Vox Populi AfterChat – 2-26-2010
Vox Populi – 02-28-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey TW!
America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away
I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi – 02-21-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
Vox Populi – 02-14-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour...
Time for rest and TV– Night all!
Something that is fantastic about the Planet
right now
is that you can truly say
! ~~~ Not funded by corporate interest~~~ !
Like this group that is trying to put themselves out here as being independent
I am suspicious
Just checked them out. My process is to look for the tidbit that makes me cringe. The article that speculated on Bill O’Reilly potentially being the Ross Perot or 2012, expressing that he would appeal to independent voters wanting change is so insane that I have to discount this site.
That reminds me– you have a message.
Yes! I meant to respond but Fridays are always a bit hectic, sorry for the delay! Very cool though! Will be responding shortly!
No prob. Anytime as long as it was received–gmail scares me sometimes.
Patsy, John Moores has a pretty good reputation as a philanthropist and Democrat. He’s on the board of Habitat for Humanity. I used to work for one of his software companies.
Say ecat I am glad you have some info
I have been getting these slick mailers and
the first thing I think of is who is paying for this?
So if this is the same person that gives me a glimmer
These days we have to keep eyes wide open
they are getting clever
One more thought on this concept of small non-profit Insurance companies created in the private sector, from Unions and/or credit unions or other meaningful and existing organizations.
Considering how much money is being made in the insurance biz, even if it’s a non profit, wouldn’t that be a good industry to jump into at this point in time? Wouldn’t that be a good investment for a union to provide to its membership…and even help incentivize joining unions?
Non profit doesn’t = No Profit so the right idea and plan is worth backing…
Now may be a great time for a venture like this, so few areas in the economy that people are confident in. Who wouldn’t see the insurance business as profitable today?
Adlib, non- profit doesn’t mean no profit– it could make billions.
Exactly! I mean, it’s not like going into the real estate business.
Everyone needs health insurance and if you can provide me with it at a lower price with better coverage, I’ve got no loyalty to the corp I’m paying through the nose to now.
But I hope you don’;t stop at unions. What about other affinity groups– like waiters/food workers. The Self-employed– millions of those folks and they have no coverage.
The thing about organizations is that they can efficiently communicate with their members and if needed, have votes.
Groups of independent people with affinities would be tougher. I would look at them as more of the 2nd Phase, once your base is in place, self-employed, waiters, etc.will have heard of your group or you could send out sales reps to bring in those with affiliations.
Adlib– this may be way off base, but what about insurance that was hospital specific– like insurance for Cedars-Sinai or UCLA? Is that crazy or impractical?
That kinda what I meant by Health Care Co-Op
Oh. Now I get it, BT.
Not at all, that’s what Kaiser is. So, it does work but I would think that there would need to be some kind of financial partnership or incentive to get something like that up and running with hospitals.
What would be cool is to set up such things at hospitals and practices then once they’re up and running, network them together to create a broader coverage group.
I thought of Kaiser after I wrote that. But Kaiser is also a provider. I was thinking smaller– but in a way like an HMO–that you could purchase insurance for use only with cedars doctors and hospital. (Or whatever the local big hospital is in every city.)The hosp and docs are not contracted by the insurer but the insurance is only good for a certain hosp. Like a gift certificate is only good at a certain store. That is sounding crazier the more i write.
Yes, I like that idea. But what if you were traveling in another state and had an accident or became ill? That’s why I like the idea of networking, like the way cell phone coverage works.
If you go to another state or country, you still have coverage paid for by your company under the agreed upon terms. They have in the meantime worked out compensation with other companies.
So I do think the Kaiser model is a better way to start, to be a hospital and provider so networking will cover you at all times.
Strike the below– the big idea here– aside from starting a private non-profit ins co– is that it is UNION BASED!! The poetry of that is inescapable.
The main thing is to be able to start with a big base. The unions have that and would profit themselves and their union, meaning their members, from it.
Opening up to the public would affiliate more people with unions and give them greater strength.
As long as they don’t grow corrupt again, unions could again grow to be the cleaver that cuts through corporations to bring more equity to the people.
Hmm…this is an interesting idea…maybe the GROW concept dovetails with this concept.
The stronger that unions could be in America, the more organized more Americans would be to fight for socially and in the business world what the political world can’t do for them.
This is an interesting theory. We’ve discussed creating a group to work for change, what if a collaboration with unions was a path to creating that kind of solidarity among many people quicker?
Are not our objections to corporate power in sync with union members?
Interesting to consider how synergies might work in a number of areas…
Very interesting indeed. I believe our mission dovetails perfectly. However, they do not perceive that they need to join with other activists as they are the biggest activist group and we are the gnats. And they see themselves as the cleverest, so it seems like it would be hard to convince them of the need to partner. Maybe.
But what is certain: The4y need cheaper and better health insurance– that is not taxed as cadillac BTW and here’s the best part– one that is not negotiated!
That is why if one had an interested party to back such a venture, a co-venture could be pursued with unions, for them to become partners in their own health insurance entity.
Think how crazy insurance companies would be if they lost all those union members and NEEDED to convince their current clients from jumping boat to join the union’s Public Option?
Too cool!!!
That was another cool Vox Populi! Thanks all for making it so cool!
AdLib this is the Bloom Box link I posted- 60 minutes
Thanks BT, I saw the comment here by Patsy but will really check it out, very cool stuff.
I found this on their website, if this is true and realistic, it could solve the hydrogen car fueling problem too!
AdLib– that was a real big idea. Don;t forget it. Are you going to flesh it out and pursue it? It is worth it!
I am going to roll it around and when it’s thought out a bit more, try and consider who might be the type of philanthropist or organization to run with this.