AdLib : Get some rest, pal! And once again, big congrats to you and your wife on your success!
KQµårk 死神 : Well I better get some sleep. It’s been a great few days but I’m knackered.
AdLib : The more misguided the pundits expose themselves to be, the more replaceable they are. Self-deportation from in front of the cameras.
AdLib : I got ya!
KQµårk 死神 : Allegedly I mean.
AdLib : Well…I’d like to see that…ASAP.
KQµårk 死神 : I’ll say it. Pundits could fuck up a Dick Cheney funeral.
AdLib : Yep, everyone else can see the big picture. So many other speakers hammered the Repubs and Romney hard so Obama didn’t have to. Romney’s speech is so sour and forgettable in the face of Obama’s. Whatever the biggest bounce is that’s available, Obama will get it. Gallup’s daily poll was already showing a 4% bump before Obama’s speech. If Obama gets a 6-8 point lead over Romney…whoa… look for panic!
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly. What they failed to understand is how all the speeches fit together like a perfect mosaic. Obama was not going nearly as negative as some pundits would have liked. All Romney’s speech is remembered for is it’s negativity and lies. While Obama’s will be remembered for being a true positive vision for the country and an opposing view to the greed is good Reagan era. But pundits never understand Obama’s strategic thinking.
AdLib : Three of the offenders are on MSNBC/NBC, Luke Russert, Chuck Todd and David Gregory. All are such hacks and it’s always amusing seeing them stutter when faced with a reality they can’t twist.
AdLib : Yep, they come to everything with their “brilliant” already-construc ted conclusions and try to shoe horn reality to fit into their perceptions. Fools.
KQµårk 死神 : I remember similar reactions to Obama’s last SOTU address. The pundits were all wrong in their criticisms because that’s when Obama’s reelection chances really started to pivot.
AdLib : Headline at Yahoo: Obama: ‘Our problems can be solved’ . That is a winning headline for Obama!
AdLib : KQ – And they don’t realize that their intense cynicism eventually becomes unpalatable and offensive to the public. The MSM has very low and sinking approval in polls, they are putting themselves out of business.
KQµårk 死神 : They are the cynics of the cynics. They just don’t understand that average Americans are moved by true vision and positivity when motivated.
AdLib : KQ – The MSM live in their own agenda-driven bubble. They try to create the news nowadays or force it into the mold they’ve prepared but less people are giving them any respect.
AdLib : Night Patsy, great to see you! Right with you, we’ve got to work for this but we can win it! As for Palin, love that she says people diminish themselves by mentioning her name! Sleep well, hope to see you for Vox tomorrow night!
KQµårk 死神 : Reading some of the speech reax it still amazes me how the MSM doesn’t get shit.
PatsyT : Sarah Palin just sucks! Outrage my BUTT! I am just so moved by all of the DNC presentations, videos, speeches. Lets GO! Voter Registration! Voter Education! Nighty Night Planet friends …. Love you all .. Lets get Busy!
AdLib : Murph, I am definitely enjoying watching her swirling around the toilet rim…
AdLib : BTW, Palin was whining about Kerry ridiculing her.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL..Paln’s days of grace at Fox are almost done and she was actually booed at the RNC when a crowd was asked is she would be a great secret guest speaker.
AdLib : Murph – I will check for that video, would like to see it! See you at Vox tomorrow! Sleep well!
AdLib : Sarah Palin’s howling and running for the spotlight with “outrage” and more laughable victimhood: ““I think he diminished himself by even mentioning my name. How does he even know my name? I mean aren’t these guys supposed to be these big wig elites who don’t waste their time on the little people like me — me representing the average American who, yeah I did say in Alaska you can see Russia from our land base and I was making the point that we are strategically located on the globe and when it comes to transportation corridors and resources that are shared and fought over [in] Alaska and I as the governor had known what I was doing in dealing with some international issues that had to do with our resources that could help secure the nation.” WHAT? She was the GOP VP nominee and she’s “little people like me”? So desperate, she’s seeing her 15 minutes slipping away!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well I am off to bed. I suspect tomorrow is going to be very busy…see you at Vox tomorrow night.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….Joe Biden’s son, the attorney who served in Iraq, tore into both a RNC rep and Scarborough this morning for the Ryan cuts in veteran services.
AdLib : KQ – Only Clinton mentioned Bush and did so in a positive light, to hit the concept of cooperation and highlight that the extremists controlling the GOP are worse than Bush!
