Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Once again, I may or may not be a few minutes late but stay right here and I’ll see you shortly!
AdLib3 hours ago

Hey Murph
an hour ago
an hour ago

So how is going in your neck of the woods with all that is happening in NY??
an hour ago
NY is barely on anyone’s radar here.
an hour ago

Murph why am I not suprise
an hour ago

I have to admit it is hard for me to understand the mindset of the folks you speak of it’s as if they really don’t want to think and reason just believe.
an hour ago
There has been a plethora of postings (on garage doors, bill boards, carried signs, banners) of a doom sayer statement: “If you vote for any democrat you are voter for higher taxes, more wars, less freedom and undermining our country’s future.
an hour ago
TW….and how is it in your backyard.
an hour ago

Lies nothing but lies
an hour ago

Murph this is a liberal state as you must know about MA. We’ve had our fair share of Repub gov but it’s always open to discussion sure there are die hard Trump supporters but nothing like you’re dealing with as far as I know.
an hour ago
which is why it is difficult for you to understand the Trumpian mindset. Swimming in a cesspool ….one adapts to the crap.
an hour ago

Have to agree with you regarding the cesspool as well as understanding. I have to say it is difficult to wrap one’s mind around the narrow thinking you’ve mentioned. It’s as if they are truly scared of knowledge.
an hour ago

I’m not trying to be dengrating to the people but unwilling to open one’s mind is a bit shallow is it not?
an hour ago
You know that I lived in the UK as a kid (rom early 12 to late 16) and have maintained contact with friends from school there. They find our system of government outlandish and a set piece for trouble.. A part of that is how easy it’s for the political class to lie and not be caught up in it or be called on it.
an hour ago

How is outlandish to them when they gave us its foundational principles?
an hour ago
That mind opening is regarded by those on the Trump train as opening your mind to a cesspool of lies, a betrayal of faith, denial of our history etc. Openness as Original Sin.
an hour ago

Openness as the orgininal sin, now that’s damn funny
an hour ago
The British system is what nearly every other nation in the world uses. Seating the Executive Branch within the Legislative Center i.e those who lead the government are selected from the party controlling the legislative process. The idea of “separation of powers” as laudable is laughable to them….it is, In their minds, a setting that results in deadlock and log jams. It allows the executive to play duck and cover and avoid the necessity of bringing the executive to the people via the legislative process.
an hour ago
The big news for me today was this: Missourians for Constitutional Freedom just submitted over 380,000 signatures to get abortion on the ballot in Missouri this year — more than double what they were required to collect, from voters of all parties all across the state.
an hour ago

I can see that point of view, but, it’s worked for us for a bit. I know the Brits seem to believe their way was always the best but we sort of did get some of our ideas from them and borrow a few from some others. And as you know we’ve didn’t have a succession kings and queens who were questionable. But it seems like we may be moving toward that if Trump gets back in.
an hour ago
I am happy to say that I was one of those gathering signatures.
an hour ago

You are one tireless worker for a just cause.
an hour ago

Those numbers give new meanig to the phrase show me state, looks like you and 380,000 are showing what you all believe is the right thing to do. Which is leave women’s reproducive right alone.
an hour ago
While there are constructs in our system that are similar to those the dominant parliamentary system by and large they are more philosophical than practical. For ex: By the time of the Am Rev. the monarchy was far more figurehead than head of state. The founders/revolutionaries code to pretend otherwise because those they were opposed to in practice the members of the House of Commons …..in others words a representative assembly like they were.
an hour ago

I have to say we had an interesting jobs report. Unempolyment stayed at 3.9% and that may give the Fed what they need to cut interest rates.
an hour ago
Hey all, I can’t believe I’m so late!
AdLiban hour ago
And that referendum makes Hawley’s opposition to Kunce less likely to succeed….less….no guarantee, no wave.
an hour ago

Ad see you made it.
an hour ago
Hello Ad……good discussion so far.
an hour ago
Murph – I saw that abortion rights bill has more than enough signatures. Could help Kunce.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…yes ….Missourians for Constitutional Freedom just submitted over 380,000 signatures to get abortion on the ballot in Missouri this year — more than double what they were required to collect, from voters of all parties all across the state.
an hour ago

