Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
I am early….now, there is something to mark in your diaries….
2 hours ago
AdLib2 hours ago
First time for everything though I think you’ve been first before.
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi Ad
2 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 hours ago
TW….good to be with you.
2 hours ago
Hi CL!
AdLib2 hours ago
He everyone!
2 hours ago
So much has happened this week!
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – this IS a momentous event. Great to see you.
2 hours ago
Good Evening My Lady! Slight bow follows.
2 hours ago

Hey everyone, well it’ another Friday and not so good day for Frump and I love it.
2 hours ago
This has been hard on the poor Orange Man, hasn’t it?
2 hours ago
TW – Every bad day for Trump is a good day.
AdLib2 hours ago
What do you all see as the worst of the “Bad News” for Trump…..
2 hours ago

Ad, if we were having a drinking contest for everytime Trump had a bad day we never be sober.
2 hours ago
Poor little monster, he tried so hard to stop the Bragg case and it’s all being shot down. His trial/jury selection starts in 10 days!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi TW! Hope you got my update that my whole trip east went flooey. So I won’t be able to see you after all. Maybe next year when we plan to come just to visit.
2 hours ago
TW – At least we’d become drunkards for a good cause.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – I shudder at the alcohol bill from Trump Drinking Game! Not to mention the state of our livers.
2 hours ago

Ad have the TV on in the background and one of his lawyers didn’t sign on to a brief he filed. Name Susan, didn’t get last name but Andrew seems to think that may not be good for Trump.
2 hours ago
Did anyone see he’s calling for drug testing before any debate? Whoops. He did NOT think that through…
2 hours ago
TW – I can’t remember her last name, but she is an actual criminal trial attorney w a good rep. If she’s out, he’s in trouble.
2 hours ago

CL I did, sorry I did get back got caught with some writing, but understand completely perhaps next time when you’re out this way
2 hours ago
I want to be out there. It would be great to see you, but time just doesn’t work since Greg’s schedule got changed.
2 hours ago

CL don’t know if she is out, she didn’t sign on to brief but agree every time I see her she never seems to look very happy with what Trump is doing, There has to be a breaking point for at some time I would think.
2 hours ago
Murph – Good question. My choice is that Trump has had all his delay tactics shot down in the Bragg case and it is about as certain as things can be that he will be the first ex-president tried for being a criminal in just a week and a half. Many Repub voters have said they wouldn’t vote for Trump if he was convicted of a crime, that looks likely and the drip-drip-drip of all that Trump did in committing crimes will fill the media (aside from Fox News). So indie voters and non-MAGA Repubs will be further pushed away from him too. And he will receive a criminal sentence if found guilty, hopefully prison time.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW- I think she can’t tolerate his press to do illegal things.
2 hours ago
Ad…thanks for the thoughtful narrative.
2 hours ago

CL if that’s the case why is she still there?
2 hours ago
TW – That’s hilarious! Trump’s lawyer didn’t sign a brief and his bonding company may not even have enough money to cover the bond…which sounds like committing a fraud on the court over a bond about Trump committing fraud! What happens then?
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – there are lots of reasons you can dump a client such as non payment, but she’s in difficulty asserting he’s pushing for illegal things. There’s confidentiality etc. She tried to thread the needle w him. She got stabbed.
2 hours ago
CL – Maybe Trump thinks that whoever has the most drugs in his system wins?
AdLib2 hours ago

CL I understand
2 hours ago
Ad – wouldn’t surprise me. He has rather weird standards.
an hour ago
TW – To anyone who knows the law, I think Trump looks too guilty not to convict. He’s lost or had to settle EVERY case against him so he has the track record of a dumb criminal. Maybe that lawyer doesn’t want this historic first conviction of an ex-president staining her rep for the rest of American history.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Thanks for your thanks!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – if the bonding company isn’t coughing up backing for the face amount ESPECIALLY after it was reduced, then he MAY have that revoked, the original amount restored. AND he could be charged with criminal fraud.
an hour ago

CL So she is under contract/retainer so unless Trump does something that so outrageous she has to stay is that it?
an hour ago
Ad – I don’t get why Susan Whoever took the case in the first place. She had nothing to gain from it.
an hour ago
CL – That’s what I would think, the appeals court that made this questionable decision to reduce his bond will be left with egg on their faces and it at least seems to me that they shouldn’t bend over backwards again to let him commit another bonding fraud on the court.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – he has to overtly commit an act or express a desire that is so outlandish she can reveal it. But she knows she skirting ethics v proof of what he says. She made a huge error here.
an hour ago

