AdLib :
! Thanks for the parting smile, Bito! Sleep well and see you tomorrow!
bito : Thanks everyone for joining us tonight and remember the last portion of the debate was brought to you by our sponsor: «link»
AdLib : Night!
SallyT : Good night to you, too, Adlib.
AdLib : Well, time to wrap up our Live Chat for the night! Take care Sally and rest well knowing the President had a strong night!
SallyT : I don’t buy it either.
AdLib : Sally – If that was true, why was Obama well ahead until the 1st debate? I don’t buy it. The undecideds are not issue oriented, they are all about the superficial which is what helped Romney in the 1st debate and hurt him tonight. Watch, you’ll see the pundits proven wrong once again.
SallyT : That is probably why Romney kept taking it back to the economy tonight.
SallyT : Their reasoning is the economy and Obama has said nothing about how to improve it.
SallyT : KQ, I have heard tonight many times, as you, that this debate probably won’t change anything and it will remain a tie or Romney staying ahead a little. I just don’t believe that. But, as I said earlier, the polls are still behind the last debate. So, how do they know that that one didn’t change things already.
AdLib : KQ – Yes but all they’re doing is inventing questions to ask. Add neutral questions to broad consensus that Obama won and you have a net gain for Obama.
AdLib : Makes sense. We have virtual legalization here in CA with medical marijuana and it hasn’t caused rampant drug use despite the fear mongering.
KQµårk 死神 : I of course make my own opinions. The only reason I read a breath of columns is to see how it could play to the public. Especially the naive public.
SallyT : We have Oregon Liquor Control and the state owns the liquor stores.
SallyT : It will be handle as our liquor and that should bring in 22 million dollars a year.
AdLib : Sally – That and the tax revenue from sales will be a boon to the state. And just make sense.
SallyT : That was in dollars the millions.
SallyT : That is one of the selling points, AdLib, that it will save the state between 1.4 to 2.4 million in convictions cost and prison.
AdLib : Well, looks like it’s about that time to wrap up our live chat for the night. Thanks Sally and KQuark for closing the bar with me! It was a very satisfying and invigorating debate night! Thanks to all for making it a great evening!
AdLib : Sally – And I’m rooting for OR to set the standard! De-criminalize marijuana and start undoing arbitrary laws as well as strike a blow against the prison industry.
SallyT : Also, taking regulations off of hemp.
SallyT : We have legalizing marijuana on the ballot, so, there will be voting!
AdLib : Sally – That’s good to know! Most swing states have absentee or early voting going on now so in those cases too, Obama’s lead is locked in in that voting. So even if the margins were to shrink, which I don’t think will be the case, it will be too little too late.
SallyT : And, the ballots were late this year. They are usually here a week earlier.
SallyT : They never show Oregon as a state with early voting but as I said earlier I got my ballot Friday and my grandson today. We can mail them in now or deliver them at a drop sight immediately.
AdLib : And keep in mind that over 700k people have already voted in OH so how meaningful are polls that show a smaller lead for Obama…after he has already locked in his margin from previous weeks?
AdLib : Sally – Yep, the polls lag and what should be good for Obama is that his numbers should be rising in the week before the election…which should lead to more recognition that he is going to win.
SallyT : AdLib, I have read that the polls still haven’t caught up with the debate before this last one.
AdLib : KQ – Those hacks can say that all they want, reality doesn’t read their columns.
PatsyT : Good night to you all, thanks for all that you do
KQµårk 死神 : «link» «link» «link» Everyone talks about how it won’t necessarily stop Romney’s momentum when I thought it stopped this week.
AdLib : Murph – Signing off for good just for tonight, that is? Take care!
AdLib : The flip side is, the definitive loser of a debate doesn’t see numbers in polls rise. Romney’s best weeks are behind him.
MurphTheSurf3 : Darn….phone call from our Office Manager. Need to take it. signing off again…probably for good. Best.
choicelady : Thanks everyone. GREAT conversation – hope to see you Friday, too.!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Choice, have wonderful dreams
AdLib : Sleep well Choicelady and thanks for all the wonderful work that you, your org and hubby do!
MurphTheSurf3 : Take care CL and best on the initiative.
choicelady : Hey Murph – good place to come when you cannot sleep. Maybe we should keep this open all the time? Kind of a virtual “Nighthawks” kind of place? I’m about to toddle off though – as part of share and share alike, husband dear gave me his cold, so I need sleep. We are working (for MONEY) on Prop. 39 the OTHER tax plan to mobilize the faith community in CA to do events and stuff to assure its passage. It’s the only one of three that can’t be killed off and will kill a horrible corporate tax dodge, will give money to the General Fund, AND will build a base for training and development of green jobs for our unemployed youth. It’s a very good proposition. Now – to get people OUT to do things. So off to bed to have the energy to DO that tomorrow! Good night everyone – sweet dreams when you go to sleep yourselves!
AdLib : KQ – Yes but it is the MSM creating that “worrisome” meme because that’s what they’re in the business of manufacturing. Since we’re not in that business, we don’t need to accept their BS as legit. Nope, when a candidate wins a debate this decisively, it is always a plus. Sorry MSM about spoiling the surprise!
KQµårk 死神 : I just read three articles on thedailybeast and theatlantic using that meme
KQµårk 死神 : Murph I hope that is a better representation of the electorate.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ…what is the source of the Romney momentum….
AdLib : Murph – And I have confidence that a majority of Americans and undecided saw the same thing.
KQµårk 死神 : I hope you are right AdLib because tonight the meme is Obama won but will it halt Romney’s momentum.
MurphTheSurf3 : E mail traffic is pretty much unanimous…Obam a won and handily…made Romney look like an amateur whose cramming made him look stiff and shaken at the same time. Quite an image.
AdLib : Just saying, this week’s meme will be pro-Obama and watch the polls inching back up for him. As election day nears, more people will edge back to the security of the proven President…espe cially after seeing him look so Commander in Chief in this debate.
AdLib : Welcome back, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : E mails are all done and I am back. To awake to try to sleep…so back to the Plantet
AdLib : CL – Didn’t you get the Religious Right meme-o? Babies only need their lives protected while they’re in a woman’s womb. Once they’re born, they don’t deserve insurance, medical care or magical Pull-Ups.
choicelady : KQ – JINX! I said earlier that yes, if you are Black in America, even as president, you have to work twice as hard to be thought half so good as anyone – ANYONE – white. That’s been true of this president. He is amazing and yet is dismissed by racists on every front.
choicelady : ADLib – all that mewling about saving precious BAY-beez, and they don’t protect them? Man. That’s COLD. I have no idea if there is a rite like bar mitzvah, but I think you’re on to something there! You could start a whole new industry as bar mitzvah planners do now. Like your entrepreneurial spirit. Mitt would approve – then sell you out and ship the planning to China. Of course.
AdLib : KQ – Not in OH, PA, WI, etc., Obama is ahead where he needs to be to win and Romney won’t improve in any of those states after tonight.
AdLib : CL – As I mentioned, that big swing for Obama tonight will change the MSM meme, I think. Time for a new meme, this Romney BS meme has gotten too old and inaccurate.
KQµårk 死神 : I think the dynamic here is if you are African American you almost have to be perfect to get respect. Obama had one slip up and now Romney is the default white guy to save us from this inferior black guy. I just feel that vibe.
choicelady : KQ – the fact that the registered but uncommitted voters gave Obama 53% and Romney 23% would certainly say to me his momentum had the wheels fall off and overturned in a ditch. But they just keep saying he’s moving UP. He’s not. It’s pathetic.
AdLib : KQ – I think that meme will be replaced this week because it’s false and boring now. The new meme, I predict, is, voters are coming home to Obama.
AdLib : CL – Nope, no magic diapers for babies, they can get swept up by tornadoes. Not sure what age you get your first pair of magic undies. Wonder if they do it like Jews and on their 13th birthday, they have a celebration and declare, “Today you are a Mor Man! Magic-tov!”
KQµårk 死神 : The MSM meme of the week is Romney momentum. But when you see the polls that momentum stopped days ago. It’s just amazing how they are trying to help Romney now.
PatsyT : Thanks Choice, good info.
choicelady : AdLib – at what age do you get your Temple Garment? Do they have them for babies and if not, why not? They look majorly uncomfortable.
choicelady : Patsy – when thee is so much uniformity from groups, it’s helpful to find others that don’t agree. My organization is YES on 31 as a solid government reform and NO on 35 on sex trafficking because it destroys the strength of the existing human slavery law and just extends sentences for basically young men of color without helping victims at all. It will virtually eliminate the ability of police to tackle labor and domestic slavery. So this summary is pretty narrow in its conformity.
AdLib : CL – And did I mention, they’re magical? I mean…like…ma gic. They magically protect you from harm. Like tornadoes. And gunshots. And losing Presidential elections….wel l, maybe not that last one.
PatsyT : Choice let me know your recommendations on this
choicelady : AdLib – GREAT link! I never knew the Temple Garments had so many uses! Quite a codpiece on the guys’ one though… Patsy – I am not crazy about that link. It has omitted a number of organizations that have different ideas.
AdLib : KQ – Yep, opportunism is the only “principle” of their founder and it is embedded in their organization.
AdLib : Patsy – Looks pretty good to me!
KQµårk 死神 : So true AdLib about HP. I’m going through the blogs now and they are such opportunists. Now how come people are not mentioning that O’Biden are 3-1 in debates. They still act like Romney has all the momentum after ‘winning’ one debate when he surprised Obama with so many lies.
PatsyT : Hey while I have you CA folks here, tell me if you like this sites recommendations for the CA props «link»
AdLib : It explains about the magic underwear and has a photo. Ugh!
AdLib : CL – Send him to this link: «link»
choicelady : Do you know that my poor, sweet hubby had never heard of “Magic Underwear”? His boss once was Mormon (was a prochoice, pro civil rights, pro LGBT equality Mormong – long story) and he STILL never heard of Temple Garments. I had to explain it to him yesterday. I think he doesn’t believe me.
AdLib : CL – HP often panders to the “winning” side so it looks smarter. Obama clearly won, HP jumps on his bandwagon. In the 1st debate, the MSM said Romney won, they jumped against Obama.
AdLib : Patsy – Me too, if it was between my butt and Romney making the best decisions for the country, I too think my butt would do far better.
choicelady : AdLib – so how’d the Dark Side suddenly get so friendly to Obama again? I’ll take it, but it’s a weird 180.
PatsyT : Over a Romney
PatsyT : Over Romney? Yes, yes I would trust the sound judgement of my butt a Romney.
AdLib : FYI, HP’s headline: “CHIEF IN COMMAND”.
choicelady : Sally – yes, those “Christian Values” thingies. I am SO over the moon at the scandal about D’Souzia (sp?) and his married girlfriend. Sure – spent the night together but no sex. Uh huh.
SallyT : Your butt is okay, Patsy, it is only an ass that looks like Romney.
AdLib : Patsy – But would you trust your butt with the economy?
choicelady : ADLib – I suppose you’re right. I’ve never actually looked – and now I can’t stand to. Ugh!
PatsyT : Hey AdLib, not so fast I like my butt
AdLib : CL – And thanks for props!
AdLib : But CL, every butt is an image of Romney.
choicelady : ADLib – Honest to pete you really ought to write ad copy! THAT is absolutely superb! But I will NOT be buying it if it means there’s an image of Mitt on my butt.
AdLib : CL – I’d suggest that the RR issues like abortion, gay marriage, contraception, etc. are not actually principles for them, just pandering to the voting base they need as their army.. They’d drop any one of those in a heartbeat if it helped them get more power and money.
SallyT : CL, don’t forget them pushing their Christian values on everyone.
choicelady : Patsy – I have NO pull with God. If I did, I’d not have to do Pilates. I’d just have perfect thighs. I don’t.
PatsyT : Thanks AdLib, now, I can sleep tonight
choicelady : AdLib – when the GOP started its downhill slide, it was with the premise that they spoke to the interests of the little people. How that got corrupted is fascinating – it IS just power and money with a few rules about your sex life thrown in (for others, not for yourself). But it’s really bizarre since they COULD have made a fairly serious case for the middle class folks. They dropped them like hot potatoes, too. Very, very odd.
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, I will Skype God later and just re-confirm Obama’s re-election. And the effectiveness of cellulite cream.
AdLib : Patsy and CL – “Just apply a little Romney Cellulite Magic cream onto your behind and watch the image of a perfect ass appear!”
SallyT : I got my ballot in the mail on Friday and my grandson got his today. This will be his first time voting.
