Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey Murph! Still on a high from the DNC this week?

AdLib2 hours ago

I am….and today’s conversations and meetings just reinforced those feelings.


2 hours ago

Very nice to hear! As was the orange painted convicted criminal and rapist teaming up with the molesting, ex-heroin addict, adulturous conspiracy theorist.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Ad


2 hours ago

I think the deal RFK Jr. made with Trump in exchange for endorsing and campaigning for him is to be Secretary of Roadkill.

AdLib2 hours ago

Don and Rob….a match made in hell.


2 hours ago

Did you see the statement made by the members of the Kennedy Clan in re. to Bobby. Understanding but pointed.


2 hours ago

I been spending the last few hours trying to figure out why my word won’t work and the conclusion I’m coming to isn’t one I like.


2 hours ago

So Trump thinks people will stop calling him “weirdo” now that he’s brought a bigger weirdo on board his campaign.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW…Word, as in the program?


2 hours ago

Trump will never ever loose the title of weirdo


2 hours ago

TW – What do you mean your word won’t work?

AdLib2 hours ago

The Weirdo Wonders


2 hours ago

Yes Word as in Microsoft Word


2 hours ago

TW…Y I K E S !!!!!


2 hours ago

I saw a reporter tweet that he had asked RFK Jr. what he thought about endorsing Trump who has claimed Climate Change is a fraud and he said, “I won’t talk about Trump.” He’s betrayed every single supporter who chose him for environmental issues. Everything Trump touches dies.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well I will have to make a call to see if I can talk with someone. But for think there is simple explaination.


2 hours ago

TW – Have you tried restarting your computer? Have you updated Word or can you re-install it?

AdLib2 hours ago



2 hours ago

CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!


2 hours ago

MURPH, AD, TW – Woot, woot!


2 hours ago

Choice, my dear, what did YOU think of the DNC convention.


2 hours ago

Murph – how are things going now that Twitter has shown Lucas emasculating Hawley the would be bully.


2 hours ago

NothNothing like that. I think it is a break out of Godaddy and Microsoft on on the office product side I just need to get some clarity


2 hours ago

Trump is so terribly desperate! Stephen Miller posted that this is a historic moment, to have RFK Jr. endorse Trump. If it was, he wouldn’t have to explain that in a post. And secondly, RFK Jr. said he consulted with his donors who encouraged him to drop out and endorse Trump. His major donors are also Trump’s donors! It’s a bad joke that won’t help Trump on iota.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

CL is in the house.


2 hours ago

The convention? As one who has been aware since (mumble) years ago, it was FREAKING AWESOME!!!


2 hours ago

CL…there is still a 7 to 9 point advantage for Hawley…..


2 hours ago

Murph – I do not believe it. Oh, he may win, cuz – MO. But I do think Hawley will lose ground. He’s a wimp.


2 hours ago

CL – I have NEVER seen such a brilliantly produced convention. It was the best I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Ad and TW – how are you guys tonight!


2 hours ago

CL – Doing pretty well, coming off that amazing week. And I and dining out each day on Trump’s obvious desperation.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – what freaking amazes me is the way they turned that around in a month. It just rocked, and I am pretty sure it didn’t before Biden pulled out. Even HILLARY’s didn’t do this.


2 hours ago

CL I’m doing fine. Watch the cov last night and Harris was on fire Trump was totally unglued


2 hours ago

Trump is in the burbling in his bib phase.


2 hours ago

CL…..Kunce will win where he should, and he willl make inroads where it was unlikely that he would but this state is neck deep in stubborn ignorance and anger. Powerful forces. Trump is losing ground int he sense that there is not a Trump turnout taking place Ala flags, and mini rallies but that does not mean a movement into Dem arms.


