Vox Populi, our weekly live chats about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey PPO!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hi, ad! Happy New Year.


2 hours ago

Thanks! Happy New Year to you! How’s the new home coming along?

AdLib2 hours ago

You there, PPO?

AdLiban hour ago

Fine, thank you. still have lots of boxes to unpack, but ok with the position and ease of shopping etc.


an hour ago

Working currently on dates for July. Pity that July 4 is a Thursday! Will probably book for the following week. Of course I’ll let you know when i lock in the dates.


an hour ago

That’s a nice benefit. While there is a lot to be said for having more nature around, I prefer being in town and having so much nearby.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph! Happy New Year.


an hour ago

Hello….PPO! and AD!


an hour ago

PPO – Please do let me know when you firm up SFO plans, looking forward to it!

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

Happy New Year


an hour ago

Happy New Year….yes, indeed…I do hope it will be……there is much that is going well and very much that is not….so…..


an hour ago

Hey!!! Everyone’s here but TW – this is lovely! Hi, Happy New Year indeed!


an hour ago

Hello Chioice


an hour ago

Hey Murph! Hi PPO, Ad – this is nice.


an hour ago

PPO are you coming in around July 4th again?


an hour ago

So Trump sure looks like he only hurt himself in the NY case and will be hammered with hundreds of millions in fines and have his business dissolved, the judgement whould be in before the end of the month. Then he’ll lose the latest E. Jean Carroll suit and owe many millions there too. He is going down.

AdLiban hour ago

Hi CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – LOVE your analysis of Trump’s “shooting himself in the foot, then reloading” spectacle. The bad news is he is vile. The good news is that he is stupid.


an hour ago

And the 2nd Circuit looks pretty clearly like its about to bury Trump’s immunity motion so the Jack Smith trial will still probably start in March.

AdLiban hour ago

Cool – March doesn’t have a lot going for it until Spring, so a lovely Trump trial would liven the day.


an hour ago

We are heading into subzero temps here tomorrow with single digits for the next several days….prep for this has worn me down so I do not know how long I will stay …..we shall see.


an hour ago

Good evening everyone


an hour ago

CL, 4th is a Thursday, so planning on the following week if thats ok. Trying to firm up visits to Cousins and nephews.


an hour ago

OMG – I thought all that was going north of you, Murph. I am so sorry. Hope you have alternative heat sources and lanterns, etc.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Hi, TW!


an hour ago

CL – Seemed to me that Trump’s attacks on the judge and his aide were intended to rile up the judge and get him to do something to help in an appeal but the judge saw it all coming and even let Trump humiliate himself with his “closing statement”. Trump has never experienced real consequences for his crimes, part of me thinks he doesn’t believe it will happen. But it’s happening.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – that’s all fine.


an hour ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

So much of this Trump Drama is headed into Scotus (to decide if they will take up cases and if they do, decide.). What’s our read on the court?


an hour ago

Happy New Year to everyone


an hour ago

Murph – SCOTUS has never yet voted on Trump’s side. Do not think they will now. Maybe two – Thomas and Alito – not the majority.


an hour ago

All the best for 2024, TW


an hour ago

Hey Murph, hope you’re all prepped to stay warm! And that you can stay a bit, I can start a fire in the Vox fireplace.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Happiest of new years to you.


an hour ago

CLl….I have alternative heat, water sources, battery powered lighting but frozen pipes require a lot of prep and many of my neighbors, and they still are my neighbors, are not as well prepared as I am….so I help out


an hour ago

Ad never a dull moment with the great Orange One, now he has to fork over $400,000 to the NYT.


an hour ago

Good for you – had water pipes burst in Buffalo. Good to prevent that!


an hour ago

CL from your typing fingers to God Almighty…..please.


an hour ago

Vox fireplace….Ad…love it.


an hour ago

TW – I am LOVING the NY Times payout.


an hour ago

Murph – I think SCOTUS may be open to helping Trump on being thrown off the ballot but no way will they uphold immunity and they might just decline to hear it at all.

