Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Weekend Music Thread – Kamala Edition – Freedom I was going off before they would be confused whether Kamala was black or Tamil. My Scotttish and English genes hate each other… but, my German genes take over? Tamil – this is MIA… from that tender Sri Lankan conflict… in any case, I can spell Kamala in Tamil btw… that’s all I can do… I took Hind …. Dravidian langs difffs. Let’s just say Northern Indians think they are black. I can’t say this on FB. I’ll be flagged for racism.
» Posted By Khirad On August 11, 2024 @ 2:25 am It’s been a while
» Posted By Khirad On August 11, 2024 @ 2:17 am https://youtu.be/XLhhfFlmhho?si=7yV2SLsj0Vgn241I » Posted By Khirad On August 11, 2024 @ 2:15 am I Believe in God But I Hate Religion For later but, I literally am applying to become a member of the Church of Satan… I have other things… We must emphasize that you don’t have to join our organization to consider yourself a Satanist, you only need to recognize yourself in The Satanic Bible and live according to the tenets outlined therein. We don’t proselytize, or otherwise campaign for people to join—that is your prerogative. We have supplied this information which explains how you can affiliate if you so choose. Just saying there is another application form with a lot of questions, I’m working on that. I don’t just want to be a member… If I finish that I’ll do a go fund me… the fee is one time. In the 90’s it was just $100. I’m working on a few things, but the questions are like essays and I have a very extensive Satanic library, and asking for alms is not Satanic! Either is the Temple of Satan… splitters! I figure I’ve wanted to join since I was 15 and first read the Satanic Bible! Hail Satan! » Posted By Khirad On August 11, 2024 @ 2:12 am I started working on Zoroastrianism… I was going to write how it influenced Judaism after the Second Temple… and early Christianity. I’m kinda a lay expert… and a student of comparative relligion but always lose people at Zoro….. and Persian? Yeah, the people in the Bible that freed the Jews from captivity and who helped rebuild the temple in Jerusalem… I have to come at it carefully… Zoroastrianism wasn’t fully codified and orthodox, and I don’t discount independent messianic movements in the Levant, but it … forgive my language… God, Devil, seven angels, a savior to come, heaven, hell, purgatory… final battle where good overcomes evil… Persians had that and freed the Jews and haha – the Jews had a revelation identical to Persian beliefs all of a sudden – that had nothing to do with the Persians! » Posted By Khirad On August 11, 2024 @ 2:00 am On this site I’ve written an article on Satanism, Wicca, Zoroastrian adjacent. I have hundreds of books on religion, nearly thirty on Zoroastrianism and Persian religion. I’d say I’m most passionate about the most influential language nobody has heard and just look at me like a kook. I was brought up nominally mainline Protestant – but more like only Christmas and Easter kind of a thing. Nevertheless I read the KJV in sixth grade during our free reading time, went to friends churches – some of them “non-denomination” – which I loathe its presemptuous vagueness. Come Junior High, and this would blow Lousiana’s mind, we had a teacher do a month long unit on World Religions. It was a public school, but in my mind… well, I won’t digress on legal issues. And boy oh boy, there was one boy who glommed onto it and started really questioning. That and some passages from the Bible and resurfacing memories of a fundamentalist babysitter, and I did the angry atheist thing. And another tangent, there are many different forms of atheist, there’s a chart and stuff. Then, after finding an internet archive on the nascent dial-up Netscape era, i really loved Robert Ingersoll’s “Why I am an Agnostic”. Devotees of the four horsement: Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens, Dennet – the first three which I still have on my shelf, but had some disagreements with. Atheism, of course a religion, but it can be fudamentalist. I devoured Joseph Campbell, Mirceal Eliade, William James, the Comparative Religion classics. One of my favorite’s is the woefully un-woke ‘Man’s Religions’ – which was the textbook used by colleges, but which I read for fun. Anyway, just for fun see if there’s a religion I don’t have books on and/or their Holy Text. One of the latest I read was on the Druze, perhaps one of the most fascinating