PatsyT : AdLib from your keyboard to God Ears and by the way, can you have a little talk with him about these issues
choicelady : Patsy – if there are no magic creams, does this also mean there are no unicorns?
AdLib : Barring any massive surprise that attacks Obama, I think that this debate just solidifies Obama’s re-election.
PatsyT : Hmm I am also bummed out that those creams hold no promise
SallyT : Goodnight Funk and see you around here later.
choicelady : Sleep well, funk – great having you here even if it was just for a bit. See you soon1
PatsyT : Nighty Night Funk..
AdLib : Night Funk! Sleep well!
AdLib : CL – Come on, the GOP is only about having money and power. What principles do they have anymore other than those two? So, anything goes as long as it delivers those.
choicelady : funk – and their “good” ideas have been improved upon such as health care. MUCH better under Obama than Romney’s plan. So I’m leaning toward hoping for their extinction.
funksands : Folks I gotta turn in. Early morning tomorrow. Keep it real.
AdLib : CL – Agreed. At this point, the voters have heard all that BS before, what matters is if they believe Romney can really change things and Obama’s attacking Romney’s credibility answers those questions.
funksands : CL, all of their good ideas have been coopted. All the bad ones discredited. The only options are extinction or filthy tricks.
choicelady : AdLib – WHAT? You mean those creams DON’T WORK???
AdLib : Funk – Joy Reid is my new Rachel. She is so on the money in just about everything she says, really sharp and on target!
choicelady : So what has happened to the GOP that they want to win by any means possible? Do they honestly think so little of their OWN principles that they cannot stand by them? What makes people in that party so utterly without moral fiber?
AdLib : KQ – I think most people see Romney for what he is, many are voting for Obama already, many are voting for Romney despite that because they are blind followers of the GOP and/or racist. It is the small percentage of undecided, morons for the most part, who buy creams advertised on tv that will make your cellulite disappear without having to exercise…and can’t see through Romney’s sleazy salesman act.
PatsyT : Romney = Liar 4 Hire
choicelady : At the end when Romney was repeating the incessant lies about everything, Obama was not give a chance to answer, and I think it did not matter. Mitt just regurgitated his lies, and I think the look of sheer disgust on Obama’s face was sufficient. It’s not as if it hadn’t all been hashed out before.
funksands : Joy Reid called it on tv tonight. Romney is a “door to door vacuum cleaner salesman”. You don’t like this? How about this? No? Well how bout this?
KQµårk 死神 : I just don’t get why people can’t see that Romney is obviously the worst choice for president in recent history. He simply has ZERO character and convictions about anything.
AdLib : KQ – He is such a corporate scam artist, such a changeable, greedy fake, it’s no longer surprising to watch Romney. You know that he will morph into whatever he thinks will get him what he covets.
choicelady : Hi KQ – isn’t he amazing! He’s absolutely flawless in his ability to speak endlessly and lie every inch of the way. It’s a gift…
PatsyT : Hey KQuark, has he ever had a character, a core?
choicelady : uhhh – that’s why he hates the LOAN. Not load.
KQµårk 死神 : Wow I just watched the debate. I am just stunned at what little character Romney has even at this point.
funksands : CL, I think he just hates any deal on principle that doesn’t allow a leveraged buyout firm to suck the life out of something. Not natural.
choicelady : funk – somewhere, somewhere I saw an article on a speech Romney gave sneering at the bank loan as a sell out to labor unions and that HE would have gotten bankruptcy to kill the unions. I READ that and now cannot find it. But THAT is why he hates the load – it preserved PEOPLE and their UNION.
funksands : You got it Sally.
PatsyT : Yes Debate protocol needs to be – Remove all heavy objects and any shoes that could act as a projectile and impact you new wide screen TV.
SallyT : Very true, Funk, no bank unless the government guarantee the loan so why not have the government do it themselves.
funksands : Great points CL. I do wonder what bank that Romney thought was going to part with 60 billion for GM and Chrysler in the middle of global bank meltdown?
choicelady : funk – if you have the chickenwire and sawdust, just break out the beer, sell tickets, and let ‘er rip. You could make serious money!
AdLib : CL – Yes, people in OH and PA get it and see that Obama has helped them. All the lying and ads in the world won’t change their minds about what they know to be true, that Obama helped save and increase manufacturing jobs when many said it couldn’t be done!
SallyT : Here, Mr T goes to bed early because of early am call to work. BUT, my poor dog takes cover because of all my yelling at the TV.
PatsyT : Thanks Ecat!
choicelady : Hi escat – I LOVE that Romney Tax Plan! I’ve sent it far and wide, too!
funksands : Patsy, I have similar issues in my home. Chronic issues you might say. Chicken wire over the tv screen and sawdust on the floor certainly helps out on debate night in my house
AdLib : Escrib – I’ve seen that, very funny!
choicelady : AdLib adn funk – Ed Shultz, not one of my faves, did make a really good comment about the auto loan and that’s that Obama has made huge contributions to the well being of white, ethnic, blue collar men in America with his support of manufacturing. I think he is the first president since LBJ for whom that is true, and I think it WILL matter that Obama also cares about vets in more than just lip service. It’s the GOP cutting the VA budgets! And they seem to know that!
escribacat : Here’s a good laugh. Check out the details of Romney’s tax plan «link»
PatsyT : Funk I have a wide screen monitor and I can work a few windows at at the same time but at my house, It is hard, I can’t hear most of what Romney says because my husband shouting bad language at the TV when Romney is doing his run on Romney routine.
AdLib : CL and Funk – Worrying is natural and appropriate but whenever it gets to be a bit much, check out Nate Silver’s numbers for an antidote to worrying.
SallyT : Choice, I am pretty sure that guy is going to get a hug from his favorite lady.
funksands : CL, my wife is a mess about all of this. Glad you are there for him.
AdLib : Funk – What will matter is that Obama will get press saying that he is once again a winner. And Americans like winners and being on the winning side. It certainly won’t help Romney and whether it keeps things as is or helps Obama a little, it’s good for Obama and keeps him in the position of winning the election via the swing states.
choicelady : funk – family solidarity matters! We’re still here. I watched with my husband tonight who spent all LAST debate prowling the floor worrying. He needed companionship tonight, too!
funksands : Hi everybody. Gratifying to see everyone up & at ’em this late. Last one until the Ted Nugent / Martin O’Malley debate in 4 years.
funksands : I think the question of the night is: Will it matter?
SallyT : Funkie, how’s things?
choicelady : Hey funk! Well, I think his lying overall is catching up with him. Paper after paper is endorsing Obama and doing it while excoriating Romney for his lies and many other things.
funksands : Sorry I can’t get in on these more. My wife insists on me watching on tv and I can’t do three electronics at once…
AdLib : Hey Funk, we’re still here!
PatsyT : Hey Funk!
choicelady : bito – I was absolutely SHOCKED when romney used that ‘path to the sea’ bit. Rachel got a map afterwards and made almost exactly the same comment – get a GLOBE, Mitt! How he can say all these WRONG things and othewise intelligent people still think he’s fit for office – well, at least newpaper editorials are making some REAL strides in pointing out how unfit he is. And David Brooks just tore strips off Mitt a couple of weeks ago. GOOD.
PatsyT : Bito! I think I made a comment about Romney checked the map. He did not, did he?
funksands : Am I too late??? Romney obviously much better lying about domestic policy than lying about foreign policy. Great debate.
AdLib : Bito – I don’t think that will be a big gaffe for Romney, he had so many other big ones. But this does rate with Palin thinking Africa is a country.
bito : I missed Romney saying this during one of the GOP debates, but I can’t believe he has said this many times an it goes unreported. And he wants to be President? Buy a globe/map Mitt! Romney and Iran’s ‘route to the sea’ «link»
AdLib : Sleep well Murph!
AdLib : Murph – That is a very smart tactic and could diffuse problems before they happen.
MurphTheSurf3 : I thank you all for the support and the challenge. Well done. Great evening. Got better as the night went on with your debriefing. Need to go.
AdLib : Patsy – That was fast! Very Funny!
choicelady : Murph – I live with that at my house. I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief they’re doing that. It’s GREAT that they took today’s awfulness seriously.
PatsyT : Good Murph, Do not be intimidated, you are on the right side of history.
AdLib : Murph – I hate to admit it but that caution on protecting Obama and family is well taken. The RW happily whipped up this racist hatred to such a point, just to win, that it may not dissipate after he has served his 2nd term.
choicelady : Mruph – I have a friend who’s closest friend is SS on Obama detail. They never stand down and would confirm absolutely what you’ve read. The Obamas finally told them NOT to tell them of risks – the threats are by the MINUTE and too scary. They just obey the Secret Service and do what they’re told. Its beyond disgusting.
AdLib : CL – I’m not big on guns but when you have RWNJs stalking, it’s a whole other thing. You need to play it safe and protect yourselves.
SallyT : GOOD, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL- just got an e mail from the manager of our HQ- cameras are being installed in the wee hours this morning along with signs warning all standing outside or entering our offices that they are being taped-+– audio and video and any unlawful action will be prosecuted. Someone is thinking.
SallyT : That did make me laugh, Patsy!
PatsyT : Just for laughs «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I read a piece in small boutique mag last week about the need to protect Barack, Michelle, Sasha, Malia and their grandmom at a much higher level than the norm after they leave the WH….there is fear that revenge, even years after his term is over will remain a priority.
choicelady : AdLib – last night about 2 am two transformers outside blew up due to the rainstorm. First thought – thunder. Second – RWNJs outside my house. A lot of us will be having the second thought I fear. I am wrestling with the issue of being armed myself. We REALLY don’t want to go there. REALLY. But…
PatsyT : Gosh Choice, I hope not but I can see why you say that .
AdLib : CL – I am concerned about a rise in violence after Obama’s re-election.
SallyT : Murph, danger can be anywhere. Hell, the gas company is working on the line here and their portapotty is in front of our house. Someone turned it over this weekend! Little shits!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks Ad- I have a report on the grocery story that I will write up later this week during down time at the phone bank.
choicelady : AdLib – I fear for this nation and for this president from the GOP. I think it IS a form of civil war. And when they cannot kill Obama, then they will find surrogates, and I fear for everyone of color, liberal, sensible, sane – we are all at risk.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Murph!
AdLib : Keep up the great work, Murph, stay safe and get some rest!
SallyT : Busy Murph, stay safe! See you around here later.
choicelady : Murph dear – you are doing amazingly good things. Be safe, get what rest you can, and know you’re in our hearts!
MurphTheSurf3 : A special good night to Patsy, choice, and Sally….Murph
MurphTheSurf3 : Well…all I am going to head on out. I have e mail to answer re. the incident today and some planning to do. My efforts are around our Dem governor, a dem taking on a TPer for a House seat, and Claire…so busy…phone banks a priority.
choicelady : Murph – I’m good with that.My friend, the refugee from skinheads and KKK in S’field has three, and one night we were together in her new abode, we NEEDED them. Never been so effing scared in my life. She has 7 dogs, an insane bleating goat lives next door, so she’s in much the same situation a huge animal DEW line. NO one will get the drop on her. EVER. You be the same.
SallyT : Well, Choice, my answer for that is: You are more up on your Mormon history than you are on Chicken for dinner. One is more dangerous than the other.
AdLib : Think about this, you know how much the RW Repubs hate Obama and want to see their candidate attack him at every opportunity. Tonight, they are going mental and so angry at Romney for not attacking Obama fiercely. When Romney loses, look out! The GOP civil war will begin with a boom!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- sadly, moving is not an option. I retired on a small farm after a career in higher ed and consulting…so this is where my retirement roots are….for good or ill.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- I am also known as a “gun guy”. I know how to shoot and have arms to back that up. My farm is in the middle of nowhere but the road in is very noisy- a few edgy dogs and even edgier geese, and no one surprises me.
choicelady : Sally – how come I remember that but not what I had for dinner?
SallyT : Murph, you need to move closer to Kansas City! I know you are watching out for yourself and on your toes. Just be careful.
AdLib : CL – CNN is just a corporate clusterfuck now, they have been remodeled to serve Time Warner’s corporate interests and the one flaw in the plan is that people don’t like watching hacks lie on their news shows…except Fox News fans and they already have their own news channel.
choicelady : Patsy – didn’t Time Warner or someone buy it from Turner?
PatsyT : Murph, you can build great alliances working on local issues, I am finding in the OC of CA that we can really cross all lines with a local issue. Keep building those bridges.
choicelady : Oh thank you , Murph! It’s important you be safe. I never put bumper stickers on my car (not nearly as gutsy as AB!) because in ’72 while working as Assembly District coordinator for McGovern, my car was vandalized twice – at my apartment building. By my neighbors. It’s not worth it!