2 hours ago

Hey Murph didn’t see you sign in. Good to here Kunce is picking up steam


2 hours ago

CL – I think the energy and movement behind Kamala is that for once, at the depth of our despair that Trump was likely to win, we we’re rescued as if by a superhero who swooped in and saved the country. That dynamic flip, from fear to salvation, is something that I don’t think we’ll ever see again in US politics.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – I get that. I think I’ve said that my grandfather was from Albany, Gentry County. Farm boy who became an English prof. My grandmother was from abolitionist and feminist roots. Early on, my grandmother learned to despise him – and in the 40s he was an America Firster. She left him.


2 hours ago

Ad – could NOT agree more!


2 hours ago

The Trump flags are few and generally tattered. The rallies are lost.dreams. The door to door is just not happening.


2 hours ago

MO does not seem to breed forward looking people.


2 hours ago

Murph – While it is an uphill battle for Kunce, the energized voters for Kamala and Dems combined with the dejected MAGAs who see Trump’s defeat the likely outcome, could squeak him by.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL…no doubt you come from great stock and you have enriched that stock yourself in so many ways. You fit it.


2 hours ago

I'[m thinking in MO the MAGA disheartened might not vote, and Kunce just then might win.


2 hours ago

Murph – well, I remember my grandfather vividly. He died when I was 3 but I have memories of him. I liked him. Now I don’t. But I love the memory of him. I am totally from my mother’s maternal side. No question.


2 hours ago

Ad….I think that Kunce will come within a few percentage points but getting past the diehards who are desperately holding onto “”their” patrimony is going to be very difficult.


2 hours ago

Choice…so interesting….


2 hours ago

Murph – And add to all of the above, Harris had field offices and half a billion of cash on hand to spend right now, Trump has siphoned the campaign miney into his own pockets, to pay all of his lawyers and to buy other lawyers to try and overthrow his upcoming loss. He seems not to care about GOTV since his plan is to overthrow the election by having MAGA election board workers refuse to certify Kamala’s win.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well, Murph perhaps the Trumper are rethinking everything. It would seem they would realize they’ve got nothing but empty words from Trump.


2 hours ago

Murph – no doubt that’s true. Well, giving all you have is all one can ask. I think YOU need to listen to “American Anthem” by Norah Jones, theme for “The War” by Ken Burns. The words totally apply to you. It’s what Biden recited at his farewell – it applies to him, to many of us. I gave my best to you.


2 hours ago

Enlightenment and Trumpers…..no really a likely match…but hope springs eternal.


2 hours ago

Murph – I take your expert advice on MO to heart but in general, I think anyone who thinks they know how big Kamala’s and Dems’ victory will be this Nov will be surprised.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – we already had one miracle. Is another out of order? You never know.


2 hours ago

Chioice…two very good suggestions….a bit of inspiration that I can spread around.


2 hours ago

Ad saw an article in eihe the Times or Post about how all the campaign isn’t going for campaign things.


2 hours ago

TW….could you expand that last comment


2 hours ago

Ad just to clarify I’m talking about Trump campaign money


2 hours ago

When our lives close, what else can we say than we did our best? If Trump wins, I’m moving to Toronto. Found places I can afford. I’m not going to prison for being a good person. But I do NOT think he will win. I think he has shot his wad, and people are seeing how vile his viewpoint is.


2 hours ago

I am hearing multiple stories, unlike in 2016 and 2020, of many ex-Repub and ex-MAGAs being exhausted and tired of Trump and voting instead for Kamala. Perhaps a chunk of Repubs realize that if they help to defeat Trump, his iron grip on their party could be broken and they can rehabilitate it.

AdLib2 hours ago

We had the miracle of the shooting star that is Kamala and Walz so why not the shooting star of Lucas?


2 hours ago

TW – What was that article saying?

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad…..I understand your take on momentum….it is there but I think Missourians will dig in their heels on this esp. since it seems likely that the referendum on abortion is not going the Republican w ay.


2 hours ago

Ad – I think the traditional GOP want their party back, and the ONLY way to do that is w Kamala.


2 hours ago

TW – Got it!

AdLib2 hours ago

TW and Ad – with Lara Trump in charge of money, no, it’s going to Trump’s businesses, lawyers, etc. not to the campaign.


