Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib3 hours ago

Well here we are at the end of the week and so much has happened.
3 hours ago
There are no “slow weeks” in this decade.
AdLib3 hours ago
Did you see the Fani Willis hearing today?
AdLib3 hours ago

Hey Ad, you’re right there are no slow weeks
3 hours ago
Not anymore.
AdLib3 hours ago
And of course Loose Cannon holds a hearing on a court date and responds…with nothing.
AdLib3 hours ago

No I did not. Caught part of it in the reviews, but I understand Trump’s lawyers star witness is s dud
3 hours ago

Ad I think we should set up a pool to see when Smith files to have her removed.
3 hours ago
Trump’s lawyers were so over the top and hysterical in their language without providing ANY evidence to support any of their accusations. The judge didn’t seem too thrilled with their presentation. It neded with him saying he could take up to 2 weeks to announce his decision.
AdLib3 hours ago
Cannon asked Smith in the hearing when he would make the witnesses public and he looked back at her stunned that she still asked that after he told her in his filing that she made a wrong decision on wanting to make witnesses public. That could knock her out if she decides he has to disclose them.
AdLib3 hours ago

From clips I saw it doesn’t seem to me he really needs two weeks.
3 hours ago

This is the time I ask why God made stupid people and let them have responsible jobs like being a judge. He/She hasn’t gotten back to me yet.
3 hours ago
I know but these judges, Garland, etc. all want to make it look like they’re not rushing to make decisions on such huge, unprecedented cases.Meanwhile, time goes by and the public is screwed as the trial dates keep getting pushed back so they may not happen before the election.
AdLib3 hours ago

We both know that is total BS
3 hours ago
I can tell you, if that was Judge Chutkin, she would’ve come back with a decision either immediately or at worst, by Monday. She doesn’t mess around.
AdLib3 hours ago

Is there a phrase in the law about ‘with all deliberate speed? I never took that to mean slow walk every thing.
3 hours ago
It is the foolishness of men in instuitutions who think acting in the best interest of the appearance is more important than doing the work of the institution in a timely way.
AdLib3 hours ago
And of course the wonderful quote, “Justice delayed is justice denied.”
AdLib3 hours ago

There was reason I never wanted to be a lawyer.
3 hours ago

Justice seems to an oxymoron these days
3 hours ago
Judges are by nature elitists. It seems like a huge portion of them care more about their and the court’s reputation in the eyes of their detractors than dellivering justice.
AdLib3 hours ago

Wondering if Murph is busy warding off the Klan in his area
3 hours ago

Judges are elitists indeed which is why I never wanted to be a lawyer or a judge
3 hours ago
Did you see though, MSNBC pundits mentioned what you and I discussed, Smith could narrow the 1/6 case to help Chutkin reduce the trial duration and the 88 day prep.
AdLib3 hours ago

I was getting up to that a bit behind in watching MSNBC
3 hours ago
I saw that the leading Repub for Gov in MO casually explained and did not apologize for being an “honorary” KKK member who attended a Klan event. Is anyone surprised?
AdLib3 hours ago

I’m not. But have to admit I forgot about MO being Klan country explains a lot of why Murph gets funny looks.
3 hours ago
And with all the anti-abortion, anti-IVF, anti-contraception garbage terrorizing women in these Red states combined with their support of fascism, book banning, open racism…how can there not be an exodus of the best and brightest from Red states. WHo would want to live in such dictatorships where everyone but white men are deemed inferior when it comes to rights?
AdLib3 hours ago

I think we may have talked about yesterday but Bobert is really getting the cold shoulder in the district she is trying to carpetbag
3 hours ago
Explains why Murph sees a lot of white guys whose heads come to a point.
AdLib3 hours ago

that was a good one
3 hours ago
Boebert’s son robbed a handicapped woman and posted a sex video with a minor in addition to all the criminal theft charges he was hit with. I imagine Repubs in CO recognize that the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.
AdLib3 hours ago
AdLib3 hours ago

With the anti-abortion and IVF nonsense I believe Dems will win very big just as you’re predicting
3 hours ago
We’re going to have to put up with months of the MSM insisting the race is neck and neck and Trump is leading at times but it’s all just BS. I would bet some serious money that Biden beats Trump by more than he beat him in 2020.
AdLib3 hours ago

