Kalima : Nighty night kes. Sweet dreams.
kesmarn : Kalima! It’s 3:40 a.m. here (which, clearly, you know!) and I am sleeping (not) on the lumpy couch because I have a little visitor who’s taken over my bed. This has been practically my only chance to get to get to the computer! But I’m off to try to get in a few winks before morning now! Good to see you in the middle of my night! Have a great evening.
Kalima : You naughty girl, what are you doing up?
kesmarn : Safe travels, Khirad. Hope you can have a nice PlanetPOV mug of beer when you get home.
Kalima : Are you flying home, kes told me that she got her mug, you must be getting yours soon.
Kalima : I just jerd the same thing, and I’ve had no beer.
Khirad : How does heard become jead? Must be the pre-flight beer.
Khirad : Howdy from the best airport in America (no, I’m serious «link» – just jead Santa got run over by the reindeer sung on the intercom. The look out the windows is a wall of gray.
Weather delay because it’s even rainier than usual for Portland.
PatsyT : Nighty night to Khirad and Bito All the Best!
PatsyT : Good Night little Kitten
bito : Night Khirad & Patsy
bito : Night k’es
kesmarn : Oh, it is indeed late! Almost 1:30 here. Good night, AdLib, and thanks again. I’d better call it a day, too. Thanks to everyone for talking me down from a place of discouragement.
PatsyT : Rest well Dear Leader, You know, We all Love you and wish you a wonderful weekend for you and you family!
bito : You need some rest AdLib, are dreaming database code at night? Good night guy.
AdLib : Thanks all for the silliness and seriousness, another great Vox Populi thanks to all of you! Time to officially wrap tonight’s edition of Vox Populi but you’re welcome to continue chatting. This weary Admin’s going to get a bit of rest. Thanks all!
PatsyT : Yum Yum Night Of the Living Dead… the original stompers «link»
kesmarn : Ralph would be fabulous as Stomper-In-Chief .
PatsyT : But wait, if you order within the next three minutes you will also receive ……
kesmarn : Oh wait. Evil kitten is already wearing one. Her Wabbit of Wevenge on the Wich costume.
PatsyT : I’ll go for anything that my good friend and confidant Ralph is for…. Carry On ….
Khirad : «link»
PatsyT : Yes Yes costumes of course
AdLib : Night of the Living Teabags!
bito : Queen Patsy? «link»
kesmarn : Costumes would be good.
PatsyT : Oh so we already are the evil that they are afraid of!
AdLib : Team Patsy!
kesmarn : Psssshh! We have little to fear of Vampires! The bankers/WS boys/Repubs have drained every last drop already! We need you over there in Zombie Blasters, AdLib!
PatsyT : Now I need to fill that Stomping position
PatsyT : Thanks AdLib with all the emergence of the Vampire threat It will be reassuring to know that you are on the job.
kesmarn : You read my mind…again! I SO want pictures. It makes me feel cozy to look at pictures of Biff and Buffy with their eyes popping and their mouths agape.
PatsyT : OK Kes we will give you a camera crew to fulfill that agenda. See I already talk the talk.
AdLib : I’ll be Secretary of Stake to secure the nation against vampires. “See, not one vampire attack under our watch!”
kesmarn : I’m your gal. But I also want to be in charge of “Groups of Unemployed Workers Who Shake Up Rich People in Their Limousines” I want to see their faces.
PatsyT : How about inquisition ? Who can help with that?
PatsyT : Kes Thanks I knew I could count on you those ponies and kittens need proper correspondence.
AdLib : I’ll be Secretary of Indecision. No I won’t. Well…maybe but let me get back to you on that.
AdLib : No one wants a pony in due time.
kesmarn : I’ll be Secretary of Ponies. And Kittens.
PatsyT : In due time In due time
AdLib : Patsy – I’ve got your back…now who’s got my pony?
PatsyT : OK Then we have it AdLib will dirty up the purists and we can watch… Goody!
kesmarn : b’ito…”Hello , Dali!”
AdLib : Patsy – I will volunteer to be your Secretary of Impatience. I’ll deal with all those Purists, leave ’em to me!
PatsyT : Lot count ? Hmmm
PatsyT : Wood Chucks abound
AdLib : Well, heck, if you wanna play games here! I’m workin’ with ya on this thing, but I… Okay, I’ll do a damned lot count!
kesmarn : If you let us out on weekends…
PatsyT : Cause I think we are going to ned some jokes
PatsyT : OK If I am to be Pres Can I count on you guys to be in my cabinet ?
kesmarn : You sure have a lot of wild life around there, Patsy. Literally.
Khirad : Imagine what Sarah could do with that woodchipper from Fargo, eh?
bito : Kitties? «link»
PatsyT : Hey you wood chucks quit chucking my wood
AdLib : Oh yah. Yah.
kesmarn : Evil kitten wants to visit your house, Patsy.
PatsyT : Hey tonight the Pony’s are on my husband……… Hey you ponies get off my husband!
kesmarn : AdLib, she’s really channeling her inner gestapo in that pic.
Khirad : Dontyaknow
kesmarn : Isn’t that creepy?
Khirad : You’ve ruined Lynda Carter forever.
AdLib : «link»
PatsyT : Bingo AdLib now you get to win the P O N Y !
AdLib : Patsy – It takes rwo Repubs named Dick to screw in a light bulb. One to lie to it and the other to take its retirement money in a trickle down scheme.
kesmarn : «link»
bito : Republican taxcuuter mints «link»
kesmarn : ‘Zactly, bito.
