Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 hours ago

Good evening Adlib
2 hours ago

Well, there is so much to discuss tonight.
2 hours ago
I know, is it going to be like this all year? And then 2024!
AdLib2 hours ago

Before I forget, thanks for posting my article.
2 hours ago
Absolutely! I will be commenting on it, just have been juggling a lot this week.
AdLib2 hours ago

No problem.
2 hours ago

Murph is in the House!!!
2 hours ago
TW…howdy to you……Ad and to you!
2 hours ago
I think DeSantis is doomed in the GOP primary. After the 6 week abortion law especially.
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad, I think so. Notice how he signed the 6 week abortion bill at 11PM yesterday
2 hours ago
So Clarence Thomas is no longer suspected of being a corrupt paid-for fraud. It is now stipulated.
AdLib2 hours ago
De S….trying to sign a bill that will appeal to the most zealous and tried to hide it from the general public….what a duplicitous jackass.
2 hours ago

Murph how are things in you neck of the woods? And what do the folks have against libraries to the point they defunded them?
2 hours ago
Murph – DS is trying to swing to the right of Trump but his candidacy is swinging in the Mike Pence noose.
AdLib2 hours ago
Tim…sorry to cut our chat so short…things here have been hyper…planting season.
2 hours ago

Question, if DeNotit declares he is running does he have to step down as gov. of Fl?
2 hours ago
Did you see Trump’s new ad about DS with the three finger pudding eating?
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph no problem I know this must be a busy time for you.
2 hours ago
TW…that defunding was because a group of parents and teachers got a judge to declare that the book removal was not warranted under the standards that have been laid out by the state and school board….and to put those books back……leading to the county council’s call to stop funding the library.
2 hours ago

Ad ??
2 hours ago
TW – With current law, yes, DS would need to resign from the governorship but the slimy weasel has already set up a bill with his toadies in the FL Leg to kill that law.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW…as the law stands now….he would have to step down BUT he controls the legislature which can, and will change the law to let him do both.
2 hours ago
Ad….Jinx! Two minds on the same track.
2 hours ago

Murph in other words they only want to read easy books, like see Jane run
2 hours ago

Glenn is in the house.
2 hours ago
Glenn, glenn, glenn, glenn, GLENN!!!!!
2 hours ago

Glenn how are you.
2 hours ago
Here it is:
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLiban hour ago
Good evening all. I just dropped in to say hello because I can’t stay. I have a splitting headache and I can’t concentrate on anything. So sorry to not be able to chat with you all this week hopefully next week. Take care
an hour ago
Please say hello to everyone for me.
an hour ago
Sorry to hear that, glenn. Get some rest and take care of yourself.
AdLiban hour ago
That DeSantis commercial!….what. hypocrisy….Trump has pushed the same agenda and frankly where know where else Trump has had his fingers….listen to the tape…..Hollywood.
an hour ago
Glenn…what do you take for headaches.
an hour ago
Wonderful to see you even if it’s for a short period, glenn.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – i don’t think the dregs that remain in the GOP care about issues anyway in a presidential primary, it’s all about who is muy macho and who can slam the other with a folded chair the hardest.
AdLiban hour ago
The GOP primary for president is now a WWE event.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…I agree with your assessment overall but that commercial is through and through a policy attack but full on hypocrisy….what the MAGATS count on is that their people do not pay attention and even if they did know so little that are easily fooled, gulled, and bullied.
an hour ago
Does anyone think Garland would have the cajones to charge Clarence Thomas for the crimes he has clearly committed? Bartering a sentence away for his resignation is the only way to get him off the SCOTUS.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad I don’t think Garland is going to do anything about Thomas.
an hour ago
Ad…..I think it is time to bring down the DOJ hammer on Thomas not only to clean out the barn of that foul creature….but to also let others on the court whose palms have been greased that they are in the bullseye.
an hour ago
The Dems need to use every tool in the box to Clean Out the Stygian Stables.
an hour ago

Ad I think that is going to have to come from the Senate.
an hour ago
TW…the Senate…..what can they do? Impeachment…yeah, like that works!
an hour ago