Bobert’s son robbed a disabled women?? What a low life.
3 hours ago

Well they have to say something
3 hours ago
“Rep. Lauren Boebert’s son Tyler arrested on 22 criminal charges, Colorado police say.” AND “Lauren Boebert’s son Tyler stole money that victim needed for brain surgery: court docs”
AdLib3 hours ago
Why can’t they…oh…broadcast factual news instead?
AdLib2 hours ago

Why do I get the feeling Bobert is going to blame what her son did on Bo Biden
2 hours ago
BTW, I got a text from CL that she couldn’t make it tonight so guess we’re just waiting to see if Murph makes it.
AdLib2 hours ago

I figured CL had something to do she is working really hard to help the women out who was scammed by a lawyer.
2 hours ago
The funny thing is, the day the news broke about her son being arrested on 22criminal charges, she posted a tweet attacking “The Biden Crime Family”. Don’t forget, she was arrested before running for Congress, her husband was for exposing himself to a minor so the Boebert family is factually, a crime family.
AdLib2 hours ago
And in other news, Hunter Biden crushed those Repub frauds in The House. And they’re supposed to have a public hearing now, that should be PPV.
AdLib2 hours ago

I was reading the news account of the hearing and from what I read it sounded like Bo handled himself pretty damn well. He took Gatz to task when Gatz asked him about his drug use.
2 hours ago
A couple of predictions. 1. The judge in the Fani Willis case wags a finger at her but doesn’t disqualify her and the GA case will get a court date before the election. 2. Jack Smith will push Cannon and the Docs case so that either that court date is set before the election or he slims down his 1/6 case and gets Chutkin to sign off on shortening the time for prep and the length of the trial so that can be tried before Nov.
AdLib2 hours ago

He also laid MTG when she asked him if he was qualified told her about his where he went to college his background and she had nothing.
2 hours ago

Those sound reasonable.
2 hours ago
You mean Hunter and yes, he kicked Gaetz’s ass on that, asked him, “You really want to ask me about drug use?”
AdLib2 hours ago
MTG is crashing and burning so terribly, I would enjoy seeing Hunter in a public hearing destroy her.
AdLib2 hours ago

Yeah Gaetz is total jackass along with all the repugs on that committee waste of time and money.
2 hours ago

MTG actually thinks Trump is considering her as running mate, Hell will freeze over and the Devil will enjoy ice skating before that happens.
2 hours ago
These House Repubs have wasted most of their term in power, politically attacking the Dems, accomplishing the least of any House in US history and they can’t fund our national defense priorities or even agree on basic budget items. Americans see what wastes of time they are, Dems will win back the House big time this year and once in power, they should put rules in place and pass laws that handcuff Repubs from this kind of weaponization of power in the future. No more impeachment inquiries with no criminal acts committed.
AdLib2 hours ago

I heard the Comer left the Bo hearing and didn’t come back can you verify that?
2 hours ago
To say MTG is deluded is like saying water is wet. I’m sure she thinks she’s in the running for VP but never in a million years. And once she and the other weasels are back in the minority, I hope their heads explode from losing all power and being declared losers by the American people.
AdLib2 hours ago

Cannot disagree with you on those rules for the house
2 hours ago
No, I didn’t hear that. And you mean Hunter, not Bo.
AdLib2 hours ago

Why do we have to wait until they are back in the House can’t their heads explode now and we can be finally rid of them?
2 hours ago

Yes Hunter
2 hours ago

It would have been hard to have a meeting Bo but lets wait I’m sure those Repug idiots will want to charge him with something.
2 hours ago
If Dems win full control of Congress and the WH, first they pass voting rights, abortion rights, a border/immigration bill, and expand the SCOTUS to 13 and embed rules and ethics they must follow. Phase Two should be passing bills to safeguard the WH, Congress and the courts from any Repubs trying to overthrow the country in the future. And some kind of Rocket Docket court process that requires the speedy hearing of cases involving members of government and judiciary.
AdLib2 hours ago
Heh! You said Bo again!
AdLib2 hours ago
Well, doesn’t look like anyone else is showing up. Do you want to chat?
AdLib2 hours ago

Yes I did. Because the repugs are so stupid they will try to charge his late son. Because they are stupid.
2 hours ago
TW – Repubs give stupid people a bad name.
AdLib2 hours ago