PatsyT : Thats the ticket Bito!
bito : I like better «link»
Khirad : How long does it take to reload, though?
kesmarn : OK…back to that light bulb…
PatsyT : Yes good night Boomer
kesmarn : Did I miss boomer’s departure? Good night, boomer, wherever you are….
kesmarn : You predicted that one!
PatsyT : I knew some images were on the horizon
kesmarn : Love the image of Sarah with the gun in one hand and the Bible in the other on the “Embarrassmints ” ad!
PatsyT : How many republicans named Dick does it take to screw in a light bulb?
kesmarn :
PatsyT : There is no end to those Pricks.
kesmarn : Give up, Patsy…why?
bito : How about some of these? «link»
AdLib : What gets Repubs in the mood? «link»
PatsyT : Why is it that you can’t circumcise … republicans?
Khirad : Tax breaks, of course. But children’s tears are highly valued as aphrodisiacs – or should we say – anglodisiacs.
PatsyT : I am waiting for AdLib to come p with one of those wet dream Palin images they have
PatsyT : It’s that Ohio thing
kesmarn : Again with the jinx, Patsy!
PatsyT : $$$$$$
kesmarn : Money.
Khirad : Here’s a question: What gets a Republican in the mood?
PatsyT : LOL Kes
PatsyT : But so many of them are named Dick
AdLib : Kes –
kesmarn : “The Hating Game”
kesmarn : Angle: obtuse or acute?
AdLib : HuffPo Dating Game Question: “What politician do you relate to more, “Boehner” or “Crapo”?
PatsyT : The Dateinator
kesmarn : That is hilarious!! If you had said: “This guy is gonna be Gov. of California” back then…rubber room reservation!
Khirad : «link»
PatsyT : The Dating Game for … «link»
kesmarn : It’s a little disturbing to think of how many mom’s basements would be occupied by paired-up trolls…kinda like the Star Trek “Tribbles” episode…
Khirad : Sterilization will be mandatory.
kesmarn : Might be more accurate to say Murdoch is her role model? She certainly has aspirations to tyranny.
AdLib : “Love Anti-American Style!”
AdLib : Kes – I wouldn’t give AH that much credit. She’s just an opportunist, Murdoch is a tyrant.
PatsyT : AdLib OFF is right
PatsyT : Khirad I LOVE It lets get the Millionaire Matchmaker on this!
AdLib : Khirad – But think of the offspring!
Khirad : Patsy, you’ve hit on something there. They could match up GOP trolls and concern trolls and LOL trolls and purist trolls with each other, and leave the rest of us posters in peace.
kesmarn : Aryana is actually a variation on Rupert Murdoch, isn’t she? I’m sure I’m not the first person to notice that….
AdLib : “I’ll blog what she’s blogging.”
PatsyT : That Blog
PatsyT : Let me guess they are now match.com
kesmarn : Well, we did have group therapy a little earlier in the evening, Khirad…
AdLib : Heh! That one blew me away. A DIVORCE SECTION AT HP?! WTF???
PatsyT : Isn’t Rachel doing a Blog special ?
Khirad : Nudity, maybe. But how do we top a Divorce section?
kesmarn : Evil kitten says: “meat me!!!” Mrrroowww! Noooooo!
PatsyT : Some cats do blog
AdLib : How do we know that really is Kes at the keyboard? Ooooooooohhhh!
PatsyT : No No kitten please stay I have some little doggies that would like to meat you
kesmarn :
I thought we were about to get a scolding when I read the first 5 words…
AdLib : This is a political blog, if we want to keep up with HP, we really do need more nudity here.
kesmarn : We will return to our regularly scheduled k’es next week.
PatsyT : Oh kitten, you are an little bit evil aren’t you.
kesmarn : Evil kitten wasn’t referring to nipples, Patsy!
kesmarn : Khirad, I thought the same thing! After I watched it on Netflix, I even googled a “where are they now” query. Not too much info out there. That bitchy woman camp director/teacher was the one who got under my skin. Talk about someone who shouldn’t EVER be around kids! A total bully.
PatsyT : Ah kes boys do have nipples
AdLib : Top story on HP right now: Billy Ray Cyrus: ‘So Sad’ About Miley Bong Video
Khirad : I’d like to see a follow-up ‘where are they now’ on the kids in Jesus Camp. Like, that poor girl with that – sorry ladies – absolute bitch control freak of a mother. Oh, and a follow-up for the Stepford children of the Duggars too. There’s gonna be at least a few screwed up kids who go black sheep on that family.
kesmarn : I think the guys should get equal time…
PatsyT : AdLib why stop at nipps lets include backsides
kesmarn : When you see 85 year old with implants….
PatsyT : Ahhh kes if only you worked in so cal
kesmarn : You wouldn’t believe what I see at work, Patsy.
PatsyT : Kes no fair you saw that in the ER!
AdLib : Patsy – Bingo!
AdLib : Hmm…maybe we need to add “Celebrity Nipples” as a category here!
PatsyT : AdLib Anjolina
Khirad : When will HP merge with LiquidGeneration so they can do WhoseBoobs? «link»
kesmarn : (.)(‘)
PatsyT : Bito Judy Dench
bito : (.)(.)
AdLib : One hint, she’s in the movies: ( ^ ) ( ^ )
kesmarn : Wasn’t that disturbing, Khirad? The cardboard Bush thing? “Say: Hello, Mr. President, CHILDREN!!” I predict trouble ahead for the poor little mini-preacher…
PatsyT : Those are implants!
AdLib : Kes – I saw Jesus Camp, great doc and it is creepy to watch Haggard and all that he says and does, the slimy hypocrite!
PatsyT : (*) (*)
Khirad : I still can’t unburn the praying to Bush scene from my brain. And that little boy preacher… talk about brainwashing. I’m not kidding, this is the kind of stuff they do in madrassahs in Pakistan.
