and help Americans, vote against your Repub Rep even if you like him or nothing will change.
SueInCa : Do you know Catherine Dutchess of whatever used to moon people from her window at St Andrews?
KillgoreTrout : Of course you do. No means no!
glenn : KT–And even if you ask nicely, I reserve the right to say “no”, and mean it!
SueInCa : I have two half projects ready to go. Because I tried them together and they did not work. Now I have to find two more colors to go with each of them. But then I will have two projects ready to go. You are welcome glenn
KillgoreTrout : LOL!
glenn : KT–Only if you ask nicely.
MurphTheSurf3 : Night Kes
KillgoreTrout : glenn, will you be able to moon us?
glenn : Sue–Thanks
SueInCa : good I like moonlight
glenn : Sue–Not yet–the moon will be around for a little while more.
SueInCa : Night Kes, glenn you leaving too?
AdLib : Night Kes, rest well and feel good my friend!
SueInCa : ok i keep rolling over something that takes me to another screen.
SallyT : Good night, Sunshine Kes from Milky Way Sal!
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I hear that!
glenn : Sue–Caribbean Sue sounds good.
kesmarn : G’night glenn moon and all! Have a great weekend.
glenn : Kes–Good night. Keep on shining on us all!
kesmarn : KT, thankee!
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend Homie!
SueInCa : Well Caribbean Sue sounds good too
glenn : KT–Who’s afraid of a newt? Not me!
kesmarn : Total eclipse of the kes, whenever I go to bed. Which is — I think — right about now!
KillgoreTrout : glenn you’ll have to fight Newt Gingrich for it.
glenn : KT–good one–kesshine!
SueInCa : KT I heard their math was incorrect? And I get the Pacific or the Caribbean
glenn : Kes–If you get the sun, then I get the moon. I like the sound of that–the glenn moon!
KillgoreTrout : Well, we could use some kesshine!
SueInCa : Ad I always get mad, so I leave the room when it is on or make comments until Tony turns the channel
kesmarn : Sally! I forgot about naming the ocean after Reagan. I want the sun named after me!
KillgoreTrout : The postal service lost 750 million last quarter.
SueInCa : better not I don’t want to go to Vallejo to mail my packages
kesmarn : Right after they name that post office, they’ll close it, Sue.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, named after it’s governor, the Blowhard fish!
AdLib : Sue – I know, you’re right, each time I watch these pudnuts, it only reminds me why I stopped watching them regularly.
SallyT : Yes, Kes, and the ocean after Reagone and not forgotten by the Right!
kesmarn :
Trigger fish for sure, glenn!
glenn : Kes–the state fish of Arizona should be the blowfish–or maybe the trigger fish.
SueInCa : Or maybe renaming the post 0ffice in Benicia CA
kesmarn : Either that or something really momentous like naming the carp the state fish of Arizona.
glenn : Ad–I know. But the r/tp’s idea of compromise is to do it their way. And then when it’s done their way, they complain that the other side voted for it too. The ACA being a case in point–it was a Heritage Foundation idea, but it’s no good when a Dem president signs it.
SueInCa : LOL you owe me a coke, I said it first BFF
KillgoreTrout : He has surprised me kes.
kesmarn : Jinx, BFF.
kesmarn : glenn, I think they’ll try to repeal Obamacare.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I don’t know, but I bet it won’t be immigration reform.
SueInCa : Repeal Obamacare for th 41rst time
kesmarn : I’m pretty impressed with Francis so far, KT. Lots of stuff still needs fixing, but his heart seems to be in the right place.
SueInCa : Ad stop watching those clowns know nothing, they are trying to gin up controversy. See? You caved and you got pissed. So do I
glenn : So what do you all think? What’s the first thing the House is going to take up when they return from recess?
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- but she was also an atheist and a pretty ardent one. So the selflessness of the Gospel was nonsense to her for more than one reason
AdLib : glenn – You’ve got one side saying, “Let’s insure 30 million people and it will save billions!” The other side says, “Let’s not insure any of them and give those billions to insurance companies instead whil pushing up health insurance costs by double digits annually!” And the response is, “Both sides need to compromise.” Huh? Let many people die and go bankrupt, it’s only fair?
