Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW! How are you?
AdLiban hour ago
Doing ok Ad did that major traffic earlier this week impact you at all.
an hour ago
Fortunately, we’re not near downtown LA where the freeway caught on fire nor had to drive there but traffic became worse all over LA.
AdLiban hour ago
How are things with you?
AdLiban hour ago
Things are fine, got me last COVID shot Monday no side affects just a sore arm for a short time. But full Vaccinated
an hour ago
So what do you think of the CO decision not to keep Trump off the ballot?
an hour ago
Nice! I didn’t have any reaction to the Covid and flu shots, got them both at the same time, but my wife felt a little ill the next day.
AdLiban hour ago
From what I’ve read, it’s more of a victory that the CO judge declared Trump did stage an insurrection and Luttig says the decision punting on Presidential candidate being covered by the 14th can be appealed.
AdLiban hour ago
I didn’t do flu shot, believe it or not my reason is a bit outdated but years ago I got a flu shot and was knocked on my ass and swore I would never do that again.
an hour ago
Yeah I saw that part so it’s in court records Trump is an insurrectionist good for her in doing that because someone will pick up on that and that will drive him crazy.
an hour ago
I totally understand that about the flu shot. If you’re not often around a lot of other people, it may be okay.
AdLiban hour ago
My ventures outside are limited by choice and design.
an hour ago
It should surely help all the other criminal cases against Trump to have another judge look at the evidence and confirm he was acting as an insurrectionist.
AdLiban hour ago
I hope so. I so want to see this guy perp walked in the worse way.
an hour ago
Yep, not having to go into work every day sure does has its privileges.
AdLiban hour ago
Along with one of his minions Stephen Miller I can’t stand that a-hole.
an hour ago
And you saw that Willis has asked for an August trial date? Trump is furious, right in the heat of the campaign, he will be on tv being convicted for insurrection.
AdLiban hour ago
Miller is the first Jewish Nazi I’ve ever seen but there are always twisted creatures who betray their heritage.
AdLiban hour ago
I really think Trump is going to have either an aneurysm, or full blown public mental breakdown where he will have to be hospitalized.
an hour ago
Or maybe Trump will succumb to an overdose of snorting Aderall? I don’t know how he can keep up the facade when he’s getting more delusional each day. He often thinks he’s running against Obama.
AdLib44 minutes ago
I wrote a piece about him when I was first on Medium, looked it over some time back it wasn’t that good so made a mental note to try and do something better, but he was out of the picture after the election loss so it didn’t make sense to bring him up as know one would know who he is but it’s interesting how the worm turns he is now popping up with the mentioning of the what Trump wants to do if he gets back in office.
42 minutes ago
And seeing Biden have the long summit with Xi and bring home valuable agreements with China on a variety of important issues, how can any reasonable person criticize Biden as being too old while Trump is going so whacko?
AdLib42 minutes ago
And he has the never to say Uncle Joe is losing it. Ha.
41 minutes ago
Hey how is CL doing is she getting through things in Ohio?
40 minutes ago
I see Tim Scott threw in the towel. What a same.
38 minutes ago
Miller and all the other creatures are coming out from under their rocks right now as the flawed polling makes it look like Trump will be competitive. I think the explanation of the polls makes sense, first, they’ve been so inaccurate for years and second, Trump’s insanity and howling is out of the national spotlight for the most part right now but once the GE starts, the more people see Trump spouting insanity, the more his polling will tank. Not to mention, as he’s convicted of crimes, one after the other.
AdLib38 minutes ago
Haven’t touched base with CL this week, will check in with her.
AdLib38 minutes ago
Flawed polling isn’t the half of it.
38 minutes ago
The person most relieved with Scott’s quitting the race is the woman he paid to masquerade as his girlfriend, she can take the money and run.
AdLib37 minutes ago
I saw polling that shows DeSantis down in 4th place, after Haley and Ramaswampy.
AdLib36 minutes ago
Ad I’m just going to leave that one alone.
36 minutes ago
Heh! But we know what’s up.
