AdLib : Sally, thanks for closing the VP bar with me again tonight! Sleep well and have a great weekend!
AdLib : Great to have you here, FC! It’s about closing time for Vox anyway. Have a great weekend!
foodchain : Geez, it’s midnight here and I just hopped in but early day tomorrow. so sorry to not be here more; it makes me feel better to be here
AdLib : BTW, according to current polling, Obama is ahead right now in states that would give him over 270 electoral votes and re-election…no t including toss up states. With 8.2% unemployment and a sluggish economy. How does Romney win in Nov if he can’t be ahead now?
foodchain : bad typist
foodchain : Sally, kudos for trying to do something I could even. Makes my hed hurt. Hugs for doing this
AdLib : Sally – Either way, will be glad to have it up on The Planet!
AdLib : FC – You’re right, the GOP Elite are trying to tell him what to do and how to deal with things, they’ve even told him he needs to replace his campaign team. Still, they are 100% behind him, they’re just frustrated that he’s so bad at campaigning and trying to get him to do the tactical things they think he should do.
SallyT : Okay, I think I may have rushed it though. I don’t think it is up yet. It says it is but it isn’t showing. So, as soon as I can, I will try to do it myself and if I can’t, you can clean it up for me and I will be appreciative.
AdLib : “Mitt Romney’s repeated claim that he played no part in executive decision-making related to Bain Capital after 1999 is false, according to Romney’s own testimony in June 2002, in which he admitted to sitting on the board of the LifeLike Co., a dollmaker that was a Bain investment during the period.”
foodchain : They aren’t closing ranks when they ask him to turn in tax returns and I’m guessing that they don’t know what they will look like, otherwise he would have already. This isn’t the 100% groupiness; maybe some of the big boys think his campaign should be run differently?
AdLib : Sally – Great. It is easy to embed, if you just click on the “Embed” icon or link at the site where the video is, it will copy to you clipboard and you just paste it into your comment. Happy to do it for you though.
AdLib : FC – Exactly, people get a bad feeling from him, the more they see him, the slimier he feels to them.
SallyT : AdLib, I can post that link to the video now. I will go to OtOt and you can inbed the video since I am to dumb to do that.
foodchain : Well that’s his problem. good hair or not, the words just don’t jive for many people. I don’t buy the poli hype of either side but I am hearing people say: “what would Mitt know about me?”
AdLib : FC – I don’t see that right now. They seem to have closed ranks around him, even if not with a lot of enthusiasm. They do think they have a chance to win with him and they did…though I think this could very well be the beginning of the end for Romney.
AdLib : How does Romney regain a mantle of trust that he has never had with most voters and has only further damaged over all the Bain stuff? I don’t see it.
foodchain : Ad, no, no, that the GOP doesn’t still belive that he can be elected so they are holding distance from him
AdLib : FC – What do you mean? If he was elected, they would oppose him in 2016? No to both, he won’t be elected and if he was, they wouldn’t put up opposition to him in 2016 because he would be a perfect puppet in the first place.
foodchain : Oh Ad for sure. I’ve seen corp mask face before and Mitt excels at it
foodchain : Is there any thought that the GOP might still throw Mitt under the bus for 2016
AdLib : FC – It is the mask of unethical people, laughing and smiling when faced with their lies and deceit. Romney is so obvious about it and so unconvincing, they always come off as so fake.
foodchain : Bito MMmmmmm. jealous.
AdLib : Bito – Enjoy, you deserve it!
bito : Ice cream break
AdLib : Foodchain – The Repubs have seen this before, leave the mines sitting primed to explode and they will. They want Romney to let the worst be known and hope it’s old news by Nov…Romney is too afraid to do it…so he’ll get to step on them in October or November. Works for me!
SallyT : He does, FC, and that laugh!
bito : Wow, she’s right fc, great observation.
foodchain : hey ad, good to be here even if for a little
foodchain : MY 85 yr old aunt noticed how Mitt smiles when he’s in trouble
AdLib : Hey Foodchain!
AdLib : Bito – From assaulting a kid because he thought he was gay to riding around with a police badge to harass others to being a bully at Bain, I don’t know if he has done anything ethical in his life.
AdLib : Sally – And isn’t Romney trying not to run on his record and just attack Obama? Crooks are the ones who are always concerned others will steal from them. BSers are the ones who accuse everyone else of BS. Romney is so damn transparent!
foodchain : Hey all, Gosh, JD Hayworth ( crew cut car salesman) saying do the taxes OH MY
AdLib : Sally – There are a number of Repubs calling for Romney to release his returns now so they explode in the Summer and aren’t an issue in the Fall. But Romney is taking such a beating now and he knows that his older returns will expose what a sleazeball he is so he won’t do it. Obama is a lucky guy, Romney is such an enormously flawed candidate and if he is truly being permanently wounded by Bain as I think he is right now, the advantage for Obama will only grow after the Dem Convention and the debates.
bito : Is there anything that Mitt has done that hasn’t come close to being unethical?
SallyT : Of course this asshole is saying that Obama can’t run on his record so he has to try to run on destroying Romney’s business history.
AdLib : This is why I can’t wait for the debates. Romney is a privileged brat, he’s not used to anyone challenging him or his lies. He is terrible in debates, even if when debating lunatics in the primary, he looked better because he was less insane, he will look like the fraud he is in the debates with Obama.
SallyT : J.D. Hayworth just said that he is hurting himself for not releasing his taxes. He should and get pass them. People moved on from the last ones he released. I don’t know if this guy is right there. There might be a lot more to see.
AdLib : I think it is inescapable that Obama will call for Romney to release his tax returns in a debate and Romney’s attempts to doubletalk on that and on the Bain stuff Obama will nail him on will make him look weak and shifty.
AdLib : With all this stuff swirling around Romney, he will be crushed by the demands for his tax returns for prior years. He knows that he can’t release them because they will show damaging things yet as Obama and others demand he does because they’re concerned that they would show damaging things…all he can do is cry “victim” against Obama. That isn’t going to play with indie voters.
SallyT : Well, there you go, I only need to see half as many!
AdLib : Sally – Romney gave McCain over 20 years worth of returns.
AdLib : Bito – Man, the sleazy connections to Romney are just piling up! It sure looks like he’s going to be just buried by all his dirty laundry as the months go by and he is such a poor candidate, all the money he depends on to buy elections won’t be enough to dig him out this time.
SallyT : Maybe so, but I still would like to see those 10 years he gave to McCain.
