Vox Populi, our weekly live chant about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 PST. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey PPO!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hiya, Ad! Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy 2024


2 hours ago

see you soon


2 hours ago

Thanks so much! A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! See you then!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

My fave gentlemen! Hellow and Happy Hols, PPO and Ad – great to see you!


2 hours ago

Thanks CL! Happy Xmas and New Year to you too!

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO was here a few minutes ago, he should be back shortly.

AdLib2 hours ago

I’m here! Can’t see CL


2 hours ago

Are you ready for the holidays?

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO -when I check your feed on Twitter I always learn something new about you and your father. I’ve seen TONS of his movies but didn’t realize it. What grand fun!


2 hours ago

PPO – Oh, sorry! You can’t see CL’s post?

AdLib2 hours ago

Oh no – I’m invisible!


2 hours ago

Hi, CL. Have been invited to a friends for Xmas lunch. Will then phone the world!


2 hours ago

I see you CL.

AdLib2 hours ago

Delightful, PPO – but you MUST have a Christmas cracker then or it’s simply not Christmas.


2 hours ago

Not in view on the attendees sidebar.


2 hours ago

I asked Santa for a Trump indictment in Michigan.

AdLib2 hours ago

Better than Crackers, I just got genuine Irish Chip Shop Vinegar!


2 hours ago

I see both of you. I think PPO can see my post not whatever I am on the side. PPO – that happens a lot to Murph. I think it’s a RW plot.


2 hours ago

PPO – You may need to refresh your page.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ah, OK


2 hours ago

OMG – I had that once . FABULOUS.


2 hours ago

PPO – Mmm…sounds so good.

AdLib2 hours ago

Recycling. back in a sec


2 hours ago

Ah gottit


2 hours ago

So CL, what do you think it means that SCOTUS won’t expedite Trump’s immunity claim?

AdLib2 hours ago

Glad to see that the Supreme Court is bipartisan……. OT!


2 hours ago

All we can usually order is English malt, but I just found a place to order Irish Chip Shop Vinegar. I’m doing it.


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

PPO – Excellent! CL’s invisibility cloak has been pierced!

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO – Can’t figure out if this is their signal that they want to help Trump delay or if they’re afraid of making this unprecedented decision without it going through the full process.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – I and REAL lawyers think this was to be expected. They will let the Circuit Court where Smith also filed do the first pass then either refused the case (if they defer to DOJ) or take it expedited. They’re sick of Trump on the immunity issue – this is NOT their first rodeo. I expect a delay of no more than a couple of weeks.


2 hours ago

Chef is a long lived Irish brand. Check out tasteireland.com


2 hours ago

PPO – that;s exactly what popped up on my Google search. Hooray!


an hour ago

CL – Hope that’s the case, it is wholly undeserving of a SCOTUS decision, being created out of thin air with no grounding in law or the Constitution.

AdLiban hour ago

Good evening everyone.


an hour ago

Hi, TW Compliments of the Season!


an hour ago

PPO great to see you


an hour ago

Everyone is looking at the fundamental issue of “legitimacy”. The more the floor is based on routine process, the fewer whining violent assaults on the system can be made.


an hour ago

CL good to see you as well


an hour ago

TW!! Hello, dear friend!


an hour ago

Ad well always good to see you to


an hour ago

Now, the recording that’s surfaced in Michigan is flat out proof of a crime. Offering lawyers to election officials in return for them obstructing a certification. Jack Smith has to be toasting tonight, he has a slam dunk case I’m sure!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

Hi Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

And Murph is in the house let the party start


an hour ago

HI Murph!


an hour ago

Ad and all – I am over the moon that recording surfaced! The entire GOP just showed their backsides and will be held to account.\


an hour ago

Happy Christmas One and All…Boy have we got a party going tonight. Egg Nog and Spice Rum All Around.


an hour ago



an hour ago

CL – If the SCOTUS wasn’t so corrupt, that would have been my assumption but I wasn’t so confident about that.

