AdLib : Night!
SallyT : Nite nite
AdLib : So (to quote Bito) I’m going to check out Maher since you give it a thumbs up tonight! Sleep well!
SallyT : Okay, off to your Tivo. Enjoy!
SallyT : You do that!
AdLib : Yep, I’ll let you know if I see it’s going to be on.
SallyT : Next time you see it, you will think of me!
SallyT : Me either.
AdLib : Haven’t seen it for a very long time.
SallyT : I love it!
AdLib : That’s a classic film!
SallyT : It is a take off of a song from the movie The Night They Raided Minsky’s.
AdLib : Aha, round the square?
SallyT : It is a little song we sing. See you around. If not, we’ll meet you on the corner in an half hour. Meet you on the corner in an half hour.
AdLib : What’s the joke?
SallyT : Oh, that hurts! That is an old family joke here. Ouch!
AdLib : Sounds like Romney geometry to me!
SallyT : Round=Square
AdLib : Heh!
SallyT : If not, I’ll meet you on the corner in an half hour!
SallyT : Right back at you! See you around.
AdLib : I’ll get the door. You have a wonderful night and weekend too, Sally!
SallyT : Well, my late night friend, shall we turn out the lights?
SallyT : Ain’t he tho
AdLib : That Bito is a clever one!
bito :
SallyT : Good night and sweet dreams. I will see you on here later for sure.
SallyT : Now that was a cute way of getting to that statement there, Bito.
AdLib : Thanks Bito, have a great night’s sleep and a great weekend!
bito : So it looks like it’s time for Meds nd Bed for me, see y’all later. sleep well.
AdLib : That’s funny, I always thought they started out with “Libtards”.
SallyT : I didn’t know that.
SallyT : So?
bito : So did you know that a majoity of comments on blogs start out with the word ‘so’?
SallyT : It would be interesting for her to do an update.
SallyT : Yes, a real eye opener! Really made me think about a lot of things happening now.
AdLib : Sally – Yes, I’ve seen it, the book is also very good. I like Naomi Klein and she really nailed it.
bito : Yes I have Sally, it’s a real eye opener!
SallyT : AdLib and Bito, I watched oh the Sundance Channel the other day this documentary Shock Doctrine. It was very interesting. It was done in 2009 by Naomi Klein. Seen it?
AdLib : Bito – Absolutely! Kalima has kept us ahead of the curve and the MSM on this. But the meme seems to be, austerity is smothering Europe AND people are starting to rebel.
SallyT : Bito, that is very true! The MSM hasn’t covered it at all!
bito : I have to give Kalima and her MB Huge Kudos, but I have been watching this austerity thing killing the UK and the EU for a long time, just now the MSM seems to be catching on!
AdLib : Bito – Mitt’s mind doesn’t store memories about his stands on issues or things he’s said so he thinks we’re all like that.
AdLib : Thanks for the review, Sally, always look forward to it!
SallyT : And, if not, we have video tapes!
bito : G’night Mitt and think of this while you sleep: you are aware the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex enables us to store and recall past events, right?
SallyT : AdLib, here is your Bill Maher alert. Watch it. It is good tonight.
AdLib : Bito – Yes, I think the goal is a royalty and serf type society, modernized in appearance but pretty much that.
SallyT : On a school visa, I think.
SallyT : It does look like Hillary is getting the Chinese boy and his family out.
bito : Good night KT
bito : You are correct, Sir! He wants to institute austerity on the middle and poor classes, just like the UK and where are they now?
AdLib : Well, looks like it’s about that time to end tonight’s edition of Vox Populi. Thanks to all for making it another remarkable and enlightening conversation. The revelation about ALEC is big stuff! Have a great weekend Sally and Bito!
AdLib : Night Killgore, sleep well and consider writing that article, it would be very poignant.
SallyT : Goodnight KT! I know I will be seeing you soon on here!
AdLib : Bito – But Romney seems to want to bring about a new Great Depression, all of his economic plans are like dynamite to blow up the economy. It would be crazy if it didn’t seem so intentional.
KillgoreTrout : Well Planeteers, I too am fading. Stay informed and keep informed for myself and many others. Always, stay young at heart!
AdLib : Killgore – Mitt’s comments have further disqualified him in the eyes of the informed. It won’t affect the low info folks but that day is coming through the debates.
AdLib : Very cool, Cher! Looking forward to it! Have a great weekend!
Chernynkaya : AdLib–so true! I’m off to write that piece this weekend–hope it gets done by Monday.
bito : Night Cher, see ya on the twitter!
KillgoreTrout : Have a wonderful night cher. I guess we both have some thinking to do later on. Thank you for your kind comments.
SallyT : Good night, Cher!
AdLib : Same here Cher! And thanks for sharing the revelation about HP!
AdLib : Cher – The old saying is, “Write what you know.” It’s hard enough to start writing something but getting through to the end is the real challenge. Having a passion and inner connection to what you’re writing gets you through and imbues the work with something special.
bito : I think it was Mitt and it was over their currency. Hmmm, what happened when we had a huge trade/tariff war last Time? The great depression!
Chernynkaya : Folks, my eyes are burning and I still didn’t clean up after dinner, so I’ll say goodnight. Thanks for the great discussion!
KillgoreTrout : Romney’s “dark day for freedom,” remark just furtherd my disgust with him and those who listen to his bull shit. He didn’t even wait for the real facts to come out before jumping on Obama. How can anybody in their right mind want this misanthrope for POTUS?
Chernynkaya : AL, when I think of the many many sites I visit every day and never write a comment, it only makes sense.
AdLib : Bito – Wasn’t it Mitt who said in a debate that he would start a trade war with China? That’s how he would have gotten China to agree to letting dissidents emigrate to the US?
KillgoreTrout : I fully agree cher.
Chernynkaya : Not that I was a successful student, but I took a writing class that went on for years, and my teacher proved to us over and over how effective it is when people write from their deepest places. The most personal turns out to be the most universal. It gives me hope in humanity to know that.
SallyT : He doesn’t speak to me, Bito. Really, he doesn’t speak to me!
bito : You will have to ask Mitt, sally
AdLib : Cher – It’s like that throughout the web, a very small percentage of people who read at any site actually post. The percentage varies but it’s always fractional.
KillgoreTrout : Same goes Sally. Always.
SallyT : Hey, is Hillary bring the Chinese guy back with her?
SallyT : KT, you know I luv ya!
KillgoreTrout : Thank you cher, very well said.
AdLib : Cher – Yep, that’s where effective and powerful writing comes from. The more connected one is to their subject, the more affecting it is for the reader.
KillgoreTrout : LOL Sally.
Chernynkaya : SALLY! You rock!
KillgoreTrout : Bito, over 300 universities around the country went on strike in the aftermath. Not much later, two more students were shot and killed at Jackson university, If memory serves me right.
Chernynkaya : AL, I never really grokked that until now.
SallyT : KT, memories are known to bring lumps to the throat. If you didn’t have memories, you would have just a lumpy butt.
Chernynkaya : KT, when you write from your heart, it’s the only thing that opens others’ hearts.
AdLib : Cher – I think that’s the case. We have hugely more readers than members as it is (and we’re very pleased to have the readership we do). Some folks like reading, some like blogging.
bito : KT, I do remember we shut down IU for 3 days and had huge rallies.
Chernynkaya : I think they get intimidated–unr easonably- bito. They are the shy types, i think.
AdLib : KT – I think that’s part of the process, as you revisit and unwind your emotions and recollections, it could be very cathartic and potent.
KillgoreTrout : Thank you cher, I will definitely give it further thought. I am getting a lump in my throat, just thinking about it.
Chernynkaya : KT–your emotions are what will speak to us more than the facts.
bito : Yep, we do have a lot of readers and some I wish they would join PPOV
Chernynkaya : KT-PLEASE PLEASE DO.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I had never thought of it, but it’s a good idea. I just wonder how much my emotions might color the reality.
Chernynkaya : bito, more than you know. I had a couple of people I never saw here -ever-say they missed me.
KillgoreTrout : bito, it was good of you to repeat. I’ll never get the image of the 14 year old girl standing near jeff millers body with arms outstretched cry why?
AdLib : KT – Remarkable. Have you thought about recounting your experience? I think many in OWS would really appreciate it.
bito : Cher it is cool when you get tweets like that, eh?
bito : KT, I cheated, someone on twitter said it and I immediately thought of that song. I still get “something in my eyes” whenever I hear that song.
KillgoreTrout : cl, I was there the day after the shootings. Showing solidairty with the peace movement and even the SDS.
AdLib : Bito, I second KT’s thanks, Kent State is very poignant today, especially after what we’ve seen with police and college students in OWS.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks for thinking about Kent State Sally. It should never be forgotten.
AdLib : Cher – That’s very cool to hear!
Chernynkaya : BTW, about Twitter, I got messages from a few who also told me they like PPOV too!
bito : Night CL, sleep well (if you can)
KillgoreTrout : bito, I once again want to thank you for commenting on Kent State today. Someone has to keep the memory alive.
SallyT : That is great Bito!
choicelady : Sally – I used to know one of the survivors who’d been shot. I never forget that, ever. Scary times then. Scary times now. ‘Night all!
AdLib : Very cool, Bito. I see him on our Twitter often, great stuff!
KillgoreTrout : Golden slumbers CL.
Chernynkaya : He’s a follower of mine to, bito–great guy!
choicelady : Oh bito – that’s just GREAT! I’m toddling off to dreamland, but I’m so glad to see you back to say “hi-bye”!
SallyT : CL, good night and remember, Kent State was a peaceful movement, too. You are right in all your worries.
