When Peyton Manning through that Pick Six late in the fourth quarter and the New Orleans guy flew right past him down the sideline, you could see Peyton say, “WHO DAT?!”
Oh yeah Go Saints. What happened to Javaz, she owes me a family size Honey Nut Cheerios!!
I guess she had to get on outta here when her team started losing!!
Well I dusted off the shelf Javaz!! But you can just drop that off at your local food bank for me!!
I’ll bet they’re havin a party in New Orleans tonight!
Gosh – I slept through the whole thing. I gather the Saints won, which is lovely, though I like Indianapolis for various reasons, but I’m interested in how this all got translated into cereal. Y’all lead some interesting lives!
But I still won’t watch CBS anymore. Boycotting since they did those ads.
Congrats to the Saints. That was a good game. Especially after a couple beers. I’m not sure if there were less commercials after the half or I just had a good buzz going. Anyway, woke up earlier than usual and didn’t sleep well. Barely made it through the game (thank the good lord for beer). Time for me to collapse.
I swear to god. That onside kick? Seriously?! It was almost a fait accompli apr
It gets better. They re-evaluated the catch in the end zone and decided it was good after all. So it’s 24-17 now.
OMGosh how am I going to leave now? I sure hope she has radio in her house. It only takes about 6 minutes to get there and I hear the neighbors again. If I knew who they were rooting for I could figure this out, they’re loud ..they MUST be drunk!
I think your neighbors must be Saints fans because they just scored again! Score is 31-17 now!
I smell cereal!!!
I’m dustin’ off the shelf!!
Well Kes, I don’t know what happened to Javaz, She probably had to go buy my box of cereal!HAH!
We were the only 2 here almost all day, hate to leave ya alone, but the car is warmed up and I gotta go!
Yahoo I want the saints to win because they are the underdogs and could use a break!!
I think they can do it!!
I just heard the neighbors across the creek yelling. Something good must have happened.
I think I’m going over to my daughter-in love’s house. She has no tv OR internet but she’s been listening on am radio. I just made chicken she’s making the rice and salad, that ought to go real nice with my box of Honey Nut Cheerios that I’m gonna win!!!
As always
Love the expression “daughter-in-love”! Did you write it that way on purpose, Hope? Either way, what a great way to view a daughter in law!
Yes that’s what I call them..I have 2 and it was the love not the law that brought them together with my sons. My oldest has been with the same girl for over 17 years! (he’s 35) but they were never actually married, that’s how I came up with that in the first place, but it fits our little group.
And they are such loving people.
Did you hear the whole stadium SCREAM at that line?
“Won’t get fooled again!” Roger Daltry looking pretty NON-geriatric there, too…
Just got home in time for the half time show. Which was amazing.
Went out to see how the 87 year old Dad is doing and he just about gave ME a heart attack. Almost the minute I got in the door, he said: “I’ve pretty much made up my mind to join the Tea Party. Mostly because their leader is Sarah Palin.” The only answer I could make was: “Please, PLEASE tell me you are joking.” Then he burst out laughing in my face. He’s a life-long super liberal union Dem. I thought he must have had a stroke.
He can still get me.
So…I know nothing about football. Which team is Sarah Palin for? Because I wanna root against them.
Has anyone seen any good commercials yet? I missed the whole first half. Did they show the Dr. Dobson anti-abortion one yet?
I’ve got to get my jammies on. These clothes are killing me. I hate clothes.
Without a tv I miss everything, but cbs .com has all kinds of things you can see, including the commercials.
Our President is routing for them too, although Javaz thinks the Colts will take the prize! I believe she thinks it’s a sure bet to add a box of cereal on her shelf!! unfortunately odds are in her favor!
And also lets not forget
Well, if our illustrious Prez is rooting for the Saints, who am I not to root for the Saints? Just call me Mrs. Kool-Aide. So I see it’s 16-17 in favor of the Colts now. Still doable.
Do beer and cereal go together?
I wouldn’t recommend that combination Kes!! Sounds like a set up for a bad scene.
By the way
It’s okay Mrs, I drink the same Kool-Aide!
Yes, Hope, and Kool-Aide and cereal should go together. Did I chase j’avaz away?
I don’t know if she had another beer or if she got side tracked with her hubby. She had some tricks she was gonna try out around half time…she might have gotten busy!!
You should share it with us all, because I could really use it in helping me dealing with my mistakes.
Yum, my stomach is growling for cereal!
My friends also wanted me to start a 900 If you can’t cope, call Hope hotline. I think we are finally figuring out my son’s seizure condition and might finally get it under control and him on his way in life. So I’m hoping for more time to devout to keeping Hope alive instad of everyday being about keeping him alive.
I do have an under 35 posse that all call me Mom, I intend to use them and their gatherings in my big push to get out the vote and realize they can take more control of their situations. I had a good talk with a few of them just today and the effects of drugs and their ability to be a part of things that shape their future. It was very positive, they’re at an age where their business keeps them going to party’s and clubs but they are bored with the drunk and drugged masses. They don’t want to be stuck in their ways, but I told them there’s no way out, they just need to be sure they like the ways they are going to get stuck in.