Ad yes that is funny James is looking into them to see exactly that, which I would guess if they don’t Trump might be back where he started. Wouldn’t you think?
an hour ago
Really? My understanding is that any lawyer can bail on any client but when they are in the midst of a criminal trial, I think the judge has to permit it.
AdLiban hour ago

CL can’t she just leave and say it’s for personal reasons?
an hour ago
Ad – I think the court knew he couldn’t do it and set him up AND looked like they did him a favor. It’s actually important to uphold the legitimacy of what comes next. “We gave you beneficial options and you blew those.” I think it’s masterful.
an hour ago
TW – no. The two reasons you can dump someone IN trial are NON payment and illegal actions. That’s about it. Well, you can be hospitalized or die, but that seems excessive.
an hour ago
CL – I don’t know, I don’t see any reason why they had to slash the size of his bond, even if they thought it would corner him into a bogus bond stunt. How could they have known that and more importantly, why would they need to go through this whole situation when they are the appeals court and don’t have to worry about being appealed?
AdLiban hour ago

CL yeah dying would be sort of tough,
an hour ago
I’m not saying reducing the bond requirement was a set up, but it WAS a fully knowledgeable move that, with his track record, had the high probability of his rat f**king. “Give him enough rope…” sort of thing.
an hour ago
CL – But technically, Trump is not at the trial phase yet. Why couldn’t an attorney leave a client before the trial starts?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – with a lot of people not even MAGA talking about the high bond being “unfair”, it is a deflection. Reduce the face value – see what he does. Well, he said he had it. He doesn’t. That’s fraud. GOTCHA!
an hour ago
CL – I still don’t get it. Why reduce it at all and just let him fail at covering it so his assets afre attached sooner? What does the court gain by still asking for nearly $200M?
AdLiban hour ago
In the Bragg case she still MIGHT have time out since jury selection has not started. I can’t begin to read her intent. But at this stage she CANNOT leave without his meeting those two conditions.
an hour ago
CL – So the appeals court makes decisions so that partisan supporters of the guilty party will somehow stop complaining that it’s all a witch hunt? Doesn’t make sense to me because they’d be just as hotile if he had $1 bond.
AdLiban hour ago

CL Trump could fire her if he wanted to right?
an hour ago
Ad – demanding half a billion shocked a lot of people. By reducing it, they were “fair” to him. And he still screwed up. If he couldn’t come up with half a billion – people will blame the court, AG, etc.. With a much lower bond and he commits FRAUD, no sympathy for him. It’s HIS fault.
an hour ago
TW – yes. He could fire her. She may be trying to get him to.
an hour ago

CL that should be hard, He thought he was good at on the Apprentice.
an hour ago
Ad – it’s not MAGA they are trying to convince. It’s the worried middle who could be sympathetic to the half BILLION being unreasonable but not the amount HE wanted. Not if he commits fraud to assert he has it.
an hour ago
TW – LOL!!!
an hour ago
CL – I do know that once a trial starts, the judge has to approve a lawyer quitting a client but never heard that prior to that, a lawyer loses their right to leave a client for reasons other than those you list.
AdLiban hour ago
CL – I follow your theory on this but it’s hard for me to see that as the appeal court’s motivations.
AdLiban hour ago
Outside of sickness and death, it’s those two reasons. IN trial, you can’t leave except for illegal acts by your client. And this is never clear w Trump.
an hour ago

Ad he’s still on the hook for the 474 plus interest so when he looses he will still have fork that over. As we discussed before they just lowered what he had to put up, but if James finds out the company that’s funding it can’t cover it, I think she will take some action.
an hour ago
Ad – it may not be the Appeal Court’s motive, but it works. HE ASKED for this reduction. And he falsified it anyway.
an hour ago
Sorry…..call from the Kunce Campaign…
an hour ago
I am now trying to catch up…boy you folks think fast on your feet.
an hour ago
TW – that’s the good part, yes. He’s on the hook unless he’s exonerated, and it can be on ONLY “arguable issues’ of lower court malfeasance. So his appeal can’t be about HIM. They would have to find reversible error by the judge, DA, someone.
an hour ago
Very technical discussion…….
an hour ago
Ad – by all means take the call!
an hour ago
CL – You’re describing the appeals court as making political calculations and decisions which is not their role. They are supposed to follow the law, not consider what they can do so that Trump’s cult doesn’t scream about it all being unfair. I have not heard from any sources but MAGA/Trumpers that the amount of the sanction on Trump was unfair, have you?
AdLiban hour ago

