Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 days ago
First here…whoa! Well I shall just have to have a drink or two…..
3 days ago
Don’t forget to say hi or Trump on trial when you arrive.
AdLib3 days ago
Murph, two weeks in a row you win a cigar
AdLib3 days ago
How are things going with the KUNCE campaign?
AdLib3 days ago
Just by accidents….things I was at ended early….
3 days ago
Poor Trump. Looks like all of his attempts to stop. The trial have failed. Criminal defendant Trump on trial on Monday.
AdLib3 days ago
Depending on which Polling Operation you look to…it is either neck and neck or Hawley is up by 4 percent
3 days ago
do you think the Dobbs effect will cause more women to vote for KUNCE?
AdLib3 days ago
I keep saying that his base in badly informed, irrational in their argumentation, seething with anger, and dedicated to the ONE they look to for their salvation. That line could have been written in Germany or Italy in the late 30’s
3 days ago
I think this is very similar to 1930s Germany. It’s just so difficult to accept.
AdLib3 days ago
Not in terms of the economy, but in terms of a vulnerable and insecure section of the population, that is so easily dominated by using fear and hatred.
AdLib3 days ago
The Dobbs effect….I went to a learning group this past week where we were briefed on how we are going to approach the abortion issue. Here is a summary from the meeting about the ground we stand on….Abortion is completely banned with very limited exceptions. Abortion is because of a state law that went into effect June 24, 2022. Access was severely tightened post the SCOTUS decision. Moved very q uickly through the legislature. Missouri requires an “affirmative defense,” meaning a provider has to prove in court that an abortion met the criteria for a legal exception. The criteria for the defense are to prove the abortion is necessary to save the pregnant person’s life or to prevent serious risk to the pregnant person’s physical health. Doctors are very hesitant to get overly involved in these petitions for exemptions. The most they will do is release records that provide authentication of statements made by the persons seeking the exception. Any person who knowingly performs or induces an abortion of an unborn child in violation of this subsection shall be guilty of a class B felony, as well as subject to suspension or revocation of his or her professional license by his or her professional licensing board. FYI Missouri’s Medicaid program, called MO HealthNet, serves low-income and disabled citizens, and has long banned funding for abortion, with very limited exceptions. Planned Parenthood clinics primarily provide contraceptives, STI testing, cancer screenings and wellness checks but are under assault even for that. On the side: Republicans blocked three attempts to add rape, or incest to the exemptions. So, the bottom line is under Missouri law, abortion is illegal except in cases of a medical emergency when “a delay will create a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function. The leader of the Republican Bloc, a state state senator, defended the decision saying, ‘God does not make mistakes. By the way Missouri Republicans were very motivate as they were unable to push a bill to bar Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid reimbursements to a vote.
3 days ago
Read to later if you like but it lays things out clearly. We were reminded that the reason the state government here is entirely GOP and the legislature is 80 percent GOP is the voters here agree with the stand being taken on abortion.
3 days ago
3 days ago
if the assumption is that instead of trying to address, religious sensibilities, that what’s addressed is justice and equal rights. It’s also as strong approach where you’re not competing head to head on religious issues, which are of course, nonsensical, but emotional.
AdLib3 days ago
Good. angle.
3 days ago
of course, addressing the phrase, pro life can also be useful because we need to protect the lives of mothers as well. So while Trump is trying to propagandize why it’s good for the country, that part of the country treats, women like cattle, Dems should focus on pro life for moms.
AdLib3 days ago
The other thing we looked at was the “illegals voting” bugaboo. We were give copies of this article from the Brennan Center.
3 days ago
