AdLib : Night my friend!
bito : Night AdLib
bito : Not the crown to win exactly, especially for the American worker.
AdLib : Night Bito, so glad to see you on Vox tonight! Sleep well and have a wonderful weekend!
bito : Night, @susand900
AdLib : Bito – Which proves of course that being a businessman is a liability, not a plus. Looking at Romney, I see the guy who if he was allowed to be President, which he won’t be, would be George Bush’s best friend for stealing the crown of Most Disastrous President Ever.
bito : We have had 2 business men as presidents, Hoover and W. How did the economy work out for them and now a third one wants to be? Yikes!
SueInCa : Night Bito too sounds like Dorothy
AdLib : Bito, looks like it’s you and me closing up the VP Saloon tonight. One for the road?
AdLib : Sounds great Sue! Have a wonderful weekend and sleep well!
bito : Night C’L
SueInCa : Well I think I am gonna go too. It has been fun. See ya all later and I will post the Vietnam thing on Sunday AL publish it on Monday ok?
AdLib : Sue – The idea of a legit populist movement that was far more desperate than OWS, needing food, health care, homes, etc. These fools know nothing about history. If they got all the policies they wanted, they would drive a movement of desperate people to come at them.
bito : C’L. you want me to think?
It’s been awhile since I thought about FDR’s opponents.
AdLib : A long day for you CL and so many good works! Sleep well and have a lovely weekend!
SueInCa : I think it is coming AL we cannot be drones forever
SueInCa : AL perhaps that was PBO;s speech today following up with that nonsense as Clinton did
choicelady : Well folks, living it up at an art exhibit has taken its toll. I need to bid you all good night and wish you sweet dreams. I hope to see everyone here next week! Sleep well, good weekend to all!
AdLib : Sue – There is an small anarchic side of myself, it’s not what a truly wish but it would be fascinating to see how the plutocrats would react with a population that literally turned on them, everywhere they worked and lived.
bito : C’Lady, same thing in Calumet Mich, the doors were locked on the striking copper workers at their union Xmas party. Many killed and injured.
SueInCa : Tony and I are making our grandson laugh. He thought Tony was talking sex
AdLib : Bito – Kind of amusing that the Europeans are going the Hoover route in a big way and paying a massive price for it. And as Clinton said so well, the GOP which hates Europe, wants us to catch up to their double digit inflation through austerity.
choicelady : bito – I’ve paid little attention to FDR’s opponents after his first election. Were they Hooverites, too?
SueInCa : Oh does it ever Bito
SueInCa : No prob CL I am wearing out too. AL I always say those mansion walls can be scaled and a gated community is a joke for someone really wanting to get in
bito : Then we had Hoover who thought the best way to help the economy was cut, cut, cut spending and bring on austerity. Sound familiar?
choicelady : Sue – I am NOT running with the Bing thing! Brain is too tired for more! Maybe tomorrow?
AdLib : CL and Sue, that was where I was going as well. History shows us that there will always be tyrants like today’s plutocrats and corporations but also that the people they try to dominate ultimately have the power to defeat them when they come together. It’s not an “if” as much as a “when”.
choicelady : Sue – my whole life the Triangle disaster has haunted me. It was equalled by ONLY the people flinging themselves out windows on 9/11. Horrors. But not all that long ago a Triangle type event happened at a chicken processing plant in the Carolinas – the idiot owner chained the fire doors to “prevent theft” by the predominantly Black work force. Dozens died when a fire broke out and they could not GET out. He was found guilty of a kajillion violations and sent to jail long term. ONLY difference is that he paid. The dead were still dead.
SueInCa : I keep waiting AL. Maybe a sign on my car will get it started.
AdLib : CL – Like all tyrants, they will lose and be deposed. In the curve of history, when you’re in the midst of the battle, it may seem like there’s no end to the battle but I imagine that those fighting against slavery and in the Civil War, those fighting for women’s suffrage, against the Robber Barons, for civil rights…in the end, after the tyrants are finally defeated, it seems inevitable but in the midst, it can seem futile.
choicelady : Sue – that is exactly the parallel. Immigrants then and even free people of color DID rise up. It was not always successful, but it smacked down the autocracy of the railroads and industrialists. They regained ground in the 1920s, then the Depression and… I think we’re sort of early 20th century in our work and considerations. Long way to go – lots we can do.
SueInCa : Cl you could write a post about it. I bet you could fill up a whole page LOL. Maybe he was friends with Bing or loved White Christmas
SueInCa : Whe the Shirtwaist factory burned the people really went wild
choicelady : Sue – it is Microsoft, but why the name? Wonder if Bill and Bing are best buds?
SueInCa : AL that is what happened at the end of the 19th century the poor and immigrants rose up and fought back
SueInCa : CL I just laughed it is microsoft
choicelady : AdLib – I believe you are pulling my leg about Bing…
choicelady : AdLib – you are right on. The saving grace is that every time anyone has tried this tactic, it has failed. I just hope the violence that attends this kind of cultural and political eradication never happens. But that is completely correct – the ruling class is desperate to hang on, and if they don’t stop the rising multitudes, their goose is cooked. And SOON.
AdLib : Sue – Heh!
bito : No, C’lady, I just happened to pull him up on muckety, is he deep into the DLC/Clintons ? Yes!
SueInCa : I just laughed out loud AL and my grandson said Whaaaat?
SueInCa : CL Bing is Microsoft that is why I don;t use it
AdLib : Bing is actually a creation by the Crosby family.
AdLib : CL – If we zoom out, we can see this taking place right now. The wealthy have embarked on a campaign to try and usurp democracy permanently before minorities become the new and permanent majority. Hence all the tax cut laws, voter ID laws, anti-immigrant bills, prison/legislati ve machine, etc. Put them in jail, keep them from voting, brainwash them into voting against their own interests, deport them, limit their ability to register to vote or force them to stand in line in bad weather for hours to vote. They know, if they don’t pull this off in time, the window will close and they never will.
