…is going to be the title of the planned series, whose goal is to reveal to a broader public some of our more unpleasant experiences at HP, to expose the extensive manipulation on different levels that’s going on behind the scenes there and how it may be related to Arianna Huffington’s cult, the MSIA, which also goes by the veil “Insight” seminar. Further we plan to lay bare the hidden agenda of Ms Huffington wherever we are able to pin it down and back up with facts. And, most importantly, we want to draw a fair amount of attention to Huffington Post’s striking lack of progressive credentials.

Impertinently purporting to be a liberal outlet and at times hosting articles by real progressives, HP manages to entice many a thoughtful commenter and reader. Yet to my knowledge so far it seldom occurred that a wolf in sheep’s clothing suddenly turned out to be a sheep. Now, please don’t get me wrong: It’s absolutely fine to be a wolf – as long as they adhere to the dress code.


In the meantime more people joined the project. Some others offered links, proofreading and help with research. Many thanks to all of them!  And, it starts to look pretty good! But I still have a lot of reading to do – so far I found out quite a few interesting things, which I am going to share with you shortly.

As of now, there are going to be about 15 – 20 episodes.  The individual post should be relatively short and on topic. Around 950 words seems to be good for the reader to absorb all the information in the article. The series is going to be launched on March 19th, 2011 and it is planned to publish an episode  every Saturday. It is understood that every episode is sent for review latest one week before the publishing date to 2emeraldcurtain@gmail.com

Planned contents of each episode:

  1. Experiences of an average user and how he felt the changes at HP over time (Covered by jdmn17, publishing date March 19th, 2011)
  2. Zero tolerance policy for critique at AH. Moderation, pending, deletions, censoring, banning. How does HP deal with user complaints about that? How does HP deal with unwanted opinions? (First hand experiences of several users sought in order to blend into one or two episodes, depending on the amount of available data. Please be mindful that we plan to address a wider audience later on. Raging in the threads comments’ section however is perfectly ok as long as PPOV’s guidelines are respected)
  3. How Huffington Post manipulates their headlines (Person sought to write. Some links available.)
  4. Misleading headlines and their effect on users. (Covered by SueInCA, publishing date April 16th, 2011)
  5. Misleading headlines and their impact on President Obama’s reputation and the resulting eroding of support from the Left. (Covered by escribacat, publishing date April 23rd, 2011)
  6. Misleading headlines and their impact on the Democratic Party. Nearly no coverage of protests by the Left. Just how progressive is this? (…while the place got swamped by tea-party and celebrity coverage) (person sought to research and write this)
  7. Summary of chapters 3 – 5: How progressive is Huffington Post? Who declared AH the “Queen of the progressives?” (person(s) sought to summarize, probably best one or more of those who worked on Nos. 3 – 5)
  8. Vast discrepancy between the headlines and AH’s behavior: Are her words and deeds matching? How is the record of her deeds in comparison to those of the President? Can she hold a candle to him? (Covered by Truth and ?)
  9. Introduction of AH’s shady cult, main theories, accounts of former members (brainwashing, belittling, life threats etc.) (Covered by Truth and ?)
  10. What is the influence of AH’s shady cult on the HP? Is she still a member, is she in contact with the leader of the cult? It seems that her sister is heavily involved and that at least until 2008 HP employees were sent there for “training” (or rather brainwashing.) (Covered by Truth and ?)
  11. AOL: a) short information about their business philosophy, their political affiliation and their business practices b) First hand experiences of former members  (Covered by Pocket Watch)
  12. a) The following, plus exact legal background: “There is one fact about corporations that must be recognized. Corporations have no responsibility to the society they exploit for their revenues, they have only one legal obligation…to make as much money as possible. Shareholders can in fact successfully sue those running a corporation if such decision makers ever chose to be socially responsible at the expense of generating the most profit. (Entire quote from AdLib) b) Is there anything that can be done about that? (person sought to research and write this)
  13. Summary of the findings of our investigation, conclusions and introducing further steps that we are going to take (Covered by Truth, commenter’s input is going to be included)

For the episodes a little further down the road I can’t give exact publishing dates yet. There is a lot of material pouring in every day, so I may need to accommodate new episodes in between the existing ones.