Hypocrisy is the norm for Republicans, so it’s kind of amusing that they’re phony organization to stop children from being able to read books and take books out of libraries was moms for liberty. How about some Mom’s for liberty of mom’s?
AdLib3 days ago
Ad…..the profile argument in an environment like the one we have here is that women, yes women, in large numbers will take the position that pro life has a hierarchy, and the unborn are at the top of the list. They come first. ‘Mothers give their lives for their kids all the time’ Or so they say.
3 days ago
it’s always a difficult proposition to address an intentional lie like illegal aliens voting. Should it be discussed to knock it down or does discussing it help continue it propagation?
AdLib3 days ago
You realize that the strategy of claiming illegals are voting is to implement a nationwide birth certificate, required threshold for Americans to vote to be a tool of voter suppression.
AdLib3 days ago
Ad….the thing is that the GOP argument (in many areas) is crafted to appeal to the core beliefs and emotional position of the top core. They accept what they already believe. It is hard to pierce that. Adding to the challenge; Dems are not nearly as devoted to their ideas, or their leaders. Voting is not the emotional experience that it has become on the right . The last time I saw that was during the Obama years. He brought it out.
3 days ago
Hi y’all. I see Murph answering but hiding in the weeds on the list. Howdy both of you.
3 days ago
hi CL!
AdLib3 days ago
Hi, Ad!
3 days ago
I agree. I have to regard every initiative by the right as an underhanded effort.
3 days ago
Murph – I agree with your assessment of the Dem sniffy disinterest in voting. We aren’t a cult, but we sure do think rationality is optional.
3 days ago
And Trump and the Republicans want to have the Dems vote against their ridiculous and unjustified bill to prevent a crime. That’s already a crime. Once again, it’s just propaganda and political games.
AdLib3 days ago
Hi choice….if you run up the page you will see a long post from me that represents a workshop this week to address the approach to the abortion crisis. If you want just cut and paste it and read later. I also left a address to a interestinting.g report from the Brennan Center on “illegals” vo
3 days ago
I am trying to work around the legality of voting for a law that’s already a law.
3 days ago
Thanks, Murph!
3 days ago
AdLib3 days ago
3 days ago
So what’s on tap via the campaign this weekend?
3 days ago
I was sharing with Ad that the Kunce effort is either just a bit ahead or way behind depending on the polls you look to. It is hard work. The Democratic core voters are not engaged as we need them to be. The raw emotion from the right is hard to counteract
3 days ago
This weekend……we are continuing to organize to get that core engaged, committed and then out on the road.
3 days ago
Murph – of all the states, MO strikes me as being the least rational about good candidates. I am not saying this clearly, but it’s as if they have lost all hope and worse, the sense of their own power. Only the OH Dems are that bad in a northern area where they SHOULD dominate.
3 days ago
Are you enjoying it?
3 days ago
Hey, I’m back and TW should be joining us momentarily, he was having an issue signing in.
AdLib3 days ago
Choice – interesting insight…..I do question whether Mo is unusual among RED states….I think most of them are bat shit crazy.
3 days ago
Oh, no! Glad he’s coming along.
3 days ago
Am I enjoying it……not like in the Obama years……after he left office and we got Trump every election has felt like a death march here
3 days ago
Murph – once you’ve determined Red states are batshit crazy, you probably don’t need to look any further. But that didn’t used to be true, esp. in Ohio. And through Claire, not even MO.
3 days ago
Our weekly pow wow is a high point in each and ever week.
3 days ago
Murph – I feel it not in CA but in Twitter sadness. Yes.
3 days ago
Murph – Dems do need to up their passion game on freedom, rights and democracy. The abortion issue needs to be powerfully argued as a matter of individual rights and how if we don’t stop what’s happening now, it is a slippery slope we are already plunging down, ending contraception, IVF, divorce, freedom to leave your state, it’s all happening right now.
AdLib3 days ago