SueInCa : Bito he cannot think that far he is not strategist. He is simple minded despite all his education and he thinks his economic experience if all he needs than gets pissed when it is turned on him. who can figure out the right?
choicelady : Question – does the site, Bing, have anything to do with Steve Bing the billionaire?
choicelady : Freudian. OK – I had one glass of wine too many. Sorry for the typos.
choicelady : Sorry – that was Condi RICE. The Rich part was entirely Fruedian.
choicelady : AdLib – I will agree on that. Romney’s lack of charisma is our saving grace. But he is soooooo stupid, she is starting to look LESS so.
choicelady : Sue deear – never in a million years would YOU ever be stupid!
bito : C’lady, If Mitt wants a taste of the cold war, he will get it if he follows his Syria plan. A surrogate war consisting of US v Russia/China in Syria
choicelady : AdLib – this is THE issue. Minority populations are growing, and the plutocrats are dwindling. That, I think, is behind the whole drive of the GOP. They are hoping somehow to void the Constitution and reserve all power not just for white people but RICH white people. All under the guise of “meritocracy”. Nicholas Berggruen’s “Think Long” coalition including Condi Rich fer crying out loud, wanted to set up a kind of Politburo or Court of Star Chamber in CA where the select group of elites would make ALL the decisions about what issues could be on the ballot, etc. Lucky for us, it fell apart, had NO support from anyone much, but it needs to be watched because it IS the manifestation of elites in total control that the elites themselves want.
AdLib : CL – Personally, I find Palin far scarier, that lunatic almost being an old man’s heartbeat away from the presidency! Romney doesn’t have her magnetism for the RW and I can easily see Repubs turning their backs on him forever once he loses to Obama. Romney is far weaker and more fragile, he can be shattered I think.
SueInCa : AL I agree he will have his Palin moment(s). Sometimes like CL said he makes her look smart and that is really tough to do.
SueInCa : Yes CL see Romney is making me stupid
AdLib : Bito – That’s why I say Romney is a ticking time bomb, just a matter of time until he blows it again. And on foreign policy, he is so out of his depth! He may very well have his Palin Moment and I’m looking forward to it.
bito : Night Murph and I never said hello to Mrs. Perkins “Hello”
choicelady : Everyone – has anyone noticed that Romney makes Sarah look, if not smart, then less awful these days? SCARY!
AdLib : More and more of the population are Latino and other minorities, hence the Repubs’ fervor about voter suppression. They and the plutocrats are running out of supporters and heading into permanent minority status. So whatever is going on right now, they will wake up to a different world themselves before too long.
choicelady : Sue – isn’t it that Romney thinks the Soviet Union is still in existence? He’s targeting commies – just like Alan West, the paranoid deluded one, and is trying to re-create the Cold War because it’s all Romney is familiar with.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…probably the mountains and some fishing…Ad Lib…thanks for the positive vibes and strong arguments….Cho ice…you know the folks around here only too well…what gives your anecdote a twist is the professor of literature part….GOOD NIGHT ONE AND ALL.
bito : Exactly Adlib, and that was Juan’s point, Mitt is completely ignorant of Syria yet he has a plan, completely wrong but a plan. Indeed Mitt needs to be quizzed about this, his answers would be as dumb as Palin’s
choicelady : Murph – good night. Sweet dreams to offset the not-so-sweet reality of your situation!
AdLib : Night Murph. Get some rest and relaxation, you deserve it!
choicelady : Murph – geography is everything. My grandfather was from Albany, MO. He got a college education, was a professor of literature, and was anti-Semitic, racist, and probable kind of liked Hitler. He died when I was 3, so my memories are all good – he was my grandfather, nothing else, but he represented the WORST of America. My grandmother was so disgusted with him they separated years before I was born, and that was a scandal in those days, but she could not bear his prejudices. MO is NOT representative of America, and I’m sorry you’re stuck with it all.
AdLib : Murph – It is a valid fear and one that I have as well. I am confident though that we can defeat them. We can if we recognize them as realities and work our asses off this year. Obama is a very liked and strong candidate and Romney is weak, we have a built in advantage and we need it this year against the CU money.
SueInCa : Hey Murph go to the mountains or the plains where ever in MO you find solace. I would go to the beach here in SF
MurphTheSurf3 : Folks…I am fading fast so I think it is good to fade away. Good night all.
SueInCa : AAL that is another point but he thinks Russia is still in existence
AdLib : Romney should be put on the defensive about wanting to arm the Republican-hated “muslims” in Syria. Someone should ask him, even rhetorically if he’s not on their show, “How do you know you wouldn’t be putting US weapons in the hands of the next Bin Laden and Al Qaeda?”
SueInCa : That is the kind of idiotic non=thinking that gets us in to trouble. And they would white wash it for sure.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…you argument is sound, but my fear of the power of money combined with the ignorance of so many voters (and worse the disengaged non voters) seems like a time bomb to me. I know I am affected by living in a state that is really, really backward in so many ways.
choicelady : Sue – you’re so kind. Romney? THINK? You give him way too much credit!
choicelady : Hey funk – yes,I know, but it is the long game we have to focus on. I think WI was a wake up for liberals and progressives (NOT EmoProgs – they’re hopeless) that they HAVE to work the ground game to the MAX.
bito : Night Sally, my ego booster for using the twitter time line.
SueInCa : We have no air bases in Syria did Romney think of that?
SueInCa : I saw someone else on one of the shows who also said it would be a disaster to go into Syria without a real intent on staying because of a land lock situation and the route arms would have to travel
MurphTheSurf3 : bito..I quote Juan Cole a lot..one of the best.
AdLib : Night Sally, you can take your closing drink with you, just don’t forget to bring the glass back!
AdLib : Murph – My point is that Romney should be ahead of Obama right now if he was a strong candidate. Kerry was ahead of Bush about this time and for months. Even with all he has on his side, Romney is a weak candidate. The CU money will indeed pound at Obama’s numbers but Romney’s bar is low so even with that, Romney can still be behind on that alone. Then add an improving economy in the fall, which is typical after a slowing summer economy and Romney’s paddling in the debates along with October surprises about Romney…I think we can take Romney down cleanly even with the CU money.
bito : And he gave PBO an F? «link»
SueInCa : i love juan cole
funksands : CL, the Supreme Court will hear the Montana case after the election
bito : Speaking of Syria, Mitt, neo-cons and draft dodging, Juan Cole politely called him an asshat and tore him a new one.
SueInCa : CL he loves cookies
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally..adieu!
SueInCa : Night Sally
choicelady : Bye Sally – sorry we just got glancing blows tonight. Hope for longer next week. Sweet dreams!
