My greatest fear tonight was that Hoffman would win NY 23. What hell would have been unleashed if the Teabaggers and the Tundra Twitter had pulled this off. This seat has been in the Republicans control since 1852! It took Facebook and Palin to do what the Dems haven’t been able to do for for 157 years! I know the Repubs will say it does not matter, but it certainly does matter. The egg that was left on the faces of the right wing knuckledraggers is going to be priceless. Thank you NY 23!
Yippee for NY 23
Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride
Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.
Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2
How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?
I find the republican/teabagger/conservative reactions to these elections a bit humorous. They are championing two gov races, which by the way, the same thing happened in 2005 under the Shrub. But they are not even talking about the two(one temp) congressional seats the Dems won. Nice way to deflect what really counts, unless of course you live in NJ or VA.
But arean’t they great at ignoring the obvious?
I’ll take two Dem congressional seats over two Repug governorships any day!
Can they really be that dumb?
Speaking of “teabaggers”, you may get a chuckle and a head shake over these two jewels.
How could this not be viewed as anything but an epoch defeat of the right wing base?
I mean the district has been Republican for over 150 years. If the Dems lost a district that liberal it would be trumpeted as a failure of liberal ideas by the trolls.
Where is Khirad? He posted the funniest link last night — a metaphor for someone “overcelebrating” a small win. It’s hilarious.
That was wonderful,LOL!!!!
Congratulations BigDogMom! You just made the 4,000th comment on PlanetPOV!!!!
You win a House seat in the 23rd district in NY!*
*(unless otherwise occupied. Offer not valid in NY.)
But she lives in Connecticut! Of course, in NY that probably doesn’t make a difference.
Right. I suggested on PuffHo (yes, I did weaken long enough to go over and needle) that Sarah should put wheels under Hoffman the outsider. Get a rolling podium and haul him from district to district and endorse him in each one. It would be the largest boon the Dem Party could ever receive.
He looks like he could be pushed around on wheels…LOL!
Hey, Hoffman didn’t even live in the district..what the heck…
No, I think I’ll stay in my house by the water, even with the knuckle draggers that just sweep our local elections…
Too funny!!
As soon as Palin decided to stick her nose into NY politics, I knew the Democrat was going to win. Hopefully the Teabagger party will grow in strength and completely destroy the current GOP. We need a legitimate, honest broker with opposing views. We don’t have one in the GOP. That party needs to disappear.
From my point of view, we need a more progressive party to break off from the Dems, and leave the Blue Dogs as the conservative standard bearers. That would get us back to reality.
If the Democratic Party gets large enough, it can break in 2 work together and the teabaggers can climb back under their rocks.
adlib and guys, thanks for the new news bar. I’m glad to see it.
No kidding.
What a great addition.
They are geniuses!
I cannot imagine what it involves to build such a wonderful site.
Going to ask the husband to set up a paypal account to donate.
I really want the PlanetPOV to succeed.
Um, what news bar?
Found it! Love it, AdLib!!
Look in the right hand column just below the donation button.
I saw it by accident since I’m pretty focused on the things I want to see, like the first two columns.
Very nice addition. Thanks, guys.
What are you referring to, Monk?
Look to the right side of the screen under the donation button. There are now links to stories on line in a scrollable bar.
Ah, thanks. Excellent! Adlib, you have been busy, haven’t you!
Does AdLib ever sleep?
I believe he does. But he does appear to be very talented and knows what he is doing.
His eyes are getting sleepy, sleepy…
This victory was good but what was more telling to me was the NYC mayoral election. Bloomberg only won by a few percentage points over someone he was expected to roll over by a huge margin, and that after spending a $100 (edit) Million to win a third term when he had the term limit law changed.
Sadly, the gay marriage referendum in Maine went down to defeat. While the percentage there was narrow again, and it was in a conservative (but supposedly freedom loving state) this defeat will merely embolden the ReligiousWingers to keep on dropping their bird crap on everyone.
THanks for posting this, grabamop!! Will be back later (gotta drive the manchild to school) to post more.
What the heck!
Just got up and after checking my email, I could not find one headline online from the MSM about the outcome of the election in NY.
Not even the local news are talking about the results in NY, but are making a big whoop-ti-do about the G-nO-P wins in Virginia and NJ.
They are talking about how the vote was a referendum against PO and the Dems in those two states and are tying in the Maine loss for gay rights.
Yesterday, the news was filled with the rhetoric, which included the importance of the vote in NY, but this morning, nothing.
I guess when a Dem wins, it’s just not a big deal, but when a Dem loses, well, that is news.
Love that liberal media.
Can you believe it…all over the morning news…Republican Referendum….Bodes well for 2010 and 2012 for the Republican Party…I just don’t get it anymore, they’re all lies and misinformation…when is this going to stop and can we help stop it…Media Matters?
Way to get viewers/ratings: If there ain’t no story, create one.
Well as I posted at Huff No, I’ll take two Dem congressional seats that vote, one being extreamly left (CA), to 2 Rep Governorships, that have no say nationally…The Right and the MSM are claiming it’s a victory for Repugs, all I could say this morning was…What the Fuck….I won’t tell you what my husband said…He of Long Shoreman Mouth…:{}
Morning BDM!