MurphTheSurf3 : CNN has been squeezed in the ratings wars. On the left it faces MSNBC, Current and Link….so it is trying to lean softly right with the results we are cataloging tonight. 48-40 is a clear win but they cannot say it out loud or those channel surfing between Fox and them, stop doing them.
SallyT : Choice, you are RIGHT! Smith was killed in Illinois.
AdLib : Patsy – Time Warner owns CNN. Another bad cartoon from them.
choicelady : AdLib – and we wonder why Black people always say they have to be TWICE as good as a white person to be thought half as worthy. CNN just kinda proved that point. They went RW and are fumbling in the basement with ratings. I’d think they’d have figured it out – you cannot be a FOX clone and get viewers.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally and Choice-I am taking this seriously. One good thing, both incidents were far from home and I am know as “the liberal good guy” in my small town because I have been involved with fights re. the water table, limiting agri-business incursions, and defending small town business. We are probably going to get security for the office and the grocery store was where I do not shop and I do not know the guy. I am probably taking off my Obama button in areas I do not know.
PatsyT : Who owns CNN?
choicelady : ADLib – and the uncommitted but registered independents called it 53-23 for Obama. So if this president doesn’t get 100% it’s “close”????
SallyT : Illinois ran them out and they went to Missouri. Smith was jailed and I thought killed there. I will have to check, tho, I just remember them teasing me when I move to SLC.
PatsyT : Murph, Choice is wise to warn you. Please be careful. Its sad to say that their bluster behavior would confine any of of us but that is the state of the day.
AdLib : CL and Bito – I see the CNN tweet, “There was no clear winner according to our poll”… «link» …despite their poll showing a 48%-40% win for Obama. CNN is a cheap version of Fox now, totally unreliable and fact-twisting.
choicelady : Sally – thought Joseph Smith was murdered in Illinois? Nauvoo or somewhere? At any rate – they kill people in MO.
SallyT : And, Mormon believe that Jesus will come back again at a spot near Independence. I love Independence but I don’t think if I could come back from the dead I would choose there……
SallyT : Yes, Murph, watch out. They killed Joseph Smith in Missouri, too.
choicelady : Murph – you SERIOUSLY need to watch your back. With two incidents today, you are now known to some extremists. My experiences in MO have been of the great willlingness for some people to be very violent. DO NOT THINK IT CANNOT HAPPEN. I say this as a daughter of MO – family from Gentry County – it is just too risky for you not to be totally aware of your situation every SECOND of the day. Please stay safe.
PatsyT : Choice, that is a great way to frame the man with the money issue. I will share that with my daughters
choicelady : ADLib – they did that LAST week, too. Their own poll was running on the crawl showing Obama won big time while their commentators were declaring it for Romney. Huh? Talk about stupid.
bito : Goof Point AdLib.
MurphTheSurf3 : I have been doing some checking at the right wing web sites- the big anger there is over RomRom’s not going after the Prez on Benghazi…..I think this is the result of last weeks butt kicking AND the Issa debacle- Obama was certain to be ready to bring up responsibility for sensitive materials as a sine qua non of effective leadership
PatsyT : One of the Hearts of Ohio is Akron, and the Akron Beacon Journal has endorsed Pres Obama I remember that paper from when I was a little girl. I spent a summer with my aunt in Ashtabula and she always read the Akron Beacon Journal «link»
SallyT : Murph, the Tribune was hard on Romney when he was in charge of the Olympics. Romney was stuck up and they noted it.
AdLib : Bito – Was it a mistake or their anti-Obama spin to counter their own poll?
AdLib : Murph – That’s because their white supremacist world is crumbling down around them.
choicelady : Patsy – amplification. Men who if they did not have money could not get laid BUT WHO think they are God’s gift to women. Those are the people I avoid.
bito : CNN screwing up…. again!: Keith Boykin @keithboykin Dear @CNN, when you have a poll on your own network that says Obama won the debate, how do you send out a news alert that says he didn’t?
AdLib : Sally – I coined this old joke last week about her, “The most dangerous place to be is between Gloria Allred and a camera.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- the madness is spreading rapidly and peaking.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally..got it…Deseret News would be a shocking- the tearing of the temple veil, but I really think the SLCT wanted to find a way to endorse a favorite son and just could not do it.
AdLib : Bito – Yes but Obama’s numbers went up when Trump was attacking him. Trump is not liked by the public, only as a nasty reality show host. Even if the MSM bites, the public didn’t before and won’t this time.
SallyT : Well, I guess I will wait to hear what Allred has before I will judge but she usually takes the dingbats as clients.
AdLib : CL – Same here, unless it’s airtight, Allred better keep out of the spotlight.
choicelady : Patsy – I never watched The Apprentice. I make it a point never to have anything to do with men who, if they did not have money, could never get laid.
SallyT : Me, too, Patsy!
PatsyT : Boy do I ever regret watching the Apprentice
bito : Trump appeals to the MSM, it makes their job even easier, mindless garbage and time bandit
choicelady : AdLib – Allred’s a worry if she is not 100% credible. Otherwise I hope she STFU.
SallyT : Murph, I was just pointing out that the Tribune is nothing like if the Deseret News had endorsed Obama. If the Deseret did, that gold angel on top of the temple would drop his horn!
choicelady : Murph – OMG I am so sorry! I’ve not had that sort of thing happen around here. How awful. And how much I hope the dolt’s kid was impressed by your calm. You never know what will stick with a kid. Thank you for taking it not once but twice for the good side. Wish we could take you out for a drink!
AdLib : Murph – Trump only appeals to the Baggers, not even moderate Repubs so whatever he says will fall on dumb or deaf ears.
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL…I am recommending the Salt Lake City Tribune because it so perceptive…abo ut Romney disqualifying himself for his lies.
SallyT : They also endorsed Clinton.
SallyT : I know from living there.
bito : That’s what I heard yesterday Sally about the SLC trib also when the editorial was published.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- speaking of Trumped up….any idea what Trump is trumpeting this weak as a bombshell he is about to drop that will have a HUGE impact on the race.
AdLib : CL – Allred is such a tool who will use any excuse to get publicity, it could generate sympathy for Romney too if it’s a trumped up charge. Hope only a legit case would be announced or it could help him.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- Working at the Dem HQ today for my very GOP county and we were invaded by a group of louts shouting insults and sweeping mailings off of the tables- the police were called and they escorted them out saying they should practice their first amendment protest elsewhere. We are filing a complaint- clearly intimidation. AND then I got yelled at in a grocery store by a dad trying to impress his son that he could stand up to a communist (me) wearing an Obama button.
choicelady : Romnensia doesn’t sound nearly as much fun as Never, Never Land.
SallyT : The SLC Tribune endorsed Obama in 2008, They are as close to a liberal paper as one can be in SLC. Deseret News is the Mormon paper in SLC.
choicelady : All – rumors are going around that Gloria Allred is about to drop a bomb on Romney. True you think? NOT true?
AdLib : CL – Go three deity planets past Kolub, hang a right then just to the left is Romnesia.
choicelady : Murph! I’m whomperjawed at the SLC Trib’s scathing indictment of Romney – the native son!
choicelady : AdLib – that’s good, too. It’s out near Kolub, right?
AdLib : Murph – That is remarkable, thanks for the link!
MurphTheSurf3 : The Salt Lake City Tribune came out today with a scathing indictment of the man and the candidate, saying: “The president has earned a second term. Romney, in whatever guise, does not deserve a first.” The whole editorial is scathing. «link»
choicelady : bito – BINGO! Nice tweet!
AdLib : CL –
Or is Romnesia the 1950’s sci-fi planet where mindless body-snatchers come from?
bito : Lola Haag @ojailola Obama effectively used his greatest weapon against Romney in this debate! ………. ………… Romney. Booyah!
choicelady : AdLib and Patsy – slutterish is now in our lexicon. Nicely done. I’m sorry it has nothing to do with sex, but hey. Can’t have it all.
choicelady : Murph – sorry to miss whatever fresh hell you’ve had to endure, but I am in agreement with AdLib: Obama was presidential, Romney was the yapping terrier pretending to be a Big Dawg. It was sort of embarassing watching Romney do it AGAIN. I can’t recall which post-debate pundit said he had never before seen anyone so UNPREPARED to be president as Romney.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL- Yes, likely
AdLib : CL – AB misread my “skitterish” as “slutterish” and a new Romney adjective was born!
PatsyT : slutterish: affecting the gait – his gait was slutterish because of his heed toward the voices of others (neo-cons)
choicelady : Isn’t Romnensia somewhere near Transylvania?
AdLib : Murph – Considering the BS you had to put up with today, very understandable. Though I am partisan and an optimist, I sure endeavor to be a realist. Had Romney looked strong, I hope I would have admitted it. In this case though, he was so weak and Obama so confident and strong, I think it was beyond partisanship to see that fact.
choicelady : Patsy – they’re that woman after the last debate who claimed that women’s equality in pay was a dismissable issue. Duh.
SallyT : Patsy and AL, those are all tell tale signs of Romnensia
PatsyT : Hey Choice, Yes I really have to wonder about that 24% Who are these people?
choicelady : ADLib and Patsy – what does “slutterish” conjure up other than someone who totally prostitutes himself on every issue?
PatsyT : Oh thats a new word.. slutterish
choicelady : Hi- sorry to drop out. Life intruded. I thought the whole exchange was totally for Obama, and the registered, likely voter but uncommitted poll was amazing – 53% Obama, 23% Romney 24% tied. That’s shocking even to me!
MurphTheSurf3 : Gads….every pundit is beating the hell out of Romney…the hollow man whose only goals tonight were avoiding a gaffe, looking presidential but peaceful…weak tea….I gotta watch this thing again….I must have been in shock.
AdLib : Patsy – And Romney looked “slutterish”.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy- LOL….neocon night out at the opera….When you wear your button keep the video in mind…
PatsyT : Seriously Romney looked peevish, sweaty and sketchy, shifty
AdLib : Murph – That’s what the racist Baggers say too. Using your Republican translator, “patriot” means “racist”.
AdLib : Patsy – Vary funny!
PatsyT : Bito, Yes I think Mitt has put those guys to work.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL-+- yes, now it’s camouflaged as defense of the real America by the true Americans
AdLib : Bito – Yes, that was my favorite exchange of the night. Romney’s childish minded, “If we have more ships, we’re stronger!” BS was so “sunk” by Obama.
bito : Are those two guys Mitts military advisers? That’s Funny Patsy!
AdLib : Murph – Right, it’s a bit different now that racism and hatred has been validated by the MSM as a legit “argument”.
PatsyT : OK anyone remember this? «link»
bito : Sorry I missed this, it must have been a good exchange!“You mention the Navy, for example, and the fact that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916,” Obama said. “Well governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets.” “We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them,” he added. “This is not a game of battleship,” Raw Story («link» fc) Video: «link»
SallyT : I watched this HBO special yesterday on Edith Kennedy. Her family were Repub and she said that they have always been afraid of communist. Her daughter asked what they thought of her marrying a Kennedy and going Democrat, she said they thought she became a communist.
PatsyT : Ha Ha … I love this- Casey @pari_passu My name is Mitt #Romney, and I approve #Obama’s message. #p2 #p21 #debate
bito : 2m Terri Harvey Terri Harvey @terri_georgia Obama rips Romney on military size: ‘The question is not a game of battleship’ | The Raw Story «link» …
PatsyT : I mean the nuke industry in Japan
PatsyT : Bito, Greg Palast can really dig up the stuff. He has some stuff on Japan.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally if IQ has anything to do with package size, he was a mini
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….remember I campaigned for Obama for nearly 2 years in NC, SC, GA, TX…..all states where this kind of thing would have been expected but in 2008 there was such an anger at the GOP and such enthusiasm (often ungrounded and therefore shallow)that the real feelings did not surface, but now they are- repressed, bottled up, and release by the current environment
SallyT : Murph, what a jerk that guy was! He definitely is packing a small penis.
PatsyT : Murph, thanks for the inspiration, I am going to start wearing my Obama healthcare t shirt in the stores.
bito : Patsy, I heard some of Greg Palast over the weekend. Man, I wish he could get some air time with the MSM. He is good.
AdLib : Murph – Sorry you had to go through that today. What we’ve seen though is that the more the Repubs recognize they are losing power, the more racist and bigoted they become. This makes life unpleasant for those who have to deal with them but in the long run, will continue to shrink the GOP and alienate more and more people.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T…Women vote for Women….agreed. …who are these white men voting for? Their assumed, but apparently slipping, position of dominance in America….?
