Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
hey ad
2 hours ago
hahaha I’m early for the first time in years
2 hours ago

Good evening everyone.
2 hours ago
hey tw
2 hours ago

Harleigh how are you good to see you.
2 hours ago

How are things down your way?
2 hours ago
doing ok and you? boy it’s been hot and wet here in south floriduh
2 hours ago
Sorry guys! Hey hey!
AdLib2 hours ago

Well we’re not having the heat you are but we had some rain early today but things have been fine.
2 hours ago

Ad how are you
2 hours ago
Was just reading an article about how insane DeSantis’ private army is, a leader committed suicide, another retired vet was thrown in a van and beaten by FL Nat’l Guard for criticizing the program as being militia training\, it’s insane.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad ???
2 hours ago
Hey TW, doing okay. I was in IKEA hell much of the day, putting together furniture and slowly going insane.
AdLib2 hours ago
What’s up with you TW?
AdLib2 hours ago
desewer is trying to out trump Spanky and act tough.
2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh, hope you’re staying cool out there. Read that the ocean in South FL got as hot as 97 degrees!
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad IKEA you’re lucky you can see straight.
2 hours ago
TW – I feel like I just went 12 rounds with a Swedish Furniture maker.
AdLib2 hours ago
The heat of the ocean is insane. if a hurricane develops it will be a CAT10!!
2 hours ago

Harleigh it can’t be much fun for having GoGo Boots DeSantis for your gov.
2 hours ago

Ad I see you have yet to be told by your bride that you’re no longer allowed to have tools.
2 hours ago
It’s hot here in LA but not outrageously hot. In the 90s but not so unusual for LA in July. We’ve been kind of lucky compared to folks in the South under that heat dome.
AdLib2 hours ago
He is embarassing for sure… white gogo boots with lifts
2 hours ago

Harleigh the Dallas Cowgirls want their boots back
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Harleigh – I really worry for folks in FL, Climate Change is hitting them the hardest and Hurricane DeSantis is pounding them into dust.
AdLib2 hours ago
Miami will be first to go
2 hours ago

Yeah and all the insurance companies pulling out because DeNitwitt won’t recognize the climate change is wrecking havoc with the state.
2 hours ago
TW – I like my tools but don’t enjoy having to finish the assembly of furniture I just paid a good amount of money for. When did we all agree to work for the furniture companies we buy things from?
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad when you got married and decided to by from IKEA
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Miami is definitely in the crosshairs of Climate Change and racist/dictitorial domination.
AdLib2 hours ago
Disney cancelled over 1$BILLION in projects!
2 hours ago

Harleigh it will only be a matter of time before they cancel more.
2 hours ago
TW – Insurance rates in FL are 3-5 times higher than the national average. And when insurance companies are quitting the state, just finding outrageously expensive insurance is hard.
AdLib2 hours ago
And many conventions are canceling in FL. And Disneyworld attendence is down.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad yes there was an interesting article in the Times about that and Chris Hayes did an interesting segment on that last night.
2 hours ago
Think about it, in a state where every lunatic in the state can walk around in public with a gun, where rapists can get sentenced to less time than the women they rape for trying to get n abortion and where schools and education is being put through a meatgrinder, who wants to move or vacation there instead of other sanely governed seaside states (oh, like Cali)?
AdLib2 hours ago
And Disneyland in CA? Record attendance this year. So it’s not that people don’t want to go to Disney, they don’t want to go to FL.
AdLib2 hours ago
floriduh edakashun is on a par wit mississippi
2 hours ago
Harleigh – How are things in Ft. Lauderdale?
AdLib2 hours ago
2 hours ago
solid dem
2 hours ago

Harleigh I saw a clip of a man wrestling with a boa constrictor which has become and invasive to the state, and I could have sworn he said I thought we got rid of DeSantis.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Da’InSanity got that law passed allowing vets to teach in FL but those who tried quit almost instantly. So teachers are fleeing FL and there was already a shortage that recruiting vets who haven’t had a day of training as teachers or subjects ain’t fixing.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad the right wing of the repugs are determine to force their version of Christianity on the country.
2 hours ago
lol those snakes are wiping out the everglades but sea rise is going to kill it with saltwater in anther 12 inches or so anyway.
2 hours ago