Chernynkaya : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that CL. Feel better and lie down. Sleep well.
bito : sorry for the interruption but here is a tweet we can all be proud of Rich Baska @BlueTrooth Here’s a really cool website to check out…good liberal community there too «link» #p2 #tlot @PlanetPOV The link is to PPOV, I thought it nice. (he has 2000 followers) Now pat yourselves on the back.
AdLib : Night CL, rest that back and have a wonderful weekend!
choicelady : Ok everyone – the back is giving twinges and telling me it’s been too long at the computer. Not for this evening, but after a full day at work, too. So I bid you all a great evening and weekend, and wish you a sound rest. See you soon on the Planet. Good night!
KillgoreTrout : They don’t Ad, because they always blame others for their problems.
Chernynkaya : CL, he’s alienated Latinos, blacks, gays, women and SHOULD have alienated all workers. But he doesn’t seem to care, or try to pivot. I think he maybe can’t–the Right won’t let him–GOOD!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I wonder if some of them don’t even have any political affiliation, and just want to work for the highest bidder.
choicelady : AdLib – wow. “May the circle, be unbroken…” As the ends come together, what is going to happen and who’s going to be the Last Man Standing?
AdLib : KT – I really wish that such POSs would just shoot themselves first.
AdLib : CL – Corruption happens, right? And a Leftie movement about challenging authority is a prime target for authority hating RWs.
KillgoreTrout : cher, remember the etch-a-sketch.
Chernynkaya : I hope he rots in hell too!
choicelady : All – as this nation moves toward being a “majority minority” nation (hence the uptick in white supremacy) how can someone like Romney have NO people of color present anywhere in his campaign staff or audiences? I know we’re still majority white as a nation, but does he REALLY think communities of color don’t vote? However much he wishes they wouldn’t?
Chernynkaya : I’ve yet to see him pivot to the center. It seems to me as if he thinks the RW is more important to win the election than Indies.
KillgoreTrout : I watched a video with JT Ready in it, and the guy just looked like some sort of whacked out para military racist. Not to mention the things he was saying. The world is a better place without him. Too bad he took so many others with him, especially a small child. I hope he rots in hell.
choicelady : Cher – Mormons in general have come a very long way in confronting their institutional racism. Romney does not seem to me to have made that journey.
AdLib : Cher – Yep, In order to appeal to the RW, Romney had to surround himself with the RW operatives…whi ch not coincidentally are racist.
choicelady : AdLib – yup. But how bizarre that what was once an expression of idealistic liberation from corporatism has become so much a hyper individualism that reflects the right wing ideal of self gratification at the expense of absolutely everyone else. Yikes.
Chernynkaya : Right, AdLib, he would.
AdLib : Cher – I agree but if it became a problem, Romney would just cut Kobach loose like he was gay.
Chernynkaya : However, when you think about it, Romney has a lot of racist endorsers.
AdLib : CL – Anarchy isn’t what it used to be. Like everything else, it’s been simplified and narrowed into just being against everyone and everything, just a vehicle for saying, “I’m mad at the way life is!” The grown up tantrum.
KillgoreTrout : cher, it makes one really wonder just what sort of “advice,” this guy is giving Romney.
Chernynkaya : But of course, that’s just me.
choicelady : Khirad – where are you working this very late hour? Hi and bye to you, too!
Chernynkaya : Well, the connection I’M making is Kris Kobach, Romney’s adviser. He and Pierce enacted SB 170 together. And Kobach was part of SPLC anti-immigrant hate group, The Tanton grp. So I’m calling it a Romney connection.
KillgoreTrout : It can’t be true anarchism if an established organization if funding it.
choicelady : Cher – NO! I did NOT see that! That’s mind blowing!
AdLib : Cher – I don’t think it has legs for Romney but for Pearce and the GOP in AZ, I think it will continue to be damaging.
choicelady : ADLib – I have a certain intellectual interest in social anarchism, meaning local control, community driven change. But one can’t even TALK about it anymore because of these idiots. Anarchy is not the same, and it has become not even linked with Bakunin et al. but with “I HATE EVERYONE” and sheer gut level violence. The issues of autonomy and local self direction are just GONE. And I know they don’t care because fundamentally this type of anarchism is the absolute expression of – surprise – RW utterly self centered narcissism and nihilism. It’s not even political. It’s just egomania write large. And that’s as perniciously RW as it gets. That’s why the Paulists and the anarchists fit so well together. There’s gonna have to be some criticism/self-c riticism by the larger group to weed that hyper individualism OUT.
KillgoreTrout : cher, there’s a tie with Romney? Holy crap, that could be very damaging for Romney. I hope it gets lot’s of press.
AdLib : Take care Khirad!
Chernynkaya : Hi and bye, Khirad!
Chernynkaya : AL, think it has legs?
AdLib : Hey Khirad! Great to see you on Vox!
AdLib : Cher – I saw part of it, Romney is on record praising the AZ “approach” that this murderer and his sponsor into Mormonism, Pearce, perpetrated. And it was amusing to see Pearce claim he didn’t know the killer.
Khirad : Didn’t know about the Mittens connection, but yes when I saw the name JT Ready I knew who that was and his friends in Arizona. In any case, hi and bye, off to work for me.
KillgoreTrout : Take care Murph.
Chernynkaya : Sally, I think it’s potentially dynamite.
KillgoreTrout : Great point CL. They sure do have the latest military hardware
SallyT : I did, Cher.
Chernynkaya : Did anyone catch the Maddow show where she almost connected the dots between Kris Kobach, Russell Pierce, that neo Nazi murderer JT Ready and ultimately, Romney. Anyway, I just did.
SallyT : CL, and the media will only jump on the negative ones not the peaceful ones.
AdLib : CL – It’s like catching a parasite, there’s no way to remove these anarchists from the host body.
choicelady : Murph – good night and sweet dreams! GREAT talking with you!
choicelady : Cher – a very good friend has been active in OWS-Oakland and just HATES the anarchists who’ve infiltrated. Again – be interesting to know who they REALLY are because they have NO responsiveness to the community at all. It’s made Oakland a very difficult place to be for OWS people who want to be non-violent.
AdLib : Night Murph, have a great weekend!
Chernynkaya : Take care Murph!
Chernynkaya : Wow, CL, you just said a mouthful–so true.
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL…time for me to roll up the rug and head off. I look forward to seeing Cher’s ALEC article. Best to all.
AdLib : CL – I remember your telling me about that, very enlightening and instructive, indeed. Any gathering that has any impact should take for granted that they will be infiltrated by police or the opposition and NEVER allow anyone to hijack the group with “great” ideas.
choicelady : KT – I think the “federalization ” of local PDs after 9/11 has done terrible things to local police. Not all of them, but too many see themselves as paramilitary and quasi feds. Bush has a CIA – CI fucking A – agent IN the NYPD until Obama learned about it and had him yanked. So I don’t worry overmuch about the actual feds. I worry a LOT about how the “homeland defense” mind set has destroyed local control and local police relationships with their own citizens.
SallyT : And, some of the nutty ones in the OWS are those for Ron Paul, don’t forget.
Chernynkaya : CL–great story! And KT–I do suspect infiltrators to a degree. But watching Oakland in May day, it was anarchy. and I think the kids wanted it that way.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…very interesting re. the RW plants.
KillgoreTrout : That should read COINTELPRO.
choicelady : AdLib – during the “Spring of Life” in ’92, the Operation Rescue siege of Buffalo women’s clinics, a group billing itself as NWROC, the Nat’l Women’s Rights Organizing Committee, came and refused to be non-violent. Long story short – they were remarkably affluent, and we pegged them immediately as RW infiltrators. They had a group of kids, marginal folks all, and WE brought them over to our side because we fed them, made them laugh, and took care of them when one time they got maced by the RW. By the end of the three weeks, they were all on our side. Turns out we were right – they WERE provocateurs, and an OR kid fessed up he was an inside plant. Some of the older women were, I suspect, cops or fed infiltrators. Never trust the extremists shoving you to be extreme. NEVER trust them!
KillgoreTrout : cher, sorry to hear that.
SallyT : Exactly AdLib!
AdLib : KT – The New Black Panthers is a group of less than a dozen nutjobs, it’s not a real group, it’s a total fraud by media hungry idiots.
Chernynkaya : Sally, it sure is, if indirectly.
KillgoreTrout : Well, I certainly remember the joint FBI and CIa program called COINPROINTEL. But now I don’t think it’s a government program, but more of one orchestrated by rich Wall St. traders.
Chernynkaya : KT, the new BP’s are a different animal, pardon the pun. They are assholes, and have tried to intimidate voters at a couple of polls.
SallyT : Making them have to pay for any of this extra stuff is a poll tax no matter how you look at it.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…yes, I had bad info. Apparently there was legislation to cover the cost and it failed in our GOP controlled legislature…so the cost is $11.
Chernynkaya : $11 for ID may not be too much IF it matters. But voting matters to so few as it is, any sacrifice, however small, seems not worth it. Seriously, to far too many, politics is off their radar.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s a great analogy about the rocket.
KillgoreTrout : cher, I don’t know much about the “new,” Panthers, but the group in the 60s did a lot of good in their communities, with food pantries and much needed medical service. They started carrying guns, when their numbers were being killed by the white police departments.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…OWS has been infiltrated but mostly from the nutty anarchic Left….the Right saved the money on this one.
choicelady : Murph – somewhere along the line ID costs money. The BC for sure, and then whatever the state may or may not charge for PHOTO ID. That is an essential component the RW says. At any rate – if we know people who don’t have it, we need to help them GET it. Even if we have to PAY for it.