AdLiban hour ago

I would love, for once to see Yambo being found guilty of something which will put him in prison immediately, pending his endless an dumb appeals. He’s trying to wear us out.


an hour ago

CL as am I. Love the fact that he is getting hammer from every way one can image.


an hour ago

Murph – Don’t you have to keep water running in the pipes so they don’t freeze up?

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – hope your neighbors all know their in house and outside water shut offs. Best wishes to everyone getting through this.


an hour ago

PPO his appeal process is all part of his MO


an hour ago

TW – Missed the story about the NYT getting $400k from Trump. Why does he have to pay them?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I found, to my horror, that doesn’t always help. One really needs warming cables wrapped around pipes. Life in the REAL world of below freezing as a norm is quite the challenge.


an hour ago

PPO but I’m with you I wish this blimp would just go far away.


an hour ago

Ad it has to do with the tax fraud case they uncovered and he sued the reports and lost now he has to pay their legal fees


an hour ago

I want him to go the way of Huey Long – shot down in public by a disgruntled supporter. Removes the conspiracy theories.


an hour ago

Ad…..the state by state tossing of or keeping on the ballot is another of those examples of how rickety our constitutional structure is…..the Constitution of 1789 was meant to be worked with over a series of conventions…..Constitution 2.0 etc….Never happened because of the emergence of parties and ultra hot issues that all feared handling…..leading to the Civil War among other crises.


an hour ago

Murph – agreed on the “Con Con” that never has found a moment to be done well and safely.


an hour ago

PPO – I think Trump will be found guilty in the Jack Smith 1/6 trial, that’s the big one aside from GA (and I have no idea what’s going on with the story about Fani Willis’ affair with the lawyer so I am a little concerned there). But Trump won’t go to prison immediately…unless he makes more and more direct threats to unleashing violence. Then I could imagine Smith and Chutkin throwing his orange mug in jail.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I think Chutkin would have no problem remanding Trump upon conviction. He can appeal from a cell.


an hour ago

CL – That’s quite a complicated thing to have to do. I’ve never lived in freezing weather. This can be really dire for those who aren’t properly prepared.

AdLiban hour ago

You turn off water lines that are not needed. You use drip runs on all faucets to move icing along and you use thermal wrap on the most important lines and on any in locations of high exposure.


an hour ago

She and Smith will provide NO reversable error.


an hour ago

Murph – that’s what we Buffalonians were taught. Glad you confirmed it.


an hour ago

Ad – I have not been following the Willis story.


an hour ago

The worst, Ad, is for tenants where they have no access to the plumbing.


an hour ago

Ad yeah the Fani Willis story came out of no where and they are not saying anything about it. Just have to wait and see


an hour ago

TW – That’s great news! Thanks for explaining it, Trump joins Giuliani and Fox News in having to make big payouts for lying. Love it!

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Maybe Giuliani or Pillow Guy will lose it and John Wilkes Booth Trump?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad do you think there is any possibility Rudi and Trump will go to the barn and put on a show to raise money?


an hour ago

Ad – Trump has screwed over so many people, I’d not be surprised if they went “Boothy” on him.


an hour ago

TW – which one of them is Judy Garland?


an hour ago

Murph – But the 14th Amendment makes clear the intent of not electing anyone who betrayed their oath of office so as TW often says, the Repubs on the SCOTUS claim originalism as the only way to interpret the Constitution, they will have to tie themselves in knots to strike down Trump being thrown off the ballot.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad the MyPillow has been dropped by Fox seems like he’s just a bit behind on paying for the running of his ad but a few million or so. Almost feel sorry for him —- not!


an hour ago

How come that pillow fool is still free?


an hour ago

CL good question? I guess it would have to be Trump, Rudi has be Roney he’s the right height.


an hour ago

PPO yeah he should be in jail for failing how to read computer print outs that tells you their is no phone ballots.


an hour ago

Ad…I agree with your understanding of the 14th…..the mess, for me, lies in how it is applied and by whom….state by state, court by court, state office holder by state officeholder, state legislature by state legislature….all ways that the amendment can be applied. Very messy.


an hour ago

Hey glenn!!! Wonderful to see you!