AdLib : Patsy – Guess who: ( 0 ) ( 0 )
AdLib : “I have sinned! So, might as well go for it!”
kesmarn : Khiad, did you see the movie “Jesus Camp”? There’s some really creepy footage of Haggard in there before he was “exposed.”
PatsyT : That new feature “Guess Who’s Celebrity Nipples” is a big traffic driver”
Khirad : I don’t think that’s what Swaggart was thumping. «link»
kesmarn : He would be their poster boy.
bito : Jon Boner?
kesmarn : Is there a category for a Bible-thumping drunk, b’ito?
AdLib : I think Ted Haggard proved that meth and evangelicalism make a heady “cocktail”.
bito : Saying on some construction sites -most people a re drunks or bible thumpers and they used to be drunks.
kesmarn : She’ll faint if she sees “celebrity nipples”!!
Khirad : No Patsy, I have the screen strategically positioned, just in case.
AdLib : Actually, that’s a new category for HP, “Celebrity Nipples and Self-Abuse”. Howard Fineman’s articles can usually be found there.
kesmarn : Our family’s scary evangelicals were also wild party/drugs people in their earlier days, too. Shoot! I’m a reformed sinner myself, but what’s the point of going from one fucking extreme to the other?
With all due respect to your dear aunt, Khirad!
AdLib : In the long, long ago, HP was a place of mystery and wonder. Now it’s a place of celebrity nipples and self-abuse.
Khirad : Oh, don’t get me on the boards at Kos and the others. I swear they might as well be using BBS technology.
PatsyT : She is trying to drive up the profits for Cialis and Viagra
AdLib : Khirad – What about Palin’s mouth, accusing anyone who criticizes her, including Repuns as “impotent”, “limp” “boys”?
PatsyT : Khirad I hope she is not watching what you type
kesmarn : See there, AdLib…more proof that you are a true lib. You generously gave credit to HP for the (one) good thing, and improved upon it.
Khirad : Must be nice indeed. Speaking of, up here I have to watch my mouth, because my aunt who is with us is quiet, but loves Sarah Palin and is scary evangelical. No fun music, no drinking – she’s nice, but she went overboard on religion after party days in her younger days – yes, that old cliché. So, like I said, I really have to watch my mouth!
AdLib : God says, “Don’t thank me, I’m all thumbs at creating planets, I mean, look at this one.”
AdLib : Thanks for the props, Kes. I did DK a little after leaving HP and still check in there but the format is indeed very unattractive. When I was first looking for sites to blog at, I checked them out and HP among others, I ended up at HP precisely because I liked the layout and content (at the time). So, I applied the same sensibility to this layout.
PatsyT : Kes thats a plan
kesmarn : I guess I’ll just thank God.
kesmarn : Patsy, yes. I wish I knew whom to thank for that Planet goodness.
kesmarn : Yup, again on the religion thing. My family’s RWers are religious and very sure of themselves there, too. Must be nice to be infallible in all areas.
PatsyT : Kes Yes that tech person at the Planet must really know their stuff!
kesmarn : Khirad — glad to hear I’m not the only one who had that reaction to the Kos format. Now the Planet? Totally user-friendly and intuitive!!
Khirad : I can’t even tell if they really have deluded themselves they are objective or not. I think it goes along with the territory of being really religious, too. You’re just right… BECAUSE… because… you just are!
kesmarn : Yes, the t-bag type RWers in my family are like that. They will lecture me on everything! Even medical stuff, although they have no training. 22 years in the field? Pshhh. Means nothing.
bito : i found that BWD site from a GGreen wald tweet slaming their site. They got 200 members in 2 days from his tweet.
PatsyT : Maybe they just need to be herded in the right direction and then let Palin at em’.
Khirad : Yeah me three on the KOS thing. I go when it’s linked, but I always thought the format was weird.
kesmarn : Khirad, I know. I can deal with people who are just in-your-face RWers or racists better than people who claim to be objective and obviously aren’t.
Khirad : …I hope such ‘audacity’ that these baggers have, this overconfidence in their own beliefs being representative of Americans – leads them to a hard crash. And I hope they take the GOP down with them.
kesmarn : Patsy, maybe it’s an Ohio thing…
bito : AdLib I looked for a contact for them. I didn;t see on. Maybe through WordPress?
PatsyT : Khirad you are being AMERICAN they can just get over it and move on if they don’t like it.
PatsyT : I am mwith you on that layout thing at the Kos Kes
AdLib : I’ll contact them and see if they want to exchange links and maybe more. I did so with The People’s View which Boomer suggested last Vox Populi and we’ve done so. We’ve got to work together!
kesmarn : For some reason I have never been a reader of the Daily Kos…something about the layout…it doesn’t work for me.
Khirad : Yes, they’re “Independent” but outraged by being called “enemy” hostage taker” and tea partiers labeled as “extreme”. And then have the audacity to criticize me for being up front for acknowledging I’m biased. As if they are the one and only true pulse of “Independent” real Americans. That’s what really bugs me. The mantle they’ve bestowed upon themselves as the True arbiters of “Independent” Americanness. If you cam out and said you were a conservative, a Republican, I’d have more respect for you and we could debate – and yet they hide behind this “Independent” label and think I don’t know the FOX meme o’ the week.
PatsyT : I would put it this way Pro Obama sites are popping up and – We make sense!
bito : They remind me of the Planet and HP, AdLib. They are tired of the purity.
AdLib : So, a bit of an exodus from DK because of all the anti-Obama sentiment?