CL…..correct but I lived here when the state government had a Dem Governor and half of the other offices. The legislature was dominated by the GOP but it was a more reasonable GOP and the Dem presence was stronger…what changed….hatred for the “N—–” in the White House. I think that was critical along with a developing Right Wing populist ideology.
3 days ago
The first step in trying to lower the level of insanity in Repubs in Red states is that Trump must lose in November. Then, all the other criminal trials will likely land him in prison and his hold over the MAGAs and GOP will disintegrate.
AdLib3 days ago
My problem – and I am well placed to push back – is the rancid emoprogs in CA. I was involved w very high ranking DSA people in the 70s, and my disdain is grounded in lifelong activism and proof of good politics. Hubs was THE guy everyone knew in 1968 – the editor at SF State who refused to shut down the student paper. LONG before I knew him I knew who he was. We have street cred. NOBODY can top me. And it’s still not enough to shut down the creeps who are looking for a Lefty autocrat.
3 days ago
Ad….true…what people here do not get is that every “victory” for their befuddled cause is actually, in the long run, a loss for them as it further narrows freedom and liberty in mind and action.
3 days ago
Ad – I just do not get the antipathy to Obama. Never will. If there was anyone more engaging and kind than that man, damned if I know who.
3 days ago
Choice….I understand your frustration….it mirrors mine own….from a different angle but just as passionate.
3 days ago
CL – Extremists are poison no matter which extreme they occupy. MAGAs and DSA fanatics, no difference in the hatred, obnoxiousness, and disrespect for anyone who believes even a tiny bit differently.
AdLib3 days ago
I just heard that Teen. legislature has passed legislation that allows teachers to carry concealed guns in school. Another example of how ugly, and demented the gun culture is.
3 days ago
Ad and Murph – I saw someone just post, “It’s a circle”. Not a horseshoe. Full closure. Extremism has met its own.
3 days ago
Murph – The problem is that when people buy into Tribalism First, they disconnect their brain and no matter how their own tribe robs and abuses them, they can’t comprehend what’s really going on, they’re just mindless cultists believing the lies poured into their ears.
AdLib3 days ago
I lived in TN some years ago, and I substitute taught. The idea of any of those teachers being armed is…scary as shit.
3 days ago
Ad such groups are more properly identified by their passionate, often unfounded, ideology rooted in their sense of loss and fear.
3 days ago
CL – I think the racist response to Obama being president is less about Obama as a person but as a symbol that white entitlement is no longer an absolute.
AdLib3 days ago
CL…I think they should let the kids conceal carry then….self defense….how about school bus drivers, the cafeteria and janitorial staff. Hell! arm them all. Shit!
3 days ago
Ad – I have Mayflower roots I’ve been told. I think diversity is good, so I can’t wrap my mind around NOT having it.
3 days ago
Murph – Wild, wild Midwest!
3 days ago
Murph – TN is now officially the most insane state. I saw the bill pass about teachers carrying guns but they just also passed a bill making chem trails illegal over TN skies…chem trails that don’t exist and are just part of Qanon delusions!
AdLib3 days ago
Ad …. I agree…Obama was hard to dislike on a personal level….One of the most right people I know here said to me…thinking he was heaping on praise….”Obama, oh yeah, he is one of the good ones. Not many of them” Guess what he was referring to?
3 days ago
I would agree that TN is nuts, but it was in 1967-69 when I lived there. It’s just gotten worse.
3 days ago
CL – Right, that makes so much sense. It is a circle, even a Venn Diagram where they fill the same space of idealogical insanity.
AdLib3 days ago
Murph – that’s the trope, isn’t it. “The good ones”.
3 days ago
You don’t even need a Venn anymore. A solid circle will do.
3 days ago
I am watching a black Sen London Lamar, a black woman holding here baby berating her fellow legislatures very powerfully…..while cameras show the GOP steadfastly and obviously ignoring her.
3 days ago
The idea that a hand gun carrying teacher could stop a mass shooter with an semi or full auto rifle is madness.
3 days ago
Nobody listens in the GOP. It’s their loss. They WILL lose.
3 days ago

