bito : «link»
AdLib : Hey Bito, the link is broken, what’s there?
bito : One more OT, anyone on AOL? Read this.«link» bradblog.com/?p= 8487 I wonder if PPOV is on that list?
AdLib : Looks like we’ve come to the end of another edition of Vox Populi! Thanks to all for another great and entertaining discussion! Have a great weekend all!
AdLib : Night Cher! Enjoyed our friendly debate! Have a wonderful weekend!
AdLib : KT – The flip side to CU is that Dems and Progressives are now putting together big money organizations to compete (along with unions). The corps will have a lot of money but did it help Meg Whtiman win? Or Fiorina? Money can’t always overcome public opinion.
Chernynkaya : Adlib– thanks for that last comment–I caught it!
AdLib : Night Tex!
AdLib : Night Patsy!
AdLib : Really appreciate your musing Cher. I do think that things have undoubtedly been much harder for Obama and Dems because his being a black president energized the racist Repubs which gave others with tamer racism excuses to oppose Obama. In the end though, I think people have gotten used to him now and see how moderate he is, a black man in the WH didn’t lead to the end of America. That “pals around with terrorists”, scare white people ploy won’t work well in 2012. And agree, look how the Repubs used the politics of hatred, lies and destruction against Clinton. And they failed at denying him re-election.
texliberal : I’m out too, work tommorrow. It’s always my PLEASURE. THANKS
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Patsy. I must bid all adieu, myself.
KillgoreTrout : Buenos noches cher.
PatsyT : My friends I have to say good night … You all have a great weekend
Chernynkaya : I think I must say goodnight now. I’m getting the stink eye! Have fun all you wonderful and sharp-as-tacks people.
texliberal : AdLib, explains how LBJ a Dixiecrat got the civil rights and Great Society legislation passed. If it just weren’t for Viet Nam
KillgoreTrout : AL, vastly different America now. And as tex pointed out, we have the Citizens United situation to deal with. It almost always comes down to who has the most money.
AdLib : KT – Look at what happened with FDR. He didn’t run as a Progressive in his first election but became more Progressive in office and ran for re-election (twice) as a strong Progressive. If people see Progressive agendas benefiting them, they’re not going to vote against them.
Chernynkaya : That phrase is “Taken hold.” SHEESH!
KillgoreTrout : Excellent point tex. CU was the nail that sealed the coffin. Until that is somehow gotten rid of, the future looks bleak for a genuine progressive/libe ral.
Chernynkaya : AL–That’s good to remember! But here’s one of my secret thoughts. The first black President drove too many crazy. I wonder if he were white if all this Baggery would have Taklamakan hold. I love O. I think he is one of the greatest presidents in our history. But I sometimes think his being black hurt us by bringing out the roaches form under their rocks. Is that bad of me? Were we really ready for an African American? 53% were, once. But look what happened–would it have happened anyway? And I also remind myself that they accused Clinton of actual MURDER! So maybe I’m totally wrong.
texliberal : Citizens United ruined any chances for a progressive POTUS. Until there is REAL campaign finance reform. well you know
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, that would really depend on the degree of progressive ideology. Personally I am not that optimistic.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Khirad Watch out for that 70’s music
AdLib : Night Khirad!
Khirad : Well folks, that’s it for me. Nice going down memory lane with y’all.
KillgoreTrout : tex, Obama seems to be a bit left of center. I don’t think he’s a strict centrist. But he was never the uber progressive that many mistook him for.
PatsyT : Yes Cher good point! He is not getting the credit he deserves
Chernynkaya : Or maybe the ball has moved so far right, I forget.
AdLib : Folks, before Bush pushed so many out of the GOP, no one would have ever said that Obama could be elected president. There can indeed be circumstances that provide for a majority to elect a Progressive President.
Chernynkaya : But Patsy, I also think he is plain progressive. I mean by that, actually progressive!
texliberal : KT, believe you are right. Know any?
KillgoreTrout : tex, real progressive are seen by far too many people as socialists,or communists. Even though the label of communist is really a paranoid one. Big business will never let a true progressive win. The best we can hope for is slightly left of center.
PatsyT : Cher I have to agree with that Our Pres is indeed as progressive as we can get for now
AdLib : Khirad, I’m with you on having other parties and at the time, I was sympathetic to Nader and the Green Party. But as the polls got close, I felt it was vital to make sure Bush wasn’t elected so I voted for Gore though not enthusiastically .
Khirad : Glad I’m not alone on that. Nader may have always been a bit eccentric, but I think he really started losing it after he left the Green Party. I felt betrayed by that, and would never be fooled again.
texliberal : Nixon played HARD BALL. I learned
Chernynkaya : AL- He DID!
bito : Tex, Agree on McGovern. How did that work out?
Chernynkaya : KT–Either he was smart and cynical or he was idealistic and deluded. But ego is the best bet.
AdLib : Cher – In the end, Nader looked like a coked up version of Howard Beale from the movie Network.
Chernynkaya : Tex–NOPE. ni in these United States. But you know what? I think O is darn progressive considering what he’s up against. I really do.
texliberal : Bito, I worked for McGovern in ’72. That’s probably as close as we’ll ever get
AdLib : Tex – Yes I do. If a black man named Barack Hussein Obama can be elected, a true Progressive can be too
Khirad : His supposed game was to qualify for federal financing (or something like that, or to be recognized in every state and given time in debates) which needed a voter threshhold to cross. I still think more parties should be a part of the process, and am a Green at heart… but not at the expense of the GOP winning.
KillgoreTrout : cher, I think maybe Nader actually believed he could start a third party.
Chernynkaya : AL– he even started to look like an Old Testament crazed prophet at the end. he does now anyway.
bito : Tex, NO
AdLib : KT – IMO, Russ, who just lost his seat but is a solid Dem, would never sabotage himself or the Dem party that way.
texliberal : Does anyone seriously think a truly progressive POTUS can ever be elected?
PatsyT : KT I get the feeling the Russ Feingold knows better even if some of his supporters don’t
bito : Russ Feinglod is smarter than that, I think.
AdLib : Cher – You nailed it. Nader may have been very smart but his ego was his biggest flaw. It became so inflated, he became unrecognizable. He became a wild eyed zealot, a real nutball.
KillgoreTrout : bito, no just speculating. If anybody, maybe Russ Feingold.
texliberal : CHER, EGO yep
PatsyT : Cher HA! Dog Years That describes the Bush years
bito : KT, Nader ‘s plan was being a pureist.
Chernynkaya : KT–EGO.
Chernynkaya : It was like the opposite of dog years.
KillgoreTrout : Nader just flat out pissed me off. He’s far too intelligent to think he woouldn’t take votes away from Gore. And too smart to think he could actually win. I still can’t figure out what his game was.
AdLib : Khirad – Each year of Bush’s horrible reign felt like five years, maybe that’s why.
Khirad : It’s hard to believe Kerry was only four years after Gore. Fore some reason Gore’s run seems like ten years before that, not four. Prolly just me though. I was drinking heavily in my early 20’s and it’s all a bit of a haze.