Ad it is really strange how quite he has been about this compared to his response about all the trips he took
an hour ago
Murph – Yes, the ad attacks DS for his wanting to slash SS and Medicare but as you say, that is the policy of the majority in the GOP including Trump. Yes, it is hypocrisy, and attack ad from Trump’s campaign is going to be a slice of hypocrisy. They are just arming MAGAs with talking points but the real “substance” of the ad for the morons who populate the GOP is making DeSantis look like a disgusting pig…which Trump is not?
AdLiban hour ago

Murph no impeachment will have to come from the House, but the Senate could hold some hearings.
an hour ago
Ad….Trump and DeSantis to Pigs in a Pod
an hour ago
TW – Hate to say it but I agree, Garland has been timid enough about going after Trump, he’s got to be freaked out at going after a sitting SCOTUS judge on top of an ex-president. The funny thing is, other sitting SCOTUS judges have been chraged and impeached, not a first to do that.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Totally agree about the DoJ needing to come down on Thomas who is flaunting that he is above the law, he and his wife can be bribed, he can support his wife overthrowing our democracy, enough is enough. Just don’t think Garland has the stomach for it.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…yes, the House starts the Impeachment Ball rolling with McCarthy’s gang would never even think about at all. The Senate could hold hearings to what end? Who could they bring in to testify….a Supreme Court Justice? His wife?
an hour ago

Ad sadly I have to agree.
an hour ago
Garland is emerging as a very timid figure…..I wonder what he is afraid of?
an hour ago
Murph – “This looks like a job…for Hercules!”
AdLiban hour ago
Hercules….who do we have on standby?
an hour ago
TW – Prbably the only body that will be willing to investigate the Thomas Treason.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph Garland is too much an institutionalist, it just doesn’t seem to be in his nature to upset the apple cart. Perhaps he thinks if he was to go after Thomas it might tarnish the institution he values.
an hour ago
TW….by the way….the library story has now gone statewide as the ACLU has weighed in and going to court as well. The State legislature is now threatening defunding across the entire system….I would like to think that my fellow Miserians would miss the libraries but means missing books and that is unlikely.
an hour ago
Murph – Impeachment isn’t a possibility right now, The House must impeach first and then the trial goes to the Senate. The McCarthy House has a traitor who praises traitors on the Homeland Security Committee. He sure won’t take on impeaching Thomas.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…that is a good read on Garland….but can he not see that it is Thomas and three others on the court who have not just tarnished the Court Rep….they have dropped it into a cess pool.
an hour ago

Murph, libraries are the refuge of those who seek knowledge. I spent many a time my library back in Syracuse.
an hour ago
Ad…that is my read re. impeachment and frankly after the double dead end with Trumpski it would be a waste of time.
an hour ago
TW – That’s because he knows he has broken a concrete law. After Watergate, they passed an anti-corruption law that requires all members of the judiciary to disclose any money received for real estate above $1,000. Thomas is a de facto lawbreaking criminal right now. Of course he’s not going to talk about that and hope it somehow blows over.
AdLiban hour ago
Miserians seeking knowledge…..I wonder if a few more might try it.
an hour ago
Murph – Like that “Pigs in a Pod”!
AdLiban hour ago
Oink, Oink, Oink…
an hour ago

Murph, I think it has to be hard for a man like Garland to see something he values being destroyed right in front of his eyes. Trump is the catalyst for the beginning of the demise of our democracy.
an hour ago
Murph – Nope, don’t think The Senate would demand Thomas and his terrible wife to testify, they can ask but Thomas will blather about separation of powers, etc.
AdLiban hour ago

CL is in the house!!!
an hour ago
Hi! Sorry to be late. Life intervened.
an hour ago
Hi CL!
AdLiban hour ago
Hey TW, Ad, Murph!
an hour ago
Howdy, Doody, CL.
an hour ago
Ad – talk about “separation of powers” – is there ANYTHING more egregious than Gym Jordan’s “hearing” on an active LOCAL case?
an hour ago
TW…if Garland is of the sentiment you describe why not act to defend the institution?
an hour ago
Murph – I’m not Howdy Doody – I’m Princess Summerfallwinterspring. Please!
an hour ago
Murph – The Repubs in MO are competing with TN for which is the most racist, ignorant and self-destructive. Then Abbot says, “Why wasn’t I invited?” and DeSantis chuckles, “Hold my beer.”
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – this may be the PEFECT synopsis of Southern GOP fascism EVER.
an hour ago
Cl…remember the two words that Clarabell uttered in the last moments of the last show as the camera closed up to him….
an hour ago

