Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

Good evening Ad


2 hours ago

Looks like Maga Mike is getting defined by Dems and buried in his Religious Extremist history.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well they just found the Maine mass shooter dead near a place he used to work at and was fired.


2 hours ago

Yes, just saw that. Kind of figured after the cops found his sniper rifle that he left it to go off and shoot himself.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well, for the sake of the folks in Maine I’m glad it’s over but for those who lost someone it’s a sad day


2 hours ago

And of course, he was a MAGA, people have listed records of who he followed on social media and you know who appears to be one of those at the top of the list? Musk.

AdLib2 hours ago

Yes, glad it’s over for the sake of the friends and families of victims and everyone in ME. But Repubs in The House will do nothing about it. Maga Mike declared that it is people’s “hearts” that cause mass shootings. So Repubs say shootings is due to hearts, doors not being locked, not enough security men at schools…but gunshots are never due to guns.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well all I have to say about is it’s over, and my sympathies for those who lost a love one because of what this man did.


2 hours ago

Yes I saw what that fool said. What a damn idiot.


2 hours ago

Murph is in the House the party can now start.


2 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLib2 hours ago

No one likes a lame Johnson.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW….than you…I am rarely referred to as a party guy! A bit too sober.


2 hours ago

“Lame Johnson”….flaccid Mike


2 hours ago

Yes it was me


2 hours ago

Murph – Exactly!

AdLib2 hours ago

No one likes a Johnson who doesn’t measure up.

AdLib2 hours ago

Here is a telling reality…..I have a friend who works for a hardware chain that sells guns…..big rush on the stores in the past few d ays.


2 hours ago

Ad…..it is a bit of ctradiction as the man seems a bit stiff.


2 hours ago

Well the next few weeks should be very interesting since we have damn fricking fundamentalist in charge of the house. Well I guess that will just give me more material to write about.


2 hours ago

Murph – It’s kind of irrelevant, the morons who already have many guns are the ones going out to buy guns in most cases. You only have two hands, how can you shoot more than two guns? With their feet or their tongues?

AdLib2 hours ago

Irrelevant but very telling…..and let us not forget that many of these individuals move in packs and they share.


2 hours ago

Murph – Good one! He also seems to be a Johnson who looks like a joke.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad….I expect that Johnson may stand up and standby but in the long run will limp along in the office.


2 hours ago

Murph – I’ve come to think that the way impotent MAGAs “take action” when they get scared is to buy more guns. It’s pretty stupid but seems to be the case.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – my experience backs that up.


2 hours ago

Murph – Yep, that is one embarassing Johnson.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph you’re right about them moving in packs, I saw a picture of several of them all kneeling and praying, I’m guessing they were asking for bigger checks from their lobbyist friends.


2 hours ago

I saw someone quote The Bible, I think it was a quote from Jesus, about beware of those who exhibit their religiousness in pubic.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad this new guy is going to be I fear a real trip.


2 hours ago

Is that a legit quote? Do either of you know?

AdLib2 hours ago

As you both may recall……I am a gun owner. I have been training in their use. I keep them secure.Their purposes are hunting and protection.. I do not carry. My property signage and fencing makes clear that the property is private and protected. It is also fenced, lighted and under surveillance.


an hour ago

TW….yes kneeling to pray holding onto their sacred talismans.


an hour ago

Ad yes there is something along those lines but don’t remember which book or verse.


an hour ago

I understand that a militia group that operates in my area is having a bonfire rally tonight to show their solidarity with……????? Who? Crazed Mass Murderers.


an hour ago

Murph did you say tails, so they are the spawn of the devil, damn it I knew it.


an hour ago



an hour ago

TW – Here’s my proposition, as Maga Mike has to actually lead the House in votes and outrageous amendments, his extremism will be widely on display, he will be blamed for screwing up things and failing to pass urgent bills and the shine will come off the apple pretty quickly, as an inexperienced guy who has never been a leader of any kind. He will blow up himself and the Repub majority, IMO.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph it sounds to me you’re doing everything within the law regarding the protection of your property and letting people know it.