AdLib : KT – No legit challenger will go up against Obama, I’ll bet on that. Now, some fringe Dem could but he would never have enough support to even qualify to debate Obama.
Chernynkaya : Khirad–exactly.
bito : KT, do you have a name? And who could put an organization against Obama together?
Chernynkaya : Oh, I see what you mean, Patsy. Yes.
PatsyT : Cher I don’t think Nader was planing that but the RWers saw an opportunity
KillgoreTrout : I hope not. I’d rather see Obama stay where he is, but a challenger may just pop out of the woodwork.
Chernynkaya : Patsy, interesting! But I see it more as opportunism and cynicism on Nader’s part more than an actual plan.
AdLib : Patsy – Yep, without the Nader-Buchanan-R W alliance, Bush couldn’t have been handed the presidency by the SCOTUS.
Khirad : By the way, I knew Gore was a shoe-in in my state, and in my defense, I was a) young, and b) Nader hadn’t bailed on the Green Party and totally gone off the wall yet (though again, I was young, so maybe my perception wasn’t honed yet). But had it been closer in the polling, I would have voted Gore. I was sorta just enamored with the idea that a third party could get enough votes to qualify for whatever the argument back then was… But yeah, Gore made a mistake of distancing himself from his record. And by the way, speaking as a Nader voter in 2000, I know all the Dems=GOP arguments. Well, it took eight years of Bush for me to NEVER make that mistake AGAIN. That’s why I can’t suffer those fools who say that. They have selective amnesia.
KillgoreTrout : tex, or REanimated?
texliberal : KT NO.
KillgoreTrout : Does anybody think there will be a primary challenger against Obama?
texliberal : KT I actually met Kerry once in ’71 at VVAW gathering. He was animated then
PatsyT : Well there was this.. «link»
KillgoreTrout : Gore was rather lackluster. I voted for him, but he could have been a little more “animated,” than he was. The same with Kerry, 4 years later.
AdLib : Cher – The grass roots Dems such as yourself, are out there protesting, marching and very motivated. Meanwhile, the Baggers have grown discouraged and unmotivated after the Repubs in Congress have proven to be the frauds that they are. We’re energizing, they’re coming apart./
Chernynkaya : Next week I’m going t a redistricting meeting here. Greaat point!
PatsyT : Cher I will have to look it up
Chernynkaya : Patsy, I don’t know anything about that. DO tell!
Khirad : And how does that work out when states are LOSING seats. Who decides who loses their seat? That could get UGLY.
Chernynkaya : AL– the reason you could be right is that we are seeing such extremism now there will be push back. But the dems better fight back. They are starting too, but they need to up their game.
AdLib : KT – Gore ran a horrible campaign, the main problem, he wouldn’t run as Clinton’s VP over years of peace and prosperity. Just plain dumb and he’s a smart man. And as Cher says, Nader was propped up to siphon off enough votes to allow the SCOTUS to claim Bush was elected.
PatsyT : Anchor Baby Gohmert!
Khirad : Hey, I was one of those.
texliberal : Khirad, the key to taking back the House is to keep GOP Governors from gerrymandering. DeLay has our state so gerrymandered we’ve given ya’ll the likes of Louie Gohmert
KillgoreTrout : Cher, true, I forgot all about that moron. He stole many a young vote.
PatsyT : Cher wasn’t it a RW group and their $$ that was pushing Nader?
Chernynkaya : And then there was Nader.
KillgoreTrout : Good point cher. Gore didn’t have the “fire,” he needed to get more votes than he did.
AdLib : And the GOP candidate, whoever it is, will be severely flawed. When those flaws are exposed and Obama’s are old news as they are now, the GOP candidate will look far worse.
AdLib : Cher – I know where your heart is on this and I agree, we need to fight as if Obama is the underdog to assure his victory. Take nothing for granted. That said, committed to pouring a great deal of time, energy and resources to support Obama’s campaign, I am confident that he will face a poor GOP candidate who is too extreme on the issues to beat Obama.
Khirad : I’m also not sure about the House. Some were natural Repub seats going back after 2006. Others, as we’re seeing in Wisconsin, could be going back Dem.
Chernynkaya : Killgore– Hi! This is all I have to say about Bush winning: if it hadn’t been so close the Supremes couldn’t have given the election to Bush.
KillgoreTrout : AL, that’s tough one. I can’t really think like a RWer or bagger, but in my opinion it is a toss up between Pawlenty and Romney.
Khirad : I don’t see a path to keep the Senate.
Chernynkaya : Tex– you got that right!
Chernynkaya : AL– I will concede that, since I have no proof to dispute that he is turning off Indies. I just no longer underestimate the stupidity if the voter. The polls are encouraging about the issues, and I am jeartened. But I have wondered how important the issues are to voters in the end. We have to remain very active and pro-active. I know you know that, just saying. That’s all. I think O will win, but it could be too close. And then, there’s the senate. I think we might re-take the House but could lose the Senate.
AdLib : KT – We’re handicapping the GOP primary. Who would you predict as favorites?
KillgoreTrout : Good to see you Patsy.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up AdLib?
PatsyT : Hi KT!
AdLib : Hey Killgore!
KillgoreTrout : cher, it has been greatly debated as to bush “winning.”
AdLib : Cher – Bush actually lost to Gore, the SCOTUS over rode that decision. And the reason had much to do with Clinton’s affair and Gore running away from his record as VP. Bush was seen as the refreshing moderate guy after Clinton’s issues.
texliberal : Cher, just tell all Dems to stay out of the turrets on M1A1 tanks ala Dukakis and PLEASE no wind surfing
PatsyT : Hmmm funny where is all of the current footage of the T Party ? They only have the hired spokespeople on. What happened to the crowds?
AdLib : Cher, it actually seems that Trump is winning the extremist support now. His birther pandering has given him total Bagger cred. I agree, he’s not attractive to the RR but they aren’t the force the baggers are in the GOP. Also agree about how the brash BS plays well with the RW but if you look at polls, it’s turning off moderates. At this point, he is only a draw for RW Repubs, I think that will remain to be the case.
Khirad : Eek, good point there Cher. I can only imagine his version of winking. Maybe he’ll bring beauty contestants to flank him and do the winking for him.
Chernynkaya : Tex, I think you are right, but then again, we have some seriously incompetent Dems when it comes to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
texliberal : Tea-party is just the lastest incarnation of Copperheads, Know Nothings and Aimme Semple McPherson. They sealed there dome with the Ryan budget proposals. But DEMS will have to hammer them on it.
Chernynkaya : Khirad, one would think so, right? Except Palin was said to have tied with Biden. Bush won! against GORE.
Khirad : If he runs as an Indie, I HOPE they invite him to the debates. That’s where he would be CRUSHED.
Chernynkaya : The reason I think he will run Indie–if at all–is because he knows he can’t win the extremist RW vote. Esp. the Religious RW vote. He can’t. But if his ego gets the best of him, he has hinted he’ll run as an Indie. And let me go way out on a limb here: There is something appealing to many about his straight talk, and his bullying. People eat that shit up. Want oil? TAKE it! YEAH! America FIRST-YEAH! That sort of crap. He is effective with that, so I do worry about Indies who loved the sock-stuffed Bush. And they love billionaires who SAY they can negotiate. Constrast that to the way O is seen in negotiations. It scares me. But I still say, end if they day, he won’t run. Thank God. he cannot win, but he could make O have some trouble.
