
Retired guy. Southerner by birth. Pacific Northwesterner by choice. Political junkie. Fiscal conservative. Social liberal. Writer. Avid photographer.

Southern Discomfort – Code Red

I could not believe how many pick-up trucks in the school parking lot were sporting a Johnny Reb bumper tag that read, “Hell, no! We Ain’t Fergettin.’” It was here, in 1960’s Mississippi, that I learned the Civil War was not quite over.

How Many US Jobs Can You Fit Inside This Cargo Container?

During one particular political segment, the station played a clip of John Boehner doing one of his “Jobs…Jobs…(It’s all your fault, Mr. President)… Jobs” rants. At that point, a question occurred to me: How many US jobs, now exported, did those three cargo vessels represent?

What The Duck…Taught Me

Much of what I’ve learned about politics I learned in the duck pond. Sounds strange, I know, but keep reading. So it’s a normal day at the duck pond… birds...

A “Novel” Approach to Politics

WARNING: This post is rated SSA for Serious Snark Alert. Its content may not be suitable for those of a right-wing persuasion or even those seeking a balanced political...

FOR BEGINNERS ONLY — Building Character – Part II

Where do you find great characters? Simple answer: Everywhere. I met Sergei at a fast food restaurant in the Salt Lake City airport. If you have spent as much...

THE EAGLE (has trouble) LANDING

After a frustrating day of watching Republican ‘termites’ boring incessantly into the heart-wood of America, I amuse myself by chasing our country’s national symbol and asking if I can...

FOR BEGINNERS ONLY — Building Better Characters Through Chemistry

When asked why he robbed banks, the famous bank robber, Willie Sutton replied, "Because that's where the money is." If asked to explain why I like books, the answer...


THE GREAT AMERICAN CON Confessions of a Republican Con Man Congratulations! You have been cast in the Republican remake of the classic movie, The Sting. We’ve entitled it, The Great American...


THE REPUBLICAN “DOGS OF WAR” Politics is war without bloodshed – Mao Tse-tung Republicans have declared war on America. Sounds ridiculous, but is it? To fully understand the behavior of...