Obviously the huge and powerful HuffingtonPost is freightened of the 150+ mouse strong PlanetPOV.
Should we each create a new sock and find a mouse image for the avatar and barrage them? I was “SqueekndeToys” last week. Cute cat toy mouse image. Loved using short quips to fool people who know I write long sentences!
HP could have a special area for censorship – call it the Censorian Section. I’m sure they’d take a cut at it. But Arianna’s a little too old to deliver.
I am sure HP is much happier having new commenters who don’t complain and don’t notice the slant and don’t mind the tabloid headlines. Their most popular stories are in the entertainment section anyway. I’m guessing that will soon take center stage and the politics will become the less profitable “me too” section.
I am boycotting HP today as well, Tom. With their increasing focus on tabloid style stories and apparent political vendettas, they seem to have attracted half the troll population in the country. The quality of comments still isn’t nearly as bad as my local news channel — which reads like a KKK rally — but it’s getting there.
Did my comment over there go to pending because I mentioned PlanetPOV? Is there a way to invite people to join us that makes it past the mods?
Some of here have put under our profile the planet’s web address with a little note.
You can look me up under the same name I have here “BigDogMom”.
Adlib has also provided an easy link that will not get scrubbed, listed in the “Tomorrow-Friday Night at the Planet”
Morning Monk, like Tom and others here, not crossing the picket line today. How’s everything with you, left you my e-mail on another post so you can tell me what your newest and greatest sock is, if you don’t mind. I’m getting tired of guessing who everyone is!
Swung by HP yesterday briefly, couldn’t believe the number of trolls and what they are saying, my God, it’s gotten worse over the past two weeks….one poster just about came out and said Obama should be killed, that’s when I left.
Glad to see you both on the Planet POV this fine Friday!
Good morning. I am trying very hard to say away from HP, but just have to share a few comments from over there that prove why we are all disgusted. I couldn’t help myself, Check these out.
“Jesus, I thought the O-bots had been eliminated but I’m apparently wrong.”
I don’t know what’s worth, the trolls’ offensive behavior over there or HuffPo’s encouragement and protection of it.
And no worries about visiting HuffPo even today, boycotting HuffPo is totally voluntary and all members should always feel free to go or blog anywhere at any time.
Also, for those who do go there today, it’s a good opportunity to invite folk over there to come here for Friday Night at The Planet.
Hi ljc. I noticed the latest troll tactic is to whine about leftie trolls. I wonder if they all just copy each other or if they get their marching orders from some giant spider in a cave somewhere.
e’cat, I love your comments, I figured they all received an e-mail every morning from some conservative foundation that was funded by the C-Street fundies.
Lord they have so many of them, I guess they could be likened to a giant spider whose web fans out across our country, in the guise of a non-profit fundie foundation.
Hey BDM, I am getting a foster greyhound tomorrow. We are bringing a truckload of them in from Oklahoma or somewhere — someplace where they still kill.
Good for you, I don’t think I could foster, I would grow too attached, two are enough for now.
Most of the southern and some mid-west states still have the youth in asia policy, here in CT, we have such a good spay and neutering program, that all our rescues come from the south.
I formerly considered myself a “failed foster.” I have adopted about 50% of my fosters. I am always upset when they get adopted out … well, I was kind of glad to see the end of the last girl I had — after she chewed up my cell phone, my favorite hat, an end table, the vacuum cord, a book, and some other stuff.
LOL! Thank God my younger dog didn’t do too much damage when he was a puppy, he just steals my clothes and shoes and brings them to his bed and lays on them.
But he’s a digger, my lawn looks like the fields of Verdun, France, during WWI, bomb craters everywhere!
BDM — LOL. I gave up on having a lawn. I now have squeegie in the back yard and I have to cover certain spots with wire fencing so my boy Tinker doesn’t dig the craters. He also went through the clothing stealing phase — I’d come home and find half my laundry basket piled up on his doggie bed. One time he pulled my bathrobe down from the hook on the bathroom door and dragged it to his bed. Very funny.