MurphTheSurf3 : After the encounter at the Dem HQ today, I had another in a grocery store…because I was wearing my Obama button- I got called a communist and an America hater by “this guy” who actually pointed me out to his teenage son. Troglodytes.
bito : Good nite dear k’es rest well
AdLib : Bito – Yes, to think that a black Dem beats a white Repub on FP! Very encouraging!
PatsyT : Democracy Now! @democracynow “Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza: How He Made Millions from the Rescue of Detroit.” New Report By @Greg_Palast «link»
SallyT : Women in voting booths are different. I think that is why that Person Bill in Miss didn’t pass. They don’t say it out loud but once in the booth women vote for women.
bito : Agree AdLib, that White men were even close on a FP debate for a dem is quite remarkable, Reeps maost always win the FP debate with men and think dems are wussies
AdLib : But what about the women in swing states? Thank goodness for them!
MurphTheSurf3 : I am sure you all are correct….just infuriates me.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes!
SallyT : Most are southern men, there Murph.
AdLib : Kes – Sleep well and same here, I feel very good about Obama’s performance tonight and where he will be in the polls next week and on election day.
bito : Agree Murph,
PatsyT : Murph, Its only the hip white guys that can see thru this bullshit.
AdLib : Murph – In general, white men in swing states are apparently less enlightened than those in certain other states.
kesmarn : Well, friends, I must call it a day once more. I have a good feeling about tonight’s debate. Hope everyone can get a good night’s sleep tonight now!
MurphTheSurf3 : WHAT THE HELL IS IT WITH THESE WHITE MEN…and I am one of them…..is this some kind of suppressed white penis envy for the black guy….it just seems so gut based and irrational.
AdLib : Bito – Very interesting poll and Obama beating ROmney with men, even though it’s a small percentage, while whooping him among women, bodes very well.
PatsyT : sending
PatsyT : Bito… The 1880’s are send a wire or is it the pony express?
bito : Justin Wolfers @justinwolfers Notable gender gap. RT @ppppolls Both women (57/39) and men (48/45) in swing states think Obama won tonight: «link» … …
AdLib : Keep in mind, the only poll tonight that’s been announced that was of undecided voters only, favored Obama by 30% as winner! And many undecideds will make up their minds now that the debates are over. And going out as a winner is the way to go!
bito : Barack Obama @BarackObama President Obama on Romney: “When it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s.”
AdLib : I wasn’t crazy about most of Obama’s zingers but the horses and bayonets line was gold.
kesmarn : I’m amazed at how you can toggle back and forth between here and Twitter, b’ito. I couldn’t pull that off!
bito : oops k’es, I get confused what little box I’m working in
AdLib : Murph – Exactly!
kesmarn : Those sorts of events tend to hit you after the fact I think., Murph.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL-+-remember that is sung while swing from a cross
AdLib : Murph – “Always look on the bright side of life!”
MurphTheSurf3 : Watching Stephanie Cutter form the O campaign….boy, is she sharp!
bito : MikeJ500 @MikeJ500 Largest newspaper in the swing state Ohio endorses Obama, saying he’s faced GOP “belligerence” «link» … #seniors #p2b #tlot
MurphTheSurf3 : Maybe my experience today at the Democratic HQ shake me up more than I thought….serio usly.
PatsyT : Yuk I dare anyone to watch Palin on Hannity right now.. I just can’t do it
kesmarn : Bill Maher: Mitt’s line: “What he just said, but from a white guy.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Well- it appears the people have spoken and my misgivings are ill placed.
PatsyT : Hugs to you dear Bito!
bito : Taht’s was question for the “Other People” buzzy
AdLib : PPP poll – Obama 53 Romney 42. CNN Poll – Obama 48% Romney 40%
kesmarn : Wasn’t that Ronald Reagan’s daughter?
PatsyT : Thats me Bito..
PatsyT : Thanks Bito!
bito : Who’s Patty Davis?
kesmarn : Don’t forget your horse, Patti!
bito : Patti Davis @buzzyquipsis I am going to have to stock up on #bayonets and battleships, do they carry those at Costco?
kesmarn : Right, e’cat. “I didn’t ask you a question.”
AdLib : Bito – That’s because Romney sees Russia as our biggest enemy.
escribacat : Romney’s real view of teachers: «link»
kesmarn : If Obama focuses on terrorism, he’s wrong. If he focuses on peacemaking, he’s wrong. If he sends troops anywhere, he’s wrong. If he doesn’t send troops, he’s wrong.
bito : Hey KQ, I missed most of too.
AdLib : Hey KQ – Yep, Obama hammered Romney! Every snap poll is strong for Obama on who won.
bito : I did see the very end of the debate and caught Mitt saying that the focus on FP needs to be something other than terrorism. That it’s always been terrorism under Obama. Just what the hell does that even mean? Does the US just change the agenda Mill? Isn’t it set by actual events not what you want it too be. Mabe I head that wrong
kesmarn : Hey, KQ. He did indeed.
kesmarn : Chuck Todd taking note of the “me too” tactic.
KQµårk 死神 : Sounds like Obama kicked some serious arse tonight.
kesmarn : “Governor Romney went after the president with a butter knife.” PBS analyst.
kesmarn : PBS is mentioning Toledo as crucial and they say that Mitt’s comments on the auto bailout lost him this whole area.
bito : I want to see the CNN poll. Can PBO win theirs again?
bito : Shoq Value @Shoq In Mittt Romney’s #AirbrushedHisto ry, the Czars were Bolshevik appeasers.
AdLib : John Kerry just nailing Romney on MSNBC!
bito : Rich Baska @BlueTrooth Romney got his scrawny butt spanked…go back to your speedboat, Wimpy #p2 #tcot #RomneyShambles
kesmarn : PBS analysts calling it an Obama win for the most part.
bito : Here a given Ari: Ari Berman @AriBerman Like I predicted, GOP pundits already spinning a clear Romney loss as a win
AdLib : Hate to say it but in the 1st debate, while Dems were saying Obama looked Presidential, Romney was deemed the winner for being aggressive. Well, tonight, the Repub meme is that Romney looked statesmanlike and Presidential. Uh-oh, Romney!
kesmarn : Good one!
bito : The three debates? Brad Friedman @TheBradBlog FTW. RT @sahilkapur: Big Bird, binders and bayonets.
AdLib : FC – Yep, Pataki is a GOP garbage dump.
foodchain : watching msnbc and Pataki/O’Donnel l. What an awful liar Pataki is
AdLib : Bito – Great news! Watch those swing states solidify for Obama!
bito : This from the Obama Camp: Lis Smith @Lis_Smith #ProudofObama RT @ppppolls We have a post-debate poll running in the swing states & Obama was the clear winner
AdLib : That’s Pataki!
AdLib : Escrib – Yep!
AdLib : Escrib – Another solid poll for Obama. All I can say is that it’s better to win debates than lose them.
escribacat : Is Pataki that bald guy?
AdLib : Pataki on MSNBC piling out the same GOP BS memes but avoiding answering questions.
PatsyT : Petaki former NY Gov. saying he is proud of Romney tonight… Petacki would be proud of Dog $h!t
bito : Abby Huntsman @HuntsmanAbby What a difference 4 years makes. #Obama 2012 much stronger on foreign policy with some on the job experience. #debates
escribacat : Here’s the CNN poll
bama 46% Romney 39%
AdLib : Bito – Thanks for that! Obama did destroy Romney big time! I see a small bump for Obama, especially since the margin is so big.
escribacat : Just saw it quoted on Current and thought he said CNN
bito : Business Insider @businessinside r INSTANT POLL: Obama Destroyed Mitt Romney In Tonight’s Debate by @brettlogiurato «link»
PatsyT : Ecat Did CNN have the same thing?
AdLib : Escrib – Thanks for that! I huge smackdown! And BTW, yours is CNN and Patsy’s is CBS!
PatsyT : I trust you guys over the polls
escribacat : Oops, just saw Patsy’s.
AdLib : Patsy – Thanks for that! Verified what we’ve been discussing, a big smackdown for Obama!
escribacat : CNN poll — Obama 53% Romney 23%
AdLib : Murph, as the other sites you mention say, I think Obama’s confidence and cool style is very reassuring to voters while Romney’s stuttering and nervousness will make him look weaker.
kesmarn : YAY! Thanks, Patsy!
bito : Chris Savage @Eclectablog Fox News talking heads: “Mitt #Romney is still alive so he wins.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy- that is a surprise…I am a bit, no a lot, shocked.
PatsyT : Hey guys have you seen this… Ezra Klein @ezraklein RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: CBS NEWS INSTANT POLL Who won the #Debate? OBAMA: 53%; ROMNEY: 23%, TIE: 24% (Margin of Error: 4%; Sample Size: 521)
MurphTheSurf3 : Food…how are the rural numbers strong? I am not clear on this.
AdLib : Sally – Granholm is right. And Obama nailing Mitt on his lies to cover up “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” is good for OH.
foodchain : Murph, it is interesting that we are so divided in half. The rural numbers are strong and their populations are growing. I’m surprised that we are so split
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL- just watching the reporting on this at HP, Politico, Salon, Daily Beast and they all seem to say Obama was in charge and that this will be telling and affective
kesmarn : I’m in Ohio and I don’t personally know many people who are happy with Romney — even Repubs.
AdLib : Murph, nope, Obama is leading in OH and most swing states. You’re talking about national polls which are meaningless when it comes to electing President.
kesmarn : Love that Chris Rock Tweet!
bito : Chris Savage @Eclectablog #Romney: “I love #teachers. Their pensions are delicious.”
SallyT : Granhom said that Obama said everything that Ohio needed to hear. Save the motor industry, not ship jobs overseas, and take care the trade.
foodchain : night Kalie
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…if the undecideds are too small to worry about then who is left? Is this all about holding the committed. If so, does the contest get so close that election day chicanery and the counting process either gets Romney the win or throws it into the courts and it goes to the Supremes and then….
bito : The Last Word @TheLastWord .@TheRevAl: “I think people can accept you changing your mind, but not at the risk of my behind.” #msnbc2012 #debate
AdLib : Night kalie! Take care!
AdLib : Murph – Actually, I’m just speaking to their demeanors, which is what undecided voters look for.
bito : Chris Rock @chrisrockoz Barack Obama: Preferred by: women, gays, seniors, minorities, teachers, auto workers, students, people who see doctors, & non-angry whites.
kesmarn : Bye, kalie!
KillgoreTrout : I think the undecideds are too small of a percentage to worry about.
kalie : Bye all phone call from college son!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…but you are smart and you are well read….those who are still deciding are neither. You know how strong Obama was and how weak Romney was but I do not think that the undecideds are likely to be nearly as smart as you.
AdLib : Steve Schmidt is essentially saying, “Mitt did a good job lying tonight.”
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I was being objective. Objectivity is not the strong suit for the GOPers. The GOPers came with minds made up already and nothing Romney did was going to change their minds.
AdLib : Murph – Have to disagree with you on this one, my friend. Romney’s few economic regurgitations didn’t overcome a whole night of looking weak. Perspective matters and throwing out his same tired stump speeches in a debate where 90% of it hammered him, ain’t a success.
MurphTheSurf3 : I keep looking at this through the eyes of the undecided and ask what was here for me? I don’t think either side offered them much in that capacity.
bito : Lis Smith @Lis_Smith #ProudofObama RT @EliLake Obama won this debate. #debate2012
AdLib : Romney looked weak and stumbling all night, no way to frame this as a good night for Romney. Yes, indies want someone who is moderate and wants to work together with the other side but they don’t like weakness and that’s all Romney offered.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT Romney played to his strong cards and his core message- so he ended as he needed to.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…what I see is the RW as a whole being able to swallow their own bile and say “yummy” for the cause of the win.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, it’s rather telling that mitt had to end on that note, when this whole debate was supposed to about foreign policy. Romney shunned FP tonight like it was the plague.
escribacat : Murph — I’d notify the local news services.
AdLib : Bito – Very funny!
bito : John Kerry @JohnKerry I think POTUS just sank Romney’s battleship
KillgoreTrout : Kalie, I did. It was really funny. A rare event for SNL these days. They also did a good skit on the last debate.
MurphTheSurf3 : Escrib…..nope. The sheriff’s deputy just told them to take their protest and free speech outside. And they all laughed. We have filed a complaint about the deputy. But it will do no good.
AdLib : Murph – Have to disagree, more and more coming out of the RW tonight attacking Romney, Brent Bozell was really upset.
kesmarn : KT, if that was “mean,” these folks would never survive in middle school.
bito : Jason Easley @politicususa Flash Verdict: Obama Strong, Romney Didn’t Answer Debate Questions «link» … via @politicususa #p2 #p2b #topprog #connecttheleft
SallyT : Romney tonight was Obama in the first debate.