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…no guarantee they will go our way but I think, is this very red state, such feelings are worth promoting.
AdLib : Murph – I’m glad to hear that because Romney is their enemy, he will slash Veterans benefits. If we can get some of the normally reliable Repubs to move over…it could be huge.
PatsyT : Yes, Murph, Good to hear! Those are good people and they understand the risk.
KQµårk 死神 : If Obama did mention Bush it would have been the first time in either convention AdLib.
PatsyT : Opps
PatsyT : Y
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….one of my friends spent the evening at the VFW Hall. He said that many were there when the DNC did its salute to the troops with Kerry and misc. soldiers etc. and then Biden and then Obama….Afterwa rds….all of the talk was about those goddam Republican SOB’s who pretended we don’t exist…..
AdLib : This tweet amused me: ” Fox News’ Karl Rove criticizing Obama for not thanking George W. Bush for helping get Bin Laden. Yes, really.”” So funny, that’s the best response Rove has to Obama’s killer speech? Heh!
PatsyT : As a little girl, I walked past the “wealthy” neighborhood, to get to school. My neighborhood was nice but just not as “upscale” as the one I walked past ever day. I really thought well of them then. Wow, how times have changed.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…yes, it is obama closing ranks with those who joined him being the change.
AdLib : Murph – Yes and projecting the hope and change back on the people is also very smart though in tune with his “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” theme from 2008. Now, when the RW attack hope and change, many people will feel it as a personal affront against them.
MurphTheSurf3 : When Obama asked for our vote, he was extending his hand in partnership…sm art, very smart.
AdLib : Murph – You remember how Fox was rejected by Obama’s Admin after he got in and they attacked him, I’m sure they’re still feeling hammered. As the greedy bastards they are, they may easily abandon their “values” just to hopefully curry favor in a 2nd Obama term.
AdLib : KQ – Agreed! And I think that his making citizenship an issue, meaning that voting is a duty, is a great one-two punch against apathy.
KQµårk 死神 : I know what you mean Patsy. I admire personal trates like honesty, integrity, humility, empathy, etc much more than I use to. It’s fine if you get rich off of talent, hard work and worthwhile virtues but to get rich off of the pain of others is the worst thing you can be in my eyes.
AdLib : Patsy – I think admiration of wealth…and envy for that matter, is very human. I think though that with experience and enlightenment comes the realization that money is indeed the root of much evil. Also, as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t equate wealth with success. As Michelle said, money isn’t success, it’s what you do with your life that makes you a success.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…just as so many of the RNC spoke in ways that pointed to 2016..I wonder, like you, if Fox is doing the same. Making the issue of our surging in Congress very important indeed.
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib I thought Obama put forth a great challenge for the apathetic. If you buy into the cynicism you are going to lose more and more control of the country to special interests and corporations.
PatsyT : I have to go back and see who said they “admired” the wealthy but that is how I used to feel, I do not admire them anymore, I am suspicious.
KQµårk 死神 : Patsy we had great presidents of privilege like FDR. But he did not look down on people. He wanted to raise people up.
AdLib : Murph…I wonder…maybe Fox is preparing for a 2nd Obama term?
AdLib : Patsy – That is so true and I think the Dems nailed Romney on being so out of touch and so unsympathetic towards the 99% and all the people’s lives he has and would ruin.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Fox…hmmm …after last weeks denunciation of the Ryan speech on its pages….WoW…t hat’s two in a row.
AdLib : Murph – I don’t think it matters, these Baggers are far gone anyway. They’re still Birthers, even after proof! Lost causes, just dumping more sewage into the sewers.
AdLib : Murph – What I think is revealing is that even Fox News has a very modest headline, only Drudge is looking so weak, Fox looks chastened: “Obama Lays Out Case for Second Term: ‘Our Problems Can Be Solved'”
PatsyT : How can we trust someone so privileged to ever understand the Middle Class? Can we all start saying that the Middle Class IS the economic Engine that we need?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…sadly the troglodytes on the right will scoop up the crap and swallow it in big gulps….chocola te ice cream anyone?
AdLib : Patsy – Yes! Empty Dunce Chair.
AdLib : Murph – The reason I posted it is because it is so laughable. After a convention that even Repubs admit blew away the RNC, these desperate weasels cling to whatever BS they can. I think it makes them look desperate and fearful.
PatsyT : AdLib, Or Empty Chair!