SueInCa : I have a piece on the Vietnam thing after Saturday I am going to re=do it a bit and post on the planet
choicelady : Sue – your husband is one wise cookie!
AdLib : CL – Very cool and very supportive of you! What is the painting you bought?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….a Montana win will help in states that are already ours, but the swings? Not so easy.
SueInCa : CL that is why my husband laughed his ass off.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib and Bito AND all of Romney’s statements about wishing he had gone to Vietnam when his history is one of dodging and taking part in pro war rallies.
SallyT : Well, have to leave. Sorry, AdLib, I can’t help you clean up tonight. Enjoy.
choicelady : A Christian AND a Constitutionalis t? If I read that bozo right, Sue, his self designations are MUTUALLY INCOMPATIBLE. But hey – that’s just me…
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….is it your point that waves of CU money will not wear away at Fortress Obama?
AdLib : Bito – I think that is an underestimated story, Romney’s blabbering about expanding the military and threatening war with Iran and Syria…yet avoiding serving himself. That is ugly and should be painted all over him.
choicelady : Murph – the Montana case is headed to SCOTUS challenging the interference of money with states’ rights to control campaign spending. RUMOR (and that’s what it is) has it that Kennedy is revisiting Citizens and may actually allow states to set limits. Whoo-HAH! Keep your fingers crossed.
SueInCa : Sally I am not saying he did not help I am saying it took a few days for the msm to catch on.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally. I know and no one seems to think it is amusing.
choicelady : EVeryone – first person from whom I heard about Trayvon – Melissa Harris Perry. Don’t know at what point this happened, but it was early on.
SueInCa : Bito I just wrote on that for GOP and am planning on reposting it on PP this coming week
choicelady : AdLib – very nice. My friend’s first ever gallery exhibit – sold out and NOT pity. She has lovely work, and we bought one. Very nice time. Sue – be patient. The Rockwell house WILL emerge!
SallyT : Murph, there is a reporter named Crystal Ball that is on MSNBC sometimes. Her mother was cleaver.
AdLib : Murph – The CU money has already been spent against Obama while Romney campaigns and yet…Romney is still behind. You mentioned that you were surprised that he wasn’t as weak of a candidate but being behind Obama with unemployment at 8.2% and such a sluggish economy…who but a weak candidate wouldn’t be ahead of the incumbent at a time like this?
SueInCa : CL we had a senate candidate who said he was a constitutionalis t and a christian that was it. The people I worked with at the polls were laughing about that one
MurphTheSurf3 : CL Underage Goat! Loud Guffaw….yes we got the news this week that Claire’s fundraising advantage has been wiped out by two checks.
SallyT : And, Al didn’t help make it loud?
bito : AdLib, you forgot in your Mitt list “a draft dodging hippocritter-chi ckenshit-chicken hawk. My Nam friends are really pissed over that. oh well, one day story.
SueInCa : Yes he did Sally but the MSm ignored it until it got really loud
choicelady : Murph – HELL would be the operative word. Hope you’re recovering. Your immediate situation in MO is NOT going to get better unless Claire’s opponent is found in bed with an underage goat. And maybe not even then. “He’s born again – he can do anything he wants. God Luuuuuuvvveees him.”
SallyT : Okay, Sue, I don’t follow twitter except on the roll at the top of the Planet. But, Al did stay on it all through on MSNBC.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib I do hope your crystal ball is more accurate than mine. I cannot help but think that comparisons with past campaigns has been thrown up for grabs given CU
SueInCa : Hey CL no Rockwell house yet
AdLib : Hey CL! How was your evening?
MurphTheSurf3 : ChoiceLady…how dy….one hell of a week, aye?
SueInCa : I know Sally but it was on twitter before that all went down
AdLib : Murph – All of the electoral maps I’ve seen show Obama overwhelmingly ahead of Romney. That’s what matters, not national polls…especial ly the poor ones we’ve seen the last 6 months. And I think ROmney should be way ahead now, as Kerry was ahead of Bush. That betrays weakness in my mind. Romney should be really ahead now after getting all the attention in the primaries and the unrelenting bashing of Obama in it…but he’s still behind! He is a very weak candidate and enthusiasm is not high for him.
choicelady : Hi everyone – sorry to be late. See you’re discussing which medium really has the message?
SallyT : Sue, Trayvon’s father called Al Sharpton and asked him for help.
SueInCa : Yes Bito and he is just softer not a raving maniac and a spitter like Matthews I cannot stand him or Ed anymore. Not real enlightened with Rachel either
SueInCa : No Sally he was not. It was blasting on Twitter before he started but I will give you this he was the first MSM to cover it. It started on twitter less than a week after it happened
bito : Sue, i think Thom saw the error of his was after 2010, I can’t remember the last time he went on a emo-prog rant. he does know corporate history.
AdLib : I was thinking last night, where would we be without Jon Stewart and Colbert? We may be accustomed to their being on all the time but before them, there was little political and media fileting on the Left…will others successfully follow in their footsteps down the line?
SallyT : Sue, I think Al Sharpton was on top of Trayvon Martin.
SueInCa : Sally I watch them on the internet and sometimes catch them on tv
SueInCa : What I see is twitter catching things first and it takes the news a few days to catch on then they shamefully try to make it like they knew all along. Trayvon Martin was a perfect example. We were talking about that waaaay before MSNBC
SallyT : They have world new, too, AdLib. Kind of reminds me of AlJazz but American.
MurphTheSurf3 : NOW what about the House and the Senate?
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney is such an awful candidate is so many ways and yet he seems to be holding his own…I hope that the predictions here about the convention and debates as crucial prove to be so.
AdLib : Sally – Great, will definitely check them out! Thanks for the heads up!
SueInCa : You know Bito Thom Hartman does not piss me off as much as the other progs. Somehow he is softer about his constructive criticism and I can disagree with him w/o getting upset
AdLib : Sue – I would love to see the picture painted in Americans’ minds of Romney as the greedy, selfish frat boy who tortures people just as he does dogs because he sees them all as beneath him. His “policies” would be brutal especially to the poor. And his rant today about saying we need less police and teachers? WTF???
SallyT : That is their heading AdLib, sorry I didn’t get it altogether. No government, corporate funding. No Advertising and No strings.
