Below is a petition addressed to Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC who in all likelihood spearheaded the cancellation of Keith Olbermann’s show on MSNBC. If you agree with what’s written in the petition below and would like to add your name, please do so. You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your signature (a safeguard to make sure no one has signed your name and email without permission).
Please be sure to check the box that says, “Do not display name on website” unless you would like it to appear. At the end of the week, we will email, mail and fax a copy to Phil Griffin.
With the checkbox below selected, none of the personal information you provide will be displayed or shared aside from appearing on the petition that will be sent to Phil Griffin by PlanetPOV. If you prefer, you may provide your screen name instead of your actual name but real names of real people will have a greater impact.
A Boycott of MSNBC For Cancelling Keith Olbermann

A moot point for me since I stopped watching television media already.
And my I reply, “Well done!”
Cheers Boomer!
Olbermann Departs, as Media Consolidate Further
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Done, AdLib. Sorry this nation and its media have come to this, but we must send this message. Thank you!
I know but cheers, CL!
Done AdLib. Thanks!
Thank you, co-author!
Thanks to you Cher, good collaboration and love that VoxPop, we do end up with some good thoughts.
Does blogging for 4 years, watching him on my iTunes Podcasts or reading the feelings of members here and throughout the Left who have lost a voice count as a good reason to sign it with all of you here?
Oh and I don’t have a state, I’m stateless, something which often dismisses me from signing many petitions online. How about “Citizen of the World?”
I remember someone here last year saying that those not born in the U.S. had no right to an opinion about what goes on in your country, yet manage to say degrading things about their own host country whenever possible. Strange I thought.
“Citizen of the World” works great for me, Kalima!
Thanks bito, but it’s never enough for the internet, neither is Tokyo. Japan unfortunately, they must think that only Japanese speaking Japanese live on this island, and I thought that people can hear me as far away as America. Have to shout a bit louder I suppose. 😉
Absolutely, please sign it and use PlanetPOV’s home in CA as your state, you co-founder you!
Done, you……you……you other co- founder, you. 🙂
I now live in CA, want a cup of tea and biscuits?
That would be lovely! Scone?
Cornish clotted cream and freshly made jam on that scone sir?
😳 I just read where you said that I could have signed as Kalima, too late, I’m doomed.
Oh, we are quite a melting pot in the U.S., let alone, CA.
And yes please! Oh, please feel free to use the bone china.
I’m proud to be a part of it, thanks for tearing me away from misguided loyalties over “there.”
Bone china, have you lost your mind, my nickname is “Madame Butterfingers.”
Biscuit? I rather have a cookie. 😉
You wouldn’t notice the difference once it’s on the plate. 😉
MSNBC did not cancel Olbermann. New York Magazine and TMZ are now finding out details behind this. If you doubt either of these entities, remember TMZ reported Michael Jackson’s death.
Olbermann had been negotiating a pay rise for the past five months. He felt that, at $7 million per annum, he was underpaid. MSNBC did not agree to a payrise. Keith went to war. There followed the campaign donations, which he knew would result in a plethora of petitions from his fans if he were suspended. He was right. They did. MSNBC cut short the suspension and the bartering began again for a payrise which MSNBC did not want to give. When they wouldn’t budge, Olbermann said that he wanted to go, and they’ve spent the last six weeks hammering out a severance deal.
He gets $30 million in hand and agrees, like Conan O’Brien, not to appear on television or work for another network for a specified period of time. There is speculation that he will have an internet channel in the interim.
This was all about the money, as most things are. I am being utterly serious in saying that I would not be at all surprised if Fox did not pick him up after the moratorium. Murdoch knows a winner and Fox wants a liberal voice in the evening line-up – something they’ve not had since Alan Colmes retired. If they felt Olbermann’s devoted following would watch him on Fox, thus, bringing a whole new demographic of viewer, they’d jump at this – and think of the coup over MSNBC!
You watch.
Links to the articles, please, Marion.
Some here like to read the sources behind the opinions, we are a funny lot that way. “Unnamed sources say….”
Perhaps it’s true but I can’t say that this scenario sounds very sensible. He made campaign contributions because he knew he’d be suspended even though Morning Joe did and wasn’t?
And he knew that after his suspension, fans would deluge MSNBC and that would force them to pay him more?
Sounds very convoluted and portrays KO as some Machiavellian character who could predict the future.
Also, who’s to say that MSNBC didn’t use this situation to attack and undermine Olbermann, seeing this as an opportunity to get rid of him?
If you’ve ever been involved in a business conflict with a substantial party, let alone an entity in the media business, you’ll know that when such an entity leaks out information, it is often derogatory and prejudicial.
Right now, the only sources being heard from are from MSNBC and this would be the most favorable spin for them. I’m not saying that it’s untrue but let’s see what info leaks from KO’s side as well before figuring out where the truth really lies.
I still think you’re missing the whole concept of Olbermann’s support and popularity. It is BECAUSE he took on Fox for the fraud they are that he is respected. If Olbermann went to work at Fox, he would lose all credibility and support, he would fail miserably because THEN he would be the unprincipled, greedy opportunist you describe.
BTW, you mentioned TMZ as a reliable source, this is a headline at TMZ:
And here’s their latest story:
Hey, not every day I can drop a TMZ spoof.
Love it! Hey, how is Current TV doing? That wouldn’t be the strangest place to welcome KO.
This push to ban MSNBC is white hat/black hat theater at best.
KO’s on our side and “one of us” so he would never take the money and run.
This tribalism annoys me equally when it’s based on the right or left.
I appreciate the people that actually devote their lives to public service more and more, especially when they are the ones caught in the crossfire of the white hats and black hats trying to kill one another over the highest ratings and annual salary.
KQ! I think about you and miss you, you krazy khemist.