MurphTheSurf3 : AD LIB…Drudge…. It’s like your septic tank exploding into the yard. What a lot of crap. QUICK, everybody comment so it moves off the viewing page. Still, Ad Lib reminds us of who the enemy is and what they believe.
AdLib : Patsy – “I am the President” – Translation: “Mitt Romney, you are an empty suit.”
KQµårk 死神 :
PatsyT : Love it Murph!
PatsyT : Hey “I am the President” is a bit like Dr Who “I am the Doctor”
AdLib : A preview of the top Repub stories tomorrow, on Drudge Report now: HILLARY STAYS 10,000 MILES AWAY FROM CHARLOTTE… Israel says differences remain with U.S. over Iran…Explosive Confrontation Between Netanyahu, American Ambassador… DNC STAFFERS PATROL RADIO ROW, FREEZE OUT CONSERVATIVE STATIONS…SHOCK BUTTONS AT DNC… DNC delegates: Let’s ban corporate profits! Florida DNC Boss: Christians Want Jews Slaughtered…De m Congressman: Romney Will Take Us Back To Days Of Civil Rights Beatings…FOURN IER: Obama Missed the Mark…Wasserman Schultz Yawns During Speech? Reporters Using ‘Fake Names’ to Buy Obama Campaign Merchandise and Donate at DNC…EU helps out Obama campaign; ‘Unlimited’ bond-buying…Pa ul Ryan: Obama’s speeches ‘don’t help Americans’…Ob ama Girls’ Role: To Be Spoken Of, Not to Speak… DEM DELEGATE WANTS TO ‘KILL’ ROMNEY SECRET SERVICE INVESTIGATES… Secret Service arrests Charlotte man for TWITTER death threats against Obama…’HONEY BOO BOO’ TIES BUBBA SPEECH IN RATINGS…GOP AD: ‘THREE TIMES THEY SAID NO TO GOD’…
MurphTheSurf3 : SIDENOTE: Joe Kennedy III, a very impressive young man, won his primary tonight. Looks like there will be a Kennedy in Congress in 2013.
PatsyT : Home run!
KQµårk 死神 : I saw Twitter set a new record of over 52,000 tweets per minute during the speech. With Romney it was only 18,000. I know demographics is a big reason but that’s a big difference.
KQµårk 死神 : I was most struck by the president’s humility. Only a person with real inner strength admits they are vulnerable. I have no doubt he relates allot with Lincoln because Obama is facing a cold civil war.
MurphTheSurf3 : The overnight ratings services are showing very strong viewership of this convention. No 2nd night dropoff as the GOP experienced, in fact growing audiences.
PatsyT : Mitt could not be more on the wrong side of history.. with his Corps. are people not sure of climate change .. Keep it up Mitt You really will go down in History
AdLib : Patsy – Hope that’s the reason!
MurphTheSurf3 : Obama’s speech was a reminder that his incumbency IS what makes him potent and that he will not lay it down without a bruising battle.
AdLib : Murph – Yep, the last four years have been a constant punching to the gut that we’ve had to take from the Repubs and MSM, preceded by 8 years of the awful oppression of the Bush Presidency. We were hoping that Obama would hugely reverse things in the first 4 years but so much was blocked by Repubs. Feels good to have this opportunity to take the high ground and the upper hand again!
PatsyT : Hey when I was picking up my daughter I noticed the roads were might empty… maybe a good sign- folks were home watching here in south OC that is a good sign
KQµårk 死神 : Go Rev Al. I feel the same way. I have no idea what the GOP vision for America is besides dismantling everything Obama accomplished.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ- I was surprised that he included Climate Change and even more so that he stuck it right in Mitt’s eye- not a hoax, not a joke. Mitt is the hoax. Mitt is the joke.
KQµårk 死神 : Agreed Murph. It was a halftime type convention where the Dems did a great job of saying how they will finish the game on the winning side.
AdLib : Murph – Excellent point! The smaller venue, also being the site of the convention, brought it down to being more personal. It would have been a contrast for Obama to be on stage in a stadium saying, “It’s all about you.”
PatsyT : No mention of Nuclear!
PatsyT : Yes KQuark !
KQµårk 死神 : As a scientist I thought Obama’s segment on Climate Change was powerful.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…certainly the pent up frustration of the last four years is there in Charlotte….the sense had been that the terrible Bush 8 would be countered by Obama but then came the checkmating games of the GOP. This week there was a sense that the good guys had retaken the high ground.