2 hours ago

Murph – MO more than most states, is indeed stubborn.


2 hours ago

Ad mostly stuff we know, Trump taking in lots of money but lining his pockets paying his lawyers and as you said nothing going toward the campaign.


2 hours ago

I spent a good part of my young life in the U.S. South where the Republicans were the party of reform…..with roots in Reconstruction and a sense of high minded noblesse oblige.


2 hours ago

CL – Kamala continues building a bigger lead over Trump so I agree, she will beat him. Saw the first poll today showing her ahead of him nationally by 7 points. The momentum isn’t stopping. And I will ask you this since I’ve asked Murph and Tim. I can’t imagine anything Trump can say or do to reverse the dynamics of this Kamala favored race, can you?

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – I understand the GOP as the reform party. No more.


2 hours ago

CL that correct. Nothing going down stream it seems. As we’ve all discussed there are no offices really open for Trump


2 hours ago

Ad…7 points…what poll?


2 hours ago

In fact, I think Trump is more like to say and do things that further erode his base.


2 hours ago

Ad – I cannot think of a thing the Yam Man can say against her. He’s called her a commie. Other say she is promiscuous. That’s out there and done, and nobody cares, and there’s NOTHING left.


2 hours ago

Ad when you sent me the note about Kamala’s lead I could only wonder if it will get larger.


2 hours ago

Murph – If the abortion proposition is gaining favor, would the same people voting for it vote against Kunce so a Repub Senate could pass a national abortion ban?

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – Trump is the master of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


2 hours ago

Murph –

AdLib2 hours ago

CL they are going to through every thing they can at her because they are loooooosing badly and have no plan to turn thins around.


2 hours ago

I saw a couple that had her OVER 50%. Those matter even more. We shall see.


2 hours ago

Ad….your take on the impact of the prop on the race is valid. The trick here is that there’s a long history of the props, and resolutions swimming in their own stream. But it may different this time.


2 hours ago

There is nothing to say about her. The slime isn’t sticking.’


2 hours ago

NEW national poll (By Fairleigh Dickinson University) Harris 50% Trump 43%

AdLib2 hours ago

When the YAm Man resorts to saying he’s better looking than Kamala, it’s over.


2 hours ago

Ad well it Trump is reading those polls I feel bad for coke cans and bottles.


2 hours ago

I told Ad and TW about the Watch Party at my farm house yesterday evening. 20 or so. They were mostly old co-op people but there was smattering of those who might well be on the fence. Last night, it was clear there was no one on the fence at the end of the night.


2 hours ago

TW – we all went wrong not buying ketchup stock. Apparently the ketchup flinging is at peak these days in MAL.


2 hours ago

Murph – Agreed, as a desperate Trump panics about not being able to stop his federal trials and going to prison, his already growing and apparent panic will “mushroom”.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL I have never in my life ever heard a man say that about himself that idiot is totally desperate.


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

TW – who says he’s prettier than a lovely woman? I mean – WHO DOES THAT???


2 hours ago

Geoff Duncan (former GOP Lt. Gov of Ga) hit him with several of those fence sitters…..”If you vote for Harris you are not a Democrat. You are a Patriot.”


an hour ago

CL a very very very very very desperate man who is vain beyond belief and has the mind of a ten year old


an hour ago

Murph – Duncan did the perfect framing. PERFECT!


an hour ago

TW – you are kind to think he’s above toddler age.


an hour ago

Murph that was a great line.


an hour ago

Duncan and his family have been the targets of a lot of hate.


an hour ago

Did you all see the GOP VP Nominee….smoozing the help at donut shop….fish out of water.


an hour ago

CL Kind to Trump is not in my forte I just have too much respect for everyone her to cuss like a drunken sailor.