Murph understood. Looks like Kunce has strong shot of ousting Run-Away-Hawley
an hour ago
TW….I very much admire Lucas……very much.
an hour ago
NO – I am NOT saying this is political but doing what they often do:: acceding to a defendant’s request to see if that can be met. It’s not at all unusual, not special to Trump. But it IS a kind of test.
an hour ago
Hey….did you all get your Truth Social investing done…….fire sale, bargains to be had.
an hour ago

Murph and prelim polls showing were things stand, I know it’s early but any indications?
an hour ago
I know the time honored advice is “buy low, sell high”, but I don’t think it works w Truth Social. It’s “buy low and lose it all.”
an hour ago

Murph Truth Social the only thing it’s good for is toasting marshmallows.
an hour ago
TW – you may be the only man in America who found an “up” to TS stock.
an hour ago
TW – Exactly, Trump will still have to pay the $474M (it’s growing $1M per day in interest now so it’s more now) unless the appeals court also cuts that judgement. If the bond blows up as it seems it might, I doubt they would lessen the judgement.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….public polls in Mo. are both limited in scope and poorly designed….private polling shows that he has strong favorability ratings but the underlying concern remains that any Democrat is suspect.
an hour ago
Ad – that’s the test. If you claim you have it and don’t, they sure aren’t cutting you slack on the fine.
an hour ago

CL yeah but on has to bring their own or Trump will try take them away slap his name on them Trump Marsh.
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – Agreed, Trump has no grounds to win an appeal, all his whining about the case being bogus is meaningless in an appeal. As you say, he needs to prove the judge or prosecutors acted improperly and he can’t. He’s the only one who proudly acts improperly.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – if you bring in ANY Dem to pump for Kunce, I’d make it John Tester.
an hour ago
Ad – Trump has lived his whole life IGNORING the fundamental statement, “Saying so doesn’t MAKE it so.”
an hour ago
CL…Tester is in a very tough race…very tough.
an hour ago
Murph – I doubt he’d come in, but he might.
an hour ago
I am supporting Kunce, Brown, Tester as my main focus. Others as I can afford.
an hour ago

Murph that’s always a problem for Dems in Repug country, but somehow many of them manage to make it through, something tells me he will.
an hour ago
CL – I think what you’re describing as the appeals court motivations sounds more political than legal. I don’t think it is their responsibility to take steps to assuage Trump supporters, that is not supposed to be in their minds at all. They are supposed to apply justice without fear or favor. And it’s not their job to apply tests to those found liable. I just don’t see them doing this for those reasons.
AdLiban hour ago
Not at all, Ad – they often do this. It is a way of removing “arguable error”. Nobody can claim it’s “unfair”.
an hour ago
Murph – I was wrapped up with other things but I’m kicking myself that I didn’t short Truth Social’s stock at the beginning, I’d have made a fortune!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – they aren’t interested in assuaging Trump voters but the NATION that our court system is not draconian.
an hour ago
Thank you all for the support you have offered to my guy…..
an hour ago
Murph – he’s a good man, is Kunce.
an hour ago
CL…you really know your way around the law.
an hour ago
CL – What the criminal trial will do to Trump is enormous. His whole life he has been able to twist his way out of consequences for his crimes and once he sees The Emperor’s New Criminal Force Field doesn’t actually exist, he will be terrified.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…..Truth Social is like much of Trumps World, a mirage….a suckers bet….a black hole
an hour ago
Murph – I am up to my eyebrows in cases. WON MY BAR ARBITRATION against the dickhead who betrayed the woman w the autistic son in CPS.
an hour ago
Ad – you nailed it. Civil procedure has a lot of wiggle room. Criminal does not.
an hour ago
CL….what a champion you are.
an hour ago

Ad I meant to tell you, keep your earthquakes in Cal. please folks here on the East Cost don’t know what to do when the ground starts rocking and rolling. I wasn’t affected by it but it seems the folks in NY were shook up.
an hour ago