KillgoreTrout : Hey, how about that new pope? He seems to be closer to Christ’s teachings than any other I can think of.
MurphTheSurf3 : kt It ’tis It ’tis
kesmarn : Had to love it when the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops condemned the Ryan budget as cruel to the poor.
glenn : Murph–Rand’s gospel was not atheist, it was selfishness taken to the extreme.
KillgoreTrout : Isn’t that so typical Murph?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- He did and he held in office staff seminars….so much for the Good Catholic who was preaching the Gospel of the ardent atheist.
glenn : Kes–yes–it was on HP last week, I think.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Murph, I could recall Ryan, but that’s who I was thinking of. Didn’t he require his staff to read Atlas Shrugged?
glenn : Ad–I agree. I’m so sick of that “both sides need to compromise”. I haven’t seen the r/tp’s compromise on one thing yet. If you vote to repeal the law of the land 40 times, that just doesn’t seem like compromise to me. More like a temper tantrum and a waste of time and money.
kesmarn : Murph, he’s so self serving. But I think he is a good snake oil peddler, and he knows how to read his audience.
MurphTheSurf3 : kT Rand and Paul Ryan
KillgoreTrout : kes, there’s no honor among con men!
MurphTheSurf3 : kes- interesting insight re. Beck
kesmarn : glenn, that’s great! Rush turned on FOX? I hadn’t heard that!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, has anybody told Rand Paul about this? LOL!
kesmarn : funk made a good point this past week on the Planet. He was saying there’s a whole RW hate industry that makes its living selling garbage to the RW gullible. Gotta wonder how long that can work.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, she certainly didn’t embody the true spirit of America.
glenn : Hey Kes–did you see where even rush limpbag told one of his listeners to not watch fox news? They really are turning on each other.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT Rand took Social security and medicare
AdLib : Sue – That reminds me, I made a mistake of watching MSNBC today and saw that hack, Michael Smerconish. He spouts such BS including that equivocating of “both sides need to compromise” and that hack also insisted that from what he’s seen of town hall meetings, the Bagger momentum is back and the Left has no momentum. What a douche.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, amazing isn’t it? The very special queen of self reliance and exceptionalism! (and greed)
SueInCa : Ann Ryand? That is who I meant
SueInCa : Of course not BFF, I knew she would turn tail and run
kesmarn : BFF, they do not like facts!
SueInCa : They should have deported her to Russia. That is what I would do with people like Rand
SallyT : Yes, she was, KT.
glenn : KT–Don’t know about public assistance, but she was on Social Security.
kesmarn : I’m told that Glenn Beck is critical of the GOP these days. And he’s a guy who knows how to read a trend and profit from it. The little weasel. But at least that’s an indicator.
SueInCa : I saw that too glenn and you are right on the money
KillgoreTrout : Wasn’t Ayn Rand on public assistance in her final few years?
glenn : Kes–I can’t take credit for it–got it from HP the other day–but I intend to use it whenever I can.
SueInCa : Kes I had a lady on FB tell me this morning, both sides needed to get along and compromise. When I hit her with facts, she ran away
KillgoreTrout : Me neither Sue. That don’t deserve a pass.
AdLib : Even with the Kes – Is it a coincidence that Rush is losing major stations? I think the momentum is on our side, the majority is recognizing more and more eac day that they don’t like or trust Repubs.
kesmarn : “pale, male and stale” is priceless, glenn!
SueInCa : I know and I may be obstinate but damnit I want to remind them of their selfishness
SallyT : Yes, Sherlock, kinda like when the tornado hits their porch, they need Federal Aid but not your state!
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, and they’re seeing that it’s literally all hate-talk and no action from the GOP. No jobs!
KillgoreTrout : Quite true Sue.