I had to put more hooks inside my closet in the bedroom to hang up my PJ’s and things, can’t leave anything hanging over the chair…sheeesh.
They are funny though, wouldn’t live without them!
Good Morning Tom. You are a disaplined man to stay away from HP. I hope I can do the same, it is almost unbearable. Many of the regulars
over there yesterday began to voice their disdain as well. I tried to give austin4 a heads up about PPOV and my comment never made it through. Do you happen to know what became of Rich Misty ?
Thanks for spreading the word, ljc! BTW, our URL is on the word filter at HuffPo so we created a new one that brings people directly here, try this one instead:
Hi All – I’ve been checking in and reading when I get a chance, but have been really busy (luckily!) so haven’t written anything.
But wanted to say that I too had been wondering about Rich Misty and just yesterday noticed that he had commented on “America without a middle class”, so he’s around. I’ll go there and invite him to join us.
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
I have a confession to make. I went to HP today. 🙁
But, it’s because I was looking for Guy Smiley and hoping he would show up. He’s the old Zaphod.
I invited him last night. He is also Wilde at Heart.
This has worked for me “at the other site” without getting scrubbed:
I am going to go post this:
about a dozen times, then I’m going to close the window for Drudgington Post and hang out here today.
Fair warning… you people have me on your hands today…
Thank Buddha it’s Friday, BTW.
Oh bugger. It goes to pending.
Obviously the huge and powerful HuffingtonPost is freightened of the 150+ mouse strong PlanetPOV.
Should we each create a new sock and find a mouse image for the avatar and barrage them? I was “SqueekndeToys” last week. Cute cat toy mouse image. Loved using short quips to fool people who know I write long sentences!
Large booming VO-
“Planet VS Post – This time it’s personal”
PatsyT, I think that booming VO has a point!
Yes, I’m sure we’re a huge threat to Arianna’s bottom line. They should rename it the Censorian Post.
HP could have a special area for censorship – call it the Censorian Section. I’m sure they’d take a cut at it. But Arianna’s a little too old to deliver.
I am sure HP is much happier having new commenters who don’t complain and don’t notice the slant and don’t mind the tabloid headlines. Their most popular stories are in the entertainment section anyway. I’m guessing that will soon take center stage and the politics will become the less profitable “me too” section.
try spaces between the letters.
Try this link instead over at HP to invite folk here:
Try posting planetpovdotcom or planetpov dot com. I can usually get those through.
It’s FRIDAY? And you are telling me that NOW? (“PEW! Made it!”)
I am boycotting HP today as well, Tom. With their increasing focus on tabloid style stories and apparent political vendettas, they seem to have attracted half the troll population in the country. The quality of comments still isn’t nearly as bad as my local news channel — which reads like a KKK rally — but it’s getting there.
Did my comment over there go to pending because I mentioned PlanetPOV? Is there a way to invite people to join us that makes it past the mods?
Some of here have put under our profile the planet’s web address with a little note.
You can look me up under the same name I have here “BigDogMom”.
Adlib has also provided an easy link that will not get scrubbed, listed in the “Tomorrow-Friday Night at the Planet”
I’ve been using p l a n e t p o v. It sometimes disappears later but it hasn’t gone to pending so far.
There is a new hit piece on Biden at HP today. I couldn’t help myself so I made this comment. They deleted both of the responses to it.
Biden’s White House Role Changes With Afghan Decision
HP is pisssed at Biden because he wouldn’t resign when they told him to!
For sure. I found it odd that Queen A even went there.
Morning b’to, is that what javaz called you? LOL…refuse to grace HP with my presence today. A lot of sicko’s there yesterday.
See a lot of new faces here, maybe the word is out, good.
And she is pissed at Obama because he didn’t invite her to the state dinner.
Stein has become her lackey, he used to be good writer, now he tows the HP line. Guess he wants to keep his job.
Morning BDM.
Morning Monk, like Tom and others here, not crossing the picket line today. How’s everything with you, left you my e-mail on another post so you can tell me what your newest and greatest sock is, if you don’t mind. I’m getting tired of guessing who everyone is!
