AdLib : Indeed, that feeling of guilt, of consigning a loved one to a facility instead of taking care of them does seem to lead to that mistake. People damage their own lives sometimes to take care of someone who, as you say, doesn’t even know the difference. When I was younger, my mother said if she became like that, she’d lived her life and I should have the chance to live mine. I adopted that philosophy and have shared it with others. Meanwhile, when my mother got older, she conveniently forgot ever telling me that.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, institutional care is not always the horror story it’s made out to be and it can save the sanity (if not the life and health) of the caregiver. Alzheimer’s patients (toward the end) have no idea who their caregivers are or whether they’re at home or not — sadly. Family members often wonder out loud if they “gave up too soon,” but it’s usually the opposite, they stressed themselves for too long — to the point of exhaustion– before they accepted help from a “home.” You can always go visit!
AdLib : Thanks Kes. Actually, my friend was messed up from doing that. You’re probably familiar with Alzheimer’s patients, it can be funny at times and horrible at others. When it’s your parent…I felt very bad for him but nothing could shake his determination to take care of them. Maybe I’m not as compassionate but there comes a point where self-preservatio n would kick in for me.
kesmarn : Oh Lord, AdLib (just saw your 2d from last comment) that guy is a saint! And — yes — I do have the weekend off. YAY! Will probably spend it with the Fave. You have a great weekend, too!
AdLib : Night Kes, have a great weekend (hope you’ve got the weekend off).
AdLib : Man…that’s rough. I had a friend who spent his 30s taking care of his mother who had Alzheimer’s then she passed away…and his father came down with it and he spent much of his 40s taking care of him. Very sorry for him.
kesmarn : Well,I’m feeling a little guilty keeping you guys after school, so I’d better say good night and let you give your significant others a hug!
kesmarn : Some of these family members put me to shame. One woman I took care of tonight has been cared for by her daughter for THIRTY THREE YEARS!
AdLib : But the thing is, you’re there for people. Glad it was a quiet night!
kesmarn :
You art too kind, AdLib. Actually a relatively peaceful night on step-down coronary unit. No coronaries!
kesmarn : Hey, b’ito! Am I too late for Vox?
AdLib : Another day in the mobile office? You are one amazing person, Kes.
kesmarn : Yep. The usual life-saving and healing of the sick.
AdLib : Hey Kes! Hope all is well!
kesmarn : G’night, AdLib! (I just got home from work,)
AdLib : Well, time to wrap this edition of Vox Populi. Thanks so much Khirad and Bito for a fun conversation! See you here, same time and place next week!
Khirad : Night Patsy.
AdLib : Sorry about that Patsy, have a nice weekend and hope the pup feels better soon!
PatsyT : Hey I will have to say nighty night… we have a doggy that is not well time to take the temp Hope you all have a great evening.
AdLib : A benefit of being 48% silicone and 52% oxygen.
PatsyT : Nothing on those girls shakes
AdLib : Even with his wives?
AdLib : That’s because no one likes him enough to do so.
PatsyT : Hey I heard today that Trump never shakes hands
AdLib : Obama will take a scalpel to the budget and a machete to Trump’s hair.
AdLib : Patsy – That’s a more concise way to describe Corporate America. Their social philosophy is simple, it’s just about: “F U Money”.
PatsyT : No sir they do not especially that one … It has been bushwacked!
Khirad : How to get that Trump look right «link»
AdLib : Patsy – Nice! But do people really want to vote for another Bush?
PatsyT : AdLib, my husband calls that F U money … Get enough so you can just say F U to everyone and everything
PatsyT : Donald Trump has a new look «link»
AdLib : Patsy – That’s the old school Corporate America, the Henry Ford school. They now attend the Killing The Golden Goose school. Grab all you can as fast as you can, cut that goose open and see if there’s gold in it then you’ll have more than enough money so you won’t have to worry about what happens because you killed the golden goose.
AdLib : Night CL, don’t forget to rinse your eyes so you can sleep soundly.
choicelady : AdLib – I think you may be right, but if I were a corporate power person, I’d like a BIT more intelligence in my supporters. So with that, I bid you adieu.
PatsyT : CL Have a great evening
PatsyT : Corporate America should be all about having a strong and thriving middle class after all isn’t that where the market is?
Khirad : Sweet dreams with that image burned in your head CL.