SueInCa : I know KT and I am just not ready to give any of them a pass
glenn : KT–Personally, I don’t know if it’s because I’m paying more attention nowadays, or if it’s because I truly think they have gotten away with this lunacy for so long, they don’t even realize how idiotic and downright mean they sound to anyone who isn’t pale, male, and stale.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, it’s the cult of Ayn Rand.
SueInCa : Your key word, sensible KT…….
AdLib : Kes – Studies have shown that negative advertising can work in the short term but boomerang against the negative advertiser after a while. I’d guess it’s the same with a GOP party that is 100% negative for 5 years and counting. People have been there, done that with loony Baggers, watching tantrums and hatred being spouted for years gets annoying after a while.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks kes. It’s gone now. The tooth, I mean!
SueInCa : I don’t know about everyone else, but it still angers me when they accept something only because they all of a sudden realize they need it. It is still selfishnes on their part
KillgoreTrout : Truly sensible people just must see the idiocy that’s been so evident in the TPGOP these past ten years?
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- it is.
kesmarn : And you too, Sally!
kesmarn : Homie, hope that tooth feels better soon!
SallyT : KT, I fell the other day and cracked my front tooth.
SueInCa : I was going to ask where he got that info but it was probably World Net Daily
glenn : Murph–At least your neighbors are beginning to realize that we have to care about each other. Good to hear. Is this the same grocer you enlightened earlier this year?
kesmarn : I do sense a rejection of the relentless smugness and hostility of the RW, AdLib. Hope that only increases as we approach 2014.
AdLib : Night AB!
SallyT : Snap isn’t just for the disabled. Stupid people!
kesmarn : G’night, Frennie! Give the kitten a pat for me!
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams AB!
AlphaBitch : Yes. Sweet dreams of Obamacare to all – that single payer thingy ma bob – night.
AdLib : Kes – I think there’s a continuing momentum from 2012, reasonable people are sick and tired of the crazies having so much power. And tired of the extremists hating everyone except people like them. Glad to hear another situation affirming that theory.
SueInCa : Night AB put that kitten to sleep
kesmarn : glenn, I saw that! Unbelievable. I guess you have to be carried into the store in a state of emaciation to be able to use food stamps!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, me too Sally. When the novacaine wears off, better not be left without pain killers.
glenn : AB–That was quick. Do we have to play nice?
MurphTheSurf3 : night AB
SallyT : Good night AB!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- my local grocer who is good hearted but not always right minded was finally cajoled to start taking SNAP credits, Food Stamps, again NOT because of objections from people like me but because a number of his regulars have come to realize how many depend on this program- and its the neighbors they care about.
glenn : Kes–did you see the article about the republican (of course) rep who “knew” he saw fraud with the SNAP program? You know how he “knew” it was fraud–100% fraud (his words). It was fraud because the people using the SNAP card were fit!
SallyT : Ouch, KT! Glad you have something for the pain.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Sue, it will.
AlphaBitch : OK all. Nighty night. Play nice now, ya hear?
kesmarn : Frennie, we need video of the kitten!
KillgoreTrout : I should be fine in a few days. Thanks for the well wish.
SueInCa : Teeth are the worst KT hope it helps
kesmarn : glenn, this Ohio guy was actually photographed wearing a Nazi SS uniform that he owns to play in re-enactment games. He’s ultra Tea Bag. And not too bright.
AdLib : KT and Sally – Agreed that the Baggers who are angry at Repubs won’t vote Dem…but they will stay home and not vote which would bode well for Dems’ chances.
AlphaBitch : Yow, KT! Heal up now, you hear?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sally! Speaking of Vicodin, I just took one. Went to the dentist yesterday. Ow!
SueInCa : I always forget her last name, Wendy Davis
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- Got it in One.
kesmarn : AdLib, I’m seeing more of that direct confrontation on values even in the grass roots. One woman I know posted a snide comment on FB about SNAP recipients and she got so much blow-back on it she took it down. That wouldn’t have happened a year ago.