AdLib : Sue – Love Democracy now and Amy Goodman!
bito : We now have Thom Hartmann on Democracy now, so sad, I miss Mrs. Greenberg
SallyT : No Advertising
SallyT : No Corporate Funding
SallyT : AdLib Real News is at «link» Their heading is No Government Funding
bito : C’lady knows the story, of course she would, but there wasn’t “any foul play” (wink)
SueInCa : Adlib I would be happy with 4 hours of Democracy Now
SueInCa : He was baiting them Murph
MurphTheSurf3 : BITO…you made my night…a research topic…I really dislike the guy a lot and do not understand why he has a spot. Thanks.
SueInCa : Oooh bito I never heard that
bito : Nothing Murph, They found a young lady dead in Slo_Joes office about the same time he “needed to spend more time with his family and ‘retired from congress. Word i heard from another congressman, he was going to lose his reelection.
AdLib : Sally – Thanks, will check it out. There should be a 24 hour station though that just covers the stories the networks refuse to.
MurphTheSurf3 : Did anyone see the Prez News Conference today. I thought it was odd in its subject matter (Iran Danger Growing, and the No Jobs Congress) and its pacing. Anyone else have thoughts?
SueInCa : Sally I am not sure the schedule is out yet but usually three
SallyT : How many debates will there be and who is hosting?
SueInCa : AL I think he will make him look foolish because frat boy cannot be serious it is not in his nature unless he is being mean then he can be an asshole not impressive
AdLib : Sue – That’s why I won’t panic about Obama in the polls. Until the Democratic convention, none of this really matters. After that come the debates and that is Obama’s strength. Even though Romney will have prepared “zingers” that MSM wags will lovingly caress, Obama will nail him on his lies and that is something I can’t wait to see.
SallyT : Jennifer campaigned for Obama and still is.
SueInCa : Don;t forget the convention either. Murph when they were saving Detroit they worked real close and I heard she actually said no to a post because she wanted to do something else after her governorship
SallyT : There is a channel on the internet called The Real News. It is pretty good.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue..really? How so?
SueInCa : Murph Jennifer is close to the Prez
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito…did not understand your question…
AdLib : Bito – I know and that’s the travesty, isn’t it? While these “news” networks show as much news as MTV shows music videos today, there is a lot going on every day in the news that people should be hearing about. How about someone starting up a new news channel called, “The Real News”? I’d watch it!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…Jennifer is one of the people I hope O’s folks have tuned into…she has been there and done that six times.
SueInCa : What will also happen is that incredulous look on his face when Romney says something stupid. And now he can hammer home that 3 o[clock call he has had 4 years almost
bito : Murph, what was that dead girl in your office about Joe?
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito//SLOJOE…. like it, will use it…he is slow but thinks he is quick.
SueInCa : AL it is always going to be Checkmate with Obama you watch
AdLib : Sue – I’m looking forward to it! Especially after ROmney lies in a debate, Obama chuckles with a “There you go again” Reagan type smile and spanks him like a 5 year old child. Obama is not an aggressive debater but he is a solid strategist and knows when to hammer something home on his opponent, as Hillary knows well.
SallyT : Murph, you know Jennifer has had to run a campaign herself, so, I like to hear her explain how she thinks they should handle things.
SueInCa : Murph I might give her a try. I also watch Democracy Now
bito : Murph, I don’t watch Slo-Joe I had enough of him when I lived in FLA
SueInCa : Well I know he tried to sell off the PA turnpike to out of the country buyers Hi Sally
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Sally, Yes Jennifer has the chops by way of real political and governing experience and she brings on very intersting guests…I get the feeling that she has a goal with each show.
bito : AdLib. believe it or not, there is actual news to be covered — plenty of it!
SueInCa : Murph since moving back to the bay area our local news does a better job. not so much of the opinion talk just the news
AdLib : Sue – Ed Rendell is and always has been a corporate pol, in bed with the banks, oil companies, etc. He is a hard core DLCer and is not a friend of Progressives.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito…have you caught Joe Scarborough…th e MSNBC kickoff show….horrifyi ng…his panel kisses his ass when he launches into his Limbaugh Lite routine….and Mika rolls her eyes. Bill Press is now my morning choice. I have complained to MSNBC a number of times (and Morning Joe ratings are down)
AdLib : Bito – But if the news channels couldn’t discuss the dog crap on their shoes with their pundits…how would they fill each hour?
SueInCa : I still say AL that that chuckle will unnerve him. I saw it do McCain in and Hillary too
AdLib : Sue – Think about all the missteps Romney made in debates. I know that he will be much more heavily coached for the Obama debates but I think the odds are on Romney messing up again but this time, he’ll have an opponent in Obama who will be willing to nail him when he does.
SueInCa : What about Ed Rendell? WTF is up with him? He needs to be manhandled and his mouth taped
SallyT : Jennifer was good tonight, Murph.
bito : AdLib it’s not just the shows on MSNBC, our supposed Dem allies on the pudnut panels chime right in talking about the R’s spin, making it sound credible. it’s not, it’s BS and just once I want to see some one say “why are we giving this BS any airtime? Karen Feeny has tried to make that point a few times. You don’t take the dog crap off your shoes and disscuss it– You throw it away
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…O’Donnell is at the bottom of the list. Right now Jennifer is the best of the bunch.
AdLib : Murph – That’s a good selection. O’Donnell has his good days but for me, he manufactures too much artificial outrage and his enormous ego is off putting.
SueInCa : Yeah Murph I think that was it to much goofing off
SueInCa : Adlib He is already building up a library of idiotic sayings. But look at his father saying the generals in Vietnam tried to brainwash him. More like his church already did
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…I like Miller in small doses…too much yuk yuk for me….I am rather stodgy.
AdLib : Sue – Everything that comes out of her mouth is the same drivel. We learned it then and she was branded. I think Romney could be branded that way in a tough interview or in the debates.
SueInCa : Murph did you catch Stephanie Miler? I really like her but her radio show is not for TV
SueInCa : Adlib I know I was loving it. I knew then she was going to be toast
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…When I watch this is my list of acceptables: Bill Press, and Jennifer Granholm at Current; Rachel and O’Donnell at MSNBC, PBS News Hour and Al Jazeera, with some Link thrown in.
SueInCa : Who in their right mind thinks Putin would travel from Moscow across Alaska to DC or NYC?