an hour ago

Here’s why I believe there is nothing Trump can say or do anything that changes the dynamics of Kamala leading and growing her lead. First, this is a movement and while Kamala is the candidate, it’s not centrally about her. So attacks on her are irrelevant to blunting the momentum of the movement that sees the light at the end of the tunnel for the final days of Trump and MAGA. Secondly, no matter what attacks Trump makes on her, liking her less isn’t going to make a Kamala voter say, “Oh, I might as well vote for the treasonous, convicted criminal, racist, rapist, Russia stooge instead. There’s nothing he can do and my prediction is that as her lead builds, it will snowball as people see her the inevitable winner and want to vote for the winning team.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – not that he and I are besties, but Kinzinger represents the town my family founded as an abolitionist strong hold in 1836. We have talked. I admire him even if I know I don’t agree w him.


an hour ago

While I am continuing to work with the Kunce campaign, I am also working the GOTV effort….they go hand in hand.


an hour ago

Murph – that’s perfect.


an hour ago

Ad….I will share your vision with my colleagues.


an hour ago

CL:. I think those 12 GOPers were heroic…..servicing the nation and the party they long to see reemerging.


an hour ago

FWIW, CNN had a focus group of 8 undecided voters last night (one has been revealed today to be a Trump voter who lied about being undecided) and 7 of the 9 came off the fence to support Kamala. There’s also another principle with undecided voters, a majority will typically vote for the “new” candidate, not the “incumbant” because they already have cemented opinions of him and either like or don’t like him. So in general, Kamala would win the majority of undecideds but after this DNC and if Trump doesn’t chicken out of the debate and she nails him as I know she will, she will get a bigger amjority of undecideds and I think win bigger than biden did.

AdLiban hour ago

I had a beer earlier this evening at the watering hole I frequent….a mixed crowd…..one of the men there decided to go off on Tim’s son…….he just did not get it……his son Gus was a tribute to Tim and his wife and a sign of what the Dems stand for. He got shouted down.


an hour ago

All – my observation is that if we all do what we can wherever we are, it will matter. I have joined forces w the Black Caucus of CA Dems and an independent Black woman w whom I do letter writing. Do whatever you can, however you can, for however long you can. It all matters.


an hour ago

Murph – That line of Duncan’s was one of my favorites.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…you are sharp, very sharp…….


an hour ago

Murph – that is freaking GREAT that the people, not just YOU, shouted the guy down!!! That means SOMETHING HAS CHANGED in MO. The crack in the RW firmament.


an hour ago

The one thing I would like to add to all this, is I do hope the dems keep their feet on the peddle and not let up thinking they have this in the bag. They have to run through the tape and keep the pressure on Trump. Keep pushing to make even bigger mistakes that the press will have to report on and unable to give him any kind of pass they have been doing. They need to expose his rantings and ravings and dirty tricks for what they are and what he and his followers will do if the ever get back in the white house.


an hour ago

CL….my hat is off to youi.


an hour ago

Murph – So true though I think Vance would be a fish out of water even in a lake wearing a fish costume. He makes DeSantis look like Obama.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…and I will share your commentary on “hope the dems keep their feet on the peddle and not let up thinking they have this in the bag”….very good advice and a guide to action.


an hour ago

Thanks Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad DeSantis has his own home grown problems. I don’t think he has time to get involve with Trump, doesn’t mean he won’t but I don’t believe he sees any up side to it. But we’ll see.


an hour ago

All – the one thing about the convention is the unity of Boomer to Xers, sharing the WHOLE thing without poo poo disapproval (thank God my mother is dead) so that people can come together and enjoy HOPE. NOBODY is going to give up. Pedal to the metal now on.


an hour ago

Ad – Vance can’t even order freaking DONUTS without looking like a boob.


an hour ago

Got kicked off but found my way home.


an hour ago

TW – Which means that Kamala has a shot at winning FL! Consider that most of DeSantis’ endorsed candidates for scholl board were defeated. And earlier in the year, a Dem won for mayor of Jacksonville, a Repub city. FL is a possibility, NC is likely, Kamala is looking at the possibility of winning more electors than Biden.