Khirad : I’m loving these polls – consistent – on taxing the rich and medicare. Dems need to pound away at this. And watch the Republicans complain about Democrats playing to fear! Ha!
AdLib : Patsy – This same thing happened to the GOP with the previous bagger incarnation, the Moral Majorit/Religiou s Right. They pandered to them and eventually got taken over by them, leading them to eventual defeat. History has repeated itself. In order to have a motivated base, the GOP has pandered to the radicals who represent the majorituy of those left in the GOP and have been taken over by them, leading to their defeat in 2012. Add all that they’ve done so far to killing Medicare and stealing from seniors to give more to the wealthy and I don’t see how any majority of moderates vote for Repub control in 2012.
PatsyT : Oh Yeah Khirad! Lets send that to Rat again over and over and over More More
AdLib : Cher – Still disagree with you. Why would Trump need to run as an indie if he’s at the top of the Repub polls? Also, Trump will only draw from the GOP constiuency and a minority of indies, his running as an indie as Perot did will only make Obama win as Clinton did.
AdLib : Cher – Absolutely! Just because I am confident Obama will win, it doesn’t mean I’m confident that he will win if we don’t fight hard in 2012 for him. We can’t become complacent about it but I do think we can be confident.
PatsyT : Well it just goes to show you that when you base your platform on deceiving the American people so you can screw them into oblivion, things get complicated and it gets hard to make sense.
Chernynkaya : AL–IF Trump runs–and I hear ya about the ego–he will run as an Indie, which is not good for us. The far right cannot accept him, is record is pro-choice, and pro single payer, among other things. If he runs as an Indie, i think we could have a problem. But I’ll still bet a dollar he won;t run.
AdLib : Tex – Right on the money. Water is the big scam Pickens is engaged in, promoting NG and Wind Power…but demanding water rights for all the public land he plans to build on. So glad TX ranchers shut him down!
Khirad : Too funny Patsy «link»
AdLib : Cher – I don’t think Trump intended to run but now that he’s seen himself leap to the lead, that man’s ego is telling him, he could be president. He’s now trying to distance himself from the birther stuff because of that. Did you see him whining at CNN because they kept asking him about birther stuff and he said he didn’t want to talk about that, he wanted to talk about China? And the point is, the rank and file won’t vote for Pawlenty in the first place so he can’t get to the nom.
Chernynkaya : I am niot saying O will lose–just tht it is early, and anything can happen. It ALL– ALL!– depends on the Dems showing up to fucking vote.
PatsyT : Rat again needs to play porn music when he has Brightfart and Pickens on
Khirad : Cher, let’s say Pawlenty does get it (hypothetically) . He would be their Kerry. More a protest vote than anything.
texliberal : T Boone is the ultimate huckster. He wanted to tap into the West Texas aquifer to send water to the big cities in East Texas. Ranchers would have none of that. By the way fresh water will be the next big scam.
Khirad : AdLib, all those candidates you mention have denied Birtherism. So, you are correct.
AdLib : Khirad – I’m taking the position that Pawlenty, Huntsman, Romney, etc. just can’t appeal to the majority of Repubs who are RW extremists now, since they’ve chased all the moderates out of the party. The dynamics seem to me to be that those in power in the GOP know an extremist nom would be a mistake but they will have no more power over that than Repubs nominating Christine O’Donnell in DE.
Khirad : Oh, and by the way Bito, me joining vox means today’s update is up.
Chernynkaya : AL Trump will not run. Wait until May, when his show is renewed. But yes, 50% of 30% are birthers. The religious right will never get behind him. As far a as Pawlenty, he is not a threat because of the baggers–they will maybe stay home. But they loathe O, the same way we loathe a Bachman. But it’s the Indies I worry about with Pawlenty. Many need any excuse to not vote for O, especially with gas prices still high then, or the economy struggling.Facto r in the Koch press and Citizen’s and you have a real race.
Khirad : OMG, that Pickens deal was beyond gag-worthy. He’s the ultimate kiss ass.
PatsyT : But AdLib Pawlenty has nice hair
AdLib : You know where I am on RatAgain, another transparent fraud who has been and remains a corporate Repub. He french kisses all of them when they visit him, he made out like a teenager with T. Boone Pickens when he was on.
Khirad : Did we already discuss that Pawlenty guy who got blitzed and scared a 15 year old girl when he broke into the wrong house! Can’t call that campaign as bland as polenta anymore!
Khirad : I’m sorry, Rat-Again. Forgive me.
Khirad : The only thing Ratigan is right about is calling out the Tea Party for them siding with corporations and not being about what they supposedly espouse. But that’s it, and it’s not redeeming of the rest.
Chernynkaya : The WORST ever was the Rattigan interview with him. People on the Left went NUTS. He had his lips all over breitbart’s butt. It was amazing.
Khirad : He was still pushing that his Sherrod video proved that the NAACP are racist. Of course, all while blaming them for sacking her too quickly when they fell for his trap because they didn’t condone racism. Seriously, it’s like Swiss cheese with him.
PatsyT : Khirad thats funny! Cher talking like the ladies man!
texliberal : Ah Khirad,That’s one guy who better hope I never develop a terminal disease. His extinction is on my BUCKET LIST
AdLib : Patsy and Cher – My thought on Pawlenty is this. He has no name recognition and no constituency in the rank and file Repubs. Consider this, why did Trump vault into the lead in a poll of Repubs (not just tea baggers)? Consider that over 50% of Repubs believe Obama is not American. Those remaining in the GOP as rank and file are, by a preponderence, extremists. They are not at all like the tiny amount of those holding power in the GOP. Remember how many Repubs got primaried and lost? That was not what the status quo overlords of the GOP wanted. They are not connected with the majority in their party, they can’t make them excited or happy about voting for Pawlenty no matter how much they tout him. I doubt that this milquetoast can rally the GOP base behind him and certainly will be seen as not being able to do so in a GE against the charismatic Obama. I could be wrong but I will take any and all friendly $1 bets that Pawlenty will not be the GOP candidate.
PatsyT : Brightfart the victim
Chernynkaya : K–he probably could gt some ladies too.
Chernynkaya : Yeah, he’s such a victim. Like the Dumpster. but in the end, i don;t think Americans like whiners.
Khirad : Ha, at first I read that Huntsman could get some ladies. Oh, these tired eyes!
Khirad : By the way, if you never saw it, Breitfart was pulling a total Palin. If you really wanna shout at your computer screen, watch Martin Bashir (who could have been better) bring out the conspiracy nutter/professio nal victimhood of Breitfart. «link»
Chernynkaya : Also, Tex, it’s an adrenaline rush sometimes. They have great software for fighting–er..co nversations. Seriously–it’s very good that way.
texliberal : Yea AdLib I just can bring myself to give it to them. But I’m an old street cop and have a pretty thick skin. But I’m also a little long in the tooth and have to pace myself.