AdLib : Sue – Exactly and instead of Gibson giving her an easy way out, he pressed her on the Bush Doctrine and exposed her as a total ignoramus.
SueInCa : “As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border.” –Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska’s proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS’s Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008
AdLib : Sue – Yep, last night’s Daily Show hit that same high note for me, Bito beat me to posting it today but I had planned to.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk..thanks and take care.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito…I know you are not talking about Fox…what I wrote is that the Fox meme has now become the MO at CNN, MSNBC for sure.
SueInCa : Hurry back Funk
AdLib : Seeya Funk!
funksands : I’ve got to go for a bit. Might be be back later.
SueInCa : I saw it Adlib when she said I What Respect Charlie. That demeanor meant she did not know what the hell he was asking. I pointed it out to my husband too.
bito : Sue Jon was spot on last night! «link»
AdLib : Bito – MSNBC has really turned be off with crap like that so I’ve turned it off more and more, rarely watch it now. The corproate media may pose as being “on your side” for different demographics but all they care about in the end are ratings and ad dollars. If MSNBC believes in informing people about the truth, why so they happily air so many oil company propaganda ads each hour?
SueInCa : That is it Bito Fair Game what the hell are they trying to prove all is fair in love and war
SueInCa : Bito that Jon Stewart thing this morning…..I forget what words they used but it was funny to see it over and over. Like a brainwashing
bito : I am not talking about Fox, Murph, One can see it on MSNBC and CNN daily. They discus the republican spin making it the story not the news. the results the R’s control the story and the story is spread News has to be fair game
AdLib : Funk – In many interviews, Palin was pointedly asked about things she seemed to be faking to know and she was hammered on her lack of knowledge about foreign policy and other issues.
SueInCa : That is no joke ask your wife. We can smile all the time we are turning the knife then ask you what the hell is wrong with you?
funksands : Sally you just can’t resist a good Palin discussion can you?
SallyT : Funk, I think AdLib was saying that Palin is a hammer head that never hit the nail.
funksands : Sue
SueInCa : I disagree Funk. Couric was really snide with her. Maybe you have to be a woman to see it but SNL really brought it out. Once she realized Palin was full of it she went after her. Women can do that smiling all the time.
AdLib : Bito – Yep, I have been railing about this for some time and today we see it yet again. The MSM has to fill its 24 hours and happily plugs in the Repub propaganda as “news”. No, lies and distortions are what journalists are supposed to hammer down, not hold up as legit are worthy of discussion. Corporate, unprofessional “news” actors reading corporately written copy.
funksands : Sue, I’m with you. I haven’t watched the “news” in days.
SueInCa : Hey bito I have stopped watching completely I get too pissed and it does damage to my meditative state
funksands : Ad, define “hammering”. I think that Palin didn’t get one tough question. She’s simply a moron.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bito…hi…and yes….Fox’s modus operandi of reporting opinion, spin, and outright lie as “a story” that many are talking about has become a widespread approach and the GOP have the high ground in this.
AdLib : Funk – I think that’s a different story. McCain was a dottering old man who no one really ever gave a chance to win. He was constantly below Obama in the polls. They gave him a pass…until Palin came on and she was hammered as we know.
funksands : Bito, sadly true.
bito : This has been my rant today, it’s not just the news that gets reported, it’s then the R’s interpretation of the news. Then the pudnuts let the spin becoming the news, good bad or indifferent, the R’s are allowed to frame the discussion i.e the news. It was so blatantly obvious today and became a point on our twitter timeline
funksands : Ad, were they ever tough on McCain?
SueInCa : Funk my husband and grandson went and loved it
funksands : I snuck out of work to go watch the Avengers. I was very pleasantly surprised.
SueInCa : LOL poor guy he always has to wait for the vid
AdLib : Funk – Exactly but the race will always be close in the MSM polls. As they realize ratings are slipping from softball interviews, they will, not out of journalistic integrity but in a quest for profits, get tough on Romney. And don’t forget that the Dems and Obama will be tossing out all kinds of stories about Romney along the way, some of which will stick like his dog and his bullying, he’ll be asked about those too. Much more dirt to come out about Romney. If I was the Obama campaign, I’d be sitting on some of that oppo research for a while.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue I would love to….but all we have is the virtual world.
SueInCa : Come take my Hubby Murph he loves those and I hate them except maybe MIB
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk and Sue…movies…s ci fi especially..a great way to unwind…last weekend Battleship…thi s weekend Men In Black III and Prometheus.
SueInCa : Funk I meant the singer in the utube
SueInCa : Funk do you know that one? I think we are going to the movies on Sunday too
funksands : Ad, maybe. I think that MSM won’t give him much grief at all until the race is closer
funksands : Sue, I’m taking my boys to Madagascar 3 on Sunday
AdLib : Funk – For the most part, I agree about the MSM. But once Romney has given so many softball interviews, for ratings sake, someone is going to want to ask him tough questions. And that will get great ratings.
funksands : Want to have a quick smile? «link»
SueInCa : My 12 year old grandson going into 7th grade is reliving all his animated movies tonite. Madagascar 2 is on right now
funksands : Sue, you are spot on.
SueInCa : I think the press is also in disarray. They are afraid of Romney and the CU people
funksands : “They” crave rather
funksands : The MSM will be no help. The CRAVE close horse races. Romney will get softballs as long as he is behind.
AdLib : Halperin is a hack. Romney will only do softball interviews right now…but will he keep avoiding the meaningful ones as Obama eats up all that free press?
SueInCa : Murph some of his staffers did the same in MA
MurphTheSurf3 : Did you all read about Romney’s having and wearing a Michigan State Trooper’s uniform and having a red light he could put on top of his car…he got his kicks out of stopping people and scaring them….consider other anecdotes from his life….He is bully on the beach kicking sand into the faces of those who appear weaker.
SueInCa : Shit Adlib look at that Halpern interview softballs hell nerf balls all the way
funksands : Ad, who is helping Obama? The only guy I’ve seen so fare is Bill Clinton and his help is always double-edged.
SueInCa : So we have mindless people on both sides…..
AdLib : Americans hate cowards. I see this as being a powerful hit Romney could take as he hides from interviews and if he tries to hide from debates.
funksands : Sue! You read my mind. He IS a coward.