Ad yes Thomas knows he’s broken the law, the question that hangs over everything is, who is going to hold his feet to fire for it? If nothing happens, it’s downhill for the SC and democracy I believe.
an hour ago
Murph – I have TOTALLY forgotten what he said.
an hour ago
Murph – Yep, impeachment is archaic when one party is wholly without principles. Hell, they celebrate and defend criminals, traitors and sexual abusers…I mean, they are all of those in many cases.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I understand DOJ is being requested to investigate now it seems Thomas broke the LAW.
an hour ago

Murph I wish I knew, there is a pale of unwillingness to act to preserve what people like Garland claim to believe int.
an hour ago
All – impeachment is not viable. Kevvie won’t bring it to the floor.
an hour ago

CL the question is, will they?
an hour ago
TW – I think Thomas and Ginni are already in the DOJ sights. Why not add this in?
an hour ago
Clarabell never spoke only using his facial and boy movement and the Yes or No horns he wore at his waste….in that last moment…he looked into the camera and waved and said “Goodby boys, and girls”. And a million kids began to cry.
an hour ago

Ad all Clarabell did was ring that damn bell.
an hour ago
Murph – I had totally forgotten that but know I did see it. I did watch. There wasn’t much else to see.
an hour ago
CL – Very true, what we are seeing is the shameless weaponizing of government by the corrupt toadies who accuse Dems of their own sins. This Jordan panel in NY on Monday is already being shunned and characterized as corrupt. I think Repubs are destroying any support indies might have given them in 2024.
AdLiban hour ago

CL, do you think the DOJ is looking into this?
an hour ago
CL….the Howdy Doody Show left the air because morning programming to appeal to adults was pushing them to the side.
an hour ago
CL – Thanks!
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Sheldon Whitehouse from my old great state of RI has asked DOJ to investigate. Thomas crossed LEGAL lines, not just rules.
an hour ago

CL Whitehouse is indeed on the trail of this. He is like a dog with a bone with this one, I do hope he can get something done.
an hour ago
Murph – swear on Bibles that I watched Howdy in the afternoon in Chicago.
an hour ago
CL….Ad….TW….calls are coming from many sides for a judicial inquiry into Thomas’ evident corruption. Along with it should come a broad call for the man to recuse himself from most cases.
an hour ago

CL he has been right all along about the tainting of the SC.
an hour ago
TW – Whitehouse is relentless. I have great hopes.
an hour ago
TW – I’m pretty sure Roberts will bury this corruption because he’s corrupt setting up his wife to profit off his position at SCOTUS but I think Dems and supporters need to keep hammering Roberts and Thomas for their corruption and doing nothing about it. No wonder they could never put together ethics rules for the SCOTUS. It’s like asking Trump to call DoJ and confess.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – LOL – I couldn’t figure out how he was right about “South Carolina” – SC. Then I realized what you meant. He’d be correct either way, however.
an hour ago
CL – Yes, there are Dem Senators and outside groups demanding DoJ investigate Thomas but I don’t know that DoJ, being so careful about going after an ex-president, would then turn around and happily take on a parallel investigation into a SCOTUS judge.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad I will come back to a quote from How Democracies die, you lose your courts, you lose democracy.
an hour ago
CL…Howdy Doody was on at various times of day but the majority of showtimes were pre School as it kept the little ones occupied as the household sent kids off to school. It ran for 13 years.
an hour ago
TW…good citations…how democracies die.
an hour ago
Ad – DOJ is hammering down on Trump. LOOK at who is being called by Jack Smith whom Garland brought in precisely to DO that. All the Top Dawgs are now facing the Grand Jury. This is heating up now the lower foot soldiers are being convicted of really serious crimes.
an hour ago

Murph I used to watch it regularly, it was my dream to be in the peanut gallery.
an hour ago
I like Whitehouse, he’s always stood tall on moral and ethical issues. Just don’t know that a Senator asking DoJ to investigate an obviously criminal SCOTUS judge will move the needle.
AdLiban hour ago
In Chicago we had adult morning programs from the start. Kiddie stuff was at lunch time and after school.
an hour ago
SO….CL….do you see Garland’s posse bring down the hammer on the Trump front…and then being able to turn its sites on the SC
an hour ago