Just had a thought maybe when someone says and does something stupid we should ask them are you a MAGA Repug?
2 hours ago
Can we get Websters to add “MAGA” as a synonym for “stupid”?
AdLib2 hours ago
Do you want to talk?
AdLib2 hours ago

Yeah it looks like we’re not going to get anyone else tonight will call in a min.
2 hours ago
Looks like. Sounds good!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
Hello there….I just got back from a really hot political meeting here…..Dems are really getting riled up about…..welll all kinds of things…..
an hour ago
That’s good to hear! What was the meeting about?
AdLiban hour ago

Hey Murph
an hour ago
It was a Kunce meeting that was for business but developed into a wide ranging, Planet Like conversation re. the danger the nation is in.
an hour ago
Hi TW….I stopped to see if anyone was here and now two of my favorite folk are in the House.
an hour ago

So things are getting a bit hot there in MO?
an hour ago
Murph – Very interesting! What were some of the takeaways for most people there?
AdLiban hour ago

So Murph what did the folks have to say?
an hour ago
TW….I think that there is a fury at the base of it alll….the kind of “SHIT….we still a very good chance of losing our national identity…..”
an hour ago

So they see some of the same things we have discussed here?
an hour ago
The decision of SCOTUS to review the outrageous position of the Trump crime syndicate that anything he did as prez is protectected lite the fuse…
an hour ago
an hour ago

I’m guess they have an issue with the IVF ruling in Alabama
an hour ago
Murph – True, we shouldn’t have to be this close to an existential threat of losing our democracy but The Founders didn’t install guardrails to keep out sociopathic criminals because never in their wildest imaginations could they envision such a person becoming president.
AdLiban hour ago
Alabama is just one of many points of anger…..McConnell’s retirement was another….he is awful and what is likely ahead is worse….
an hour ago
Murph – I think Jack Smith will work with Judge Chutkin to slim down the amount of prep needed and length of trial to make sure that Trump is tried before the election.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Hence the urgency of electing a unified Dem Congress and re-electing Biden…THEN….kill the filibuster and pass reforms and guardrails.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….the consensus in our crowd is that there are powerful forces at work that are going to find a way to make Trump teflon.
an hour ago

Murph I believe they’re not wrong about the powerful forces it’s those who have the money to back candidates that will do anything for a little fame and fortune.
an hour ago

Murph there is far too much dark money floating around
an hour ago

What was Kunce saying about it all?
an hour ago
Murph – I would agree to the extent that corrupt judges in the SCOTUS and Cannon are trying their hardest but I don’t think any conspiracy is a part of that. I don’t doubt some billionaires are trying to protect Trump but if this conspiracy was real, how did Trump lose two massive civil cases already that will hobble him and is going to trial this month in his first criminal prosecution?
AdLiban hour ago
As you both know I regard the U.S. Constitutional as so fundamentally flawed as to make moments like these both likely to reoccur and potentially fatal…..an idealistic instrument that was incomplete and in its first years of operation was rendered irrecelevant by the practice of politics and governance. There is a reason why it has not been utilized as a model anywhere else in the world.
an hour ago
Ad….parts of the system can work as you point out….biut other parts have been so hobbled that a positive outcome seems unlikely.
an hour ago

Murph I agree with you regarding the constitution I’m guessing the founder thought that changes would be made to shore it up but that hasn’t happened the way it should have.
an hour ago
I think Trump will be successfully prosecuted by Bragg and be criminally convicted by May. I also believe the attempt to throw Fani Willis off the GA case will fail and that trial will very likely take place before the election. I have no idea what will happen with the 1/6 case and the documents case but I would never underestimate Jack Smith’s smarts in getting at least one of those cases to trial before the election.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….the discussion about this at the time of the ratification was a convention every 8 years…..but that was based on the completely utopian idea of a government without entrienched factions, i.e. parties.
an hour ago
Murph – Do you think the SCOTUS will declare Trump immune to criminal lawsuits? If not, Trump will be prosecuted, if not before the election, after it. And just saying, he’ll have lost the election so he won’t have any power to stop any of it from finally putting him in prison.
AdLiban hour ago

