Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 10 hours ago
Good evening, Ad. Seems as though the shoes are dropping fast and furiously!
5 hours ago
Are you here? How are you?
5 hours ago
Hey PPO–seems to be just you and me!
4 hours ago
Hey glenn, just setting up. grabbing a coffee!
4 hours ago
Hello, anyone here?
4 hours ago
All quiet on the Westernfront! Hey Murph!
4 hours ago
Maybe everybody is Trumped out for now!
4 hours ago
Glenn, PPO….H-E-L-L-O Ah well, I was looking forward to some adult conversation.
4 hours ago
Well, Don’t know about the adult bit, but…. How are you?
4 hours ago
Latest on your project?
4 hours ago
Hey PPO…which project..there are so many?
4 hours ago
CAn’t remember details – facts and figures one you spoke about last week
4 hours ago
Do you mean the fact check for local press?
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
I’m doing a bit onTwitter these days scorning you-know who as much as possible. It drives him nuts to be laughed at.
4 hours ago
Hey PPO, Murph–I was wondering if anyone was going to show up. Anyone know what happened to Ad?
4 hours ago
It is going fine. I get assigned articles which I research for truth and error (and that which is in between). I send a report and it is merged with two others doing the same. The results are used to debunk via letters to the editor, a web resource center and an FYI for those in the debunking business.
4 hours ago
Murph–well, I must say, you’re a great debunker!
4 hours ago
HI Glenn…I was getting sad that the Salon was empty. I wonder where Ad is.
4 hours ago
hi glenn Ad must be busy. You’re it!
4 hours ago
Debunker-in-chief, Murph!
4 hours ago
PPO – how is all that is happening here being received down under?
4 hours ago
GLenn. Same question.
4 hours ago
Murph–don’t know where Ad is, hope everything is okay. Could be something simple. Last week, my computer actually froze up; I just couldn’t do anything with it. Even shutting down didn’t help. Finally googled it on my phone, and fixed it. Ad’s a lot more tech savvy than I, so I don’t think it’s that though.
4 hours ago
I am sure he is ok…..just wondering.
4 hours ago
We are like the rest of the world – in utter disbelief that they seem to be getting away literally with bare faced robbery. Worried about defencce coverage if thinks go off. Will the US come to our aid?
4 hours ago
PPO….I live in a very red state and it reflects the polling. 87 percent of GOP think Trump is doing a great job. Only 23 percent of the rest think the same.
4 hours ago
Embarrassment-in Chief doing his bit for cringe in Paris.
4 hours ago
Murph–the question being? How is all that is happening being received here? As far as the local columnists go…the liberal one is ripping conservatives and trump up one side and down the other; and the conservative one is writing about state politics. IOW, the conservative is ignoring it.
4 hours ago
Murph – I just can’t comprehend how they can think that way. Mind-blowing
4 hours ago
Did you see that Trump kept Pres. Macron waiting in the 98 degree temps for 45 minutes because he was running late…no apology, of course.
4 hours ago
PPO–That Aussie reporter’s report that you posted the other day sums it all up. And, there are many Americans who are in utter disbelief, too. Shame on repubs!
4 hours ago
No, Murph, haven’t read about that yet
4 hours ago
When ideology is the primary filter and anger is the secondary rationality flies right out the window.
4 hours ago
Murph–well, it does take a long time to get that hair in order, and then sprayed. And, then there’s trump’s hairdo!
4 hours ago
glenn, I think Chris Euhlmann’s call was so spot on. Think he’ll get an award for that, if Trump doesn’t jail him first!
4 hours ago
Glenn…sadly your sarcasm may be the truth…vanity is his middle name.
4 hours ago
Notice NO ONe from the GOP debunked Chris’ report? Not one.
4 hours ago
PPO….Christ Euhlmann?
4 hours ago
sorry spelling!
4 hours ago
Murph–I truly don’t understand WTH conservatives are so damn angry about. Why aren’t they angry that health care is being taken away from millions of Americans? Why aren’t they angry that America is no longer a world leader? Why aren’t they angry that trump is shredding the constitution, not to mention shredding the rights of Americans? SMH
4 hours ago
Glenn…that is all fake news….start with that premise and the rest follows. It is a brilliant strategy.
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
PPO–how can trump jail Euhlman? Isn’t he an Aussie citizen?
4 hours ago
watching it now
4 hours ago
Thought everybody saw this 2 minutes well spant!
4 hours ago
Murph–There are times when I just want to scream! WTH is wrong with these people? The MSM, which includes Fox, gets things wrong sometimes, but usually they issue a retraction, apology, or statement. Except for Fox. Although I see Shep Smith is tearing them up lately!
4 hours ago
Quite brilliant…so much said in such a compact package…..deserving of praise and dissemination…I shall do both. I have got the You Tube link.
4 hours ago
Murph–You hadn’t seen that tape before tonight? As you say, it’s brilliant!
