I know you’ve got to be going through withdrawals for going two days without a GOP debate so tonight, the GOP comes to the rescue with another in an unending series of debates.
Tonight’s debate is on CNN tonight at 5:00 pm PST/8:00 pm EST.
You’re invited to join us here for a live blogging of this last debate before the GOP primary in FL.

Looking back at the debate clips on MSNBC I could not help but see that Romney bought the crowd, aka it was a Brooks Bros crowd for Romney. They really were not cheering for conservative ideas. Them cheering Romney defending the mandate was as contrived as it gets. It’s amazing how Romney is going to buy this GOP nomination. Good thing the Obama grassroots machine will not be bought.
So teabaggers were shouting death panels and death threats to Dems over the fight to pass the ACA. But now Romney tells the GOP base it’s ‘Not Worth Getting Angry’ over it. This guy is going to be hated by both sides before the general election the 99% and his teabagger base.
Never tell angry people to “calm down”, it only pisses them off more.
Anyone with a spouse knows this. I really like the Dem Strategist (Jimmy Williams) said on the Ed Show tonight. He knows all the lies and weaknesses will come to haunt Romney.
Much as I don’t care for Wolf , he did stand up and say to Newt ” you are the one who brought it up so answer the question”.
Good job Wolf.
I’ve mentioned it before but the Repubs appear to be putting on a show in the barn to act like they could be President, as opposed to exhibiting Presidential traits.
It’s The Gong Show!
This was great…that idea of the brokered convention got even less likely tonight.
It’s kind of the best of all possible worlds, Romney has been bloodied and disqualified on so many fronts thanks to Newt and with a win in FL, will cruise to the nom without prolonged experience at REALLY debating.
Meanwhile, the Bagger contingent will be very discouraged and angry that a moderate is getting coronated by the GOP Elite so quickly, after only 4 primaries.
The civil war in the GOP could very well explode because of this.
And that works for me.
AdLib, who gets to wear the blue and who wears the gray? Also, did you see all the GOP’s come out against Newt? I mean even old Bob Dole! Of course you know this but that has to add to the fight.
It was an all out bombardment by the GOP Elite to put the crown on Romney, not very camouflaged and I have a feeling that the Baggers will be up in arms as they realize how they’ve been played and excluded from the decision.
Exactly the GOP establishment was in a panic after SC. So they carpet bombed Newt.
As expected the GOPTEA Base is furious at Romney after the debate.
People on the left may not understand how big a deal this is. To give an analogy on the left this would be like Obama taking income inequality and the Buffet rule off the table in the 2012 election.
This is really good — assuming Mitts gets the nomination.
KQ, how do the people of Mass feel about the plan?
Last poll I saw 80%+ like MassCare but it’s much more expensive than the ACA will be and has worse coverage.
That’s good. So, do they get to take the lesser cost with ACA? I guess they would replace their state one with ACA.
Yes they will get the subsidy system with the ACA and get better coverage.
Have you a link for this? Great quote.
When did Presidents start ending every speach with “God Bless and God Bless the United States of America”. I have watched old speaches by Kennedy, Nixon, and Carter and they always ended with “Thank you and good night.” Was it Reagan?
Seems to me it was during the Reagan era when the evangelicals took over the Republican party — Jerry Falwell in particular — but I don’t remember Reagan particularly invoking a higher power all the time.
I thought it might be him but maybe not all the time like it is now.
The first president I remember talking about faith was actually Carter.
But, I watched a show about him today and he didn’t end his speach with that. I watched Johnson, too, today and he didn’t and he was talking about Vietnam. I know Clinton did and Bush I and II and of course President Obama does. I was just wondering when it started being the norm. (Never see Roosevelt saying it or Truman. I know Eisenhower had “Under God” added to the Pledge.)
Here ya go.
Happy 35th, ‘God Bless America’
Oh, KQ, you didn’t have to look it up but thank you for doing it. I’m not surprise Tricky Dicky used it then, are you? So it was the holy man Reagan that started it being used all the time. Well, again thank you, KQ, for finding me the answer. What would I do without you? 😉
KQ, I was watching an old movie on TCM with Cary Grant and his real wife at the time Betsy Drake called “Room for One More”. They were at a Boy Scout awards and stood to say the Pledge and I noticed that “Under God” wasn’t in it. It caught me by surprise. I think the movie was made in 1953. Anyway, I remember that Eisenhower added that to show we weren’t Communist or something. Have you seen that movie? It is a good one.