Well the Repugs what to have constitution convention to change to the way they want things and their way leads to dictatorship in my opinion.
an hour ago
Ad….I do hope you are correct….but the voting public’s ignorance makes the manipulation of the vote so destructive that authentic political intercourse has been largely derailed.
an hour ago
Can’t blame The Founders for assuming Americans would value the democracy that was created and want it to be better and better. They never could have imagined someone like Trump would become president and lead one of the two major parties.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph as you know so well, most folks don’t starting thinking about the issues until two weeks before election if at all.
an hour ago
Ad….I am not great admirer of the framers….the founders get much more approval from me….but the framers were as impractical and unfocused as could be…just look at the empty shell they left to define the federal judiciary.
an hour ago
Murph – The best and most accurate predictor of upcoming elections are the results from recent elections. In the last 8 years, since Trump won in 2016, Dems have outperformed in every election and Repubs have underperformed. For Trump to win, he’d have to look more attractive to indie voters who voted for Biden in 2020 and being a declared rapist, financial fraud, and soon, convicted criminal ain’t gonna be as convincing as needed.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph tell me are the folks acting like this quote from the Dictators Handbook:“Those in power differ from the rest of us: they can design rules to their advantage and make it easier for them to get what they want. Understanding what people want and how they get it can go a long way to clarifying why those in power often do bad things.
an hour ago
The failure, over and over and over again to address slavery, or the very obvious structural flaws in the governing mechanism makes it clear.
an hour ago
TW…the dictators handbook is spot on.
an hour ago

Murph well this Paine quote should be right on then“These are the times that will try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered, yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”—American Crisis, Number 1, Pane’s Collected Writings, pg 91.
an hour ago
Ad….I get your logic…..and I grant that the recent track record in elections is a positive trend but my worry is that all we need is one unimitigated disaster…..like another Trump admin and the damage could gut us.
an hour ago
Biden won by 7 million votes. Trump would have to look more attractive as a candidate to 3 million of those. The guy who announced he will be a dictator, who took credit for killing Roe v. Wade, who invited Russia to invade Europe and start WWIII. Nope, don’t see it. And add into that, Trump’s constant memory and speech issues…he’s getting more deranged each day, by Summer, after stripped of his businesses and over half a billion, he will be frothing-at-the-mouth insane.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – i don’t disagree about The Framers shortcomings.
AdLiban hour ago
Paine was a fine writer……but still not particularly practical….the desire of that general not to be English result in the abandonment of a system where the guardrails are so tightly wound up in operations that messes like the current one are most unlikely.
an hour ago

I believe the framers were still trying to reconcile themselves to the reality they broke away from a system – as bad as it was – was one they understood and starting something new scared the crap out of them.
an hour ago
Ad…..a nice stroke for Mr. T would be a blessing for the nation and yet,, he will still get a nice slice of the voting pie.
an hour ago

Murph if Trump had a stroke Biden would be blamed for it.
an hour ago
TW…..one example….the separation of executive authority from legislative authority has proven to be a foolish effort to “balance” power. What it does instead is create the fast track to deadlock.
an hour ago
TW…..maybe he would……but still it would be a good day.
an hour ago
Murph – But one would have to first make a big leap over the evidence of the past 8 years to arrive at the conclusion that a Trump victory is likely. The majority of women are activated against Trump who claims the death of Roe was his doing. Same with the youth vote that sees the bigotry and fascism spilling out of his mouth. And you’ve even shared with us (and I’ve heard much more of this too) how Repubs who have been supporting Trump are kind of burned out on him now. His rallies are being held at much smaller venues than in 2016 AND there are lots of empty seats. His popularity has shrunken among Repubs, let alone Dems. And look how he couldn’t even get to 70% in MI while Biden was in the 80s. repubs are far less behind Trump than Dems are behind Biden…and all of this is before the criminal conviction(s) that are coming.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph I don’t disagree.
an hour ago
Ad….I think your logic is sound but just the possibility that he might pull a rabbit out the hat as happened in 2016 makes me so angry……that we are even in this position is so outrageous.
an hour ago
I guess I started this because I have rarely seen so much anger at a planning meeting largely populated by veteran campaigners…..one of the best friends summed up a lot of the feeling….”It’s like standing over a desisted rotting horse and asking if she will every gallaop again.”
44 minutes ago