AdLiban hour ago

Glenn is in the House — Happy New Year Glenn


an hour ago

PPO – Pillow Guy is a jerk, but so far, I doubt he’s actually broken laws.


an hour ago

GLENN!!!! How are you, dear friend?


an hour ago

Glenn…Now I AM really happy that I fought off tiredness just for the chance to say hello, my dear.


an hour ago

Glenn, how are things going with and for you.


an hour ago

CL – Right, especially people in apartments who have to hope the landlords and managers take the proper precautions.

AdLiban hour ago

Happy new year everyone! So glad to feel good enough to be here tonight. I’m doing all right thanks for asking. Not much different or new. Anyway I’m so glad I’m getting to chat with you all tonight.


an hour ago

Being a tenant is risky in harsh conditions.


an hour ago

glenn – lovely to have you here. Glad things are reasonably OK with you.


an hour ago

Glenn…thanks for the overview….I am so please to share this forum with you.


an hour ago

TW – The fact that Willis hasn’t come out to deny the story yet AND that the wife of the lawyer Willis is supposedly having an affair with is including her in divorce proceedings givews me some concerns. This is so stupid of Willis if it’s true.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – my understanding is that there is nothing to the Willis story, and if there WAS, it was some time ago.


an hour ago

TW – I think Rudy and Giuliani will be side-by-side with George Santos selling Cameo greetings.

AdLiban hour ago

Glenn! Happy and healthy new Year


an hour ago

Ad well I have no idea and will have to wait and see what happens


an hour ago

Missouri at one time had very hard winters…..30 to 40 of inches of snow every winter, lots of teen temps……but global warming has made our winters very mild with 5 inches of snow on avg and temps in the 40s and 50s most of the time.


an hour ago

Just quickly reviewed The conversation. I’m with you add I hope it’s not true about Fani Willis but it doesn’t look good.


an hour ago

TW – Yep, saw that, it’s why I included Lindell in the mix. He’s another Trumper whose destroyed his life following Trump. Everything Trump touches dies.

AdLiban hour ago

Thanks PPO. A healthy and happy new year to you as well. Sounds like you’re starting off the year well in your new home.


an hour ago

Ad – I rather hope they share a curb in lower Manhattan selling pencils to stockbrokers who kick them as they walk by.


an hour ago

PPO – we want photos of your new digs, please. It’s so exciting!


an hour ago

Murph here in MA we would get a fair amount snow in the winter, but things have changed as well. We got a storm earlier this week but now the snow is gone and it’s raining. So Global Warming is having an impact even it folks don’t want to admit it.


an hour ago

Murph – My proposition is that if a candidate is not eligible due to Constitutional requirements, the SCOTUS should affirm that. Then, whether states take him off the ballot or not, he can’t legally be awarded electoral votes.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – in 1981 I came back east, moved to Lawrence and loved every minute of my little place in a triple decker. Snowed often, was gorgeous, and I loved every minute of it. It’s all so weird now. You want a snowy Christmas you have to live in Fargo.


an hour ago

CL, glenn and all. Still trawling through multiple boxes, No photos yet, but I will as soon as I can tidy up. Promise!


an hour ago

Here we have anaqulfer that is 30 percent off of peak affecting more and more farmers every year and the Missouri River basically closed to barge traffic with the Mississippi down to two lanes….and yet there is little alarm.


an hour ago

PPO – OK, I get that. I’d not want to send photos of a place still decorated in cardboard.


an hour ago

AD, I like your proposition. It’s my understanding that there are other candidates for senate and representatives that participated in that insurrection and should be kicked off the ballots. You can’t have it both ways. You want the people to elect you, but you will not accept the results of another election.


an hour ago

CL – Hope that’s true, just wish Willis would have come out to knock that story down sooner if it’s not true or an old story. Either way, the worst that could happen is another prosecutor replaces her, the case won’t be thrown out.

AdLiban hour ago

‘Murph – that is horrifying about the rivers.


an hour ago

CL you live in Buffalo also right so you know what winters can be like.


an hour ago

Oh Murph, did you see that interview with the MO SoS on CNN? Ashcroft? He face-planted so hard, it was almost like someone dared him to look like the biggest moron in the state.