AdLib : And Romney spent the whole debate losing.
MurphTheSurf3 : AD LIB…BITO The right wing has agreed to bed down with a devil, a moderate sounding Mitt, if it gets rid of the Great Satan, Obama…so, no the RW is largely saying “Yeah, Mitt” right now.
KillgoreTrout : Oh man, how could that be mean? Obama just schooled Romney on what things look like in the 21st century!
AdLib : Murph – Too little, too late. Romney’s closing speech was so redundant and white noise. Americans have heard it over and over.
KillgoreTrout : Glad you could be here lalalu!
escribacat : Murph — did the people who came into your office get arrested?
bito : Jamison Foser @jamisonfoser Romney agreed with Obama a lot because he doesn’t want you to know he really agrees with George W Bush a lot. #notcomplicated
kesmarn : The RW is already starting to turn on Mitt, b’ito?
AdLib : Bito – Right, the RW must be pissed off at Romney playing the “Nice Guy” act.
MurphTheSurf3 : Let’s remember that Mitt gave his closing statement about the economic environment for the middle class three times in the last half of the debate AND Obama does not have a great comeback for this….getting better does not do it well.
kalie : Kt: Did you see the SNL skit about the “Undecideds”? Very funny.
bito : Krystal Ball @KrystalBall1 RT @pamspaulding: RT @mmfa: Conservative media chastise Mitt Romney for not attacking Obama over Libya: «link»
AlphaBitch : Ad I recognized the smell.
kesmarn : And Ann is no Edith, b’ito!!
AdLib : AB – The same log roll just debated Obama.
KillgoreTrout : Night AB, CL.
MurphTheSurf3 : For most people foreign affairs is a mystery- thus the purpose of the debate is not to SEEM wrong…being wrong is actually not that important….nei ther came across wrong it seems to me…thus a draw…
bito : k’es, difference is Mitt had a stroke before being in office.
AlphaBitch : There will be some log rolls in the cat box when i get home.
SallyT : Al Gore said that Romney keep throwing out stuff to try to sound like he knew something. Al said he was waiting for Romney to say he had binders full of foreign policies.
kesmarn : People are calling the “Horses and bayonets” comment mean??? Puh-leeze!
KillgoreTrout : OH, etch-a-sketch moment! Who finally woke Bob up?
AdLib : Great having you here lalalu!
AdLib : Steve Schmidt is logrolling on Romney, that Romney looked Presidential.
lalalu : Thanks POV for the invitation. This was great. Goodnight to all and thanks for the laughs.
KillgoreTrout : Oh I think Obama was clearly the experienced professional tonight, but as far as the undecideds go, they are morons. Or, like i said, have waited to long to get in the game.
kalie : Im glad that people are saying Rom agreed with Obama alot, and Obama had his own ideas.
bito : Andrew Sullivan @sullydish Obama is wiping the floor with him on substance, and Romney has basically fled neoconservatism. «link»
AlphaBitch : Night all. One 10 hour drive tomorrow, so need some sleep. I thought Obama did great. I thought Mitt looked like a strawberry and sounded like Porky Pig.
kesmarn :
b’ito! Tagg thinks Mitt’s running against Woodrow Wilson?
AdLib : Sally – Hey, I said that too!
SallyT : John Fugelsang says Romney’s foreign policy was Me TOO!
AdLib : Murph – Obama presented a more confident, leadership persona. Romney projected a nervous persona. Undecideds decide on their feelings, not issues. That’s advantage Obama.
bito : Cliff Schecter @cliffschecter Secret Service watching as Tagg Romney circles Obama on stage while holding bayonet & screaming “principles of peace” #p2 #debate
MurphTheSurf3 : KT..so the debate was a wash? No flubs, so no losses and no gains?
kalie : By Sue in Ca.
kesmarn : G’night, Sue.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, the only undecideds by now are complete morons, or they have just tuned in to the entire campaign season.
AdLib : Night Sue! Nice seeing you here!
kesmarn : Michelle’s dress is gorgeous.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib – what did Obama say that would appeal to the undecideds
SueInCa : well gotta go folks, this was nice thanks to everyone
2belinda : u 2 KT
AdLib : Murph – I don’t think numbers will move much but that’s a win for Obama, who is ahead in many swing states, OH most importantly.
bito : ThinkProgress @thinkprogress All 90 minutes of the debate, fact-checked «link»
SueInCa : i saw that too sally
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams 2B.
SallyT : Gore says Romney was moving away from is hawking attitude and was most of them time agree with the President.
lalalu : Mitt got slapped so bad the last time he was shaking in his boots.
AdLib : Murph – They’re only talking to the undecided and generating enthusiasm in their bases…Obama clearly did better on both fronts.
MurphTheSurf3 : My opinion- this debate did nothing to move the line…..Romney held his people and Obama his…..
KillgoreTrout : Ad, Obama had no choice than to go out with an economics speech. Romney would not stop harping on economics. He thinks that’s his strong suit, but it’s not really.
kalie : Oh Rachel said Romney flip flopped again, but his supporters wont figure that out, well duh.
2belinda : good nite one and all and many thanks AdLib
SallyT : Clear win for President Obama per Gore.
AdLib : Sally – Gore isn’t objective but he sure is right.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- and you can’t say Obama won either- IF winning means convincing some to vote for him who were not already planning on doing so.
SallyT : Al Gore says this was a take down for Obama!
AdLib : Great to see you, 2belinda!
SueInCa : nite belinda
kesmarn : G’night, 2belinda.
SueInCa : ok tagg now is your chance slug him weeza
kesmarn : Sue, apparently he did.
2belinda : thank you all for a wonderful evening. it’s good to be back here in the good old USA nitey nite
kalie : Ad Lib hope youre right.
SallyT : I don’t want to be fair, AL! I am bias! Like you didn’t know that.
AdLib : Obama looks calm, Romney looks stressed!
AdLib : You can’t say Romney won that debate, no way.
SueInCa : schieffer you could have stayed home
KillgoreTrout : Open and honest?
lalalu : He wants to put the greatest generation on vouchers and gut their social security.
AdLib : Sally – To be fair, Obama went out with an economic policy speech.
2belinda : OK mitt is glowing when they turn out the lights he’ll be green right now he is a reddish/orange.
KillgoreTrout : Right mitt, except for the last four years right?
kalie : Ok isnt that long enough?
MurphTheSurf3 : My opinion- this debate did nothing to move the line…..Romney held his people and Obama his…..
SallyT : Romney, this is a closing statement on Foreign Policy!!
KillgoreTrout : bito, it was a real cluster fuck! The moderator was AWOL!
AdLib : Hey Bito! No worries, just good to see you!
SueInCa : continue declining in take home pay hello Sarah
bito : Hey All, How was the debate, sorry I had to miss it.
lalalu : Waiting for Romney to flash the peace sign.
AdLib : Romney’s voice is rough and shaking.
escribacat : Mitt’s got cotton mouth
SallyT : Okay how long do you think it will take FOX to say the President looked smug all through the debate?
SueInCa : no kidding KT
escribacat : I’m optimistic and I’m sweatin like a pig
kalie : The sad part Alpha is that Mitts supporters have no mind, and have totally forgotten all about Bush.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, that’s OK, so did the moderator.
kesmarn : AB, I hear you. I had to drive the circa-Chicago stretch on the way to Madison. Two hours of high-speed gridlock.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I think he did, but he used it unwisely. I wonder how much time was spent stuttering!
escribacat : «link»
SueInCa : hey i spaced for a bit yikes
2belinda : well at least he is still breathing
escribacat : Here’s what Romney really thinks of teachers:
AlphaBitch : Mitt doesn’t want to go back to the past 4 yearsk but wants to go back to the 8 years of Bush. Call him on it.
KillgoreTrout : Good one Sally!
AdLib : Belinda, I think that was Bob.
kesmarn : It did to me, AL.
kalie : Alpha, i understand. I drive thru eastern Tenn on the way to SC, FLA, etc and yes it can be a pain. I try to do it during the day.
AdLib : Didn’t it seem that this time, Romney got far more time?
2belinda : did mitt just hehehehe
SallyT : Romney, “I love teachers, I have binders full of them.
2belinda : It’s over?!
KillgoreTrout : He loves teachers, as long as they aren’t on PBS!
lalalu : Mitt is babbling
2belinda : OMG please anybody just grab the wheel
kesmarn : Yeah you love Big Bird too, Mitt.
AlphaBitch : Kalie – I had a tough drive through Eastern TN and I was nervous.
AdLib : Obama, back to FP!!!
kesmarn : Uh-oh personal anecdotal sob-story time again.
lalalu : He wouldn’t meet with the workers at Sensata
KillgoreTrout : In in Philly.
escribacat : I met someone who didn’t have a job!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, in his Depends!
AdLib : Where the hell is Bob? The debate is now a mess! Foreign policy? That’s foodstamps.
2belinda : it’s 10:30 EST Bob should be home in bed
SallyT : Grandpa’s old but he sure is slow!
AlphaBitch : Could pan over annd watch Bob napping.
KillgoreTrout : I have to say, the ladies made much better moderators!
kalie : Hey Alpha i drove thru Memphis on the way to Germantown, without Xanax!
AdLib : Bob had to go take a pee.
AlphaBitch : Bob is old. They need young moderators. Sorry, and I’m older.
SallyT : Moderator, I have an Adderall.
kesmarn : It’s past his bedtime.
AdLib : Bob Schaffer is drinking his Ensure instead of moderating.
kesmarn : Whoooo…driving under the influence of Xanax!
lalalu : When caught lying Romney tries to talk over people to hide his lies.
kalie : Gov Romney is painting his own picture of history. He is telling the pres he is wrong. What would Clinton say about that?
AlphaBitch : Frennie maybe Bob took Xanax like me cuz he had to drive through Memfis.
KillgoreTrout : The moderator is having too many senior moments. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
SallyT : Romney, “My daddy had a car company!”
kesmarn : Wake up, Bob. Let your Ambien wear off, sir.
lalalu : The government invested in electricity and plumbing
AdLib : Hello? Bob Schaffer?
AlphaBitch : Then why the fuck are you buying companies and shipping jobs to China, NitWit
kesmarn : Mitt would have tolerated a car industry ONLY if there were no unions left at all. Zero. None.
SallyT : Okay, gladly, AL!
KillgoreTrout : Romney is stuttering more than Foster Brooks!
AdLib : Sally – You owe me a Coke!
2belinda : Romney is falling out of the ring now.
KillgoreTrout : What guarantees?
lalalu : excess costs = workers
SallyT : Romney, “The President attacked me again!”
AdLib : MITT: “Hey, that socialist Kenyan is attacking me!”
AlphaBitch : NMittens daddy was born there.
kalie : Spoke to a friend of mine in Tennessee today. She has every single Fox talking point down pat. And she, having never worked for a living, believes it all.
KillgoreTrout : Oh Mitt, stop whining. Oh, oh, Obama is attacking me.!
kesmarn : Why is stating the fact that Romney sent jobs to China an attack? It’s a fact.
escribacat : I thought Romney was born in Mexico.
2belinda : KT exactly master mind vs luck
AlphaBitch : And I know who I’d like to see in trunks…..”I.. ..I’m so in love with you”……woo the girls, Obaby.
AdLib : Obama dominates this debate, as expected.
KillgoreTrout : Obama plays chess, Romney can only play checkers. Cliche? Maybe, but it is surely true!
AdLib : AB – And we know who the dope is.
AlphaBitch : Rope a dope.
SueInCa : slam dunk belinda
AdLib : That’s a pile of smackdowns! Well done Obama!
2belinda : Ouch Mr R Go Mr O Bang bang
kalie : Go Bama, go bama! Mitt, you can’t help us, go home.
kesmarn : And the hits just keep on comin’!
2belinda : oh O just took it to the hoop
AdLib : Smackdown!
KillgoreTrout : Oh HELL YEAH! Tell it like it is Mr. Pres!
SallyT : KABOOM!
2belinda : adlib yes yes that’s the color
escribacat : yeah!!!!!!
AlphaBitch : Whoop ass.
kesmarn : Mitt, we have a trade imbalance because you have your slaves doing our manufacturing over there.
AdLib : Mitt’s face is the color of a strawberry smoothie.
SallyT : Obama can’t wait to jump into Mitt’s shit on this!~!
AlphaBitch : Mittens eye bags are growing by the minute.
