The SS Mitt Romney makes the Titanic look like a pleasure cruise. Romney has been shooting holes in his own boat since the start of the campaign and last week was no exception. Even so, as he takes on more water and seems to be further sinking, he continues to be a navigational hazard on the political seas.
So, this weekend’s theme is all about sending a message to Mitt Romney and calling him out for who he really is…despite how hard he’s tried to hide it. Songs that say it all about Romney in their titles or lyrics, join in a musical roast of that weenie who thinks he’s entitled to be President.
Liar – Three Dog Night
American Idiot – Green Day
Fool on the Hill – The Beatles
Nowhere to Run (Nowhere to Hide) – Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
Backstabbers – The O’Jays
Loser – Beck

“Vote Republican 3.0” by Roy Zimmerman
Roy, now we need a Romney specific version
Money Makes The World Go Round
Alan Cummings is the one who sings this version.. set to Willy Wonka
Liza and Joel
I surprised myself remembering this hokey song but as an extra bonus, the chorus is “Secret, secret, I’ve got a secret.”
Mr. Roboto – Styx
The Rolling Stones–I’m A Monkey;
The Rolling Stones–Paint It Black;
And how can I not include one more for Romney from Pearl Jam, it may have been aimed at another idiot son of a wealthy politician but if the shoe fits…
Bushleaguer – Pearl Jam
What a Fool Believes – The Doobie Brothers
Don’t Come Around Here No More – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Nothingman – Pearl Jam
I don’t know how the GOP arrived at the elephant for a mascot. Elephants are so unlike them. Smart, and compassionate!
I Believe – Andrew Rannells from the Book of Mormon Musical – HD
And, here’s the lyrics in case you would like to sing along:
Elder Price:
Ever since I was a child I tried to be the best
So, what happened?
My family and friends all said I was blessed
So, what happened?
It was supposed to be all so exciting to be teaching of Christ ‘cross the sea,
But, I allowed my faith to be shaken.
Oh, what’s the matter with me?
I’ve always longed to help the needy
To do the things I never dared.
This was the time for me to step up
So, then, why was I so scared?
A warlord who shoots people in the face.
What’s so scary about that?
I must trust that my Lord is mightier
And always has my back.
Now I must be completely devout
I can’t have even one shred of doubt…
I believe that the Lord, God, created the universe.
I believe that He sent His only Son to die for my sins.
And I believe that ancient Jews built boats and sailed to America
I am a Mormon,
And a Mormon just believes.
You cannot just believe part way,
You have to believe in it all.
My problem was doubting the Lord’s will
Instead of standing tall.
I can’t allow myself to have any doubt.
It’s time to set my worries free.
Time to show the world what Elder Price is about!
And share the power inside of me…
I believe that God has a plan for all of us.
I believe that plan involves me getting my own planet.
And I believe; that the current President of The Church, Thomas Monson, speaks directly to God.
I am A Mormon,
And, dang it! a Mormon just believes!
I know that I must go and do
The things my God commands.
I realize now why He sent me here.
If You ask the Lord in faith,
He will always answer you.
Just believe in Him
And have no fear!
I believe that Satan has a hold of you
I believe that the Lord, God, has sent me here
And I believe that in 1978, God changed his mind about black people!
You can be a Mormon..
A Mormon who just believes!
And now I can feel the excitement.
This is the moment I was born to do.
And I feel so incredible
To be sharing my faith with you.
The Scriptures say that if you ask in faith,
If you ask God Himself he’ll know.
But you must ask Him without any doubt
And let your spirit grow…
I believe that God lives on a planet called Kolob.
I believe that Jesus has his own planet as well.
And I believe that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri.
If you believe, the Lord will reveal it.
And you’ll know it’s all true. You’ll just feel it.
You’ll be a Mormon
And, by gosh!
A Mormon just believes!
Oh, I believe.
I believe.
Oy Veh!
Okay, KT, I bet you didn’t post this one:
Dumbo When I See an Elephant Fly & Dumbo Flies HD
HAHAHAHAHA! Sally, you got me! Too funny.
For Romney’s aide;
It wasn’t a “religious,” site!
Come on Mr Romney, Get those fine boys of yours signed up for the service.
Its a big adventure
IGGY POP and the STOOGES “search and destroy”
Soul Men–I’m Your Puppet,
Taxman (The Beatles-Revolver)
Sally, you owe me a coke!
KT, I’ll pay up. Did you already post that and I missed it? Damn!
No biggie! I probably owe you a coke or two! 😉