AdLib : KT – It’s not even a question, the RW has openly discussed how it has been infiltrating OWS. It’s a done deal.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T…no I was wrong re. the nondriver ID cards. $11. I got bad info. $11 may not seem like much but for some….
SallyT : KT, that is what they are saying here in Portland. That these are people sent in to make them look bad.
choicelady : Cher – I bookmarked your link, thank you. AdLib – I agree that he deserves no pity because he did incredible harm. I’m just shocked! And anyone who lives on an acre and a half is NOT homeless. Too damned bad. He brought it on himself. He was a major influence on me with Ramparts – his photos of children napalmed were horrific. His expose of the mysteries surrounding JFK’s assassination were important revelations. So he’s telling us what – he LIED about all that then? If it was all true – why is it not true NOW. That’s the idiocy of all this. You were either lying then (he wasn’t) or you’re lying NOW (he is.) Can’t have it both ways. Mittens – take note?
AdLib : What makes OWS the magnet it is for young people, the openness and the lack of authority figures, is indeed its weakness as well. It’s like having a two stage rocket where the first stage is amazing and gets the rocket off the ground but the second stage is too weak to push it into orbit.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I truly think OWS has been infiltrated, to an extent, by paid provacatuers. People paid to be trouble makers in order to make OWS look bad in the press. I know that last year, OWS was denouncing violent protest. I don’t see their minds changing in the duration of a winter.
SallyT : Murph, you probably are right on a State ID. I was talking about a copy of your birth certificate.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- As I understand it, if you walk into a licensing office, it is free. Let me check on this.
Chernynkaya : Murph, I sadly have to agree with you an Occupy. I wanted to go to the march in L.A. and saw who else would be marching. Saw The New Black Panthers and stayed home.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…yes. When you compare Horowitz or Breitbart to those with lives made worse by them…I am with you.
Chernynkaya : I bet he’s writing a manifesto in teeny tiny meticulous hand on the walls now.
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL- a little update on the OCCUPY MOVEMENT….did you all enjoy the Mayday General Strike this week? Ok in some places, ridiculous in many others. The group that had so much promise has failed to coalesce. I and my group of Veteran Activists were asked to lend some expertise….lik e last time…given and then ignored entirely. How many times will these folks bite the hands that reach out to them. Obama and the Dems were smart to keep their distance.
Chernynkaya : CL, quoting Horowitz: ““I’ve been ghettoized,” he said. “My wings have been clipped.” Just a decade ago, a National Review editor labeled Horowitz “the Most Valuable Player of the Right.” Now, sequestered on an acre and a half of land with his wife and six dogs—five of them Chihuahuas—the 73-year-old ex-Communist firebrand juggles writing projects while keeping his distance from all manner of political distraction. “I don’t read any magazines. I hardly even read FrontPage,” he told me, though he is listed on the online right-wing journal’s masthead as editor-in-chief. “I don’t read the L.A. Times or the New York Times. I despise the Times.” «link»
KillgoreTrout : cher, especially when it comes to human rights and civil restrictions of those rights.
SallyT : A copy of your BC isn’t free in MO, Murph. I had to pay like $20 to get a copy and have it sent to me in OR to get my SS.
AdLib : Murph – I don’t wish bad things upon anyone (though it wouldn’t break my heart for Scalia and Thomas to be abducted by UFOs) but I also don’t feel sorry for the plights of those who have made the lives of others very hard. In that sense, I don’t care about the situations Horowitz or Breitbart found themselves in, I care about the innocent people they’ve harmed.
SallyT : You don’t have to be born in the US to vote, so you can have a foreign BC. You do have to be a US Citizen to vote, tho.
choicelady : Cher! I just caught up with the Horowitz story! Are you SERIOUS??? He’s the one who sent students into classrooms to ferret out “liberal bias”. I told my friends who are also 60s people teaching history etc. to keep his books to hand and USE them in their classes – is he supposed to say HE lied when he wrote “The Rockefellers” etc.? I can’t believe he’s down and out – he was the RW darling!!! What happened?
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher…will read the article…thanks
Chernynkaya : KT, me neither.
KillgoreTrout : I think that if someone doesn’t have a birth certificate, then there should be people who can forge such a document successfully. I don’t consider it a crime to overcome an injust law.
Chernynkaya : CL–to say nothing of the sometimes insurmountable obstacle of having to get to the Hall of Records.
AdLib : Murph – It can be disconcerting when you’re drowned in $13 million in Koch Bros. propaganda and you see Walker still competitive in polls…but patience is everything. After the recall elections last year, it seems clear that there is powerful motivation by indies and Dems in WI to throw Walker out and only hard core Repubs behind Walker. It sure seems to me that anti-Walker voters will be far more motivated to get to the light at the end of the tunnel and the polls so far seem well positioned for that to happen.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T….here in Mo. they are free BUT many who need them will not realize it until it is too late…the lowest info voters are the poorest voters…AND you are required to prove that you were born in the U.S. (birth certificate or passport) AND are a resident here (voting registration card plus utilities bill). These can be hard to come by for the poor.
choicelady : Sally – if you need a birth certificate, it’s about $10 then another $10 for an ID card, maybe more. For those living hand to mouth, it’s a LOT, but it’s not too much for us to help one person get registered.
Chernynkaya : Murph this is all I know about Horowitz: «link»
KillgoreTrout : Sally, on average, about 8 bucks. Not much more than a Starbucks latte. The trouble is usually a lack of a valid birth certificate.
choicelady : KT – you live in civilization. You have need of a bank account. You fly. The disenfrancised do none of that. Think of all the people who are paid only cash, live on small holds with their own food and trade in cash, who never GO anywhere save on foot or by vehicles bought for cash (beaters) – a lot of folks live in a cash economy and have NO need for ID. It’s shocking to us, but it’s a way of life for many, many people.
SallyT : How much does a state issued ID cost?
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher- Horowitz homeless….how? Did not care for him on the Left or Right but do not wish that on anyone.
Chernynkaya : Me neither, AL–fuck em.
Chernynkaya : Al, I agree with that about Walker. He’s toast, especially now that that woman–forget her name–is no longer in Waukesha Cty.
KillgoreTrout : cher, I wouldn’t wish homelessness on anybody, but it does sound like a fitting end in this case.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…read you on Wi. and believe you are correct, still I will worry (and some of the organizers up there are worried too because the wind seems to have gone from their sales). I think the primary turnout will say a lot about this.
AdLib : Cher – I don’t feel sorry for Horowitz any more than I did for Breitbart. Couldn’t happen to a worse person.
Chernynkaya : Bingo, Sally. The Politics of Projection.
AdLib : Murph – There are low info voters everywhere, many of whom always vote the GOP because that party is crafted for the low info people. When it comes to GOTV in WI, remember, they got 1 million signatures to have the recall, the momentum is with those recalling Walker and once he’s head to head with Barrett, indies will see the contrast and I think they’ll want change from the disaster that Walker has been. I mean, even voting in a recall makes it clear that something’s wrong with Walker as Gov, it’s never happened before in their lifetime.
SallyT : Cher, I think the Right does a lot of that fraud just so they can say, “See there is fraud” even tho they are the ones.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I do need to have a state issued ID. Without it, I can’t open a bank account and wouldn’t be able to cash checks. I wouldn’t even be able to get a flight without one. It IS possible to get along without one, but it’s a real hassel.
Chernynkaya : Sorry for all the typos in that last comment.
Chernynkaya : AL, you are right–ti’s not a real threat. But look who’s taking fraud! Those are exactly the kinds of registration frauds the Right complains about.
Chernynkaya : I did. I wished the Right was dead. Not quite the same–and evil schadenfreude by me–but anyone remember David Horowitz? he was a 60’s radical Lefty who became a rabid Rightie. anyway, he;s now homeless.
KillgoreTrout : I can understand that. I’ve had my wallet stolen before, and if it wasn’t for my birth certificate, I would never have been issued a license or state ID. I really hope there arn’t too many people in such a situation. I know that Veteran’s ID is not accepted, and that pisses me off. It’s a federally issued picture ID.
AdLib : Cher – That kind of voter fraud is often more about the workers making out fraudulent registrations so they can get paid more without doing the work. Registrations like those couldn’t be used to vote, phony addresses and names, they’d never get ballots mailed to them or have precincts to vote.
choicelady : Done! Hope you did, too!
Chernynkaya : Sally, there you go–just what I mean.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL I agree re. sourcewatch. I got an e mail from a very trust ALEC critique and she confirmed the sourcewatch list and says more is coming. Much more.
Chernynkaya : CL-JINX! make a wish!
SallyT : Cher, that 93 year old lady said she didn’t have a birth certificate.
Chernynkaya : CL–yes, voter fraud. Where’s the media on that?
choicelady : KT – you live in rural America, you do NOT need ID. YOu live in an inner city, you might not either if you’re not on social services. But the real dislocation is predominantly rural, poor, Black or Latino. They don’t really need them. Everyone knows everyone else. NOW all of a sudden, they need to prove who they are. And with birth certificates they often never had since it was a home birth (though why that’s true eludes me.) My father had no birth certificate – born at home – but was a Lt. in the Coast Guard during WW II. Now how’d he pull that off AND got a passport AND all his other benefits. Beats me.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…again hope you are correct. Barret is a fine mayor (in a very difficult city) and would be an extraordinary governor. It is the power of money that has me as pessimistic as I am. I live in a very low info world in Mo. and know how stupid folks can be. A new window sticker showing up around here reads: “I’ll keep my freedom, my money and my guns…you keep your change.”