AdLib : Sally – I don’t think that’s the reason McCain picked Palin, he needed a stunt VP to have a prayer at winning so he went for her. Romney wouldn’t have helped him from being so far behind with months to go till he lost.
bito : her’s another one «link» it’s posted on toot
AdLib : Whoops, stepped away for a minute and missed your comment, Night Murph!
SallyT : I think he might have been vetted by McCain and that is why he passed on him. Lets see all that McCain got to see!
AdLib : Sally – That’s good to hear but I assumed there are many more documents and revelations to come out on Mitt. Think about it, he’s never been fully vetted! He withheld info when he ran for Gov in MA and has never been open about his dealings. He is a time bomb waiting to blow up!
SallyT : Okay, guys, I guess we better clean up and head on out.
bito : G’night funk
AdLib : Night Funk and Happy Anniversary!
bito : And to get the public involved, we could sell “building bonds’ like FDR did war bonds. it doesn’t draw in much money but the people feel like they are doing something for their country.
SallyT : Good night Funk. Have fun at the parties!
funksands : Folks, I better turn in. Loooong day tomorrow. Birthday party and then 14th anniversary dinner! Wow I am old.
funksands : Probably not. It makes me so mad.
SallyT : Aaron Blake, AdLib, just said that there are many more documents to come out.
funksands : Bito, money they’d PAY us to borrow. I wonder if the American people knew this they’d change their tune about debt?
bito : I agree funk, we could have ended the recession and rebuilt using other people’s money
SallyT : Sweet dreams then Murph!
funksands : Night Murph, pleasant dreams.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well I am tanking and tomorrow promises to be busy…so goodnight to all…I am hoping for a beautiful dream…Romney delivering his acceptance speech before an empty hall because the delegates phoned it in.
AdLib : Bito – Yes, you’ve been promoting that excellent idea for some time, what you and Funk are saying makes such enormous sense!
funksands : We’d run up a HUGE debt, and then pay it off in 10 years. ACK!!
AdLib : Funk – That’s not a bad game plan at all!
funksands : Bito, it literally KILLS me to think of it. We missed it. We have totally and completely lost the ability to plan long-term. Its devastating.
SallyT : She has Aaron Blake from Political on there discussing it and someone from Mother Jones, Adam Serwer.
AdLib : Sally – That would be great! Thanks!
bito : funk that has been one of my points for close to 3 years on the site, stating an infrastructure bank with money being so cheap.
funksands : Ad, that is correct. Remember when our credit got downgraded in October? And the stock market tanked, and the world economy trembled? You know where people fled? T-bills. Biggest sale EVER raw or inflation adjusted in history.
AdLib : Bito – Very funny! Is there any Repub that hasn’t at one time or another called Romney a fraud?
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…regarding the interest rates and rebuilding the nation..agree fully.
funksands : In about a year and a half interest rates are going to rise and this will no longer be possible. A once in a 100 year interest rate event…squander ed to the GOP psychopaths.
funksands : We could be rebuilding our entire nation from top to bottom, inside and out, every school, every sewer system, every electrical grid, every VA hosptial, every road, every bullet train….and the world would PAY us to do it.
SallyT : Tomorrow, AdLib, I will give you the link to her break down of that report further that she is giving now. I have to wait for them to post it.
AdLib : Funk – And that’s because there’s more faith in the US T-Bill than other foreign currencies?
bito : Time for a little diversion: «link»
AdLib : Murph – Sally has a comment in TOOT that has the video of her segment on Romney. There is no way Romney skates away from this, no way.
funksands : With inflation, the rest of the world is PAYING us to lend us money. A t-bill is currently COSTING the buyer to buy it. Last month was the biggest buy of Treasury bonds in history I believe.
SallyT : That is a nice dad! Yes, I will try to get a picture of the boys for you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Watching Jennifer Granholm on Current…her government connections from her significant career in public service make her one of the most effective presenters of the case against Romney. I wonder how long Current will be able to hold onto her.
funksands : Okay…
AdLib : Funk – Lay it on me.
funksands : Anyone want to hear my pet peeve? It’s been smoldering for two years.
AdLib : Bito – A wounded Mitt heading out of a GOP convention where everyone is just going through the motions…would be very amusing.
SallyT : Okay, if you get Current, Jennifer is going over that report right now.
funksands : Sally that’s adorable! My son turned 8 on Wednesday. I’m taking he and four of his friends to Ice Age 4 tomorrow. Do you have a pictures?
SallyT : Speaking of dogs, Funk, my two great danes are 2 years old today! They got doggie ice cream for their birthday.
AdLib : Funk – Fox needs to be promoting ratings by starting another war. As Bush famously said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…we won’t be fooled again.”
funksands : Ad, that would be an amazing two years.
funksands : Sally, sometimes a dog just goes bad and you gotta put him down.
AdLib : Imagine if Obama did beat Romney by a decent margin and swept in Dem control of The House and Senate…what kind of things he could accomplish with a revised filibuster rule.
SallyT : Well, either way, Funk, he is a dirty douchebag!
bito : After mitt’s performance tonight, Palin and Newt’s name will be nominated.
funksands : Anyone see FOX pushing that weapons of mass destruction are being smuggled into Syria? It’s not only “frightening” but “terrifying”
AdLib : A little bit o’ Bito goes a long way.
funksands : Sally: Prior to his primary loss.
SallyT : I thought Lieberman was an independent now?
bito : I’m just barely here
AdLib : Funk – Yeah, at least we will be rid of Lieberman for good! Please let the door hit you on the ass on the way out and fall down the Capitol steps.
MurphTheSurf3 : How about Ron Paul..will his name be put into nomination?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey bito good to see you…
funksands : Other than that douchebag Lieberman that is.
bito : I’ll take that 93% over a 0% R anyday
AdLib : Hey Bito!
AdLib : Murph – Works for me. Pragmatism is far more appealing to a majority than extremism and the more the GOP veers so far right, the center in more conservative states should look more appealing.
funksands : Though I will admit, Baucus is the same, and I think he’s done more damage to our nation than any other Dem Senator in a long time. Grrrr
funksands : Bito for sure. Tester for example has a 93% or so party voting record, but for some people it isn’t good enough.
funksands : Ad, that’s incredible. I had no idea. I bet most people don’t either. Phenomenal news!!!!
bito : not all blue dogs are the same, for some Dems that is the only way they can get elected.
AdLib : Funk: “Although some spending bills almost always are left to the end of the year, House Republicans are now refusing to work off the same baseline budget as Senate Democrats, thus preventing even a single spending bill from even being debated. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warned Tuesday that no spending bills will pass this year “until the Republicans get real.” «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk..we think so.
funksands : Murph, its probably going to be Steelman against McCaskill right?