AdLiban hour ago

No sailing today, or until the New Year. Relaxing.


an hour ago

PPO are you all moved in and settled?


an hour ago

Gosh…what a nice Christmas Present…to see 4 of my best friends on this night! Truly Happy.


an hour ago

I adore eggnog, but the sugar is an issue. We just tried Almond Breeze nog with almond milk that I usually detest, and it was wonderful.


an hour ago

CL – And Ronna is in deep trouble now, bribing an election official ain’t a traffic ticket.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – totally agree on the delicious Christmas present.


an hour ago

TW, moved in, yes. Settled no, still rummaging in boxes trying to find stuff!\


an hour ago

Ad – could NOT happen to a more deserving bitch than Ronna.


an hour ago

CL…will keep the Almond Breeze in Mind…thanks for the tip.


an hour ago

PPO – But you’re enjoying your new digs?

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – that’s moving for you. Should be easy. Isn’t.


an hour ago

PPO…glad you are spelled.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Well PPO you’ll get there I’m sure.


an hour ago

Murph – it’s very light but has all the basic flavor without the “weight” of regular nog.


an hour ago

CL – Agreed but I always saw Ronna as a not-too-bright flunkie. Makes sense she’d do something this stupid and servile to Trump.

AdLiban hour ago

I have NPR playing in the background…glorious and wonderfully varied classical music as theme music for Planet POV on this night.


an hour ago

Oh, yes, the condo is lovely, just cluttered right now. Try moving a 3-bed townhouse into a 2 bed condo. Squeezy!


an hour ago

Ad – Ronna is not a bright bulb.


an hour ago

Murph – Theme music for Vox is a brilliant idea!

AdLiban hour ago

Ah Ronna the queen of stupidity


an hour ago

PPO – Greg and I have a 3 BR house. We dread the day we have to consolidate. You are definitely in my heart here.


an hour ago

PPO….you are a champ! Really…..you have. had such a journey and have chosen LIFE as your Beloved would Want You to DO and to BE. I admire you.


an hour ago

I’d LOVE theme music for VOX!


an hour ago

ad…every now and then a bit of light pops through…


an hour ago

You’re all so knd. Cant wait till next July!


an hour ago

After this latest MI recording, I am pretty much 100% confident that Jack Smith has far more ammunition that will take down Trump. He’s got all the cell phone data, texts, emails, etc., and after taking down Trump, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Repubs in Congress get charged next.

AdLiban hour ago

We have it all blocked out for you, PPO.


an hour ago

I want to say to all of you how much you are a part of my life….how much you enrich it….how blessed I am to have this community of intelligent, engaged, courageous and insightful friends.


an hour ago

Well I appreciated that Murph.


an hour ago

Murph – It’s wonderful to hear those sentiments as I nod to myself that I feel the same way.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Smith has taken on 2 new Asst. AGs who specialize in tracking treasonous asshats w their cell phones and texts. Hee hee!


an hour ago

All, it seems this year went by fast.


an hour ago

We all feel that way, Murph. Thanks for putting it so elequantly


an hour ago

Ad…I pray that your assessment of Jack is spot on……I resigned from membership in the club/bar that I have frequented over the years last week when my request that the bar not be a giant post board for DT was laughed at.


an hour ago

Oh, Murph, dear friend – we feel very much the same about you. You are the centerpiece of our sanity and growth. We love you.


an hour ago

Oh damn – I am sorry for your need to leave the bar. They will rue the day.


an hour ago

CL – Love it! I don’t want to get over my skiis (Christmas themed metaphor) but I am anxious to see who is netted by SMith in his post-Trump indictments.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph you do have some diehard Trump loyalists in your town damn that has to be tough.


an hour ago

Murph, you’re a rose between 100 thorns. How you keep your cool is amazing


an hour ago

I have set aside most of my on line time……there is so much of a wasteland there…but here there is an oasis and I look forward to being refreshed each week.


an hour ago

Well Murph glad you feel that way. There is a lot to discuss and more to come as Trump continues to make a total ass out himself.


an hour ago

The order of march is: prove there was seditious conspiracy. Done. Prove DT organized the sedition. In the works, laid out in charges. Third – round up the co-conspirators to the sedition. Also in the works but still mostly secret. And this is going to be fun!


an hour ago

Murph – Sorry to hear that but these MAGAs have become so overbearing and repulsive, I think it was inevitable. Just before the MAGA/Trump fall next Nov, I expect them to become louder and nastier. People scream louder and panic more as the ship they’re on is sinking.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…me the centerpiece……..hmmm…I think that we five are models of what an intelligent dialogue can be….the centerpiece to a same republic.


an hour ago

CL don’t forget to prove that he is a complete and total idiot.


an hour ago

Great to observe from a distance that the Gerrymandering is being fought tooth and nail. Hope more of it occurs


an hour ago

Murph the Trump lovers will never change.


an hour ago

CL – And consider that we have now had three or four sets of judges agree, without any contrary decision, that Trump was part of a seditious conspiracy. Despite SCOTUS refusing a quick hearing, Trump still stands as a traitor in 100% of that being decided.