AdLib : CL – There’s an old showbiz phrase, “Give the people what they want”. The GOP has chased out most all moderates so the candidates have to reflect their remaining base. Only .5% of the population are millionaires and billionaires so the extremist morons left in the GOP make up the majority. Their candidate has to appeal to morons. If you look at it this way, reverse engineering, it does kind of make sense that they have the nutters they do as potential candidates.
choicelady : Well, having been whomperjawed at the Dildo Knights, I think I’m packing it in for the evening. Can’t TAKE all that excitement, Khirad! G’night all – sweet dreams!
PatsyT : AdLib I think David and Charles are a bit taller Maybe Scott Walker and… hmmmm ??
Khirad : Definitely not Patsy!
AdLib : Khirad – Was that Charles and David?
choicelady : I do think all of this illustrates how vulnerable these idiots all are. The idea that Trump is a Bagger in sympathy with working people is at the top, and everything else just falls into place. Their naked ambitions are scorchingly obvious now. What I do not understand is how the corporate ruling class let these bozos GET this far. They actually harm the acquisition potential of corporate America. You’d think they’d be wiser than that – can you imagine Carnegie, the Rockefellers, or anyone of that ilk linking their power and fortunes to such buffoons? Yikes.
PatsyT : Oh Boy Khirad that was more appropriate! Wow no won’t show the kids that stuff.
Khirad : It’s the Koch block defensive maneuver that will really save you their thrusts. And sorry Patsy, but they’re so NSFW. This is among the more appropriate: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – you were right the first time. Prey.
AdLib : Whoops…make that “pray”!
AdLib : Highlights from “KOCH FIGHT – ROUND 1!”: Newt puts Bachmann in a head lock then when she’s hospitalized, he divorces her even though he’s not married to her. Palin jumps in the ring then jumps out halfway through. Huckabee asks Pawlenty if they could prey first and when Pawlenty kneels, Huckabee kicks him in the balls. Trump has his apprentice Baggers carry their chairs up to the ring and beat the others senseless before declaring, “I am the greatest!” Romney keeps trying to get in the ring but Trump keeps pushing him back out.
PatsyT : Khirad Please do share!
PatsyT : CL !! LOL They can add some Bling Vocab to it while they are at it!
choicelady : Patsy – the bling contest though would possibly erupt in RW warfare between presidential candidates vying for the WWKWC (World Wide Koch Wrestling Championship) and being the MOST extreme 3:00 a.m. televangelist. We could hope that might be the dividing line twixt the religious and secular Right: Bling Warfare.
AdLib : CL – I’m with you, I do think that the GOP is made up of so many damaged and resentful people who see that party as license to “get even” or return cruelty on the world that didn’t treat them the way they wanted.
Khirad : “Will the Koch Fights have big belts with huge medal medallions for the winners?” Oh CL, I have videos I’ve come across on the internet…
PatsyT : HA Bito! So Now I know who that creep at the Walgreens is!
choicelady : AdLib – I will NOT dispute you on his actions. I just think he may have been warped growing up looking like the twin of Yertle. But he’s crossed the line and is not the least sympathetic today. But he IS funny to look at (except, I agree, his mouth…)
bito : “@MiltShook: Jon Kyl arrested in DC Walgreen’s after offering to give women pap smears. #NotIntendedToBe AFactualStatemen t”
PatsyT : Choice it would be fitting for the GOP wantabees to get all blinged out.
AdLib : CL – McConnell is one of the most powerful people in our nation, no sympathy here for someone who uses the mouth of a turtle to shell 99% of this nation.
choicelady : AL – Poor Mitch – to be a human cartoon cannot be easy.
PatsyT : Thats the ticket AdLib! They love titles for their disasters
AdLib : CL – One mouth I can’t look at too long without my eyes throwing up is Mitch McConnell. Somewhere there is a painting of a turtle with a human mouth.
choicelady : Patsy – Will the Koch Fights have big belts with huge medal medallions for the winners? It all seems fitting. Depending on how you pronounce their name though – could be ILLEGAL Koch fighting.
AdLib : CNN is hosting a debate with the TP, why not call that, “Koch FIght – Round One!”
choicelady : AL – the open mouth thing is not even hyperbole. I’ve wondered for years why they so often seem to have their mouths at least partly open ALL THE TIME? It’s like watching someone watch porn. Eeeuuuuuww. When Reagan was Prez, a wonderful artist drew pen and ink sketches of him and some of his cabinet calling them “Men with no lips”. (Go back. Take a look.) It all began to change with Dan Quayle, master Frat Boy and mouth breather.