AdLib : Sue – Yep, McConnell has a Bagger going after him in the primary so if he wins that, he’ll be beaten up and have a smaller bank when Allison goes toe to toe with him. Go Grimes!
glenn : Kes–Don’t know the people of whom you speak, but the r/tp’s are like “whack-a-moles. ” Just when you think they’re gone, they pop up again. Speaking of which, I see that a couple of r/tp’s are popping up with the birther issue again!
AlphaBitch : Time to tuck the kitten in bed. He is trying to turn on the desk lamp now. Very clever, but a little TOO curious.
KillgoreTrout : I think it bodes well for the 2014 mid terms!
kesmarn : You’ll never guess who’s re-emerged in Ohio politics. Rich “Nazi Boy” Iott. The guy who was clobbered by Marcy Kaptur. He’s running against conservative Barbara Sears because she’s not TeaBilly enough!
AlphaBitch : Sue: uh huh!
SueInCa : Wendy in Texas?
SallyT : I don’t know about a cavity search but the cop would have found my foot up their butt if they took my Vicodin like they did hers.
AdLib : Kes – I was among those who were very frustrated at Obama’s holding back from any public criticism of Repubs thinking they would eventually deal with him. Now that he knows they won’t unless hammered by the public to do so, he focuses on rallying the public against the Repubs. Glad he’s been pushing back since 2011, those reptiles see kindness and diplomacy as weakness. You have to take them on directly, he knows that now and I’m very pleased to see it.
AlphaBitch : Stephanie Miller says of the TP/R rift: “Fight, fight, fight! Now boys, don’t worry. You’re all losers.” ain’t it the truth.
glenn : KT–Yup, you saw right. The infighting is getting interesting.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- Grimes is wonderful….and there is a rising woman star in Tx who seems a spirit sister.
SueInCa : I saw that too KT but push comes to shove, they will vote party line, at least I must say I do not trust them.
SallyT : That’s okay, AB, I have faked a few………
KillgoreTrout : Did I see right the other day, when I read that the TP was turning on the GOP? I sure hope so, discontent within the ranks!
SallyT : That
AlphaBitch : OOPS! Sally from When Harry Met Sally, not our adorable Sally! Perhaps the kitten wins tonight and I should hang it up. He is trying to figure out how to disconnect wires for the printer now.
SueInCa : Ad isn’t Turtle being primaried?
kesmarn :
AlphaBitch : So ladies, listen up: If subjected to a filmed body cavity search, make like Sally and have a fake orgasm when they poke their hands down your pants. Lesson #1.
glenn : Ad–I just love it that President Obama is calling out the pubs finally! I think the r/tp’s have gotten worse in his second term, instead of better. They’re not going down without a fight–I just hope they’re going down!
AdLib : Sue – Yep, I will support Allison Grimes, if she takes that seat away from McConnell it could usher in a big change in the Senate (and keep Repubs in the minority) but even if it doesn’t, getting rid of Turtleman would be so sweet!
kesmarn : He’s really been connecting lately, AdLib. In simple yet eloquent words. The GOP is looking meaner and meaner. Well — they don’t just look mean. They are.
SallyT : I like her, Sherlock.
AdLib : Did you see Obama’s press conference today? He really capsulized the GOP so well, it’s not news to anyone here but it’s something Obama didn’t do in his first few years when seeking (futilely) bipartisanship. Yep, it all boils down to Republicans’ holy grail of taking away his achievements and the health care of 30 million Americans. Just that petty hatred and spite, the GOP is exposed more and more as a hollow shell of hatred.
glenn : Sue–Do you mean Allison Lundergan Grimes? I love her! Loved her first campaign ads! And I see by the polls that she is “neck and neck” with the turtle! In the battle of the necks, Grimes will win every time!
kesmarn : Here’s that link: «link»
AlphaBitch : Kes – that’s when a Rancid Pubis comes in mighty handy. Some bloody tampons (didn’t we start that idea here one night on VOX?) and some old tuna cans. Bet they won’t ask….