ethno-religious groups in the Middle East… I will say this, I do not have any source texts on the Mandaeans yet, so had you guessed that… Whatever, this is sorta my forté. The most spiritual get though, is a numenous sense of wonder sometimes, some – undefinable. Yes, you can say that’s neurons and waves in our brain – to which it get’s very philosophical – is not G-od real in as much as we can feel? Any oof the revealed religions as they are though, no – when you read the histories, they are indeed Man’s religions, where the deities are more often made in our image, not the other way around. In my question to you though; what is your view of the African American Church. I’m sure you know the passages as I do, maybe that they were even mentioned again in one of Paul’s epistles (?) – I definitely the main ones – and I’ve heard apologists try to basically say, well, it wasn’t like, that bad. Just like Lost Cause types try to do the house negro – they were treated well revision and omission. I know the AME picks the parts that reflect the African American experience, but… the irony to me is how they had their own religions in Western Africa and basically adopted the religion of those that kidnapped, beat, raped, etc. As a white person… looking outside, I’ve noted the irony – but, I get the look – and feel reproached and a little dirty for asking something from privilege or something. Sorry to bring up all the racist and slavery stuff in the Bible. Of course the Nation of Islam seized on this, – and that is something, other than reading Malcolm X, don’t much about with the theology – because, I know Islam pretty well, I also read the Qur’an, about Shi’ism, Sufism, even started something on Ahmadiyyas – and the Nation of Islam kinda seems like bid’ah, or heresy in Arabic. Nothing like the Black Israelites though… that is some Mormon level stuff. —- Oh yeah everyone, I recovered my password and am back. This was just the first post I saw. Ave Satanas! Hail Satan! 😉 » Posted By Khirad On June 29, 2024 @ 7:46 am The Theocratic Takeover of U.S. Democracy – What Dems Should Be Doing Now to Fight It I don’t know if the soup chef was an autocorrect or a reference to the soup nazi from Seinfeld? This belabors how much I need to write about chef culture. For those that don’t know, the sous is equivalent to a drill sergeant in chef hierarchy. And, one of the best things about working in the kitchen is all the super slutty girls. I have no chance with any of them, but even when I don’t want to wake up, I can still “get up” for the ambiance. Point being, he’s a new Sous and I have better knives than him. Also, I’m 6’3 and caucasian. I’m very aware to check my privilege at the door. I don’t walk in like Marylin Manson with a pussy hat. I check my politics at the door – because, to quote Bourdain, we need to feed the bitches. [so yeah, I should maybe write something about that – Gordon Ramsay is a celebrity chef and reality star – but… Hell’s Kitchen, though contrived, is not far off – we can all fly off the handle] —— To the article, sir. I’ll stop the chef speak. Sir. Thank you [when you mean fuck you – not you AL]! In 2000 I could see it coming, as well. I voted for the first time. I had barely turned 18. I voted for Nader. But relax, I was 18 and lived in Washington (THE STATE!) – it was safe Gore. I don’t regret it, just regret whatever happened to Ralph. I was also – and – still am – a fan of a little band called Rage Against the Machine. However; they did a music video calle Testify which equated Gore and Bush. That purism irks me to this day – for predictable reasons. I, as you are, am a student of history and I cringe that I ever had arguments with people that could not suck it up for Hillary but loved Tulsi. I hate to say I told you so, but… I was reading Nietzsche and Trotsky in High School. I would cut class and sneak into the school library I was so bored. Don’t pretend to be pretentious and more progressive than me. Like…. FUUUUUCK. I love magic unicorns and the burn and farting rainbows. Those beliefs don’t solve anything in real life, fore real people. I’m more left than you in your wildest imagination, but —– I’m gonna get pissed off – because nobody offers any actual solutions. We don’t have a d’Hondt, proportional, or or any of the other systems. There’s absolutely no reason – as with Bernie and Angus, or even Specter that we can’t caucus independently. But as to the parliamentary systems? I mean Colombia elected its first