AdLib : CL – I know society has become more crass over time but the GOP is ahead of the curve on this. They should change their mascot to pigs rolling in the mud.
PatsyT : Koch fight LOL! That needs to be the name of the first debate
AdLib : CL – They can’t think before they open their mouths because their mouths are always hanging open…as drool drips down.
choicelady : AL – I never thought I’d live to see the day when the GOP fight for president would be at EXACTLY the same level of intelligence and insight as bikini mud wrestling and smack downs.
AdLib : CL – I can’t wait for the Repub primaries. The way they will all elbow each other to be more extreme and more right wing, the way they’ll try to hump the legs of Baggers better than the other, the crazy shit they’ll come up with…and once the race narrows down, though they may all be more cordial in debates up until then, the hatred of the New GOP will turn their race into a savage Koch fight!
choicelady : AL – I will NOT bet against you. The crowd is all SO awful, I can hear the joke machines and snark heating up even now! They cannot help themselves – even someone supposedly as “rational” as Alan Simpson can’t. That snipe about Social Security being “the cow with 310 million tits” was just jaw droppingly AWFUL! Do these guys ever THINK before they open their mouths?
AdLib : Do you know who was the top fundraiser for Repubs when Bush was running? Hillary Clinton, just the mention of her as the next Pres made money rain from the sky from Repubs. With Dems, it was Bush, then Palin. Now of course for the Repubs it’s Obama but for the Dems…it’s a huge cast of crazy characters in the GOP. I will make another of my predictions (so far I have a pretty good batting average), whoever the GOP nominate in 2012 and the platform he rins on will be the greatest campaign fund raising and GOTV tool the Dems have ever had.
PatsyT : Twitter has ben very funny… with #HonestGOPBumper Stickers and #NotIntendedToBe AFactualStatemen t and then they get lots of air cover for this stuff on the cable news shows
choicelady : Khirad – then I may well be wrong – but I have a friend named Palente pronounced the same. Of course I had “Irish” friends named “Malloy” whose REAL name was Malokowski. They ran a bar in the first ward of Buffalo that was 100% Irish. The name change was imperative for survival.
choicelady : AL – you are probably right about Pawlenty being (God forbid) TOO rational for the GOP! But the worse the candidate, the better for us. HUMOR is our BEST weapon!
Khirad : Pawlenty was Polish, I thought? Or is that the cover story?
KillgoreTrout : Even the word vuvuzelas is irritating.
PatsyT : Choice he can do it and WE can do it! We have to get everyone to get involved in voter registration and voter education !
choicelady : Patsy – is there anything more obnoxious than a vuvuzela? We do need NOT to stir up backlash – vuvuzelas MIGHT be over the top? Never mind – good people, good messages, good turnout. There is a whole, new energy in the nation!!!
AdLib : CL – I disagree about Pawlenty. He can’t win the primary, he is unappealing to the GOP base. I don’t see how he can win the prelims to ever get to the finals. He is toast, not loud and loony enough. That’s the only way to win the GOP primary.
AdLib : CL – Then I might suggest calling him “Trump” instead. Or “Chump”.
PatsyT : Ha checked the #wiunion twitter and folks are calling out for counter demonstrations with noise makers vuvuzelas
choicelady : Al and everyone – I think the only seriously dangerous candidate is Pawlenty (and trust me on this – one could make a huge deal out of his anglicizing his Italian name, Palente)but even there he has baggage. I’m not terribly concerned who gets the nomination because they are all horrible, but I do worry about the $$$$ impact on advertising. Obama may be at a disadvantage financially this time – his messaging will have to be exceptionally good. I think he can do it.
AdLib : KT – Saw that on Stewart, very funny. The thing with Repubs is, as Cheney said, they think they can actually create reality because they decide they can. Facts mean nothing if they get their way. How dumb are those indies who see the GOP as having any sense of reality? Kill medicare to give more money to the wealthiest? Really? That’s the GOP platform and they just think throwing ad dollars at America will make it sound great? They are insane.
KillgoreTrout : Donald also has a morality problem with the “Family Values,” crowd.
choicelady : AL – I refuse to give The Donald any real energy. I watched him self destruct the last time he ran for Prez. I expect no less from him today.
AdLib : Patsy – Yep, Trump is a total gimmick but consider how corrupt and hollow the GOP is to be taken over by Baggers and Trump. The indies out there will eventually get it, it will sink into them that the GOP is all a shallow facade that can be hijacked by anyone who’s crazier than the last.
