
I don't really have anything of note to put in here... Oh, I won a bar of chocolate once.

My Dear Governor.

However, I've noticed that you are currently finding it difficult to decide upon your next course of action. This is why I am writing to you: To sound you out on my proposal about how to resolve this situation.

Beyond Up and Down

All opinions become equal, regardless of logic, tone or factual accuracy. This, hilariously and inevitably, leads straight back to the old media cliche of supposed objectivity, where in order to be "objective" certain questions shouldn't be asked and certain facts should be ignored. All in the interest of good journalism, of course.

The Age of Obtuseness

At this point it's become the norm to attack the President and, though I hate to use a media cliche, it comes from both the Left and the Right of the political spectrum.

The Fall of the Cairo Wall

What's more extraordinary is that this incident was almost entirely peaceful!

An Easy Guide to Global Warming: What Is Global Warming?

Everybody knows that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, but did you know that water vapour is a greenhouse gas? Surprised? Well, so was I.