an hour ago

Ad…as usual your analysis is cogent, clear and condemning


an hour ago

Ad….the co-op and then the association were great grounds for building up security protocol.


an hour ago

Murph – I am 100% behind you in being a gun owner and protecting yourself and your property. Especially in a state like MO with so many open carrying and being ignorant extremists, it only makes sense.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad……my experience is that the crazies do not mess around with those who take these kind of precautions…..they are, at heart, cowards.


an hour ago

Murph – If the Dems win in 2024 as I think they will, resoundingly, Dems can take steps to end the “permission” in our society to let open hatred and threats of violence be acceptable. These vermin who Trump empowered to crawl out from under their rocks need to be chased back under them.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad I think that goes without saying. He is an election denier. Which to me means he doesn’t believe in the peaceful transfer of power thus he doesn’t believe in the constitution.


an hour ago

Murph – Then it’s doubly bad that the association and co-op got destroyed by the MAGA loons.

AdLiban hour ago

I was asked at a bar once, several years ago, what I would do to repel “invaders” at the co-op. I knew that some of the crazies were there…..so I spoke of signage, lights and alarms….an auto call system to the local town police and the sherri’s police, a secure place to gather hardened and with arms that would do the job. I said that I favored shotguns with small pellet loads to drive people away with being lethal and then the appropriate handgun to bring down those who would not learn.it is odd, no one has breached our perimeters in all these years.


an hour ago

I left out “alarms”


an hour ago

Murph – You nailed it. MAGAs are typical “tough guy” thugs. So brave when threatening anonymously on calls or social media, so brave when ganging up on outnumbered or unarmed people but faced with a threat back at them for their criminal behavior, they run away and cry that their 1st Amendment rights are being stepped on or howl about “deranged” police, prosecutors, or press being to blame for the consequences they deserve.

AdLiban hour ago

You know the crowd….bullies at heart….as is their fearless (i.e fearful) leader.


an hour ago

Murph with that explanation they clearly got the message you knew more about weapons than they thought.


an hour ago

TW – Maga Mike is so extreme and wrong on almost every issue. Guns, Climate Change, equality and rights for LGBTQ, women, PoC. Someone found a video of him from a few years ago, claiming that everything wrong with America would be fixed if we went back to the way things were in the 1700s! You know, when morality reigned and slavery was in place along with women not having the right to vote.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad I read something similar about him and his wacked views.


an hour ago

Among the mementos I have framed are 5 NRA training completion cards earned from the age of 12 to 34. Very well done multi session accountability laden programs about gun safety, gun usage, care for guns and their place in society…….all of those were earned before the the 1980’s takeover of the NRA by the Gun Lobbies and Gun sellers.


an hour ago

Murph – That was very smart! It was a shot across their bow and being cowards ultimately, they learned you’re not a safe target for them. Bullies need shots across the bow if not a bloody nose, they are scared by people who are confident and fight back.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad….I have seen many slices of this man’s political life and philosophy today…..frightening….every more so….how the so-called “reasonable, governing causes” in the GOP collapsed……


an hour ago

Murph it’s clear you have an understanding of fire arms that those who asked do not.


an hour ago

Murph – I’ve shot a handgun though many years ago and I’m not trained (aside from the shooting gallery at Disneyland that I loved to go to as a kid). I don’t have an issue with anyone owning a gun, I draw the line at those who buy weapons of war, many guns, or carry them brazenly in public.