AdLiban hour ago

CL anyone who is anyone knows you order a dozen glazed donuts and a dozen donuts with sprinkles Vance is such a DS.


an hour ago

Question – if JD is so bad at ordinary things, where did he REALLY grow up? Is he secretly affluent and privileged but pretending to have hillbilly roots???’


an hour ago

I heard from two friends here in the state Dem organization who actually got to go to Chicago…..walking on clouds, overwhelmed and elated. One told me that she went there looking for evidence that the Dems had not lost their way…..”I am from the show me stay, and BOY did they show me.”


an hour ago

TW – you got the donut order right.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, the unity and joy demonstrated at the DNC is the Most American sensibility! It attracts voters of all kinds who want to enter a party house instead of a house of horrors (and weirdos).

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – that’s my Chicago. That’s my ages old Dems finally raising their heads and fists to fascism!


an hour ago

TW….a “DS”…….dear soul?


an hour ago

TW – The only donuts Vance ordered were the ones with nuts.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I like the ones w nuts, but it’s NOT what you order for others.’


an hour ago

You MIGHT order a couple jelly filled, but the default is always glazed and sprinkles.


an hour ago

CL there was this donut & coffee shop in Syracuse I used to go to after class had the best glazed donuts. I get a 1/2 dozen they be gone before I got home.


an hour ago



an hour ago

New button that is making the rounds here…..”Go Joy! Go Kamala!” with confetti in the background.


an hour ago

TW – I totally agree about the donuts.


an hour ago

Murph – that’s wonderful!


an hour ago

TW….I knew you were a donut guy as am I.


an hour ago

CL – I was joking. Vance actually ordered bananas.

AdLiban hour ago

As one now totally WHEAT intolerant, I’ve not had a donut in 22 years. But I retain “donut etiquette’.


an hour ago

Murph yes I am but can’t do what I did back then now. All I can do is look at a donut and wave at it.


an hour ago

Ad – well that makes sense.


an hour ago

TW – same here.


an hour ago

Murph – Obama had a great thene with “Hope” but this one of “A Return to Hope and Joy” is even better.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…what a picture that makes….waving at the donut…


an hour ago

Murph – we had a Krispy Kreme go in. I’ve never even been inside. Sigh.


an hour ago

CL – I hear there are gluten-free donuts.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph with tears streaming down my cheek.


an hour ago

Ad – sure there are. Better you should eat the box.


an hour ago

I had a nasty encounter at the grocery story with one of the few rabid Trumpets that I can still identify. He came at me but was blocked by several others including an elderly woman who went nose to nose with him. Her words….”We have enough of you thugs and bullies.”


an hour ago

Ad that’s not a donut that is how one keeps on the right side of the boss in the house.


an hour ago

So Trump’s sentencing in the NY criminal trial is in 3 weeks. That’s gonna sting!

AdLiban hour ago

TW – agreed!


an hour ago

CL – My wife is crazy about gluten-free everything. So I get to eat all the things with gluten in the house.

AdLiban hour ago

Did you hear Trump is holding a celebration of J6 ‘victims’? If any of them turn up at MAL, they ALL freaking risk arrest for consorting w known felons. It’s part of his bail. It’s part of their parole. I am LOVING the possibilities.


an hour ago

Ad the Gluten Gobbler


an hour ago

Ad – a noble sacrifice to eat the gluten laden stuff.


an hour ago

Murph – He just came at you for no reason other than knowing you were not supporting Trump? And had your own teeth?