Hey everyone finally got in.
3 days ago

Let’s get the party started.
3 days ago
Murph – Well explained, that sense of loss and fear is the parallel to 1930’s Germany.
AdLib3 days ago
The madness that overtook Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Communist Russia (and many other states across history) is far too often only negated by external power.
3 days ago
tw, good to see you…we are having a very heavy discussion today. I posted a couple of longer items here in re to Mo. abortion laws and our an approach to the election. fyi if you are interested.
3 days ago

Well Tenn is really crazy talking about arming teachers. My question is how is the mothers of all these Tenn Idiots allow them out of the house?
3 days ago

Murph good to be here.
3 days ago
TW!!! Glad you broke in!
3 days ago
CL – No matter one’s background, enlightenment is available. But once people get to a certain age, it’s far too threatening to them to question the pillars of their identity.
AdLib3 days ago

CL had help from Ad but glad to be here the world over Earth 2 is really crazy.
3 days ago
Ad – I don’t think it’s age so much as fear. My students who were in their teens and 20s were some of the most rigid people I ever met.
3 days ago

Giving guns to teachers is by far the dumbest thing anyone can suggest.
3 days ago
All – guns to teachers? Only a matter of time until a kid gets killed. Or a kid takes the gun and kills the teacher.
3 days ago
Here’s the argument to make against teachers being armed, in TX, a heavily armed mass of police officers were at that school and too scared to try and stop the gunman killing those young kids. Cops! So no, teachers will not be more effective in jumping shooters at schools than useless cops.
AdLib3 days ago
Teacher Training Education will need to find time fit in time on “the range”
3 days ago
Ad – very well said.
3 days ago

Everyone of the Tenn pols who are suggesting that the teachers should bed armed need to be take to the woodshed.
3 days ago
I wonder if local police academies would be will to share their ranges with the teachers.
3 days ago
Sorry, but student teacher work does not involve range time.
3 days ago
TW…ok wood shed first….and then exile.
3 days ago
CL…..One would hope so….but…
3 days ago
Murph – if police training facilities will NOT share range time, this really sucks.
3 days ago

Ad that is right and few weeks ago they finally fired the police chief, if the cops are to afraid what makes those fools in Ten to believe the teachers are going to try and be Sgt York?
3 days ago
CL….but why not……or are they secretly siding with the shooters….hmmmmmm
3 days ago
And like Trump’s BS argument about how letting states decide abortion ends that as an issue, Red states passing all these insane laws, taking away rights and shoving guns into as many hands as possible, creates a kind of ghetto of Red States that people will leave and avoid, where you lose rights you have right now in Blue states, everyone including your children’s teachers carry guns, and kids can be forced to give birth to their rapist’s baby. What sane person wants to stay in or move to a state with escalations of the loss of rights, safety, and sanity?
AdLib3 days ago
I am a member of the FBI Citizens Academy, and I got trained on shooting at the local training range. I am a decent shot. But the idea of mandating it? Some of the folks in the Academy opted out. Hubs was one. I handled an MP 5 among other things. And I am not afraid of guns. But the idea teachers should be armed is RIDICULOUS.
3 days ago
This Tenn legislation is all window dressing…..it is all they are capable of.
3 days ago
Window Dressing….
3 days ago
CL – What I mean is that young people have more potential to change than older people set in their racist ways. Not saying young people can’t be just as rabid racists as their parents.
AdLib3 days ago

The Tenn legislation who are recommended this are all a bunch if idiots.
3 days ago
Did you all see that after the debacle of the 1864 law decision, Kari Lake has become – PRO CHOICE??? I can’t even…
3 days ago
Ad – I think age isn’t the issue, but, that said, I don’t know we know what IS the issue. We need to figure that out and fast.
3 days ago
CL and Trump who created the Choice Killing SCOTUS is now claiming that he did so as a way of reinforcing states rights.
3 days ago

Cl Lake is, well I can’t bring myself to say it because it would be redundant.
3 days ago
Murph – RIIIIIIIGHT. Trump is just such a thoughtful guy.
3 days ago
Tw – Agreed.
3 days ago
TW – The bottom line is the logical and inescapable proposition that it doesn’t matter who is armed, if a shooter shows up anywhere, he/she will have the advantage of surprise and will shoot people before anyone can possibly stop them. Arming teachers doesn’t stop that unless teachers are going to just shoot anyone who looks suspicious. Then they will get shot because they’ll be school shooters.
AdLib3 days ago
Ad Lib, a horrifying and accurate summary.
3 days ago