AdLib36 minutes ago
Like I said, I’m just walking pass that one and whistling
35 minutes ago
What gets me is the greed of people like Scott who betray others who are gay or black all in the self-justified pursuit of grabbing power and money for himself. Such awful human beings.
AdLib35 minutes ago
Miller is just the same, it’s common in the GOP to backstab. BTW, how do you like Repubs in The House going mental and violent because they can’t get anything done? Without Dems getting it done for them?
AdLib34 minutes ago
Hey I never thought much of Scott, his performance verified my view of him and as far as I’m concerned he is just another Herschel Walker but who can speak far better. I think I laid it out in the article I wrote about him.
33 minutes ago
I’m loving watching House Repubs attacking, elbowing and threatening each other. Not enough popcorn in the house, I have to buy more.
AdLib33 minutes ago
Yes, it’s a good article on Scott.
AdLib33 minutes ago
Well the Senator didn’t get the memo about not talking about the fight club.
32 minutes ago
That was just dumb-ass stupidity of the highest level.
32 minutes ago
Looks like Santos is on his way out.
31 minutes ago
As I said though, people like Walker, Scott, Miller, etc. can’t throw people under the bus quickly enough when they see a personal profit in doing so. The GOP is a party of violent, unprincipled, betrayers who are only out for themselves. If it wasn’t for mindless tribalism, they would be extinct in Congress.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Heh! First rule of GOP Fight Club is…elbow another Repub in the kidneys.
AdLib30 minutes ago
Yes, I’m good with seeing Santos thrown out, then he has nothing to bargain with prosecutors, he can’t offer to resign. And he’ll still be a black eye for NY Repubs.
AdLib29 minutes ago
What would really be cool is to see Santos perp walked out of the Congress with everyone standing up clapping.
29 minutes ago
I hope some Congressional staffer shoots a video of Santos being escorted out of his office by Capitol Police.
AdLib28 minutes ago
You know I’m hearing more guest and commentors on MSNBC say that about the Repugs
28 minutes ago
That’s good but still hearing MSNBC folks go on about Biden being too old and promoting these BS polls. As some have been saying, the election shouldn’t be presented as where the horserace is but what the stakes are.
AdLib27 minutes ago
Hopefully when he comes back from a meeting to his office he will find all his personal belongings lined up against the wall and the office door locked.
26 minutes ago
Now that Trump has openly declared his election would bring about an overthrow of our democracy and government, the horse race BS does a huge disservice to the public. It is now clear, this is a race between continuing our democracy or descending into a brutal fascism. How is that a hard decision to make if presented accurately?
AdLib25 minutes ago
Yeah that’s pissing me off a lot. The dude is only five years older than me. They need to knock it off I’m going down to MNSBC and kick ass and take names.
25 minutes ago
I always say, judge a person on their actions, not their words. Biden is working long hours, dealing successfully with big problems and powerful leaders and doing it all so well. Trump failed at all of it and embraced America’s enemies while destroying our economy and causing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die because he thought it was better for his re-election campaign. There is no choice here, a success vs. a failure.
AdLib23 minutes ago
Well we have been talking about that on this forum for quite some time and these idiots are just starting to put the pieces together. What hell is wrong with these folks can’t they read the signs and see what Trump is trying do? And by the way what is he management doing about it the can loosen the reigns a bit and let the news readers have more freedom to explain what Trump is doing and not get into trouble. MSNBC management need to grow a pair and meet this head on.
22 minutes ago
And it is total BS to legitimize the concept that people need to be “excited” about a candidate and Biden’s age doesn’t provide excitement. We had plenty of “excitement” when Trump was destroying and trying to overthrow our democracy. It’s good not to be “excited” when you wake up each morning, I appreciate comfort and peace.
AdLib21 minutes ago
I agree with that. He’s getting shit down, all Rump Face is doing is talking about how he’s going to be the first US dictator.
20 minutes ago
I am hoping that as the criminal trials take Trump down, the MSM will see it as better to stand against a convicted criminal becoming a tyrannical dictator, who won’t hesitate to turn government against them, than keep pushing the horserace as neck and neck. But the greed factor is high in the MSM, they may see it as more profitable to them to keep trying to promote Trump so the race stays close and they get more viewers and readers.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Trump is making it very clear he will be a dictator because he believes that is what leaders are suppose to be. And the damn press is letting him get away with it. They can call him out without placing themselves in danger all they have to do is play his words.