PatsyT : This group AdLib .. «link»
kesmarn : Most Republicans would have great difficulty in signing on to “No Fucking Ponies.” They have enough promises to break as it is.
bito : Those People at Blackwater Dog are all Ex KOS.
AdLib : Patsy, what about Kos?
PatsyT : Sounds like a big upset at Daily Kos
AdLib : Join my new political party, NFP…No Fucking Ponies.
AdLib : bito – So true, all the concern trolls blending in with the purist Dems, especially at HP, is ridiculous.
kesmarn : b’ito
PatsyT : WHAT No PONY?????
bito : He should have won by 30% with all the “I voted for him ,but” people.
AdLib : Khirad – The level of naivete and ignorance among the voting public is astonishing. They think Obama promised them a pony and didn’t ship it to them so they’re voting for Repubs who pinky promised and crossed their hearts that they would really truly give them a pony. WTF?! When do such nitwits finally figure out they ain’t getting no damn pony?!
kesmarn : Funny, Khirad, isn’t it– how many of them “voted for Obama, but…”?
PatsyT : Bito LOL!
bito : I’m an independent Fox Watcher! HUH?
PatsyT : Khirad I always wonder how many are of those “indys” are on the payroll of some Rovian group.
kesmarn : Michelle seems very worried about that .25% of 1%, b’ito. Not about anyone else, though.
bito : 0.25% of 1% get a hit by esate taxes
kesmarn : And forget the Bloody Mary it drowned in…
Khirad : So, I got in a little tussle with a so-called “Independent” who “voted for Obama” on a usually more civil, predominantly foreign policy site. I cited consistent polls of Americans against extending the rich’s tax breaks. Except for FOX talking points (Indie my ass) they said: there is only ONE poll and it was on Nov. 2nd. I cited them earlier saying before the election that Dems overreached with their mandate when they won in 2008 and claimed polls as the will of the people they were acting against. Well, you can’t have it both ways. And, while this “Independent” would be the 1 of the 2-1 Indies that favor ENDING the tax breaks for the rich, they aren’t anything other than a Foxbot and the irony escaped them that the GOP will meet the same fate when they can’t live up to their unreal promises and their hypocrisy is again on full display for the short-term memory electorate.
PatsyT : She should stick to the celery
kesmarn : Bachmann said that the tax cut compromise is actually a tax increase for the wealthy. When the interviewer’s jaw dropped, she said “the death tax is going up.”
PatsyT : Bito thats why her eyes are so wide
bito : Can she walk an eat celery at the same time?
kesmarn : Right, Patsy…then surrounded with a parsley garnish.
PatsyT : and turning over fire?
bito : Pretend to think, mostly
kesmarn : Evil kitten says that Bachmann would look much better with an apple stuffed in her mouth.
PatsyT : Gee what else can she do?
PatsyT : LOL
kesmarn :
AdLib : Without chewing.
PatsyT : Bachman says she can eat an entire head of celery
AdLib : Kes – You got it!
bito : Yes Patsy. They made a huge thing out of a small thing. Wait until the transportation bill comes up.
kesmarn : Emphasis on the “white.”
AdLib : It’s not pork, it’s the other white meat.
kesmarn : The Repubble Bubble.
AdLib : This is how the corporate sensibility operates. Promise anything, get the money and figure out a lie later when everything collapses because of it. What happened with the WS collapse is exactly what I see happening with their political party, the Repubs. Same pattern.
PatsyT : Pork B Gone
PatsyT : Isn’t it Bachman that is going to call it “directed spending” or something like that- just change the name and Wa La
kesmarn : This is somewhat O/T, but has anyone heard much about the prospect of a second wave of financial difficulties stemming from the fact that many cities and states are seriously close to bankruptcy?
kesmarn : Oh yes, the earmarks issue alone will give them yards of rope with which to hang themselves!
PatsyT : But AdLib that have a new name for earmarks and pork
AdLib : Kes – Yep and Khirad also has. It is simple history, the impossible promises may win elections but when they’re not fulfilled, excuses won’t suffice. Oh I forgot to add the earmark ban…but the Appropriations committee is now going being chaired by a Repub dubbed, “The Pork King” for his record pork spending over the years. I mean, who puts a fat, greedy fox in charge of guarding the chickens?
PatsyT : Evil kitty you are not so bad after all
kesmarn : Patsy…evil kitten says that gunshot to the face and pacemaker failure would occur simultaneously. Two out of two.
PatsyT : Maybe that cancel each other out
kesmarn : Uh-oh, Patsy…did I shock your sensibilities there?
PatsyT : Kes which one comes out alive in that bad kitty fantasy?
kesmarn : AdLib, you predicted that even before the election as a potential silver lining to the mid-term losses.
PatsyT : How low can you go?
bito : k’es
AdLib : This is why we have to keep our eyes on the big picture. The Repubs are still less liked in the nation than Dems. They won as a default, people were chiefly voting against the Dems. Taking over the House, they lose that shield and it becomes a comparison between them and the Dems. They are not going to gain popularity, just as the Dems declined in poularity after taking power, so will the Repubs.
kesmarn : My evil kitten is hoping that Sarah Palin goes hunting with Dick Cheney.
PatsyT : I ment Jinx
bito : Thanks Patsy, I would have remember at about 2:00:lol:
PatsyT : Kink you little kitty
kesmarn : Jinx, Patsy
PatsyT : Today no news of Bernie on the H Pee untill after he read from her ‘book’. Then it was big story.
kesmarn : Before he read from Her Majesty’s Tome, they were totally ignoring the whole thing.
AdLib : Patsy – A winnah! Here’s your Kewpie doll!
kesmarn : Patsy, thanks for the link. That would be a great position for Kucinich!