Chernynkaya : And huntsman could get some Indies. he’s formed an exploratory.
PatsyT : Hey AdLib but if the baggers are losing steam maybe Pawlenty would be a better choice for them
bito : Night funk
AdLib : Tex – Yes, I have seen some incisive comments at HP still but rarely do they last for long without some Bagger moron disrupting them. It becomes a case of diminishing returns to some of us but at the same time, others of us are deal with it fine.
Chernynkaya : Take care Funk!
bito : Huckabee is NOT going to run!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Funk Have a wonderful weekend
Chernynkaya : And may I add, i hope I lose that buck!
texliberal : See ya funk
funksands : Gotta go folks. Have a great weekend. Thinking fondly of all of you.
Chernynkaya : You’re on, AL!
AdLib : Cher – I will make a $1 bet with you that neither Romney nor Pawlenty will be nominated. Romney is too polluted for the RW, they don’t like that he was a liberal, had Romneycare, supported gays, etc. Nor that he’s a Mormon. And Pawlenty has no cred with baggers who must be served. I say Huckabee is most likely but Trump could spend half a billion and buy the nomination if his ego tells him to.
funksands : Perry is hypocritical prick. He balances his budget with illegal education cuts and then lobbys Congress for 800 million in federal education funds during the budget battle.
bito : Cher, agree.
PatsyT : How much $$$ have the RW Billionaire Boys spent on these think tanks and foundations all these years and now when they are really putting their policy to people the people are tossing it back at them! This is not getting on any of the main news shows and if it is only for a moment!
Chernynkaya : Bito, that’s why I think it’ll be PAwlenty or Romney.
Chernynkaya : FUnk–you just reminded me to be outraged again!
funksands : Cher, of course I have. Again, this is a small, incredibly focused, dedicated malevolent wad of coroporate dollars focused on one goal. Its a serious problem in smaller races.
bito : Cher, Huck is not going to run. Either are Trump, Palin Barbour, Shelly
AdLib : Tex – I do think Perry has positioned TX to be pounded in 2012. The next big budget deficit in TX will come in and he won’t have Stimulus money to cover it OR a ton of royalty money that has sunseted. Life is going to get very tough for many in TX next year as he slashes public services and public spending massively.
funksands : The only hope we have in 2012 against the suppression of the college vote, the birth certificate registration requirements, outlawing felon voting, rigged machines, gerrymandering, suppression of unions etc. is that main street seems to be finally waking up to the fact that they are not facing GOP opposition but rather 3rd world vote suppression.
Chernynkaya : AL– if you mean only Iowa voters you’re right. But the Reeps always give the nom to the one next in line. Only Pawlenty can move to the right, so I’m betting on him.
PatsyT : Bito I will call it Honest Hour of talk
bito : Patsy, yes she did. Our one hour of lib talk a day.
AdLib : Patsy – You have focused on the real story, across America, though the MSM doesn’t want this being widely known, true populism is growing and it is against the wealthy, corporations and the GOP. They can hide this for a while but not forever, as 2012 approaches. Obama has many ways to win in 2012, Repubs have few. And when an extremist is running for the White House, the argument for Dems to sit out the election will fall apart.
Chernynkaya : Funk, we’ll have to disagree about that. I really think they will. Have you heard of the Kochs? Of ALEC? Of the Revere America?
PatsyT : Actualy Rachael called out all of the Media as not being liberal at all
Chernynkaya : Yes, OAtsy. I had that legman on DP.She rocks!
bito : Tere was article on the Kocks and the disagreed with it. They were asked if they wanted to refute. They didn’t. Tjey took out adds callinfg the publishers frauds. That’s how CU woks and the money involved. WaPo even admitted that they are afraid of law suits.
texliberal : Yes AdLib substantive conversations on HP are rare but every once in awhile
Chernynkaya : AL, it’s nit going to be Trump. KI am surprised you think so–or Bachmann. It’ll be at worst, Huck, and then I think Ob will win if we can show how he wants to change the Constitution. But Pawlenty or Rommney will get the nom. and boring as they are, remember 2010.
AdLib : Cher – The problem with that scenario is that “someone normal” can’t win in the GOP primary now, They have pushed out all moderates and hitched their wagon to Bagger extremists who won’t vote for and enthusiastically support anyone who’s not an extremist. Hence, normal guys can’t win in the GOP primary.
funksands : Cher, the vast majority of coporations are not actively trying to innovate through legislation. They are just trying to get all they can from the rotten system that we have. The group of corporations and wealthy trying to rig the system is smaller than we think.
texliberal : Texas may become kind of a petri dish for 2012. Demographics are changing quickly and Governor GOOD HAIR’s policies are wearing thin. He’s got a big deficit and got caught taking money from the FEDs. Here in Dallas he’s virtually privatized the freeway system with toll roads.
PatsyT : Hey like I talked about before to AdLib, Rachael did a nice bit on MSM BeltWay Media and how they are not reporting on the happenings in Mich. and the NEW town Halls where folks are after the Repubs about the Paul Ryan vouchers coupons. Rachael called out HP as NOT being liberal anymore!
AdLib : Cher – Yes , Obama could lose but I would suggest it is highly unlikely. All incumbent presidents, when times are tough, are weak against opponents in polls this early in the race. But when the campaign comes down to the General election and voters have to decide, do you want Obama making decisions for America or Donald Trump, the numbers change dramatically.
Chernynkaya : Funk, I think you are a bit uninformed about the corps backing O. They are spending as much to dismantle fin. reg. as they spent to try and stop it–and that’s just this quarter. They HATE O. You are wrong about that.
AdLib : Tex – I understand, we have a number of members who pop over to HP too. It’s totally cool, it’s just that for some of us, the futility of trying to have intelligent, substantive conversations over there just isn’t worth it anymore.
bito : funk, I know your working many hours and having a hard time keeping up with the news, It can be dificult.
funksands : Corporations would have to see Obama as enemy to impact the national race. They don’t. However, I think Citizens has huge impact on Congressional and State races. See: 2010
AdLib : Funk – I am confident Obama will beat whatever lame candidate the Repubs put up. However, we will still need to work hard to battle against the MSM and all the corporate spending to surpress or manipulate voters. I am totally with you though, I would love for him to do a smack down on the Repubs and you know, I think he’ll have to be more pugnacious in the general election this time around. It’s going to be brutal.
Chernynkaya : Yes, AL and it’ll get a LOT worse. Wait until someone normal declares for the reps. The MSM will tout them as the second coming. If RYAN could be called courageous, Romny or Pawlenty will get accolades!
bito : Remember,we have Citizens United this election.
funksands : Bito: Sure he is. All he has to do is figure out how to win 24 of 111 or so “toss-up” states and he is re-elected. Hence the GOP reluctance to pile into the race.
Chernynkaya : Indeed bito! Not a shoo in OR a shoe in!
funksands : Bito: Honestly, once I get done with my 60 hour work week, a few left jabs at trolls is about all I can muster. It’s shallow but some days shallow is all I have.
