Rectitude. A word one doesn’t hear much. Even the sound of it strikes one like a quaintness from the past. And yet, it’s a word I’ve heard quite a bit lately in reference to now ex- Special Prosecutor Robert...
What you see in these RW Republican politicians on most issues is pretty consistent support for allowing the deaths of others to poverty, guns, wars, old age, etc.. Their "pro-life" position on abortion is an anomaly...and that's because to them, this issue isn't really about religious beliefs or compassion, It's about something else far more crass and cynical. It's about power.


Watch and Chat Live: The Presidential Debate – Harris V. Trump 6:00 pm PDT/9:00...

Tonight is the first (and only?) debate between Kamala Harris and an orange stain on this country's history. It begins at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and we are hosting a live chat via our Vox Populi app starting then as well as streaming the live video of the debate below so you can watch and live chat on the same screen. Ain't modern technology wonderful?