AdLiban hour ago

This is kind of off the subject. Please please someone give me hope that Trump is going to be locked up soon.


an hour ago

Ad,,,,Ashcroft is representative of most of our state officials….


an hour ago

TW – I LIVED in Buffalo 1984-2000 so yes. I moved back to CA ahead of the 7 foot snowfall. Last year was a doozy for the city, but this year – meh. We will spend the rest of our lives doing two things: fighting fascism and wondering whether we get buried or a drought. What happened to the “Golden Years” we were promised in our old age?


an hour ago

Murph I remember the times when the leading story in the news was your two rivers always flooding.,


an hour ago

Sadly, glenn not soon, and certainly no matter how soon, not soon enough.


an hour ago

Murph – what relationship is that doofus to John Ashcroft, architect of the “no intel on 9.11” fame


an hour ago

glenn – he will be, but not sure when.


an hour ago

CL so you missed the 78 blizzard that was something.


an hour ago

Murph – I’m sure your fellow farmers who are MAGA will explain that it’s the Democrats who have lowered the Missouri River and the aquifer with their Jewish space lasers.

AdLiban hour ago

TW…I moved here just at the edge of those days….now long gone. Three nearby towns had river rise floods in flood basis every year…the last time was 12 years ago.


an hour ago

Murph, agreed. He should’ve been locked up months ago.


an hour ago

CL…I believe his grandsonl


an hour ago

TW – yes, but I was dating the man whom I then married in 1981 when a Noreaster came in and pounded us. I did know about ’77 in Buffalo and ”78 in MA/RI and came back anyway!


an hour ago

Ad…you must be going to their meetings…..you are really tuned in.


an hour ago

Murph it seems like the younger Ashcroft takes after his father.


an hour ago

Murph – Ashcrofts are not the brightest bulbs.’


an hour ago

CL, that’s too bad. I still hate the way the media is covering him smirking face and breathtakingly reporting his every word.


an hour ago

Whatever generation he is in Ash is an Ass.


an hour ago

glenn – we all agree. He’s despicable, and media give him too much of a pass.


an hour ago

glenn – Agreed, I think after the Trump 1/6 trial, Jack Smith will indict at least some Repub Congresspeople who collaborated with Trump and the overthrow of the election. First things first, convicting Trump then everything else follows. And hey, why haven’t the FBI found the pipe bomber on 1/6 yet? They have to have plenty of info on that person (some say it was MTG but not so sure about that).

AdLiban hour ago

CL 78 was something, almost didn’t make it home lot of the people at the facility I worked at didn’t get home at all had spend time at the facility.


an hour ago

GREAT campaign slogan, MurphL “Ash is an Ass”. Works for me!


an hour ago

Glenn….even the liberal media needs his appearances as a viewership driver.


an hour ago

TW – I remember so many stories like yours!


an hour ago

Murph love the slogan.


an hour ago

Murph – You have to see that video, it’s hilarious what a complete idiot Ashcroft proves himself to be. Just double-digit IQ stupid.

AdLiban hour ago

AD, I think the person who is the pipe bomber is probably someone high in government or very well-known. I think that’s why it’s still not being disclosed if they do know who it is.


an hour ago

is it on you Tube?


an hour ago

CL as I said the weather pattern has changed and I’ve notice not getting as much snow, but there are time Feb can be pretty tricky and we have a lot of snow but it does seem things have changed.


an hour ago

Ad and everyone – I am pretty sure the FBI know who the pipe bomber is, but if it’s a Congress person, they will haul her in after they get Trump sorted out. I am NOT convinced it’s only ONE woman. The pants are slightly different colors. So we may have a MOST interesting revelation soon.


an hour ago

CL – As for your golden years, aparently you have to be a president with total immunity to ask Seal Team 6 to kill your political rivals to enjoy your golden years.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I don’t HAVE political rivals. Can I get a rebate>


an hour ago

AD, so that’s what I missing in my golden years


an hour ago

glenn – we boomers wuz all cheated.


an hour ago

CL, lol


44 minutes ago

Not me……cheated…..these are my Golden Years……….yeah, sure.


43 minutes ago

TW – sometime after April 20, I am coming your way. We need to find a way to meet.