Chernynkaya : KT, I’m thinking about all the folks in the South–poor whites and minorities– who probably don’t even have a birth certificate. People like me have little idea how those people live.
AdLib : Murph – Sourcewatch is a legit site. As long as their info didn’t come from ThinkProgress, that’s two independent sources and I’d say it’s solid for Cher to run with.
Chernynkaya : No prob, Murph. I realized you were gone for a bit.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL and Cher…thanks missed that link…this one knocked my socks off.
choicelady : Cher – so what you’re saying is that the GOP is committing voter fraud. Hmmm. Interesting. We can build on this.
Chernynkaya : Murph, while you were away I linked to that, thanks!
KillgoreTrout : CL, that’s really what needs to be done. People should have at least a state ID card. I honestly don’t see how they function without that or a driver’s license. It’s almost a necessity of daily life.
AdLib : Murph – It is part of the dynamics of elections that the winner of a primary increases their lead in polls once a primary is decided. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is well ahead of Kathleen Falk and is already in a statistical tie with Walker. I would bet very comfortably on his taking the lead for good once he wins the primary.
Chernynkaya : No need, CL–I’d just forget to check my email!
choicelady : Murph – that’s the one I linked everyone to before you got on. It’s amazing. Scary but amazing.
Chernynkaya : CL–absolutely! See this? “GOP Voter Registration Firm Turns in Thousands of ‘Invalid’ Registration Forms in California” «link»
choicelady : Cher – should I send you an email to remind yourself to remind me? Ohhhhhhhh….uhh hhh.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher and AL…just got this from SourceWatch…a much larger list…much larger «link»
choicelady : On voter supression – I am tweeting and writing everywhere that we have to find seniors and students in those states, drive them to get their ID and PAY for it if need be. If everyone adopted ONE person and did this, they could not stop it. Then drive them to the polls or get absentee ballots for them. We CAN do this.
KillgoreTrout : cher, exactly, I’d forgotten about them. The GOP’s panic is very evident to anybody who pays attention.
Chernynkaya : CL–I just had to write myself a note to remind myself to remind you!
Chernynkaya : CL–awesome! Thanks.
Chernynkaya : KT–and also seniors who are impacted by voter ID laws and changes in early voting. And students.
AdLib : Cher and Murph – Always good journalism to confirm through two independent and reliable sources. ThinkProgress has proven very reliable in the past, I am inclined to believe their report but if we could find another independent confirmation, that would clinch it IMO.
choicelady : Cher – that’s “both AdLib and I know HER…” I need a keeper.
Chernynkaya : Sure, I’d appreciate that, Murph.
choicelady : Cher – I’ll connect you next week with Common Cause in CA. You can ask the ED of CA directly if she has a list. Both AdLib and I know here, and I’ll smooth the way for you. Just send me an email will you to remind me? Mind’s like a steel sieve, and memory like water. Sigh.
KillgoreTrout : cher, the numerous voter suppression attempts ARE quite telling of how desperate the gOP really is. They know they have alienated the majority of minorities.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher…if I get anything really solid, I am willing to pass it on to you via AdLib…ok
Chernynkaya : Murph, I will be sure to verify before I write anything.
AdLib : Sally – All elections have different dynamics. Even the Repubs won’t use the name of Bush now, the public doesn’t want a moron again, even if that’s the ideal Repub President to Nordquist.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I think Congress will remain broken until they get rid of that stupid 60 vote rule. That is NOT democracy as it was intended.
Chernynkaya : The Repubs know that the public hates them and their policies–that’ s self-evident to me. If they really believed voters liked them and approved of their policies, they wouldn’t need to lie and suppress the vote.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher…I have gotten my first responses from my e mail alert re. ALEC….the list seems to have holes (those on it who cannot be verified as members and those not on it who are verified – some of whom have publicly resigned). So…as with all lists like this….all might not be as it seems.
choicelady : Murph – AdLib has his finger on the pulse more than I. I can handle only CA NON-partisan issues these days, so I don’t pay the kind of attention he does. I do worry, but I’m also heartened by what AdLib knows and tracks.
SallyT : I think the Dems should spend a lot on telling how many things the Repugs kept from getting passed that kept things from getting even better than they have.
choicelady : Cher – I read smaller city papers online, the Youngstown Vindicator, etc., and I find a fairly good range of info that we don’t get on TV and in major papers. Good LTEs, etc. The Vindy sucks editorially, but the news is good, the Opinion pages and e-letters are diverse (I add my own bit now and then) and I think we’ve overlooked how much those papers actually carry. Can’t tell about TV since I can’t see it, but anyone can write in these smaller papers. Omaha World Herald, DesMoines Register, and on and on. WE can have our voices all over the map – and that’s what a lot of people pay attention to. Liberals have started engaging more with the Sacramento Bee because it was left to the ultra right, and I get my licks in regularly – and find more and more people agreeing with me! It’s also good fun to use those e-letters as educational tools.
AdLib : Cher – The low info voters watch the debates and not too much else. I think the debates will bury Romney. Not because he won’t be prepared but because all he has is lies that Obama will be able to expose in real time, in front of millions of voters.
SallyT : KT, that was it, a broken Congress.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…hope your take on WI is more cherry than CL’s
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I can see that. They made the 2010 midterms all about Obama, when it was really about a broken Congress.
SallyT : AdLib, like KT said, they got W…..
AdLib : CL – When the Dem primary is over in WI, I think we’ll see the candidate (forget his name) get support sweeping bigger and stronger behind him.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…Wi. insights….that is why I am worried.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…Norquist was far more insulting than that..he said all they need is a candidate with two digits to hold a pen…the Congress will sent the legislation for him to sign. Gross and Arrogant.
AdLib : Sally – Yes and that was a devastating thing for him to say, I love it. However, having a mindless robot as Pres to sign RW bills is only the fantasy of the far right. Indies want a human being as President and Romney is unqualified.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, that would not surprise me in the least. The GOP really doesn’t want a smart, principled man in the white house. They want a slightly dull witted puppet so they can control his strings. Just like W.
Chernynkaya : AL re; Low infos. How will they know Mitt is lying when the media don’t tell them? Thanks god for Steve Benen at Maddow blog and Greg Sargent at WaPo–bloggers! Few read them, but Benen writes every Friday of Mitt’s lies of the week. this week there were 18 LIES, but who knows about them?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- trying to organize those unhappy stay at home Dems now and I am amazed how many do not understand that legislative action is what is at fault now….thus, they still blame Obama.
choicelady : Murph – the big problem in WI is what we ALWAYS do – there are TWO Dems competing, and no one will pull out. It’s made focused work on the recall fall off. It’s not low information voters, it’s US. Unions want their person, and the leader is someone they COULD work with but who is not immediately their BFF. They need to get it together, get focused on the RECALL and grow up. No unicorns to be had here, only getting rid of Walker. I have to say I am on the pragmatic side of go with the leader and focus on the RECALL, not the next one who IS a million times better than Walker. Don’t BLOW IT.
SallyT : But, AdLib, didn’t Norquist or how ever you spell his name say that all they need is someone that can sign their name to be President because they (his Repugs) will be calling the shots?
AdLib : Murph – The polling in WI shows Walker sinking in the polls. And once the Dem candidate wins his primary, his numbers will rise. I think Walker is cooked, he’s tied in the polls now to someone who isn’t even head to head with him yet, that’s a great sign…after Walker spent $13 million in Koch and other billionaire money in WI.
KillgoreTrout : I am hoping those dems who stayed home in 2010 have realized their colossal mistake by now.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL- the explanation was the result of an hour cobbling together a set of ideas I have played with for a long time. Will the “independents” focus on the issue of Mitt, the plastic man, sufficiently to reject him? I do not know.
Chernynkaya : CL, I agree with this guy. when you get a chance to read: How the President Can Reconcile Anger With Hopefulness «link»
KillgoreTrout : Sally, supposedly the Russians have a piece of Hitler’s skull, locked up in some sort of forensic archive.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…polling in Wi for the recall is neck and neck and in Wi. the recalls for the Senate seats fell one seat short. I am worried there are too many who vote without thinking.
choicelady : Sally – CRACK UP!!! That’s so disgusting it’s hilarious! Yes, indeed – Hitler – the Tan Man. Yikes – he’d make racists flinch!
AdLib : Murph – Excellent explanation! I would still propose though that the monkey wrench here is establishing Romney as a liar and a phony. No matter how people may be soured on Obama, they still won’t see Romney as fit for the Presidency. Maybe it reduces turnout but not enough.
KillgoreTrout : cher, LOL! good point. I think they probably didn’t have too many wits to begin with.
choicelady : Murph – Rove and Kochs and Citizens United were ALL defeated in WI and OH. To date that huge amount of cash has generated not a single win. Zip, zilch, nada.
SallyT : CL, Hitler’s body was burned. He would look like that Tanning Bed Mom.
AdLib : Cher – But even low info voters will see Romney as a liar in debates. I don’t see how he becomes an alternative for even them if he’s seen as a fraud.
Chernynkaya : KT because after the financial collapse people got even stupider–always happens when people get scared out of their wits–hence, that expression.
KillgoreTrout : Cl, I agree. It’s just scary to contemplate such crazies.
choicelady : Cher – yes, govs have to balance budgets but DO have better choices. And Obama needs to drive home the job loss of ordinary public workers – firefighters, police, nurses, teachers – because those ordinary people can relate to BIG time.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…hope you are correct but Rove never believed McCain could win…he was sacrificed to a change wave that everyone saw coming…and that was pre-Citizens United and the mega million and billionaires who have set to buy the WH, the Senate and the House (along with State Govs.)