AdLiban hour ago

One of the things I have done is to share my preparation to repel boarders if necessary which includes video and audio cameras recording to a secure server that is accessible by the sheriff’s police (who are nearly all friends) and several organizations (including the Democratic Party, and the Kunce Campaign.)


an hour ago

All – there are stories out that the religious right is 25% of the population. WRONG. That is very old data. They are crashing and are now as of 2020, 13%. The RNC is broke. The state GOP are broke. The NRA is broke. They are incredibly nasty because they are DESPERATE. We have won virtually EVERY special election since 2020. They know they’re losing and that’s why they are so virulent. They are terrified that their meager little lives aren’t holding sway anymore.


an hour ago

PPO – Yes, the WI SC just threw out the most gerrymandered map in the country and required a constitutional re-districting. This will be a pickup for Dems as they’ve just seen in NY and elsewhere.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – It’s terrible that you have to take such precautions but it is smart.

AdLiban hour ago

I am very proud that a very important School Board Election in my District resulted in the LOSS FOR EVERY SINGLE ULTRA RIGHTIST/TRUMPA….our superintendent and his principals put their careers on the line for the sake of our kids…so proud of them.


an hour ago

CL, imagine the benefits if the 1% spent what they do lobbying and backing the GOP were translated into taxes? Wow.


an hour ago

CL I recently saw some stories on the NRA and Republican National Conference are running out money. The RNC only has about 9 mill in the bank.


an hour ago

CL…yes…necessary…but by their nature they ensure that I am not bothered. These people are at the core….cowards….


an hour ago

Murph – OMG. Been there, had to do that, and I’m now officially scared for you. I am glad you’re taking these protections, but please don’t let it be necessary. PLEASE. I hate to say this, but please have ONE person there ready to contact us if God forbid something happens? Each of us needs to have an apprentice to let the rest of us know. How sick is THAT?


an hour ago

Murph are they still banning books in your town?


an hour ago

CL – And all the polls showing the race as close are worthless. As I often repeat, Hillary was 25 points ahead of Obama at this point and Giuliani was the hands down favorite to be the GOP nom for president. Now he’s the number one favorite to be sitting on a street corner begging for spare change.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….your e mails are in the hands of five of my co-op friends.


an hour ago

PPO – that’s a ton of money, no question, but they would never use it for good.


an hour ago

Thank you, Murph. My hubs has all of yours. And he’s not likely the target.


an hour ago

Ad as you’ve said before polls at this time frame mean nothing.


an hour ago

Murph – That’s fantastic news about the school board! A good sign that people may be becoming fed up with MAGAs destroying their states.

AdLiban hour ago

TW….the book banning thing was a major plank in the right winger candidates for the board and they ALL lost…..with that issue among those that were front and center…..including the protection of young people’s right to a chosen gender identity.


an hour ago

CL, if things go the way we hope, there won’t be a GOP soon for them to back


an hour ago

TW – I got interviewed by Rasmussen. Old white lady who is liberal? I think I got dismissed as an “outlier” because it did not change their polling a week earlier and SHOULD have.


an hour ago

Murph glad to hear that.


an hour ago

PPO – from your lips to whoever’s ear.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Murph – WOW!!! They LOST???? This is HUGE.\


an hour ago

A Florida paper had a double-page spread in small print of all the books banned in FL, it’s astounding and disgusting. I think Repubs in FL have overplayed their hand and of course DeSantis’ future is a burning pile of rubbish.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…every god-damned one of them…may they burn in a. hell made up of their own bile.


an hour ago

There is a new version of Fahrenheit 451 with Michael B. Jordan maybe should rent that and play it in the library. Just kidding.


an hour ago

Rudolph the red-faced bankrupt….


an hour ago

Ad – That was the Miami paper. Carl Hiaasen’s books were banned. He’s one of their own.


an hour ago

CL – Rasmussen usually filters out people who answer their phone, “Hello?” instead of, “Are you white?”