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – LOL!!!


an hour ago

CL….I had not thought of any of those possibilities…..breaking the terms of their freedom means loss of freedom.


an hour ago

CL I knew Trump was stupid, But that is really stupid.


an hour ago

Murph – oh, he’s toast. He pissed of an old lady! Well, I am very glad they intervened with you!


an hour ago

Murph I like that Gluten Glober. That’s good.


an hour ago

Ad…..he and I have had words before….his favorite closing line is “Muppet Boy (i.e. Murph) you are GOING DOWN, WAY DOWN.” Yeah fundamentally irrational.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, heard about that and apparently, Trump hasn’t heard that anything he does to show his alignment with those who committed crimes on 1/6 will be evidence in the Smith/Chutkin case against him over 1/6. What a moron! He’s confessing to the most serious crime he’s charged with!!! I love it!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – bullies deprived of reality sink to the lowest levels. SO GLAD that your townspeople stopped him. That says something powerful about who YOU are to them,


an hour ago

Ad – the awful news about MAGA is they are vile and dangerous. The GOOD news is that they are all truly stupid.


an hour ago

Murph someone who believes in Trump a man who doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and this fool truly believes he defending Trump by calling you Muppet Boy. Well, the world is full of idiots like him.


an hour ago

TW – and anyway – EVERYONE LOVES MUPPETS. Not sure how that’s an insult.


an hour ago

CL….most think I am a bit of a kook…..leftie, liberal….but somehow the Trumpets are really starting to make them uneasy and even resentful.


an hour ago

Love Waldorf and Staler


an hour ago

TW and CL….Making Muppets Great Again


an hour ago

Murph – I’m a Californian and while I’ve spent a lot of time in the South, I see knuckle-draggers like that guy as alien to me, not from the same planet or society. Any people who act like that deserve the suffering they’re living through that they’re trying to project on others.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph that’s good.


an hour ago

Murph – It’s the same reason Walz resonates. You may be weird and a little out there, but they know in a pinch you’d drive ’em to the hospital and feed their stock. I am a ‘covered dish lady’. Same thing. I may be WAY too fond of homeless people, but you need me? I’m there.


an hour ago

Ad….good insight…deny their own suffering by being insufferable.


an hour ago

Murph – MMGA is the perfect antidote to MAGA.


an hour ago

Did you see where Trump said Walz wasn’t a coach because he wasn’t the head coach just the defensive coach.


an hour ago

TW – he actually WAS head coach at one point. They are so stupid.


an hour ago

CL….you are so far ahed of me in all of this……but I am happy to a part of the parade that you march in even if I am somewhere to the rear.


an hour ago

And he got them to the championship.


an hour ago

CL…I regard his stepping up to serve as faculty moderator for their “others” group of LGBetc students……


an hour ago

Oh, Murph – I don’t have to put up with Bubbas anymore. I have pro me, pro Kamala Bubbas in my backyard taking care of things. Kindness matters. You have done so much for so many, that at this point they may not be comfortable with you, but they OBVIOUSLY respect you and defend you.


an hour ago

Murph – that was huge. He got it and helped.


an hour ago

CL – And the other good news about MAGA bullies is that ultimately, they’r cowards. Murph shared with us that many of the ones he knows don’t even want to talk about the election, know that it looks like Trump will lose. And the 1/6 convictions have scared this cowards apparently from organizing and militia training, Murph mentioned. This is why it’s important to try and convict political criminals, it scares them off from trying again. Which is why Trump MUST be prosecuted and convicted of his crimes on 1/6. so no other Repub who becomes president even imagines trying to do such a thing. In fact, I think Trump will commit crimes trying to overturn the election this year, he’s already involved in a criminal conspiracy with MAGA election officials in swing states. And if any of the judges in the criminal cases against him get a whiff of him committing a new crime, parole is gone and Trump will be thrown in prison to wait for his appeals there.

AdLiban hour ago

Thanks CL


an hour ago

I just wish someone in FL would take out to the swamp lands and leave their and tell him to find his way home if he could. But I get the feeling even the gators wouldn’t eat him claiming even they have principles.


an hour ago

Murph – The Muppets Take Missouri.

AdLiban hour ago

OK all of us – Go to YouTube and pull up “American Anthem” by Norah Jones w the lyrics. THAT is what Biden referenced in his farewell, and that is the anthem for all of us. “I gave my best to you”. I told Greg is I die first, and he has a memorial, play that. It’s who we all are.’


an hour ago

TW – gators definitely wouldn’t eat him. He’s toxic.


an hour ago

If the debate does happen, after Trump insulted Walz as a coach, I’d love for him to be asked, “You had four children, did you ever coach any of their teams?”