MurphTheSurf3 : I know several people from the 2008 Obama campaign who are in Charlotte. They have been tweeted me and dropping e mails to those of us who are not there….the general feeling…the campaign caught fire this week…now how to keep it going. BY THE WAY, ALL FOUR AGREED IT WAS FORTUITIOUS TO BE AT THE CONVENTION SITE RATHER THAN AT THE STADIUM..IT MADE OBAMA’S MESSAGE MORE BELIEVABLE…”Y OU DID IT”.
KQµårk 死神 : Understood that’s why Obama gets what most pols don’t.
AdLib : KQ – Combine them all and I’ll bet you get pretty much to 40%. Add in though the RW religious who are brought up believing that it is unChristian to vote any way but Repub.
AdLib : KQ – Yes but when was the last time you heard any politician talking about citizenship and duty?
KQµårk 死神 : Yup but in polling those issues are always in the minority. Usually much lower than 40%.
AdLib : Murph – It’s seems like all of this has been pent up for the last 12 years or more and that it all finally poured out.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy- quite an image- picking up kids, fixing dinner and clapping simultaneously.. .a real mom in a real world.
AdLib : KQ – I would guess that if you broke it down, you’d find a lot of single issue voters supporting the GOP and Romney. Guns or abortion or racism or a combo probably accounts for most, they ignore everything else because that one issue means everything to them.
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib we’ve been saying that for years. With citizenship comes responsibility towards your country’s society.
MurphTheSurf3 : Can anyone recall a convention with so much lofty oratory carrying such down to earth messages wrapped in great story telling….one great moment after another. Is this because of the the level of the assault being waged against them? Did they literally rise to the challenge. Did adversity create courage? The audacity of hope?
AdLib : I do like the term “citizenship” being used as duty and community instead of birth certificates. Hope Obama keeps pressing that button. How unAmerican is it for the Repubs to oppose a sense of citizenship?
KQµårk 死神 : Oh I get the reasons on an intellectual level but I just don’t see how the GOP’s vision for America appeals on an emotional level.
PatsyT : Love that Murph! I watched while putting dinner together and picking up kids! But still my hand are tired of clapping
AdLib : Murph – That’s sure how it felt to me. Like a booster shot indeed of hope and faith in the principles we share.
AdLib : Patsy – Yep, it’s a verb to the wealthy, “Summer”, “Summered”, “Summering”.
AdLib : KQ – Apathy will always be out there. It can be dented but never zeroed out.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…yes….I was at a watch party. 12 people. Giffords doing the Pledge. Kerry calling out the GOP and Mitt for its failure to service our men and women in uniform. Biden, from the heart, in the union hall. Videos that grabbed the heart. And then Barack. My group is made up of a lot old hands and as one of our oldest said at the end: “Funny how young I feel right now…..Fired Up and Ready to Go.” Just the booster shot we needed.
PatsyT : Hey KQuark, They do not understand either.
PatsyT : Summered? as in Summers on the Hamptons
KQµårk 死神 : I know tens of millions will not vote for Obama but for the life of me I don’t understand why.
AdLib : Patsy – My joke on that is that Romney’s sons didn’t “enlist”, they only “Summered”.
AdLib : Murph – Loved that Lincoln quote!
PatsyT : GO!
PatsyT : Go Granny Go Granny
PatsyT : So glad they had a focus on the troops. Romney NEVER served nor did any of his sons!!!
AdLib : Patsy – Granny boots on the ground!
MurphTheSurf3 : Stunning: to close with an admission of the inherent weakness in us all coupled with the belief in a hope that arises when called upon. “”I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day.” A. Lincoln.
AdLib : Murph, right! My feeling has been that the DNC and the debates will be a powerful incentive for people to become energized and get out and vote. If people make their minds up about Obama, no amount of propaganda is going to change that…since they will recognize it as such.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…I have no lack of faith in Barack and in many of the Dems…it is my fear of the apathy, unengaged, disconnected, badly informed who could be moved by hard ball propaganda backed up by massive financing.
PatsyT : Woo Hoo Boots on the ground!
AdLib : How does Romney not look like a shallow lightweight compared to Obama after all of this?
AdLib : Murph – I have to say that my faith in Obama and the appeal and strength of him and the Dems feels quite justified after this spectacular success.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy….good for you….I have been a part of the work since 2007 but as many will tell you I have been a voice of consistent concern….I am still concerned but if we go down in November it will not be for lack of moving heaven and earth.
AdLib : Patsy – My mother has been working the phones for Obama for a while already!