Murph agree with the changes takeing place in England during the Am Rev. I have heard folks here thiinking we should have a version of a parlamentrary governance but I can ever see it working here.
an hour ago
I think Hope Hicks really sunk Trump today.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad she may have, but I’m not at all swayed at her crying on the stand. She didn’t have to got to work for the sucmbag so no sympthay from me at all.
an hour ago
TW….it would look like an expanded House of Reps with the Executive Branch officers as members of that body (since they are required be MP’s) The founders and framers created a House of Lords with real power to stop or start legislation…..which has often been a bad thing.
an hour ago
Murph – double the amount of signatures sounds safe to me.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I think the crying only helped her credibility and hurt Trump.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph we have our hands full with the way we have it now. Can you see and expand House with more MTG’s Grabby Bobert and I’m a dog Gatz?
an hour ago
TW….the Parliamentary system has built in mechanism that make show boating anathema…for one thing there are multiple parties and coalitions are required to form a government.
an hour ago

Ad it may have. But, I’m not feeling sorry for her.
an hour ago
Hicks is from a wealthy background…..a “born elite”. pedigree……she loved working for DT and being close to center of power….she was a loyal disciple and adherent.
an hour ago
Ad, how do you think Hicks sank Trump today?
44 minutes ago
TW – Same here, not heartbroken for her, she empowered and enabled Trump to do horrible things. But the net result I like, she nailed Trump as knowing the Stormy payment was made on his behalf so his defense is doomed.
AdLib44 minutes ago

Murph perhaps it does. But far too many of the folks here can barley keep up with our current form of governance, I find it difficult that they could handle a modified form of parlimentary governance.
44 minutes ago

Ad from what I heard it seems she did tell the truth or her version of it. So I’m going to go along with that, at least is a good thing.
42 minutes ago
Murph – By nailing Trump’s feet to knowing about the payments and the fraud of claiming they were retainer payments.
AdLib42 minutes ago

Murph I have the feeling the Brits have a better feeling for how government runs and take a mover active participation but that I mean they read up on what is going on. Am I correct on that?
39 minutes ago
Ad….parliamentary government has the people electing their representative to the government….one rep…..from parties whose agenda is very carefully defined. Each member directly represents constituents….both those who backed them and who opposed them…..each represents far fewer citizens than our system sets in place and they are required to maintain frequent and direct contact with constituents. ALSO……there is virtually no television advertising and electronic messaging is carefully supervised and checked.
39 minutes ago
TW – yes, sure sounded like she told the truth and by doing so, blew up Trump’s Sgt. Schultz defense, “I know nothing!”
AdLib38 minutes ago
Ad, your read on the UK is correct.
38 minutes ago
Ad and TW…..I accept your judgment re. hope’s positioning.
38 minutes ago
Hey….a small group of associates in the campaign saw Civil War in an early afternoon break with lunch. Like me, they were stunned. My second time. To me it is clearly a warning….note the 3rd Term President…..
36 minutes ago

Ad it’s going to be interesting to see how the judges rules on Trump’s latest set of gag order violations
35 minutes ago
Something I said? Both TW and Ad are gone….Hello! Is anyone there?
35 minutes ago
Ah….there you are TW
35 minutes ago

Murph haven’t seen the movie not sure I really want to but feeling I might need to.
34 minutes ago
TW….the film is deeply disturbing because it paints a canvas that is very, very believable…..I think it is a very, very important film for now and for history….many inter-related themes.
33 minutes ago

Murph that was the feeling I got from seeing some of the previews.
32 minutes ago
I have seen it twice….theaters that were pretty full. Silence….deep concentration….moments of gasping…..and then a very Low key exit.
31 minutes ago
Sorry, WiFi went out.
AdLib31 minutes ago

Muprh I can’t help but wonder if the film is giving some folks ideas and others soultions to the problems they are having with their plans to rebel.
30 minutes ago
Murph – I saw Civil War and emailed you but the email didn’t go through.
AdLib30 minutes ago
TW…..the film could do that but it is a clear tragedy.
28 minutes ago
Ad…I wonder what happened.
28 minutes ago
I don’t know I kept getting notifications that the email had bounced back and it would try to send it later. Have you ever had a problem like this before.
AdLib27 minutes ago
I have not had that happen before. I am getting my usual flow e mail.
26 minutes ago
I think the Jesse Plemmons character and the scence
AdLib26 minutes ago
Side note….do either of you know anything about Facebook requiring a photo of the member for verification purposes.
25 minutes ago
He was in told the whole story of the movie
AdLib25 minutes ago