Ad it seems all DeNutcake policies are falling apart.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – With Jacksonville electing a Dem and being a red city, do you think Biden has a chance to win in FL in 2024? And can De-Insane run again for Gov or is there a 2 term limit there?
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – Thta’s why the Repubs and religious extremists are fighting so hard to end democracy, they know the majority is against them.
AdLib2 hours ago
floriduh is red, a few counties are blue….
2 hours ago
TW – And how about DeSaster signing the anti-Latino law and immigrants leaving farms and construction sites abandoned? FL is imploding under DeSaster and yet the Repubs there still support his steering the state into more icebergs.
AdLib2 hours ago
Harleigh – It used to be a purple state, Gore won there even though they corrupted the vote count so it used to be winnable by Dems. After 2020, I was writing it off but after Jacksonville, I was thinking the GOP has gone too far for many Repubs that Dems may have a shot there.
AdLib2 hours ago
it’s getting worse in those areas central and north especially. nobody cares about miami-dade since its the first to go underwater.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Getting worse in what way?
AdLib2 hours ago

It give new meaning the Joseph Chamberlin saying “I think you will agree that we are living in most intresting times.”
2 hours ago
the religious red whackdoodles in the red counties are very illiterate…. getting worse and believe in Q!!! lol
2 hours ago
And how about this: “It’s Toxic Slime Time on Florida’s Lake Okeechobee Huge green blooms are threatening wildlife, pets, people and cities. And algae season is only getting started.”
AdLib2 hours ago

All, what do you think of Trump going after Fani Willis? Going through the petition and it’s a hoot.
2 hours ago
well it’s past my bedtime…. later guys
2 hours ago

Harleigh take care good seeing you.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Night pal!
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad it looks like it’s just us for the moment. Any guess if anyone else will drop in?
2 hours ago
CL let me know that her power is out until later tonight so she won’t be here but Murph might still pop in.
AdLib2 hours ago

As I read and watch the news I keep asking myself how in hell did we get to this level of utter stupidity in throughout the country.
2 hours ago

CL having a power outage, is it weather related?
2 hours ago
I wouldn’t worry about Trump crying to the GA SC to throw out Willis, the Grand Jury and the investigation of him, it screams of desperation and he has zero legal grounds to get any decision in his favor.
AdLib2 hours ago

Yes it does, he knows his goose is all but cooked and ready to be served up.
2 hours ago
Yes, I think the heat there and use of AC might have caused the problem. Not sure what went out but they’re repairing it. She’s getting by in 90s heat with only a battery powered fan.
AdLib2 hours ago

Hayes did a nice segment on CC and it’s something we do need to worry about.
2 hours ago
TW – Trump is basically screaming, “Stop the prosecutions of me for my crimes! Now!” It’s kind of insane and should be a bit amusing to most people to see Trump squirming and begging like this.
AdLib2 hours ago

Well, I have the petition here on my desk along with a few others so I have a bit of midnight reading to catch up on.
2 hours ago
TW – This year, the hottest on record, followed by record floods, tornados, on and on, it never used to be like this. Maddow mentioned, that the frequency of billion dollar natural disasters in the US are now very frequent compared to just the 1980s.
AdLib2 hours ago

I see the pressure is increasing on the SC to submit to a code of ethics.
2 hours ago
AdLib2 hours ago
I like the proposal to withhold $10M from the SCOTUS until they put an ethics framework in place.
AdLib2 hours ago

Yes CC is proving it’s real. What I wanted to say is one of the reasons insurance companies pulling out of FL is their reinsurance rates are going up or they are being told they won’t be covered if they stay.
2 hours ago

Yes, that seem to have gotten the attention of Roberts.
2 hours ago
TW – Insurance companies are built on greed and of course, once they see that they can’t make big profits with having to pay out so much in FL, they just flip the bird to all their customers and go elsewhere. FL homeowners are going to see their home values plummet as people choose not to buy homes there anymore and others get foreclosed on because they can’t afford or even find insurance.
AdLib2 hours ago
Really? What did Roberts say?
AdLib2 hours ago

I was one who thought the court was fine with 9 but events have changed me of that thinking and since there is nothing in the Constitution about the number it should go up to 13 to covert the districts.
2 hours ago
Yep, no question now that SCOTUS needs to be rescued from the corrupt majority urgently. We must increase to 13 and take power away from these bribed and perjured “justices” that are not actually just.
AdLib2 hours ago

It’s not that Roberts said anything, it’s the reporting and reading between the lines I believe he realizes he needs to do something. It’s my belief Senate will force something. McConnell doesn’t but I have a feeling he might lose that battle.
2 hours ago