AdLib : Cher – That is a populist entity and far more reflective of reality. The whole game here, as it always is for the corporations and GOP, is to suppress the turnout by Dems and indies. The hard numbers show that Repubs can only win if the amount of total voters are suppressed. And this MSM campaign to discourage Dems fits neatly into that strategy.
bito : Jinx Cher
bito : I don’t think Obama has a shoo in at all
Chernynkaya : Funk, he will probably win but not a shoe in. Believe me, he could actually lose!
texliberal : AdLib many of us still have old friends over there and it’s kind of a keep in touch thing and every once in awhile calling a paid poster or troll to task can be fun.
funksands : Ad I know. He’s a shoo-in for re-election. A small dark part of me wants him to have to fight harder. But the bigger part of me just wants him to Joe Louis whatever Chuck Wepner the GOP throws up.
Chernynkaya : AdLib, you are completely correct about that. Twitter has opened up a new world of REAL progressives who support O.
AdLib : Funk – As I mentioned earlier, HP is far from reflective of what most Progressives out there feel and think. Most are not loons like firebaggers and most have been supporting and rallying behind Obama. Don’t be misled by what you see at HP or in the media, the percentage of Dems supporting Obama is huge.
Chernynkaya : And frank Rich left too!
bito : Why does anyone go to HP?
funksands : And the NYT is the best that is left of the old media. I keep buying subscriptions for people I love and crossing my fingers…..and it just gets worse. Bob Herbert leaving was a sign.
Chernynkaya : NYT has had some blots on it but it really is a very good paper. I am considering paying for access–I never thought I would.
AdLib : Funk – Just look at what happened at the NYT with Judith Miller and their beating the fear drum for war in Iraq. the NYT is not a pristine bastion of truth either.
Chernynkaya : I watched it too. It was so fucking prescient.
funksands : It’s sad watching newly hatched liberals prop up Obama as Progressive Avatar. I feel bad for them. Moderate Democrats are discouraging for the new left. My hope is that they keep channeling their energy into local and state elections to change our system from the bottom-up.
AdLib : Tex – That’s so true. That was the moment. When profits and not fairly reporting the truth became the priority of news divisions, that was when real journalism began its corruption. the movie Network was on last night and I had to watch it again, so visionary in predicting the death of news by the corporatization and profit motive.
Chernynkaya : Tex, no, you don’t have to confrotn them, really. I don’t have to confront the crazy people who talk to themselves in the street either. If you work with them or if they are in your family, you can choose not to discuss nonsense. it’s frustrating, I know, but there is no point at all.
AdLib : I think some of these “firebaggers” are frauds, just GOPers whipping up dissension among Dems. As has been shown in articles here, firebaggers like Arianna and Hamsher have RW connections. The others are just deluded children, played by the Ariannas and Hamshers to act like spoiled snots, “You didn’t get everything you wanted so Obama betrayed you! Hate him for it! And don’t think about how you’re working for the Kochs when you do!”
funksands : Ad, I’ve even noticed it with the NYT. I’ve been a subscriber for 4 years and the slow death has been noticeable.
texliberal : AdLib the day news divisions HAD to show a profit the NEWS was lost
texliberal : Hey C, I live in Dallas, I have to confront them everyday
AdLib : Funk, it all seems so transparent now, there is a simple fact: 5 corporations own all the major media outlets in America. What more do folks need to know about whether these corporations use their media divisions to profit their own interests?
texliberal : Lot’s of young firey libs wasting their breath with endless, mindless conspiracies.
funksands : Ad, I’m with you. Rachel is the only MSM I’ll consume anymore. I find myself craving something more significant.
Chernynkaya : I just wonder if you think you can convince them differently?
Chernynkaya : Tex, why do you engage them? Why read what they say?
Chernynkaya : OOPs. sorry Tex, I meant you.
AdLib : Hey Tex. I think they are all an equal waste of time and energy, mindless, ignorant drones who pick this lunacy or that to justify their anger at having a failed life.
funksands : Tex, all I know is that I am trying to raise my kids to be neither.
Chernynkaya : Funk, honestly, I don’t care about either of them. It’s a waste of time IMO.
texliberal : I’d like ya’ll to answer a question. Spent some time on good ole HP this week listening to the Obama bashing from both sides. Which are more vexing, birthers or truthers?
Chernynkaya : AL, that’s fine for us to do–I don’t watch news on TV except for MSNBC sometimes, when hubby has it on. But we need to let other know what’s really happening. The three big network news show get about 10% of the pop. every nite. We can’t give that up. Also, please check out tomorrow’s DP–it’s all the front pages of newspapers.
AdLib : Cher – It’s certainly worthwhile and not requiring of a great deal of time to let local and national stations know that we are tired of their dishonesty and manipulation. In the end though, I think corporate ownership of the media makes it permanently polluted. They can’t ever be what we need so moving people off of their BS to the web would have a two pronged successful effect.
Chernynkaya : But AL, we need to let them know we are onto them. Maybe not an angry letter, but especially local news. By far, most people get their news from networks and local.
AdLib : What people need to do is turn off the MSM when it comes to news. Turn off the tv when the news is on it, go on the internet, listen to NPR, turn it off. That’s the best campaign. Boycott it because it is mere propaganda and distraction now.
bito : Nite k’es.
funksands : 1. No abortions unless the mother’s life is at risk, medicaid? Abolished. Schools? Traded in for online learning.
Chernynkaya : Dang, kes. Sleep well!
kesmarn : ‘Night, AD, and folks, I might have to take my leave, too. Almost midnight here and work tomorrow. ‘Nitall!
funksands : They are going for the triple crown:
AdLib : Cher – I don’t think shouting and screaming will work with the corporate MSM. They believe and are right in some cases, that they decide reality.
funksands : night AD. What’s the topic? I hope its Idaho.
AdLib : Night AD.
Chernynkaya : “night, AD.
ADONAI : Well kids, it’s been fun. Good night folks. Peace be with you. “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” ~Abraham Lincoln
Chernynkaya : AL– it is really shocking, even for me, to see the news blackout while tens of thousands are in the streets. THAT is even a bigger story for me than the Protests! And people on cable anyway and the blogs are statring to speak about that! Everyone needs to write their news outlets and scream!
funksands : Adonai, our CraigsList ad is not getting the traffic we want these days.
AdLib : Power Shift was very cool. As is US Uncut, the union protests, soon there will be Save Medicare protests, the REAL grass roots is rising up. Don’t be misled by the MSM, this is happening all across America and the corporate media refuses to cover it, to keep the deceased Tea Party as the false rep of grass roots in America. It is pretty underhanded.
ADONAI : funk,I’m surprised they don’t still sacrifice virgins to it so it comes back.
Chernynkaya : Bito!!
funksands : This is what happens when the sun appears in my town. People get a bit freaky.
bito : Rangoon! Rangoon? Come in Rangoon!
ADONAI : I’m high on marijuana but I’ve taken some America in the past. Good shit.
Chernynkaya : AD! Hehe!