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk and AdLib….I am a part of Practical Progressives wave here in Mo. Our argument: the Blue Dog route is an invitation to be used by the GOP in the hopes of being thrown a bone. The progressive purity route is an invitation to be framed as everything the right hates about that point of view. So a different route…NOT one in the middle is Practical Progressivism… Obama’s brank of just left of center.
AdLib : Funk – Conventionally speaking, if Obama wins re-election, the 2014 midterms would be expected to help the Repubs. But…if the economy is improving and with the ACA kicking in, the Repubs blocking everything they can should have people pretty soured on them by then and Obama could make a great case for saying, give me 2 years to make some big changes with a Dem Congress.
funksands : Somewhere out there Ron Paul is laughing his ass off.
funksands : Bito: «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I fully expect Obama to come out and say there will be no debt ceiling crisis. He will use the Constitutional Hammer and order the Treasury to offer the necessary bonds. He is daring the GOP to take him on now, a lot. This will be another opportunity.
funksands : Murph, that’s really interesting. I can tell that’s given you some energy.
AdLib : Murph – That’s very good news about McCaskill!
funksands : Ad, really? No debt ceiling fight? How the hell did I miss that?
bito : Speaking of Reid, he said today that the reason Mitt won’t show his taxes is because he didn’t pay any.
funksands : Ad, I think the Senate could go filibuster proof in 2014. House is tough for Dems in the midterms.
AdLib : Funk – There isn’t going to be a debt ceiling vote before the election so it won’t be a factor. And keep in mind, the Bush Tax Cuts expire at the end of this year!
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk- she is behind the generic R, but if you put either of the top two names in play, she wins. AND THE RON PAUL THING HERE IS REALLY HEATING UP. Paul’s people are very angry at the way the rules are being changed to knock them out and that is leading to big splits in the GOP. Meanwhile the Dems seem to be coalescing around Practical Progressivism.
funksands : The other wild card in this is when the debt ceiling fight begins again. I don’t put it past the GOP to ahead and string it out long enough to hurt the market and job growth again.
AdLib : Murph – I’ve been a bit frustrated with Reid for talking about changing the filibuster rule but never doing it. Hope he means it this time. I wouldn’t bet on the House going Dem this cycle though by 2014, I think it is very possible.
funksands : Murph, that would be awesome. Is she still behind?
funksands : I sure would love to see Flake get tossed
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I need to pull out my chart. Thanks for your input. By the way…I am beginning to think that McCaskill here in Mo. may well survive….the GOP alternative is looking unbelievably awful. The huge ad campaign against her has been pulled
funksands : Bito, you’d know better than I.
AdLib : Funk – A good projection. There are a couple of others that could go Dem if Obama’s coat tails give a little boost, that’s my hope.
bito : funk, due to the nasty R primary fight in AZ it may be in play both for Obama and a senate seat.
funksands : Ad, I agree. His implosion or lack thereof can have a huge impact on the House races.
AdLib : Funk – I think Romney is a disaster that has just been waiting to happen. His unlikeability is so high and he comes off as an inhuman elitist, all he needs is the right push and he collapses. If this Bain stuff has him in a panic, and this has been out in the public for months, imagine what an October Surprise about some of his business dealings would do to him.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…is this why Reid is working for a rules change in the Senate re. Filibuster, secret holds…is Pelose wrong about the 25 they need to to take the House. I think there are a number of vulnerable GOP now and the House races are much less affected by the money advantage since media does not drive those campaigns in the same way.
funksands : Murph: Hawaii, Mass, Maine (I), Nevada, Virgina go (D) The rest go (R) Most of the seats are Dem seats, therefore 50-50
AdLib : Murph – My bet is that Obama will likely win comfortably with enough of a coattail effect to keep the Senate Dem and I think the Dems may pick up a handful of seats in the house. Congress’ approval is at 10% right now, many are unhappy with the Baggers like Joe Walsh so I think a bunch of them will be out.
funksands : Murph: The only wild card is if Romney totally steps in it over the next few months. That could sweep just enough Dems in on Obama’s coattails.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…how does the Senate go 50 50
MurphTheSurf3 : Bye Sue…loved our newest article…The GOP as NeoNazis…has a nice ring to it.
funksands : Murph: House stays GOP, barely. Senate 50-50 tie. Nothing gets done for two more years.
AdLib : Night Sue, have a great weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib..agree with your obama assessment in the moment..where are we in the House, Senate and State Races? Answer in 25 words or less…H-A-H!
AdLib : Funk – That is true, the most amusing and extended fight scene in They Live. And best use of subliminal advertising in a movie.
SallyT : See you later Sherlock!
funksands : Night Sue
funksands : Anyone watch what FOX led with today at 4pm PT?
SueInCa : Well I am out of here too. Gotta help my daughter move tomorrow with no hubby help he is sick
AdLib : Let’s consider the last month. The AZ immigration law overturned as the Obama Admin championed. The ACA upheld as Constitutional. Romney booed at NAACP meeting. ROmney on the run and frantically trying to knock down truthful reports about his still being involved at Bain when it was involved in some of its worst dealings. August is on the horizon, the conventions and Nov. isn’t far away. The debates will come…just how does Romney leap ahead of Obama?
funksands : BTW, I am constantly getting up and walking away from the computer, typically because of wrangling children. Please take no offense if I don’t respond. It usually means I’ve stepped away for the upteenth time
funksands : Ad, best fight scene ever? I’m convinced the MSM has already been comprimised. Time to start getting to work on my glasses.
SallyT : Speaking of weird interviews, did anyone see Pierce Morgan interview Robert Blake. Talk about a sick cookie!
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
SueInCa : Nite AB hit and run? And Sabreen thanks for the link nite
MurphTheSurf3 : good night sabreen
Sabreen60 : Good folks I’m going to say good night. The link is a comment that Stephanie Miller read on her show this morning. If your sensibilities are easily bruised then you shouldn’t read it. Personally, I thought it was funny as hell. But it may be too over-the-top for some. Be warned. «link»
SallyT : Night night to Kes and AB! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Murph – I will watch the Fox interview after Fox, sounds like great fun. The Right has to be so pissed off at him for being such an incompetent liar.
kesmarn : Night back, Frennie and I forgot to say I owe you an email and I’m sorry I’m so pokey about getting caught up. Blame them $%#& patients.
AlphaBitch : I’m out too. I’ll figure out the link thing when my eyes are open. Funk – let’s not talk about domination now, OK?
MurphTheSurf3 : The Mitt on Fox Video was just taken down….Fox covering its tracks.