KillgoreTrout : choice, the pit in which these vermin live gets deeper everyday.
choicelady : KT – cops sent to raid homes and arrest Moms in curlers and pink fuzzy slippers for sending their kids with brown bag lunches. Wow. Gotta keep up STANDARDS I guess.
KillgoreTrout : AL, Stewart on Bachman saying she takes Obama’s “word,” that he is a citizen. “That’s like saying you take Newton’s word that gravity is real!”
Khirad : How many of THE blacks do you suppose are in the house of representatives? The Donald would have to first know how many seats that is!
AdLib : Bito – Very funny collection!!!
PatsyT : Trump is a total gimmick
choicelady : Hey bito – GREAT link! Keep gummint out of my MEDICAID????? What la-la land do these people inhabit? Hey – I happen to know that about half of the anti-abortion zealots outside clinics were on welfare when there WAS welfare. And railed against “socialism” even then.
AdLib : CL – Trump has already said, “I have a good relationship with THE blacks.” “THE blacks?” Could he have said it any more racist and patronizing than that???
KillgoreTrout : choice, it’s true. I forget where the news said it was happening. I don’t see how they could even enforce such a thing. A daily shakedown of student lockers?
AdLib : KT – I love it, Trump’s obvious dishonesty in pandering to the Birthers/Baggers really exposes what a fraud the GOP is. For him to be tied for 1st for lying so blatantly and for Baggers to gush all over him, makes the Repubs more and more distasteful to indie voters. I don’t think Trump will be their nom but he pulls their whole party into being an absurd, rigged reality show unworthy of serious respect.
bito : «link»
choicelady : Patsy – good for O’Donnell! That is almost Jon Stewart funny!
choicelady : KT – banned brown bag lunches? On what grounds? Now that fulfills the basic premise of extremist capitalism – make people totally dependent on you. LIterally eliminate the ability to have a low cost lunch of your own. Wow.
PatsyT : On Lawerence O tonight they had a segment – Almost GOP canidates slogans- Trump/Palin you’re fired/I quit
AdLib : CL – This is why the “elitist” card needs to be played hard on the Repubs this election cycle. They want to tax Seniors, Union members, teachers, police and every worker to stuff money in the pockets of the wealthy. I mean, come on, Obama was slammed as an elitist?! Hammer the Repubs on this, we have way more ammo on this and in a recession with unemployment as bad as it is, watch what happens.
choicelady : Palin in Wisco? Man – that’s brave of her! Her “I’m every woman” just does NOT hold up when she’s agreed that ordinary working people are “the problem”.
KillgoreTrout : Speaking of school lunches, I forget where, but the school boards have banned “pack your own,” lunches.
choicelady : KT – The Donald will put his feet in his mouth, guaranteed. He’s pissed off SO many people already! He can’t help it.
PatsyT : Isn’t there supposed to be a Palin thing in Wisconsin tomorrow?
KillgoreTrout : AL can you believe that Trump is polling the same as Huckabee? They’re tied at 19% I think.
AdLib : Pasty – Exactly, that’s what I’m saying, the real people who got fooled into joining the Koch Party are evaporating and all that’s left are the Koch Suckups.
choicelady : AdLib – they don’t eat Wonder Bread and milk, no. They want to tax commodity based food stuffs. They don’t want to tax wild salmon, beer, wine, etc. They also want to eliminate ALL fruits and vegetables from school lunch programs. Just dandy folks, these Bagger electeds.
AdLib : KT – I’m with you on that as a key concern but with the prospects of Donald Trump or Mike Huckabee controlling the Presidency, I can pretty well guarantee that a record number of voters will be running to the polls to make sure that doesn’t happen.
choicelady : ADLib – I do think many, many people are seeing the light about the Baggers, the GOP, and the lies of corporate America. I think the movement started in WI, OH, etc. is sweeping the nation. It’s pretty exciting especially since it’s multi-generation al and multi-racial.
PatsyT : This week in noticed that the only TP’ers on air were the Koch paid talking heads… Where did all of those Tpartiers go?
AdLib : DOn’t baggers eat? Or do they just dumpster dive so food prices are irrelevant? Well, to be fair, it’s likely the Koch contingent pushing all this crazy, “Soak the poor!” BS.
KillgoreTrout : AL, it’s also complacency that’s got me worried.
choicelady : But KT – if he remains on radio, his white board and graphics are USELESS. How WILL he cope?