CL, alright we need to toast that.
an hour ago
Well, to be honest, if I’d known, going in, it was going to get so out of hand, I probably wouldn’t have done it.
an hour ago
CL – The amount of a bond can’t be used as an “arguable error”. He could always sue after the fact to recoup if he won on appeal and had damages but no case wins appeals based on the amount of a bond. That is not an error in a decision of liability.
AdLiban hour ago
Thank you, gentlemen! Winning a bar arbitration and getting 75% of my money back was very satisfying.
an hour ago
I am quickly discovering that this old campaigner is indeed getting old…..I cannot do what I used to do with ease
an hour ago

CL based on what you shared it was a hard fight and you deserve every bit of what you got back.
an hour ago
Ad – sorry, but it CAN be considered excessive for an appeal bond. And it can appear prejudicial. It was based on his own brag about his wealth, but he will deny that. Trust this please – this is not unusual. The AMOUNT is, not the process.
an hour ago
CL – I AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOU WON YOUR BAR ARBITRATION!!! I thought that hearing went in the wrong direction but what a fantastic thing to hear! Congratulations for a well deserved, principled effort to hold that shyster responsible. I hope that goes on his record too!
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – that defines life. I have helped people move over the last three years, but I carry fewer things, lighter things, and do more of the driving than the hauling. We aren’t the kids we were.’
an hour ago
CL…my kid-hood is almost beyond my memory.
an hour ago
Yes. The woman he harmed also has a disbarment inquiry in on him. The panel were NOT very nice to him. He lied. They didn’t like that.
an hour ago
TW – Sorry about letting that earthquake slip out to NJ. It was a real fan of The Sopranos and wanted to see NJ.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I remember my kidhood. Not where I parked my car.
an hour ago
an hour ago

Ad well sometimes things just get away from us.
an hour ago
Ad – recall the quake! Jersey has enough problems. DID YOU HEAR the epicenter was right by BEDMINSTER GOLF CLUB!!!
an hour ago

Ad the emojis aren’t working.
an hour ago
CL – Even if a bond amount is protested as excessive, the decision that led to that bond amount can’t be appealed for such an ex-post-facto reason. The bond amount comes after a decision so it has no relevance on the decision itself.
AdLiban hour ago
CL – That lawyer needs to be disbarred! Hope she wins that case!
AdLiban hour ago

Ad now that I’m thinking about maybe it wasn’t and earthquake, it may be Godzilla getting ready to come up breath fire up Trump’s fat ass.
an hour ago
CL – I heard that the epicenter of the quake was Ivana Trump’s grave sight on Trump’s golf course. If I was him, I might not be sleeping tonight.
AdLiban hour ago
That isn’t an arguable issue, no, but it is a test of the defendant’s cred. It’s not about his appeal. It’s about assuring the public the court is not unreasonable. He has zero grounds for appeal on the bond legally and factually. NONE. But now he likely can’t appeal AT ALL, and he’s about to get his property seized to pay the fines. And the court will have shown they were fair.
an hour ago
Ad – that would be true. Maybe Ivana has had enough?
an hour ago
Someone did an AI meme of the quake at the grave and boxes of classified docs heaving up from the ground. It was golden!
an hour ago
TW – The emojis and the sound have stopped working on this chat app. I sent a message to the company last week, no response. They may have gone out of business and I may have to go with a different live chat system.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad how much you want to bet that if Trump went out the golf course he had Ivana at he couldn’t find the location?
an hour ago
Ad – if this is now free, ditch the sounds and emojis and go with the “price”.
an hour ago
How do you all read the Judge Canon Problem….that is one case that cries out for a hard, but fair prosecution…..it’s subject matter is the national security establishment’s security.
an hour ago
Did you see MTG posted that the eclipse and earthquake were likely God’s displeasure with Americans? The level of stupidity is historic, she has now regressed to thinking eclipses just happen when God wills them. Take America Back to BC.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad oh well like CL said stay with what you got.
an hour ago
Neal Katyahl (sp?) says Smith has tools to handle her. Tricky ones. Smith is used to that.
an hour ago
TW – Godzilla vs. King Don?
AdLiban hour ago
At best Marj is Medieval. At worst she’s Paleolithic.
an hour ago