SueInCa : Night BFF sleep tight
AdLib : Funk – “They Live” is one of my guilty pleasure films! Though the casting was odd, it hammers the RW like no other film I can think of.
AlphaBitch : Nite Frennie!
AlphaBitch : Ad: It’s Congress I’m praying for.
kesmarn : Must get to bed, friends. Working weekend once more. Have a great one, and stay cool.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- Yes, Great Ad Idea. And then a cutaway to the jets hitting the twin towers and her famous quote that the essence of national security effectiveness is taking intelligence seriously.
funksands : Murph, I saw that! Very unusual.
AlphaBitch : Whhhaaa?????
AdLib : We’ve had the MSM sear into our brains that Nov will be a very close election…but maybe it won’t be. Is it possible that Obama could pull well ahead of Romney by November? That would help Dem Congressional prospects too?
funksands : AB, try your dominant hand.
AlphaBitch : Murph – think “debates”. Bwwwahhhhaaaaa
SueInCa : no you just have to post the link above in the web bar not like a regular post I lied
funksands : Ad, did you ever see “They Live” ?
AlphaBitch : Sue – didn’t work.
MurphTheSurf3 : FOX NEWS INTERVIEW WITH MITT THE WORST OF THE BUNCH «link» He went on Megyn Kelly’s show for what ended up being several uncomfortable minutes of testy, sputtering responses to unusually combative questions. The worst moment for Romney came at the end, as he struggled to complete a stammering indictment of Obamacare before being cut off for a commercial break.
kesmarn : AdLib, the MSM is getting to be a hall of mirrors, isn’t it?
AlphaBitch : Ok Sue – here goes https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v= da1Nlfa6vKg
SueInCa : Oh mmy word AB you are a livewire tonight
SallyT : AB, now that is funny!
SueInCa : Hey Kes buy him a Tequila shot with a diet coke chaser
AlphaBitch : Sally – that’s because Cheney doesn’t show up on film.
AdLib : Kes – The thing is, don’t these idiots on the MSM have any self-awareness? When you broadcast a story that the story you’re broadcasting is bogus and just meant to distract the public from important and legit matters…should you self-destruct?
SueInCa : LOL I am slow AB just post like you would in a post
SallyT : I can’t see him going with Condi, hell, he wouldn’t let them take any pictures of him with Chaney at that fund raising.
AlphaBitch : No Sue – I caught your link, just don’t know how to post another for you.
SueInCa : Condi Rice “a giant mushroom cloud” nuff said
kesmarn : If you want me to, AdLib. Or I could buy you a Coke, a rum and Coke, a rum and rum… your choice.
AlphaBitch : Murph: Can’t you see the ads? “I think the name of the August 6th memo was ‘Bin Laden Determined to Attack in the United States'”
SueInCa : Excorcist head spin AB
Sabreen60 : Yep. Condi was a distraction and that’s all.
AlphaBitch : Thanks Sue. I have no idea how to link, but google Karl Rove stuttering and you a Porky Pig moment….
AdLib : Kes, does that mean you get to punch me in the shoulder?
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…Condi who is pro choice, will remind everyone of two wars, one a total fraud and both badly managed, and the Bush/Cheney experience….ye ah…he’ll go for condi…total distractor.
SallyT : Kes, I think she would say no because I don’t think she would care to be involved with all this.
kesmarn : Jinx, AdLib!
SueInCa : Enjoy AB «link»
kesmarn : Sorry if this was discussed earlier: did you see speculation that Mitt will ask Condi Rice to be veep?
AdLib : Talking about VP’s, a thumbs up and a thumbs down for the MSM. Today they took the bait and made a big deal about the Romney distraction BS on Drudge about Condi Rice being considered for VP and throughout kept saying, “This is just a distraction from Bain.” THEN WHY ARE YOU DISTRACTING FROM COVERING BAIN TO COVER A STORY YOU SAY IS FALSE AND JUST MEANT FOR YOU TO SPEND TIME COVERING IT?!
AlphaBitch : Bingo Kes. That funkster!
SueInCa : Both Ab
SueInCa : Night Bourne
Sabreen60 : Nite Bourne.
kesmarn : Uh-oh, funk can be bought…look out! He’d be dangerous in enemy hands. Killer sense of humor.
funksands : Ad, what I love about the Romney campaign is that they look like they are literally making shit up as they go along every day.
AlphaBitch : Hey hey AdLib: Don’t mess with TexASS
SallyT : On that Mass report that Jennifer on Current showed, Romney got 100,000 for the Bain corps he listed himself as a passive exe that was not involved in operations. On the other 11 Bain corps he didn’t make this notation and showed he made 100,000 plus.
AlphaBitch : Sue: Throwing up pea soup? Or spinning? I just can hear him stuttering more and more like Porky Pig
AdLib : Hmm…maybe if Romney wants to look more honest and smarter than he’s looking now…perhaps he should pick Rick Perry as his VP?
funksands : There’s not a lot I wouldn’t do for $100k+….Fair warning
SueInCa : AB if you go watch the excorcist you will see what Rove’s head is doing
AlphaBitch : Night Bourne!
AdLib : Night Bourne!
AlphaBitch : You’re right Murph! It’s OVER 100K.
AdLib : Murph – Good point, the form said he made at least $100,000, he could’ve been paid $1 million or more for allegedly doing nothing.
funksands : Jinx
kesmarn : G’night, Bourne!
MurphTheSurf3 : Bye Bourne…may the MBTI be with you
Sabreen60 : AdLib, Actually the form said $100,000+. So we don’t know how much over $100,000 he made. It could a gazillion. Unless he releases his tax returns we won’t know. BTW, if it true that Mitt released 23 yrs to McCain, I sure wish someone would leak them.
funksands : Therefore ANY AMOUNT OVER 100K is reported as $100K +
kesmarn : So true, AB. He will just nibble daintily on our SS and Medicare.
funksands : Ad, the SEC filing band is $100k +
AdLib : Funk – Romney has plans?
funksands : Kes: Its a COOKBOOK!!!
AlphaBitch : Kes, he won’t serve us. He’ll have the butler do it.
BourneID : All, I run out of steam long before I run out of words. Good conversation tonight. Everyone have a great weekend. See you next week.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…The $100,000 is the starting figure… More than 100 grand is the demarcation point…and he was getting paid from 5 funds…so that is 5 times 100 Grand (to start).
AdLib : Add this Bain explosion to Romney’s getting booed at the NAACP meeting and you’ve got one amusing week.
kesmarn : I think he plans to serve us, funk. With an apple in our collective mouth.
funksands : I don’t know about the rest of you, but I hope they start to pivot away from this story pretty soon. I think they’ve painted this guy as out of touch pretty well, and Romney already has painted himself as a liar. I need some focus on Romney’s PLANS for us.
