More crazy GOP candidates joined their race to the bottom, Loon Star State Right Wingers think the U.S. is about to invade them, the UK has re-elected the Total Douche Party and Tom Brady auditions for a position in...
It is a looks to be the first step forward on a long journey for justice for Baltimore, Freddie Gray and African Americans across the country. Much to talk about tonight, hope you can join us right here for...
What a week, President Obama and Sen. Elizabeth Warren in a truth off, our first female African American Attorney General had her nomination freed at last and was appointed and some of the early mudslinging against Hillary Clinton has...
It's another edition of Vox Populi tonight! Join in our live chat at 7:00pm PDT for another lively and entertaining chat with your fellow Planeteers on the week's events and so much more! Hope to see you then!
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Happy Friday! With Rand Paul announcing his Presidential run...then stumbling badly, Hillary announcing on Sunday and a white cop finally being arrested for shooting an unarmed black man, there's a lot to talk about in our live chat tonight...
What a week, between the Repubs in IN and AR crying over spilt bigotry and Repubs across the country crying over spilt war with Iran, the drought could be ended in CA if all those tears could be piped...
Vox Populi is coming right up tonight at 7:00pm PDT! Chat live about the week's events and try our new iMartiniBar! It's virtually intoxicating!
adlib 7 days ago
hi guys!
7 days ago
Hey Harliegh!
adlib 7 days ago
Harleigh, Ad, Hi
7 days ago
An iMartini...
Happy Friday and First Day of Spring! An appropriate day to Spring into an always intriguing and entertaining edition of Vox Populi. Our live chat begins at 7:00pm PDT tonight, hope to see you then!
adlib 7 days ago
Don't forget...
I have a letter here from 47 Republican Senators that says Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT so who am I to argue? Join us for our live weekly chat and like those 47 Senators, you don't even...
This week Hillary got private email servered and the SCOTUS flirted again with being a death panel. So much to discuss tonight as we always do on our live Friday night chat, Vox Populi! It all begins at 7pm!...