How’s our score looking
Is it cereal time yet?
That’s what I’m asking, now that I’ve had 3 beers, and yeah, I’m a cheap drunk.
I miss Keven, Scher, HITO, MONK, and Cher, and b’ito, and KQuark., just to name a few.
I’m starting to think that it’s my fault!
Has everyone left the site because of me?
Am I paranoid?
Hell YES.
That box of cereal keeps me hangin on, Patsy was in and out of here, Pepe too, but it’s just you and me.
I usually don’t log on until everyone has logged off for the night so I understand your plight. I end up just kind of talking to myself.
The game must be awfully exciting or perhaps they’ve had a few more beers than you! I rarely drink, but a good ale would be nice right about now.
Sheesh, am watching it all with my husband, and he’s right here in the room with me, but he didn’t start paying attention until the game started.
If I stripped naked right now, and got down on my knees, well, that would actually draw his attention.
Be right back.
I’ve got to try that one!
Any results??!!!!
No don’t tell me, my boys were talking about men sex and football today like I wasn’t even there. I don’t know if I could handle anymore truths today about the minds of men.
It certainly wasn’t a saintly conversation!!
I suddenly feel hungry for cereal, massive amounts of cereal.
Scratching my chin, wondering how I am going to get massive amounts of corn flakes, Wheaties, and Cheerios.
I know!!!
Actually I did find myself wanting cereal, I decided it was too cold for that…but it is a box of KIX, maybe I should have some just for the juju effect, so the Saints will kix the Colts ass and wipe up the field with em’.
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
When Peyton Manning through that Pick Six late in the fourth quarter and the New Orleans guy flew right past him down the sideline, you could see Peyton say, “WHO DAT?!”
Oh yeah Go Saints. What happened to Javaz, she owes me a family size Honey Nut Cheerios!!
I guess she had to get on outta here when her team started losing!!
Well I dusted off the shelf Javaz!! But you can just drop that off at your local food bank for me!!
I’ll bet they’re havin a party in New Orleans tonight!
Gosh – I slept through the whole thing. I gather the Saints won, which is lovely, though I like Indianapolis for various reasons, but I’m interested in how this all got translated into cereal. Y’all lead some interesting lives!
But I still won’t watch CBS anymore. Boycotting since they did those ads.
Congrats to the Saints. That was a good game. Especially after a couple beers. I’m not sure if there were less commercials after the half or I just had a good buzz going. Anyway, woke up earlier than usual and didn’t sleep well. Barely made it through the game (thank the good lord for beer). Time for me to collapse.
I swear to god. That onside kick? Seriously?! It was almost a fait accompli apr
Well I will give it a shot, the drums were see through? With a design on the sides?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Javaz owes me a box of cornflakes. On second thought, I would rather have Special K with berries.
GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
31-17(COLTS ARE ON THE 17 SIDE lol)
To both of you. I missed out, but frosted flakes and special K?
Could we be speaking code here?! 😯 😈
I know I like to keep my bowl filled…
LOL, Khirad.
These were strictly PG wagers. Family style!
Poor Javaz was betting on the Colts so she owes each of us a huge sized box of Corn Flakes.
Mmmmmmmm…… Corn Flakes……
On second thought,, let’s make that
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Before I go, just a note to Javaz
That was a family size box right!!
Happy dancing out the door!!
Hope, Saints just scored. Now it’s Saints 22, Colts 17. They’re going for 2 now.
Didn’t make it.
Yahooo and thanks!
It gets better. They re-evaluated the catch in the end zone and decided it was good after all. So it’s 24-17 now.
OMGosh how am I going to leave now? I sure hope she has radio in her house. It only takes about 6 minutes to get there and I hear the neighbors again. If I knew who they were rooting for I could figure this out, they’re loud ..they MUST be drunk!
I think your neighbors must be Saints fans because they just scored again! Score is 31-17 now!
I smell cereal!!!
I’m dustin’ off the shelf!!
Well Kes, I don’t know what happened to Javaz, She probably had to go buy my box of cereal!HAH!
We were the only 2 here almost all day, hate to leave ya alone, but the car is warmed up and I gotta go!
Yahoo I want the saints to win because they are the underdogs and could use a break!!
I think they can do it!!
See you later, Hope. j’avaz must be at the Fed Ex store packing up your cereal for shipment. Good night, all!
Score anyone?
N’awllins 16
Colts 17
Nail biter.
I just heard the neighbors across the creek yelling. Something good must have happened.
I think I’m going over to my daughter-in love’s house. She has no tv OR internet but she’s been listening on am radio. I just made chicken she’s making the rice and salad, that ought to go real nice with my box of Honey Nut Cheerios that I’m gonna win!!!
As always
Love the expression “daughter-in-love”! Did you write it that way on purpose, Hope? Either way, what a great way to view a daughter in law!
Yes that’s what I call them..I have 2 and it was the love not the law that brought them together with my sons. My oldest has been with the same girl for over 17 years! (he’s 35) but they were never actually married, that’s how I came up with that in the first place, but it fits our little group.