All, I’m looking forward to him taking the stand. If any of you believe that, then I have a few used toll booths for sale will give you a good price.
3 days ago
Murph – Remind me hos “states rights” has been used in the past to protect the oppression of a large group of people?
AdLib3 days ago
Ad, Murph – agreed. Those are the issues.
3 days ago
TW – LOL!!!
3 days ago
TW…it will be grand.
3 days ago

Ad correct. Teachers are there to teach not be a poor version of Rambo.
3 days ago
Ad….why the fine gentlemen and gentle ladies of the old South….doncha know….maybe the South Will Rise Again.
3 days ago
The biggest regret in my life was missing Stormy Daniels here in Sacramento at a Gentlemen’s Club on the east side of the city. Turns out the MAJORITY of patrons that night were women. I’d have gone had I known. I like her. She’s calmly gritty.
3 days ago

Murph rise to what? Bigger and deeper levels of stupidity?
3 days ago
TW – No way that Trump takes the stand in the Bragg case. No way. He always says before trials that he’ll take the stand but the only time that happened was the Engoran case and that was because his testimony was limited to declarations about his assets without cross examination (for some reason). In a criminal trial when he can be cross-examined and trapped into perjuring himself? No way.
AdLib3 days ago

Ad, man why did you have to go and burst my bubble on that. I was going out to stock up on popcorn and soda.
3 days ago
I cannot get my mind around how many people actually believe Trump.
3 days ago

CL P.T. Barum come to mind?
3 days ago
Tw – I think, if you can ignore Andrea Mitchell, that it’s still worth popcorn and whatever libation gets you through. MSNBC is covering it, so go for it.
3 days ago
Murph – There are wonderful people in Red states but this power grab by the extremists has locked them all into being constantly assaulted and hammered with RW propaganda intended to do one sole thing, keep power in the hands of the supremacists.
AdLib3 days ago
TW – Ummmm – yes. PT does seem the equal.
3 days ago
CL – Have to agree, Stormy has my respect, she’s strong and fearless. She’s taken on and continues to take on a monster that all Repub politicians are terrified of. She’s something else.
AdLib3 days ago
There was a teacher a number of years back when there was a wave of school shootings. He was an industrial arts instructor. He reinforced his classroom doors and window and installed deadbolts that sunk into the floor and the upper frame and wire mesh to put across his window. They did get a shooting incident. He secured his room, had all of his students in the least exposed corner with the teachers desk, also reinforced as the wall where they were most exposed and all the other desk as a barrier. He had also armed him self with a rather clever club.He was hailed as a hero and then the school board fired him. He had made it too clear how vulnerable they were.
3 days ago
Ad – someone RW onTwitter trying to shame her said she’d sell anything for money. She shot back, “Well, I wouldn’t sell BIBLES”. There was no reply…
3 days ago
TW – Sorry my friend. But just think of the increasing insanity of Trump’s post-hearing-day media scrums as all these ex-Trump associates spill the beans on what a criminal he is. You can pop the popcorn for that show!
AdLib3 days ago

Did any of you get a chance to read Judge Merchan’s denial to Frump’s request to postpone the trial because of too much publicity?
3 days ago
Murph – I had not heard that story about that teacher. A hero in my eyes, so OF COURSE THEY FIRED HIM.
3 days ago
TW – no I have not seen that!
3 days ago
CL…I think it was in Alabama.
3 days ago
Murph – OMG. The powers that be need a sharp smack upside the head.
3 days ago
Murph – Really? They fired him because he protected his students and instead of their protecting other students in other classrooms, they got rid of him? Insanity.
AdLib3 days ago
CL – Yes, I saw that and thought, “Stormy is one clever woman!”
AdLib3 days ago