17 minutes ago
On the other hand, the MSM likes to be with the winner and not end up supporting the losing side. I just don’t know but after seeing Univision go in the tank for Trump, I am not so sure the MSM won’t follow that lead.
AdLib17 minutes ago
It’s a good sign that all those major corporations are pulling their ads from Twitter after Musk’s anti-semitism. Maybe that bodes well for the MSM to finally turn on Trump. But Biden and the Dems need to hammer on Trump campaigning to become a fascist dictator for the MSM to eventually adopt that truth.
AdLib15 minutes ago
That is what strongmen do, they get the media on their side. Or they own the media like Berlusconi
14 minutes ago
Yes it’s good, but for how long will they stay away?
14 minutes ago
And I find it laughable that Trump and some Repubs are trying to soften their anti-abortion positions, Trump bragged that he ended Roe by putting the SCOTUS lunatics in place, no way to escape that truth or the wrath of women voters.
AdLib13 minutes ago
Yes, apparently the new Mexico-based owners of Univision love getting into bed with fascists as they’ve done in Mexico. meanwhile, Trump is vowing to put tens of millions of their viewers in concentration camps!
AdLib12 minutes ago
Trump doesn’t care one bit about abortion it was just a ploy to get the Republican support. If he gets back in he will kick the Repugs in the ass and tell them to buzz off because there will no longer be a two party system.
11 minutes ago
Those companies better stay away for a long time or they will be hammered by the public.
AdLib11 minutes ago
The Repubs will just cheer him on like Nazi collaborators, they will be the Nazi Party at that point and love the idea of being the party in power that can’t be removed. Trump won’t lose them, they will continue being slaves to him.
AdLib10 minutes ago
That was the MO of the mainstream press in countries run by dictators it was independent journalist who risked their lives to tell the truth. Makes you wonder who would do that here in the US if Trump gets back in.
10 minutes ago
It’s kind of insane that media outlets are promoting this horserace and the competitiveness of Trump because if he won, they would be the first to be persecuted and destroyed. But the greed in the corporate owners of the MSM doesn’t care about the future, just filling their pockets in the short term.
AdLib8 minutes ago
Trump called and still calls the press “The enemy of the people”. A re-elected Trump would have no restraint against them. How can they be so self-destructive?
AdLib7 minutes ago
It’s what sells papers and gets eyeballs on the idiot screen right?
7 minutes ago
Greed leads to self-destruction. That’s what I see in much of the MSM news entities.
AdLib6 minutes ago
Trump calling the press the enemy of the people is right out of the dictator’s handbook.
6 minutes ago
Profit over truth. Not a very good business model. In the end it fails.
5 minutes ago
Yep, that’s what Stalin and Hitler thought. And the press is persecuted in Russia and China and in Saudi Arabia, they chop up reporters. How do they think they’ll still have a business if Trump was to win?
AdLib5 minutes ago
But in the mean time we suffer.
5 minutes ago
AdLib5 minutes ago
The MSM is very slow to move away from their both-sidesism and trying to make even the campaugn between a thoughtful and successful president and an insane fascist madman competitive. But I think the convictions and media about Trump’s prosecutions will destroy their desired horserace mentality.
AdLib3 minutes ago
Well it looks like we’ve held the fort down, doesn’t seem like anyone will pop in anytime soon, should I give you a call?
2 minutes ago
Then again, I think the corporate bosses in the MSM would delight in scaring the public that an insane, fascist madman could take power in the country, that would gain them worried viewers for certain. Maybe it’s not so far from the truth, sometimes the press can be enemies of the people but for a different reason than Trump claims.
AdLiba minute ago
How does it go, if it bleeds it leads
a few seconds ago
Yep, CL is out this week and no idea where Murph is. PPO is sailing and our other part timers aren’t here. So, shall we chat?
AdLiba few seconds ago
Yes give me a minute I will call.
in a few seconds
AdLibin a few second
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