AdLib : Sue – Obama is hitting that theme. It’s multi-pronged, first telling people about what a greedy pig he was at Bain, what a fraud he was as Gov…and what he will do as Bush on steroids (as Clinton and many others have said).
SueInCa : Well he IS a coward. Like Norquist said I want a president who can sign his name to my ideas that is the GOP in a nutshell
funksands : Murph, those are good points.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…when I worked those two years for the Obama campaign in five states I was regularly stunned at how little our enthusiastic volunteers knew about Barack or his platform. So the meltdown of 2010 did not surprise me. Barack was abandoned because his own followings lacked the conviction and commitment necessary because their belief in him was not rooted in what they deep knew and understood. WHy? Distractions of day to day living both forced on us and sought after, the lack of strong teaching in history and political science, an unwillingness to commit the time needed to unravel the lies from the truth. And yes, for many now, there is a sense of being beaten down.
AdLib : Funk – I doubt it. Can you imagine what a coward Romney would look like for dodging debates? If that happened and I was Obama, I would make that front and center and connect the dots to how cowardly he was about taking on Rush’s sexist comments, birthers, etc., paint him as a richie rich coward.
SueInCa : Adlib that should be Obama’s theme. Do you want Bush redux or someone who is not through with his plans but who definitely can go whole hog in his second term?
AdLib : Funk – I am afraid you’re right about that…in fact, it was only a year and 3/4 after Bush was out that they gave the House to the Bagger GOP. They learned nothing about long term thinking. The difference though in 2012 is that unlike 2010, this is a choice election. Do you want Romney bringing back all the Bush policies that got us into the economic crash? Or Obama continuing the recovery from it? That is what needs to be hammered.
SueInCa : If he runs from the debates the Indies will crucify him
funksands : Murph, no doubt. But I think the American voter is more vulnerable than stupid. Broke, powerless, voiceless people are vulnerable to the voices that tell them who to blame and who to be afraid of.
AdLib : Murph – Very true, money does buy a ground game and the Dems should focus the majority of money competing there, less on ads. Let Obama’s bully pulpit take the place of millions in advertising and they’re clever, they can come up with ways to get press every day.
funksands : Ad, it wouldn’t surprise me if there is only one or even zero debates. Romney is too cowardly to even talk to the press. His base won’t care.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…you just hit on my idiot voter meme.
funksands : I think our side also underestimates the real power the right has in this country right now. It took Captain Idiot and the Icy Black Hand of Cheney 2 bumbling wars, a housing collapse and complete global calamity for their side and message to get discredited for 3 LOUSY YEARS. Now the US voter is hearing the same bullshit and starting to nod again. The DEMS ARENT DIFFERENT ENOUGH
AdLib : Romney will wither in the spotlight when not in a managed event, as he almost always has. He is not someone who has the chops to overcome something on his own, he’s used to paying someone else to do it…but no one can do it for him in the debates which I think will leave him wounded.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib In Wi we learned how good the GOP has gotten at the ground game. Big Money buys some really good staff and they had more than 200 operatives on the ground from Freedom Works, the Tea Party organizers.
SueInCa : no ccore
SueInCa : Funk you are so right and that is something I have been waiting for. He is a liar with not core.
AdLib : The ground game is the path for Dems but let’s not lose sight of how powerful the right message was in 2008.
funksands : Sue, no doubt. That will energize the Dem base a lot I think.
funksands : Ad, exactly. It’s time to start calling (for lack of a better term) a spade a spade. It’s time for our “leaders” to start telling it like it is. Calmly, rationally, but honestly. The day that someone in senior leadership stands up on television and calls Mitt Romney what he is and doesn’t back down creates space for someone else to do it, then someone else, so on.
SueInCa : Debates are still forthcpming and I predict Obama wins hands down. Mitt is just to terrible at communication He is their Stepford husband
SueInCa : I am pretty lucky I live in a very blue district I think outreach is going to still be important though.
funksands : Trying to convert the voter with Stockholm Syndrome is a waste of time while they are still being held hostage. The conservative voter is lost…and likes it that way.
AdLib : Funk – I think the message has to ultimately be about the future Obama and Dems will fight for and the future Romney and Repubs will fight for. Who do they serve and who will become better off? Keep it simple. Obama should present a vision for his second term, regardless of who runs Congress. Romney has shown his vision, killing Medicare and handing Wall Street and the wealthy all they can eat while slashing all the services Americans depend on. This is a stark contrast and a stark reality that lies ahead.
funksands : Murph, I’m going to digest your post in a second. My first thought is: “There is nothing wrong with your conservative neighbor that the lack of a Republican Party will not cure”
SueInCa : Funk I am not sure. I think the ground game is very important but I also think it belongs after the convention. Keep it fresh in people’s minds
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….here is something I wrote about next steps. SO WHAT IS BEING DONE? A) A group of wealthy Democratic backers is planning to pump as much as $100 million into the general election strictly to fund outreach focusing on issue awareness, grass-roots organizing, voter registration and Democratic turnout. B) The Obama campaign has sent out e-mails and has rescripted phone calls to emphasize the money disparity all Democrats are facing. Finding ways to get more people to give more money is essential. A key to this is the education that will be necessary to get those donors to understand what is going on and why they have to act. C) Democratic super-donors from the past are now being personally approached about stepping up in the same way as the GOP super-donors have with the promise that an Obama 2nd term would push for major campaign finance reform (especially if he has a Dem House and Senate). D) Major liberal donors and independent groups have focused since 2004 on creating a permanent infrastructure of liberal research and voter-outreach groups. However, the work of such groups tends to be so tightly fixed on particular groups that they often work at cross purposes. Groups like the Democracy Alliance are trying to provide a network that unifies their work. MAY I SUGGEST THAT WE NEED TO ADMIT THAT THE AMERICAN VOTER IS SADLY LACKING IN THE FACTS, IN THE TOOLS TO DO RESEARCH, AND IN THE DESIRE TO DEVOTE THE KIND OF ENERGY NECESSARY TO SEPARATE TRUTH FROM FICTION. AN INFORMED ELECTORATE WILL NOT BE MOVED BY A PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN. THE BIG LIES WILL NOT PENETRATE. BUT HOW DOES ONE AWAKEN AND ENLIGHTEN THE ELECTORATE? Solve that and the Money will not Matter.