Thanks for the conversation!! See ya.
See ya! Nice chatting with you.
Thank you, too!!!!
Glad to have you here for the Live Blog, Kalie! Hope to see you here soon!
MSNBC is neatly slicing and dicing the debate at the moment.
Any idea how many more of these Republican debates to go?
I keep thinking it’s the last one but it never is. 🙁
How many states have primaries?
Found a good link giving dates for each caucus/primary.
Oops. It’s the same link that our fearless host posted above!
That’s okay, Escrib, it takes a couple of times before I get many things. 😉
Here are the remaining ones that are on the calendar now:
February 22, 2012 8pm ET on CNN (Originally Dec 1, then Nov 30)
Location: Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona
Sponsor: CNN and the Republican Party of Arizona
Participants: TBD
March 1, 2012 8pm ET on CNN
Location: Georgia
Sponsor: CNN and the Georgia Republican Party
Participants: TBD
March 5, 2012 Air time TBD on NBC
Location: Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA
Sponsor: Reagan Library, NBC News and Politico
Participants: TBD
March 19, 2012 9pm ET on PBS
Location: Portland, OR
Sponsor: Oregon Public Broadcasting, NPR, PBS, The Washington Times and the Oregon Republican Party
Participants: TBD
Thanks, AdLib.
That last one sounds like it might actually be challenging for the candidates.
I’m out — see ya’ll next time if I can!
Great to see ya, Weirdwriter! See you soon!
Mini-Poll: Who do you think came out of the debate stronger?
Ron Paul. He didn’t get the kind of questions that really reveal his bat-shitty craziness.
I thought his answers on healthcare were criminally insane considering he’s a doctor.
Doctors are against universal healthcare. I think they see their fortunes decline if less money is involved.
I think that is changing. Several of my doctors who were anti ACA have swung into line.
Absolutely doctors are starting to get behind the ACA more and more.
True, but he managed to get in some soaring speeches about wars and foreign spending that really appeal to the basic isolationist gene of many Americans.
Yeah, but there was no follow-up that would have truly carried that across, like the last time when he insisted that some guy should die if he didn’t get insurance and found out laterhe needed surgery.
On most topics I agree but when the woman asked him how she could get insurance when she’s unemployed and he basically told her he doesn’t want her to have any unless she has the money to buy it, he looked like an uncaring, dogmatic jerk.
I came in late and didn’t see that — it would be priceless in an opponent’s ad!
Mitt…presented himself as the rational choice and was ready for few attacks that a listless and unprepared Newt launched.
I agree. I think Mitt came off as confident and didn’t show much hostility to the others.
Wonder how much he’s paying the new debate coach — hey, is that considered a business expense if he won???
AdLib, I don’t think I can say Romney won but I will say that he took a lot of wind out of Newt’s sail.
I do think that Newt sunk himself tonight with a terrible performance and Mitt was successful in hitting him with many shots but as I mentioned below, I agree, Romney may not have won as opposed to Newt losing.
Romney’s attacks make him look like a snotty jerk so though Newt’s popularity will likely go down after this, I think Romney’s likeability also goes down.
Romney can win the nom but he will be way below Obama on likeability and that is key.
That is the key, AdLib! Nothing else matters to me!
With the base Santorum won by a long shot attacking Willard on Romneycare.
I think Romney did really well, but somehow, I think Paul came in second.
Romney is now again the presumptive nominee after this debate.
CNN has become increasingly irrelevant. Wish MSNBC could get a shot at these guys.
Thank God Newt mentioned Saul Alinsky. It would be a sad night with the Salamander without reference to the mysterious, foreign sounding, vaguely socialist….organizer whose tactics are best seen in the contemporary world by the Tea Party.
😆 He’s practically related to the Rosenbergs!
Murph, why is this guy being flung out there? Is there something new?
He sounds Obama alien.
This is an election about getting all of the gop out of office.
Hey, Newt, I agree with you. We need to change Washington DC. Lets start by getting fewer Republicans there!
This final question is an invitation for each one to give his mini-stump speech….unchallenged….CNN blew it with this question….nothing to learn here.
CNN is pretty bad, don’t know who’s worse between them, Fox and ABC.
Murph, are we filling time? I don’t see the need either.
Ron Paul doesn’t sound like he believes his own BS about being able to win the WH.
He doesn’t. Only his acolytes actually believe him.