AdLiban hour ago

TW….a good idea….I have a video club going now….half a dozen thinking people who meet twice a month for a supper and a film that engages theming….


an hour ago

Ad – I did not know I was supposed to say that!!!


an hour ago

TW – I mean to see that new version.

AdLiban hour ago

Rasmussen is a poll that can’t be trust to tie their shoes correctly.


an hour ago

oh, Murph – what a glorious idea!


an hour ago

AD…are you white! HAH!


an hour ago

TW – that’s why I hoped I’d eff with them, but I think they just dismissed me.


an hour ago

I’m going back to read all those books I took a pass on when in HS, they apply to today’s events.


an hour ago

I am also participating in cross-credal ministry finding ways to get medical aid to Jews and Palestinians trapped in the web of war in Gaza……


an hour ago

I will have been in Australia 50 years in 2024, and have never been approached or phoned for an opinion. Methinks the parties only poll their members


an hour ago

Rasmussen polls aren’t worth the white sheet they’re printed on.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO of course they just want confirmation that they are total fools.


an hour ago

TW, ain’t that the truth.


an hour ago

PPO…I believe that a lot of polling is push-polling….only their people and questions shaped for the answers they want.


an hour ago

Certainly looks that way, Murph.


an hour ago

Murph in agreement with you on that.


an hour ago

CL, you mentione earlier that you’ve see Dad’s movies. I thought you knew who he was already. Very kind of you to mention.


an hour ago

As Dickens said It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


an hour ago

BOY…this is a very robust conversation tonight.


an hour ago

For 7 years, since Trump won in 2016, polls have almost all been wrong in predicting results, Dems consistently outperform the polling average year after year. It seems the art of polling has fallen victim to other pressures and influences.

AdLiban hour ago

I’d like to recommend a writer, novels, whom I have come to know. M.K. Coker. I’m not telling whether said person is male or female because they don’t. But the books are SPECTACULAR, esp. the most recent, Dead Rote. Set in South Dakota, Coker writes very carefully and cleanly of the issues of our day within a context of a troubled but kind hearted family and solid values. I recommend Dead Rote because it’s all about the control of schools today.


an hour ago

Then I recommend all the rest – in order. GREAT writing. Kind heart of the writer.


an hour ago

CL – Thanks for the recommendation on Coker. Will check it out!

AdLiban hour ago

When CL recommends book it’s best to read it.


an hour ago

CL…adding Cokerto my library list.


an hour ago

CL will be adding that to my list.


an hour ago

She’s a lady.


an hour ago

PPO – I DO know who your Dad was, but I hadn’t realized he was in so many films I’d seen. I think I said he captivated me in Moby Dick at a VERY young age. But I’d quite forgotten him in the Brit Coms of my teen years. I’d not have survived babysitting without WGN TV and his movies. ]


an hour ago

CL will be adding it to my list.


an hour ago

Now, my other Christmas wish is that SCOTUS doesn’t overturn the ban on Trump appearing on the CO ballot…which will multiply to most state ballots. Can’t imagine a more enjoyable scenario than Repubs helplessly continuing to nominate Trump but his name not eligible to appear on ballots. What happens then???

AdLiban hour ago


an hour ago

Ad….help me with this….is that ban in CO…just referencing the Primaries…coverage seems to be saying that..


an hour ago

CL – PPO’s dad was iconic, I remembered his face so well from Moby Dick and I saw it when I was a kid!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – Coker is a mystery writer who, as the BEST do, use the form to discuss serious issues. But Coker does it freaking brilliantly and subtly. I adore these books. We have started to correspond, and I have learned a lot about how Coker thinks, why things are written as they are, and it’s GOLDEN. They are superb works, every last one of them.


an hour ago

Someone remind me of PPO’s dad’s name….I recall this discussion from a long while ago but clearly did not engage it in my viewing.


an hour ago

Ad, Probably write in his name, which will invalidate all other choices. Tasty!


an hour ago

Murph – No, the ban is for all appearances of Trump on the CO ballots, they included the primary because they said since he is ineligible, it makes no sense for his name to appear even on a primary ballot.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…maybe a book club is my next initiative. Without the Co-Op/Association I have a lot of open time now.


an hour ago

Murph, his name is Noel Purcell. Check out IMdB.com


an hour ago

PPO….I will do that….promise.