ADONAI : Is that anything like London Calling? ‘Cause someone usually gets shot afterward
funksands : I am so high on America right now. Sorry but its true.
Chernynkaya : Hi, Funk!
AdLib : Hey Funk!
ADONAI : Hello funk! And Amen!
PatsyT : BRB Ohio calling
Chernynkaya : OOps Power shift. The margarita is kicking in.
ADONAI : I was gonna fight some crime and junk but at some point you remember that Bruce Wayne is a billionaire with a decade of combat training.
Chernynkaya : The best protest I saw so far was the Power Split in DC.. AWESOME!
funksands : Happy Zombie Jesus / Earth Day everyone! Man do I love living in a country where we can celebrate both on the same day!!!
bito : I think Khirad may have been a Tom Dellinger in the ’60’s
AdLib : Hey!!! I thought I was the night! Damn it!
kesmarn : Forget about getting out the vote. We have Batman and the doomsday laser!
AdLib : AD – You will definitely get the chance! We will be organizing actions this election season.
Chernynkaya : Oh, you’re right of course AL. But I was being whimsical.
ADONAI : I hear ya AdLib. I’m just looking for an excuse to wear my Batman costume.
Chernynkaya : Yeah, what about that asshat? Manning?? Really.
ADONAI : Once I finish my doomsday laser, none of this will matter.
AdLib : AD – I like ideas like that though I’d rather put that kind of energy into people who aren’t insignificant weasels like Sirota, like the Kochs or Repub leadership.
Chernynkaya : “nails” too!
kesmarn : I’d like to be in a flash mob protesting the flash mob that protested the Prez at that fund-raiser. The Bradley Manning fan club.
Chernynkaya : Oh, that’s right. I was spitting naols and now I remember.
bito : Khirad and I jinxed on the interview.
Chernynkaya : I love the idea of a flash mob against firebaggers!
AdLib : Bito – That’s an excellent idea! I would like to see the segment and/or transcript first then we can write a letter and send it to Sirota and see if he has the huevos to respond.
ADONAI : What if we just did one of those flash mobs where we all show up at his office wearing costumes and shit and then do some dance. Not Thriller! That shit’s overused.
Chernynkaya : Khirasd went off first about it I think. He was lividly un-Khirad-like
Chernynkaya : Sure, bito. For all it’ll matter. He’s a zealot.
kesmarn : I’m going to have to check out this interview! It has really got people going!
Chernynkaya : AD–
Yeah–a rare phrase!
bito : Khirad suggested a site letter to David Sirota, should we post the interview and do one?
Chernynkaya : Welcome to my world, kes!
AdLib : Kes – When my fave filmmakers are mentioned, yep!
ADONAI : You never hear anyone say, “we gotta get a handle on these albinos”.
Chernynkaya : Harold and Maude STILL holds up perfectly. Just saw it again and it’s great.
kesmarn : I didn’t remember that,Cher! I must have been in a daze that year (or years).
kesmarn : AdLib you are a veritable encyclopedia!
Chernynkaya : Kes–yes, she won the Oscar.
kesmarn : Cher! Not too many people remember that movie! Was Jane Fonda in it with Voigt?
ADONAI : Deer Hunter is a fucked up movie
AdLib : Hal Ashby directed Coming Home, one of my fave directors who burned out and died young. He also directed Harold and Maude, Being There and The Last Detail.
Chernynkaya : I heard that too AD. But yechh.
PatsyT : Deer Hunter, and that music was amazing
Chernynkaya : Yes ADlib. I agree. After his win.
bito : I remember when they went to Birthdates and what “your number was” I was before then. I had friends have the FBI come to their home. I only got letters from them.
ADONAI : I remember reading that the Tom Cruise movie Born on the 4th of July got good reviews from veterans.
Chernynkaya : Coming HOme was excellent. Too bad that what’s his name is such an asshole winger now. Voight.
AdLib : Sirota sounds like an SOB, no, we should absolutely not pave the way for a President Trump because Obama hasn’t proven to be God-like in his perfection. However, after the 2012 election, it absolutely would be appropriate to demand that the wars just end!
PatsyT : I have two brothers and one had already been through the Navy so he just missed Vietnam I could not imagine either of my brothers there they are total nerds
ADONAI : Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Platoon. Really puts you in “the shit”.
kesmarn : There was a not too well known movie called “Coming Home,” and a lot of vets said it really captured the experience of returning after that war.
Chernynkaya : When Apocalypse Now came out, guys I knew said, “Yup.” And worse.
ADONAI : Forget ‘Nam. What about Cambodia!? We REALLY weren’t suppose to be there!
AdLib : Bito – You and I were on the same page. I was seriously considering having to move to Canada.
Chernynkaya : This flims are the tops.
kesmarn : b’ito, that war really messed some people up very badly. My one cousin would have gone except for a childhood accident in which he (fortunately) lost his trigger finger.
PatsyT : Oooo Midnight Express Awesome one of my top favs
Chernynkaya : My ex was hypnotized to freak out at his physical and got a 4F.
AdLib : Some of Alan Parker’s best films: Angel Heart, The Commitments, Fame, Midnight Express, Mississippi Burning, Pink Floyd The Wall.
Chernynkaya : Now that’s a candidate!
PatsyT : My Brother was slated to go and if it were not for his poor vision he would have gone
kesmarn : Oh,Patsy, I’d be so happy if Coussoule won!
bito : I had friends killed, crippled, blinded and come home slap crazy!
ADONAI : ‘Nam would have been a tough choice for me. I don’t wanna die in a jungle but I don’t want to go to jail. I also don’t want to live in Canada. Tough choice
PatsyT : A little off topic but if they primary Boehner This Dem could run again! «link»
kesmarn : People really had to make some horrible choices then.
Chernynkaya : AL– I remember that time well, and then I would have agreed. But now I know better, when ti see the alternative.
bito : I was there, k’es, I got a passport and saved my money. I wasn’t going to that bloody war.
AdLib : Kes – The draft and Vietnam ended just a couple of years before I would have had to have made that decision. I wouldn’t have gone. And I would have opposed ANY president who supported sending more of us to die for no reason in Vietnam.
Chernynkaya : Did PArker also direct my other fave–Parallax view?
ADONAI : Indeed. Louis Cypher. Lucifer.
Chernynkaya : I was so proud of myself when i saw it and figured out that he was looking for himself early on! And DiNero as L.Cypher!!
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. The choices were: go over there and risk your life for nothing or go to prison. Mad people mad! The old guys were trying to kill the boomers then and Ryan is trying to kill them now. The generation that would “not go gently…”
PatsyT : Bito you can always put in on TOOT later
AdLib : Cher – Really liked Angel Heart – Alan Parker directed, a very visually powerful director.
ADONAI : Angel heart was a pretty good movie
Chernynkaya : I mean, think about it. LBJ did more progressive stiff since fdr. But he stayed in Nam–which was very bad. But to throw him out witht he bathwater is stupid.
bito : Patsy, I not sure if it’s posted yet.
ADONAI : kes, that is very true. the younger generation was ahead of everyone else on this and the draft was just the start.