PatsyT : Oversite
PatsyT : HPee
bito : I can’t recall the name of the committee
PatsyT : Kes … «link»
AdLib : OT but here’s a guessing game! Guess which publication has these headlines: Sen. Bernie Sanders Leads 8.5-Hour Filibuster Of Obama Tax Cut Deal – Watch: Sanders Reads From Arianna’s Book ‘Third World America’
kesmarn : Thanks, b’ito. That one totally got past me.
kesmarn : Like most bullies, they will just HAVE to push it too far, AdLib.
bito : Minority Chair on Issa’s committee
AdLib : Kes – Exactly! And the Repubs are more hateful and dishonest than under Bush! Having power will only allow them to show off why they don’t deserve it.
kesmarn : I am so out of the loop. What’s Kucinich up for?
AdLib : Patsy, I haven’t heard about Kucinich getting that spot yet but I can’t imagine anyone better for it!
kesmarn : This is one instance in which the fact that they never change will work against them, AdLib. They have to be evil…they can “nicht anders”…
PatsyT : AdLib do you know if Kuncinich got that posistion?
AdLib : Herd of cows? Of course, who hasn’t?
AdLib : And consider the public exhaustion with the GOP’s hatred after 2 years of Issa doing witch hunts on Obama, all the insane Bagger bills, hating on gays, minorities and immigrants…vot ers will be reminded why they voted these guys out in 2008.
bito : I heard the herd
kesmarn : Patsy, Clinton mentioned that, too. How much had been accomplished over the last couple years that people are unaware of.
PatsyT : herd
PatsyT : People had to heard that caribo into range!
kesmarn : Patsy, I saw that comparison, too. “You enjoy killing animals” someone (who was it?) said to the Wasilla Witch.
PatsyT : When you think about it … This last congress has gotten so much done!
bito : Saw that Patsy, Vick did time for animal cruelty, Palin call it sport
kesmarn : I knew there was a reason I had to be here tonight. I’m feeling better all the time. Yes, that enthusiasm gap scenario does resonate, AdLib. They’re already off on the wrong foot, and it’s likely to get worse as time goes on.
PatsyT : OT a bit Someone compared Palin to Michael Vick.
AdLib : There is a big potential for an enthusiasm gap in the GOP in 2012 once they spend 2 years betraying everything they ran on. COnsider their promises, not increasing the debt ceiling, bringing the deficit down, reducing government spending, repealing HCR and Wall Street reform. They haven’t even begun and they’ve already nuked most of their promises. And they can’t repeal HCR or WSR with a Dem Senate and Pres. So, how enthusiastic will these betrayed baggers be in 2012?
kesmarn : Rand probably isn’t as dim as he appears now that you mention it, AdLib. Who could be?
PatsyT : AdLib, They could use a little purity, those baggers.
boomer1949 : kes, yes I stand corrected. It was Papa Bear. Baby bear hasn’t been officially introduced.
kesmarn : And his constituency is preeeety gullible, AdLib.
kesmarn : boomer, I think that was Papa Paul (Ron) who defended Wikileaks.
bito : That’s what I read, so did the Tan Man and the new Senator from WISC.
AdLib : Rand Paul is a fraud, he won’t be shocked. He will BS his constituency as he goes along with the GOP majority.
boomer1949 : No, he defended WikiLeaks.
kesmarn : Seriously, b’ito!? Talk about selling out early on in the game!
AdLib : The Repub betrayal of the Baggers is a prime wedge to be hammered in the 2012 elections. Especially during what will likely be a divisive primary with the GOP status quo trying to shove bagger candidates aside and steal their constituency. They tried to drive a wedge in the Dems in 2008, we have a far better prospect to succeed at that in 2012. I hope I’m not the only one thinking about this and the DNC is.
bito : Rand Paul just hired a corporate lobbyist for his chief of staff.
PatsyT : I am sure he did
kesmarn : He is about to get skooled, as they say.
boomer1949 : Rand Paul, didn’t he recently say something more stupid than ever?
PatsyT : He better bring his big boy boots!
kesmarn : I can hardly wait to see Rand Paul try to deal with the current scene in Washington DC.
boomer1949 : Patsy, my cats resemble that remark…
PatsyT : It’s that cat staring them down
AdLib : Patsy – Live by the bagger, die by the bagger. The Repubs haven’t even taken the House majority yet and they’ve totally betrayed the baggers! The reason we’re not hearing anything is that their jaws are hanging wide open!
PatsyT : Cat o tonic
boomer1949 : Where are the TeaPotty people anyway? Stunned into reality?
kesmarn : I think that would work, AdLib!
PatsyT : Yes that new American Bridge group should get on that and while on that subject they should hire us out.
boomer1949 : You guys, we’re giving them waaay too much credit. Bottom line is liars, cheats, selfish, greedy, arrogant, self-indulgent, the Hamptons or at least Hamptons wannabees.
kesmarn : Yes! The t-party is strangely silent. And so is the MSM regarding them.
AdLib : I just thought of a great campaign for the Dems! In 2012, run an ad campaign that’s sympathetic to baggers and attacks the Repubs for betraying them!
PatsyT : AdLib, I noticed how little reporting there has been on the Tea Party… Whats up with that? Election over and all quiet on the TP front.
kesmarn : Mrrow! Hissssss! (Maybe I’d better get my old avi back, before Google crawls the site…)
AdLib : Rip-public-con?
boomer1949 : kes, jinx, I thought the same thing.
PatsyT : I like it
PatsyT : Oooo you mean little kitty Ilike It!
boomer1949 : Republicans = Evil Doers. GWB was calling the kettle black.