Murph I get where you’re coming from. All the indicators that are normally used to gage the economy are showing it’s going in the right direction, but, there iis this stir in the air that is causing people to believe they want Trump back and their is tons of evidence he was and will be a horrible president. But if he gets back in democracy as we know is gone. And if we were the take it back it would never be the same.
44 minutes ago
Murph – Consider how poor Trump’s health is with that bloated body and never exercising. Add on the stress of losing his main business, $600 million he doesn’t have in cash so properties will need to be liquidated and burning through millions in lawyer fees while heading to his first federal and criminal prosecution in a matter of weeks. And he’s had to see polls showing he’s not winning. WHat would all that pressure and bad health do to someone already showing signs of dementia? I think he either has a medical emergency or emotionally explodes and says things even more outrageous and offensive than he’s said before. While demonstrating his dementia has progressed. Trump will lose. He knows it, Repubs know it, they are a speeding car heading towards a cliff and that’s reflected in the primary results where Trump should be winning primaries with 90% of the vote like Biden…but isn’t.
AdLib44 minutes ago
If the GOP is as aware as some say they are of how they rushing headlong into a brick wall…why then are they making things worse at every turn.
42 minutes ago

Ad but if was to get back in then all his money problems will go away as he will do what all crooks do rob the country blind.
42 minutes ago
TW….good point.
42 minutes ago
How in the HELL can so many be so unaware of the outright bribe that the Saudi’s gave his son in law….Biden crime family…shit! Give me a break.
41 minutes ago

Murph it seems to me the Repugs just want power and they think with Trump they’re going to get it. That dumb ass ruling in Alabama is as stupid as stupid can get.
41 minutes ago
Murph – This isn’t 2016 though. Trump is not a new shiny thing that we haven’t seen before and some were hypnotized by. He has a track record. He has lost court cases in which he was declared a rapist and a fraud. He is going to be criminally convicted for obstructing the 2016 election. And they’ve already tried to “what about her emails” Biden but it has failed. The Russians no longer get away with their election interference without being pointed out and there is no James Comey now to accuse Biden in the last two weeks of the election of potentially being a criminal. This isn’t 2016, Trump has announced he will be a dictator on Day One, he will activate a national militia to arrest tens of millions of Latinos, he will sign a national abortion ban, on and on. I appreciate the concern but 2016 isn’t 2024.
AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad you and I discussed this the people need to see Trump convicted on one of these many charges then they have the justification they set for themselves to not vote for him.
37 minutes ago
Ad…all of your points are well made and should be pivotal but my fear is that voting public is so stupid, so uninformed, so disengaged, and so arrogant at the same time that I cannot trust them.
37 minutes ago
Murph – Why did Repubs in Congress scuttle the border and Ukraine bill after they spent weeks putting it together? Why did they waste all that time and energy? Because they are all afraid of Trump and his power to primary them. WHy are they heading towards the cliff as a party and not grabbing the wheel away from Trump? Because they are terrified of him.
AdLib36 minutes ago
Given all that is so evidently wrong with Trump…..his current status continues to astound me.
36 minutes ago
Ad…I agree with all you say about GOP behavior as directly rooted in Trump priorities but that is not good news.
35 minutes ago
Murph – With you 100% on the outrageousness of Jared getting a $2 Billion bribe, Trump getting bribed from the Saudi golf organization, and Repubs howling that Fani Willis went to a Dennys with her boyfriend and may not have paid for her Grand Slam.
AdLib34 minutes ago

Murph his give of the tough guy image, better know as the John Wayne motif that’s what they want in a leader. Trump plays to that. But those who bother to look under the hood know there is nothing there.
34 minutes ago
Well…I am glad I stopped by…..but I have two meeting in the morning….one in regard to safeguarding women’s access to medical care in matters related to pregnancy (you know, real choice) and in cuts in state funding affecting service to children.
33 minutes ago

Trump is good at appropriating stuff he didn’t do but making it sound like he did and because people think they want to be like him believe his lies’
33 minutes ago
Murph – If your doubt in the voting public was the case, Dems wouldn’t have outperformed and won in nearly every election and all national elections in the past 8 years. Just weeks ago, a Dem won George Santos’ seat by a huge margin of 7%. There is no evidence I can find of Dems not out performing Repubs in the past 8 years.
AdLib32 minutes ago
Ad….the facts as you present should be encouraging but I am not confident….that same voting republic in numbers that astound me continue to support persons, movements and ideas that any thinking person should reject.
31 minutes ago
Murph, before you go, saw this week that the leading Repub candidate for Gov in MO is a KK member and doesn’t apologize for it. Wow.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Ad…..yes…that was part of our meeting….he is a full fledged loon and the GOP leadership is trying to bring him down with the base propping him up.
30 minutes ago