AdLib : CL – It’s not surprising that the racists and Baggers that make up the core of the GOP are grasping for anything except reality because the facts aren’t on their side. I agree that indies just aren’t going to be moved by such obvious BS.
KillgoreTrout : When Romney lost to bush in 08, how can anybody think he is worthy now?
choicelady : KT – there are always nut jobs, wingnuts, and goobers. Thank heaven they are very few in number. Some think Hitler should be unburied and brought back (forgetting no one knows WHERE he was buried if at all). Can’t deal with that. It’s totally fringe. Don’t worry about it.
Chernynkaya : CL, the repub governors and yes, even Dems, have repressed economic recovery by firing so many public workers. But governors have little choice in some cases if they by law have to balance their budgets, no? But too many used the financial collapse as an excuse to wholesale slaughter public sector. The fact remains that slashing jobs in a recession is murder to the recovery.
choicelady : Murph – I really agree but know that Obama’s ads are designed to be very effective, too, and aimed at the indies of low awareness. I think the Rove Machine has once again met its match in Obama’s messaging capabilities. They ran over Rove on McCain time and time again.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, there are people out there that think Nugent would be a good president. Really! How scary is that?
SallyT : AdLib, they just want to make sure their dummies know that Obama is worst than Romney, even if he is a liar.
choicelady : Cher – I sure hope Obama DOES say that! The governors including OURS in CA have a lot to answer for. Brown’s no help here either. I blame MRS. Brown who is very business friendly and seems to call the shots for the guv.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…Money drives the following….The Propaganda of Validation provides those who lean in a certain direction for reasons that are generally regarded as unacceptable (at least in public) to embrace other reasons that are acceptable. For example, if you dislike Barack Obama for reasons that are innate to the man (such as his race), it is easy to explain yourself publicly if someone presents you with other reasons to disdain him: he wasn’t born here; he is a marxist; he is an atheist; he is……fill in the blank. Such propaganda serves to support your world view and your belief system in an acceptable form. It validates your view. And then there is the Propaganda of Persuasion…the subtle, water dripping, doubt planting, fact confusing, discussion diverting form of propaganda that focuses on those on the margins of political discourse. These people are often referred to as “independents,” but many are actually better described as “disengaged but still likely to vote.” They are moved by hard-hitting ads, with easy to swallow talking points delivered in a tsunami. That is where the big money comes in…burying the independent in ads.
AdLib : Sally – But no matter how much you diss Obama, when you turn away and look at Romney, if you see a liar and fraud, how do you choose him over the incumbant President who is at least honest?
Chernynkaya : AL, I do think that for some very low-info voters it’ll work. It will be about the economy. It’s easier to just say, “where are the jobs, Obama?” than for Obama to say, “Glad you asked! You guys fired over 600,000 public employees and now blame me??”
choicelady : AdLib – NO – I think all the swiftboating ads and RMoney ads will change very little. People really do know who Obama is. Heard one guy on NPR’s business program that always sucks saying that nothing good is happening anywhere, but someone point out to him that it’s not true. The folks in Steubenville were interviewed as putting all their focus on Obama’s race because unlike the rest of Ohio, nothing much is going on there for them. And their racism is trumping knowing others are improving. So some will believe the carp/crap but most will NOT.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, there’s not that much money in the world. Mitt never learns. It’s always one lie after the next with him. I really think he doesn’t have much comprehension od reality. Seriously.
SallyT : I think the Super Pac money won’t be spent on selling Romney just in putting Obama down and out.
Chernynkaya : That’s just like AB and bito-to deny the obvious!
AdLib : Is the cake pretty well baked for Romney? How can anyone listen to anything he says and believe it?
choicelady : Cher – yeah, carp/crap – she left along with bito. She CLAIMS they’re running off together. We’ll see…
AdLib : Does anyone here think that any amount of SuperPAC or Romney money can change people’s view of him as a liar and fraud?
Chernynkaya : Carp/crap–AB too?!
KillgoreTrout : Have a Funkadelic weekend!
choicelady : funk – good night and good luck. You’re both in our hearts!
Chernynkaya : HAHAHAH Crap and carp!
AdLib : Sorry Funk, take care and have a great weekend!
choicelady : AdLib – I don’t think he’d overload. It’s a way of life with him. What would do him in is having to stand still and TELL THE TRUTH about what he believes. IF he believes ANYTHING.
Chernynkaya : Carp. I missed funk too.
choicelady : AB – sweet dreams indeed, and please tell bito to come home? We just got started.
KillgoreTrout : I’d like to see a debate between Romney and Romney 4 years ago!
funksands : Sheesh, sorry to post and run, but my son is not cooperating.
Chernynkaya : Crap. I missed bito.
AdLib : CL – Or maybe he’d just overload and explode?
choicelady : AB – are you LEAVING? And without the cookie recipe? Maybe it’s for the best?
AlphaBitch : Me and Bits are running off together. Take care team.
choicelady : ADLib – a three-way would test Mitt/Willard/Rom ney – he’s so stiff he moves all of a piece, and he’d start looking like a Kewpie doll in a shooting gallery. Well, now I think on it, it’s not much different from what he already looks like.
AdLib : Night AB!
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams AB.
AdLib : Come back Bito!!!
AdLib : AB – I will get you a great photo of Mitt…you could always use the one I made with him having a Pinocchio nose…
bito : I may be back my computer is doing it’s thing-+-crashing ! Hello all
choicelady : KT – it’s a GOOD slogan though!
choicelady : KT – fine for everywhere anyone knows what mittens are. Won’t play beneath the Mason Dixon line.
AlphaBitch : KT: Whew. I was losing faith.
AlphaBitch : So it’s getting late and you all know what a wuss I am for late nights. To recap: Cher will do an expose on the media and ALEC, AL will find me a “good” photo of Mittens, and I’ll order up some bumper stickers.
AdLib : Bito – Or how about a three person debate between Willard, Mitt and Romney?
KillgoreTrout : I screwed up my bumper sticker. Obama 2012 When the Mittens just don’t fit.
choicelady : Hi bito, sweetheart – how ARE you? Willard debating Mitt? He could pull it off. Trust me on this.
AdLib : Hey Bito!!!
bito : A story to frighten even the brave: Close your eyes and imagine Willard debating Mitt.
KillgoreTrout : How about Obama 2012
funksands : Here is Alec’s latest white paper: 81 pages of how the EPA is destroying America «link»
KillgoreTrout : How about Obama 2012
choicelady : Cher leads the most interesting life. Now her neighbor’s dog is in her house. Never a dull moment.
AlphaBitch : CL: See what happened to Cher? Cookies and dogs.
choicelady : AB (whistling) WHAT cookie?
Chernynkaya : Wow, the neighbor’s dog just came in thru the door–BRB.
AlphaBitch : AL: It would be my pleasure to send you a bunch to distribute as you see fit. Let’s get a “good” photo of Mittens.
AlphaBitch : CL: Was that the cookie that Funk brought?
AdLib : AB – Sure, and members could help pay for them by buying them to share.
funksands : Wait. Is that a felony?
choicelady : AB – someone mentions food, and here’s Newt.
Chernynkaya : This list is from the site ALEC EXposed «link»
AlphaBitch : Why Betsy, do tell!
funksands : I’m just sitting her stitching up this old American flag I found.
choicelady : funk – there you go. Goooood boy.
SallyT : I meant to say, “Mitt is backing up again.”
AlphaBitch : Newt: GET OFF this site!
SallyT : AdLib, I think a good bumper sticker for Mitt would be, “If you here this car beeping, Mitt has backed up again.”
funksands : What cookies?
choicelady : funk – we won’t ask about the cookies. This is crawled by Google and who KNOWS who’s watching?
AlphaBitch : So should I have them made up and distributed throughout the Planet?
KillgoreTrout : CL, that does make sense. It took quite a while for money to permeate almost everything in our culture. It’s logical to think that pendulum is starting to swing back to the side of sanity.
AdLib : I’m with AB! I like Cher’s as well.
funksands : I good.
choicelady : AB – oh, that’s great, too!
funksands : Greetings CL
funksands : Hi Ad!
AlphaBitch : I vote for Cher’s as bumper sticker of the night.
choicelady : Hey funk! How are you???
choicelady : Cher – I LOVE THAT – “Lying Sak of Mitt”!!!
AdLib : What up Funk?!
funksands : Hi KT, just enjoying some yummy “cookies”
AdLib : “BullMitt”.
AlphaBitch : Eat Mitt and die?
choicelady : KT – that “spirit of capitalism” has infused everything. Even universities! Profs with Fullbrights are still expected to “bring in the money”!!! Knowledge has become second class to money. But everything is changing – and for the better I think. We are seeing that idea being confronted everywhere. It just takes TIME.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Funk?
SallyT : Hi, KT! Oh, and the Funk has arrived!
funksands : AB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
AdLib : Sally –
AlphaBitch : Cher – too good!
AlphaBitch : FUNK!
Chernynkaya : I like “Lying Sack of Mitt.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher…the list is from March and July 2011…no coca cola….I wonder if the list is accurate, complete, real? I do not know but the lack of internet action is odd.
KillgoreTrout : Is Sally in da house?
AlphaBitch : Unmittigated gall is what that is, AL.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, that’s pretty good. Much better than Don’t Renig in 2012.
SallyT : AdLib, Mitt’s would be a golden gate.
funksands : Hi everyone!
Chernynkaya : Agreed KT.
