
Yesterday Harry Skywalker blew up the death star when he decided to add the public option to the Senate healthcare bill that is going to the floor but Darth Lieberman who was the only prominent member of the Democratic caucus to campaign for McCain has vowed to join a Republican filibuster if the public option is in the final bill.  Anyone who has followed this one time Democratic Jedi Knight turncoat who was once the Democratic VP candidate is not surprised at all.  Of course there are other Democratic traders the media loves to call moderates even though they are really corporate Democrats like Nelson and Conrad who could possibly join the dark lord.

I have learned in this healthcare fight to never get too high or too low.  While yesterday was true progress we still have a big fight in front of us.  The slaves who are serving the Evil Empire (moneyed interests in this county) will not give up without a fight.  The media reports are just a conduit for spreading this evil by continuing it’s false narrative that the public option is some kind of liberal agenda when it enjoys broad support with liberals and moderates alike in the population.  The good news is that the public option has the people and the vast majority of the Democratic caucus on it’s side.

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Kalimasharonhnicole473Obama20082012KQµårk 死神 Recent comment authors
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JarJar Lieberman will be ewoked off a cliff politically if he joins the Dark Side on this.


KQ, a while back I signed an online condolence book that you had sent as a link to me. Now and again I receive an email from SEIU. This morning’s was extremely disturbing and in case you haven’t seen it, I wanted to share it with you to further expose the “monster” insurance company thieves. I am appalled!!

“Have you heard of Peggy Robertson? After having her second child, her insurance company required that she get sterilized if she wanted to receive health insurance. Peggy fought back, and testifed before Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s committee hearing this month on how insurance companies discriminate against women.1

Members of Congress heard about it. The media reported on it. But we wondered, do our friends, family and neighbors realize how insurance companies have turned being a woman into a pre-existing condition?

Take your ticket for gender equity. Get in line here: seiu.org/ticket

Women want equal coverage for the equal premiums they pay – plain and simple. Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) is leading the charge, but we’ve got to get the word out. We built a tool to do just that – to demonstrate that any bill passed by Congress needs to end gender discrimination by insurers.”


Kalima, that is sickening. How can such things happen in America? Forced sterilization of women or be blacklisted from getting health insurance?

Thank goodness Joe the Lie and the Republicans are out there protecting the insurance companies from having competition.

And you know, they call themselves pro-life.


Yes, pro-life, ironic isn’t it?

I had to read this email twice to believe it. Not only do they steal your money, they want to steal a woman’s womb too.

Joe Lieberman needs to be sent into space, a one way ticket. What a hypocritical slob and shit for brains too. Disgusting piece of work. If he is truly an Independent, my name is Elvis.


He is certainly ambitious, that Joe, and it seems to me it would be political suicide to hold it up. The public wants its option.


Can Reid take away his chairmanship’s? Sure he can. Will he? I guess it depends whether he wants to get relected or not next year.


Question: Can Reid hold Lieberman’s chairmanship over his head to force a vote for a Public Option? Would love to know…

Was over at HP, the posts are fast and furious, asked the same question, no replies, must not have been witty enough….


Hard to say, normally no, I don’t think Reid would do that.

Now, he’s way behind in the polls in NV AND he has Dems ready to abandon him if he doesn’t get Health Care Reform passed.

So, how badly does he want to keep his Senate seat, does he still have enough remnants of a spine and will he stand up to Lieberman even if Obama doesn’t want Lieberman sanctioned?

Tough questions, indeed.

One thing, I’m just hoping that Reid’s coming out for the public option isn’t just a ploy, knowing it will be amended to a worthless triggered provision then having plausible deniability to say it wasn’t his fault, he wanted a public option.


As a CT resident in Leiberman’s district, there are tons of people that have contacted him, you can’t get through via phone line, mailbox full, e-mails the only way…what good it will do who knows, he’s going rogue all the time, sometimes I swear he forgets he’s from CT.

As for Reid, let’s hope this is not a political ploy and the real deal….