Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Yes Virginia, There is Class Warfare Let the stoning begin for my willful ignoring of forum protocol… Pat Buchananan just made (I watch news on a DVR so it was not just made in fact) some BS claim about how we should not succumb to mob rule when it comes to this sort of thing, when clearly the polls have shown this is not mob rule but rather the voice of the majority. Many of these people will say whatever bullshit to make themselves wealthier and more of a say than their fellow American citizens. Revolutions have been formed on less. And what needs to happen now is a revolution of rational thinking and not succumbing to more primal reactions. » Posted By HypnoToad On March 10, 2011 @ 3:38 am So let’s look at how this is being played out. Pat Buchanan ( a very smart person in my opinion, but someone willing to lie or carry the water at the drop of a hat) said on “Morning Joe” this morning ‘We ran those ads yesterday that they are working on..”. How much clearer evidence can a thinking American have that this all has come down to how much money a particular voice has and now in control the majority of our currently not come to the conclusion that we now in the United States of America what seems to now equal a “state run media”? » Posted By HypnoToad On March 10, 2011 @ 3:26 am I can barely see straight at this moment. What has just happened in Wisconsin is a pivotal moment in American history. Watch the fumbling by most news organizations as to how to react to what has happened. There will be many outlets that got the talking points in advance. They will try to carry the meme of the uber-wealthy. I truly believe it will come out soon is how many of the GOP were threatened with recall elections by groups like “Americans for Prosperity” and “Crossroads” whatever other BS they put in propagandized nomenclature. Talk about the ultimate over-reach and reach-around. Watch today’s circle jerk very carefully, most news is owned by huge corporations. The sooner we get most Americans to realize this and realize it is the same tried and trued gambit, the sooner our nation will become a government of representatives of ALL of its citizens and not just that of those who have cheated, rigged democracy, stolen, lied, and attempted to fill the bottomless pit in their very soul they attempt to fill with such conscious-less actions. God bless the intent of the American Dream.Let us now make it a reality and not just hollow words. » Posted By HypnoToad On March 10, 2011 @ 2:50 am Wisconsin, what does it really mean? Wow, I am not even sure where to leave this comment. It seems as if the Street Walker for the Koch bros., Governor S. Walker (R-WI), is more than willing to appease his pimps at the slightest of provocations. He has made it more than clear today that his personality wants to be part of historic events. Today he has become the nexus of very historic events in our fair nation. He revealed the cards in his hand and from what I can tell will be the impetuous for the awakening of America. It just might be the beginning of when people, who once thought they no longer had time for what the politicians did or even felt their voice was even being heard, realized that their attention to current events might have any real affect. Illustrative artists please step-up to the corner in the red light district that is Madison, WI. Koch Bros as the stereotypical pimp (hey they used it for Acorn), Scott in in a mini and fishnets., etc. (Oh only about six edits on my part, pardon the very quick revisions) » Posted By HypnoToad On February 23, 2011 @ 4:50 pm KO doesn’t vote? I have seen no evidence proffered by you to support that. “Fringe of the progressive left”? Great way to attempt to start a conversation. But given that, let’s go on to what I have to say. This week the GOP will say that this is not deficit spending for the tax cuts. In a month or two, they will be claiming the need for cuts to offset this deficit spending. When you are willing to start using actual numbers and logical arguments, I will gladly talk about the subject. And as a point of fact, I do not care for KO’s use of people from Newsweek such as Harold Fineman, people representing the Washington Post such as Eugene . I see so many of the correspondents at MSNBC carry the company line. GE completely rules NBC Universal, and the last thing they care about is the betterment of our country. » Posted By HypnoToad On December 13, 2010 @ 5:20 pm Bito thanks for sending me off to some information I was not aware of. And thanks for sending me off into a whole new level of investigation in the Senate rules, I mean that both genuinely and sarcastically. It is another non-sensical system I am now required to understand. » Posted By HypnoToad On December 13, 2010 @ 3:31 pm I appreciate the hello. I am not sure of the format here (I do not yet have a conception of the difference between blogging, IMing, and emailin’ (hey I am from the south). Time has little meaning for me at this moment, so I certainly understand being in a rush. » Posted By HypnoToad On December 13, 2010 @ 3:27 pm Thank you for the warm welcome. You will please forgive me when I get a bit intense at times. And it should go without saying, please forgive my plethora of spelling, typing, and grammatical mis-steps. But as I was taught by wonderful parents, it is more of the intent than anything else. » Posted By HypnoToad On December 13, 2010 @ 3:24 pm Adlib et al., One of the things I took from Obama’s speech today was that he is willing not to fight someone who takes hostages and those hostages are in danger. So in essence he has just admitted that he is willing to negotiate with terrorists. I have supported our current POTUS through many trying times.I have come to realize over the last almost twenty-three months, that he has allowed an influence into his administration. This influence is the DLC and the Clinton machine. I have seen how this country has been decimated over the four decades.This is the only period for whichI have first hand knowledge of. I have seen over this time an abundance of willingness to sell out the ideals I thought the Democratic party has held since the 1960’s — ideals of equality, fighting for the voices that often go unheard or ignored, and striving for some semblance of justice.The party which I once held in high regard has now been usurped by individuals and groups whose sole purpose is to gain more wealth and influence. For those that have had time to pay attention to all of this mess, you have my sympathies. I have had the time lately because I started to refuse to be a part of what ruined the lives of so many hard working families, I was involved in making companies more productive. I was under the false understanding that it would allow the current workers to be more productive as well as giving them enough time to feel like they did not have their nose to the grindstone every minute whilst at work. Instead of this, it was used to eliminate the jobs of people who had spent their lifetime contributing to the quality and success of the company in which they felt they had a partnership. This was so shareholders, and the people who dealt in this exchange (nothing more than a group of money changers, if you were to ask me) could make more money no matter the cost to others. So now the POTUS I have had the most hope for, is now more than willing to negotiate with terrorists. Disregard the possibility of just extending tax cuts for the middle class through the same means which the GOP did it, reconciliation. Just go ahead and meet their irrational, destructive demands. Let’s see how this all works out. Please forgive my faux pax for not following the correct etiquette. May you all have a wonderful holiday with those people who love you and are loved by you, » Posted By HypnoToad On December 7, 2010 @ 5:53 pmComments Posted By HypnoToad
Until I figure out where is the best place, I will “deposit” it here.Please forgive my faux pax.
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