Maybe I will go see it tomorrow
24 minutes ago
Murph – I have never heard of this. Where did you hear about that?
AdLib24 minutes ago

Murph haven’t heard that.
24 minutes ago
I would welcome your thoughts on the film.
23 minutes ago
BTW, I’m out of town now for my daughter’s softball. They made it to the finals for the conference championship. That game is tomorrow.
AdLib23 minutes ago

Well wife is working tomorrow so I may be able to snek out and go see it, the kitichen passes are getting harder to get.
22 minutes ago
I am sour on Facebook anyway…..I wish that there were more people like us who value serious discussion.
22 minutes ago

Ad wish her and her teamates all the luck I can muster.
22 minutes ago
Ad….congrats to your daughter.
22 minutes ago
Thanks TW and Murph! Murph- I’m with you on that . I think FB started as camaflage evil and now has abandoned the camaflage
AdLib20 minutes ago
Ad….good summary.
19 minutes ago

Murph I only go out to check in with some of the old yaberz crowd to see what they’re up to. Since I started writing on Medium and here and my own blog I don’t get out to FB as often as I use to.
19 minutes ago
So do we think Trump will end up criminally convicted?
AdLib19 minutes ago
Thanks TW…….good points….
18 minutes ago
Conviction for Trump……I fear that there is a plant or two on the jury…..hung jury is the name of the game.
18 minutes ago

Ad as I said to you before I’m waiting for the jury to come back with the verdict I know what I want, but the question is there a secret Trump hold out that will hang the jury. I know everything points to strong possibility of a guilty outcome but strange things have been known to happen when it goes to the organge one.
16 minutes ago
TW….you and I are on the same page.
16 minutes ago
Murph – it is possible that there is a MAGA on the jury but I take heart in E. Jean Carroll. In having two jurys that found Trump liable.
AdLib15 minutes ago
Ad….Trump sitting there makes the Carroll experience less applicable.
14 minutes ago

Murph don’t know if you’ve seen the Times article but he has made it clear what he will do if the gets another shot and it isn’t pretty.
14 minutes ago
Murph – why do you think Trump’s presence helps him as opposed to hurting
AdLib13 minutes ago
TW…I am waiting for my Time to arrive….
13 minutes ago
Ad….I think that Trump being there empowers and inflames his adherents…..thus motivating them to do anything that is necessary to be loyal to the master….thus the plant or two.
12 minutes ago
As always ….I am fascinated by our discussion but I have campaign duties in the early AM and these old bones need more rest than I am getting…..good “seeing and hearing” you both.
11 minutes ago
Murph- Got it! Get some rest and keep on keeping on!
AdLib9 minutes ago

Murph I understand what you said. It’s just difficult for me to understand why those who follow him are so willing to give up their freedom. Then complain about it when they don’t get what they want when they gave away their right to make things work correctly.
7 minutes ago

Murph get some rest take care.
7 minutes ago
I believe many voters won’t be tuned in to the election and all the Trump outrages until the criminal conviction. I think that starts a new phase and downfall for him and the GOP.
AdLib7 minutes ago

Ad I do hope so.
6 minutes ago
What do you think?
AdLib5 minutes ago

Are you in San Diego
4 minutes ago
Yep, still here, head home tomorrow…after the Conference Championship Final game. Yep, they made it to the finals!
AdLib3 minutes ago

Well, I wish them the best. I’m going to sign off I’m beat didn’t any sleep so I’m going to call it a day. Take care best to you and your daughter’s team.
a minute ago
My daughter’s team will likely go to NCAA Regionals which is by invitation but if they win the championship, they are given an entry.
AdLiba minute ago
Thanks so much TW! Have a great weekend!
AdLiba few seconds ago

You as well
a few seconds ago
Thanks pal!
AdLiba few seconds ago
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