Chernynkaya : Murph I don’t know about suppression–you could be right! But the list is not that old–maybe a week?–and it may take time for blogs to research. Also, in the past month 13 companies quit ALEC, so it’s shifting. Color Of Change did an amazing job calling out ALEC companies–they got CocaCola and others to quit.
AdLib : Or if there’s a scandal connected to Mitt…would they call it “Mittigate”?
KillgoreTrout : Great point CL. Maybe there is a bit of hope. It just worries me that big corps are making huge profits in the “news,” business. Thirty years ago, news departments really weren’t expected to make big profits. It was the spirit of reporting that was favored over profits.
AdLib : Bumper sticker: “Mitigate Romney”
AlphaBitch : KT – and thanks God they are only 20%. And from the looks of the Tea Party Pubs, they won’t last that long. I smell diabetes and other serious diseases.
SallyT : AB and CL hope you two have kept them hopping on here tonight.
KillgoreTrout : cher, I think the people who really suffer from Obama Derangment Syndrome are the same 20% that supported bush, no matter what. In other words, the morons who believe whatever FOX news and Rush Limbaugh tell the. The RW talking points machines.
SallyT : Cher, don’t hold back on my account!
choicelady : Hy Sally! Good to see you!
AdLib : Hey Sally!
Chernynkaya : Sally, we were just about to when you came in–HI!
AlphaBitch : Hi Sally. Only 3.
choicelady : KT – remember we’ve been through the downswing of journalism before. NOTHING was as awful as Hearst in the Spanish American War. Yellow dog journalism ruled, and yet we moved away and got such amazing reporting between the wars and through the 1970s. We can do it again.
AlphaBitch : And my other shirt would say “Mitt Romney. Brought to you by Karl Rove, Bush’s Brain”
SallyT : Good Evening. Have you guys killed anyone yet?
KillgoreTrout : Pretty good AB.
Chernynkaya : Swiftboating Obama won’t work because, unlike Kerry, people SAW what Obama did and said, and they know him. Even if you don’t like Obama, you know what he said and did. It’s too currant.
AlphaBitch : FUCK no AdLib. I’d wear a tee shirt that said “Got ’em” if I were PO. And another that said “Barack HUSSEIN Obama – because it IS America!”
AdLib : Cher – It’s beyond satire to have vapid music contest hosts reporting the Presidential campaign!
choicelady : AB – LOL!!! Warren. He’s also a member of the Omaha Press Club where he lives but does NOT have a paper or TV station. He has to be a “guest member” there! My aunt and uncle worked for the Omaha World Herald and knew him and his late wife a little. Nicest guy in the world. Hope his health holds out.
MurphTheSurf3 : BACK….sent the word re. ALEC list and Media Connection out to my e mail list. Are we tweeting this too (in that I am neolithic), but I have a big e mail list. Did three searches using three engines for the story and it basically is not there…are the engines being suppressed?
KillgoreTrout : I’m sometimes afraid the the spirit of genuine journalism is dead and possibly gone forever.
AdLib : AB – And the Repubs have started trying to swiftboat Obama on Bin Laden! Make it radioactive for Obama to even mention? No way, won’t work.
AlphaBitch : Jimmy? Or Warren?
Chernynkaya : If I were Maddow, or any of them, I’d be so insulted by Seacrest’s hire I’d quit.
choicelady : AB – well no one said it was all on YOU!!! We just need to find someone who will give honest reporting. Buffet owns the Buffalo News and it does a pretty good job.
Chernynkaya : AL–I was speechless. And like you, immediately thought of Network. GAH!
AlphaBitch : HOn, we might not be able to resurrect it. I’m just Biff, remember?
AlphaBitch : Got ahead of myself and hit enter. Fingers fly faster than brain.
choicelady : AB – let’s hold a resurrection for the news!
AdLib : Cher – What??? Ryan Seacrest is an election reporter for NBC? The movie Network now looks naive!
AlphaBitch : KT: excellent choice.
choicelady : AB – oh that’s good!
Chernynkaya : AB, and if Romney were Pres, it’d be the opposite: GM dead and Bin Ladin alive.
KillgoreTrout : Wow, don’t quite know how to answer that one!
Maybe in a prior life?
choicelady : AB – what’s the slogan>
choicelady : KT – I know Grant’s Pass indeed – and I totally agree. Hubby and I are great frequenters of the Ashland theater stuff but just the area, too. Good pick – less rainy by far!
AlphaBitch : Let’s hold a memorial for the news.
AdLib : CL – Indeed, as I mentioned, news has to be an activity and not a recreation now.
AlphaBitch : CL: you have to stop every now and then and just breathe.
Chernynkaya : AL–so true! The MSM is dead. Imagine, NBC hired RYAN SEACREST as a 2012 election reporter and analyst!
choicelady : AB – I won’t EVER forget Barbara Jordan! What an amazing woman!
AlphaBitch : Osama dead, GM alive. It’s just the truth.
KillgoreTrout : CL, actually I was thinking of Grant’s Pass, further to the south of Oregon. Absolutely gorgeous.
choicelady : AB – been to the fight too damn long. I tip my hat to ya, but even in CA the fight exists, and I’m getting freaking sick of it.
AlphaBitch : I thought of my slogan for the Obama compaign:
choicelady : AdLib – I think you’re right that we have an obligation to keep talking about the media and about truth. I think all of us and our local allies and friends should seriously take on local papers – ed board meetings, getting to know local reporters – REALLY get to know them by contacting them often – and if need be, picketing them and challenging advertisers when they won’t listen. We tend to be too insular and often too passive. Raise hell! Get their attention! Be NICE to those who listen, and annoy and vex those who do not. WE want our MEDIA back!
AlphaBitch : KT: How come I’m not your daughter???
AdLib : Cher – The way out is by making it common knowledge that the MSM is corrupt and that going to independent blogs and researching the proven-to-be-leg it bigger sources is the path to the truth. News as an active thing instead of passive.
AlphaBitch : Cher: Your wish is granted.
KillgoreTrout : AB, what a small world. My daughter lives in Portland and went to college in Missoula Montana.
AlphaBitch : CL: And let’s not forget Barbara Jordan.
Chernynkaya : I need to win the lottery so I can buy a few acres in Portland. That’s where there will still be water in 30 years–not in So Cal.
AlphaBitch : CL: I live and breathe by Davy Crockett’s words “You may all go to hell. I’m going to Texas” We HAD Henry B. Gonzalez, and HAVE Lloyd Doggett and Julian and Joaquin Castro (I know their mama – she is amazing). You gots to go where the fight is if’n you want to change things.
KillgoreTrout : CL, while I was in Portland, I just loved the mountains. They are sort rare for me to see on a daily basis.
choicelady : KT – one of the most amazing places. Columbia River Gorge is simply amazing, and the whole area is wonderful. I think it’s less expensive not IN Seattle, but around there, but it’s also more rainy and colder. Portland has a great balance.
choicelady : AB – Texas without Molly and Ms. Ann might not be worth hanging around for? Jim Hightower, yes, but the heart and soul are gone. I’m sure there are others, but we don’t know them. Could not make me live there not fer nuttin’.
KillgoreTrout : New Hmpshire and Boston Mass.
AlphaBitch : KT: Go to Portland. It was nicer than Seattle, last I checked. One of my faves was Missoula MT. And I love the Bitterroots.
Chernynkaya : Frankly, the media is one of my biggest concerns. We have plenty of free press, but little unbiased press. Not good for democracy. What good if Freedom of the Press if the Press won;t do it’s job?
KillgoreTrout : CL, I spent 3 years in NC when I was in the Corps. I spent nearly a year just across the Columbia river and Portland OR.
AdLib : AB – Newtmares!
choicelady : KT – BTW – I KNOW where you are in Ohio, and trust me on this, unless you LIKE hot muggy weather, the NW is much nicer and it’s NOT FLAT.
AlphaBitch : KT: I lived in the NW for 10 years, then came home to Texas and Rick Perry. But I hung w/ Ms. Ann for a few nights and it was worth it.
AdLib : AB – I don’t know that it means we’re screwed, it means that we have to keep people going in the direction they’ve been going and turning away from the MSM to get their news…while suspecting the MSM for manipulating it. This is why OWS scared all of them so much, it could be the wave that exposes the MSM and moves people away from it.
AlphaBitch : I would like to see a local program of teens studying journalism in school doing a local news broadcast – including one truly “newsy” story. Just to train ’em up right.
choicelady : KT – where in the South? The NW may be rainy, but it is absolutely gorgeous. Well worth thinking about.
KillgoreTrout : AB, I surely once was. Thinking about leaving Ohio, for the northwest. I’m not sure about all the rain though. I used to refer to myself as a free spirit. LOL!
choicelady : ADLib – balance. She has balance. Current Events. Cookie dough ice cream. Renaissance girl.
Chernynkaya : Newtmares! LOL!!
AlphaBitch : AL: I have newtmares about him and Calista
choicelady : ADLib – collusion of the media with ALEC and who knows who else is terribly scary. At least McClatchy doesn’t seem to be there.
Chernynkaya : AL, she will pick it up almost by osmosis–it’s all around her in the atmosphere of your home.
AlphaBitch : KT: You’re a rambling man.
AdLib : AB – Yep, that’s gotta be it! Newt is scary to dream about!
AlphaBitch : AL But NOTHING is as important as mint chocolate, right?
KillgoreTrout : AB, I lived all over America. Both coasts, northeast, south east (NC) and Northwest, southwest!
AdLib : Cher – She’s almost 9 and as you know, we’re trying to get her thinking that being involved and aware is important…at least as much as cookie dough ice cream.