AdLiban hour ago

ad….and the fact that I am a “liberal, egg head, whose soul is lost” makes what I know and what I will do that much more frightening.


an hour ago

Tw and Ad….thanks for your assessment of my efforts.


an hour ago

Murph you a Liberal Egg Head!! Who would have Thunk!!


an hour ago

I see where Repugs are now starting move forward in an effort to get Santos through out.


an hour ago

Murph – I’ve seen some of the intentionally hysterical comments and articles about MAGA Mike but I see him as Impotent Johnson. He isn’t a Boogie Man, he doesn’t have great power, he will be beaten up as Speaker as McCarthy was though in a different way (the 18 or so Repubs from Biden districts are not going to end their political careers by blindly following him). Dems control 2/3 of the decision making entities in government. House MAGAs may be excited about having this extremist theocrat as Speaker but Dems in The Senate and Biden are not going to roll over for this nut and his fellow MAGA loons. MAGA Mike is ast his highest point right now, there’s nowhere for him to go but down…along with the GOP.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – So true! The real irony is that because they know you’re smarter, better educated, and confident, they are more scared of you.

AdLiban hour ago

When I was in 7th grade, a new kid came to my school. He was small for his age, and quite reserved. There were two guys in my class who loved to torment new kids. The third day of school they cornered him on the playground and began to harass him….reaching for his books and grabbing is shirt to pull him close threatening the whole time.. He dropped his books and kicked one kid VERY HARD in the balls…twice, pivoted and Brough the butt of his hand up under the chin of the other kid and then punched him in the solar plexus……he then pushed by them saying nothing. He got called into our principal who apparently compared him to his older and much larger assailants and suggested to the two bullies that the whole episode was a “big hit” on their rep. Nothing more came of it.


an hour ago

Ad but that won’t stop him from trying to mess up the stew.


an hour ago

TW….the GOP wants Santos out because his being in puts that seat at even greater risk.


an hour ago

TW – Any thoughts on why Repubs are moving quickly now to get rid of Santos? Looks like it’s his fellow NY Repubs behind this, I’m guessing they know the ads are coming that group them in with Santos as “birds of a feather”. But too late, it’s going to happen anyway.

AdLiban hour ago

TW….yes I am a liberal and I am an egg head….and I am also “packing”!


an hour ago

Murph – That’s a movie-like story. Very cool!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph people like that always underestimate people who are smaller than them.


an hour ago

Ad excellent description of the likely road that Mega Mike will walk….and….the one vote and you’re out mire remains ever at the ready to unseat him….how dan there be anything approaching real leadership in such an environment.


an hour ago

TW – Maybe but Johnson is so ignorant about being Speaker and leading a fractured and insane party, he and any other Repub is destined for failure but especially someone like him who knows nothing about how being Speaker operates.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad I’m not sure. My best guess is what you’re alluding to. Because their not doing it because they have found religion and want to do the right thing.


an hour ago

Ad MagaMike has never held a real leadership position….and, worse, without experience he does not how the system in the House actually works (very complex)


an hour ago

Ad maybe they think if they are the ones doing it they can save their butts.


an hour ago

Murph – I wouldn’t be surprised if Repubs pass a rule change to expand the number of people required to remove the Speaker. Even so, you can put a new driver in a truck with no brakes and no steering and its still going to plunge off the cliff.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph that is correct it’s not a job for someone to learn as they go.


an hour ago

Ad I was wondering if the repugs would make that change.


an hour ago

Back to the kid on the playground. I was a Navy Brat and went to schools full of them. This kid’s dad was also a “runt”…his description…..and he had taught h is son that runs who fights effectively are poison to bullies because there is little glory in taking out a little credit, BUT when that kids take one of them out……they lose face in a major way…..he is too risky for them to take on.


an hour ago

Murph – I assume that McCarthy and Scalise will be Shadow Speakers for Maga Mike and help do what they can to make the House operate but as I just mentioned, it is a dysfunctional and deranged party that controls The House, insanity will continue to reign and I could imagine the only way he doesn’t allow the government to shut down is to keep passing CRs through next year because passing a budget that isn’t insane and that could pass The Senate and Biden’s signature, looks very unlikely.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph sounds like his dad taught him how to handle himself and from what you said he did a damn good job at it.