Swung by HP yesterday briefly, couldn’t believe the number of trolls and what they are saying, my God, it’s gotten worse over the past two weeks….one poster just about came out and said Obama should be killed, that’s when I left.
Tom, you are a credit to your namesake, cheers!
Good morning, Tom Joad and ljc!!!
Glad to see you both on the Planet POV this fine Friday!
Good morning. I am trying very hard to say away from HP, but just have to share a few comments from over there that prove why we are all disgusted. I couldn’t help myself, Check these out.
“Jesus, I thought the O-bots had been eliminated but I’m apparently wrong.”
Here are the responses to that.
I don’t know what’s worth, the trolls’ offensive behavior over there or HuffPo’s encouragement and protection of it.
And no worries about visiting HuffPo even today, boycotting HuffPo is totally voluntary and all members should always feel free to go or blog anywhere at any time.
Also, for those who do go there today, it’s a good opportunity to invite folk over there to come here for Friday Night at The Planet.
Obama trolls?
There goes that projecting again.
So nice to breathe the calm, fresh air of reason and substance here at the planet!
So many comments at HP don’t even say anything. It’s like wading through those styrofoam packing peanuts.
A perfect description, Nellie!
Hi ljc. I noticed the latest troll tactic is to whine about leftie trolls. I wonder if they all just copy each other or if they get their marching orders from some giant spider in a cave somewhere.
e’cat, I love your comments, I figured they all received an e-mail every morning from some conservative foundation that was funded by the C-Street fundies.
Lord they have so many of them, I guess they could be likened to a giant spider whose web fans out across our country, in the guise of a non-profit fundie foundation.
Hey BDM, I am getting a foster greyhound tomorrow. We are bringing a truckload of them in from Oklahoma or somewhere — someplace where they still kill.
Good for you, I don’t think I could foster, I would grow too attached, two are enough for now.
Most of the southern and some mid-west states still have the youth in asia policy, here in CT, we have such a good spay and neutering program, that all our rescues come from the south.
Welcome he or she with lots of treats!
I formerly considered myself a “failed foster.” I have adopted about 50% of my fosters. I am always upset when they get adopted out … well, I was kind of glad to see the end of the last girl I had — after she chewed up my cell phone, my favorite hat, an end table, the vacuum cord, a book, and some other stuff.
LOL! Thank God my younger dog didn’t do too much damage when he was a puppy, he just steals my clothes and shoes and brings them to his bed and lays on them.
But he’s a digger, my lawn looks like the fields of Verdun, France, during WWI, bomb craters everywhere!
BDM — LOL. I gave up on having a lawn. I now have squeegie in the back yard and I have to cover certain spots with wire fencing so my boy Tinker doesn’t dig the craters. He also went through the clothing stealing phase — I’d come home and find half my laundry basket piled up on his doggie bed. One time he pulled my bathrobe down from the hook on the bathroom door and dragged it to his bed. Very funny.
I had to put more hooks inside my closet in the bedroom to hang up my PJ’s and things, can’t leave anything hanging over the chair…sheeesh.
They are funny though, wouldn’t live without them!
I think they feed off each other.
Good Morning Tom. You are a disaplined man to stay away from HP. I hope I can do the same, it is almost unbearable. Many of the regulars
over there yesterday began to voice their disdain as well. I tried to give austin4 a heads up about PPOV and my comment never made it through. Do you happen to know what became of Rich Misty ?
Thanks for spreading the word, ljc! BTW, our URL is on the word filter at HuffPo so we created a new one that brings people directly here, try this one instead:
Thanks, will do.
Hi All – I’ve been checking in and reading when I get a chance, but have been really busy (luckily!) so haven’t written anything.
But wanted to say that I too had been wondering about Rich Misty and just yesterday noticed that he had commented on “America without a middle class”, so he’s around. I’ll go there and invite him to join us.
Thanks, Suzanne525! and Welcome to the Planet!
I was wondering about Rich Misty too. I haven’t seen him in a long time.
Rich Misty is a guy?
I always thought, he/she was a girl!
I think it’s a guy.
It’s cute how many people think Republicans Rejected is a girl.