AdLib : Patsy, I’m not worried at all about the Repubs not voting to raise the debt ceiling. After insisting on the tax cuts on the wealthy and voting for a $1 trillion deficit to be added, it would be hilarious to see them pound their chests over raising the debt ceiling. And would they be stupid enough to shut down government again? I don’t think so. The question is, how is that tea-y baggy thing workin’ out for them? What do baggers think about their team busting the deficit $1 trillion dollars bigger and not shutting down government as promised? How long until they understand what idiots they’ve been played for?
kesmarn : “Rape-public-ca n”
PatsyT : Cheatpublicans
boomer1949 : Patsy, anything …publicans would work for me. I lived with them for years–the mo hasn’t changed, only gotten worse.
kesmarn : Marie Antoinettites?
bito : Tax evaders
PatsyT : Boomer Thats it we need a new word for Republicans ….Debtpublican s ?
kesmarn : Well, if past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, AdLib, prospects look dim.
AdLib : Kes – Of course they’ll lie and manipulate but the questions are, will anyone really buy their crap and will the Dems nail them on it instead of run away?
boomer1949 : If we fail to mention the Republicans at least 2, 3, 4 times in the same sentence for causing all of this, then yes the Democrats will be blamed.
PatsyT : AdLib, can they get the repubs to agree to raise the debt ceiling as part of this package?
kesmarn : This is what Elijah Cummings warned about, AdLib…”mark my words” said he.
boomer1949 : big city crime…
AdLib : So, the talk now is that the Repubs are planning to blame the new $1 trillion in additional deficit the bill creates solely on the Dems because “they were the majority party at the time.” Is anyone other than FoxFans going to buy that? And are the Dems smart enough to shoot that down or run away in fear?
kesmarn : boomer, I’m dense tonight…”miss ing out”?
Khirad : Boomer – In a little logging mill town called Longview, about an hour from Portland, near where they filmed Twilight, and the subject of a Greenday song.
Okay BRB for reals this time.
boomer1949 : ke, you are missing out big time!
kesmarn : “They” have been waging war on “us” for quite a while now.
boomer1949 : ooo, big C. IRS raided a video store for selling stolen dvds.
PatsyT : Yes that Repub Majority makes it easy to get all the obedience you need.
bito : Why are Dems so afraid of saying class warfare? Isn’t that what is going on?
kesmarn : Khirad, sorry…
kesmarn : See you in a bit, Khiad.
kesmarn : boomer…I hear you on Clinton. Even after the hair went grey…meow..
Khirad : Yes, much better, but it was still open heart surgery, so it’s a process. BRB, got a little chore.
AdLib : Khirad – Heh, you could say that Al Gore invented the budget surplus.
kesmarn : AdLib…just caught that “Repub Majority” comment!
kesmarn :
Khirad : Well now, Bill has Gore to thank for that surplus, then.
PatsyT : Khirad Good luck with all of that I have been there x4
boomer1949 : Khirad, the holidays are the worst for these things to happen. Where in WA?
kesmarn : Well, one thing about depressing nursing homes is that they really motivate people to get out…kidding a bit there, K. I’m sure she’s motivated already.
AdLib : Khirad – But she is doing better, yes?
boomer1949 : khirad, so your grandmother is doing better?
AdLib : Kes – Living in a land of dictators is actually the Webster’s definition of “Republican Majority”.
Khirad : Yes. In a really depressing convalescence home recuperating. Staying for holidays to help out with getting readjusted. I just got some stuff that needs attended to back home.
boomer1949 : AdLib…kes speaking of confessions here…there’s somethin’ about Bill and that was before his hair turned completely gray.
AdLib : Bito – Exactly, the economy and Wall Street is gamed to be a boom/bust cycle. Only with extremes can they realize huge profits from huge swings…and drain the uninformed public of their wealth.
bito : Half a week? Frequent flyer.
kesmarn : Khirad, is your grandma doing better these days?
Khirad : Great quote.
kesmarn : One thing that Clinton said did strike me. He said: “You know…there really is such a thing as principled compromise. If there were no compromise, we would live in a land of dictators.”
AdLib : Boomer – I wasn’t crazy about Clinton. He gave us NAFTA and accelerated deregulation of banks and Wall Street that destroyed the economy in 2008. I have let all that go, he has been a great Dem since Obama won the primary and I let bygones be bygones. But the myth of the Clinton presidency is that he created a surplus. No, he was lucky that while he was president, this little business called “the internet” went online and juiced up billions in tax revenues from thin air.
Khirad : I catch a flight back tomorrow for half a week before flying back here.
bito : Are you still in WA. ? Khirad?
kesmarn : I love Bernie.
bito : Hey, Khirad.
Khirad : I’m trying to stay awake. While Bernie was talking it was a day o’ errands for me.
boomer1949 : Patsy, I sleep with cats. Is that the same as dressing uip?
PatsyT : Good Evening Khirad!
bito : Lack of enforcement on regulations , AdLib
boomer1949 : Yo Khirad! How the heck are you?
PatsyT : I now know to never dress up cats
AdLib : Hey Khirad!
boomer1949 : I think CLinton is the more savvy. Sorry, But despite his nonpolitical failings, he was a damn good President.
kesmarn : Hey, Khirad! Welcome to group therapy…er, Vox!
AdLib : And what does it say about how screwed up our economy is that this happens so frequently?
kesmarn : Either the av has caused it or I chose the av because I needed it to reflect my inner “angwy wabbit” Patsy!
Khirad : Someone on the other site posted a quote from Gingrich warning that the rich wouldn’t invest if Clinton raised taxes in ’93. Lo and behold… Same exact rhetoric now. I wish I had copied it to Word.