McConnell is the stumbling block to changing the court, he needs to retire as he is as useful as tits on a bull.
2 hours ago

And Grassley needs to retire as well.
2 hours ago
I don’t know Roberts will move on ethics, he’s a crook along with his wife making $10M off his being on the court. We need a Dem congress elected along with Biden re-elected, end the filibuster then vote in SCOTUS enlargement and reforms, voting rights, abortion rights, etc.
AdLib2 hours ago
ALl the times people hoped for McConnell to do something principled, it never happened. He is partly to blame for 1/6 by preventing the Senate from removing Trump after being impeached the first time. McConnell also cheated to jam 2 SCOTUS judges in. He is rotten and nothing will ever change that so looking for him to ever do the right thing is just wishful thinking.
AdLib2 hours ago
Grassley, Ron Johnson, Tuberville, etc., so many horrible Repubs need to go.
AdLib2 hours ago

From my perspective the US Senate needs to realize they are in the 21st century and not the 18th and start adopting rules that fit with the times and issues confronting the country. Most of these Senators have no idea of what they are doing let alone understand the changes that technology is doing to the country.
2 hours ago

I believe our Constitution can handle the changes we are facing and if not well perhaps it should be amendment to be more reflective of the times we are living in.
2 hours ago
Hey, we may not be spring chickens but at least we know the basics about tech and what’s actually happening in the country and world. So many of these Repub Congresspeople are ignorant of the real world and how tech works, they should be the last ones in a position of decision making for the country about important issues they don’t even understand.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad, you’re being kind to calling them ignorant, most of them are just plain damn stupid.
an hour ago

Term limits on Senators and Congressional reps.
an hour ago
It would be great if a Dem Congress could start the ball rolling on Constitutional Amendments getting rid of the Electoral College, modifying the 2nd Amendment, making personal choice over medical issues like abortion a Constitutional right and the right to vote (which actually isn’t a declared right in The Constitution and would block all these voter suppression laws).ectoral College
AdLiban hour ago

Yes the EC has to go.
an hour ago
I was unsure about term limits in the past. Nancy Pelosi would never have been Speaker if there were term limits but Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham would be gone if there were.
AdLiban hour ago
Is it throwing the baby out with the bathwater, term limits?
AdLiban hour ago

Four terms for Senators, and 5 for Congressional Reps.
an hour ago
I do have to say, I like the idea of being able to permanently get rid of horrible Congresspeople in time but we would lose a lot of great Dems as well.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad there is always someone in the wings.
an hour ago

Also there has the be a way to get all the dark money out of elections.
an hour ago
Yes but there are some singular people, like Pelosi who will go down as one of the greatest Speakers in US History. And none of that would’ve happened with term limits.
AdLiban hour ago
Right, Congress could pass a law to end or curb dark money in elections, even the SCOTUS decision for Citizens United said that. Don’t need an amendment to do that.
AdLiban hour ago

For what it’s worth I believe the had there been some form of term limits Pelosi still would have gotten things done.
an hour ago
But there are Dems who get a lot of dark money too, I don’t know if all Dems would support an end to dark money. Surely not Manchin and Sinema.
AdLiban hour ago
Pelosi would have been forced out of The House long before she became Speaker with term limits.
AdLiban hour ago

Yes there are, and it also indicates they too are subject to the influences of who supplies the funds.
an hour ago
BTW, on Trump and Fani Willis: ““There is no basis in law for this”: Experts trash Trump’s “desperate” bid to disqualify Fani Willis “It is beneath our profession to have lawyers write things like this with such overblown rhetoric,” attorney says”
AdLiban hour ago
But Dems need to force all Dems to help close down Dark Money if they can win both houses of Congress.
AdLiban hour ago
Dems will benefit hugely in the long run.
AdLiban hour ago
And with a voting rights bill passed too, Dems will dominate in the country until or unless they become corrupt as happened before the Gingrich takeover.
AdLiban hour ago
Well, I don’t think Murph is coming here tonight. Do you want to chat by phone?
AdLiban hour ago

I look at the letter this way, as you said it is a desperate attempt on Trump’s part and the for the lawyers another big pay day provided they got paid up front before they wrote it.
an hour ago

I will give you a call in a sec.
an hour ago
Yes but for lawyers to file something so egregious, they risk sanctions and losing their law licenses as the Trump lawyers before them who bowed to Trump’s illegal orders in the past have.
AdLiban hour ago
HI! From Pittsburgh
9 hours ago
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