AlphaBitch : I’ll tell you I’m busy for 10K.
AdLib : AB – I can beat that. I will look busy for $25k.
SallyT : Funk, I think you will like reading it. It was pretty easy to understand and follow.
kesmarn : The ultimate Welfare Queen, AdLib, and the Bain of our existence.
AlphaBitch : I’ll do nothing for $50,000
AdLib : I just smile at the thought of Karl Rove crying.
AlphaBitch : Amen, Sally.
SallyT : AB, if it hasn’t blown off his shoulders, his head hasn’t done enough!
funksands : Anyway, I better go watch some kitten videos now…
AdLib : Kes – Talking about the work ethic, how about Romney alleging he was paid $100,000 for doing nothing at Bain? Though it’s a lie, wouldn’t that make him a Welfare Queen?
AlphaBitch : Watch out for the ham, Kes!
kesmarn : Exploding? We hope?
funksands : Sally this looks really interesting. Thank You! It may be a better explanation
AlphaBitch : What does everyone think Karl Rove’s head is doing??
AlphaBitch : Y’all want to talk about Sue???
kesmarn : If work is such a character-builde r, how come none of the mega-rich ever want their kids to do it?
AdLib : Murph – Nothing will change the mind of a RomBot, not concerned about aiming anything at them. The only ones who matter are the indies and swing states and the anti-Bain campaign is proving to be working, this can only turbo charge it.
SueInCa : BRB don’t gossip about me
funksands : The only way to determine whether or not he used some shady lowball estimate of the partnership will be when he actually begins to liquidate the IRA at age 70 1/2. Until then, don’t expect to know.
SueInCa : True dat Adlib
SallyT : Funk it is: Here’s One Of The Clever Financial Tricks Mitt Romney Used To Become Dynastically Rich Read more: «link»
SueInCa : Adlib I think the convention is going to be a mess as well.
AdLib : Sue — This is one case where the MSM being sharks in search of exploitation and scandal is finally working in our favor!
SallyT : Funk
funksands : No Sally, I will though. Do you have a link?
kesmarn : Bummer.
funksands : But the good news for his KIDS is that once he passes away, they can stretch the IRA payments out for the rest of THEIR lives, effectively stretching the tax payments out for 40-50 years.
AdLib : Think about the last few weeks, Romney has been hammered, Obama has been elevated, Obama pulling away for the time being in the swing states and nationally…and it’s July! By all rights, this should be Romney’s best month as it was Kerry’s when he challenged the incumbent Bush.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….for us, for those like us, for those close to being like us, for those who barely within our sphere of influence….yes . For the rest- questionable for the disengaged, and absolutely not for the true or paid Rombots.
SueInCa : Adlib they are like sharks they smell the blood in the water
kesmarn : YAY! No 15% rate?
SallyT : Funk, have you read the article on Business Insider about the L shares and the A shares? It covers all of this.
funksands : Now the good news is that Mitt will have to pay ordinary income taxes on the entire IRA when it is withdrawn…
SueInCa : Have a good night KQ
SallyT : By KQ. See you later!
MurphTheSurf3 : Night KQ
SueInCa : Funk your turn to write a post
Sabreen60 : Good nite KQ and take care.
AdLib : KQ – Great to see you, have a great evening!
funksands : Once the partnership is liquidated, either by selling it or listing it on an exchange, the realized value of the sale becomes the end value of your IRA.
kesmarn : G’night, KQ!
KQµårk 死神 : Sorry gotta go a bit early. Everyone take care.
AdLib : Show of hands, is it possible that this conflict between Obama and Romney/GOP over Bain, where it is so obvious that their attacks on him are BS, may disarm the ongoing validity of their demagoguery in the future? Crying wolf as such an obvious distraction? And surprisingly, the MSM isn’t going along with the BS for a change.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….do the IRA contribution caps mean nothing?
SueInCa : Funk don’t you have to provide some back up?
funksands : Once that is decided, that becomes the intial “value” inside your IRA.
funksands : When you are also the person who is creating the partnership or one of the partners, you have a tremendous amount of latitude to decide what the estimated value of the partnership is.
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…say more please…I am a tax moron.
SallyT : The L shares and the A shares?
SueInCa : A lady never asks or tells Kes
kesmarn : It is I Sue,but I won’t say what vintage!
funksands : Murph: There’s an interesting twist in the IRS code that allows an “estimation” of the value of a partnership that is placed inside of an IRA.
SueInCa : Kes is that pic really you?
SueInCa : Funk is typing
Sabreen60 : Funk, I want to know!
kesmarn : Er…hi, AdLib. funk was just discussing his tax returns.
SallyT : Keep sitting, Funk, no shooting the moon!
SueInCa : Funk about tht IRA?
kesmarn : You’re never fully dressed without a smile, funk.
funksands : Kes: And a smile
Sabreen60 : Hey Funk!
MurphTheSurf3 : FUNK….yes the IRS….how?
SueInCa : Sabreen I know people there too and all over Northern VA
AdLib : I’m back! Hey Kes and Funk!
kesmarn : Are you sitting at the computer wearing nothing but your tax return, funk?
funksands : Mitt’s $100 million IRA: Want to hear how he did it?
Sabreen60 : Sue, Hagerstown is about a hour’s drive from me. I’m in Silver Spring, Montgomery County.
SueInCa : What is the effect on the GOP? Are they going to try to whitewash this or what?
BourneID : KW I admire everything this prez does. As a federal employee for 2.5 decades, I cannot tell you how amazed I was that he actually left the WH in the first months – and still does- and went to his cabinet members offices to meet the employees; engage in incredily smart foreign policy trying to restore hte damage of the previous admin; by going to countries pretty low on the international totem pole, he acknowledged their leaders as important, and that bought bought much needed relationship movement.
funksands : Sue I undressed hours ago.
KQµårk 死神 : BRB
SueInCa : Mitt?
SallyT : Yes, Funk, you would be standing.
SueInCa : Hey /funk are you undressing for us all? Mitt could learn a few things from you
MurphTheSurf3 : TOPIC?????
funksands : Sally, please. I have some standards.
SallyT : Funk will show you everything without you asking!
kesmarn : Sabreen, even a day or so with no AC can be pretty rough.
SueInCa : Sabreen I know alot of people in Hagerstown love that little town
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly Sally the best part about Obama is he never makes the same mistake twice. I think if he gets the second term he deserves he’ll seriously move on major issues like immigration.