AdLib : Compare the RNC’s premeditated propaganda and shallow, hateful and dishonest attacks, not to mention the subdued crowd there…with the DNC! Night and day!
PatsyT : Hey Murph, I am calling the loca loffice in the morning and signing up for service ! We have to get this going on the ground!
AdLib : And Obama started slowly but really built so well up to enlisting people in hope and supporting him. So well done!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I agree. Beautifully crafted and yet not forced or staged….a real wonder.
PatsyT : Yes That is a BIG deal and they are ignoreing it! So many families depend on that support! Not just the poor!
AdLib : Hey Murph! I think this was the most successful and effective convention I have ever seen.
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings all- just back from another night with the DNC….wonderful . What is the verdict here.
AdLib : I was most surprised by Clinton’s pointing out that slashing Medicaid will destroy Medicare. Why hasn’t this been as big of a story?
PatsyT : Is just shows how poorly the MSM has been doing all along. They have been withholding all of these stories and the excellent points that have been made
AdLib : Only those predetermined to dislike this speech would be whining about it.Even those on the RW acknowledge it was a home run.
PatsyT : oh I mean talking… OK NPR you can just lose some more credibility
AdLib : FYI, on Twitter: Joe Scarborough: “Game. Set. Match. Democrats crush Republicans in convention wars.” No kidding!
PatsyT : NPR is taking trash… Geezzz they have to stop with the bashing.
AdLib : Tax cut, rinse, repeat.
PatsyT : Tax Cuts – apply liberally on those stubborn stains, then launder as usual
AdLib : If you have a tax cut that lasts more than 5 hours, contact a physician.
PatsyT : Apply directly to the brain!
AdLib : Exactly! Tax cuts…apply to the forehead.
PatsyT : I think we found lots of uses for Tax Cuts… Warts? apply two tax cuts!
AdLib : Heh! We had a riff on Vox on that, you came up with some very funny ones. The only thing bothering me is having to sue Obama for copyright infringement.
PatsyT : HA Yes! He must be read old planetPOV chats!!
AdLib : Do you remember, we made that same joke here!
PatsyT : Two Tax cuts will cure the flu – GOP
AdLib : I think Rachel had a tingle this time.
PatsyT : MSNBC … Chris Mathews has more then a tingle!
AdLib : Now, let’s do a split screen of Romney’s speech with Obama’s! Let’s see who beats whom.
PatsyT : Yep daughters are the best!
AdLib : The older daughter looks more like Barack, the younger more like Michelle, both are so cute, remind me of mine!
AdLib : Applause ringing through this house!
PatsyT : SOOOO cute !!
PatsyT : Those girls are
AdLib : He’s in full Obama gear now!!!
PatsyT : WOOO HOOO !!!!
AdLib : How does he respond to the cynical sneers from the RW about “hope”? He takes them on and insists on the need for hope. That’s a leader.
AdLib : It’s working…the whole DNC has been so affirming and has made me feel more hopeful and Obama is bringing that feeling home.
AdLib : You are the change! You did that! Yes, this is a great direction, move the moniker of change from himself to the people who actually made the change by electing him!
AdLib : Obama is really building on this concept of people as a community from a variety of directions. He has the truth on his side too. It’s building in impact and power.
AdLib : Funk – Good luck!
AdLib : The GOP is Arithmatically Challenged. Is that covered by the ACA?
funksands : Yeah, nothing’s working. Very strange. I’ll be back.
AdLib : Funk – Check the general volume control and the volume in the video window.
AdLib : This is the Romney takedown portion, loving it!
funksands : Hmmm the sound on my computer is not working. Grrr
AdLib : It’s a bit of a checklist speech so far, hoping it builds from there.
AdLib : Yep, the trick is getting yourself to think that way when it’s your turn in the spotlight.
funksands : Nothing to lose I guess…
AdLib : Kerry really brought it. Why can’t some of these guys hit a homer when they’re running? The pressure?
funksands : Good start. I had to shut off the tv after Kerry spoke. Who knew he had that in him?
AdLib : He’s doing well, not a home run yet but a solid triple so far.
funksands : I’m having to DVR this until about an hour from now. How’s he doing?
AdLib : I like what he’s saying, hope he’ll get into specifics as rumored.
AdLib : Good taxcut joke!
AdLib : “sick of hearing me approve this message, so am I.” Good one.
AdLib : Here’s Obama’s windup…now the pitch…
AdLib : The Repubs have so simplified and obscured the reality of decision making for a President, this video helps blow out that dishonest facade.