SueInCa : Exactly adlib they needed a MLK a John Lewis, a Angela Davis, an Abbie Hoffman. They needed structure because once you let things roll you may never get back to the place you need to be. I understand their need for no leaders but it was a grave mistake. Sometimes you have to learn from the past
AdLib : Murph – Warren is in a dead heat with Brown before a single debate. Again, I don’t feel that polls 5 months out mean anything…excep t that the Repubs can’t even grab a strong lead when they’re in the best position to do so.
MurphTheSurf3 : No Sue. You were correct. They were smart, but they were not wise and how could they have been given where they were coming from without knowing where they were going to.
funksands : So my question for all of you is: What is the strategy going forward? For our “leaders” and ourselves? I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib. Warren is in a dead heat with Brown. Obama’s chances are iffy. The GOP will fight every appointment he puts before the Senate if he is reelected. The GOP will extort another tax cut extension. I think the Supremes are going to knock down ACA and there it goes. Gays will be able to marry in some states but the availability of this option is going to surge and ebb. That is my pessimistic self.
AdLib : Murph – Indeed, what they built as the pillars of the OWS movement were necessarily incapable of bearing the weight of a growing movement. That is, the concept of Occupying and not having any leadership or specific agenda is what attracted and created such a big tent for so many youth but such a sensibility runs contrary to making a movement have solidarity over time, grow and have a profound and ongoing impact.
SueInCa : Adlib I hope you are right maybe after my letter to the minister I will feel better. Murph you are right sometimes I use smart when it should be wise. Senior momnets
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…they were smart but not wise, they had enthusiasm but little experience.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…from the start these folks sounded a note that had the potential to be discordant…the y needed advice and guidance and refused both.
AdLib : Just to light a candle, consider what victories we may have ahead. Elizabeth Warren in The Senate, Obama re-elected and in a position to appoint more SCOTUS judges, the end of the Bush tax cuts, the start of statewide health insurance exchanges. Gays will be able to marry in more and more states and are serving in our army…yes, there are those who threaten what is best for most Americans but they lose a lot of the time too.
SueInCa : Murph I don’t think you had the people involved in the movement that smart to think how to handle infiltrators except for in the moment
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…the anarchists are the folks from the right I am speaking of…sent into the movement to disrupt it, give it a bad name, and then give the police an excuse to get tough.
funksands : Murph, I hate to say it, especially because I support the movement wholeheartedly, but no one likes to be occupied.
SueInCa : Murph I disagree I believe the anarchists were purposely sent out to disrupt the movement. We saw it here in Oakland and the press played right into it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue…Occupy played into the hands of the police and the power structure. After the glow on the movement faded they did not do what needed to be done. Declare victory and move onto the internet until the spring. Unify around a huge event. Identify the forces on the right that were penetrating their ranks and drive them out. None of that was done.
AdLib : Sue – It is a sad reality that I recognized, that our police forces are in the end, on call armies to protect the status quo and that no matter how liberal any mayors are, keeping control over the people overides everything else.
SueInCa : Murph I understand your deep disappointment. I wan’t in the mix and I was disappointed royally. You deserve even more leeway
funksands : Murph, this is a multi-generation al fight to the death. You can take a powder for a couple days.
AdLib : Murph – You have earned and sound in need of a getaway to recharge. We have more and bigger fights ahead. We lost this one but the battle isn’t over and we will win many too. Hang in there, take some time to energize, we need you punching out there.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I can and will. Thanks for the support.
funksands : No way Sue. I’m surprised it wasn’t worse. The power structure of our country is happy to let you protest FOR the status quo.
SueInCa : does anyone question why Occupy were so persecuted by PD and Teapers were not?
funksands : Murph. Can you take a three day vacation somewhere? I know I sound stupid, but I’ve been burning it 12 hours a day for 6 days a week lately. I took four days off last week, and it felt like I woke up from a coma. You can’t handle adversity if you are exhausted.
AdLib : Murph – But that is not what absolutely decides an election. Yes, there is a fight between the Zombie Party and the Humanity Party and the Zombies will do most of the biting but the people make the decision in the end and money doesn’t always win fights.
funksands : Sue for sure. They are predators. They don’t care what you call them. They don’t care whether you agree with them, they don’t care what you think. Call them whatever nasty name you want. They don’t care as long as they get to eat your arm anyway.
AdLib : Funk – Good point, this CU money game has pulled the plutocrats all to one side…which can make them and the Repubs huge targets if regular Americans really catch on…and the spending this year should help make that happen.
MurphTheSurf3 : FUNK…yes I am burned out and the battle has not even begun. The work with Occupy that went nowhere, the Tea Party’s power to derail the president, and life in Missouri are all hard on this Democrat who is also part of an effort to keep our party alive in rural Moland.
SueInCa : I do and I know how evil the right really is
funksands : Murph I agree. A lot of people on the left and center don’t have the proper perspective of the scale of the fight that is in front of them.
AdLib : Murph – Right now it may be hard to get behind this, considering how much you put into the WI recall but I think the result will be typical for the RW, more over reach that will only piss off more people and a cocky confidence that they can replicate WI everywhere. Millions didn’t buy the CA elections, or several other elections throughout the US in 2010. Money doesn’t always win, it can help a weak candidate but that’s about all the Repubs have now. They need their millions to even be competitive but it doesn’t mean they’ll win.
SueInCa : I worked the polls on Tuesday and the smokers one was defeated, IMHO because people are just plain tired of being taxed. We had mostly middle class and 3-1 they said no effin taxes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I do not think the opponent’s attraction even matters. I have an image of the GOP as a group standing shoulder to shoulder, facing outward toward the enemy, they move as a group on command, with fists raised and ready to kick on command from the leader. They chant in unison and stare icily ahead. Dems also stand in a circle, but facing inward. They are all talking, some want to hold hands, some want to fold arms grumpily. They move left, right, in, out chaotically, no one is in charge. WHICH ONE SURVIVES A MUGGING?
funksands : Ad, one thing that I see being a real silver lining in all of this is that the robber baron’s all out $$ assault on the Dems is forcing Democratic candidates to choose between the Gilded Age and their constituents. I like that.
AdLib : Funk – I feel the same way. I was very upset at Walker winning but having time to consider what happened and where the majority of Americans are on taxing the wealthy, keeping SS and Medicare, supporting gay rights…and seeing so much activism (including our friends Murph and Choicelady), I do think it will be a matter of time before The Comeuppance begins.
funksands : Murph, I have a feeling that you are just a bit burned out. Am I right?
