
Comments Posted By facingrealit

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Corporington Post

News Flash: Did any of you know that Arianna’s husband was bisexual? In 1998, after having divorced Arianna, ex-Congressman Michael Huffington finally revealed to Esquire that he was in fact bisexual. this despite having told himself 18 years prior: “I am straight, I will get married. I will have children. I will never sleep with another man again.”

When Arianna ran for California governor during the 2003 recall election, Michael instead endorsed Arnold Schwarzenegger, who he described as “a charismatic leader.”

» Posted By facingrealit On February 9, 2011 @ 4:52 pm

I read on this thread that Hume Skeptic passed away. I use to be a avid reader of his posts on HP. Does anyone know what happened to him and when.

» Posted By facingrealit On February 9, 2011 @ 4:45 pm

Good point because that is how I found this site. Someone was kind enough to provide a link.

» Posted By facingrealit On February 7, 2011 @ 5:13 pm

I believe you, as I experienced the same myself. IF the comment would make it through and people began to gravitate towards it a few moments later it was deleted without any rational reason why. I moved my money in 08/09 (I know because the date you open an account is on your checks) and I began telling friends/family to do the same and why. I started commenting on her website about the greedy banks, the foreclosure crisis and how some lenders were snatching up homes instead of allowing short sells because they were seeking greater profits.

It was then I noticed that when people would begin sharing their comments on my comments AH would snatch the theory behind the discussion and make it her own – ensuring to ‘delete’ any previous comments on the topic.

I actually got a comment through once (real late at night – moderators must have been asleep at the wheel) stating how strange it was that comments I’d previously made were becoming articles.

It didn’t stay up long but the point had been made – they knew they were busted….lol

» Posted By facingrealit On February 7, 2011 @ 5:10 pm

Log on and go your Preferences section. At the bottom left it will give you the option of deleting your account. You have to look for it as it is not made easy but it can be done as I tried to log back in and true to life it was gone.

» Posted By facingrealit On February 7, 2011 @ 4:49 pm

Thanks for giving us a ‘true’ forum. I’d mentioned many months ago that AH was manipulating data and blocking ‘real’ content because she was using it for herself. Most of her articles were born out of comments/points users were making but that she would moderate so that she could ‘steal’ them. Her blogging about everything Sarah Palin without disputing her was one of the first signs that she was returning to her ‘Right-Wing’ roots. She knows what she did and ill-gotten gains don’t last forever. She will pay for her wrongs as we all know she used the left to get established under the guise of being a progressive – yea RIGHT! – Thanks again for giving us a voice to the madness.

» Posted By facingrealit On February 7, 2011 @ 4:46 pm

Arianna used the Left supporters to establish Huffington Post. Most of her articles were created from the comments that were moderated into oblivion. I’ve commented on several occassions only to have a ‘storyline’ the next day or two regarding the topic of my comment. As her viewership grew, she returned to her Right-Wing roots, appearing on more and more programs and as you’ve stated began to speak ill of every single program the president presented after ‘appearing’ to be on-board during his primary/election. She is a snake, and yes I’m sure her ex-husband can attest to her deviousness.

I just deleted my account on her website with a plege to NEVER RETURN! p.s. – that Move Your Money idea was another one she STOLE as I commented on several occassions on how We The People should move our money from any and all banks that took the bailout monies. I can PROVE this idea because I was with Chase, who bought out Bank One (my original bank since the early 90’s) and they REFUSED to give me a loan even though I’d been with them for years. I even told my new bank about my idea and research of them before I moved my money. So imagine my surprise when all of a sudden AH comes up with this move your money idea – yea, after she continually ‘blocked’ my comments relating to the idea. A WOLF IN SHEEP CLOTHING IS RIGHT.

She also ‘fudged’ her 25 million unique IP’s as these were not ‘unique’ users. Most people log on at work and at other people’s house so YES the IP would change but the users were the same – A SNAKE!

» Posted By facingrealit On February 7, 2011 @ 4:38 pm

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