AdLiban hour ago

Boy….you guys are NOVA HOT tonight….blazing a trail.


an hour ago

Ad every failed coup is a blueprint for others to try. But as said, convicting him of his crimes puts a big dent into those plans.


an hour ago

Ad…Orangatan Man could not coach the kids…..who would pay the greens fees?


an hour ago

Ad – To this day Trump believes he’s immune. SCOTUS didn’t say that. They judge what is and isn’t ‘official’. Running for office is personal. Doing illegal things to win isn’t official. He is SO stupid he doesn’t get it at all.


an hour ago

CL – I was really touched by Biden quoting American Anthem in his speech, the lyrics are profound, \powerful and emotional.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….indeed, dumber than a box of rocks and just as noisy.


an hour ago

I have been handing out copies of American Anthem to those in whose company I travel.


an hour ago

Muprh the rocks want to know why you’re comparing Trump to them.


an hour ago

Murph – Of course Trump never coached his kids though he did want to play touch football with Ivanka.

AdLiban hour ago

TW….no offense, guys…


an hour ago

BTW – just a sidebar. I’m lousy at pop culture and always have been. This campaign has made me fall in love with Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Pink. I feel so au courant!!!


an hour ago

CL….Au Courant!!!! Gettin Down and Getting Bizy!


an hour ago

And I adore Celine Dion’s cease and desist letter with “…and this song? Really?” as the tag line for her theme from The Titanic.


an hour ago

CL – The thing is, SCOTUS may have insanely said a president has immunity in all official acts but poor deluded Trump forgets, HE AIN’T PRESIDENT NOW. So every crime he commits this time around, he can and will be prosecuted for.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph the Rocks said okay but just watch it, they’re smarter that trump because the just lie there minding their own business it’s people like Trump who make them look bad.


an hour ago

Murph – not bad in my waning years, is it?


an hour ago

Ad – that is the little issue Trump ignores. You can’t have ‘official’ acts when you’re not an OFFICIAL.


an hour ago

TW……I did not know that you are a “rock whisperer”!


an hour ago

Murph – does this mean TW Rocks?


an hour ago

Murph a man of many unknown and some would rightly say useless talents.


an hour ago

CL…you know he does!


an hour ago

CL I lkie that.


an hour ago



an hour ago

TW – my wonderful father used to call himself “the master of little known facts of equally useless consequences.”


an hour ago

CL – Yes, I’ve been getting a big kick out of Trump and MAGA’s fear of pop culture stars supporting Kamala. They put out an attack on Beyonce yesterday when they thought she was going to be a surprise guest at the DNC by saying her husband is a drug dealer. And you saw Trump’s posting of a fake AI endorsement of him by Taylor Swift. So pathetic. When Taylor finally does come out to endorse Kamala, Trump and MAGAs heads will explode.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Taylor will eviscerate and emasculate that little shit for doing that.


an hour ago

Taylor is just filing her nails thinking up strategies.


an hour ago

BTW, who thinks Trump has a breakdown or health issue as Election Day approaches and he can’t deny that Kamala will beat him and he won’t be president to stop the criminal trials against him? Maybe he pulls a Harvey Weinstein and starts using a walker and oxygen tank to feign being to old to go to prison?

AdLiban hour ago

CL…that quote is from a British PM…Palmer I think….it was in reference to be called a “trivialize” in the House. His response: “You know that I am the master of little known facts and of equally useless consequences.”


an hour ago

CL – Same here, loved Celine’s tweet that spanked Trump!

AdLib44 minutes ago

Ad – I honestly don’t think he will portray himself as weak. But I will not be surprised if the “Lolita Express’ goes missing w him on it.’


44 minutes ago

TW definitely rocks! As do both of you!