SueInCa : so now china is an enemy but he invests with his enemy what doesw that make him?
kalie : Escriba: Its clear he has disdain for the 47 percent that he thinks are lazy. Its painfully clear he doesn’t know who those people are.
kesmarn : I’m watching on PBS, AL. Can’t see the redface on this one.
2belinda : Did Mitt just say…china, companies shut down, job lose…did he
AlphaBitch : Which part of his body is a stunmp, Frennie?
KillgoreTrout : People have lost their jobs due to Bain Capital. Who has money in their mouth, on film?
kesmarn : Tired stump speech.
AlphaBitch : Sen-sata, please
AdLib : AB –
I think you’re right! Romney looks darker than Obama on my tv…and is far darker metaphorically.
kesmarn : Meaningless words.
SallyT : Trade policies with China that work for Mitt!
escribacat : Wow. Romney is really sweating
KillgoreTrout : Romney is on his heels, and the president continues his push.
escribacat : kalie he claims he’s concerned about those who are suffering. (the 47%)
SueInCa : he is flushed because he knows he is getting beat
AlphaBitch : Romney is darker than Obama tonight.
AdLib : Obama looks sharp, focused and confident as he gazes at Romney when Romney’s talking.
kesmarn : His swagger has swagged. His bluster has blusted.
lalalu : Romney is running for president of China.
kalie : I always wonder about Romneys reasons for being Pres. Obama is passionate about fairness for all, what is Romney passionate about? Mormons? Dodging war? France? China? Messing up our economy? Making money? None of it spells success for the Us.
escribacat : Adlib, it looks very flushed on my screen.
2belinda : I am hoping Romney slips to the floor he looks particularly weasel like this evening
SallyT : Romney is already a partner with China.
KillgoreTrout : I thought the Soviet Union was the biggest the biggest threat mittens?
AdLib : Mitt has none of the swagger from the last two debates. Is it my tv or is his face flush?
SueInCa : iraniraniraniran iraniraniraniran iran
kesmarn : To a rational mind, crystal clear.
SallyT : Romney is going to continue to have interests in China.
AlphaBitch : frennie – his hat size is XXXXXXXXXXL.
AdLib : Who sounds more confident in what they’re saying? Isn’t that clear?
SueInCa : mittnocchio is barely holding on
kesmarn : Size XXXS, AB.
AlphaBitch : Magic panties? Crap. Mittens needs spandex.
KillgoreTrout : AB, some folks can whine and make it sound like they’re crowing! Quite a skill.
2belinda : AB: IS that irony?
foodchain : Ad, sluttering is a very good word
SallyT : Obama is going to give China a Hoyle book of rules!
kesmarn : Magic underwear conceals any number of deficiencies, AB.
AdLib : Romney has a glass body, he couldn’t take a punch…as we’ve seen in debates.
lalalu : Sensata
AlphaBitch : Romneys are bullies and pussies, all in one nice neat package.
SueInCa : pathetic and pitiful Kalie
KillgoreTrout : Obama would beat the crap out of that old Mormon, lying bag of shyte!
AdLib : AB – Stuttering sluttering sleaze?
AdLib : Obama’s turn!
kalie : Sue I know pitiful isn’t it? I don’t know any man who would do that.
AlphaBitch : Ad; thought you wrote Sluttering sleaze. He’s a slut all right.
kesmarn : Mitt’s 5 sons better man up.
2belinda : Romney wants to fight like his son Tagg they just don’t want to do it for real – all in their heads
AlphaBitch : AND it’s their countries and their decisions, Mr. Mittperialist.
SueInCa : Kal;ie he is a draft dodger and laid on the sand sending love letters while our boys were dyinhg
AdLib : AB – Fox will push the meme that Romney sounded equally smart on FP and proved his credentials. Everyone else will see him as the stuttering sleaze he is.
AlphaBitch : No Sue – but Obama is saying it right now.
SueInCa : How was the US supposed to stop the Arab Spring? Does Mittnocchio even know what started the upheavals?
kalie : Im convinced Roms only passion is war. He wants to play army guys because he ducked out of the war 6 times and now he wants to play.
AlphaBitch : Can’t wait for the post debate show.
kesmarn : Right AdLib. He’s had two tactics tonight. A. Lie B. Agree with the President.
AdLib : Fear mongering by Romney should be blunted by Obama.
MurphTheSurf3 : “More effective and comprehensive strategy” which Romney cannot name.
escribacat : kes– I agree. He’s got the Palin syndrome.
AlphaBitch : Me too. Now I’m president too.
PatsyT : Hey I’ll be back in a bit .. have to pick up kids ..
lalalu : Romney wants to set up another Musharraf in Pakistan and send him monthly checks.
SueInCa : Belinda
AdLib : Mitt: “Me too! That’s leadership!”
2belinda : Sue no one can…
kesmarn : Mitt sounds like a sophomore who skipped class all semester and then had to have a 24 hour cram session right before the final. Now he’s regurgitating what the almost-smart kid taught him at the last minute.
PatsyT : AWWW AB that is it! poor horsey..
KillgoreTrout : Romney, WE went into Pakistan to get bin laden? Who is we, got a mouse in your pocket?
SueInCa : Obama is looking like he cannot believe what mittnocchio is saying
AdLib : KT – Right, I’m talking about the undecided voters. They will feel nervousness from Romney, calm from Obama and thinking about the world, they would rather have a President who doesn’t make them nervous.
AlphaBitch : Patsy: they didn’t fire Rafalka. They downsized him – to a can of dog food.
2belinda : who had mitt/divorce at 10:10 you just won 10 grand
SueInCa : yeah food
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney is answering the Pakistan question like Palin would have
AlphaBitch : CL; You OK???????
kalie : Warmonger, Warmonger, Warmonger, there will never be a fight he would shy away from. Doesn’t know how to walk away.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, the low information GOPers don’t care what Obama says, does or looks like. They flat out hate and fear him due to all the RW fear mongering.
foodchain : I love him too Sue
AdLib : Bob made Mitt the Mormon say divorce! Someone won some big money tonight.
AlphaBitch : FC: It will freak you fucking out. It’s a cult. Period. No more weird than Scientology, but just the same.
kesmarn : AB!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Schieffer just mixed up Obama and bin Laden….jeeeess ssshhhh
PatsyT : OH AB Thast aweful but makes sense.. Look horse you didn’t win we have to fire you
choicelady : How can Mitt demand to be elected when he cannot articulate a single policy that is either NOT what Obama is already doing or some wasteful spending on more war?
escribacat : Adlib, I hope those low info voters are bothering to watch this.
foodchain : AB, Kolob, OMG, I love learning new Mormon stuff
AdLib : And when it comes to foreign policy, people don’t want someone who makes them feel nervous.
2belinda : horse down, dog gone jeez
SueInCa : My President is the best.
AdLib : Like the JFK/Nixon debates, a real tell in this debate. Obama has a smooth delivery, Romney has a halting, stuttering delivery. Obama emotes a calm, Romney emotes a nervousness and based on feelings alone, low info viewers will feel more comfortable with Obama because of this, regardless of the details of what they’re saying. They may not know why, but they will.
KillgoreTrout : FC, planet Kolob is where good Mormons go when they die.
AlphaBitch : 2Be: That’s why Rafalka is now Ken-L-Rationalka .
kesmarn :
foodchain : ok looking up kolob
kalie : Kolob: I didn’t see that in my travel brochure thank God.
PatsyT : Ha AB must be nice to have your own planet as a get away destination
2belinda : Mitt better come to or Ann is gonna whup his ass tonight Mommy doeesn’t like to lose.
kesmarn : Mitt: Only one country in the ME can legitimately have nuclear weapons and we all know who it is.
KillgoreTrout : AB, Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa!
AlphaBitch : Patsy – Ann is more than worried. She’s gone to Kolob.
PatsyT : Ann must be getting worried about his mental health right now
SallyT : AL, Obama is looking at Romney with “You are full of shit”!
AdLib : Someone’s Prozac has run out!
foodchain : Since I’m on tape delay and not wanting to miss anything, I LOVE hearing what your’e saying
KillgoreTrout : Obama is clearly in charge and mitt looks like the childish twit that he is.
AdLib : Romney is looking weaker and weaker as the debate goes on.
kalie : OMG Rom called Obama Mr President. Im going to fall out of my chair.
SueInCa : jesus is he going after pakistan now
AdLib : Look how focused and confident Obama is looking while Romney talks.
AlphaBitch : Yep la la. Been there, done that. Joe never wanted to go.
SueInCa : yep BFF
kesmarn : Obama in the ascendancy, no doubt.
lalalu : Goodbye Afghanistan and good luck. We’re out of here. Period.
AdLib : Romney won’t answer about training!
PatsyT : AdLib it must smart to be smacked down in front of America
2belinda : ok bob just came to the plate finally…
kesmarn : The mod always has to thump Romney and then the RW claims they’re biased.
AdLib : That last speech by Obama was a turning point in the debate, Obama is on top and will stay there.
SallyT : Shut up Romney per Shaffner
SueInCa : finally timid schieffer
AlphaBitch : Who said Mitt could be a toothpaste model? his teeth look yellow on my screen.
kalie : I think Romney is locked onto all the angry Americans, made angry by the radical right media like Rush and Fox, etc. He is talking fighting and guns to make them happy.
2belinda : the pres is on and mitt is in a nod it seems
AdLib : Romney looked so pained!
escribacat : That was good, Mr. O.
SallyT : Obama won the debate already!
AdLib : Obama is hitting this reply out of the park. Nailing Romney as a phony and hammering on Bin Laden and that Romney wouldn’t have gotten him, he’d be alive.
foodchain : 2belinda, very good pick up. Stepford but worse
kesmarn : Romney — stuck in the 50s.
AlphaBitch : 2Be- Ann can only come out at night cause her magic panties don’t protect her in the day.
lalalu : Another smackdown on Romney
PatsyT : Yes AB I noticed she is wearing Green tonight the color of envy
SueInCa : 1980’s called they want their cold war back on my FB page
KillgoreTrout : Kalie, I agree. He’s a secret neo-con.
2belinda : AB Ann is very scary does she only come out at night
kesmarn : Stay on that message, Mr. Prez. Call him on lies over and over and over.
kalie : KT: World domination is the goal of the Bishop Romney!
AlphaBitch : Can’t – Ann might fly in. Vampire Ann.
KillgoreTrout : Romney, world domination is not our goal.
kalie : I look around the work at China, and Russia, and i don’t see our influence growing because of my own damned big mouth.
kesmarn : If the subject is not money, Romney goes right off the rails.
AdLib : Ask Romney if he wants torture back.
PatsyT : Yikes AB open a window
2belinda : someone needs to throw a spitball at BOB wake him the hell up
AdLib : Bob is weak. The women were the best moderators.
escribacat : Sue — GOPers love their boogeymen
SallyT : I see that Bush Fucked it all up over there!
AlphaBitch : Patsy: I smell Romnney
MurphTheSurf3 : Why do the Moderators let Romney respin his record again and again…Stop him.
PatsyT : I see dead people
lalalu : He ignored the question and Bob.
AdLib : Belinda – It’s the Limbaugh Bounce, like jello.
SueInCa : he sure has a hardon for Iran
KillgoreTrout : OH NOW he wants to dismiss hypotheticals. What a sleaze!
2belinda : again what about bob
kesmarn : Bob, grow a backbone.
kalie : Oh Romney thinks he is so smart. What a jerk.
escribacat : 2b — his head seems to be bobbing a lot
2belinda : is romney bouncing up and down
kesmarn : Romney has plastered the “simper” look onto his face…good sign for us.
AdLib : Romney is almost crying!
KillgoreTrout : Go Sally, Go! You might have a hard time finding any! LOL!
lalalu : You go President Obama !
kesmarn : Exactly, e’cat.
AdLib : Yes, bitch-slap on Romney on “Apology Tour”.
kalie : Go get him Bama. Go for the throat. Mean up.
escribacat : I hate that rightwing shit that we are always correct and superior no matter what we do. It’s reallly pathetic and immature.
SallyT : I want to kick him in the balls, KT!
PatsyT : Run On Romney
SueInCa : no AB he has a relationship with bibi they met often
KillgoreTrout : God, i really want to slap Romney.
escribacat : Romney, American HAS dictated to other nations. CMON!!!!
AlphaBitch : “Israel is my BFF”. All this is Dan Senors bullshit.
lalalu : Indict Ahmadinejad? Will Romney serve the papers personally?
SueInCa : kt he is an idiot, not sure how he thinks we have jurisdiction over amadinner
kalie : Like really i meant Amadinnerjacket.