AdLib : I think Clinton’s appearance today is very instructive. Consider that most presidents in recent times experienced recessions by their midterms. Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama. All had poor ratings in the midterms but half rebounded to re-election. I think Obama will as well.
PatsyT : Kes that new avi brings out the E V I L in you
kesmarn : b’ito…truer words than you know!!
boomer1949 : Ewww, kes! The tan is fake.
bito : Planet Therapy.
kesmarn : You wanna know what else I fantasize about Boehner…is that it, boomer?
boomer1949 : Boehner? Fear? No, I’d just like to slap his arrogant face upside the head…
PatsyT : Hey, during some of the Health care debates I think some folks protested at some of the homes of the CEO’s of Insurance Companies.
boomer1949 : Yes. Kes? Go on…
kesmarn : Patsy, I’m not alone! I feel better! Confession time.
AdLib : The abusive spouse principle makes a lot of sense. On the other hand, if I were to describe the personalities of the Dems and Repubs as if they were people, the Repubs seem to be the ignorant, abusive schoolyard bully who pretends to be nice in front of the teacher. While the Dems are a skinny, smart, principled math whiz who yells at the bully when he’s hurting others but runs away when the bully comes towards him.
PatsyT : Also kes, I thought the same thing about Charles and Camilla.
kesmarn : Patsy, serious fear. And, God forgive me in this Christmas season, but I wanna see that look on Boehner’s face…
kesmarn : I hope so, AdLib. I hope people will think of the Dems in 2012, and remember them as the ones who stood up to the Repubs, and not as collaborators…
PatsyT : Kes I saw that pic of Charles and Camilla- That was serious fear on their faces!
bito : No, K’es, there was over 100,000 people out in the streets in Ireland about their problems. Where are our street demonstrations in the US
boomer1949 : AdLib…the only thing that would turn the “publiv” against the Republicans is if they screwed the millionaires and billionaires. The Republicans just [lay the “little people”.
kesmarn : Patsy, yes, I used the abusive spouse analogy.
kesmarn : Guys, bear with me tonight. And take everything with a grain of salt because I’m mad and discouraged a bit. But — when I saw the looks on Charles and Camilla’s faces as their car was get the “bumper car” treatment, I thought…hey, we could use a little of that…am I evil?
AdLib : Here’s the thing, after 2 years of the Repubs being cruel to all but the top 2%, won’t the public be turned off completely to them and “remember” what pigs they were during the Bush Admin? Then, maybe a renewed Dem majority and a re-elected Obama, having learned their lessons, could get some huge stuff done. As Obama said, people have to look at the big picture and put the lives of our fellow Americans first, even before political battles.
PatsyT : Kes was it you that described it as the abusive husband and the responsible wife having to give in to protect the kids?
boomer1949 : No, it isn’t. Still say it’s about race. Sorry, have thought it for 2 maybe 3 years. Less obvious in the beginning, but screams bigotry now.
boomer1949 : AdLib…a bunch of selfish pricks. McConnell drives me up a wall.
AdLib : So, if we are agreed that the GOP would cynically deny the only money unemployed people could get to pay for rent, food and electricity, not compromising would mean Obama and the Dem’s accepting the proposition that millions should suffer for political principle. That is just not what we stand for.
kesmarn : They’ll find some other group to hold hostage, AdLib. It’ll be people on Medicare or students or Social Security or kids on food stamps…they prey on the vulnerable.
PatsyT : Listening to Bernie today I wondered – Don’t the teabaggers get this kind of stuff?
boomer1949 : AdLib, the fact they did it to begin with speaks volumes about their character and empathy for the person who lives next door.
kesmarn : Not likely, AdLib. But at some point I want them to OWN the evil that they are. I want it to be so obvious people will finally get it.
AdLib : Kes – But if you noticed, the expiration of UI and tax cuts would not be at the same time so they couldn’t use 2 million unemployed as hostages next time.
PatsyT : AdLib No they would not!
boomer1949 : AL, absolutely not.
bito : NO!
PatsyT : Kes I have the same feelings especially after listening to Bernie today. It all comes down to who has the votes
kesmarn : And I guess I fear that in 2 years, they’re going to do it again. They’re gonna get out of paying their fair share YET AGAIN.
AdLib : Before the end of the year?
AdLib : An informal poll: If Obama and the Dems refused to go along with any compromise on tax cuts for the wealthy, do you believe the Repubs would have still voted for the UI extension?
boomer1949 : AdLib, these guys could give a flying fig about abyone but the millionaires they are in bed with.
kesmarn : Thanks, Patsy. I’m not down on Obama so much as the situation…it’ s a horrible situation.
boomer1949 : No kes, why would anyone hate you. He did the right thing. The rest of them wimped out and failed to back him. Trying to lay the “blame” on hi is ridiculous. As he said the other day, “his first priority is for the good of the American people, screw the politics. This is no time for games.”
AdLib : Kes – I don’t like it either but my question is, how sure could he or we be that the Repubs wouldn’t be so stubborn and heartless as to allow millions to suffer? They have a whole news network dedicated to them that could have beat the drum that it’s all Obama’s and the Dems’ fault for not being “fair” and refusing to give taxes to everyone, especially “the job creators”.
PatsyT : Hey they did not get their way in 08′
bito : I see your point completely, k’es
PatsyT : Kes no hate here ever!
kesmarn : Will you all hate me if I’m totally honest about what I think on this compromise? I completely “get” why Obama agreed to it. It is very logical to agree to it. But my heart keeps saying “why?” “Why do they always get their way?” So–I don’t like it.
AdLib : Patsy – Maybe it will make a difference, not now but in two years. Dems will remember who stood up and was willing to fight and if they do in righteous indignation 2 years from now, when hopefully there won’t need to be UI extensions, this dress rehearsal could lay the groundwork for quite a show.