MurphTheSurf3 : kes…yes! great minds thinking alike or…
kesmarn : Jinx, Murph!
Sabreen60 : Kes, fortunately we didn’t lose power for that long, but 1000’s did. In fact, we were pretty lucky. We lost power for about a day and cable/internet for 2 days.
kesmarn : I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours, funk.
SueInCa : I agree Sally and he can go all out too. no third term to worry about he is not FDR after all
MurphTheSurf3 : funk…I will show you mine if you show me yours…
funksands : Hello, anyone want to see my tax returns?
kesmarn : Ouch! Sabreen, that must have been awful!
SallyT : KQ, and learning all that is why his second term is going to be so fantastic! He knows now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sorry…hit the paste button and I had my blind trust comment in the queue
kesmarn : Tomasky is convinced it was a deliberately insulting message to send a message to his Limbaugh-lovin’ base.
KQµårk 死神 : That’s terrible Sabreen. Sorry to hear you were caught up in that shyte.
SueInCa : No problem Bourne I agree with you KQ I wrote a piece on a similar situation early on in 2010
MurphTheSurf3 : BUT…Don’t BLIND TRUSTS…keep office holders from knowing where there money is? Let’s ask an expert: Mitt Romney. Here is what he said in 1994- “” The BLIND TRUST Is An Age Old RUSE ” See the interview at «link» He points out that since the person who sets up the trust selects the trustees and gives operational orders to them…the whole thing is a scam. Bush ended his presidency much wealthier than when he started….think Haliburton and Oil stocks.
Sabreen60 : Kes, it was terrible last week here in Maryland. PEPCO is the pits. Thousands of people were without electricity for 7 days. PEPCO won’t spend the money to bury the electrical lines.
BourneID : Thanks for the link S
SueInCa : I saw that BFF he sure did race baiter
KQµårk 死神 : Bourne Obama trying to deal with the GOP early on was him sincerely trying to live up to his biggest campaign promise which was trying to get both sides to work together. Sure it may have been a bit naive but I would rather have someone give a good effort on their campaign promises like Obama rather than lie about bringing people together like GWB.
kesmarn : BFF! Ola! Just finished reading Tomasky’s article on Mitt at the NAACP meeting. T. really took Mittens apart.
SueInCa : Hey BFF
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen! Are you managing to keep cool? Heat wave here in the heartland.
Sabreen60 : Hi Kes!
KQµårk 死神 : kes aren’t we all crazy. Life would be boring otherwise.
SueInCa : No problem KQ it is very good
BourneID : KQ I’m glad to see dems controlling the situation too but something has to be done to get the print media on board. An article in the National Memo, a very liberal pub, published that said while Prez O is criticizing Romney’s mgt the President’s jobs committee is saturated with companies that outsource thousands of jobs…not happy about that. You know all we are reading are the headlines few substantive facts are in the story itself.
Sabreen60 : KQ, I think Stephanie Cutter may have something to do with it. Also, it just may be ‘no more Mr. Nice Guy’. Some people take your kindness for weakness. Pres.Obama beat the Clinton machine. I don’t think there is anything weak about him. If he had a failing with dealing with Repubs, he forgot they are thugs.
SallyT : Bush and Chaney are war profiteers!
KQµårk 死神 : Cheers Sue I was resting and missed it. I forgot it was Friday and now it’s ‘Lockup’ 24/7 on MSNBC
kesmarn : KQ, I didn’t realize you admired crazy people!
SueInCa : Here is the link to Rachel’s piece on Romney tonight «link»
kesmarn : Sally, I’m cool with the “sleepy” part!
KQµårk 死神 : Hey Kes! You are my hero.
SallyT : Hello Sleeping Beauty Kes!
MurphTheSurf3 : BUT…Don’t BLIND TRUSTS…keep office holders from knowing where there money is? Let’s ask an expert: Mitt Romney. Here is what he said in 1994- “” The BLIND TRUST Is An Age Old RUSE ” See the interview at «link» He points out that since the person who sets up the trust selects the trustees and gives operational orders to them…the whole thing is a scam. Bush ended his presidency much wealthier than when he started….think Haliburton and Oil stocks.
KQµårk 死神 : Bourne Clarence Thomas aka Uncle Rukus is the worst kind of personality. Someone who hates who there are so much that they hate the world.
AdLib : BRB!
kesmarn : Just a quick visit to say “ola!” to all my friends. Major sleep deprivation here, so I’m afraid I’m not gonna last too long.
AdLib : Sabreen – There is a mountain of evidence and it will only grow…kryptonit e to liars and deceivers like Romney.
SallyT : If the Obama campaign can keep the MSM hounds chasing the Fox (and on Fox) they won’t have to spend as much money on ads!
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly Sally those arguments claiming ignorance are as bad as the ‘just following orders’ logic. What happened to the party of personal responsibility?
KQµårk 死神 : I have to say one thing. For the first time in a while the Dems are controlling the message. The Romney campaign just can’t get their massage out at all. Sure some is the incompetence of the Romney campaign but the Obama team is sure on the ball.
SallyT : Didn’t that guy from Enron get hung for saying he didn’t know everything that was happening in his company?
BourneID : KQ, Romney not knowing what he was signing reminds me of Clarence Thomas when he said he didn’t understand the disclosure he was to turn in…stunning when a SCOTUS justice doesn’t undertand a legal doc.
SallyT : KQ, he knew what he was signing and he knows how much money he has and where. He is a liar and he can’t think of enough of them to keep up with it all hitting him at once.
AdLib : Sally – Romney’s hanging by one thread for legitimacy, Bain. It’s only the best strategy to try and cut that one thread.
Sabreen60 : KQ, Agree – WTF moment indeed!
KQµårk 死神 : Murph that will be part of the drip, drip, drip over time for sure.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Romney writes a book called “No Apology” and has a chapter on Bain as a practitioner of Creative Destruction.Why is any of this a surprise.
SallyT : Bourne, you wouldn’t be alone!
KQµårk 死神 : Sally if he didn’t know what he was signing he was incompetent. Remember one of the SEC filings he signed was a business deal with a company that disposed of aborted fetuses. Republicans want all these laws where workers don’t have to do anything against their conscience yet they are about to nominate a candidate that signed off on disposing aborted fetuses. WTF moment if you ask me.
BourneID : Tell you what Sally. I’d rather put up with some harrassment for leaving scinetology that putting up with a lifetime as a woman in the mormon church. Gives me chils thinking of it. Of course, with my peronality type, I’d be starting riots all the time.