2belinda : omg did he actually mention his chinese investments
AdLib : Yes! The Chinese-Iran-Rom ney connection!
SueInCa : chinese he got it in
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Sue, I caught that too. Gee mitt, has does that work?
escribacat : Hey, he just mentioned the Chinese company belinda!!
kalie : Mitt is a warmonger. Indict Ahmadinejad? Really? Send my kids to war? I think not.
foodchain : Murph so true and someone needs to STOP him.
2belinda : sally tru dat
PatsyT : Whooper!
AdLib : Yes! Apology tour lie!
kesmarn : “Nothing the governor just said is true.”
SueInCa : we are going to indict amadinnerjacket?
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney talks in a loop….and he only stops when he is STOPPED
SallyT : Castro wouldn’t even know you are in the room now!
AlphaBitch : We give Israel a million a day and they allow anyone who is Jewish to immigrate, to live in subsidized housing and to get healthcare. What do we get? Nada. Zip. Zilch. Trouble because we give them the money and the weapons to bully everyone else.
lalalu : Flashbacks to Bush and Cheney. Romney is channeling their cowboy nonsense.
AdLib : Obama has confident eyes locked on Romney. Watch what he says in response.
kesmarn : As Joe Biden said, they are a long way from having a bomb.
2belinda : i think i musta nodded did the pres meet with castro
SallyT : Oh FU Mitt on the apologie tour! And, I ain’t sorry!
KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah the old apology bullshit.
SueInCa : A rabbi once said, they like us because of their rapture, we know act v does not end well for us
AdLib : Apology tour? Knock this down Obama.
escribacat : When did the president meet with Kim Jong Il and Chavez, etc?
AdLib : Huh? Meeting with Castro is an attack?
kalie : They all are Sue. Its all about them.
foodchain : AB, I like Nitt Romney
KillgoreTrout : 2B, that’s what I was thinking. He looks like he’s going to vomit.
AlphaBitch : Nope Frennie. Palestine cannot exist in politics. Chicken shits all – that includes O, sad to say. But look at a map of the area BEFORE 1948 – the map says Palestine. Strange.
SueInCa : not a damn thing Kalie. Bibi is a snake
SallyT : Kes, I agree!
2belinda : romney looks like he is gonna upchuck look out O!
AdLib : Obama is now saying what points out Romney is full of it, you can’t apply sanctions unilaterally!
kalie : Sue, we are so intertwined with Israel and Im still wondering what they will ever do for us.
AlphaBitch : MNitt looks green around the gills. maybe he drank coffee by mistake.
kesmarn : Will anyone mention Palestine one of these times, AB?
SallyT : Belinda, yah, he will sanction to just things he sells.
AdLib : FC – Gotcha!
SueInCa : me too AB I never got the time to respond on the DNC convention
foodchain : Oh say, I just found out we are on tape delay so if I was non-synched, there it is
AlphaBitch : I just hate the pandering to Israel. I hate it. Jerusalem is NOT the capital of Israel. Period.
2belinda : miitt has major stock in a chinese petro and chemical company that provides 80% of its supplies to iran and he is gonna tighten sanctions on iran uh huh
AdLib : Sue – Yep, and “me too” isn’t very reflective of leadership.
SueInCa : he is saying exactly what we are doing
AdLib : ROmney is stuttering. Obama is pretty smooth.
PatsyT : 7 steps 5 points 3 strikes You’re Out Romney!
SallyT : Sure you would have put them in earlier, Romney, when? When you were Governor?
AdLib : Obama – ROmney is saying sanctions and tightening…ign oring that without bringing all countries along doesn’t work!
SueInCa : You and I agree Kalie
KillgoreTrout : Did Romney just say BIBI is too militant?
lalalu : Romnesia, now he supports he sanctions
2belinda : 7 steps 5 points
AlphaBitch : Mitt suffers from premature sanctions. Is that covered w/ Obamacare?
kalie : I don’t think an attack on Israel is an attack on us, but Im sure Shelly Adelson does and he had the money to back that shit up.
foodchain : I’d like to know the time Mitt talked compared to O
SueInCa : Is Romney going to say he would call Bibi and ask him what he wanted us to do?
kesmarn : Mitt’s looking rattled.
2belinda : kalie aaaah got it
AdLib : Romney is going “me too”! That doesn’t help anything.
SallyT : Romney is going to answer this with, “When I was Governor of Mass, we gave kids tests.
escribacat : Adlib – I agree. Obama looks strong
foodchain : [Ok , this feels better; no navy spending
escribacat : KT — apparently not
PatsyT : constipation will make you sweat
AdLib : FC – I’m seeing the debate very differently. Obama has landed punches, Romney’s attack doesn’t work because most Americans blame Bush for the deficits and don’t blame Obama.
KillgoreTrout : Roney will just not stay on topic, and Bob needs to stop that. Doesn’t look like he’s going to though.
escribacat : he looks constipated
PatsyT : Mitt looks a little dewey
SueInCa : romney looks puzzled
kalie : 2belin: He is sweating from the tanning beds earlier.
AdLib : Mitt again looks pained. Obama seems to have gotten stronger as the debate has gone on, he is strong on FP, Romney has gotten weaker.
foodchain : This is not working well. “the president did not balance a budget yet”! Someone bertter stop this; it’s not going well
2belinda : is mitt on drugs he is starting to sweat
kesmarn : “We visited the website quite a bit. And it still doesn’t work.”
AdLib : Yeah! Vsited webdite and it still doesn’t work!
foodchain : Bob doesn’t have the strength nor did Lerher.
KillgoreTrout : Oh hell yeah! Go get him O. Fucking hilarious! We don’t have bayonets and horses! Bwaaaaaaaa.
SueInCa : me too belinda
PatsyT : Hey Who sunk my battleship??
2belinda : O made me laugh
kesmarn : Yowza!
lalalu : Ha Ha, not a game of Battleship
AdLib : Bam! A game of battleship!
SueInCa : lol we have aircraft carriers
PatsyT : I like Bob but older folks are too polight and we need a bit of a brawler to counter that run on Romney
SallyT : I meant Obamacare!
kesmarn : “Horses and bayonets!!” HAHAHAHA!
escribacat : he ha ha ha ha ha
lalalu : What 2 wars does Romney want to fight?
SallyT : Bob is covered with Ogamacare, Kes!
KillgoreTrout : The navy doesn’t have to be as big as it did in the 40s. Hey mitt, we have guided missiles, not 16 inch cannons.
kesmarn : Bob has apparently has a stroke and been carried out by paramedics.
MurphTheSurf3 : Olympics….got it balanced by getting a huge bailout from the Federal government…lar ger than any before or since. ANd larger than all combined.
AdLib : Sally – Thank you! $1.5 billion handout to Romney’s Olympics!
PatsyT : Sorry to say but they need a younger guy with some spine to be the mod…
kalie : Murph 3.10 Im jealous. Paid 3.72 a few days ago in Chgo burbs. Must be 4.00 in Chgo.
SueInCa : 7-zip Giants
kesmarn : Exactly, Sally.
2belinda : what about BOB is he still there
KillgoreTrout : Og god damn it, he’s back on the businessman shit.
SallyT : You balanced the budget on the Olympics with Government money!!!
kesmarn : Notice it’s never Obama’s “fault” when gas prices go down?
AdLib : FC – Beacause Schaffer is weak on breaking into Romney.
foodchain : Arrrggghhhh. I could want a gun
escribacat : kalie — exactly!!
foodchain : Why is MItt doing all the talking?
MurphTheSurf3 : Just a side note…gas here in Missouri is $3.10 a gallon….and dropping nationwide….th e economy….
kesmarn : Talk to experts? Woulda thunk, BFF?
kalie : Hey Sally: Mitts supporters are so stupid they don’t really care if he can stay on topic. They just want to know if he can act tough against the black guy.
escribacat : we spendmore $$$ than the next ten combined. wow
KillgoreTrout : Sally, right, mitt is avoiding FP like it’s the plague! What a chickenshit.
SueInCa : imagine that asking the joint chiefs
escribacat : thank you mr president!!!!!
kalie : Oh Arizona, just a model state. I wouldn’t wish Jan Brewer on any state.
AdLib : AB – Nope, 30 million Americans having health care, that’s not necessary.
2belinda : go to the romney website for answers lord have mercy, medicare obamacare, teachers economy would somebody PLEASE grab the wheel
SallyT : The topic is Defense Spending and Romney is talking about Obamacare!!!! This guy can’t talk Foreign Policy!
SueInCa : are people listening health care is not a priority
foodchain : OH NO CL! DUCK
kesmarn : Right, lala!
KillgoreTrout : Discretionary=SS and Medicare. Oh jesus Kee rist, now he’s on about Obama care. WHERE THE HELL IS THE MODERATOR!
lalalu : Here it comes. The 47% opening.
AlphaBitch : We don’t need healthcare????
kesmarn : Voucherize Medicaid.
kesmarn : Big Bird dies!
AdLib : Where are you going to get the money?!
SallyT : Way to go, Shaffner! We have covered this.
SueInCa : this is bs, i am sick of these stupid moderators
AdLib : Be safe and careful, CL!
kalie : Yeah, Obama, go get him.. Mitt never shuts up. Hey Mitt, tell us how to get jobs in China??????????? ??
foodchain : I’m liking this
escribacat : Candy did a much better job
kesmarn : Thanks for breaking in, Mr. Prez
kesmarn : Jim Lehrer 2.0
2belinda : will be sending our students to china or will we be bringing their teachers here i thought this was foreign policy nite
foodchain : Romney can’t talk foreign policy and someone better stop this
SallyT : Lets test the kids in Syria!
AlphaBitch : Prayers with ya, CL. Biff.
SueInCa : schieffer is living up to my low expectations
kesmarn : Mitt does it in China all the time. Create 12,000,000 jobs that is. If you don’t mind working for $.12/hr.
AdLib : Bob, grow a damn spine!
AlphaBitch : Wanna bet Mitts kids didn’t go to his public schools?
escribacat : He’s so proud of Massachusetts. Too bad they are 99.9% for Obama.
lalalu : Romney can’t see the purpose of educating the peasants.
AdLib : Bob just got rolled!
foodchain : oh, oh, here goes the ROmney boatload
escribacat : Sally — they are way off topic!
KillgoreTrout : CL, find something good and solid to hide under.
kalie : Choice where are you? Looked bad in Midwest earlier today, but not now.
SallyT : The topic is America’s Role in the World and we are talking about our teachers?????
AdLib : Obama is keeping the drumbeat going against Romney. Nice.
foodchain : ANYONE can make 12 million jobs and the bugger knows it
PatsyT : Take not Tank… oppps
SueInCa : stay safe cl
2belinda : careful take cover CL
AlphaBitch : Way to go, ‘Bama. Bring up his MA record.
KillgoreTrout : Come on, Obama, don’t let that shit head direct the debate.
PatsyT : Tank care Choice!
AdLib : Yeah! Nailed on MA years on jobs!
foodchain : oooohh, wealthy tax cuts
kesmarn : Stay safe, c’lady!
AlphaBitch : Crap. I’m allergic to cocaine.
kesmarn : Good point, Sally!!
choicelady : GOTTA GO – WE JUST GOT A SEVERE TORNADO WARNING NE OF HERE. Friends at risk – talk to you all soon.
foodchain : The next bumper sticker I want to see is Mitt doing a toothpaste commercial
PatsyT : Foreign Policy?? Teachers Union?? Whatt?
kalie : Sorry, i meant Obama but a young boy 12 years old is laying on my arm hindering my typing.
2belinda : romney IS a lagga head
kesmarn : “I’m gonna cut taxes by 20% and balance the budget.”
SallyT : The road to Greece was paved by Goldmann Sachs.
KillgoreTrout : Really Ad, this is not acceptable. All Romney has is his false rep as a great businessman.
foodchain : Yeah, O didn’t get the rebutt and Mitt got 2 answer periods
AdLib : AB – We’re going to make Columbia our 51st state and get corporate cocaine rolling!
SueInCa : oil AB oil
AlphaBitch : Now we are takinbg over Latin America????
2belinda : 12 million jobs 9 million jobs romney ramblings
SueInCa : i knew schieffer was a mistake. he is letting romney ramble
PatsyT : Don’t let this Mitt near the Nuke Codes!!!
KillgoreTrout : Romney is all over the map!
AdLib : KT – There’s a moderator?
kalie : Did Mitt mention about Mitt sending all those jobs to China yet. He needs to drill that one home.
KillgoreTrout : Where the hell is the moderator?
kesmarn : 12,000,000…as M Taibbi says — a totally invented number.
