Especially in the old days of movie making, when an actress was as tall or taller than her leading man, a trench might be...
I was raised by a father who couldn't abide the Republican Party. In fact, I don't ever recall a time in his life when...
So the President's running for re-election. That should come as no surprise to anyone. Most Presidents aspire to a second term. Only natural, and...
Education reform is the main plank in my platform. The one policy that all others will flow from. It is the most important thing to me. So, how do we begin? A good question. This will be the first controversy in my campaign.
In asserting that the House rules supreme and supersedes the Senate, Eric's either patently ignorant or pandering patently.
But they didn't, did they? Some succumbed to Lee Atwater's Southern Strategy; others became Reagan Democrats. Most watch Fox News now. Why?
Then they start bitching about what he didn't say and should have said, and how he should have said what he did say differently. They twist and turn and bend and break down and analyse and parse his every word.....
OK, Congress is mad at the President. I get it. They're mad because he didn't ask them for their permission to join two other...
In an online conversation this past weekend, someone reminded me of something I hadn't thought about in years - the Reagan Presidential campaign of...
Yesterday my husband and I attended a spring training game - the Oakland A's vs the Chicago Cubs - down in Phoenix near the...