Murph wasn’t MO a Klan haven?
29 minutes ago
TW….I live a few miles from Grubville, the Grand Enclave.
29 minutes ago

Murph that doesn’t help things at all.
28 minutes ago
Murph – Not a majority of voters nationally, just not the case. I understand your reservations but taking this out of our personal opinions, what is more instructive than election results over 8 years? That’s a huge sample of voters nationwide, it’s very illustrative of a continuing trend and no one can make a case that there would be some reason for that strong trend to suddenly flip on its head. We can always worry about something flipping the way things are but such worries aren’t based in data.
AdLib28 minutes ago
TW…yep…ideas that should be long dead and buried keep rising from the grave.
28 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t think we’ll ever see the final death of bigotry. It is the weapon of the fearful and as long as people continue being fearful, there will always be bigotry. We just need to contain it.
AdLib26 minutes ago
Ad….again your logic is sound…what I worry about is the power of the irrational, the power money, and the appeal to raw passion combined with embedded corruption in the highest court in the land…makes me worry a lot.
25 minutes ago
Murph – A takeaway from that KKKandidate, in MO, he has enough voters to make him the leading candidate. Across the nation though, a racist like him would never stand a ghost of a chance. MO is not reflective of the nation and yet, you’re surrounded by lunacy and extremism there, it can sure feel like the whole country is like that but it’s not.
AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad that isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Just when you believe you have it under control it rises up someplace else and spreads it’s bile all over the place again. A constant fight.
24 minutes ago
Ad….national events do not provide a lot to build optimism on.
23 minutes ago
Tw….my sentiments as well.
23 minutes ago
TW….you live in a red state, yes?
22 minutes ago

Murph no I’m in the state where the shot heard around the world started everything. MA.
22 minutes ago
Murph – I share your upset at a corrupt SCOTUS that I think is intentionally dragging out the prosecutions to help the RW cause if not Trump himself. But Trumnp WILL be criminally tried beginning this month and I think he will be convicted. Trump will be a convicted criminal before Summer and no amount of lipstick put on that pig can make it look attractive.
AdLib21 minutes ago

Murph not my home state moved here not long after I got married.
21 minutes ago
TW…my mistake….somehow, FL was in my head…..
21 minutes ago
TW – So true. It’s a neverending battle, as Superman would say, to fight bigotry. It never dies, it ebbs and flows but never is gone for good.
AdLib20 minutes ago
Ad…the corruption in SCOTUS combined with how powerless we are to cope with it overwhelms a lot of my confidence.
20 minutes ago
Ad…the corruption in SCOTUS combined with how powerless we are to cope with it overwhelms a lot of my confidence.
20 minutes ago

Well we have the overdue retiring McConnell to thank for the court we have. Especially when he hijacked the seat Obama had the right to fill.
19 minutes ago
That Thomas whose wife conspired with Trump can still hold his seat in cases where he cannot offer the appearance of impartiality is so outrageous as to bring into question the integrity of the entire system.
18 minutes ago
Murph – Have to disagree, national events like the NY cases Trump lost, the criminal case this month that I think he will lose, and his underperformance in the primaries all support the proposition that Trump is wounded and declining. I see no national events that contradict that.
AdLib18 minutes ago
TW….I hope to God that the Dems give McConnell the farewell he deserves….but they are too polite.
18 minutes ago

I read somewhere ‘when you lose the courts you lose your democracy’ I thought it was in How Democracies Die, but I can’t seem to verify it came from that book.
17 minutes ago
Ad …..I do not argue with what you say here re. Trump…..truth…but I fear what can come into play when there are so few real guardrails.
16 minutes ago

Murph you mean burn him in effigy?
16 minutes ago
TW….you name my worry very well. I would prefer to burn him in reality.
15 minutes ago
Murph – The SCOTUS couldn’t stop NY from civil and criminal prosecutions of Trump, it won’t stop GA either. Yes, it is horrible that the corrupt SCOTUS has chosen to try and help Trump escape prosecution by Jack Smith before the election but I think Jack Smith and Judge Chutkin won’t just roll over and play dead either. I think one way or another, despite the tight time frame, Jack Smith gets at least one criminal prosecution of Trump completed before the election.
AdLib15 minutes ago