Murph they fired the teacher for doing something to protect his students, and the fools in Tenn what to let teachers have guns. Yes the world is truly crazy.
3 days ago
My recollection is that the School Board “released him” because his actions were not approved by school admin before they were installed.”
3 days ago
TW – Yes, I read Merchan’s response and it was amazing, even set the stage to sanction Trump and his lawyers for making more unfounded, undocumented claims that are huge attacks. He didn’t sanction them now because Bragg’s office didn’t want Merchan to right now but in the trial, you bet they’ll be sanctioned for making such outrageous BS accusations.
AdLib3 days ago
Murph – If that was the reason they used to fire him, it was BS. They could’ve just removed it all to make his classroom as vulnerable to having students shot since that seems to be what they preferred.
AdLib3 days ago
Murph – School Board code for “he made us look stupid.”
3 days ago

Cl Merchan’s denial is a piece of art.
3 days ago
CL. yes, I think that is correct.
3 days ago
Ad….I think CL has the key….she wrote “Murph – School Board code for “he made us look stupid.”
3 days ago
So even though polls are flawed and too early to mean much at this point, Biden is ahead in most polling, on the rise while Trump is declining. And after everything is circulating in the media as his criminal trial runs day after day for 6-8 weeks? And Trump is forced to be in the courtroom that whole time (of course after and weekends he can rail at his rallies at being Jesus on the crucifix), I think Trump’s numbers go into the same freefall his bogus stock is in. It will be a race to see which hits bottom first.
AdLib3 days ago
Kind gentlemen whom I adore – this has been a hectic day. Sold my late ex’s house, got the check today. Washing, packing, evaluating where the hell my shoes got off to. And I’m exhausted. I will most likely NOT be on the next two Fridays with the memorial in Ohio and trip to NE to scatter his ashes. But i will be back after that. Please hold me in your hearts – as I get older, driving in old, familiar but poorly remembered places gets harder. Hugs to you all. TW – NEXT time. I’m sorry we can’t see you. Will do better. Love you guys! You keep me sane!
3 days ago
Ad…I hope you take on what is happening in the election is prophetic.
3 days ago
Murph – Exactly, you and CL nailed it. The existence of his protective classroom made them look bad. SO, kick him out and get back to making kids vulnerable to shooters, like they were doing.
AdLib3 days ago

CL understand you have a full schedule next for sure.
3 days ago
Best to you, dear Ad.
3 days ago
Ad- that is my take as well.
3 days ago
Yeah. And the emotions keep rising up. We weren’t married since 2005. I never didn’t love him. This is hard.
3 days ago
I meant, best to you DEAR CHOICE/////addled I am.
3 days ago
Murph – if *I* can’t forgive addled, NO ONE can. Love you, dear friend. Love you all.
3 days ago
CL – That’s a lot to have managed and dealt with and all that’s still left to take care of is quite a lot. You’re in our thoughts and your doing all of this is a meaningful tribute to your ex and the life you shared together. We’ll be thinking of you over the next two weeks too.
AdLib3 days ago
CL a fascinating relationship…of course you are a complex and fascinating person.
3 days ago
Thank you. All of you. Talk to you internet permitting. Hugs all around.
3 days ago
Jesus is My Savior and Trump is my president….the newest banner seen at his rallies and catching fire.
3 days ago
Murph – Well, the first part of what I mentioned is in evidence, Trump is declining in polls and Biden is moving ahead of him. Why is that? Why now? I think it’s a combo of the trials, abortion laws and decisions, and Trump’s ravings about being an insane dictator. And as the criminal trial runs, that will hammer Trump’s approval just as the 1/6 committee’s hearings did when they put the truth out about what a monster and criminal Trump is. Not wishful thinking here, basing it on past performance of a similar instance.
AdLib3 days ago