leftist, but the Israili Knesset is having it’s 5th (or 6th?) election in Five years. Mussolini didn’t make the trains run on time, but Italy is worse. Erdoğan, Orbán, and fucking Boris Johnson. [We’re biding our time – Alba gu bràth!] I lost my point being all Hessian in a Glass Bead Game and not Headless Christopher Walkin way [call back, in the kitchen – we have a big refrigerator – sometimes two – called a Walk-in – so, another peak at chef humor there – because I Amber Heard that sir! – I’ll work on a glossary] Fuck Mitch. I fucking respect that though. Like Cheney the elder on Meet the Press. “I didn’t say that” – play the tape. “No, I didn’t say that.” We just saw you say that. (He fucking shot someone famously – I was Binging Boston Legal… it’s very depressing – and was strikingly poignant I was watching them talk about Roe v Wade just as it was in reall life being struck down … to incarnate George Carlin… holyyyyy fuuuuuck). Say what you will about Bill Maher and his Islamophobia and such, but he’s right on this: DEMOCRATS ARE PUSSIES. Hold the phone, – hold my beer…. I repeat: DEMOCRATS ARE PUSSIES – I actually don’t give a shit about the cake case. I’m gonna be Crowder and say: change my mind? Unlike Crowder I mean it. Like, you’re a pastry business that discriminates against gays? Goood luck with that. I don’t care how far down south you are. Who do you think does catering for weddings? Let’s pick our battles. Shooters of Boobert fame – yeah – she’s a tough one. I’d gimp her – like so she couldn’t talk. She is kinda hot except for everything thing else about her that is repulsive. Nullification? Huh – it’s almost like I’ve heard that word…. and I’ve never even been to South Carolina…. —————–Shadow docket. Okay, that’s new to me. I want to pretend, but – this intrigues me. I’m not being sarcastic for once. I will look into this. Message discipline is for Commies. I mean… ? I’m not a member of any organized party… I’m a Democrat. You keep on reporting the majority. ————- I just think politics are very personal. And I wish we could communicate that. As purist as you might think Chomsky (who is at the U of A here in Tucson now) is, even he has always argued to vote the lesser of two evils. Because, … history again, it has always been thus. As a side note, I was in love with a girl from high school. She loved the character of Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. I was driving her from the Oregon coast to north of Porland a couple years ago on one of my sojourns back to Cascadia. I remarked how it was funny how he played a libertarian. She’s was a hot artsy girl. I can’t imagine she’d vote Republican. She definitely is progressive I’m sure to this day. But, she was confused when I remarked on his libertarian character. She literally said – unironically – but that’s like liberal, right? In Satanism, one of the Satanic Sins is solipsism. Satanists have empathy. But; we also don’t assume everyone is as clever as we are. I know that sounds awful – but fit it on a bumpersticker goddamit and don’t windbag it like John Kerry. uggggggggggggggh Anyway, I hope to have a job tomorrow after being kicked out of my apartment [I still have a few weeks to move out]. If all goes well, there will be soup for you.[I get it, chef slang is kinda cultish – like our own secret language – if you’re truly interested I’ll get Escoffier on that shit and the recipe for basil oil – it’s just blanching basil and spinach leaves, straining it a chinoise with cheesecloth, after its been emulsified in a roto-coop – and then, of course putting it in one of those squeezing bottles, don’t tell anyone I gave you a secret from our “Bible” = kitchen cookbook]. » Posted By Khirad On June 30, 2022 @ 6:56 am Before I read this, and I will. And am. My sous chef threw down the gauntlet. Stop talking about how this is such a big deal. I stepped out and took out the trash – literally and unfortunately not figuratively. I respect my sous, and he respects me as a hard worker. But I wanted to go into a rage. It was verbatim FAUX talking points. I’m fucking here to wash your dishes and prep your food and serve your salads and desserts. He’s openly admitted to having anger problems. Sometimes I do, as well. But, my anger issues are not authoritarian – and yes – he’s Latino and takes every Sunday off for family. One of my co-workers – who is playful and cherubic – doesn’t know what Wicca or Satanism is – just a mensch. He was topping pizzas with