AdLib : Now, as the real grass roots people peel off from the TP, the skeleton of it made up of the Koch operatives and such are being exposed…but still calling the shots over the Repubs. I do think the public is going to really understand this puppet show called the GOP by 2012.
KillgoreTrout : He’ll go the route of Ann the Man Coulter.
choicelady : Anyone – where is Glenn Baby gonna go to cry next?
KillgoreTrout : choice, they should. I am tired of screaming at the TV “SUCKERS WAKE UP!”
choicelady : ADLib – as far as grannies drinking milk – there are talks among Baggers about taxing food to give the hedge fund folks a “break”. Seriously!
AdLib : CL – The Baggers were a fraud from the get go, as we know. Now, the frightened white people who were brainwashed into following by the Glen Becks and such, touting the end of the world was coming because of the black man in the white house…see Repubs in power and the doom scenarios have become a bit weak. Are Repubs going to destroy our country now that they’re in power? Hmm…maybe so, maybe they really aren’t going to save me from everything.
choicelady : KT – several local interviews seem to show that yes, people feel utterly betrayed by the Baggers.
KillgoreTrout : choice, I guess so.
KillgoreTrout : choice, that’s true. I really hope they know they were being used.
choicelady : Patsy and KT – you got hoverrounds on the brain?
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, we got to stop this synchronicity. People will begin to talk!
choicelady : KT – just look at the absence of TP rallies or people AT those rallies. They are falling apart and people are deserting in droves. I’ve never seen anything quite that spectacular.
AdLib : Why the hell am I paying for a scooter for some granny whose bones are brittle! Drink some milk and cut my taxes!
PatsyT : Pay up or the Hoverround gets it!
KillgoreTrout : No more free hoverrounds!
choicelady : AL – and pay the rental on the wheelchairs, you weenies!
AdLib : There are plenty of places for these deadbeats who call themselves “Senior Citizens” to get health care. There’s Spiritual healers, voodoo, the power of positive thinking, ya deadbeats!
KillgoreTrout : I really hope all the senior TPers will have smartened up by the next election.
PatsyT : Come on Grandma, pull yourself up by your depends!
choicelady : AdLib – that is also the Romney plan: $5000 deductible with only a couple of minor things exempt, then $10K Out of Pocket if you are sick. That’s per person per year. It was the Schwarzenegger plan, too. HCR has HUGE preventive medicine exemptions from the deductible which is MUCH smaller, and has a much, much smaller OOP expense. It’s very compatible with the funding for premiums established in CA for single payer. So all in all- MUCH better plan. It’s why insurance companies HATE it.
AdLib : You in the wheelchairs! Quit sitting around all day, ya lazy bastards! Go out and find a job if you want your medicine!
AdLib : Man up Grandma!
choicelady : Patsy – LOL!!!!
PatsyT : Man up Grandpa!
choicelady : Patsy – feel free to use it. “Tea Party to Seniors: Suck it up, old people!”
KillgoreTrout : choice, BUT, if you buy a sattelite dish,……….. ….
AdLib : What I think the Dems should do is hammer hard on the basic “GOP = The Death of Medicare” concept. Then, also try and explain the probable scenario that the Ryan plan will actually mean you get nothing. Insurance companies can freely price their plans for seniors at whatever they want…too high for most to afford it and the voucher would be worthless. If the insurance co.s say, “Our policy for Seniors is $10,000 per month with a $10,000 deductible…and all you have is a Medicare voucher for $1,000…it’s the same as having nothing.
choicelady : KT – Obama came out of the gate this week. I know HE knows he’s done what he can. Appointing Wasserman-Schult z head of the DNC is HUGE in terms of standing firm! She was his choice.
PatsyT : Choice, That would make a great ad for the dems!
choicelady : Patsy – the GOP will make sure that, as with food stamps, medical vouchers can’t be used for gun sales. Suck it up, old people!
KillgoreTrout : I know for sure, that the dems can’t afford to play “nice,” anymore.
PatsyT : Eairlier this week I asked my husband what would your parents have done if they did not have medicare? What policy could have they bought with vouchers? Who was going to sell them insurance with their conditions of Diabetes, Heart Disease and Parkinson’s? He said the only thing they could have done with vouchers would have been to buy a gun to put to their heads.
choicelady : AL – I think we will get Obama in 2012. I think too many people who are Independents have finally seen the truth of the Tea Baggers and GOP to vote for them again. The assault on Medicare alone is huge, and the youth who retained their Pell Grants thanks to Obama AND see their tuition and fees skyrocketing due to the state GOP are not going to sit it out in 2012. But I can’t help wondering what is going to happen between now and then. I think Obama is a GOOD and TOUGH negotiator – but these guys are out for blood. His. Ours. Anyone but themselves.