Murph a new banner? I would have thought the the Trump Magas would have had that the other way around.
3 days ago
Ad…..I think it is easier to think as you do in the political and social climate of CA…that in bog here.
3 days ago
Murph – But the “Trump is my savior” crowd that is swept up by that is such a small percentage of voters and that madness alienates most indie voters who aren’t insane Trump cultists. And he needs them.
AdLib3 days ago
TW…..I get your point but I am actually seeing the script I posted on Flags in yards and at the rallies.
3 days ago
Murph – I get it and you’re right, not having to endure an oppressing MAGA community surrounding oneself with a MAGA state and local government abusing their power, does make optimism more available.
AdLib3 days ago

Murph, what can one do? Man that’s really sad.
3 days ago
So…when Trump loses, what do we think will happen? BTW, going to see the film Civil War next week.
AdLib3 days ago
AD…..it is good to have a positive view but I remain deeply worried. I have not yet gotten over that horrifying night when Hillary lost and Dump won….while the nation lost and stands to lose so much more this time around because his madness will not be tempered.
3 days ago
Ad Lib what film is that? “Civil War”
3 days ago
Will we see MAGAs launch into a guerilla warfare scenario, maybe just lone wolves, maybe led by MAGAs like Michael Flynn?
AdLib3 days ago
“when trump loses” such sweet sounding words….that saved a wretch like me…
3 days ago

Murph I can understand that. What worries me is when Trump loses again what those Trump idiots will do.
3 days ago

Ad someone mentioned that on the news I surmise it about a civil war breaking out after and election?
3 days ago
TW and Ad….serioiusly….I belong to a small group of progressive, liberal thinkers who have worked for Dem candidates and led a co-op……we are known and I do worry about reciprocity if Trump loses because the right wingers will take thel loss VERY personally…..
3 days ago
Ad…is there a new film out titled “Civil War” or am I being dense.
3 days ago
Murph – I don’t blame you and I certainly pause at times to ask myself if I’m looking fairly at the election. Have to say I am though. As CL and I tout, look at all the Dem overperformance in elections since 2016. Look at the Dem woman in a very red district in Alabama who just won. Repubs are not winning, Dems are repeatedly winning and overperforming in all elections for the past 8 years. And Trump is the symbol of many of the causes for that winning streak. Trump will lose and his numbers will tank as the elections gets closer and the trials run.
AdLib3 days ago

Ad I believe they will. I also believe they will be very disruptive and polling locations and will do everything they can to interfere with the legal process of voting.
3 days ago
Murph – Check it out:
AdLib3 days ago
TW….I accept your scenario re the election behavior we will see.
3 days ago

Ad yeah that’s what I thought.
3 days ago
Ad….how have I missed out on that film?
3 days ago
TW – Biden and Dems are preparing for many Repub scenarios including voter and election worker intimidation, attempts to protest masses of ballots and mail-in votes, etc. Biden and Dems know that Trump and Repubs will have a very organized attempt to overthrow the legit election and they’re not waiting for it to happen.
AdLib3 days ago
I wonder if it will have a run here.
3 days ago

Murph as a history prof, you know every form of governance seems to have a limited life span before someone thinks they have a better way of governing. It’s amazing ours has lasted as long as it has.
3 days ago

Ad, will I’m glad to hear that but I’m of the opinion whatever they have planned they need to triple it.
3 days ago
Civil War comes out today I believe. Want to see it next week. The main character is a journalist so it focuses on that perspective. The director did Ex Machina which I know TW liked (I liked it too).
AdLib3 days ago
TW…..there really are not that many “forms”of government what is very real is how those forms are put into practice….in our case…it was and is being done very badly……
3 days ago
Murph – It’s a wide release so it should be at least in St Louis.
AdLib3 days ago
OK….clearly I am too busy to experience life.
3 days ago
Friends I need to get to bed. Tomorrow is another campaign day……
3 days ago
Best to you both.
3 days ago

Ad just watching the previews bothers me, because it’s going to give some of those idiots like Flynn ideas.
3 days ago
Okay Murph, get some rest and keep up the good work!
AdLib3 days ago

Ok Murph take care.
3 days ago
Up for a chat, TW?
AdLib3 days ago

Yes give me a min. will call.
3 days ago
AdLib3 days ago
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