AdLib43 minutes ago

Murph – I think it is entirely possible my father pinched the line, but it was amazingly true. He knew a ton of stuff, and to me and my brother it was all interesting.


43 minutes ago

Ad….I think that he will be a fake, fraud, phony right up to moment when he falls over the cliff into oblivion.


43 minutes ago

Ad, I’m with you on Trump having a big mental event.


43 minutes ago

CL….”pinched” NO. Adopted. Perfectly fine.


42 minutes ago

TW – the photo of him today was scary awful. He’s losing weight, and that usually means something serious.


42 minutes ago

Cool, Murph : adopted.


42 minutes ago

CL – Trump has already repeated that he would go to Venezuela if Kamala wins. I do think he’d try to flee but not to Venezuela. Hope one of the judges in the criminal cases have taken away his passport. He is a convicted criminal facing a prison sentence.

AdLib41 minutes ago

CL…losing weight…..hmmmm, we know that he would never do anything sane in re. to his diet so something else might well be afoot….this also might explain his low energy.


41 minutes ago

Trump is losing weight??? Wow who would have thunk that.


41 minutes ago

Ad – Marchon took his passports. But if he flees to a friendly dictatorship, it won’t matter.


40 minutes ago

Murph – Oh yes, Trump will lie until he dies. But if he goes to prison, lies don’t matter anymore.

AdLib40 minutes ago

TW he didn’t even have a ‘butt crack’ neck. Last person I saw who lost that much weight that fast died of cancer.


39 minutes ago

CL well we know he doesn’t sleep. Doesn’t eat right, so I suppose it’s bound to happen.


38 minutes ago

Well folks I need to wrap it up. This has been a fantastic Vox…..I so enjoy our comradeship. You are really among my best friends….best in many ways. I want to thank you all for your encouragement in the dark days after the first Biden debate. I really was in despair…..but you were here and that helped.


37 minutes ago

CL I can see him have a major breakdown when he is told he lost and their will nothing he can do about it.


37 minutes ago

TW – that’s true. You can’t live like that and have no consequences.


37 minutes ago

Murph -Bingo! Trump is a human pharmacy right now, likely taking some type of stimulant during the day, like Aderall, and taking Ambien or some other sleeping pill at night. Then in between, tons of trans fats and sugar and likely other drugs. He could indeed just keel over after he loses the election…or even before.

AdLib37 minutes ago

All – I’m follow Murph out the door. Still getting over the cold Greg brought home from the Star Trek convention. He is now OFFICIALLY a Trekkie! But our motto is ” Live Long and Sniffle”. So I’m heading to bed. GREAT talk – see you next Friday!


36 minutes ago

Murph we know you’re in the heart of the beast.


36 minutes ago

Ad……now that’s a recipe for disaster but I think you may well be on the mark.


35 minutes ago

Murph – stay safe. If you can’t stay safe, keep the old ladies around you. We have nothing to lose.


35 minutes ago

Choice – is he a trekkie or a trekker. Trekkers know it is not real.


35 minutes ago

CL – Glad Merchan took his passport. And if he tries to flee the country in a private plane, I would love to imagine Air Force jets intercepting him, forcing his plane to land in the US then dragging him away in handcuffs.

AdLib35 minutes ago

Hugs to you all. See you next week.


35 minutes ago

Stay safe Murph you as well CL


34 minutes ago

Have a happy weekend Murph! We all should, a fantastic week!

AdLib34 minutes ago

Goodnight CL


34 minutes ago

So, we three we happy three, we band of brothers…..a little Shakespeare to close the eve.


34 minutes ago

We’re going to do this! Trump is going down!

AdLib33 minutes ago

Very cool, Murph!

AdLib33 minutes ago

Ad…I am starting to believe. Good night to you and to TW.


33 minutes ago

Murph – Your belief in winning this means a lot!

AdLib33 minutes ago

Take care Murph.


33 minutes ago

Want to chat, TW?

AdLib32 minutes ago

Yes will call in a sec


32 minutes ago


AdLib32 minutes ago

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