SueInCa : Sabreen Rachel showed that I will go see if I can pull the vid
Sabreen60 : AdLib, that’s what sticks out like a sore thumb to me. Plus there’s a statement out there that Romney wrote when he was running for Gov. He said he would come back to Bain for Board meetings, etc while running the Olympics. He went on 5 TV stations today and said he NEVER had any dealings with Bain the entire time he was working on the Olympics.
SallyT : AdLib, part of it too is that he had to push his CEO experience because he couldn’t use his governorship. So, they went after his proclaimed strengths. He left himself wide open.
SueInCa : You have to wonder at our MSM this kind of shit should be ferreted out and documented but they do a flash piece then walk away hence the churches get away with it
SallyT : Bourne, they are even worst if you are a woman leaving!
SueInCa : Bourne I saw that a few years ago too.
BourneID : Sally That’s what I thought. I watched an interview of someone who left after several years and he described how far they go to harass and intimidate if one leaves. He had someone video what was happening to him. It was really appalling…talk ing him at his home, poking him, amaging things…they denied it when asked by news media.
SallyT : KQ, he knew what he was signing or he was really over paid!
SueInCa : KQ that is the million dollar question no one asks. Why did he sign those SEC docs. Shit Bito, Cher and Karoli and I found this stuff a few months ago but let it slide(on twitter)
AdLib : Sabreen – I think one of the things that has been pouring gasoline on the fire of this story is Romney’s denial of responsibility while he was CEO. The more he denies, the worse it will get.
KQµårk 死神 : Sally their methods are indeed very similar.
KQµårk 死神 : The bottom line with Bain is either Romney lied to the SEC or is lying to the American people now. It’s like the Ron Paul signings of the racist letters. Romney is a freakin’ lawyer for Christ’s sake he would not sign an SEC filing without know what the filing was about.
SallyT : Bourne, Scientology and Mormons are more alike than you can imagine! Very similar.
Sabreen60 : Sue, I think the answer is absolutely. Grover Norquist (I believe) was the person who said (paraphrase) the Repubs needs someone with a hand to sign what they tell him to sign.
KQµårk 死神 : Sabreen there is something very alien about Romney indeed and that’s a great reference.
SallyT : The LDS Church takes care of their own not because they are good Christians but because they keep the people in debited to them and won’t venture away.
KQµårk 死神 : AlLib seriously Romney has never made the ultimate statement like JFK did about the RC Church. I think Romney would subjugate his decision making process to the Mormon church elders if they pushed him.
SueInCa : a better question Sabreen is that how he would run the country?
SallyT : Yep, AdLib, that is it!
Sabreen60 : Have any of you see the original movie “The Body Snatchers”? Do you remember what the alien body looked liked before it was finished? Well that’s what Mitt reminds me of – an unfinished, almost person with incomplete features and an incomplete personality. Plus the dude is a bald face liar. Are we suppose to believe that he was CEO, controlled 100% of the company, yet didn’t have a clue about what was going on? Will Americans buy that?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….”heads” …..oh, did I say something uncouth?
SueInCa : Adlib my girlfriend calls them magic panties she knows I cannot stand that word
KQµårk 死神 : Mormonism employs a very Machiavellian philosophy that’s why the accepted things like polygamy.
AdLib : Sally – You mean they’re used to pulling the magic underwear over other people’s…er.. .
BourneID : Hi Sally. Let’s hope the Scientolog people don’t get oveinvolved in politics. They’re really scary. Are the Mormons really passive or is this just good acting?
SueInCa : MTS I feel for the people who honestly follow these people thinking they are doing the Christian thing it is so sad but definitely their problem for not being astute
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- Do you recall Sue’s excellent White Horse Prophecy article….it speaks to what we are saying here.
KQµårk 死神 : Murph excellent point.
AdLib : Sally – You
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- I assumed this was so. I know that most churches lie but there is something really unique about those that celebrate it as virtue.
SallyT : Exactly, Murph! And, the church as given a lot of money to these guys to start up the businesses. They get more than 10% back, believe me!
SueInCa : Actually MTS I read that somewhere cannot remember where
KQµårk 死神 : Romney’s crisis management I hate to say is about as bad as Kerry’s was. The only difference is Romney has tons of money to run ads. But as far as refuting charges Romney comes off as defensive and dare I say elitist.
SueInCa : MTS that is the way with Dominionists as well.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…and the LDS folks have no problem hiding who they are and what they want…in fact, within the church, a lie to protect the church or further its goals, is no lie.
SueInCa : Hi Sabreen
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely Sally and some of your articles showed me that.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
SallyT : KQ, part of Romney’s attitude comes from his Mormon back ground. They have been able to pull the wool over a lot of peoples eyes for many, many years. It is a Capitalist Religion.
KQµårk 死神 : Believe me the right wing is still not really happy with Romney. We saw last week many of them criticizing his campaign for not being tough enough. These interview will just shore up that criticism.
BourneID : Thanks KQ, I will. I need to visit that place more frequently. MTS re the Obama arsenal. I think they;re learning. In a war this, civility is the biggest loser but if it brings the right result, I support whatever strategy it takes.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ…and, as Borune as said Romney seems to be hollow, incomplete, unfinished….fr om the way he carries himself, smiles, laughs, converses….the re is something off…it was all evident tonight. That grin was so out of place.
Sabreen60 : Hi Everyone!
SallyT : I agree, KO.
SueInCa : Could not agree with you more KQ
KQµårk 死神 : Sally I hate to say the rich are untouchable in about everything but politics.
SueInCa : I am monitoring my inbox and no email from Mother Jones yet perhaps tomorrow?
KQµårk 死神 : Sue it goes again to the ultimate arrogance of Romney. He really thinks that he’s smarter than most Americans when he has no clue what voters care about. The only reason he’s not lower in the polls is the RW hatred for Obama.
Sabreen60 : “Insane in the MemBain!”
SallyT : KQ, I think the rich think they are untouchable. Hello Elliot Ness!
SueInCa : Thanks Adlib it is getting really dark here in my corner of Benicia
SueInCa : KQ yes he did royalty is not sullied by the common folk
AdLib : Sue – And all of us at The Planet are so fortunate to have you writing here!
KQµårk 死神 : Bourne check out TO/OT later a few interviews with Romney are posted there.
KQµårk 死神 : Murph I think Romney is the prototypical businessperson these days. They are all so dirty because of the corrupt system we have that so favors the rich. But really what was Romney thinking with his offshore accounts. Did he really think hard working Americans would accept this?
SueInCa : It started today Bourne
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue….gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, spew, splash….
