Another Friday another section in the orchestra. My grandfather played some violin, so did my mother. I made unpleasant sounds on it and it always has amazed me how people were able to make such polite and agreeable sounds from such a contraption.
I have seen this man play classical with Itzhak Perlman. Jazz and rock with Zappa and his own project.
You may hear some Zappa in his sound–or is it you hear Jean-Luc in Zappa? One of his many compositions.
Jean-Luc Ponty – Mystical Adventures
A good friend played the upright/double bass and wouldn’t travel without it. I sat in a backseat, uncomfortably, many a time, while it was reclined and stretched-out in luxury.
Stanley Clark does an amazing solo. New meaning to the upright!
One you probably saw at a small gathering in D.C. a couple of years ago.
Itzhak Perlman Yo-Yo Ma Inauguration Performance
How about a little Blue Grass?
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A “music video” by Charlie Chaplin for Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 5 (from “The Great Dictator”):
Welcome to The Planet, BassFace! Nice selection!
Can’t even imagine the callouses upright jazz bassists get. It just always looked painful to me, but when me (drums) and the bassist were in the pocket, everything else was okay.
Khirad, I have fooled around with a bass, you are right, it does take some real hand/finger strength.
I had trouble fooling around with electric bass even. 😆
Welcome BassFace, good selection and don’t be a stranger. Always nice to see new faces here.
Sen. Robert Byrd-Playing & Singing 😉
Navid Mostafapour – Khoroushan
Navid Mostafapour
And the Arabs?
They’ve made the violin something all their own, based on the sounds of the old Arab instrument the rebab.
The film and music still make me weep. John Williams-Schindler’s List
Yehudi Menuhin plays Bach
Yo-Yo Ma &Bobby McFerrin
Tartini – Devil’s Trill – Allegro
Interesting background on this song.
I love strings from all over the world
Ravi Shankar – Sitar and Violin duet (the video is messed up but the music’s OK)
…….. and now I can’t play any more – hubbys’s on the way home and I have to go start supper.
Some Cape Breton fiddle music from Natalie MacMaster
And now for something even faster.
Grunge Cape Breton style.
Ashley Macisaac – The Devil in the Kitchen
Waaay back in ’91 when my Mum & Dad were visiting, I bought Dad a tape of violin concertos and he sat on the sofa listening to this with tears running down his face. I think it is one of the most beautiful violin pieces I have ever heard and, when my Dad died, this was played at his funeral
Itzhak Perlman – Bruch Violin Concerto #1, second movement
Beatiful, MW!
Wow Bito – thanks for introducing me to Stanley Clark. What a musician!!
Some pretty amazing bass work, eh, Woof??
Julia Kent – Venizelos
I have chills listening to this Khirad!!
I think it would be perfect for a soundtrack.
I know of her ’cause she co-founded and used to play in Rasputina, an experimental cello trio.
Schubert Quintet in C, D 956 – 2. Adagio – Zagreb International Chamber Music Festival 2008
Ballake Sissoko & Vincent Segal – Chamber Music