AlphaBitch : AL: It means we are screwed, and that they make up facts to keep us confused. I’m still wigged out and concerned about electronic voting. It’s why I’m a codger!
AlphaBitch : KT: Are you a southern man?
KillgoreTrout : AB, I guess Moon Pies wouldn’t work so well.
choicelady : AdLib – I think that makes perfect sense. You want to talk over the day with someone, you have wine or a beer or something. She sees the process of talking and sharing something good to eat go together. She’s just doing what WE do.
AlphaBitch : So let’s keep ALEC BALDWIN and discard the other ALECS and BALDWINS. OK?
AdLib : So, what does it mean to have at least half of the owners of our media colluding to influence our politics?
Chernynkaya : AL–your daughter is a gem–and only, what-9? And if I may, my son knows more about current events than even me.
KillgoreTrout : Cl, quite true that. At least Alec has a sense of humor.
AlphaBitch : AL: Your response frightens her, so she ingests sugar to avoid falling asleep and dreaming of Newt.
choicelady : AB – let’s just be blunt about Bladwins. Those people reproduced like bunnies and NO one can keep them straight.
AdLib : Cher – My daughter is at least asking me from time to time, “What happened in the news today?” which of course makes Dad happy…then she does ask if she can stay up and have ice cream…any connection?
KillgoreTrout : CL, that would be Stephen.
choicelady : KT – maybe it’s just not all that easy to light up ANY Baldwin? I think they’re all very weird.
AlphaBitch : CL: I think that IS Stephen. But who the hell is Billy?
choicelady : AB – is the Dominionist Billy – I can’t keep them straight. Whichever one is the “I Luuuuuvvv Jesus” freak. He just makes me want to puke.
KillgoreTrout : CL, Steven just looks dimwitted. You can actually see the missing lumens!
AdLib : Stephen is a babbling moron whose career is as over as Nugent’s.
Chernynkaya : AL-no offense taken! Her dad and I are so politically aware and involved, we sometimes despair. Fortunately, his younger 16 y/o is savvy.
AlphaBitch : CL: But which one is Billy?
choicelady : AdLib – better ALEC than Stephen. He’s the Dominionist Baldwin who makes me LITERALLY nauseated when he’s on TV. I can tolerate Alec. NOT his stupid brother.
AlphaBitch : Cher: I think it’s hard. I deal with children from around the world, and they are – for the most part -heads and shoulders above our own on global issues of importance. Even the 16 year olds…..
Chernynkaya : CL, I know, right?
AdLib : Cher – No offense intended about your step-daughter, just trying to say that many her age came out on the streets to celebrate it.
choicelady : Cher – AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! !!! “It didn’t affect me so I didn’t CARE?????” Good thing she wasn’t alive 12-7-41…
KillgoreTrout : CL, LOL! I’m proud to say that i’ve never pondered a piercing!
AlphaBitch : And if you had been, I would suggest a check up
Chernynkaya : AL–That was my step-daughter. I can’t tell you how hard it is sometimes!
AlphaBitch : Good one AL!
choicelady : AdLib – that’s so true, thanks for reminding us. The joy in the streets involved many young people who were just KIDS when 9/11 happened, so yeah – not everyone’s an egomaniac.
AdLib : I can say with confidence, The Planet has never been with ALEC though his is our favorite Baldwin.
Chernynkaya : CL, I asked her (very calmly and sweetly) if she remembered where she was on 9/11. She said Yes! She was in her 6th grade class and her teacher told them. She said, “but it didn’t affect me, so I didn;t care.”
KillgoreTrout : Good point Ad. They were the most effected by 9/11 I think. They have more of a future left than we old fogeys!
AlphaBitch : I was inundated with emails of congratulations from all my “children” from and in Afghanistan. I had to keep telling them it really wasn’t me……
choicelady : AB LOL!!!!!
choicelady : KT – if you CAN capture their attention, it’s well worth giving the background indeed. It’s getting them off their personal introspection. This generation doesn’t do even navel gazing. It’s navel RING gazing. Oy.
AdLib : Cher – That’s just one ignorant guy. Think about all the 20-somethings who came out to celebrate OBL’s death that night.
Chernynkaya : AL, I’ve been missing writing for a while. This is a fun project for me!
choicelady : Cher – I watched it, too – and I just swallowed my tongue at that question. I taught college kids as a grad student who, five years later, had NO IDEA what had gone on in Vietnam or where it was or that WE WERE FIGHTING THERE.
AlphaBitch : CL: Now there’s a slogan: “No activists are EVER harmed here.” Right up w/ PeaceKitten’s “I’ve Been Craptured!”
KillgoreTrout : Ha CL. Maybe those other old fogeys will pass it on the younger less informed. I do have faith in our young people. I have to, the alternative is just too depressing.
choicelady : Murph – the one good thing about becoming the “disappeared” over at HPAOL is that you still exist in peace on the Planet. No activists are EVER harmed here.
Chernynkaya : CL, I was watching the report on killing OBL last nite and the 21y/o walked in and asked, “Is that about that guy from 9/11?”
AdLib : Cher – Thanks so much for running with this! It’s exactly the kind of story that underlines the importance of The Planet. MSNBC and CNN won’t run it, they’d be indicting themselves!
choicelady : Cher – you don’t have ADD or you’d not KNOW how many other things are out there. You’d just focus on the little spider on the wall until diverted by the dust on the floor and forget the spider entirely. ADD is a happier place than we inhabit…
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I am going to try to drop this ALEC list into the HP stream and see what happens. I may be the next one of our happy group who disappears from the “community”. I am really pissed off about this….really..
AlphaBitch : I’m a proud member of the codger factor these days myself.
choicelady : KT – Excuse me while I laugh – I reach OTHER old fogies? I think you were – I HOPE you were – responding elsewhere!!!
Chernynkaya : There are so mnay HUGE stories abt the GOP and Romney–it’s hard not to have ADD.
KillgoreTrout : CL, but always young at heart.
KillgoreTrout : CL, your efforts are quite admirable. It’s so hard to reach an uninformed section of our citizens. But, it has to be done somehow. You really do commendable work in that area.
choicelady : Cher – Oh lordy, I’m SURE you are right about that!
AdLib : Murph – So true! I was watching MSNBC more than my typically minimal hours today and they just kept hammering the same stories against Romney over and over, from one show to another. Where was this story???
Chernynkaya : CL, Jimmy Olsen Cher is on it!
choicelady : KT – knowing what Fifth Column means makes very clear we are now certifiable Old Fogies.
Chernynkaya : CL–Boy, do I hear that! They may not even know what Trojan Horse means.
choicelady : Cher – oh PLEASE do a post on media and ALEC!!!!! Please, please?
Chernynkaya : I’m going to start this weekend, AL. thanks.
choicelady : KT – I’ve been hollering Fifth Column for a year now. Problem – I’m hollering at kids who don’t even know the Sp. Civil War and what that means.
MurphTheSurf3 : My friends…seriou sly….we need a strong article on what this list means…it will be the kind of thing we pass on to lots of others….I just scanned the list…it is terrifying…and most of you know I am a frequent HP contributor.
Chernynkaya : Not Tribune, but DirectTV.
AlphaBitch : I second Cher.
AdLib : Cher, absolutely! This is big and you’ll nail it!
KillgoreTrout : These surely are troubling times for our wonderful democratic experiment.
choicelady : All – I definitely urge you to read Crisis of Democracy by Michael Crozer et al. written in 1976. It’s THE blueprint for all our ills. Done FOR the Trilateral Commission on what needs to die – democracy, free press, unions, etc. – to let global capital thrive. It is STILL being used in classrooms to promote world free trade.
Chernynkaya : may I volunteer to write about the media and ALEC?
AdLib : Cher – What about Tribune?
AdLib : Murph – This is bigger than just HP…much of our media is controlled by corps that are members of a cabal to affect our democracy.
Chernynkaya : Not Disney or Viacom.
choicelady : AdLib – Yes, I know you liked him a lot when you met. He liked you, too. KT and Murph – you can find ALL the members at: «link»
KillgoreTrout : The news outlets are no longer part of the 4th esatate, as much as they are a 5th column!
Chernynkaya : And if Romney is elected by them, he’ll be the first corporation to be President of the United States.
MurphTheSurf3 : SO…who is going to write a piece on the HPAOL connection to ALEC? This is important.
AdLib : Cher – Viacom? Disney?
AdLib : Wow…this is big…much of the media in bed on controlling our democracy…dire ctly???
KillgoreTrout : Ad, is it Westinghouse?
Chernynkaya : Time-Warner-yep!
Chernynkaya : Wow- NOT NewsCorp.
AdLib : Cher – So…MSNBC’s majority owner…is a member of ALEC.
Chernynkaya : GE-Yes.
AdLib : CL – I’m a Bob Edgar fan too, as you know.
Chernynkaya : Comcast-yes, ALEC.
Chernynkaya : Give me a sec, AL.
choicelady : Cher – oh that’s GREAT. Trust ol’ Bob Edgar to do that. He is a minister, a CEO of Common Cause and a former Congressman. GO BOB!!!
KillgoreTrout : CL, no, I meant Alec is immoral in it’s purpose.
AdLib : I wonder if GE, Comcast, Fox and Time Warner are also in it? Cher, did you scan the list yet?
choicelady : KT – it’s not immoral to give up your membership list, esp. as Cher says they are non-profit. That has to be disclosed to the IRS.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…yep, ALEC is tax exempt…WOW…g reed does them in.
choicelady : Cher – it IS a 501-c-3???? Then how does it do so much advocacy??? That’s got to be via a c-4 (NO tax deductions, thank you) or it’s ILLEGAL. Look my organization walks that tightrope regularly, and if WE can do it, so must they. Like to know just how they pull that all off.