AdLib : Kes – Excactly, it wasn’t that we were in a war, it was that there was a draft and young Americans were being killed and wounded endlessly. That’s why IMO, there will never be another draft in America, just bribery to lure the poor and desperate into joining so they can be sacrificed.
PatsyT : Sure
Chernynkaya : Patsy–do you really want to see it?
PatsyT : Bito, did you have a link? I missed most of that.
kesmarn : AdLib, I like the way you travel! 5 pound trips! The best!
Chernynkaya : Did anyone ever see the movie Angel Heart? Filmed in NO and feels just right.
kesmarn : The fact that there was a draft in the 60s made the war intensely unpopular with younger voters (and voting age was 21 then), starting in the mid-60s.
AdLib : Kes – When I’ve visited Louisiana, I don’t measure the length of the trip in time, I measure it in pounds I gained. “That was a 5 pound trip, the last one was only a 3 pounder.”
Chernynkaya : You guys KNOW that convo–think the worst firebagger you can imagine. Think about Hp and the trolls and you’ll get the dirft.
bito : I need to have Cher, Khirad, Patsy to chime in on the whole program with Cenk. I was multi-tasking, looking for twitter comments.
Chernynkaya : Ashamed to say I ate turtle soup there too. I never knew it could be so delicious.
AdLib : Bito – There was dissent especially from younger Dems at LBJ but the passage of The Civil Rights Act is widely known as the reason Johnson didn’t run\ and the Dems lost.
ADONAI : Public opinion didn’t really turn on the war til LBJ was out of office. ’69 was the year we began “losing” that war.
kesmarn : I’ve done the Cafe du Monde thing, too. Delicious. I would be huge if I live in NOLA.
Chernynkaya : Look, I want out of the was asap. But I ma not a one issue voter and even if I were–what would a Reep do?!?!?
AdLib : Cher – Love Cafe du Monde! The begnets and coffee…mmm…
kesmarn : Well, the war was a horrible thing. But electing Nixon got us more war AND a crook.
Chernynkaya : Kes, It shocked me.
bito : k’es, he claimed the progressives brought down LBJ becase of the war, it didn’t matter his Good deeds. Under Nixon the war only got worse.
Chernynkaya : AL– Are there still musicians playing in the Quarter? Did you eat begnets at Cafe du Monde?
kesmarn : Cher…seriously ? What is up with that?
AdLib : Bito – And what was Cenk’s response to the BS?
ADONAI : jeez bito, tell him how you really feel
AdLib : Was in NO recently, do enjoy it.
Chernynkaya : Kes, the only bad thing was, in the airport they had souvenir Mammys and watermelon eating black statuettes.
bito : He never ran as a progressive, asshole!
kesmarn : I think it might be the most cosmopolitan city in the U.S., Cher.
bito : AdLib, he was being a pure Firebabagger. Bring down Obama because he isn’t being a true progressive
Chernynkaya : I So LOVE NO! That place is maybe me favorite city in the US.
kesmarn : I love NOLA
ADONAI : Why would Progressives “bring down” LBJ? Sure he lied us into Vietnam but he was a pretty Progressive President.
AdLib : Cher – Oh!! Yes, I know that about NO. Quite a town!
kesmarn : Was Siroto’s argument that we should be trying to bring down Obama? I don’t really think LBJ and Obama are comparable in many ways.
AdLib : Bito – Fill the rest of us in on the details of the Sirota convo with Cenk.
Chernynkaya : Not Los Angeles, AL, Nola.
ADONAI : Patsy, And it may never happen again in your lifetime. The weather patterns would have to be increasing and long term to really reflect any global change.
AdLib : Cher – Which drive thru is that?
kesmarn : Patsy, I think you’re right. There does seem to be much more tornado activity in say the last ten years.
bito : I’m with Cher, I want to vent on that crap! The one thing Sirto said was “we (progressives) brought down LBJ! Yeah MoFo and you got Nixon 10X’s as bad.
Chernynkaya : Yep. Even a tornado. I mean, hurricane.
kesmarn : LA is so civilized!
ADONAI : You can get any kind of alcohol at adrive thru here
PatsyT : SEE! OK, really I do not remember this much wild tornado activity this early in the year. I lived in Cleveland and Chicago until 2000
Chernynkaya : do yu know that in LA, you can get margaritas from a drive thru?
ADONAI : AdLib, I believe it. it uprooted a few old trees here.Luckily not near any houses.
Chernynkaya : I’m glad you guys are all out of ‘nado’s way.
ADONAI : HA! poo
ADONAI : If I was in the chair I would tell you whatever you wanted to know. Please don’t pull my teeth out!
AdLib : Just saw this headline: Apparent tornado blows out windows at St. Louis airport
PatsyT : I liked him better in “Meet the Fockers”
Chernynkaya : AD, yu know what a Sirota is–if you eat enough roughage, you see it every day.
kesmarn : Cher, so far no warning (nados) here.
kesmarn : Patsy, I have an appt Monday. (Almost typed “Moanday.” Yeah.)
ADONAI : I dunno about kes but we had some standard wind damage here in Kentucky but we were very lucky over all. No fatalities or injuries reported.
Chernynkaya : AD i was imagining Sirota in the cahir.
PatsyT : Oh Cher, I have to go to the dentist soon Yikes!
ADONAI : Cher, i still can’t watch that. I thought it was a movie about guys running! Not Nazi dentists!
Chernynkaya : Oh, yikes! Are you safe?
kesmarn : Cher, we were talking ‘nados because there’s crazy weather moving through the midwest right now.
Chernynkaya : «link»
ADONAI : What’s a sirota?
PatsyT : Bito I only saw parts
kesmarn : I missed that, but saw your discussion on it.
AdLib : Bito – Saw your and Khirad’s comments on it. Please fill us in on details.
Chernynkaya : I saw it!! This is what I watched to vent:
Chernynkaya : Are we talking ‘nados?
bito : Did you guys see the Cenk/Sirota/ firebagger shit? What a load!
kesmarn : We thought we didn’t get the big ones either until last year’s F4. Bye-bye local high school…
ADONAI : I should say they usually don’t. We have had some bad ones on occasion.
ADONAI : bito, If the tornado gets that powerful, you are most definitely correct. But around here they don’t. That’s some Tornado Alley disaster right there.
kesmarn : Patsy, Buffy’s staff ride the brooms and carry her on her chaise so she may recline.
Chernynkaya : Don’t think so kes.
AdLib : Hey Cher!
Chernynkaya : Hey, AD!
PatsyT : Hey Cher !
bito : AD, haven’t you ever seen pics whre there is nothing left but the slab? What closet?
kesmarn : Cher! Is your typing slurred?
ADONAI : Hey Cher!
Chernynkaya : Hi allZ! Sorry I’m late. Went to dinner. 2 margaritas, so I’ll just lurk.
PatsyT : Oh and Buffy do you have your broom dear?
kesmarn : Oh nooooo! My tornado gown is at the cleaners!
bito : Buffy, do you have anything to wear for a tornado?