SueInCa : What does everyone think of the new challenger for The Turtle Man? She is witty and bright
kesmarn : No — seriously, glenn. Gimme a sec and I’ll get the link.
AlphaBitch : I have a kitten on my keyboard. Forgive my typing. FAther forgive me for what I might do; you forgive me, and I’ll forgive you.
SueInCa : Kes that one girl with the smell of maryjane in the car got 184 thousand in damages
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- send in the clowns….there has to be clowns…don’t bother, they’re here….Ellen Reddy.
AlphaBitch : Kes – yes. Sarah Slamen is all over this – she is the woman who spoke so passionately at the hearing in the house on the anti-abortion legislation in TX.
glenn : Kes–you’re being sarcastic about those body cavity searches in TX, right?
SueInCa : LOL glenn if they had any brains they would take them out and play with them SMH
AdLib : Hey Sally!
AdLib : Thanks Kes! Wonder if others recognize the source?
kesmarn : Have you all heard about those Texas State Trooper traffic stops in which women are given “body cavity searches” right on the side of the road!?
AlphaBitch : Woot. Let’s hope so, Sue.
AdLib : AB – I wonder though, against the backdrop of the Baggers wanting to take health care away from 30 million, shut down the government and the sight of them at the town hall meetings as loons, I think Rancid’s threat will be seen as coming from weakness. A strong party wouldn’t feel intimidated like an insecure one. And it makes you look at their potential candidates…as weak too!
SueInCa : I wonder if that guest online thinks we are all nuts
glenn : Sue–Of course RP is justified in his whining. Doesn’t the “liberal media” control everything? Of course, Rancid doesn’t get that he is trying to control the media!
AlphaBitch : I think you will like it, Sue. One of my faves. That and Rude Pundit.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glen and Ad Lib – like both of your tunes re. Rancid….my new name for the Spoiled Cheesehead
AlphaBitch : Hey Sally gal!
SueInCa : I just followed him on Twitter AB
AlphaBitch : Murph – and this shaming of them will embarrass folks. We HAVE to see the clowns, hear the clowns, to truly mock the clowns.
SallyT : Oh, yah, Jesus would do that, AB! He was so corporate!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Sally
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…that is what I thought. I have a sister from Tx and she is GOP (to my constant consternation) and she had to admit that Perry was a buffoon.
glenn : Murph–how about the tune from “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?” The title fits–except for the “good” part–change that to the Stupid, the Bad, and The Ugly–don’t know about the tune part, though.
AlphaBitch : Corporate Jesus takes biblical quotes but twists them into corporatocracy.
kesmarn : OMG! AdLib, I am laughing so hard, I have tears in my eyes!
SueInCa : Corporate Jesus? They have something like that on FB but call it Republican Jesus
AdLib : “All but one man cried. There at Bagger Creek. And they say he ran away. Rancid, scorned as the one who ran (the RNC). What do you do when you’re Rancid, and you know you’re a rat? Wherever you go, for the rest of your life You must prove, you’re a rat.”
kesmarn : That would work, Murph. And hey, Sally!
SueInCa : Hey Watson!
AlphaBitch : check out @corporatejesus on the Twitter. Too funny!
glenn : Hi Sally!
SueInCa : I cannot imagine that people really think Rancid Penis is justified in his whining, at least not sane people
SallyT : Good evening everyone!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…think of a tune from one of the Spaghetti Westerns
AlphaBitch : Murph – when everyone mocked Perry, the Repubs that I know – and know well – were all shamed and admitted they were shocked AND dismayed he was in the lead for the Repub nomination. One even stated – somewhat seriously -that she would head for Canada. Can’t reveal sources, but this was a BIG name.
kesmarn : Sounds like that could be put to music, Murph.
glenn : AB–It may also blow up in their faces–just like when romney refused to say what he would do “until he was elected.”
MurphTheSurf3 : and they called him “RANCID PENIS” and he wore the name with pride. STANDING UP FOR THE GOP was his motto.