an hour ago

I just heard a report that police in Maine are relieved with the death of the shooter……there were many indications that there would be vigilant hunters in the fields in the next few days ….. with results that could have compounded the tragedy


an hour ago

TW – Maybe so but just their vote to put such a theodratic fascist in the seat of Speaker tars all those Biden-district Repubs with a damning brush. Even if they kick out Santos, the stench of Maga Mike will follow them through 2024.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph yes the folks in Maine are relieved


an hour ago

Ad..another sharpy stated and likely scenario. We know that the crazy coalition will not hesitate to turn on Johnson-Scalise-McCarthy mind meld at the drop of a Maga Hat.


an hour ago

TW….that kids dad was a quartermaster….supply chief…..someone taught him and he passed it on.


an hour ago

Murph – That kid had a wise dad. Especially kids that are smaller and if they’re military kids or move around and have to be “the new kid”, knowing how to defend yourself from bullies can be critical.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad have to say I was a bit surprised it was a unanimous vote for MM. From my pov it smells of despair and desperation on the part of the Repugs


an hour ago

Murph – You’re right, it could’ve gotten pretty terrible with lunatics wandering around, ready to shoot whoever they thought was the killer, even each other or innocent people. A releif it’s over and the killer is no longer a threat.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…that unanimous vote will deprive those from left leaning districts of cover….they will regret it.


an hour ago

Murph I believe they will. Anyone taking odds on whether or not Trump spends a few nights in a jail cell.


an hour ago

Ad….the state authorities had already announced that hunting was going to blocked in several areas with the expected response of hunters anxious to do what the police were not….or so they said.


an hour ago

Murph – I think that Repubs in the House are scared now of what would happen if they turned on Maga Mike so if he makes deals they hate or doesn’t make deals and demands theocratic/fascist items in must-pass bills that causes a government shutdown that Repubs are blamed for, I think Repubs will be afraid to turn on him and somehow blame Dems, Biden, space lasers, etc., so they don’t have to blame Maga Mike and admit what idiots they were for selecting him.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…..trump might try to get slammed into the slammer to urge on and fire up the faithful….but he would hate it….and I suspect that would be. his last time acting out in a way that incenses judges.


an hour ago

TW – Yes, I think most House Repubs were disgusted and exhausted and just wanted the Speaker fight to be over. No one seemed enthusiastic about MM other than the most extreme MAGAs. They all voted for him because he was unknown and they could just end the agony. But they will pay a high price for choosing this nutjob in the end.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph I considered that, but pushed away from it, because I don’t believe he could handle being in a cage.


an hour ago

Murph – I saw that about hunting being suspended but I hadn’t read up that some of those would be hunting as vigilantes for the killer. It makes perfect sense AND it prevented police from seeing an armed man walking around with a weapon and having to worry that its the killer.

AdLiban hour ago

Let me suggest that there are a number of GOP who have no desire to govern and they will not be at all unhappy if they lose the House because when one is in the minority there are lowered expectations and you get to be rabid….look a Jordan a career spanning multiple elections and not a single bill w its his name on it. The punches harder and better from the minority corner.


an hour ago

Ad, the extreme Magas who put him place, I believe will hold the vote to vacate over his head as a threat. What do you think?


an hour ago

TW…..you may well be correct….at heart the Orange Man is a squish.


an hour ago

Murph it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to see him in a 6×6 cell with a roomie.


an hour ago

I don’t think Trump really expects to go to jail or prison, he’s wormed his way out of consequences his whole life, I think he just believes there will be some way he can escape it, even if he fantasizes of a MAGA army standing in front of the prison with weapons pointed at the cops. But it’s not going to be the way his twisted delusions are, he must go to prison in the GA case if convicted on the RICO charge and he must sevre at least 5 years. Willis knows that he must go to prison or the next Repub in the WH will just overthrow our democracy, not fearing any repurcussions from trying.

