

Siberian Blowouts, Climate Collapse and Feedback Loops

The most compelling problem with climate collapse/global warming currently being discussed by scientists is that while the progressive climb upward of c02 (or methane) in parts per million seems gradual, there are numerous feedback loops that have been set off by warmer temperatures.

A Protest Against Nuclear Weapons You Didn’t Hear About

Father Carl Kabat, an 80 year old priest who has spent some 17 years in prison for protesting against war and weapons, spent the Fourth of July spattering red paint across a sign at a Kansas City plant just opened.

Hobby Lobby, Contraception and Bearing False Witness

Speaking of Christian values, whatever happened to bearing false witness? Hobby Lobby set up shop in a state where they'd have to pay for employee healthcare including emergency contraception.

Where’s the Headline on Human Extinction?

The warming we've seen is setting feedback loops that guarantee higher levels of warming. The melting of the Siberian permafrost means thousands of gigatons of methane (more damaging as greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide) released into the atmosphere.