basil oil in a pentagram. My sous chef lost it on him. Here’s the thing, you can’t even see basil oil. It’s basically fancy olive oil. Even the Front of the House manager (who is very very very very gay – and very out of the closet) called it a Jesus Star. I lost my shit (in a good way). I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help it. I laughed so fucking hard. In any case, I’ll read the article. There’s an old socialist – John Maclean. He talked of ca’ canny. It’s a Scots’ term for keeping your head down. That’s what I’m doing. I know you know me. And he doesn’t know I was on the debate team in High School. I just want to say – I CAME HERE TO WORK AND NOT LISTEN TO Fox News. Like, STFU. » Posted By Khirad On June 29, 2022 @ 7:28 pm Weekend Music Thread – Get Up Stand Up I’m sorry , but I heard your protest music, mine is agèd at this point. » Posted By Khirad On July 4, 2022 @ 9:25 am
» Posted By Khirad On July 4, 2022 @ 9:24 am
» Posted By Khirad On July 4, 2022 @ 9:22 am
» Posted By Khirad On July 4, 2022 @ 9:18 am Weekend Music Thread – The Rain Song Also while Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins aren’t in my top 20, I’m not in anybody’s list of great drummers, and definitely a solid drummer – no question. RIP
» Posted By Khirad On March 29, 2022 @ 4:25 am I have 10,000 songs about rain in my head. I grew up in Washington [the state], and hate living in Arizona. Perhaps it’s my Scottish ginger complexion and natural disposition… Unironically, I am happy when it rains.
» Posted By Khirad On March 29, 2022 @ 4:20 am Jiulliard trained goth
» Posted By Khirad On March 29, 2022 @ 4:13 am Weekend Music Thread – Blues at Sunrise Anyway not to be a downer so just gonna say … no words needed
» Posted By Khirad On March 16, 2022 @ 2:23 am Anyway, to be more positive
» Posted By Khirad On March 16, 2022 @ 2:07 am I hate – I don’t. Be honest. I am the master of doom and gloom. It’s not a contest…. just one of the few I can win at.
» Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 11:16 am I don’t own darkness… just say it’s been a warm blanket amidst the cold sun…
» Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 11:10 am And because reasons…
» Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 10:48 am BTW, logged and checked all yours. Like…. it’s weird to me how some people don’t even listen to music. I’ve heard it’s a thing. Yeah, my parents weren’t musical – at all. My mom, bless her heart can’t carry a tune – and only does so for church. My dad doesn’t pretend. I am literally the red-headed stepchild. Sometimes I’ve felt I must have been switched at birth. Enough of me
» Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 10:37 am And, as every Goth has guilty pleasures
» Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 10:24 am I’m in one of my moods. I don’t need a doctor
» Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 10:17 am Nobody asked, but this is ethereal wave – subgenre of Goth. And how I feel now if not often.
» Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 10:08 am I think I have put out my experiences of growing up knowing racism from the “winning” side. Me and my dad still talk about it… my grandma was the most sweet and loving person… but… she would throw away a sandwich made by a colored person. She would never call you a N—— or even want you lynched. She just adored me and was born and raised in old Savannah, Georgia. Not an excuse. In any case, I was brought up — well, it was a shock when my dad told me he used to be racist. I’m sorry to say it’s an old story. It’s just llke I KNOW, not really, but I get it, and … I’m sorry for shitting over your own experience. I was a really poor ambassador. » Posted By Khirad On March 15, 2022 @ 9:17 am I’m digging that hole deeper.
» Posted By Khirad On March 11, 2022 @ 6:15 am Holy shit, is that you? Holy fuck, sorry. I is the dickface. » Posted By Khirad On March 11, 2022 @ 6:01 am As a very caucasion personage I enjoy hearing about getting an A- because you were black. Um, okay?
» Posted By Khirad On March 11, 2022 @ 5:45 am Just meet me in Arizona
» Posted By Khirad On March 11, 2022 @ 5:29 am And then you have ADD and were smarter than skin color but the nice teachers gave you a D+ just so you pass because you didn’t care. Not feeling you. Say more. Because there is more there. » Posted By Khirad On March 11, 2022 @ 5:26 amComments Posted By Khirad
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