AdLiban hour ago

TW……agreed…..he would make a fine inmate.


an hour ago

Ad….Trump’s delusion of power will, as you say, lead him down the long and winding road and into the muck


44 minutes ago

Ad this current cartel of Repugs want to overthrow the government.


44 minutes ago

Murph – I think Repubs are generally deranged. I think they do want to be in power so that they can do all of the propaganda BS of trying to impeach the Dem president, run investigations of their political enemies and help their rich owners get more tax breaks. What they don’t want to do is represent or serve the people. It’s all about games to exercise and increase their power and wealth. That’s all they have anymore.

AdLib44 minutes ago

All, it will be interesting to see what Ivanka will say since she has to testify in November.


43 minutes ago

Ad…..there are zealots who match your description…..but there are the ultra pragmatists who read the reality correctly….when we do not have power we can say and do whatever we want attacking the majority, the Dems, and we will be lauded at parades thrown in our honor.


42 minutes ago

I want to see all of the Trumps in the facility business on the stand.


41 minutes ago

TW – Actually, I think even the extremist MAGAs saw that their power play backfired and hurt them and the GOP. I don’t think any of them will hold the vote to vacate over MM because they know they would be piled on worse than ever by the rest of the Repubs in The House. I think MM will be untouched…as he fails again and again to pass necessary bills and portray Repubs as responsible stewards of the power in The House. He looks stamped with ultimate failure. No way to win anything.

AdLib41 minutes ago

Faculty equals White House and the family.


41 minutes ago

Not faculty…facility……grrrrr…finding fighting me tonight.


40 minutes ago

Ad interesting analysis


39 minutes ago

Murph – I don’t know, once you give ignorant and vile people a taste of power, they usually don’t want to settle for being powerless. MTG loved being able to push McCarthy around. Will she enjoy being kicked off committees again? I don’t think so.

AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad isn’t there a motion to censure her on the floor?


38 minutes ago

Ad….I think on first blush you are correct…but when accountability starts to limit your support, movement and future potential AND have to work hard….minority status is a grand shield.


37 minutes ago

I wouldn’t expect Ivanka or the other Trumps to say much though Eric will have to. I can see the 5th getting quite a workout and amnesia being rampant, so many, “I don’t recall” responses will be delivered by all the Trumps IMO. That’s what criminals do on the stand, they don’t provide details because they know the details will prove the crimes they committed.

AdLib37 minutes ago

TW – Yes, a Dem put a motion to censure MTG on the floor but they won’t even get rid of Santos, can’t imagine Repubs would vote to censure MTG.

AdLib36 minutes ago

Ad I cannot disagree with you on the 5th and don’t recall, but I’m thinking they will slip up just enough to nail their father.


35 minutes ago

Ad I believe the Repubs are working on getting rid of Santos they’ve had enough of him. I agree the motion will not pass since the Repugs have the majority


34 minutes ago

Murph – I see it differently in this case. What accountability has there been for any of the Repubs doing outrageous and unconstitutional things? Having an impeachment inquiry against Biden with not one piece of evidence of a crime? “Weaponizing government”? Defunding the DoJ? Obstructing justice in GA? I don’t see it.

AdLib34 minutes ago

TW – I think they need 2/3 of The House to vote for removal so don’t know they can succeed.

AdLib32 minutes ago

Ad….we shall see……it is easier I think to operate in this way from the minority/persecuted position since you can gin up the outrage even further and appeal to YOUR people without having to really do anything.


31 minutes ago

What do you both think about this guy Phillips running against Uncle Joe?


30 minutes ago

I think what most will think….Dean Who?


29 minutes ago

Murph that’s one way to put it.


28 minutes ago

According to FiveThirtyEight’s congressional vote tracker at ABC News, Phillips voted with President Joe Biden’s stated public policy positions 100% of the time,[21] making him more liberal than average in the 117th Congress when predictive scoring (district partisanship and voting record) is used.[22] During the start of his first term in 2019, the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University placed him 27th out of 435 members in terms of bipartisanship.[23]


28 minutes ago

Murph – I don’t see it the way you do, they can blather and get their Fox hits as members of the majority AND have power, nothing stopping them.