Murph I believe Smith is writing his brief as we speak and ready to send it the 11th circuit and get her bounce. She thinks she has him stuck, but I believe is way to smart for her.
an hour ago
CL….hope so….if he skates out from that one it’s hard to see how he gets nailed for other less impelling acts of corruption.
an hour ago
CL – Actually, Trump doesn’t need to post a bond to appeal, only to prevent NY from seizing his assets immediately. He has already notified the court that he is appealing and the appeals court can decide to accept or deny his appeal regardless of whether he puts up a bond.
AdLiban hour ago
Marj’s dream is to be the woman with the bell marching through town ahead of a leper, screaming “Unclean! Unclean!” Her second desire is drive the tumbrels to the guillotine.
an hour ago

Ad Don will go down in flames, and I have on good authority Kong want’s a piece of his fat ass as well.
an hour ago
Ad – NO – he DOES have to post bond to appeal.
an hour ago
hat to tAs a test of faith I propose that MTG go out to that eclipse and show her faith by stare into the face of an angry god….
an hour ago
Every attorney reviewing the case says he has to post bond in order to appeal. MAYBE they omitted “to prevent seizure”, but nobody has said that.
an hour ago

Ad MTG stupid, stupid, stupid, did I say stupid, I meant damn stupid!!
an hour ago
CL – As long as the app doesn’t shut down, I’m with you on that but my concern is that the chat app, which is connected to their server, may shut down if they shut down their server.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I wouldn’t have Marj do that because as we know, nothing WILL happen, and then she’d take credit for it.
an hour ago
Ad – well, you have a very good point there.
an hour ago
TW – let me get this clear. You think MTG is stupid?
an hour ago
CL…except if she stares at it long enough she will be blinded by the of light……a fitting end.
44 minutes ago

Murph yes someone should get the message to her that wearing protective glasses is same as wearing a mask during COVID that should do the trick.
44 minutes ago

CL Dumb as well.
44 minutes ago
Murph – well, OK. I can get behind her staring into the face of “God” and losing her sight.
43 minutes ago
TW – that is pure evil, and I LOVE it.
43 minutes ago
43 minutes ago
CL….see…that’s the spirit.
42 minutes ago
Murph – I think it’s a done deal that Jack Smith will go to the 11th Circuit with a mandamus to at least have it ruled on that Trump can’t use the PRA to avoid prosecution but at the same time, he should present the totality of wrong and unmade decisions from Cannon to get her thrown off the case. No choice now, he can’t proceed with her announcing she wants to retain the right to sabotage the case once it starts and prevent any retrial due to double jeopardy.
AdLib42 minutes ago
Ad – I think that’s what Smith is doing, and given the 11th’s disgust w her, they very well may toss her out.’
42 minutes ago
Ad….your step by step makes sense to me.
41 minutes ago
CL- I’ve seen many legal pundits explain that you don’t have to “buy” an appeal with a bond but it is needed to prevent immediate seizure of his assets.
AdLib41 minutes ago
Side step…isn’t it interesting how NATO is stepping up to fill in for the U.S……100 billion fund.
40 minutes ago
The problem w MAGA is if Cannon is dumped for failure to follow the law, they will howl BECAUSE, in their idiocy, they believe in nullification. They see her nullifying the law they don’t like, that harms Trump, and they will be beside themselves in fury that the ONE judge who is willing to nullify nasty laws such as sabotage is getting kicked out.
40 minutes ago

Ad I heard last night there is a process he could do before mandamus don’t remember but all the lawyers were saying it would be better to do it first then mandamus never took Latin so the phrase escapes me.
40 minutes ago
Ad – OK that may be unspoken in what I have read.
40 minutes ago
TW – I heard that, too, and damned if I remember what they said. It was a term I’ve never encountered in my less rarified world.
39 minutes ago
CL….MAGA feeding frenzies like the one you describe are now part of our political landscape.- irrationality triumphant.
38 minutes ago
Murph – the US sent surplus equipment that is showing up including planes. EU sent ammo money, and now NATO is sending more. And suddenly the tide is turning against
38 minutes ago
And from a discussion I saw between two top constitutional lawyers, Smith can play it a little safer with the 11th Circuit by making a motion in limine, requesting Cannon to decide absolutely whether the PRA can or can’t be used and if she refuses, using that to go to the 11th saying, “Look, she is prejudicing the case and not fulfilling her duties.” Katyal said he doesn’t even need to do that since her claim that the PRA will only be barred in pretrial matters, means she hasn’t actually made a full determination.
AdLib38 minutes ago

CL do you remember the term?
37 minutes ago
Sorry – Russia, and they are blasting the Russian assault troops and blew up an airfield last night.
37 minutes ago