AdLib : KT – But the Repubs just gave up their “Scare the Seniors” card. THEY are calling for an end to Medicare as a medical program. They will try to spin it but I don’t see how they get around this, especially if the Dem campaign is centered on “They want to kill Medicare.”
KillgoreTrout : I admit that the dems have plenty of ammo to use against the pubs. But will they use it in campaign ads?
AdLib : Come on, the Dems are calling on shared sacrifice and the ARpubs are clearly saying, “Only the peasants should sacrifice, the wealthy are too important to sacrifice anything!” The peasants will be revolting in 2012…but not as revolting as the Repubs.
KillgoreTrout : I wouldn’t underestimate the power of the right wing media to scare the hell out of seniors again. Young people really need to know how important voting is.
AdLib : This Medicare issue and their calling for more money to be given to the wealthy when most people are suffering…and that money is coming out of their pockets, seems like a house of cards that’s destined to collapse on them.
PatsyT : The repubs are taking the ‘exceptional’ right out of “American Exceptionalism” . What is exceptional about having seniors turned out on the street to die?
KillgoreTrout : AL, I hope you’re right. I hope they have learned by then that they won’t be killed by “Obamacare.” DEATH PANELS!
AdLib : Also, consider how extreme the winner of the GOP primary will have to be, to win. They just won’t be able to move to the middle with the Baggers howling at them every step of the way. I think they’ve screwed themselves.
AdLib : KT – I think you’ll see a lot of seniors who voted for McCain voting for Dems and Obama in 2012. They love their Medicare.
KillgoreTrout : AL, it kind of worries me that the pubs will get another POTUS in 2012. Considering how so many Americans don’t vote.
choicelady : KT – I know, I know. I hate that pronunciation, but he was SO persistent!
KillgoreTrout : choice, I have to watch my self when say nuclear. It just may come out nookular.
choicelady : KT – in keeping with my edict to the religious right who have the world’s WORST grammar: if you cannot master your own native language, why do you think you can master the mysteries of the Bible? It’s why Bush appears to have reverted to his Inner Frat Boy.
KillgoreTrout : It’s pretty embarrassing when the POTUS has a whole web site devoted to his mangling of the English language.
choicelady : KT – absolute remember BushSpeak. It was beyond wonderful. I resent, however, that I no longer can say underestimate. It comes out “misunderestima te” every time. Too many of those crept into my own speech!
KillgoreTrout : Does anyone remember the site dvoted to bush’s malpropisms? BushSpeak?
choicelady : AdLib – very wise, dear friend. VERY wise.
AdLib : Thanks CL and KT. And not to mention Bush ducking prosecution for his crimes.
choicelady : KT – Clinton is a whole lot more fun than church! Bush can’t tolerate being unpopular except he’s always been unpopular save with the soused set.
KillgoreTrout : Perfect AdLib. And the Constitution.
AdLib : CL – I’ve pulled a muscle having to hold back a joke in an airport. It goes against my nature…but so does being waterboarded.
choicelady : AL – VERY astute observation about Bush’s ability to bob and weave!
KillgoreTrout : choice, HAHA, that’s exactly right. Our a kid who has to sit through church.
AdLib : Bush did a lot of ducking, he ducked the truth, honest elections, The Constitution, The Geneva Convention, he was well practiced.
choicelady : KT – when Bush appears with Clinton, he always looks like a little kid who has been forced to sit next to a popular cousin he hates and made to “play nice”.
KillgoreTrout : I like to compare Clinton’s post presidency to bush’s. Clinton is helping people around the world. Bush, not so much.
choicelady : AL – yes. I always have to remind myself that the sweetness of the bon mot lies in timing as much as substance. Nothing funny about the clink.
choicelady : KT – I think the shoe tosser was lucky he did NOT hit Bush. I don’t think he’d be alive today. The tosser, not Bush.
KillgoreTrout : I just wish the shoe tosser had better aim.
choicelady : KT – doin’ pretty well, thank you.
choicelady : KT – yes. I was amazed he was that agile. Maybe he got practice dodging tossed dinner plates when Laura steamed up at him? Do you remember he was smirking when the guy threw the shoes? He LOVED it!