AlphaBitch : glenn: I have explained that this is a win-win for the Republicans. Either Rancid forces the networks to blink and pull the shows (which he is treated as a conqueror) OR they refuse to participate and hide the clown car from the public (thereby squeaking them in like Perry)
kesmarn : “Rancid Penis” is just too funny. Wait till Google crawls the site and finds that one!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB-+- tell me a little more about what is happening in Tx…especially re.who is laughing at who or making fun of who…I think I get it but want to be sure.
glenn : AB–Yeah, that “ticket holder only” policy worked so well in the 2012 elections. Let’s just reinforce the echo chamber and “only talk to people who agree with us” mantra. Just like Rancid Penis (that’s my new name for him and I’m sticking with it) wants to control the moderators of the debates.
AlphaBitch : Sue: NPR did a huge story about this – how Perry would not debate White – but it didn’t matter. Without public shaming, he skirted in because people were too lazy or too uninformed to go vote. That’s why Progress Texas and Battleground Texas are so key this time.
MurphTheSurf3 : glenn- my gut was that no one at the meeting, except for maybe me (and I kept my mouth shut) was a Dem…these were GOPers…all of them
AdLib : I do think that Freedomworks/Koc hs have their paid trolls attending many of these town hall meetings but unlike in 2009, they don’t look like legitimately angered people in the middle of a terrifying economic crash, they look like lunatics.
kesmarn : Hey! You’re supposed to visit that little room before you get in the car!
SueInCa : Me too, I need refreshment
KillgoreTrout : Be back in a few folks!
AlphaBitch : Glenn – and that is the strategy that will work. In their face. But I think that candidates will once again have a “ticketholder only” admittance policy.
glenn : KT–I’m so glad to see President Obama telling it like it is. There are advantages to being in your second term.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- well, it is pretty certain that they are not happy with what “their” rep is done……and who the “they” is depends on which questions is being asked….whiplas h!
SueInCa : AB when he refused, I would have written him off but I am not a Teabilly. I do remember that though.
glenn : Murph–Well I did hear that the DNC (I think it was the DNC) was urging people to go to town hall meetings and ask questions like those asked at your meeting. The questions about why r/tp’s don’t want Americans to have health care.
AlphaBitch : Sue: He got re-elected over a VERY popular former Houston mayor, Bill White, ONLY because he REFUSED TO DEBATE MR. WHITE and people could not see for themselves how truly, truly stupid he is.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- the brain drain is there for all to see. The meeting had all of the characteristics of a general meltdown.
SueInCa : I flat out love his take no prisoners tude KT
AdLib : Kes – Yep, I created that Stooges graphic. The originals I now put a PlanetPOV logo on.
KillgoreTrout : Loved Obama’s critique of the GOP today, concerning their tireless efforts to repeal the ACA! I loved it.
SueInCa : I live in a very blue district Murph. Not many red cars around here.
AlphaBitch : Murph – that is FANTASTIC and tracking what is happening here from reports around TX. I tell ya, people HATE to be made fun of, and when you mock them, it shames those who voted for them. Except for the paid ones (as you probably had in that meeting). Whores don’t laugh.
SueInCa : AB he is really funny though. Can you imagine that dunce as a President? I still ask how people voted him for Governor4
kesmarn : Murph, sounds as though people are starting to wise up at those meetings!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- those meetings are happening all over. They are reaping what they sowed.
glenn : Murph–I haven’t a r/tp come up with a sensible solution to anything in the last 20 years!
KillgoreTrout : “sensible solutions based on real world needs”.. Wow, what classic example of double speak!
AlphaBitch : Sue: Or late onset brain stem development (that’s what we here in TX think)
AdLib : Sue – Sounds great, thanks so much!
SueInCa : WOW Murph quite a meeting there
kesmarn : Did you do the graphics on that image, AdLib? If so, you were brillianter than I realized!
glenn : Sue–Oh, Perry–that makes sense. I truly think that man has early onset Alzheimers.
