
Comments Posted By oldpol2

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Correction: Hillary Was Never a Progressive, but Johnny Reid Was …

Everyone is welcome here. The purpose is to share ideas. If we wanted them spoonfed we would go to Faux Snooze!

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 10, 2011 @ 11:33 am

Well I have never seen Bill and Hillary as progressives, more like republican light. Think NAFTA and deregulation. The top two progressives that come to mind are Dean and Feingold and frankly I am rather fond of Eliot Spitzer. I would love to see him put the screws to the crooks on Wall St!

As for Bill Mahr, I think he is a declared libertarian so to him maybe Hillary looks progressive.

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 10, 2011 @ 11:30 am

Downgrading the Downgraders

A question….Are they still colluding with the republicans? The WSJ bemoans the loss of stock value for McGraw-Hill, this morning. The question is is Terry McGraw willing to take a hit now to push the agenda for his republican friend, Mitt Romney.Is he willing to scare the heck out of the American people and the world at large to push for Republican control? You betcha, the Shock Doctrine at work!

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 8, 2011 @ 8:47 am

Outrage Manufacturing, Inc.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I am off to cook a late supper.

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 7:05 pm


» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 6:57 pm

Honestly, I yell at congress all the time. Not the prewritten petitions but personal emails or phone calls. I try to be thoughtful and if possible i try to provide answers. You never know which suggestions will trigger ideas. My hubby and I attended the Move on meetings (American Dream) locally. i was pleased to see a version of one of my suggestions in the questions we worked with. I try to participate in many different ways but I do not work within the framework of political parties anymore.

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 6:46 pm


» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 6:25 pm

Ad Lib, I am sure you are correct about my exposure to Romney. I used to vote based, not on party, but ideas. The right have cured me of that. I wouldn’t vote for a righty if they were the only one running so I should pay closer attention.

As for the health care debates, my point was that you never take your first position off the table without making them fight for it. If you make them fight hard enough then the public option looks to them like a real deal. I am sorry, but I wouldn’t let Obama dicker for a used car 😉

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 6:21 pm

Great link, but I have a question. In regards to the “doc” fix, “any cuts to Medicare would be capped and limited to the provider side.” I live in Washington state and our providers receive less than they do in other states. In fact many doctors will not accept new patients if they are on Medicare. How do you see this affecting that particular problem?

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 5:56 pm

The Progressive Caucus had , by far, the best budget proposal!

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 5:39 pm

Can’t argue with that logic. For me every election is important.I have not forgiven the people who stayed home at the midterms. They were part and parcel the reason for the success of the Tea Party.

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 5:31 pm

no one said a third party. I would be happy with Feingold, Hell I would be happy with Eliot Spitzer. I want Obama to wake up and smell the coffee. As for those who mention not voting are not paying attention either. I have voted in every election for 40 years, from president to “dog catcher”

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 4:47 pm

AdLib I think we are absolutely seeking the same goals. I would never suscribe to letting the government default. My point was that things should have been handled differently to begin with.
#1 If one is going to debate on the health care bill you do NOT begin by taking universal health care off the table. His attempt to be concilliatory has cost us dearly. We could have had a public option and I believe we would not have lost so many seats in the midterms had he stood steadfast.
#2 I am not positive but I believe he could have extended unemployment benefits without extending the Bush tax cuts. Anyone who believes that tax cuts creates jobs is on some good drugs. If that were the case, Bush’s tax cuts would have us rolling in jobs. If necessary he should use executive orders if possible.
#3 Elizabeth Warren, emergency appointment would have been fine by me. I am praying they did not because she really IS going to run for senate in Massachusets.Otherwise it’s just one more thing to tic me off!
#4The stimulus package was not nearly big enough. It had only minimal effect for the average American. Had he duked it out on behalf of the American people they would have supported him. He has become a professional fence sitter and the right will steamroll him every time.

Had Obama been more realistic while we had a near majority in both houses we would have little liklihood of dealing with so many whackadoodles in the Teaparty!

As for putting someone against him in the primary he needs to know that we are tired of the appeasement of the right. Right now I see little difference between Obama and that Casper Milquetoast Romney. Frankly I am the kind of person who would rather go down fighting and I am sick to death of the status quo!

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 4:34 pm

You and I agree on many things but frankly we do not agree on this. For me Obama is way too much like Bill Clinton, Republican light. If I wanted a Clinton I would have voted for Hillary.

I am an old soul who has been involved for many years and just once I would love to see One damn politician who is left of center. The republicans have moved us further and further right over the years. So you will forgive me that as an old centrist is beginning to appear to be a radical leftist. I haven’t moved. With the help of fox news and money by the piles in politics the republicans have moved the entire discussion further and further right to now embrace an entire body whose sole goal to eliminate the US Government. The entire scene disgusts me and Obama falls were he chose by bending like a willow in the wind since the inception of his presidency. I pray daily that someone will run against him in the primary!

» Posted By oldpol2 On August 1, 2011 @ 3:23 pm

The Strategy of Terrorism Government

I could use some left wing idealogy about now 😉

» Posted By oldpol2 On July 25, 2011 @ 7:42 pm

Thanks so much for a great piece. I have believed this for quite some time. This recognizes the real “homegrown terrorism”.

» Posted By oldpol2 On July 25, 2011 @ 6:09 pm

Time Out for O/T – Vol. 16

I am sure you are probably correct. Come to think of it, maybe all of us DAR liberals should march as such. That would send the lot of them over the edge!