AdLib : CL – In the Land of the Free, at airports and on planes, humor can be a criminal offense.
KillgoreTrout : pretty good choice, and you?
KillgoreTrout : i’ll say one thing for bush, he knew how to duck pretty well.
choicelady : Hey Killgore! How are you?
choicelady : AL – no,you’d be in solitary, too. Glad you did not do it. The Secret Service has NO sense of humor. Remember the idiot who was smoking on the airplane and tried to brush it off to the Air Marshall saying he was just trying to light his bomb? Funny – they did NOT see the joke!
PatsyT : Hey KT
AdLib : Hey Killgore!
KillgoreTrout : Evening peeps.
AdLib : CL – That was exactly the feeling I had, here was Bush, the ruling tyrant of America who needed a huge military entourage to feel secure outside of his DC stronghold. I was disgusted.
PatsyT : AdLib, that lifestyle comes with easy wardrobe choices.
AdLib : I would have loved to have thrown a shoe at Bush but I would probably be cellmates with Private Bradley Manning right now.
choicelady : Patsy – ahhhh. The SHOE! I knew some folks from Thailand. I had NO idea that disdain for outdoor footwear was so universal. The SHOE!!!! Yes – we should all keep extra pairs handy. Never know when they will become political statements.
PatsyT : Choice, maybe thrown a shoe?
choicelady : everyone – sorry, I seem to have dyslexia of the fingers tonight. Just ignore my failed spelling.
choicelady : A?L – wow. That’s really thought-provokin g. I seriously doubt anyone would have harmed him (shouted, maybe spat, but not HARMED) yet he believed he was at the same risk from American people as Qadaffi and Mubarak are from theirs. Colossal ego. But, maybe, some honest appraisal of the evil he let happen?
AdLib : It was actually Baton Rouge airport, when he deigned to set foot in Louisiana…long after the hardships and with two military battalions insulating and protecting him from “the people” he left to fend for themselves. No wonder.
choicelady : Patsy – I do indeed remember those debates, the fact that we discussed issues (I’m still not sure what Quemoy and Matsu were all about, but they were big issues in ’60.) I blame it on the decline of Civics among other things – nobody has a clue how government works. Was on a call with Smart People today too many of whom kept defending supermajority votes to “give minorities a say”. Yeah – holding everyone ELSE hostage. If we don’t ELECT them, why do they get MORE power than the majority?
choicelady : AL – what airport? I got held up by AF1 the day Katrina hit, and he was playing golf in Palm Springs. Ontario came to a screeching halt waiting for him to leave the club and fly away. OUr plane was delayed 45 minutes until his entourage arrived. It was OUTRAGEOUS for him to be there with New Orleans under siege!
PatsyT : Choice, there used to be actual debates, I remember my parents talking about Ike and Kennedy and there was never the toxic lies and garbage they spew now.
choicelady : Patsy – “miss” might be a bit much, but there were lots I respected even in disagreement. It all went downhill from Nixon on.
AdLib : CL – I actually thought I might have the chance to do so yet, from a long distance. Bush was landing at a smaller airport I was flying out of and my flight left an hour after AF1 arrived. I fully intended to tell him or yell at him from whatever distance I was about how hated he was for being do brutal to so many. Unfortunately, they stopped all traffic on the airport offramp for a long time, so no one would be at the airport and eventually, a military procession of mobile tank-like vehicles, armored cars, military men, etc. and plenty of SS cars passed by, he was in one of those cars and I couldn’t yell at all of them or I’d be arrested for disturbing the peace…I mean, the military contingent protecting him from the people went on for a very long time. I did see AF1 as my plane departed and gave it my best sneer.
PatsyT : The really old ones.
PatsyT : Yeah, I miss those old republicans
choicelady : Patsy – he was perfect fodder for SNL, a caricature in real life. Today though, he seems positively RADICAL. Believed in the legalization of drugs. Well, OK, maybe that’s about it, but still…
PatsyT : Ahhh yes thats it.. didn’t they do a SNL thing on him?
choicelady : Patsy – William Buckley?
choicelady : Sorry about the glitch – hit something that sent a fragment. I did NOT have tee mooney murtinis.
PatsyT : I am thinking of someone else… the guy I am thinking of was the one that would lean back in his chair and draw out his words
choicelady : Patsy – I don’t remember that, but his father, Irving, was, if I recall it correctly, once an FDR Dem or even more Left then converted to the RW neo=con cause and wrote for National Review, etc. for years.
choicelady : Patsy – don
PatsyT : Wasn’t it Kristols father that had one of those public affairs shows back before the firness doctrine was lifted.
choicelady : AL – may your dream be prophetic!