43 minutes ago

So with all this talk about snow, I guess I can’t complain about the rain and 50 to 60° weather we are having here. It’s all in your perspective I guess.


43 minutes ago

CL I believe the Ashcroft we’re talking about is the son of John.


43 minutes ago

glenn – Good proposition, I agree that it could have been a Repub Congressperson or someone close to Trump or his campaign who did it. Is the FBI covering for Trump? Why havent they said anything more about the pipe bomber? Tons of cameras all around DC, they should have been able to track the bomber down I’d think.

AdLib43 minutes ago

I know so many my age who are living truly miserable lives…..and they sincerely believe that Mega will make it all better.


43 minutes ago

All – let’s face it: Boomers’ Golden Years have all been tarnished by Trump.


42 minutes ago

glenn – it’s a bit colder here in Sacramento, but rain is all we are getting tomorrow and some next week.


42 minutes ago

CL you know the one who had drapes put up to cover the some statues that offended him because their breasts were exposed. I guess he never went to an art museum


41 minutes ago

Here’s Moronic Ashcroft exposing what a fool he is:

AdLib41 minutes ago

Murph, it’s such a shame that those people think that Maga is going to make things better. I just don’t know how living under a fascist dictator is going to make our lives better


41 minutes ago

Murph -MAGA left us using refrigerator trucks as morgues, burying us in mass graves. What lure can they possibly have now?


41 minutes ago

Well said, cl. Imagine if Hillary won?


41 minutes ago

I need to respond to a call for help…..I will try to get back to you all….


41 minutes ago

Take care, Murph! Love you!


40 minutes ago

Murph take care.


40 minutes ago

PPO – as a women’s march sign said, “If Hillary had won, we’d all be at brunch”.


40 minutes ago

CL – That would be fantastic. As would it be if it was MTG and they had her nailed. She would go to prison beyond a doubt.

AdLib40 minutes ago

Take care Murph.Great talking with you


40 minutes ago

Hope you can make it back, Murph!

AdLib40 minutes ago

I have not been convinced MTG and LB were the bombers, but the reluctance of the FBI to arrest someone argues that one or both are. There is a deep strategy going on, and waiting to arrest them is consistent w that.


39 minutes ago

Republicans want to cut SS and turn Golden Years into Coal Miner Years.

AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad – I am way too old to go back to work especially as a greeter at the winding engine house with the miners.


38 minutes ago

Sorry folks but my energy is about sapped right now. So I’m going to call it a night. It was so nice chatting with all of you tonight. And I’m glad everyone was here tonight. I hope I can make it again next week. In the meantime you all have a wonderful week.


38 minutes ago

By the way, folks, It is being said by US media that Australia is leading the Red Sea action. What? All 9 technicians????? Wow!


37 minutes ago

CL are we starting conspiracy can I play??


37 minutes ago

Great to see you, glenn. Thank you for stopping by. Take care of yourself? We miss you and love it when you’re here.


37 minutes ago

‘night, glenn. Great to say hi again. Take care.


37 minutes ago

Glenn take care it’s good seeing you here.


37 minutes ago

Thank you, CL


37 minutes ago

Murph – I kind of wish MAGAs could live the lives that Trump and the GOP want for the rest of the country, give them what they want. No SS, Medicare, working into their 80s, etc. Hey, it is what they’re voting for. I just don’t want the majority who oppose the Repubs to be crushed with all that.

AdLib36 minutes ago

TW – you are MORE than welcome to Play Conspiracy!


36 minutes ago

Murph! Welcome back!


36 minutes ago

It was great to see you, glenn! Hope you’ll be back again soon!

AdLib36 minutes ago

All OK, Murph?


35 minutes ago

Good night all. Thank you for the kind words. I will read the rest of the conversation in the archives tomorrow morning.


35 minutes ago

Good night, glenn!


35 minutes ago

Murph you’re a good man to go help out your neighbors.


35 minutes ago

Yeah…panicked neighbors who just seemed to have realized what the weather means….funny, they watch Fox all day…..you know, why weren’t they aware?


35 minutes ago

Murph – everyone knows a major storm is just liberal conspiracy thinking.