AdLib : Kes – Thanks so much! You know me, I don’t often talk about my own work but that image just makes me smile everytime I see it, it really turned out so funny when you think about who is portrayed as which stooge.
AlphaBitch : And Neil Bush (of the Silverado fame) is the good values kind of guy…
MurphTheSurf3 : THE TOWN HALL PART II- The Congressman argued that a government shutdown would affect them while not stopping Obamacare and then he had to point out that the GOP was not against the “good things in Obamacare, just the bad ones.” Someone yelled out: “So what are you gonna replace it with.” He said: “sensible solutions based on real world needs”…..AND THE AUDIENCE LAUGHED OR BOOED! The finale- a number of people began to question those pushed the Shut Down the Government Mantra as to whether they were from the District or were plants!
kesmarn : glenn, it was Rick Perry who thought New Orleans was in Florida!
SueInCa : No glenn, Perry
AlphaBitch : Oh Frennie. He has no idea WHERE he is at any time. Bless his heart.
glenn : Kes–Cantor thought he was in FL?
SueInCa : They all yelled this is NO lol
KillgoreTrout : Like Robin Williams once said, It’s pretty bad when the smart one in the family is named Jeb!
kesmarn : Frennie, did you hear that he thought he was in Florida when he was speaking in New Orleans?
AlphaBitch : Eric Cantor is a sour pickle.
SueInCa : Tomorrow is my read up day, I will have some comments Ad, I love your satire
AlphaBitch : Nope. Guv Ricky comes from Neanderthal stock, not Stooge stock.
AdLib : AB – Hmm…maybe we need a Pinterest type article showing images of things that certain people remind us of?
kesmarn : They MUST be related, Frennie!
glenn : Murph–Sounds like a raucous good time! Did the congressman have anything good to say?
SueInCa : Hey all of you I love mayo sandwiches, comes from being a picky kid, will never eat another one in my life
AlphaBitch : Me too Frennie! I did not even recognize Guv Goodhair as the third. I honestly thought it WAS Shemp.
KillgoreTrout : Wonder bread with mayo! A real WASP treat!
kesmarn : AdLib, I loved your latest on the GOP movie collection. Really did laugh out loud. And for some reason it took me until tonight to realize that the “Stooge” pix were actually the real 2013 stooges!!
glenn : Ad–oops–descri ption being stale, male, and pale!
AlphaBitch : Urp, AdLib. It’s a carryover from my childhood. soggy white bread makes me urp. HEY! So does Reince Priebus
AdLib : Kes – Like it, Rancid is a winner!
glenn : Ad–Heard a good description of gop’ers the other day:
SueInCa : He does Ad I think you just nailed it.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, with mayo!
MurphTheSurf3 : THE TOWN HALL MEETING….GOP Congressman….w hat I would call a old Missour GOP pol….assaulted by those to his right DEMANDING that he march with the budget lemmings into the sea; shut down the Government, not raise the debt ceiling…AND then a bunch of people spoke up about the decision not to embrace ACA medicaid expansion in Mo….several spoke up about what ACA has done for them and wondered why he was out to hurt them….IT WAS A MESS…A HOT, HOT, HOT MESS….
AdLib : KT – I don’t trust a man whose face and voice remind me of soggy white bread.
kesmarn : Likewise!
SueInCa : Oh my BFF glad I don’t know him
AdLib : Murph – Do tell, these GOP town hall meetings are quite fascinating to me. Either real wacko RWs are reasonable people nailing a GOP Rep for wanting to take their health care away. What happened at this one?
kesmarn : BFF — how about “Rancid” on that one?
SueInCa : I am just fine KT, I could not resist. Yes Glenn to be made into something spectacular and sold again
glenn : Sue–doing a little retail therapy, are we?
KillgoreTrout : Sue, you naughty girl! How are ya?
SueInCa : Yes you did BFF
SueInCa : Rance Penis?
kesmarn : BFF, didn’t I just see you a minute ago?