Ad I knew you would have it.
37 minutes ago
TW – no, I do NOT remember the term. I’d never heard it before.
37 minutes ago
Murph – Considering the EU is most at risk if Ukraine is taken over by Russia, they need to fill in for the US right now in their own interests. But very happy they are.
AdLib36 minutes ago

CL Ad had it limine
36 minutes ago
Oh – I HAVE heard “in limine.” It means issues that cannot be argued.
36 minutes ago
CL….yes…..and re is a massive campaign in the U.S. to provide addition the will a wal direct support to a series of funds set up in the early days. Where there is a will a way will be found.
36 minutes ago
Ad…..an Europe that is less dependent on the U.S. is a good thing for many reasons.
35 minutes ago
“In limine” puts some things as inadmissible. And that can be the PRA.
35 minutes ago
The whole abandonment of our role as the world’s policeman is good. It strengthens everyone else. That makes for much greater opportunity in cases such as Ukraine.
34 minutes ago

Murph Johnson is suppose to be working on getting the money released for Ukraine which means another motion to vacate by Greene Gaetz, such fun times in Silver City.
33 minutes ago
CL – As we’ve learned about Trump and his MAGA cult, they will howl, “CORRUPT!” whenever they lose, be it elections, cannon getting tossed, Trump being found guilty, etc. It is futile to make any decision thinking it will calm Trump and his cult. They are sociopathic absolutists. If Trump loses an election, it’s rigged, same with court cases and everything else. It’s time to just accept these lunatics are corrupt themselves and give up on trying to satisfy them.
AdLib33 minutes ago
TW – seriously. But I think Johnson survives with Dems IF AND ONLY IF he coughs up the money for Ukraine.
33 minutes ago

CL, I believe Smith is working the issue and Cannon will be doing Traffic court very soon.
33 minutes ago
Ad the President of Finland addressed the issue forthrightly saying that ALL of Europe must stand up and take hold of their own defense which is why the unaligned non members are one by one seeking affiliation.
32 minutes ago

CL yes I read that.
32 minutes ago
Ad – PLEASE read me. This is NOT about calming the cult. It’s about assuring the NATION that the courts are fair. Most people have no clue. And they are taking very careful steps to leave NOTHING to chance.
32 minutes ago
TW – I want Cannon reduced to meter maid.
31 minutes ago
In limine refers to a request to get a ruling that allows or prevents the admission of particular evidence.
AdLib31 minutes ago
CL…she would be SO cute in here uniform.
31 minutes ago
If we do this well, the best thing to come out of these trials is the affirmation that everything Trump got is LEGAL and that everyone should have the same rights. It may help us reform the systems everywhere.
30 minutes ago
Murph – wouldn’t she be cute in her little Sam Brown belt and ticket book in hand?
29 minutes ago

Murph there was something said on news the other night about NATO and Trump talking about the have to pay up. What folks don’t understand members of NATO don’t pay dues, the commitment they made was to increase their country’s defense budgets by 2% that money doesn’t go to NATO. So Trump, as usual, doesn’t know what he’s talking about saying the have to pay. Even all the member did their 2% the US would still be the largest.
29 minutes ago
CL…and it would be a job in which she could honestly say “I am doing my best.”
28 minutes ago
TW – BAM. You’re exactly right. Trump thinks there’s a big pot of cash everyone gives to. And he wants his hands on it.
28 minutes ago
Murph – and she might be up to it. It’s about her speed.
28 minutes ago
What happened to Ad?
27 minutes ago
TW……Trump is a poster child for invincible ignorance.
27 minutes ago
Ad’s back!
27 minutes ago
Murph – he is indeed. When you’ve lied, cheated, and stolen your whole life, you think it will always be that way.
26 minutes ago
I think Ad is partying in more than one venue….hah
26 minutes ago
I am in a hotel with lousy WIFI but I am able to get back on it after getting kicked off repeatedly. Out of town to watch my daughter play softball again. 4 weeks left in the season.
AdLib26 minutes ago
Very cool! Say hi to her for me please!
26 minutes ago
Murph – That is great to hear and so true. Europe actually needs to take on the full responsibility to keep Ukraine’s head above water, knowing that the US is being sabotaged by Trump and Putin when it comes to Ukraine aid. Then when the US comes in with many billions, it will turbocharge Ukraine.
AdLib25 minutes ago