an hour ago

PPO – You’re assuming MAGA’s know how to write if you think they may write in Trump.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, Sorry, my bad!


an hour ago

AD….AND ALL…..are all give of us ok with Ad sharing our E mail addresses in a single list with all of us. I would love it….I keep losing addresses…..I am also open to. sharing my phone number. If I cannot trust this group then no one is worthy.


an hour ago

Murph – if you’re going to use Coker’s works, start at the beginning. Dead White is the first. The characters have complex lives (very reality based) that need some explaining, and the first book does that well in addition to being a hell of a mystery.


an hour ago

I know it is probably close to bedtime for some, so I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year for 2024


an hour ago

Murph PPO’s dad played the ships carpenter in Moby Dick the one with Gregory Peck.


an hour ago

CL….you are so challenging….in a grand way.


an hour ago

If Trump is justifiably thrown off ballots because he is in fact ineligible according to the plain text of the 14th Amendment, imagine the entertainment of the GOP pushing to annoint another Repub while Trump howls desperately because he needs to become president to avoid going to prison. If that happens, I think Trump runs as an indie write-in, desperate to win, and doesn’t care if he destroys the GOP. That would be so sweet.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO you be safe and Happy Holidays to you my friend.


an hour ago

I have your email, Murph. Everyone can have mine. It would give us flexibility to talk between Fridays and on other venues.


an hour ago

PPO…as a Brit by adoption…..I wish you a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.


an hour ago

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, PPO. SO glad to see you tonight! Hugs to you!


an hour ago

Murph – If everyone gives the thumbs up, happy to share everyone’s email with everyone else. As it is, most of us have each others emails already.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…could you put together a master list….of all ok with it.


an hour ago

If you don’t mind, I will give mine to Ad on email. You never know who’s watching! LOL!!


an hour ago

Ad you have my permission


an hour ago

Folks, when I travel in USA and round the World, I use local numbers, so don’t be surprised if you get a strange on in July.


an hour ago

Lovely – Ad if you have glenn’s will you ask her please?


an hour ago

PPO – I deleted your comment with your personal info, there are bots that scrape data like that. But we can all email each other if everyone’s on board.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…I have the emails and then I lose them. I am an old fashioned guy who loves a directory. AD…you have my ok to both e mail and phone number…AND…may I also voice my support for us having a Zoom night or two…I would love to see so many of you….you are among my dearest friends……imagine that.


an hour ago

OK, Ad. Fine by me.


an hour ago

PPO – I remember your telling me that about travel. I know internationally equipped phones are very expensive!


an hour ago

CL – Yes, will email glenn too about it!

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – you telling me you and I are the last two users of phone books? I LOVE phone books!


an hour ago

Ad, sorry it has been so long, but how is our friend in Japan?


an hour ago

GLENNNN…yes….and given her health needs…..the ability to be with us when it works for her would be grand.


an hour ago



an hour ago

PPO – WIll reach out to Kalima next week.

AdLiban hour ago

I’d LOVE a zoom! I’ve met CL, Ad and TW, but would love to ‘meet’ the others.


an hour ago

You know….I wonder who else we might reach out to?


an hour ago

Please tell Kalima we think of her often!


an hour ago

Kalima and I locked horns a lot in the early days…and I loved it…she kept me on my toes.


an hour ago

We can definitely do a Zoom if all are interested in doing so. My thought was to do it perhaps on a Saturday or Sunday and earlier so it’s a better time for all.

AdLiban hour ago

I would love a Zoom, too – I’d even touch up my roots for it.


an hour ago

I will enthusiastically endorse all of this and bend my schedule to make it happen.


an hour ago

Ad – that sounds perfect. I would urge AFTER the new year.


an hour ago

Oops. I’ll have to put clothes on!


an hour ago

Okay if I wear a halloween mask in our Zoom?

AdLiban hour ago

AD like the idea of possibly doing zoom.


an hour ago

PPO – yes, dear. That would be good.


an hour ago

PPO,,,clothes optional.


an hour ago

Murph – don’t encourage him!


an hour ago

PPO yes you should do that.


an hour ago

Ad….masks optional.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, after the New Year we can set up the Zoom!

AdLiban hour ago

All – I would love to see you all.


an hour ago

Would it freak out everyone if I wore a Trump mask?