AdLib28 minutes ago

Phillips is just another bored, narcissist, millionaire who “knows” how great he is and is confident everyone else will be helpless to see it too. Instead, a smart Dem would primary him.

AdLib26 minutes ago

But they make a lot more money and gin up their bases and that is what they in the game to do…..Fox loves it when they can appear as the mistreated majority….rather than the infective do little incompetents.


26 minutes ago

Murph – Interesting info on Phillips, thanks for that!

AdLib26 minutes ago

All that Phillips can say is that he is younger…..no differences from Biden…


25 minutes ago

Murph – I don’t understand your point. How are they not making more money now and ginning up their bases now? I see it now all the time. What are you referring to, when you assert they’re less able to excite the base and fundraise now, when they’re in power?

AdLib24 minutes ago

They will excite the base by promoting what the base believes,…..from a platform of the persecuted (and cheated out of office) minority.


22 minutes ago

Murph it seems that is his only reason for announcing he is running. Because he is younger. Stupid reason if you ask me.


22 minutes ago

TW…a few minutes of fame, phony fame.


22 minutes ago

Murph agree.


21 minutes ago

I am pretty annoyed by most Americans who are in the midst of an amzing economy under Biden but rate him underwater and say in polls that Repubs would be better on the economy. It’s kind of insane. I don’t believe in polls much anymore but this seems to be the result in most polls.

AdLib21 minutes ago

I don’t see it. No evidence of that.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Ad…when you live in a fact free zone, as most Americans on all sides are…findings like this re. the economy do not surprise me.


20 minutes ago

Ad I have to say I agree with you regarding the lack of understanding folks have around how good the economy is at the moment, and their antagonism toward Biden because of his age.


18 minutes ago

Murph – But something as immediate as people’s own financial situation, which for most is employment, better income than before and job security. Yet they think the economy is bad? Americans have such short memories, they can’t even remember what it was like 2 1/2 years ago when the economy was crashed and unemployment was at a record high. Crazy!

AdLib17 minutes ago

Given how incompetent so many of these crazies are, how unproductive, how ineffective…..their energetic bases remain in place……if they can stand in that position from a place where results are not possible (we are in the minority). they can be do nothings if they operate as those who should be in power but are not. I cannot tell how many ways the GOP in this state play the underdog ….they love having a Dem president and a Dem Senate……LOOK at those Libtards and their anti-americanism


16 minutes ago

We have a record job growth, funding for infrastructure after decades of hollow promises, manufacturing coming back to the US, student loan debt diminished, on and on. Yet they want Repubs to come in and kill all of that so the 1% can get tax cuts?

AdLib14 minutes ago

Ad…..the stupid, uniformed, uninterested, entitled, and angry (I did not get MINE) voter gave us Trump and not Clinton……


14 minutes ago

Murph so they love playing the underdog while enjoying all the benefits they are getting.


14 minutes ago

And so SS and Medicare can be cut and the ages raised to get it? What kind of ignorance resides in most people’s heads?

AdLib14 minutes ago

TW….oh yes…..


13 minutes ago

AD,,,there is such a depth to stupid in America……


13 minutes ago

Murph – Still not buying that proposition. Repubs can be in power in The House and still blame Dems and “The Deep State” for their extremist bills not passing in The Senate or the WH.

AdLib12 minutes ago

Ad these fools will not be happy until they are under total dystopian rule and then they will complain the pain is strong engough.


11 minutes ago

Ad,,,of course the GOP can do as you suggest but I think it is easier for them when they can stand up for “the day when we get into power” while hoping for the opposite….Guys….gotta go….but this has been grant.


11 minutes ago

Take care.


11 minutes ago

I mean, how much dumber can you be to be swimming in a clear, warm pool and complain that you’d rather have the pool run by the guys who drained it the last time they were in power?