15 minutes ago
Ad…..really hope you are correct…..I do think that living in a blood red state has a way dragging one down and clouding every horizon.
14 minutes ago
Murph – So true about Thomas being a megaphone for corruption by not recusing himself. The SCOTUS is mortally wounded as an institution, most Americans think its corrupt now, if Dems do win Congress, reshaping the SCOTUS will need to be a priority.
AdLib13 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t see what you’re seeing. What could come into play that would throw the election to Trump?
AdLib12 minutes ago

Thomas clearly is a problem but Alito has to go as well.
12 minutes ago
You all recall that many of my childhood and adolescent roots are in the UK…one of my school chums is a rather important member of the bar there and our mess astounds him at many levels.
12 minutes ago
TW….Thomas, Aitio, yes but the three Trump justices are frauds as well.
11 minutes ago

Murph I agee with you on that.
11 minutes ago
Ad….what I see is what I experience….the state in which I live in a state of thralldom re. the Trump cult.
10 minutes ago
Well…I do need to go….but I am glad we connected tonight.
10 minutes ago

Murph you be safe
10 minutes ago
TW…doing my best….have I shared with you all that I now have video monitoring all over my farm…..with plenty of signage making that know.
9 minutes ago
Murph – I am impressed with how you keep on punching despite the pressure of being surrounded by MAGA nutjobs. But you’re doing great work and it will make a difference. I do believe, based on data of election results and not my feelings or optimism, that momentum is all on the Dem’s side and Trump is a bringer of chaos who has pushed away and is alienating more and more, anyone who might have considered flipping over to support him. Just as with the GOP as a whole. Dems win because they represent the majority of Americans. Repubs don’t even have platforms anymore!
AdLib9 minutes ago

Murph you mentioned that.
9 minutes ago
Ok……the cameras are monitored by a property safety company……they have called the sheriff twice in last two weeks re. sightings on my property.
8 minutes ago
Probably hunters……but….
7 minutes ago
Murph – It is horrible that MO and most red states have become so infected with this hatred and ignorance of Trump and MAGA, it’s like we’re living in a virtual Union vs. Confederacy.
AdLib7 minutes ago
Ad…..well put, well said.
6 minutes ago
Murph – It’s a relief to know you have monitored security cameras and that they’ll call the police as needed.
AdLib6 minutes ago

Ad in their mind they want to redo the Civil War and actually think they would win.
6 minutes ago
I am off to bed. Good night friends. Yes, Ad…my most recent upgrades owe quite a bit to folks like yourself pushing me to step up my prep.
5 minutes ago

Muph Good night.
5 minutes ago
Consider that women, LGBTQ folks, PoC, all have less rights in most Red states than in Blue states. How messed up is that? And how is it not a virtual secession?
AdLib5 minutes ago
TW – It’s the Civil War for those suffering from the Dunning Krueger effect.
AdLib4 minutes ago

Ad time to break out the lemon juice.
4 minutes ago
Murph – Just so glad that you’ve done it and are staying safe.
AdLib4 minutes ago
Ad……someone I know, a very wealth gay man who lives in an art community here in this state told me last week that nearly everyone in his community is leaving the state…..that is how unfriendly things have gotten.
3 minutes ago
Murph – Sad to hear but I think it’s for the best. Being LGBTQ in a Red state, especially how the young student in OK was bullied and killed, it just isn’t safe. Hey, it isn’t even safe for an older white man in MO if he’s not conforming to the MAGA cult.
AdLiba minute ago
Ad….truth and more truth. and good night gentlemen….See you next week.
a few seconds ago

It’s not just MO, one of the editors for a Medium Pup I write for is moving from Idaho to Oregon because he is tired of the all the racist crap and following Trump nonsese.
a few seconds ago
And imagine the exodus of teachers, college grads, doctors, PoC, etc.
AdLiba few seconds ago
TW – That’s why I say it’s happening in Red states, not just one or two.
AdLibin a few seconds
Shall we pick up our chat?
AdLibin a few seconds

Ad you’re right
in a few seconds
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