In order to enable launching this series in March, a few more people need to commit writing an episode or two. Considering the fact that Huffington Post still is widely viewed as a progressive outlet, – even by many who really should know better – plus considering that election season draws pretty close and in that (artificial) frenzy nobody would listen to a story like this, it is well worth to get to work now in my opinion. If you’d like to join, please mail to 2emeraldcurtain@gmail.com …What can I say… first come, first choose… 😀

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Buddy McCue

Truth – Here’s the painting. It didn’t come out as well as I liked, and Lord knows I’ve painted better things in my life. It’s so much easier to copy things than it is to try to create a new image. (Notice that the curtain is the best part. That’s because I had some real curtains to use as a model.)
[imgcomment image[/img]
I wanted to use the Wizard of Oz idea because it depicts Arianna as a manipulative person, and it also ties in with the Emerald Curtain title.

If you want to use it, do. If you don’t want to use it, that’s okay too. I always manage to learn a lot with challenging work like this, so nothing is wasted.

If this doesn’t give you the full resolution scan, you can get it from my Flickr page:

Buddy McCue

My painting of Arianna manipulating controls behind the Emerald Curtain is coming along nicely, and I should be finished with it this weekend. When it’s done, I’ll take a picture of it and post that to my Flickr page. You can get it from there, and use as a header to the collaborative article if you like.

We ARE still doing this, aren’t we? Even if everyone has lost interest, I’m still going to finish this illustration, because I’ve already put some time into it, and it’s going to come out well.


To add to yesterday’s list, I found these articles on HP while looking for stories for The Daily Planet. Again, it could just be me, but these stories on HP make the most toxic repubs sound sane:

Ben Quayle Defends Calling Obama The ‘Worst President In History’ (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin: Westboro Baptist Church Ruling Reflects Lack Of ‘Common Sense & Decency’

Rupert Murdoch: News Corp Is Carbon Neutral

Fox News Suspends Contracts Of Newt Gingrich And Rick Santorum

Chris Christie: ‘I Love Collective Bargaining’

Matt Damon Calls Out Obama

Haley Barbour: Obama Is Deliberately Trying To Manipulate Gas Prices

It’s not only the headlines–when you read the pieces, they are full of rationales from these jerks.


Am I wrong, or does this article on HP {SPIT} make Haily Barbour sound reasonable?? If so, that’s quite an achievement!


Haley Barbour: Obama Is Deliberately Trying To Drive Up Energy Prices

Barbour cited 2008 comments by Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who floated the idea of gradually raising gasoline taxes to convince more Americans to adopt energy-friendly habits. “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” he said at the time. President Obama has dismissed the idea of raising the gasoline tax, and in 2009, Chu also distanced himself from his earlier remarks, saying that it would be “completely unwise to want to increase the price of gasoline.”

and this:

Barbour also backed Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) and his controversial plan to take away the collective bargaining rights of public employees, again turning the issue back on the president and asking why federal employees don’t have those same rights.

“Federal employees don’t have collective bargaining rights,” he said. “The president can unilaterally freeze their pay. So the idea you guys have given the country is that there’s just some constitutional right to collective bargain. Half the states don’t have it all — my state does not have collective bargaining — or they limit it. Federal employees are not allowed to have collective bargaining for pay, for pensions, for health care. So what Gov. Walker is trying to do — and what the legislature has the votes to pass, by large margins — is the law in many many other states. So do I think he’s overreached? No.”


This doesn’t exactly belong here but I thought it made a pretty good point about aggregation.

Fiore Cartoon: The Huffington Post Strikes It Rich


Buddy McCue

I don’t write very well, but I could paint Arianna working the controls of an apparatus similar to that of the Wizard of Oz. This IS the “Emerald Curtain” you’re talking about, isn’t it?
[imgcomment image[/img]

Would that help? I could photograph the painting and let you use that.

Redemption Song
Redemption Song


If you’re “interviewing” or polling people for the part on how current or past HuffPo commenters felt about monitoring, etc., I’m willing to be interviewed (whether used or not) or polled; and

this is probably already covered, but HuffPo dabbles in pseudo-science with potential harm beyond misinformation…for example, one of their currently highlighted stories includes the possibility that engaging nuclear weapons could reverse global warming with a nuclear winter. (How dumb is that?)

And so on.

St James
St James

Do you need help with the writing?


Truth, I may be of little service to the remaining articles. But am standing by to see what you and others find. 😎