The media coverage of this, or lack of, is quite telling, isn’t it?
If things don’t fit into the notion of how the MSM wants to portray it for ratings they do seem to quickly have a case of blindness. Of course, since I read the Republic, which ignores anything positive that is national and democratic, I’ve gotten used to it.
I just gave you a support message and fanned you. You’ll know it’s me.
I also posted several things explaining about how even the voters of upstate NY can be offended when outsiders tell them that their local concerns are provincial and they should accept an outsider to “represent” them.
Are you FrannotfromCA? I fanned that poster just because…I’ll go back and look for you…
Do you know who ‘USSRR’ is, I think it’s that Andrea Costello (sp?), seems to turn up in when ever anyone knocks AC down…
Yes I am. And no I don’t although when I’ve read ‘USSRR’s stuff, it did ring like one of our little “friends”. I’ll keep an eye on it.
Hah, I knew it! I’m going back over to check it out…then off to walk dogs..need to get some work done today…will talk to you later.
Again the time zone has intervened and I will wish you a good day and a goodnight from the East.
Have fun and take care. Oyasumi nasai.
Goodnight, Kalima!
Oyasumi nasai (good night?)
Yes escribacat, it means Goodnight. 🙂
Posted this just a bit ago at HuffPo under my Range Rover sock with a dual purpose. First, because it’s pretty funny. Second, to test if redstate dot com is blacklisted at HuffPo. Guess what, it’s not but is!
I wonder if whoever banned Kev overreached by banning our URL and it can be reversed. Or if we represent a much greater threat to them than right wing extremists?
In any case, here it is:
Want a laugh? Red State can’t accept that a Dem won the 23rd in NY, they are declaring a Dem winning a victory for Repubs because the moderate Repub was forced out.
I can only hope we have more such Republican victories in 2010!
Of course they are afraid of us, we have openly criticized the Empress and exposed that apart from always being a die hard Republican, she also wears no clothes. That alone has everyone’s knickers in a twist.
I think the people of the NY 23 are sighing with relief that Hoffman of the know-nothing crowd was defeated, I saw a clip of him unable to answer the simplest questions on either Rachel or KO. What a nincompoop!!
Reminded me of the Mad Hatter after a lobotomy.
LOL what an image. I had to strain my ears to hear if he said anything worth listening to, I gave up. Just goes to show where Ms. Mooseburger keeps her head.
He had a hard time with the question: “Do you have children?”
When I saw that, I knew he was toast.
Blacklisted this site. Wow. Well, they want to be the one and only progressive blogging community site, and PPOV is a direct threat to that niche. HP could easily turn into just another right wing cesspool of whining, denial, anger, and negativity if they lost the progressive bloggers.
Let’s hope their fears become realized in the very near future!
I’m with you on that!
The site url was banned when Kev7 was so I don’t know if it’s a zealous mod or truly the policy of HuffPo to ban our links.
I will approach them on this to see if they’ll remove the ban after some time passes…and we grow bigger.
If they want us to be publicizing around the net that they’re blacklisting progressive sites but allowing red state dot com, that will be their choice.
I’ve been trying to subconsciously put out the site name: such as
From Hume to general post
In other important news, I now have 96 banned fans.
Thanks, banned fans, wish I knew who you are and I wish I could fan you.
Replied to by FranNotFromCA
Mr. Skeptic, I am sure they are here in spirit, if not in the digital flesh. But they have gone to a far, far free-er place.
Reply back from Hume
Is there a heaven for the banned?
My final reply
I have heard there is one on another Planet, but that is merely my point of view.
A little too subtle, perhaps, but people may start putting things together.
Well done!
Hey Grabamop, Love that “Tundra Twitter.”
Thanks escribacat, I used it yesterday at HP and of course the scrubbing bubbles came out.
Grabamop! Surely that didn’t come as a suprise, now did it? Caribou Barbie also automatically sends things to the state of oblivion. But then again, I’m just using my Sarah sock to subtly play with people. After all, she gives good Facebook. Now I was suprised that one stayed up.
LOL. That was funny!
Yes, indeed!
The trolls over a t huff are trying to make hay out of the two governors races.
They want me to believe that winning seats in the House is somehow bad.
I don’t understand the logic of reactionaries. Never have.
Apparently Lush said today that the 23rd was crucial to the Rethug cause.
Absolutely. To me this was the only election where national influence of either party mattered because Palin and Gingrich pushed the moderate Republicans out of the race. It still shows the voters have contempt for the party of NO. The incumbent party always loses gubernatorial races when the economy is bad and the two candidates had huge problems.
Hey Grabamop!
It’s never too late!
You can always edit your posts by going into your Dashboard, clicking on Posts then hover your cursor over a post and the options will appear including “Edit”.
To add a Preview image, you have to upload the image here at PlanetPOV then use the PlanetPOV URL for that image in the Add Custom box opposite “Preview”.
If it’s any consolation, you did everything right except only part of the URL was in the Add Custom box which is why no image showed.
Saw that you wanted a teabag so I subbed in this image, hope it works for you.