34 minutes ago

Murph, you answered your own question. they watch Fox!


34 minutes ago

We are having 40 mph winds, a bit of sleet and the air temp is 17.


34 minutes ago

Murph – Fox News was probably too busy showing Hunter Biden’s junk to report on the freeze so how were your neighbors supposed to know about news that affects them? They’re watching Fox.

AdLib33 minutes ago

Can someone give me a rush precise on this bomber thing……I thought I knew it but it is obvious I do not.


33 minutes ago

Murph – I looked at St. Louis, and the wind chill advisory says wind chill temps down to -25 F. That’s LETHAL.


32 minutes ago

CL maybe we could start a conspiracy to say that Fox news is really left wing propaganda and the truth is over on NPR.


32 minutes ago

And Fox is not the only forum on the tube that peddles right wing poison.


32 minutes ago

I saw a poll talked about today that showed about half of the country is tuned out of the election right now and many of them still doubt Trump will be the GOP nom. Even so, the numbers are starting to pick up for Biden and drop for Trump. This is just the beginning, as the criminal and civil cases hammer Trump down and big new revelations about Trump’s crimes are all over the news, his numbers will be nosediving by midyear.

AdLib31 minutes ago

Murph do they watch a lot of Newsmax?


31 minutes ago

CL…..I had not seen the wind chill rating…yeah, that makes sense.


31 minutes ago

There was one or two women – pretty clearly they are women – who laid pipe bombs in key locations Jan. 5. There are videos. So far no one has been ID’d. We shall see.’


31 minutes ago

Ad…I SO hope your vision is indeed prescient.


31 minutes ago

TW – I am almost there deciding if they do the disinformation, we should, too.


30 minutes ago

TW….I have sampled NewsMax….dumb, dumber, dumbest.


30 minutes ago

Murph yes it is.


30 minutes ago

Well, folks, time to do some race management. Hope to see you all next week. In the meantime, take care and stay as healthy as possible.


29 minutes ago

Race Management?


29 minutes ago

PPO good to see you as always, stay safe.


29 minutes ago

Yacht races! Sorry!


29 minutes ago

Lovely to see you, PPO. Have a great day and good racing. Love you!


28 minutes ago



28 minutes ago

Murph – It’s really kind of straightforward. Trump’s support cratered after the revelations from the 1/6 committee. This entire year will be criminal and civil trials with tons of new information about Trump’s scheming and criming. No way that turns swing voters to swing to him. There was a poll that showed 60% of voters would not vote for Trump if he was criminally convicted. Even if it’s a bit less, Trump will be convicted and he will lose in a big way.

AdLib28 minutes ago

God, you have to be soooo careful with words these days. Sayonara


28 minutes ago

Ok…choice, ad and tw……I clearly have a complete misunderstanding of the bomber thing…help


27 minutes ago

See you next time, PPO! Sail on, Ceylon Sailor.

AdLib27 minutes ago

PPO – yes, even among friends! LOL! Hugs!


27 minutes ago

Murph – here is the FBI synopsis of the bomber with video footage as well on the bottom to click on.



26 minutes ago

Murph – I think CL may be right. If the FBI knows who the pipe bombers were, and DC is loaded with cameras everywhere, and they’re holding back for now because they don’t want to try Repub operatives while Trump is being tried, it would make sense for the hammer to come down after Trump is convicted.

AdLib25 minutes ago

CL…thank you….I will erase my memory bank on the matter and start from scratch.


25 minutes ago

CL I thought the FBI had given up on trying to identify the person.


25 minutes ago

I really gotta catch up on this one.


24 minutes ago

Thanks for the leads.


24 minutes ago

TW – It just makes no sense that the FBI couldn’t use cameras and cell phone towers to track and identify the pipe bombers.

AdLib24 minutes ago

The “order of march” for this investigation – convict Trump then fold in all his co-conspirators. Hard to prove anything against the cronies until the Big Guy has been convicted. So that’s still coming, and Jack Smith has two new US attorneys assigned to CONGRESS to look for co conspirators.


23 minutes ago

SO doies anyone here doubt that Trump’s motion for immunity will be smacked down pretty swiftly by all courts?