AdLib11 minutes ago

Seeya Murph! Have a great weekend!

AdLib10 minutes ago

Ad there are levels of degrees of stupidity.


10 minutes ago

ad….if only the experience you describe could be easily understood and applied to the general voter…..it is too big a leap for most.


10 minutes ago

Hopefully CL will add to the crowd next time?

AdLib10 minutes ago

Ad will CL be back next week?


9 minutes ago

I miss CL…but you goods are pretty terrific too….


9 minutes ago

Murph – It is hard for a reasonable person to understand how an unreasonable person thinks.

AdLib9 minutes ago

So I just can’t understand the ignorant Americans out there who complain when things get better and pne for when things were worse.

AdLib8 minutes ago

Ad the unreasonable person will just tell you the devil made me do it.


8 minutes ago

Ad….tell me about it….I swim in an ocean of the mind numb…….


8 minutes ago

Murph – I think you’re amazing for handling that the way you do.

AdLib8 minutes ago

TW – Heh!

AdLib8 minutes ago

That’s what MAGA Mike said about shootings!

AdLib8 minutes ago

Recall that these people undid a co-op that was benefiting even those who were. not members just because it was “liberal/commie”


7 minutes ago

Murph I recall and they thought they were hurting you.


7 minutes ago

Murph – That is the perfect example of the insanity. When people are so small minded that they sacrifice what’s best for them just to hurt people they don’t like.

AdLib7 minutes ago

One more thing…just came up on tv….apparently the young people at the bowling alley were led into the area where the pins are rest by one of their number while two adults engaged the shooter and died.


6 minutes ago

When harming your perceived enemies is more important than having a better life for yourself, you probably should be classified as clinically insane.

AdLib6 minutes ago

TW…yes, hurting me was the goal even as it hurt them a lot.


5 minutes ago

Murph – That is so sad and tragic but the bravery and self-sacrifice is incredible. Some people are amazing human beings, especially in the face of others who are monsters.

AdLib5 minutes ago

Murph and you survived and are still there. What do they have but their anger that they didn’t make you fall. That has to really piss them off.


4 minutes ago

The local farm agent people gave a report last week about harvest and sales….the graph shows that my area is losing ground and that the year this trend started was the first year of no co-op….but few in the group can draw or accept the conclusion.


4 minutes ago

TW – Agreed. The MAGAs who ended up shooting themselves in the foot will be unhappy, miserable people the rest of their life. Murph on the other hand has friends and self-respect.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Ad it’s tough to walk with no toes.


3 minutes ago

You know….the people here remain generally good people and I get along with them…..they do not know what they do…..what it means……and what it portends…..that kind of thinking is beyond them


2 minutes ago

Murph – I wouldn’t expect those people to add up the fingers on their hands correctly, let alone understand that their losses are clearly connected to their destruction of the co-op.

AdLib2 minutes ago

Murph something tells me they can see the results of their handiwork but just don’t want to admit they caused their own demise.


2 minutes ago

TW – I kind of think they shoot themselves in the feet so they have less toes to count.

AdLib2 minutes ago

TW…that could well be true…


a minute ago

Ad….hysterical…..less toes to count.


a minute ago

OK…now I really do have to go….more ounce work tomorrow.


a minute ago

Murph – I’m glad most are good people but ignorance is toxic and poisons people’s lives, even if they are well-intentioned.

AdLiba few seconds ago

I can see them now one little repug, two little repug


a few seconds ago

TW –

AdLiba few seconds ago

I have to bounce as well need to get back to some writing.


in a few seconds

Ad….I agree……makes me sad….one family in particular that were early co-op members lost their farm last year…..need not. have been but they cannot face up to what undermined them.


in a few seconds

“One little Repuggy, two little Repuggies…guess that’s it!”

AdLibin a few seconds

Enjoy the weekend everyone.


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This little piggy is going to bed.


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Goddnight to all little piggies!

AdLibin a few seconds

Goodnight I mean!

AdLibin a few seconds

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