BourneID : All, Howard Fineman wrote a really good article on this situation today and said that it takes a tremendous amount of talent to make a story published on June 21 into a national scandal 3 weeks later. He was very critical of Romney’s hostility to all press except Fox. He’s supposed to be interviewed by many media..when will this start?
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne I heard criminality three times today, once on CNN, once on Current, once on MSNBC all by reporters who were connected to the McCain campaign during 2008. I am tracking down a written source.
SallyT : I don’t know if this is true or not but on Current they were saying that the Obama campaign has had this info for some time and waited to start using it. Supposedly they have much more to use and that they will keep spooning it out.
AdLib : KQ – I would bet that the Obama Campaign is surprised at how this has exploded so quickly, I’m sure they were prepared to have to hammer this for months to get traction. And Romney’s desperation at how damaging this is has been emphasized by his desperate MSM appearances.
SueInCa : MTS you are just a fountain of info.
SueInCa : KQ that is my initial thought but what about Paul and his delegates?
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ and Sue AND the word is that the Obama campaign has had most of this stuff for six months and that it is the first in a series of high flying bombing campaigns that are meant to shatter the opposition.
SueInCa : Did anyone listen to lame dog Dimon on his corp call today? Sally it is shaping up to be a lively summer
BourneID : MTS – wow I di not know about the MCain vetting team and Romney. where did you see this?
KQµårk 死神 : Sue I think they are stuck with Romney. They just don’t have another candidate that can raise as much money as him. That’s the only reason he one the nomination if you ask me. No one else could spend what he could for as long as he could.
SallyT : Sue, you can bet that the Paul guys are going to be shouting up a storm at that convention!
SueInCa : Thanks Bourne I love writing for the PPov
SueInCa : What will the GOP do with a lame dog candidate? Is it conceivable that they would not nominate him at convention?
BourneID : KQ, AdLib, nice talking to you too. And I may say that the article Sue wrote and the exchange with 92 comments is one of the most interesting I’ve been engaged in. It was really great.I hope we do it many times.
SallyT : Well, to go with Palin, they must have been bad! But, I am sure more is going to come out and people will see how criminal these rich people are on and off Wall Street.
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib and Murph I also have the feeling that the Obama opposition research team has a shyteload on Romney. I think this stuff is going to drip out the entire campaign.
SueInCa : Murph I never heard that oh my word
AdLib : What’s up KQ?
KQµårk 死神 : Good to finally chat with you Bourne.
SueInCa : No prob Sally. I have so much product I make them for almost nothing you can pick a color via email
MurphTheSurf3 : You all know that romney gave the McCain vetting team (the one that chose Palin) 25 tax returns and after reviewing them they rejected him AND chose Palin. Oh my God! No wonder the GOP insiders have been so cold to him One of those close to the vetting process called his returns proof of corporate criminality.
KQµårk 死神 : Cheers Sue I thought I was going crazy.
SueInCa : Rachel covered that tonight Kquark
SallyT : WOW SUE! AdLib, Sue can have my email address, too.
KQµårk 死神 : Folks am I missing something or would it have been a scandal 30 years ago for Romney to admit he did nothing as CEO at Bain while pulling in a six figure salary. It shows how low we have sunk as a country if you ask me.
SueInCa : Adlib you can give Sally my email
AdLib : Hey Bourne!
BourneID : George, nice meeting you. don’t like your son. What did you do wrong. You spoiled that kid, now he wants to be prez and doesn’t now how to do anythng… (hi murph)
SueInCa : sally send me your address
AdLib : Hey Murph! Romney cruised through MA campaigns hiding everything and thought he could play that game again…whoops!
SueInCa : Adlib one of his sons was on her payroll for gov some bs work he was supposed to have done 67 thousand dollars
SallyT : I want a bracelet!!!!
KQµårk 死神 : Hello all!
SueInCa : Bourne we have fog rolling in and it was the sweetest thing this week besides my new bracelets I made
AdLib : Sue – Romney Whitman? Now that’s a losing ticket!
BourneID : Before I say anything about Mitt, you bay area snobs don’t have to worry about heat, but in Sacto and the valley the temp dropped 20 degrees; the delta breezes swept in and it’s be 57 tonight and the same for the next several days. So why don’t yo move back?
SallyT : Mr. Romney, let me see your birth certificate, your tax returns for the last 10 years, and the balances in your off shore accounts.
SueInCa : Sally she was lucky to be able to read their ads
SueInCa : Bain partner will be on Chris Hayes on Sunday
SueInCa :
AdLib : Sue – Romney under fire and disintegrating is too sweet not to be the initial topic!
SallyT : I wonder if McCain let Palin see Romney’s tax returns. Oh hell, she would have thought they were a crossword puzzle.
SueInCa : Hey Bourne Sally(Watson) and Murph
BourneID : Hello people
SueInCa : Murph Mitt is in a bad place right now I wish I was a fly on the wall – panic mode!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
AdLib : Hey Sally! I hear Palin is still available for VP.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello, my name is Mitt. I live as the son of a man who is my role model although I am not a moderate, will not open my financial records to the public like Dad did, have not stuck by most of the principles I have espoused time and time again , could not get reelected to my one held office, and reject the needs of the needy even though Dad was the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Other than that I am just like him. OH! He also actually created jobs, backed unions and said the health care and retirement benefits were a goal for every working man and woman.
SueInCa : Some are ssuggesting he is vetting Meg Whitman she is a Mormon and worked with him at Bain
AdLib : Sue – Yes, I did see him trying to weasel out of it like that but as it is more obvious he was involved, when he tries to say “I only said I didn’t manage!”, he’ll look even worse.
SallyT : I wonder if Romney is starting to hear crickets when looking for a running mate?
SueInCa : So Adlib what is the topic for this fine evening? Will we be talking about super trains or Mitt Romney the liar?
SueInCa :
I know huh. (that is a fav saying from the George Lopez show and my grandson says it to me all the time)
AdLib : “I can’t believe how unPresidential it is for that lying failure Obama to attack me.”
SueInCa : Did anyone notice he kept saying I was not involved in THE MANAGEMENT of Bain not that he never sat in on meetings. They are going to use that to try to weasel out of all of this – damage done
AdLib : I would say all this Bain stuff is Romney’s Achillies heel but the heel is all heel.
SueInCa : If you want to see my papers you make Obama stop picking on me
AdLib : Hey sue! Show me your papers…unless you’re a CEO of a hedge fund.
SueInCa : My name is Mitt Romney and I don’t have to show you no stinking tax returns. But the McCain campaign sure can
SueInCa : Hi and insane in the membain as well
AdLib : Don’t forget to say, “Insane in the MemBain!” or at least “Hi!” when you arrive.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Join us then!
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