ADONAI : Then you are set kes!
kesmarn : My whole house is one big closet…
ADONAI : Don’t need a cellar. Just a closet or a sturdy table. Preferably in the center of the house.
PatsyT : Yea Kitty!
kesmarn : But my kitty has volunteered to sit on my head and protect me.
bito : k’es,
kesmarn : Errrr…no?
AdLib : Kes – Do you have a cellar, just in case?
ADONAI : Hello bito!
kesmarn : Hey, b’ito! Seems like just moments ago…!
ADONAI : Most of Trump’s wealth is tied up in investments that could go belly up any day. Of course he wants a land that favors the wealthy. They need to populate his ridiculously priced hotels and shitty casinos. And pay ridiculous rent for his office spaces.
AdLib : Hey Bito!
AdLib : From Wikipedia: Trumpium can be found in the droppings of rodents, is highly toxic and often used to induce insanity.
kesmarn : Hey, tornado warning in Paducah! Wow, we are getting slammed here!
bito : BTW Hello.
PatsyT : Hey Bito!
bito : How many election cycles has Trump ” thought about running”? Has he caught up with Newt yet?
PatsyT : net worth of course
PatsyT : Hey Trump said his was bigger then Forbes
ADONAI : .000000000000000 0000000000001 billion. And none.
AdLib : ADONAI – How many billions are you worth and how many bankruptcies do you have under your belt?
kesmarn : Patsy, sounds like Trump’s running mate needs to be Charlie Sheen.
AdLib : Patsy –
ADONAI : All I’m saying is make me supreme dictator. 4 years from now people will be throwing roses at my feet.
kesmarn : The Repubs might have to resort to running McGrumpy one more time after he gets finished fixing Libya.
PatsyT : Side effects may include voting against you own mother and child, cutting off you left arm, opening your veins and laughing at the flow
AdLib : Trump could NEVER get elected which makes imagining it entertaining. People are already sick of him, aside from the robo-baggers.
kesmarn : We’re getting an overdose of Trumpium right now, Patsy.
AdLib : Patsy – Indeed, a drug with lots of terrible side effects too.
kesmarn : How many times could we hear “Ya Fiyahed” before we would have to rise up and shave him bald?
ADONAI : I started imagining Trump as President but then I got real sad.
PatsyT : MSM is like a drug they give the patients at the Mental Hospitals to keep them controlled.
AdLib : Hey, imagine if Trump won the Presidency and sucked all the media air out of the nation for 4 years by making it an NBC reality show at the same time.
PatsyT : Oh yes Kes, I forgot I am only to think of the things the billionaires want me thinking about. Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Donald Tdump
ADONAI : We do have a bit of Breaking News though. Apparently Lindsay Lohan has been ordered back to jail.
kesmarn : E.g., it was all over the place that Subway was reducing the amount of sodium in their sandwiches.
AdLib : Is there a site that tracks what stories get the most play in the media in a given week?
kesmarn : Patsy we were talking about that this past week. I think you called it the “Billionaire’s News.”
PatsyT : AdLib just a comparison chart would be very revealing
AdLib : Patsy, that would be an interesting article, a list of the superficial stories that no doubt get the most play in the MSM in a given week vs. the urgent and critical issues that are ignored.
kesmarn : The house that was hit IS near the cooling tower of the nuclear plant, now that I think of it.
ADONAI : It would be so awesome if the Kool Aid commercial were true. You would never be trapped.
PatsyT : The 50 foot Woman maybe?
kesmarn : Dang! AdLib, I hafta say that didn’t occur to me. Tokyo is probably a little too unstable right now and he had to move on…
AdLib : Could have been the Kool Aid Guy! “Hey Kool Aid!”
ADONAI : kes, it could have been the Incredible Hulk!
PatsyT : Now there is a good story for the MSM to get into… Could these thousands of tornados be the result of Climate Change? But NO we have the hear the Donald say Excuse Me over and over.
AdLib : Kes – Could have been Gammera?
ADONAI : Weather is a very random thing with a lot of variables at play. You will get patches that seem unusually severe. Short term weather patterns aren’t a very good determination of climate change anyways.
kesmarn : Yes, AD, near here a travel trailer was tossed into the side of a house and went into the owner’s living room. Took them 2 days to conclude it must have been a tornado. Ya think?
AdLib : Jinx Patsy!
ADONAI : kes, I hear ya. That’s twice in the last 3 days we’ve had a super cell pass through and both times central Kentucky came out pretty good all things considered.
PatsyT : Whats up with the weather this spring? Is anyone asking the question … Could it be Global Warming or Climate Change?
AdLib : As bad as the weather has become, just imagine how bad it would be if Climate Change was real!
kesmarn : Hey, Adonai!
kesmarn : Ohio had I think 12 tornado touch downs this past week. We’re going to have to get rid of some of these trailers that are attracting ’em.
PatsyT : Hi ADONAI!
AdLib : Hey Ad! Wow, you guys stay safe!
ADONAI : Hello everyone. We had a pretty bad storm pass through here too. Actually got some live shots on TV of funnel clouds forming but luckily none of them appear to have made it to the ground. We came out pretty good considering how bad it was.
kesmarn : I guess I’ll have to cancel washing the outsides of the penthouse windows too…
AdLib : With Thor’s hammer.
kesmarn : Nor adjust the little holder-thingy on top of my flagpole with the hammer and sickle flag a flyin’?
PatsyT : Kes! Stay away from the window!
AdLib : Hey Kes! Please don’t put up that weather vane tonight, okay?
AdLib : Except more dishonest.
kesmarn : Friday greets, friends. We’re having a tremendous thunderstorm here, so if I suddenly vanish you’ll know I blasphemed one too many times…
PatsyT : Just like the news by Colonel Gaddifi
AdLib : It really is critical now that the majority of people “get” how propagandized MSM news is now, how it shapes the national discussion to what serves it best. It no longer reports, it manipulates.
PatsyT : That was a powerful bit she did and I loved her calling out HP!
AdLib : Sorry I missed that but with the corporate takeover of the MSM complete, Rachel and a few commentators give attention to the stories that don’t serve corporations but the “news” corporations severely censor and manipulate what they present as news. Will catch Rachel on the web!
PatsyT : Did you catch Rachel tonight? She did a bit on the NEW Town Hall meetings and compared the ones from 09. She actualy said that it is not getting any coverage by beltway media but getting coverage on liberal blogs think progress daily kos and *HP* but she added that she did not know what HP is anymore.
AdLib : That whole corporate sociopath mentality has taken over our media like The Blob.
AdLib : It’s all a perverse world in the media, lying and being a horrible person is respected the same as telling the truth and being a principled person. The message? Being good and decent doesn’t matters in the corporate world, only, can you make us the most money.
PatsyT : Brightbart has a book out and they are putting him on daytime all over MSNBC, hideous
AdLib : Nope, he said last week there would be a repeat this week.
PatsyT : Am I mistaken, I thought that Bill Mahar was to have Britebart on tonight and they are doing a repeat
AdLib : Hey Patsy! How are you!
PatsyT : Hey AdLib, How is it going?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00 pm PST, hope to see you here!
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