AdLib : Murph – But does that mean her opponent will be attractive to voters? Meg Whitman spent tens of millions more in CA and lost.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…obviously not surprised but I hate it when predictions I penned myself come true.
funksands : Ad, I think the rot is on top and visible. I think there is a lot of good slowing growing under manure. It’s just going to take a while to see. Our existing moderate and liberal power structure simply needs to buy some time for some real leaders to emerge. They’re coming.
AdLib : Funk – Thanks for the kind words!
funksands : Murph…that’s not good. Are you surprised?
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…feeling beaten up actually….a little missouri spin. Claire McCaskill was well ahead in fundraising compared to her potential opponents, and then a huge wave of tv ads hit from Crossroads. But her “hard money” remained strong until last week. We now have word that a commitment has been made by three unnamed donors from the mega millionaire set to “fully fund” her opponents campaign no matter who the opponent is
AdLib : Sue – I think there are a wide variety of things going on right now in the country, some are more prominent but many others are going on beneath the surface. The power of the wealthy is on top but the growing populist activities are also gaining momentum. People are rising up against the bad guys in some places (they did kill K-Sick’s anti-union bill in OH) and in other cases, they are being seduced by the bad guys BS. I think there are many things going on at once.
funksands : Ad, if I didn’t tell you before, your last three articles were wonderful. Well done!
SueInCa : BRB don’t gossip about me
SueInCa : Thanks Murph. I bet I can find his email on his church website. If I am gone next week, check with homeland security
funksands : Murph, how’s my favorite noble warrior for the 99%?
SueInCa : My favorite flower the Hibiscus
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue here is a link to the Pastor and his hung Obama. «link»
funksands : Thanks Sue! Love the new avi
SueInCa : Hey Funk not so cheerful but good to see you!
funksands : Thanks, its good to be here.
AdLib : Hey Funk! Welcome!
funksands : Hello all of my cheerful comrades!
AdLib : Murph – Yes, I saw that disgusting story. How about taking away the tax free status of churches that hang effigies of Presidents since that is a political (if not mentally ill) action?
SueInCa : Adlib now let me ask you. What do you truly see in this country? I see things falling apart and people too frozen to try to stop it. MTS what a mofo. I wish one of these people would do that in my town
AdLib : Murph – No question that even a weak candidate like Newt can be propped up as viable by the wealthy. It means that Dems won’t have the financial advantages from this point forward so they will have to counter that with grassroots and organizational focus. There will be more fights than there should be but that doesn’t mean we’ll lose in each case.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib and Sue…did you see the story about the pastor in Florida who has hung Obama in effigy in front of his church? I say he should have put Obama on a cross, more fitting. If the pastor is going to betray the book he says he believes in then he should go all the way.
SueInCa : I know Adlib just letting off steam. God help the next evangelical i run across lol
AdLib : Sue – Let’s face it, how “Christian” are most of those Evangelical Christians? They don’t believe most of what Christ taught yet claim The Bible must be followed exactly as written. What about “Love Thy Brother” and “The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth?” Not to mention his constant attack on the wealthy and bankers. It’s almost laughable.
SueInCa : Then we have the NR’s on our side who I would like to slam as well.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…a little missouri spin. Claire McCaskill was well ahead in fundraising compared to her potential opponents, and then a huge wave of tv ads hit from Crossroads. But her “hard money” remained strong until last week. We now have word that a commitment has been made by three unnamed donors from the mega millionaire set to “fully fund” her opponents campaign no matter who the opponent is
SueInCa : Then Evangelicals wonder why they are laughed at. They no more have better values than the next person.
AdLib : Murph – Walker can’t get any legislation passed then for the rest of the year and next year, he may very well have a Dem Legislature again. As of today, it would be true to say that Walker can’t get any new attacks on unions and the middle class passed.
SueInCa : I guess I feel like just writing them off. All the support they got and then they just kowtow to whatever. I am sure glad I live in CA because I would probably stay home all the time afraid I might kick some ass up there. I am just disgusted. I know that about Obama but the assholes are going with a cult.
AdLib : Sue – I do think that money has a limited impact but those jumping on the Romney train were on the Santorum train before that, they were never going to vote for Obama anyway.
AdLib : Sue – I think it’s far more complicated than the MSM has tried to portray it. You have an election a year Walker was elected and most upset people, it’s not surprising temperatures of some have come down. Then, you have the tens of millions deceiving them into thinking there’s a budget surplus, there’s job growth and poor Walker is just a victim of the greedy unions. Then you have many people upset at how the recall has torn the state apart…though Walker is really the one who did that. And you have some far right wing elements in WI too. It is not a microcosm of the us electoral map and I don’t see it being a roadmap for the Kochs.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Sue, hey Ad Lib. One million recall signatures and only 100,000 beyond that in the vote. Another 100,000 and Walker would have been history. The GOP used the money for media and a strong ground game…when combined with a pretty strong belief that the recall was being used incorrectly…wh at you get is a stunning loss. The Senate seat will only be good if Walker calls for a session before January 2013 when the NEW (yep 1/2 of the Senate has to fight for their seats in Nov) Legislature is seated. Walker has plenty of room in which to operated.
SueInCa : Anybody here?
SueInCa : I also keep trying to believe all this money cannot possibly make people give up their values but when I see how quickly Evangelicls climbed on the Mitt train, I am not so sure
SueInCa : Sorry Adlib puter problems I am just disgusted. Of course I am also now not sure all those protesting really wanted a recall.
AdLib : Sue – What are you thinking about WI after a few days of distance?
AdLib : Hey Sue!
SueInCa : S’up?
AdLib : There is an ebb and flow to elections and though the billionaires and the RW have puffed out their chests, WI was a unique case and getting Romney to beat Obama is a very different proposition.
AdLib : It’s not a good thing that Walker won along with the Kochs and all but it’s a Pyrrhic victory. They actually have less control in WI than they had.
AdLib : Hey Murph! I fully understand. Good work though, we do have a Dem leg in WI though, Walker can do nothing now.
MurphTheSurf3 : I am here early. No meeting tonight. We couldn’t take another one this week.
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or at least “S’up?” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. See you then!
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