AdLib : Hey Sue! Sounds like a great day!
glenn : AB–Oops–I’ll take cracker jacks–that describes pubs more.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello AB, Hello Kes, Hello Dolly!
KillgoreTrout : I just can’t take seriously, a man whose name sounds like a hybrid car.
AdLib : Hey Kes! Well, we all know that they only believe in rights applying to them. I mean, if others had rights, it would infringe on their rights to dominate them!
AlphaBitch : In what way, Murph?
kesmarn : Frennie! We meet again, at last!
SueInCa : Good evening all. I went to a bead show this morning and bought some lovely trinkets so I am in a great mood. How is everyone?
glenn : AB–Yes, I love it. Pass the popcorn! I’ll take caramel, please.
AlphaBitch : Frennie!
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL-Guess where I was this morning? At a GOP congressman’s AM Town Hall….It did not go as he planned…..
kesmarn : Hey, KT, glenn and fellow Planeteers!
AlphaBitch : Hey glenn & KT! We all love the movie idea now, don’t we?
glenn : Hey Kes!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie!
AlphaBitch : Just my paranoia when I encounter a Reince, Ad.
AdLib : KT – Yep, we’ve got Joe Pesci to play Ted Cruz!
kesmarn : For a crew that blithers about Our Freedoms so much, Reince and the Koch brothers sure seem to have a love affair with censorship — whether it’s PBS or CNN. We watch. They decide. (They wish) And Happy Friday!
KillgoreTrout : What’s up AB?
glenn : Hey AB–how goes it?
AdLib : Howdy AB! That works too!
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Ad? Doing a little casting?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib – A party of, by and for cheaters that I deeply hope perishes fromthe earth.
AlphaBitch : Hey folks! Thanks for the clarification – I thought it was Reince-a-Moan EEK! The Sad Fraud Sicko Treat. You guys are so much smarter than the average bears….
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph, and glenn!
AdLib : Hey KT!
AdLib : Murph – Yep, it’s the approach of those who know they would lose a contest without cheating. Thus, Voter ID laws, pressure to censor free expression, propaganda campaigns…
glenn : KT–Greetings
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- greetings oh musical one!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planateers!”Hi! ” or Reince-a-Moani e, the Sad Fraud Sicko Treat!
glenn : Ad–I think there is much of which poor lil Reince is unaware!
MurphTheSurf3 : Reince, Repeat..what a HOOOT!!! My theory is that Reince knows how weak the field will be in 2016 for his team so he wants to control the game – choose the field, the rules and the refs (thanks for the idea AdLib).
AdLib : glenn – It seems like Reince is so convicted about how the GOP has a right to control everything, he seems unaware how most people don’t look so kindly on pro-dictatorship parties.
glenn : Ad–Pesci sounds good! He would be hilarious!
glenn : Ad and Murph–Don’t you “love” the absolute nerve/hypocrisy/ cojones of Reince and Repeat? If your network won’t carry the programs we want it to carry, then we won’t let you televise our clown show!
AdLib : glenn – Hmm…How about Joe Pesci?
AdLib : Murph – Wonder if Priebus came with instructions? Sham Poo, Reince, Repeat.
glenn : Ad–In your movie, “Cruizing for a Bruizing”, who would play the main character?
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- nice to hang….
AdLib : Hey Murph, nice to see you here this early! Inserting images is very easy, there’s a link below the comment entry box that you click then just add the URL. For videos, it’s as I described in my reply. Just let me know if I can help!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib: All Hail the Emperor Reince a Legend in His Own Mind
glenn : Ad–doing well–just hanging around.
glenn : Murph–Nada–jus t had a nice visit from my brother; he was here for three days, so I’m just hanging around now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings Glenn….que pasa?
MurphTheSurf3 : Howdy Ad Lib here earlier than usual. Just got finished reading your replies- Got to figure out how to do nifty images.
AdLib : Hey glenn, doing well. How are you this evening?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Reince-a-Moani e, the Sad Fraud Sicko Treat!”
glenn : Good evening, Ad–how are you?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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