AdLib23 minutes ago

Ad can’t argue that. If I recall wasn’t VP at the DNC location when the bombs were discovered?


23 minutes ago

Ad – With current tech, if the cell phones we see on the cameras were doctored to “bounce” to Romania, El Salvador, and back to Russia – would be VERY hard to find the source. But I’m not convinced they don’t know from tons of data who it is. I think they’re just waiting.


22 minutes ago

Ad there is no doubt in my mind, just waiting on them to render it.


22 minutes ago

Ad – Trump’s motion for immunity is not going to fly, and it should be swiftly delivered.


21 minutes ago

CL – I don’t know if they need to convict Trump to convict the other Repub politicians, I think they want to nail the big fish first and then think his exposed guilt will makle convicting other Repub Pols more acceptable to Americans. They don’t want to look like they’re prosecuting the whole GOP…even though much of it was part of the sedition.

AdLib21 minutes ago

I had to log out and log in…..my input box froze…


21 minutes ago

Ad – it is very hard to convict “co conspirators” if you haven’t first proven the Big Cajuna did the filthy deed.


21 minutes ago

TW – Yes, Harris was at the DNC offices that morning, could have been a greater tragedy that day.

AdLib20 minutes ago

Murph – is that weather related? Not being funny – wind chill used to take out my ex’s system from cold.


20 minutes ago

Ad – that is the horror of the otherwise inept bomber.


20 minutes ago

CL….certainly weather affects the dishes….


19 minutes ago

CL – The cell tower data can’t be corrupted so that can help the FBI follow whoever was there…unless they turned their phones off.

AdLib19 minutes ago

I keep losing my connection……but I am enjoying the tete-a-tete too much to give up.


17 minutes ago

CL – From what I’ve heard, Smith is loaded with powerful evidence from all the testimony, emails, texts, etc. that so many involved in the coup have turned over. I bet they not only have shocking evidence on Trump but on many of the GOP Congresspeople and operatives. I think he’s fully loaded for bear but as you say, one thing at a time. Take down the mob boss first, he needs to be taken down no matter what then the others will be petrified when they see they too won’t be able to escape the law.

AdLib17 minutes ago

Ad it will be interesting to see if the FBI can nail it down and discover who it was.


16 minutes ago

My 2024 fantasy is that when Smith is far enough along in the DC trial, one morning we will wake up and find the FBI, without benefit of prior notice, raided several homes of Reps and even Senators who abetted J6, have them in cuffs doing the perp walks, and will NOT entertain bail on national security and flight risks. Tuberville is one on the Senate side. Not sure about others, but the House has 5-6 at least.


16 minutes ago

Murph – Sorry to hear the weather is messing with your connection. Hope it holds up a bit longer.

AdLib16 minutes ago

Ad…what an extraordinary summation.


16 minutes ago

Ad – they know where the perp(s) walked but not necessarily who it is. I hope they have been able to unpack the cell phone data well.


15 minutes ago

CL…oh, your scenario would be a wonderful dream come true.


15 minutes ago

CL – Don’t forget Ron Johnson, some compromising facts just came out about his involvement in pushing the fake electors. And there’s Chuck Grassley who announced on 1/5 that he would be taking Pence’s place on 1/6.

AdLib14 minutes ago

Ad – Yes, they now have all they need, but to convince a jury, they have to show a crime WAS committed by Trump to show the perps who abetted that crime were working w him. It’s almost there!


14 minutes ago

Ad – the Johnson/Grassley stuff may be separate from actual J6 collusion. There are tons of crimes. The trick is weaving them into the right chains.


13 minutes ago

OH…another call…right back, maybe……these people must be desperate…asking for help from a lib.


12 minutes ago

How is these people who are suppose to be champions of democracy are working so hard to destroy it?


12 minutes ago

CL – It works just fine for me. Even if Trump was the only one tried and convicted, he’s the one that needs to be. But we already know Smith listed dozens of unnamed co-conspirators in his indictment of Trump so we know he has the goods on them too.

