Vox Populi – AfterChat 2-12-2010
Vox Populi – 02-28-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey TW!
America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away
I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi – 02-21-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
Vox Populi – 02-14-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour...
Jotted down a few more ideas for our movement.
I think we want to keep this a “People’s Movement”.
You know, we’ve been hearing and reading a lot lately about people wanting a revolution, and this could be it- the revolution in changing our political system.
Since our Reps refuse to work together, it’s time that “we the people” show them how it’s done.
Republicans, Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives – Main Street American People joining forces and working together for the good of America and Main Street Americans.
That being said, I also think once we get our People’s Movement nailed down, that we also send it to FOX, O’Reilly, Hannity and Beck, besides all other media sources.
We’ve got to set aside all our political differences and work together for real change; one step at a time and that begins with us all working together to get the corporations out of our government.
What do you think?
on another note – once we get this done and are ready to spread the word around the Net that we somehow use the web address or web email to sign up on other websites, so that all correspondence goes into one email account.
Is that possible?
AdLib said:
Thinking big this morning –
Perhaps WTS could work on the ‘art’ for the protest signs and/or a movement logo?
And we’d have to think of where we want to protest, and with thinking big, I’m thinking we protest on the mall in DC (it’s big thinking) this summer before the elections.
Think big!
“It only takes one person to start a movement”.
Well, good night, friends….suddenly realized my brain fell asleep about 10 minutes ago, so I shouldn’t be too far behind, for all our sakes! It is after midnight in these parts…
Night Kes!!!
How is everyone? I missed Vox again, just got home awhile ago from picking up my grandson for the weekend. I saw some chat about Bito. Is he ok?
I think he had something going on today and was still under the effects of pain meds. He seemed to be okay but did seem to be enjoying the meds!
Oh, I worry about him
dance down the aisle wedding
spontaneous dancing:
I loved the wedding thing. Did you read what the couple has done with donations?
October 23, 2009 $23,000
Yes– just wonderful.
Forgot to mention there’s a guy in this. Can anyone find him?
That’s cute.
Did you find him?
Here’s the rehearsal — one day before —
My question. What is the easiest yet most productive way to bring a group such as ours together in one place at one time?
The internet? I mean, we are a virtual community and we can’t really travel, but with videos and stuff, we can get something done, you betcha!
😉 😉 😉
Anyone else checking in at “After Chat”?
Just a quick question on b’ito’s status (don’t mean to talk aboutcha when you’re not here, b’ito, just concerned): as to how his medical appointment went today?
I’m here kes. I came in late, like a tardy Kindergartner. Others undoubtedly know more than I.
I’m with you, boomer. I came in late, too. I skimmed through the first few comments and saw a mention of surgery today. Just wanted to make sure he was OK!
He was on pain meds so was self described as HIGH. When I asked, he said he “thought” he was in pain.
Thanks, Cher! Well, his sense of humor wasn’t removed, anyway!
Not in the least– still a wise ass! 😆
My guess is, he conked out. Which is probably what he needed to do after today.
oh, he did say he was HIGH and I asked if it was Dilaudid, but he never answered. Dilaudid is wonderful. Best stuff I’ve ever had…ever…IV push…made it even better.
It’s funny, boomer, I’ve pushed the stuff by the boatload, but never actually had it myself. People say it’s great, though…call it “hospital heroine.” We have a fair number of folks who come in pretty regularly with various ailments and–funny thing–they’re allergic to every pain med in the book. Except Dilaudid! Go figure!
You know how I know it’s time to turn in?
When I stare at the screen and forget to hit ‘refresh’ and wonder why no one’s posting.
It’s happened three times now, so Night All!
Hehe! Night!
😆 I almost did the same! Had to mentally remind myself, “Hit the refresh, remember?” Night Cher!
‘Night, Cher! you’ll be all refreshed by morning!
Night Cher…
First thing the surgeon ordered when I was in diseased-gallbladder-ready-to-burst-emergency-mode. Only time I’ve ever had it, but my goodness it completely numbed the pain/brain connection. I actually embarrassed my ex-husband because I refused to let them send me home from the ED.
Great stuff, the Dilaudid, not the ED. Loved my surgeon and nurses. Bless you for what you do kes. It was my calling, but I never made it, and it is the only accomplishment I deeply regret not accomplishing.
That’s the one Khirad!
Love it! I did know about them.
However, instead of making a satirical protest, my thought was to stage live “sketches” that attack the issue.
Right, and anyway, these guys already “own” that schtick.
And it would allow us to be more flexible. Their clever protests are solely about HCR, the format I’m suggesting would allow attacking any issue.
Indeed, too many times satire goes over people’s heads.
Hey, Right Wingers actually think Colbert is a Repub!
Tell me about it!
Is anyone else here?
What planet are you on?
If I was here, I could tell you. It’s so inconvenient not being here!
ha, ha, ha! time difference doesn’t count 🙂
Yes, one of the other old farts.
Welcome to the continued chat. Really enjoyed all the brainstorming about this new group and how we could bring attention to our protests! Thanks all!!!
So, do you think we should work on a YouTube piece? or define our statement of purpose next?
My thinking is that:
First, we choose a name.
Second, we choose a narrow focus for what we want to protest for.
Third, we set up a website and put donations together towards funding our protest.
Fourth, we conceive of a protest.
Fifth, we execute the protest and tape it, sending out press releases to alert the media.
Sixth, we edit and upload a video of the protest on YouTube and link to the organization’s website.
Seventh, we promote the video, website and group and ask people to donate.
Then we start on our next protest and continue the cycle again. What do you think?
Perfect! I think that’s just the ticket. But I thought we were going to focus on corporate influence– the SCOTUS ruling. Or did I assume, and make an ass of U andMe?
EDIT; please save what you just wrote!
Nope, I’m with you on that but we will need to have a vote by those joining the group to seal the deal. We want everyone on board and vested in the initiative.
That’s why keeping a narrow focus like changing the effect of the SCOTUS ruling is a good idea, something that we can unify around.
Good. Like it!