PatsyT : I made my girls watch some of it. He had a few good funny bits in there.
boomer1949 : AdLib…he had no choice. rock=Blue Dogs. Hard place=Republican s. Hate to say it, but it’s all about race.
bito : One thing that got me about his speech is being reported just as against the bill-+-He said sooooo muchmore
PatsyT : AdLib I was very impressed he kept that up all day! He made sense even if he did repeat a few things, I only wish that it could make a difference to the repubs
AdLib : Boomer – I agree. The Blue Dogs and ConservaDems fought against voting on the tax cuts before the election, damn cowards! They put Obama in this position.
bito : Yep.k’es! those graphs are What Sanders was talking about today
boomer1949 : Anyone else?
AdLib : Patsy – That was one hell of a powerful REAL filibuster-type speech.
boomer1949 : I think the House screwed up and shoulda’ acted before the election. To blame the President is absured. Personally, and no offense kalima, I’m glad President Clinton manned up (despite Hil) for the the good of the party.
kesmarn : b’ito, on the graphs: they really reinforce what Bernie Sanders was talking about today…for 8.5 hours.
AdLib : Cheers all, it is a great new feature, the sizing makes a big difference when you’re on a smaller or larger screen!
PatsyT : Well we got a fili buster didn’t we?
bito : That is cool. AdLib!
boomer1949 : Thank goodness I don’t need to change the glasses until the FSA takes effect in January.
kesmarn : THAT is FABULOUS!
boomer1949 : Zoom!!!
kesmarn : You really ARE God, aren’t you?
bito : Did any one get a chance to look at these graphs? «link»
boomer1949 : Oh kes, you are a mind reader!~
PatsyT : Boomer we lived near Chicago until she was 9 so she knows all about the cold and was looking forward to it.
kesmarn : I’m expecting an “all caps” question any second now…
boomer1949 : So where’s the boss? Shouldn’t we be acting intelligent or somethig?
boomer1949 : Thank goodness. Porr child after years in sunny CA.
boomer1949 : gloves/mittens
PatsyT : Boomer Yes!
PatsyT : I hope you all are well
boomer1949 : Patsy-We’re supposed to be getting cold, wind, snow, etc. over the weekend. Does she have boots, a hat, glu=oves, and warm coat?
kesmarn : All fixed. Merci!
bito : Ralph
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
boomer1949 : hi Patsy!! Greetings from OH-IO!
bito : Where’s ralp?
AdLib : Kes , clear your cache and click on the VP link again, all should appear, they’re still here (I can see them).
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy!
bito : Hey Patsy
boomer1949 : bito – not unless he’s green and knows how to move curtains.
kesmarn : boomer…on the doc handwriting…no kidding. It’s downright dangerous!
PatsyT : Hi guys
boomer1949 : No, AdLib must be pushing buttons or something.
bito : Superman isn’t allowed behind the curtain
kesmarn : Except for some reason all the last few comments disappeared! What did I say? Short term memory…gone…
boomer1949 : kes, you’re just used to readng all the doc handwriting.
AdLib : Kes and Boomer, my pleasure, I do love The Planet. SOmetimes though, would be nice if Superman was around to spin it back in time once in a while and give me a chance to catch up on everything!
kesmarn : Oh, wow! That is better. I didn’t even notice the smaller font until the big one popped up!
kesmarn : I wondered what that sound was, AdLib. Hey, btw, thank you seems a bit inadequate for all the work you’ve put in lately…
boomer1949 : Wow! Mr. Wizard reincarnated!
boomer1949 : My daughter was coming to visit tomorrow, but blew me off becuase of the weather.
boomer1949 : So, ’til the big guy returns from the restroom…what ‘s the general consensus about the last couple of days?
kesmarn : Freezing rain and 3-5″ snow barreling at us and your boss is in Hawaii. He has my sympathy.
bito : twinkie jink
kesmarn : Jinx!
boomer1949 : twinkie!
boomer1949 : hey bito!
kesmarn : Hey, b’ito!
bito : hey, all
boomer1949 : He left the day after turkey day. Ha had it planned since last January.
kesmarn : “Works well under pressure.”
boomer1949 : amazing what one can accomplish in one day knowing time is up.
kesmarn : Hawaii in December. By golly, give that man a tax break!!
boomer1949 : stress? absolutely. the boss has been in Hawaii for TWO weeks, comes back Monday. Vacation is OVER!
kesmarn : I’m pretty lucky, my furball doesn’t like people food. First cat I’ve ever had that doesn’t.
boomer1949 : something about meow mix or friskies. hate the stuff, but they love it.
boomer1949 : brie? no they love cheddar.
kesmarn : Stress in both cases? Ya think?
boomer1949 : upset stomach — me too. all afternoon. got better when I left work.
kesmarn : Did your furries eat all the brie?
kesmarn : I have SUCH an upset stomach, boomer! No work tomorrow, but gotta be good.
boomer1949 : cheese, goodness, where the heck did the cheese go. cats hate cheese.
boomer1949 : Green tea…you must have to work tomorrow?
kesmarn : boomer, hand me those nachos, why dontcha?
kesmarn : Hey, AdLib! Hey, boomer! I’m sipping green tea from my Planet mug.
AdLib : I’ve got a couple of tech things to do, will be right back. And don’t eat all the nachos!
AdLib : Hey Kes!
kesmarn : Good Friday evenin’, folks!
AdLib : Hola!
boomer1949 : hola, anyone en su casa?
AdLib : * AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins shortly, at 7:00 PST. Hope to see you then!
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