Ad got to support her and you do it well.
25 minutes ago
AD…..so you are at a parteeeeee….but it’s a proper one celebrating your girl and her friends.
25 minutes ago
I am VERY sorry I can’t see her play when you’re here. I’m going there, she’s coming here, and that’s ridiculously bad timing.
25 minutes ago
CL – The courts have a central duty to provide impartial justice. They should not be politicians trying to assuage political suspiscions of any group of Americans. The way to assure the nation that they are being fair is through transparency.
AdLib24 minutes ago

Murph Trump is the poster child for complete and totally and utterly the stupidest person on earth.
23 minutes ago
If Biden winds reelection and power shifts in the House and Senate such that the dems can either govern directly or can do so with an across the aisle alliance then support for Ukraine will pour forth.
23 minutes ago
AD – I AM NOT SAYING THAT. They have a duty to affirm fairness, and that is part of the strategy of deferring to “need” to see what happens. It’s the NATION not the cult they are dealing with.
22 minutes ago
TW – Thank you for clarifying what a liar Trump is about NATO. They don’t pay the US anything, they are supposed to provide troops and resources based on a percentage of their GDP. The US never fronts money for other countries in NATO. Trump is just using another big lie to hide that he is trying to serve Putin in destroying NATO.
AdLib20 minutes ago
Another side note….I keep waiting for the reemergence of the Trump flags…..in yards, on vehicles, at public gatherings…..nary a one….I wonder if that portends his downfall.
20 minutes ago
Biden has already pressured Bibi to do what he refused – open far more portals for relief delivery. Biden is hammering Israel on their vile attacks on WCK personnel. It’s helping to stop Bibi’s rancid direction.
20 minutes ago

Ad excactly
20 minutes ago
CL….a vote of confidence needs to be called for in the Knesset…..with, hopefully, a new coalition government formed.
19 minutes ago
Ad I think it’s more basic than pleasing Putin that he demands the 2%. He thinks it’s a cash basket he can rob. He did it with PPE and every other damned thing.
19 minutes ago
Murph – the massive opposition to Bibi in Israel should push that.
19 minutes ago
Thanks all for supporting my daughter’s NCAA career! It’s over next year, she’s been playing since she was 4, played baseball/Little League then transitioned over to softball and has had a remarkable career. But it all comes to an end next year so getting it all in before then and supporting her.
AdLib18 minutes ago
There is a retired general who appears to be emerging as the opposition leader.
18 minutes ago
CL – Sorry you’ll miss her this time around but she will be up north multiple times next year so we should be able to meet up and cheer her on then!
AdLib17 minutes ago
Ad…..and you have been her coach, adviser, cheerleader, transportation chief and unquestioning supporter through it all.
17 minutes ago
Murph you might know this – in Medieval worlds “prebendal feudalism” meant the sources of authority paid themselves from what they could loot from the small holders and serfs. The Sheriff of Nottingham is an example. Trump is trying to do that to the US. He sees funds for things such as tariffs, PPE, NATO as a cash cow to rob. That man is so stupid and so venal he just wants to be president so he can rob us blind.
16 minutes ago

CL good example.
16 minutes ago
Ad – I will look forward to seeing her play!
16 minutes ago
CL…..comparing Trump to a medieval thug frames him very well.
15 minutes ago
Murph – The many anecdotal stories I’ve heard this time around about Repubs being fed up with Trump is grounded by the primary results in state after state. Even this week, around 20% of Repubs voted for candidates who quit the race, they will not vote for Trump. Forget the BS polls at this point, I think the MSM will be “shocked” by Biden’s and Dems big margins of victory in Nov. You can’t lose 20% of your own party and win a national election. Even if it shrinks to 10%, that would mean a blowout for Biden.
AdLib14 minutes ago
Well, friends, time to go….I have a full tee on the Kunce Train tomorrow….going into St. Louis to a series of events organized within the black community.
13 minutes ago
Ad – I agree. In every special election since 2020, Dems have won 71% of them.
13 minutes ago
Murph – you have a lot of contacts in St. Louis, and this should be boffo. Best wishes!
12 minutes ago
Ad……a sound reading of the behind the scenes developments within the “supporting base”
12 minutes ago
CL – You’re so right, Biden has had to navigate a political minefield to get to this point of hardlining Netanyahu over his murderous regime. And now, after the terrible murder of the 7 aid workers, he has been able to turn that corner. Netanyahu is turning the entire world against Israel, many Israelis are coming out in protest to remove him. The hostage families are so upset, they see he’s fine bombing and killing all of them too. It can’t be maintained, the momentum has shifted now.
AdLib11 minutes ago