AdLib12 minutes ago

I once testified to a federal grand jury. I had super evidence of conspiracy – I thought. The jury did NOT return a true bill until others ALSO testified. I was embarrassed, but once we put together a CHAIN of evidence of conspiracy, then we got the return. Did not work from just me.


10 minutes ago

CL Grassely is a prime time commercial for term limits


10 minutes ago

The feds are not sloppy and demand high level proof for such types of cases.


10 minutes ago

TW – The GOP is an abandoned building of a party, just rats and roaches scurrying around in it. They’re not there to do their job or work for the people or honor the Constitution. I just loved Hunter Biden and his team destroying their hearing on him by showing up. They are nothing more than rodents now.

AdLib9 minutes ago

TW – I HATE term limits, but I’d be happy to impose them for people such as Grassley!!!


9 minutes ago

CL I wasn’t for them either, but I now believe they are in order.


8 minutes ago

CL – That’s very enlightening. I see your point comes from solid experience and I take it to heart.

AdLib8 minutes ago

Just caught up. You guys are H-O-T tonight.


8 minutes ago

Ad – Comer yelling Hunter was a coward for leaving is the stupidest thing EVER. Moskowitz asked for a vote to hear him. NOBODY GOP said yes – but Comer yells at Hunter and says he’s a coward??? These people are despicable and stupid at the same time


7 minutes ago

Well, Ad – If *I* couldn’t do it… I found out how exacting federal grand juries are.


7 minutes ago

CL….the Comer Coward knows that HIS networks will cobble together clips from the hearing to sell his scenario.


7 minutes ago

I’ve seen reports that Smith has explosive evidence on Trump that will come out in the trial. I can’t wait! He’s got info from so many people around Trump, from their phones and emails, maybe even recordings. I have complete confidence Smith will bury Trump with a bulldozer full of damning evidence. He is a real hero for this nation. We’re pretty lucky the right guy at the right time is right where he needs to be.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Well, The Lincoln Project is doing their version of it, and they have the knack that Comer lacks to sell the actual story.


6 minutes ago

AD I’ve seen cockroaches smarter than Comer.


6 minutes ago

Gang,…..I need to head to bed…..I suspect I will be needed in the early AM


5 minutes ago

Murph It’s good to seen you tonight take care.


5 minutes ago

This was fun AND enlightening…..I need to do some homework…thanks for the leads.


5 minutes ago

Ad – Don’t know when Garland thought of Smith, but he built a solid foundation of evidence for him, or Smith would NOT have left the Hague for this. Whatever we have it’s been three years in the making, and it SHOULD blow Trump out of the water.


5 minutes ago

CL – It’s always the same story with Repubs, whatever they accuse others of is a reflection of who they are. Comer is a liar and a coward and possibly conducted illegal business through his own shell companies. Thank goodness Comer, Jordan, MTG, Boebert, etc. are a package deal of incompetence and idiocy.

AdLib4 minutes ago

Murph – take all precautions on your own safety. Wind chill affects everyone. Please stay safe. We wish you a good weekend with good outcomes for all. But we will worry about you. Hugs and best wishes,


3 minutes ago

Rest well, Murph and stay warm!

AdLib3 minutes ago

CL I hope Smith does because Trump is nothing but a wannabe mobster.


3 minutes ago

TW – totally agree on Trump’s life goals.


3 minutes ago

Thanks one and all….your kind thoughts will do their part in keeping this old soul warm.


3 minutes ago

CL – Agreed. Garland should take a lot of credit too for bringing in Smith, he made this possible.

AdLib2 minutes ago

Guys, I think I’m dropping off, too. Lots of busy work this week and a major essay to write on our March 5 ballot measure for my organization. Talk to you next Friday. Everyone in the way of bad weather please stay safe! Talk to you Friday!


2 minutes ago

CL take care.


a minute ago

And like that, the lovely CL is gone. She’s so wonderful!

AdLiba minute ago

Ad did we close the bar againg??


a minute ago

TW – We always get a free drink at the end of the night for closing up. And any peanuts left in the bowls.

AdLiba few seconds ago

Peanuts are gone will call in few.


in a few seconds

Sounds good. Opening another can of peanuts in the meantime…

AdLibin a few seconds

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