» Posted By oldpol2 On July 8, 2011 @ 12:39 pm

My hubby and I are both eligible for DAR and SAR and are hardly teapartiers, we are both devout liberals. It’s probably not good to equate the DAR with the batchit crazy teaparty. While there may be many in the DAR who subscribe to the whacka doodle bagger philosophy there are plenty of the rest of us who do not.

Some of my ancestors came in the early 1600’s to the New Jersey and New York area, others came in 1900. One grandmother could be considered an anchor baby. Hubbys ancestors made the Kennedy rifle used in the revolutionary war. We are what makes America great….A mix of old and new, near and far and to h..l with the baggers.

» Posted By oldpol2 On July 8, 2011 @ 12:19 pm

Tea Party summer camp: Indoctrination for kids?

What a deal, only $15 to have your kid indoctrinated by the Glenn Beck hallucinigenic kool aid crowd. These people are so gullible!!!

» Posted By oldpol2 On June 20, 2011 @ 7:46 pm

What I Learned About Society From Costco

My son worked at Costco while going to college. School was expensive and those little food handouts were his favorite things. He would make the rounds at each break. it was a good company to work for.

» Posted By oldpol2 On June 14, 2011 @ 6:55 pm

For What’s That Sound — the OTHER Finals! Let me tell you about the Nucks and the Bees.

well done HH, I enjoyed your piece. Just for fun here is a link to the 10 oddest places Lord Stanley’s trophy has ever been to. The use as a baptismal font was particularly awesome.

That being said….GO CANUCKS!!!!!!

» Posted By oldpol2 On May 31, 2011 @ 12:10 pm

The Republicans’ Meatloaf Strategy

I understand your logic, but the thought makes me ill!

» Posted By oldpol2 On May 23, 2011 @ 11:27 pm

The other thing to consider is the complete over reach by the new Republican governors. They are, as we speak, turning many states into mini dictatorships. I would hope that these machinations would be enough to fire up the constituencies in each of these states and put the fear of God into nearby states who are observing these overthrows of democracy. Although I feel it’s a safe bet that many of these maneuvers are not being covered by Fox news. I would see it as a necesssity to make sure all voters realize what is happening under their very noses.

» Posted By oldpol2 On May 23, 2011 @ 10:57 pm

State of Emergency for CA Education

This entire situation breaks my heart. I was a graduate of the California school system, many years ago. It was then the best in the country and it was a thing of pride to have that on a resume. Today I see the public school system in California as the first real victim of the right wing push to privatize EVERYTHING. I didn’t start yesterday, It has been a concerted effort since Reagan and prop 13.I believe the plan all along was to continually reduce revenue by preying on peoples hatred of paying taxes. Handicapping the legislatures, slowly, all across the country. The hope is that people will turn to corporations to save us. they are rewriting history even as we speak. the Koch brothers are now choosing professors in Florida. This is a concerted effort to dumb down the constituency. Our only hope is to educate anyone with the power of the vote. We need a clean sweep of the SCOTUS, the congress on all levels and anyone who supposedly serves this country.The people, not the damn multinationals, are the USA. We cannot hope to change anything until enough people understand what is at stake.

» Posted By oldpol2 On May 16, 2011 @ 10:36 pm

Americans Can Lose Weight By Doing Nothing (Really!)

Get her thyroid checked at the vet and then decide a course of action.

» Posted By oldpol2 On April 7, 2011 @ 12:32 am

Bageant and Webb: Virginia Will Miss’Em

While you quote history I would guess you are not old enough to remember where the center was in this country over the last 40 years. This country has been pulled further and further right for those 40 years. Those you consider far left now are in truth republican light.

I would also point out the FDR and his cabinet had sense enough to regulate the out of control wall street and generate work for the unemployed. Our current pols have made half hearted attempts and have been rewarded with half-assed results.

» Posted By oldpol2 On March 31, 2011 @ 1:12 am

Really? That is what you took away from CG’s statement? The commentary was aimed at the democratic party and it’s failure to pay attention to it’s base. It’s base has always been the working class, employed or unemployed, I will assume, based on your statement, that you see yourself as part of the working class. The failure is that of the party leaders not the citizens they have left in the dust.

As for the commentary, I enjoyed it.Our roots go deep in the south. My family was some of the earliest settlers in the late 1700’s in Louden County, VA (now West VA)and my husbands family were Scots from Iredell County, No Carolina. We now are left coasters in the Pacific Northwest. We still feel the pull of our ancestors lives in the south, and they ,like we, were working folk.

It is important for the party and the people who believe they are part of the party understand how we make people feel.I think the Dems have forgotten the working man, no matter where he’s from. There are too many connections to Wall Street and big business and I include our current administration in that observation. Too many now in the administration read like a who’s who of Wall St, the FED and the big banks.

Marion, the working man of all areas feel abandoned by the Dems and have for a long time. The greatest thing we can do for each other is refuse to let any of them use wedge issues and stick together.

» Posted By oldpol2 On March 30, 2011 @ 4:11 pm

McCarthyism: Rule by Fear

DOH, don’t get HBO. Bummer!

» Posted By oldpol2 On March 27, 2011 @ 7:43 pm

Thank you for a well presented and well thought out post. I am posting to FB in the hopes that some will recognize the dangerous and sad parallels that exist in our country today. A major distinction will be the economic stress of our country and the world. Most families were contented based on the economic expansion of the post war era. The economic policies of the last 35 years has created a growing medium particularly suited to a near mass hysteria and a search for a person, party or ideology, to blame.
One can only hope that the turnaround comes sooner rather than later.

» Posted By oldpol2 On March 27, 2011 @ 11:26 am

Wow, I have never seen that. Amazing clip. Now I will need to see this in it’s entirety. thanks.

» Posted By oldpol2 On March 27, 2011 @ 10:45 am

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