4 hours ago
It went viral 3-4 days ago, but still worth spreading
4 hours ago
Glenn….I may have caught bits of it but I have been so busy that my time learning is spent reading since I can cover much more ground that way than in the broadcast media.
4 hours ago
brb covfefe time
4 hours ago
Happy Covfefe
4 hours ago
Murph–one more thing about fake news. The repubs in Congress know it’s not fake news; why aren’t they investigating? Why isn’t trump jr. already being charged with treason? Or breaking campaign finance laws? According to what I’ve read, it’s illegal for a campaign to take “anything of value” from a foreign government. And if dirt on Hillary isn’t “of value” to those pricks, I don’t know what it is.
4 hours ago
Murph–Didn’t mean to “diss” you; I know you’re busy.
4 hours ago
As you point out…why aren’t the Republicans….? Why? Doing any of this weakens their short term gains….a government completely in their hands to do with as they wish….it is bad with Trump but an impeachment proceding will make it far worse.
4 hours ago
Seriously, though, Murph, do you think this is the beginning of the end for trump and his minions?
4 hours ago
And Glenn….I absolutely know that you were not dissing me….
4 hours ago
Glenn…sadly I think it is the beginning of the beginning of the beginning of the end…..it will be a long time coming.
4 hours ago
Murph–Here’s my latest theory: repubs in Congress are doing nothing, so trump will practically impeach himself; and then they’ll bring pence down, then we get ryan, which is what they wanted all along. Then, watch the EO’s come fast and furious to shred the social safety net!
4 hours ago
glenn, the problem is that the only people who can decide enough is enough is the Republicans, who don’t seem to be in any hurry to avoid being decimated in the halfterms
4 hours ago
Murph–yea, sadly, I agree. It will be a long time coming. I just hope Meuller is being thorough, so that trump can’t hide behind any loopholes, or any legal manueverings.
4 hours ago
GLenn your theory is not far off. The GOP would not have wanted this as a first choice but your path is one that would work to their advantage.
4 hours ago
PPO with 87 percent of the GOP thinking he is doing a good job such a time is long time coming.
4 hours ago
Dems Unte and get a coherent message, NOW!!!
4 hours ago
Glenn…..Mueller cannot touch Trump while he is in office. Impeachment must come first.
4 hours ago
PPO–Yup, This is how repubs “govern”. Nothing is illegal, wrong, unconstitutional unless a Dem president does it. If a repub president does the same things or worse, their response is a big shrug! IOIYAR
4 hours ago
PPO….dems uniting around a message would be good but coming to that message is another thing entirely.
4 hours ago
Wow, what a dim view. Depressing
4 hours ago
PPO–I agree. Dems need to state exactly what they’d do to fix Obamacare, and keep pounding it over on the media. Another thing they need to do is keep repeating the statute that trump jr and his minions have violated so that people know that what they did is actually ILLEGAL! And the question still stands, “What did the president know and when did he know it?”
3 hours ago
Glenn….your take on the GOP is one that I have long held. They are skilled at turning the tables and have no compunctions about doing whatever it takes to win. No matter how ignoble, and wrong.
3 hours ago
PPO–If you’re talking about my view of how repubs govern, it is depressing, but sadly true.
3 hours ago
Glenn…both ideas have a lot of merit.
3 hours ago
actually, BOTH murph and yours!
3 hours ago
Murph–Really? Why can’t Mueller touch trump while he’s in office? Wouldn’t his charges be grounds for impeachment?
3 hours ago
Well, I have to depart, folks. Saturday Afternoon here and chors beckon. Sorry, but cheerio for now.
3 hours ago
Glenn….Presidents in office are immune from prosecution because it could be used to create a virtual coup.
3 hours ago
Cheerio PPO. My best to your wife. Take care and hope to see you next week.
3 hours ago
Murph–but wouldn’t the charges be grounds for impeachment?
3 hours ago
PPO…Good to chat even if briefly. I too must go…Morning comes too fast.
3 hours ago
Glenn. The charges would be grounds for impeachment but it will take the GOP to frame articles of impeachment….and in the Senate to cooperate with finding him guilty of them.
3 hours ago
I get what you’re saying about him not being able to prosecute trump directly, but if he did come up with charges meriting prosecution, wouldn’t Congress have to impeach him?
3 hours ago
No…Congress cannot be forced to impeach him.
3 hours ago
Okay, then we’re back to a circular argument, in a way. That’s why I say Mueller has to have an airtight case against trump, so the Senate can’t weasel him out of them. It is a sticky wicket, as they say.
3 hours ago
You’re right, congress can’t be forced to impeach him. We can impeach a Dem for a blow job; but god forbid we impeach a repub for real crimes!
3 hours ago
The case will not matter if the House is not willing to do articles of impeachment……
3 hours ago
The only way the GOP can be made to do something is if their base turns against them. Likely? You and I are both in the same red stew…..how likely is that?
3 hours ago
Well, I need to call it a day. Too tuckered to soldier on.
3 hours ago
Nite, Glenn.
3 hours ago
Nite, Murph. Hope to see you next week.
3 hours ago
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