AdLib : Someone has to be leaking ALEC membership info, how else could the threatened boycotts have happened and all the corps pulling out?
Chernynkaya : Common Cause challenges ALEC’s tax-exempt status «link» kos.com/story/20 12/04/23/1085663 /-Common-Cause-c hallenges-ALEC-s -tax-exempt-stat us
choicelady : Murph – another route MAY be if ALEC is a non-profit. I don’t think so, but if it is, it has to file a 990 with the IRS giving donation sources.
KillgoreTrout : CL, legal yes, morally correct, not so much.
Chernynkaya : ALEC is tax-exempt. I assume members pay fees, and also get tax advantages for donating.
AdLib : So I wonder, any connection to the rumor floating around about Arianna wanting to buy back HP or do a new startup blog?
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I think Aryanna has been an opportunist most of her adult life. I must admit, that I was drawn in when she appeared to be a lib, but after seeing that photo of her with Newt and the other Boat (yacht) people, i gave up such illusions.
choicelady : Murph – it’s no doubt a list leaked by a member to the media or at least blog world. Nothing at all illegal about it.
Chernynkaya : CL–LOL! Thanks.
choicelady : CL – I thought it was big noses. And his is wee. And that’s all I’m saying about THAT.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher…why would a list of members of a private group be public record. Tax returns? are these public record?
choicelady : AB – I have forgotten the Senator’s name. I will try to find it. He’s long gone (I fear he probably passed on as they say) but it was a wonderful deed, it was!
AdLib : Cher – I agree, people enjoy the functionality of the site and the interaction, that will weigh in their favor.
choicelady : Cher – you’re about the only person who can use perfidy in a sentence and make it work. I digress – she is smooth, is she not.
AdLib : CL – In the world of journalism, HP should be hit hard. I don’t know about how the regulars will react.
AlphaBitch : CL: She obviously confused the old saying about “big feet mean…” and thought it also applied to “big head…”
Chernynkaya : Murph, there have been several lists of Cos in ALEC–it’s public record. Tax returns.
AlphaBitch : Who read it into the record, CL?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…in part that this info is just getting out…that HP is not getting ahead of the tsunami that will hit when it does…that HP has not stepped away already (probably hoping the list would not get out)….that it make a place where I spend real time more and more suspect in my mind. Having blasted them this morning about their coverage of the jobs report…it makes sense.
choicelady : AB – with Newt out of the race, it will be easier to find him for Arianna to boff. Why she’d WANT to is unclear, but she’s clearly smitten with him.
Chernynkaya : Cl, I agree. There’s been so much damning info on AH already. Also, she’s a very sly concern troll. I watched her recently and she can SEEM to be espousing lib ideas. You have to be very alert to catch her perfidy.
choicelady : Murph – it’s all public now. I found a list from another site, NOT Common Cause, with all the members. All it takes is for ONE member to pass it on. That’s what we did in the 70s with “street names” hiding private accounts for institutional investors – we had a Senator read it into the Congressional Record. Perfectly legal.
KillgoreTrout : How so Murph?
Chernynkaya : AL, it does for me, but I think their interactive software is just too irresistible to most posters there.
choicelady : AdLib – you’d think it would, but if we had a hard time knowing, how would her besotted fans ever figure it out? If putting Breitbart on her pages didn’t work to tell people the truth, this won’t either.
AdLib : CL – Well done!
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher, KT…hmmmmm…I wonderhow Common Cause got the list….very distrubing.
AdLib : Cher – That is huge, just followed the link! Doesn’t that totally explode any claim HPAOL has on legitimacy?
choicelady : I have to take credit for busting up the Common Cause love fest with Arianna. I refused to attend an event with her. The CEO is a long time ally of mine, and I guess they paid attention.
AlphaBitch : What oh what will Whorianna do now that Newt is out?
KillgoreTrout : Murph, it really wouldn’t surprise me. Considering Aryanna’s bent to go which ever way the GOP wind is blowing.
Chernynkaya : Murph here’s the full ALEC list: «link»
choicelady : Hi Murph – that’s good info, and how are you anyway?
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher….just saw your link. Thanks. More grist for my mill.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cher…is there proof re. HPAOL and ALEC. I have read it on several blogs but so far no evidence trail.
Chernynkaya : yep–according to ThinkProgess/ Common Cause: «link»
choicelady : Cher – that does not surprise me. HPAOL sucks up to big time corporatists.
KillgoreTrout : cher, I’m stunned!
KillgoreTrout : Good one AB!
AlphaBitch : CHer – No I did not!
AdLib : Cher – Are you serious about HPAOL and ALEC???
KillgoreTrout : I am listening to Thick As A Brick, and thought that may have caused the planet to sputter. LOL
Chernynkaya : Speaking of washed-up Republicans, didja hear that HPAOL is a member of ALEC?
AlphaBitch : KT: That’s what the Koch Bros are for!
choicelady : KT and AdLib – PERFECT! I’d not pay money to see that tour. But then, I don’t pay money to see ANY tour, so can’t go by me.
AdLib : Killgore – They’d have to lock the doors too to keep them from fleeing.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, If they wanted anyone to attend, they’d have to pay the audience.
AdLib : The Washed Up Republicans Tour!
AdLib : Killgore – Dennis Miller and Ted Nugent should hold a concert that no one wants to go to.
Chernynkaya : What I said before the eclipse was that I like this line: Romney is accusing Obama of not cleaning the Repubs’ mess fast enough.
AlphaBitch : KT; He don’t look all that “washed up” to me. Some bad funk there (no offense, funkman!)
choicelady : Cher – that musta been it. A total eclipse of the Planet. But the sun’s back out now!
KillgoreTrout : Well cher, unlike the moon, the Planet emits it’s own light.
choicelady : AdLib – and here I thought it was moi. Went out, came back, and it’s someone ELSE’s fault! I’m in therapy for that…
Chernynkaya : O gee, glad we’re back. The Planet went dark for a while there. Eclipse?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, now he is just a washed up rock and roller who has nothing else than to play the same game Coulter and Rush and Hannity play. Sad.
AdLib : Whoops! Sorry folks, server burped. We’re back!
AlphaBitch : Hey -why’d I get kicked off? Forget the money! And I’m keeping the unicorns too.
AlphaBitch : Adlib: When RoMONEY gives me a 500K job, I will give the Planet $100K. OK?
choicelady : Hey KT and Cher – lovely to see you!
AdLib : Hey CL!
choicelady : AB – Lamb gots a good home. Hoo hah!
AdLib : Killgore – Ted’s at least moderate when surrounded by psychotics.
Chernynkaya : CL! Hi.
KillgoreTrout : Hey choice.
AlphaBitch : Choicelady: Lamb now lives outside Nashvegas with my BGF, who is laughing her arse off!
choicelady : Evening all – hope you’re all well?
AdLib : So how about Romney declaring we should be having 500k jobs a month and 4% unemployment…a nd blaming Obama for there not being enough unicorns around.
KillgoreTrout : I see crazy Ted went off on a reporter today. He was trying to convince us that he is a moderate! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chernynkaya : Hi, KT!
AlphaBitch : KT – What’s shakin’ bacon?
AdLib : Hey Killgore!
AlphaBitch : Adlib: IDIOT
KillgoreTrout : What’s up folks?
AdLib : AB – The smart ones say “Bin Laden” and “President Obama”. In other words, very few of them.
AlphaBitch : AdLib: Never if you’re from MA
AlphaBitch : I for one wish the MSM would learn the difference between “OSama” and “OBama”.
AdLib : AB – I did not know that. So never shout “louder!” when someone is speaking Pashto?
Chernynkaya : AB–green pigs steal my eggs. I love dive-bombing them.
(Angry Birds.)
AlphaBitch : Cher – I’ve never even seen a green pig unless I’m Drunken AlphaBitch
Chernynkaya : Angry Cher keeps diving into green pigs.
AlphaBitch : No, hon – that’s HUNGRY AdLib
AdLib : Humorous Adlib is here…who is Angry Adlib and why does he keep eating my sandwiches?
Chernynkaya : Dr. Laodlib!! Awesome.
AlphaBitch : So AdLib: a tee shirt contest. I am always wanting to wear my thoughts…
AlphaBitch : Good one Cher!
Chernynkaya : AL–too many Eves for you. Very different but both has a bumpy ride!
AlphaBitch : Ad: Did you know that the Dari (or Pashto -not sure) word for idiot sounds like “loud-ah”?
AdLib : I always used to get The 3 Faces of Eve mixed up with All About Eve.
Chernynkaya : AB don’t know, but they both dealt with same thing.
AlphaBitch : So we have Humorous AdLib with us tonight?
AdLib : Hi Murph!
Chernynkaya : Hey Murph!
AlphaBitch : Cher – yep. My first time watching it. Kept thinking of Sally Field in Sybil. Was that based on 3 Faces?
AdLib : AB – Heh! I was watching “The Seven Faces of Dr. Laodlib”.
AlphaBitch : Hey Murph!
Chernynkaya : Hi AB! Seriously, Was 3 Faces of Eve on? I love that movie.
AdLib : Not too much, how about you?
MurphTheSurf3 : Occupy the Planet….about the only Occupy Moment I have a chance being heard at……Hi there.
AlphaBitch : Hey Ho Cher and AdLib – just finished watching “The Three Faces of AdLib” on TCM.
Chernynkaya : Same here–anything new?
AdLib : Cher! Wonderful to seeya!
Chernynkaya : Hi, Adlib! How’s it going?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!”
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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