AdLiban hour ago

If that’s about it, I’ll say cheerio till next week.. God Bless you all


an hour ago

This is exciting…. a membership roster with e mails and phone numbers….and a zoom room…..what a Christmas present…..if you have somehow missed this….I miss having an intelligent community of caring persons in my life……so few are left here.


an hour ago

Seeya PPO, have a wonderful holiday!

AdLiban hour ago

PPO Merry Christmas and God Bless us, every one. Have a lovely Christmas lunch, dear friend!


an hour ago

AD…only if that Trump Mask was in monster mode. He is.


an hour ago

Ad you can on do that on the odd days of the month and never on Sunday or Satuday.


an hour ago

Thank you all for your kindness and friendship.


44 minutes ago

TW – Aw, shucks!

AdLib44 minutes ago

So long PPO


44 minutes ago

PPO – Thank YOU, dear Patrick.


44 minutes ago

PPO take care be safe Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


44 minutes ago

You, PPO….are someone worthy of praise…..for who you are.


44 minutes ago

My Xmas present to all of you, watch this video when you get a chance, from a couple of days ago, Jon Stewart visited by “Donald Trump” on “Night of Too Many Stars”. It’s hilarious!

AdLib43 minutes ago

Ad…thanks….I will book mark it now.


42 minutes ago

A friend sent it to me this morning, still cleaning up the coffee I spit all over the room. The SNL comedian who plays Trump is so fast and brilliant!

AdLib41 minutes ago

OK – anyone doing anything exciting for Christmas? Greg and I are not. I am trying to cook something simple but good, but that’s about it.


41 minutes ago

Thanks, Ad – I will indeed watch it.


41 minutes ago

CL – We’re keeping it pretty quiet and simple at home as usual aside from a dinner out with relatives on Xmas Eve.

AdLib40 minutes ago

CL Nothing special.


40 minutes ago

That sounds nice. We have NO clue if Greg’s daughter is coming to town or not. She’s not given to advance notice.


40 minutes ago

CL…..I mentioned that group of Rabbis and Ministers….we are holding a dinner with a “per plate” donation for Doctors Without Borders……interesting homemade menu and share faith worship…


39 minutes ago

Murph – That’s great!

AdLib39 minutes ago

Murph that sounds interesting.


39 minutes ago

Murph that is wonderful!


39 minutes ago

Ad….I have felt so powerless….this is a good place to start…by the way Kunce is a principal sponsor.


38 minutes ago

Quick note, I think Netanyahu has hugely overplayed his hand, Biden is pushing back especially in private, the world is horrified at what’s going on in Gaza.

AdLib38 minutes ago

One of the leaders of the group is an Israeli Jew, a Rabbi, Orthodox, he has publicly condemned Netanyahu as a Hitlerian.


37 minutes ago

20,000 dead everything in ruins yeah I would say it’s overkill.


37 minutes ago

When you broadly disregard common decency and think acting righteous will protect you, you are doomed like all evil men are.

AdLib36 minutes ago

We went to “Lessons and Carols” last night at the Congregational Church. First, the Congregationalists were those fleeing Anglican Church of England that devised Lessons and Carols. So the irony was not lost on me. Second, the new music director at the church thinks every carol should be “majestic” leading them to all sound like funeral dirges. Not sorry we went. Was not…elevated, shall I say. But it was something good to do. And the church is gorgeous.


36 minutes ago

I have printed up a poster that has an image of three Palestinian pre-teens standing holding water buckets looking on in despair and pain at the ruins of the. building where the families that sent them for water died during an Israeli air strike. I am handing them out.


35 minutes ago

Murph – bravo to the Rabbi! Makes it much easier to be at peace when no self deception is involved. Bibi IS fascist. My SIL went to HS with Bibi. She said he was an asshole then and an asshole now.


35 minutes ago

CL – If every song is “majestic” then none of them really are. Variety is the key, have to mix it up more than that.

AdLib35 minutes ago

CL…my church of practice is Episcopal so I know of what you speak.


34 minutes ago

Murph – I love Lessons and Carols, but as filtered through a non Episcopalian, it does not seem to work well.


33 minutes ago

CL…what is difference between a Church Music Director and a Terrorist? You can negotiate with Terrorists.


33 minutes ago

Murph now that was funny.


33 minutes ago

CL…that is an on the spot insight. Certain worship forms are nested in church traditions so solidly that they do not migrate well.