Ad all the hosts on MSNBC were talking about that today Real Republicans want to win and govern not be flunkies for Trump who do nothing for them. What is scary is the group who want to take the country down the autocratic path.
11 minutes ago
Murph – You’re doing a wonderful job with Kunce, he is a fantastic candidate and your contributions wo his campaign will make a real difference. He can win and he should win.
AdLib10 minutes ago
CL….my contacts St. Louis a many fewer than 5 years ago but I reached to a black woman minister I know and I am going to march and assemble with her churches parishioners.
10 minutes ago
I should probably follow Murph out the door. The memorial is in two weeks, and I have stuff to do in addition to packing. This has been fun. Hope to be on next Friday then gone probably for two Fridays after that, the 19th which is the Memorial and the next as I’m hauling Greg back to the airport to fly home. He then flies down to San Diego for a meeting, and I get back home a day before him. The LOGISTICS are driving me nuts! That’s another thing I don’t do as well as I did.
10 minutes ago
Murph – PERFECT!
9 minutes ago
Choice….memorial? I missed something think.
9 minutes ago

CL you take care.
9 minutes ago
CL – I’ll never disagree with a proposal that Trump is motivated by grabbing money in any opinion he expresses including with NATO but he seemed to want to destroy it and attacked all the NATO leaders from his first days in office. I think he’s fully bought into the concept of them as the enemy to him because Putin has told him they are.
AdLib8 minutes ago
I am shocked that the IDF shooting of three hostages didn’t ruin Bibi. That was a horror, too. Did I ever tell you my SIL went to high school with him in PA? She said he was a creep then, a creep now. Ick.
8 minutes ago
Ad – I do think he wants to destroy NATO, but in the meantime, money, money, money…
7 minutes ago
CL – I’m sorry you’re having to push your way through all of this but never forget we’re here for you.
AdLib7 minutes ago

Hey folks I have to call it a night, pulled a bit of an all-nighter working on a piece that I will rewrite most likely but need to get some rest. It’
7 minutes ago
Thanks, AD. It’s a good and stressful thing all at once.
7 minutes ago

It’s been fun seen you next week.
7 minutes ago
Good night all!
7 minutes ago
CL…I join you in the shock….Israelis had best reclaim their consciences or they will be seen as oppressors and promoters of a holocaust of their own.
6 minutes ago
Okay folks, looks like it’s time to wrap Vox for the night (I know you folks really don’t want to go). Nite and have a great weekend!
AdLib6 minutes ago
Someone tell me about CL’s memorial please.
6 minutes ago
murph – I think the Israelis are in a kind of shock from the attack on 10/7 then the surreal genocidal war on Gaza. But that is wearing off.
AdLib5 minutes ago
Murph – CL’s ex-husband passed away, they remained friends throughout the years so he was a big part of her entire life. She’s having to take care of all the details of his passing and estate. It’s a lot, emotionally, as you can imagine.
AdLib4 minutes ago
Ad, they have to face the fact that Netanyahu was behind huge funding of Hamas and was very aware of the impending attack but both measures were set ups giving him permission to wage a genocidal war of his own.
4 minutes ago
Ad…thank you….oh my….why am I not surprised that CL and her ex would find a way to remain connected….so wise, so mature.
3 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, it’s not a secret, it was big news after the attack that Netanyahu helped fund them and keep them in power to prevent Palestinians from moving forward with a two state solution. And he ignored the warnings of the 10/7 attack. He is a monster. Just think about Americans after 9/11, it took a long time for our society to come out of the shock. Same thing for israelis but it seems to be happening more now.
AdLib2 minutes ago
I do hope that you are correct in your assessment. Well,,,,closing the door on the evening, but it was a very good one.
a minute ago
Sometimes there are people you really connect with but marriage with them doesn’t always work out. CL is a very special person, I’m not surprised either that she maintaned such a close relationship with her ex.
AdLiba few seconds ago
Yes, a very nice chat indeed! Get some rest, have a nice weekend!
AdLiba few seconds ago
I concur….special indeed.
a few seconds ago
Good night.
a few seconds ago
AdLiba few seconds ago
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