AdLib : Talking point BS again.
KillgoreTrout : Oh shit, now we’re on jobs?
choicelady : Godamighty, KT^ – no wonder it feels so tight here. I’m in the widget!
escribacat : Has Mitt ever said where these 12 million new jobs come from?????
AlphaBitch : Yeah, Mitt -12 million jobs in fucking China.
lalalu : Good one. Bring up Bush and Cheney
AdLib : Yeah – Bush and Cheney connection!!!
2belinda : patsy you are a hoot
SueInCa : Patsy we will excuse you while you protect the flat screen
AlphaBitch : Whoop! Bush and Cheney. POINT OBAMA>
escribacat : KT LOL
PatsyT : 2belinda Thanks I should go remove the shoes around here before we lose the new flat screen.
kesmarn : Yes!
KillgoreTrout : CL is in da widget!
2belinda : O is being presidential and R is smirking
AdLib : Obama = Positive. Romney = Negative.
SueInCa : hey Cl
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady. Good to see you!
AlphaBitch : Frennie O uses fewer words and less bullshit. Let Mitt stutter. it is SO unbecoming.
escribacat : Hi CL
kalie : Maybe Schieffer should moderate and not let Mitt talk so long.
AdLib : Hey CL!
choicelady : Hi everybody – just here for a blip. Doing dinner for hubby who has 7 pm call to make. I think Romney once again is losing it – everything positive he said is what Obama ALREADY said, so – copy cat is all that comes to mind. And this from the guy who pissed off his BEST potential ally in Britain. Wow – Mitt. You are NOT ready for prime time.
kesmarn : Take it to him, Barack!
AdLib : Obama should just say flatly, “Governor Romney is good at rattling off this line and that line but he doesn’t understand the complexity of foreign affairs.”
escribacat : AB LOL
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney has now been talking for six minutes without a response.
kesmarn : Is the Prez ever going to get to talk?
SallyT : Why are you worried about the economy here, Mitt? Your employees and money is offshore.
AlphaBitch : Watch out, Patsy. The wimmens is flocking to Mr. Patsy.
KillgoreTrout : No mention of terror a year after 9/11? Is he having a stroke?
2belinda : Patsy my husband just came to ck to see if I was wearing shoes he said the crap was getting deep with Mitt flinging it everywhere.
escribacat : What does he think about insulting the Brits at Olympics?
KillgoreTrout : Romney, get off economics. This isn’t about economics.
lalalu : Patsy, that is funny
AdLib : Economy again, so Obama, hit Romney on talking down the economy and the war on women.
kalie : Obama is A list, Romney is C list. I think Mittsy is below Kathy Griffin.
SueInCa : here we go his only subject he knows anything about
kesmarn : Go, Mr. Patsy!
escribacat : I think I like your husband, Patsy.
KillgoreTrout : Kalie, yeah I always thought that was quite humorous. Not my invention though.
PatsyT : I really can’t hear what Romney is saying because my Husband can’t stop swearing at the screen when Mit speaks
kesmarn : She’s eating cake at the moment, Frennie.
2belinda : only when Ann was first introduced she did not look happy, Mrs. O looked calm and collected
AdLib : FC – Yes, I think Obama is looking more in control and Romney started friendly but now seems to be treading water.
AlphaBitch : I wanna see Ann!!!
kalie : Kt: Amadinnerjacket? Very nice.
lalalu : Romney sounds just like Bush. Scary
SallyT : We got to have friends….sing it Mitt!
AdLib : Blah-blah-Romney !
PatsyT : BabeBabel Yuk Shut this guy up
AlphaBitch : No. Where’s Tim Russert when you NEED him?
SueInCa : no
AdLib : Let’s do a mini-poll, who here thinks Bob Schaffer will keep control of the debate?
SallyT : Al Gore thinks that at the end of the debate, he thinks Scaffer will ask something on Climate Change. Lets see.
AlphaBitch : Romney was time traveling, Cat.
escribacat : Is that good or bad?
escribacat : I’m in the widget, eh?
SueInCa : glad u r here cat
escribacat : Saw them but couldn’t log in
KillgoreTrout : Hey, e’cat’s in the widget!
escribacat : Nice to see you too! I was travelling for the last two debates
SueInCa : I hope so AL
AdLib : Escribacat! Hey! Nice to see you!
escribacat : Hi Sue
escribacat : AB!
SueInCa : Hello Cat
AlphaBitch : CAT!!!!!
AdLib : Sue – I am prepared for that and hoping that the media hammering Lehrer got and the praise Radditz and Crowley got make an impact on him.
SueInCa : AB I know I got some hot flashes but not anywhere near others and my medication may have caused that
escribacat : Hi folks!
AlphaBitch : Sue – you are lucky I’m through with that and no longer keeping score. I had to drink tofu shakes for about a year.
KillgoreTrout : AB, I don’t blame you. I don’t know what it feels like, but from everything I’ve heard…….:sho ck:
AdLib : Six minutes and counting.
SueInCa : I think he will let them run all over him….i am jaded AL
SallyT : KT, that is what they just said on Current. AlGore is sitting there. He just smiled.
AdLib : Sue – I don’t know, I think Schaffer may be a bit too polite and deferential, closer to Lehrer than Radditz but he can be insistent when he wants to be.
KillgoreTrout : I saw an article today that said even if Romney gets the popular vote, Obama may still win it, by the electoral college votes. Wouldn’t that be sweet revenge for 2000.
SueInCa : AB mine was almost like it never happened
AlphaBitch : KT – I can be a mean drunk and I seemed to be drunk all the time while going through the “change”.
AdLib : Our electoral system is so messed up. Religion, corporate billions, voters easily manipulated by performance over substance…oh well…
KillgoreTrout : Lots of temperature changes?
AlphaBitch : AND KT – let’s not bring up the whole race thing on coffee. (I like it ‘mixed’ BTW)
SueInCa : is schieffer going to be as bad as he is on sunday mornings
AlphaBitch : KT: It was painful only to anyone who got in my way. It’s why the Blov christened me “Shezilla”.
SueInCa : oh yes and I think there was a scandal at the school but I am going to confirm that
AdLib : Sue – But I thought there was supposed to be a separation between church and state? Really?
SallyT : Okay, Adlib, you have to be IN the swing of things.
KillgoreTrout : AB, is that like saying black coffee? El coffee negro?
SueInCa : that university is an evangelical school
KillgoreTrout : I remember the Girl From Ipanema!
AdLib : Sally – You can’t be on the Tropopuse, only in it.
SallyT : There was the Girl on the Red Velvet Swing, too.
KillgoreTrout : AB, that must have been painful!
AlphaBitch : OK to the lobby to get some cafe con leche.
SallyT : The Girl ON the Flying Tropopause, AdLib.
AdLib : KT – I remember that song, “The Girl in the Flying Tropopause.”
AlphaBitch : KT – I flew in the menopause.
KillgoreTrout : I love to fly. Especially in the tropopause.
AdLib : AB – I do think “lead” as in “a lack of leadership” and “we need to be a leader again”, etc. will be a good word for the thirsty tonight!
AlphaBitch : Yikes. Mrs. O looks very nervous. Don’t like that.
AlphaBitch : HA AdLib! I won. BTW: what’s your phrase? Have to declare BEFORE it starts. My guess is KT will win – leading from behind. That’s a weiner.
SallyT : AB, if you go on Wikipedia, they tell about the effects on Climate Change and they do contribute. I guess they learned about it more when planes were grounded for 3 days after 9-11. Anyway, it is just like gas from cars, contrails are from planes.
AdLib : AB – The contrail made us do it!
AdLib : KT – We saw some pretty amazing ones last week. Planes fly high, especially military planes. They burn fuel and some remains in exhaust. Basic stuff really.
KillgoreTrout : You betcha AB!
AlphaBitch : Wow just noticed we have 2 “A”s (Ad & AB), 2 “K”s (KT and KQ) and 2 “S” s (Sally and Sue). Conspiracy????
KillgoreTrout : I live near an airport, and contrails are really cool, especially just before sunset.
AdLib : Whoops – meant you Sally!
SallyT : That was me, Adlib.
KillgoreTrout : LOL!
AdLib : Sue – Indeed, what is the point of having Stealth Bombers if they make a contrail? However, typical air force planes can and do make contrails. There could have been some exercise or training that caused the many ones you saw.
AlphaBitch : OK, KT. I twust you.
KillgoreTrout : If one has his tin foil hat adjusted just right, contrails can help you see into the future! It’s true, it’s true!
SallyT : The military goes to great efforts to not have contrails so the aircraft is not so easily detected. That is why the government doing it to seed our brains is so stupid.
AdLib : AB – Contrails/chem trails are caused by aircraft flying at high altitudes where the temperature is below freezing. The moisture in their exhausts is frozen and that’s what makes the contrails.
AlphaBitch : She’s not a woo-woo Ad. She’s a steady on gal. So you are saying that it can be more visible because of the presence of more humidity in the air????
AdLib : Sally – Contrails are caused by condensation and crystallization of moisture, it is a simple fact of science for folks to check out. If a gas was released that high in those quantities, which compared to air volume over a city or state are pretty vast, it would be too widely dispersed and there would not be any meaningful effect anyway.
AdLib : AB – No offense to your friend but those are part of the tin foil crowd’s obsessions and they are 100% false. You might point her to snopes.com.
SallyT : Well, AdLib, you better watch out, there was a lot of them over Portland yesterday. People were commenting on them.
SueInCa : Will be back going up to my bedroom to set up and watch the debate on TV. I am computer lame I swear
AdLib : Sally – The main contrail conspiracy theory I’ve heard is that they contain psych drugs that make Americans brainwashed or easy to brainwash. Hey…maybe they’re not so crazy…okay, they are.
AlphaBitch : So there is a trailer about the contrail/chemtra il conspiracy – where it is alleged they are spraying both aluminum and barium in an effort to decrease population (maybe that’s why they are countering with not providing contraception, huh???) – I’m more confused than ever. I’ll research it on a non-debate night.
SueInCa : Thanks Adlib I will play with it prior to the debate.
AdLib : Sue – Yep, you sure can! If you minimize the screens, you can have the video on the top half of your screen and the chat on the bottom!
SallyT : Yes, AdLib, I have heard everything on them from causing earthquakes and seeding our brains.
SueInCa : Hi everyone. Adlib can I watch on one tabl and comment on the other or can I do both on the same tab?
AdLib : Contrails are to conspiracies as pants on fire are to Romney.
SallyT : I think there was something on contrails on Yahoo yesterday but I didn’t read it.
AlphaBitch : Hmmm wonder where she got that info??? About contrails I mean.
AdLib : Sally – All gore is made out of wood, he’s gone completely green.
SallyT : Contrails are a big topic on Coast to Coast radio. My husband turns that on to go to sleep at night.
AdLib : AB – There are all kinds of theories out there to physically reverse Climate Change but Al Gore is not pushing that one in particular.
AlphaBitch : Sally: i think only Mittens could be a worse dancer than Al. Talk about stiff – and not in a good way!
SallyT : It is funny watching Gore. When he speaks to someone else on the panel, he doesn’t turn his head, he turns his whole body. He swivels his chair completely around.
AlphaBitch : So today my friend from Nashville spoke about contrails and the efforts to seed the clouds w/ aluminum to try and mitigate global warming. She says that this is where Gore went astray – y’all know about this? I did not.
AdLib : True, Al is quite a calm voice of experience. I’ll flip back and forth to see what Current’s saying too.
SallyT : LOL, sure. I like to hear Al Gore’s take, in his monotone, after all he has been there.
AdLib : Oh, yes, I plan to watch MSNBC for reaction afterwards. See if Matthews is smiling or howling.
SallyT : That I agree with! I was just thinking that if you watch MSNBC, I will watch Current. That way we have two covered if something of importance should occur. Al Gore is on tonight. I don’t really care for Spitzer but I like Granholm.
AdLib : I don’t bother too much with pre-debate stuff, it’s all just filler, blabbering about assumptions and this and that, meaningless IMO. Chatting here is far more interesting to me.
SallyT : Thank you, AdLib. I was just checking. Right now it is nothing but everyone given their take on how it will go, like they know. Are you going to watch MSNBC?
AdLib : And you’re absolutely welcome now!
AdLib : Yep Sally, it starts at 6:00 pm but PST!
SallyT : AdLib, doesn’t the debate start at 6pm tonight? Or will I be too early for something for a change?
AdLib : Our live chat during tonight’s Obama-Romney debate begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
Home Chat Room Archives Live Events Archives Live Event – The Final Obama-Romney Debate – 10-22-2012
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