AdLib : Back when Bush was President (remember those days?)I had a dream where I met him and told him how miserable he was.
choicelady : AL – LOL!!! Kristol gives slime a bad name!
AdLib : Slime just drips off of Kristol, mainly because it feels embarrassed to be associated with him.
choicelady : AL – he was sort of fascinating, kind of like a really bad car wreck. You can’t help looking.
AdLib : Ugh! I can’t think of anything more repugnant than sitting near that rodent.
choicelady : AL – you are SO clever. If, heaven forefend, I ever take leave of my senses and GO with them, that ploy will be MINE! Thank you oh wise leader!
choicelady : Al and Patsy = I had the dubious distinction of sitting next to Bill Kristol at the Mayflower in Jan. 2009. His young sycophants were across the table from him all dandied up, leaning forward to catch his every syllable. He was reminiscent of Jabba. So two of that type might work out.
AdLib : You have to have your game on as well. Appear to be offering a fig leaf but once dinner is served, point at the ceiling and say, “What in God’s name is that?!” then switch your plate with the Young Republicans while they’re looking up. You’re set!
choicelady : Al and Patsy – I suppose since too many of the young GOP are dumb as ditchwater that I might be able to con one into being my “shield” on the premise that they’d get to meet and greet the High and Mighty?
PatsyT : CL, good point I think I like like the AdLib approach.
choicelady : AL – I guess I’d be OK with a Young Gun…but I doubt any of them would volunteer to BE my food taster. Tainter, yes. Taster? Not so much.
choicelady : AL – yes, they supposedly are teetotal, so where’s the fun in THAT?
AdLib : CL – I like Patsy’s idea but I’d bring a Young Republican as a food taster.
choicelady : Patsy – I’d not do that to a poor canary!
PatsyT : Choice, Maybe bring a canary?
AdLib : CL – Exactly! Instead of stalking, it will be a tailgater with binoculars and listening devices instead of beer.
choicelady : Emily Post just does NOT cover these sorts of things. Even Miss Manners would not be helpful I think.
choicelady : AdLib – what’s protocol when you think if you accept a dinner invite you need to bring your food taster?
choicelady : AdLIb – y’know, I had not thought about that. I believe you’re right. At this rate, soon I will be getting dinner invites from the guy on my front porch.
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
AdLib : That’s their MO lately, all on the RW including the RR seem to have absolutely no hesitation to be brash and unapologetic about it.
choicelady : Patsy – tired but otherwise OK. How are YOU?
choicelady : Hey bito and Patsy! Don’t hang out in the Loft – c’mon down!
PatsyT : Hi Guys, how is everyone?
choicelady : Just surprised it was so bold. Used to sneaky. NOT used to “in your face”. Or ear actually…
AdLib : Yipe.
choicelady : Call was April 13. He was in Charleston, SC. Think historic date, and you’ll know how even odder it all was…
AdLib : Thanks, interested to hear more. It is creepy indeed but I’m sure you’re not hugely surprised, considering things.
choicelady : All that, a basket, and God’s Radiant Streams…He’s IT for one of the groups. The Top Dawg, Whole Nine Yards, Big Kahoona. ‘Twas unsettling.
choicelady : AL – I will tell you more offline. It was uncommonly peculiar, and the timing was particularly weird. I don’t know if he and I will speak again. But knowing he knows full well who I am and knows all my little sneaky “friends” was disturbing.
AdLib : So, does the Big Enchilada think he’s all that and a basket of chips?
AdLib : Yes, you are plenty nice and it sounds intriguing.
choicelady : If you mean the grant, don’t know yet. The BE called – we don’t know why. He’s linked to my little friends here, invited me to a very weird event that I could NOT attend, and I may speak again next week, or not. It was odd to say the least. Pleasant enough (I’m very nice of course) but stressful.
AdLib : First, am I right in thinking it was a success? Second…whyt was the Holy Enchilada calling you?
choicelady : Knackered, as they say. Finished the grant proposal, a 2-hour conversation on government reform, and cleaning up after Board meetings, and the call from the Big Enchilada of the Religious Right. After all that, best I can say is – I’m here.
AdLib : Hey CL! A bit exhausted again (as I know you are) but not bad at all. How are you?
choicelady : Hi AdLib- hope you’re well?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. See you then!
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