32 minutes ago

Murph – That’s powerful. I have to admit, it is devastating to see the photos and videos coming out of Gaza. And I’m so upset at how Netanyahu and his RW allies have been so brutal that they’ve almost completely eclipsed the horrible attack of Hamas on 10/7 and all that sympathy for Israelis with the face of monstrous murder of innocents many times over the amount murdered on 10/7.

AdLib32 minutes ago

Murph – let’s just say “this is my dancing day” and “shepherd’s pipe” carol weren’t on the agenda. And I’ve never heard “Hark, the Herald Angels” done as a funeral dirge. Oy.


32 minutes ago

CL…oy!!!! Luv It.


31 minutes ago

So I assume “Santa Baby” wasn’t played as part of the church’s songlist?

AdLib31 minutes ago

Hark the Hairy Angles Stay……as my nephew once put it.


31 minutes ago

Murph – I will tell that to my Ex. Director who ALSO is a music director at a church. He loves stuff like that.


31 minutes ago

CL….sharing is caring.


31 minutes ago

Or “I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Clause”?

AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad – no, nothing remotely like Santa Baby. Or any other carol I like. It was painful.


30 minutes ago

CL – At least “Joy to the World”?

AdLib30 minutes ago

How about “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”…..a Yuletide Homicidal Carol if ever there was one.


30 minutes ago

Or The Kinks, “Father Christmas, Give Me Your Money!”

AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph – I used to get him crappy religious stuff for presents. Jesus with moving eyes. Blue velour covered Mary. Sinamints – the mint to take your sins away. The more kitsch, the better. Jesus Bobblehead was his fave.’


29 minutes ago

I went to a very interesting production of A Christmas Carol done as a one man show……Scrooge on a stage telling HIS story…….so wonderful, so powerful…..resurrection of the heart and soul….there were many tears in the audience.


28 minutes ago

Folks I have to bounce working on a piece that I want to get up before the holiday starts. Happy Holidays to all will see you next year.


28 minutes ago

Grandma got run over by a Reindeer is without question the crappiest Christmas song EVER.


28 minutes ago

CL…one classy lady, you are.


28 minutes ago

TW – we love you and wish you a most wonderful Christmas and New Year. Hope to see you next week? Hugs.


28 minutes ago

TW…love your writing….I print out quite a bit of it.


27 minutes ago

Murph – classy I am indeed. SOMEONE has to have standards!


27 minutes ago

Maybe a framed photo of this:

AdLib27 minutes ago

CL…yes, of course you are..


27 minutes ago

Yes – we actually found him a 3D version.


27 minutes ago


AdLib26 minutes ago

The Dickens production was written by the performer, a professor from Washington U. I hope he finds a way to get out and a bout.


26 minutes ago

OK – I’m heading off to do last minute stuff for Christmas. It may be quiet. It’s not without obligations. Love to you – see you next week I hope. May you have a lovely Christmas and may there genuinely be peace on earth SOON.


26 minutes ago

This has been a most enlightening and productive session has it not…..best to you both. This is shy so m much of the internet is so shallow for me.


25 minutes ago

Murph – Really incredible how such poignant stories by Dickens, one of my all time favorite writers, are so timeless. He had an incredible insight into human beings, their failings and the nobility within them.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad….you deserve SO much credit for The Planet…you do….I know you are not about bow taking but know that I, and I think all of us, honor you for your commitment to honesty, honor and integrity in dialogue.


24 minutes ago

A Christmas Carol has been trivialized to a great extent….this new production lifts it back up…..I hope to see it became part of the canon.


23 minutes ago

Thanks so much Murph. I don’t think it’s avoiding credit to recognize that it’s the people that make The Planet and Vox the oasis for thought and conversation that it is.

AdLib22 minutes ago

It sounds great, would love to see it. Always loved A Christmas Carol since I was young, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, etc.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Ad, but without you there would be no platform that stands on such high standards for powerful dialogue.


21 minutes ago

Well.. time to roll up the sidewalk for the night. Best to you and to all of yours….your integrity is a wonderful gift.


21 minutes ago

Thank you my friend! It’s something I’m very proud to have contributed to and each Friday especially, I feel rewarded to be part of the group that gathers here.

AdLib20 minutes ago

A Good Night indeed. Peace and Joy. Murph.


20 minutes ago

Thanks so much, Murph. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Years.

AdLib20 minutes ago

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