AdLib : Powerful and smart video intro for Obama, make people see the big picture of what it takes to repair a massive disaster and how Obama handled and turned things around.
AdLib : Romney protests Biden charge, says he didn’t bet against American people, he just bought derivatives that would profit from America’s loss.
AdLib : Cool! See ya then!
PatsyT : Be back in a few have to go pick up kids…
PatsyT : Help I need New Hands !!! My daughter says, “Jo Biden is Pretty Cool”
AdLib : Biden’s tribute to the killed and wounded military would come off as pandering from Romney but his service and his son’s legitimize it completely.
AdLib : Biden: “Promote the private sector, not the privileged sector!” Good stuff!
PatsyT : GOP =Downsizing the American Dream ! Go Joe!!
AdLib : Love the chiding of Romney and Ryan, “Never ever bet against the American people!”
AdLib : Woo hoo!
PatsyT : My hands are getting tired of clapping!!!
AdLib : Biden: “You didn’t give up, you got up!”
AdLib : This is the best speech I’ve ever seen Biden give.
AdLib : Maybe if Romney had a daughter, he’d better understand protecting women’s rights and pay equality.
AdLib : Biden: “Osama Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive. And Mitt Romney’s running on emergency battery power.”
AdLib : This is hitting the patriotic thread in people strongly, IMO. Just faux patriotism from the Repubs, hatred and feelings of superiority passed off as patriotism.
AdLib : “And justice was done!” Pretty powerful stuff.
AdLib : Boy, I bet the Repubs are whining high enough for dogs to hear now that Biden has fleshed out the Bin Laden killing so dramatically and powerfully. Heh!
AdLib : I watched the Clinton speech again today. What a well done job. Biden is killing it in a different way tonight but perfectly for indie voters!
PatsyT : I recorded all three nights… Love all of these speakers!
AdLib : Indie voters don’t like the hard hitting attacks, this is smartly crafted to appeal to them while humanizing him and Obama.
PatsyT : I am going to watch this more then once.. best television I have seen in years!
AdLib : Very interesting, the velvet boxing glove approach from Biden towards Romney? Really like this!
AdLib : I think this is very effective, to bring people inside the WH during the economic crisis and the very human emotions, reasoning and smarts that took place.
PatsyT : HA Ha Yep and full of drool
AdLib : The Repubs are empty high chairs.
PatsyT : They (repubs) are empty chairs .. With out a table
AdLib : With all the dehumanizing the Repubs employ against Obama and Biden, this humanizing of both of them is very needed and effective.
AdLib : I like that he’s stressing the crisis we were in when he and Obama came in. People should be made to think about who they want in the WH if another crisis occurs. Romney, who can’t even stand up to Rush or Obama?
PatsyT : At this point I am just so happy they have fine tuned the message and are delivering it with such passion I don’t care if he talks to an empty chair
AdLib : Uh oh…”Mission Completed”? I’d steer clear of that.
AdLib : I think he’s going more inspirational than attack on Romney, what do you think? A mix?
AdLib : At least, that’s the RW spin.
AdLib : BREAKING NEWS: Biden accepts the nomination. Hillary is heartbroken!
AdLib : Yep, hearing these messages is so invigorating! But we can’t underestimate the power and genuine feeling of those expressing them.
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
PatsyT : Go JOE!
PatsyT : AdLib, I was jumping up and down when John Kerry spoke! I missed J Lewis but saw Granholm – amazing!! I keep hearing about how the speeches are so great and YES they are but it is the CONTENT that is really making them so, WE have the right message! This is the most amazing convention I have ever seen!
AdLib : Very nice speech by Jill Biden, so much genuine sentiment expressed at the DNC while the RNC was mostly premeditated, staged performances.
AdLib : Joe Biden coming up in just a few…
AdLib : Kerry: “Mitt Romney, before you debate Barack Obama on foreign policy, you better finish the debate with yourself.”
AdLib : Kerry: “Ask Osama Bin Laden if he’s better off now than he was four years ago.”
AdLib : John Kerry is nailing it right now! Granholm did earlier and John Lewis did as well. This is the best DNC I’ve ever seen.
AdLib : Gabby appearing and doing the Pledge of Alegience…the crowd just exploded…wow!
AdLib : Welcome to our Live Chat for tonight’s DNC speeches, culminating in President Obama’s acceptance speech for his re-nomination as the Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate. Should be quite an evening!
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