And they are such loving people.
Hope, that is so cool!
(BTW the Saints just scored again! Make it 31-17 now, with the point after!)
I have a feeling Mom’s love had a lot to do with creating that loving group.
I would agree with you Kes
A blushing thanks to you Kes and Sue.
Positive Vibrations.
I just brainwashed them all with Bob Marley lyrics!!!
I hardly know anything about this game, but that one pass by the Colts was kinda surreal…like the football had a homing device in it. Amazing.
I do not care whatever anyone else thinks, but that halftime show was the absolute best!
I won’t get fooled again!
But am looking forward to all the cereal that I can eat, because the COLTS will win again!!!
Did you hear the whole stadium SCREAM at that line?
“Won’t get fooled again!” Roger Daltry looking pretty NON-geriatric there, too…
Just got home in time for the half time show. Which was amazing.
Went out to see how the 87 year old Dad is doing and he just about gave ME a heart attack. Almost the minute I got in the door, he said: “I’ve pretty much made up my mind to join the Tea Party. Mostly because their leader is Sarah Palin.” The only answer I could make was: “Please, PLEASE tell me you are joking.” Then he burst out laughing in my face. He’s a life-long super liberal union Dem. I thought he must have had a stroke.
He can still get me.
So…I know nothing about football. Which team is Sarah Palin for? Because I wanna root against them.
Has anyone seen any good commercials yet? I missed the whole first half. Did they show the Dr. Dobson anti-abortion one yet?
I’ve got to get my jammies on. These clothes are killing me. I hate clothes.
Without a tv I miss everything, but cbs .com has all kinds of things you can see, including the commercials.
Our President is routing for them too, although Javaz thinks the Colts will take the prize! I believe she thinks it’s a sure bet to add a box of cereal on her shelf!! unfortunately odds are in her favor!
And also lets not forget
Well, if our illustrious Prez is rooting for the Saints, who am I not to root for the Saints? Just call me Mrs. Kool-Aide. So I see it’s 16-17 in favor of the Colts now. Still doable.
Do beer and cereal go together?
I wouldn’t recommend that combination Kes!! Sounds like a set up for a bad scene.
By the way
It’s okay Mrs, I drink the same Kool-Aide!
Yes, Hope, and Kool-Aide and cereal should go together. Did I chase j’avaz away?
I don’t know if she had another beer or if she got side tracked with her hubby. She had some tricks she was gonna try out around half time…she might have gotten busy!!
If javaz can seduce her hubby away from THIS game, she is GOOD. She’s gonna have to write an article of helpful hints.
We’ll have to quiz her on that another day!!
The WHO rock BIG time!!!
Hope – GO COLTS!!!
You have lived, and live the most incredible life
You should share it with us all, because I could really use it in helping me dealing with my mistakes.
Yum, my stomach is growling for cereal!
My friends also wanted me to start a 900 If you can’t cope, call Hope hotline. I think we are finally figuring out my son’s seizure condition and might finally get it under control and him on his way in life. So I’m hoping for more time to devout to keeping Hope alive instad of everyday being about keeping him alive.
I do have an under 35 posse that all call me Mom, I intend to use them and their gatherings in my big push to get out the vote and realize they can take more control of their situations. I had a good talk with a few of them just today and the effects of drugs and their ability to be a part of things that shape their future. It was very positive, they’re at an age where their business keeps them going to party’s and clubs but they are bored with the drunk and drugged masses. They don’t want to be stuck in their ways, but I told them there’s no way out, they just need to be sure they like the ways they are going to get stuck in.
How’s our score looking
Is it cereal time yet?
Where the hell is everybody???
That’s what I’m asking, now that I’ve had 3 beers, and yeah, I’m a cheap drunk.
I miss Keven, Scher, HITO, MONK, and Cher, and b’ito, and KQuark., just to name a few.
I’m starting to think that it’s my fault!
Has everyone left the site because of me?
Am I paranoid?
Hell YES.
That box of cereal keeps me hangin on, Patsy was in and out of here, Pepe too, but it’s just you and me.
I usually don’t log on until everyone has logged off for the night so I understand your plight. I end up just kind of talking to myself.
The game must be awfully exciting or perhaps they’ve had a few more beers than you! I rarely drink, but a good ale would be nice right about now.
Sheesh, am watching it all with my husband, and he’s right here in the room with me, but he didn’t start paying attention until the game started.
If I stripped naked right now, and got down on my knees, well, that would actually draw his attention.
Be right back.
I’ve got to try that one!
Any results??!!!!
No don’t tell me, my boys were talking about men sex and football today like I wasn’t even there. I don’t know if I could handle anymore truths today about the minds of men.
It certainly wasn’t a saintly conversation!!
I suddenly feel hungry for cereal, massive amounts of cereal.
Scratching my chin, wondering how I am going to get massive amounts of corn flakes, Wheaties, and Cheerios.
I know!!!
Actually I did find myself wanting cereal, I decided it was too cold for that…but it is a box of KIX, maybe I should have some just for the juju effect, so the Saints will kix the Colts ass and wipe up the field with em’.
Good one!