Murph thanks
an hour ago
Ad – a sitting Senator asking is HOW you move the needle. Clarence and Ginni are already under the DOJ eye.
an hour ago
Murph – I think Thomas’s entire record will come as counts in indictments.
an hour ago
Murph – That gives me hope, I just hope all these parties keep the pressure up. Thomas is a threat to our whole system of justice. He is corrupt, bought and paid for, this can’t stand.
AdLiban hour ago

All, I have the feeling that ProPublica has much more on Thomas.
an hour ago
There is zero premium in having multiple trials for any given individual. The routine is to “bundle” issues where they can.
an hour ago
The Dems have to hold the Senate and WH and take back the House if the purging of the putrid forces of corruption is to happen.
an hour ago
Ad – Thomas is not the danger, It’s Alito. He’s a thousand times smarter than Thomas and vastly more ideologically corrupt.
an hour ago

CL, Alito?? Say more please.
an hour ago
TW – That is a sobering and powerfully true quote, noce we lose the courts (and we have mostly lost the SCOTUS to RW autocrats and theocrats), democracy starts suffocating. Like in the 5th Circuit with these radical extremist Injustices who won’t even follow the law.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I think it’s important 2024 to get both houses, yes, but if Biden wins, DOJ is going to be relentless. I think fed indictments will come soon.
an hour ago
AD….Roberts like every Chief Justice wants to have HIS court’s reputation be a positive one because it will bear his name forever. He does not want to remembered in the same sentence with Slave Master Taney.
an hour ago
ONE of the indictments on Trump will be espionage. The 14th will eliminate him as a candidate.
an hour ago
Murph – agreed on Roberts.
an hour ago

Ad, yes it is, when I read it, I paused for a long time considering the impact of what that would me for this country. It wasn’t pretty.
an hour ago
CL…I agree that Alito is a danger because his aim is not padding his own nest but toppling the Constitution.
an hour ago
CL – Oh, I absolutely agree, Jack Smith is freakin’ Batman! He is coming down hard and fast on Trump and the crimes he’s committed. Just questioning if Garland has the resources and stomach for taking on a SCOTUS judge at the same time. Everyone just has to keep pushing and make it clear we’re not letting this fade away.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey folks…any reaction to the Teen dramas (expelling assembly members who dare to support those who demonstrate against mass murder)
an hour ago

All, I know Alito was pretty upset he didn’t get the Chief Justice slot.
an hour ago
CL – I sure hope Whitehouse’s urging to DoJ to investigate helps push them to do so on Thomas. It’s a hell of a lot to take on at once and the political attacks will be turned up to 11.
AdLiban hour ago
AD…..I actually think the shrill GOP wailing is wearing thin on many sides.
an hour ago

Murph well they are both back in and have picked up where they left off. The two individuals Justin Jones, and Justin Person are forces to be reckon with.
an hour ago
Murph – Alito and the other three – Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett – are devoted to the principles of the Federalists which is eliminating the courts as access to rights for little people. Think of the pathbreaking decisions: Brown, Roe, Miranda, etc. who were just little people whose cases were landmarks. They detest Common Law, precedent, free access to courts. They want a European Roman Code system where only things legislated can be used to change society. But that is why there are riots, revolutions. Common Law lets us build on ages-old principles and be more inclusive. The Federalits HATE that.
an hour ago
TW – the TN Three are back and standing tall!!!
an hour ago
Murph – The Repubs, with all their tyrannical laws being passed across the country sure seem to be helping Dems win back unitary control in 2024 and if that happens, they MUST end the filibuster, make abortion legal nationally, end gerrymandering and institute laws reigning in the presidency and SCOTUS from corruption…one of those steps being enlarging SCOTUS to 13 seats and drowning out the power of Thomas, Alito and the rest of the Fascist 5.
AdLiban hour ago

CL what you just described is what the founders thought the Supreme Court should be, the means for wealthy land owners to have a place to settle their land disputes.
an hour ago
CL – Agree that Alito is the more insidious of the two but each has one vote in the SCOTUS and each being corrupt is as bad as the other in that sense.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – assuring the court is led by those devoted to Common Law is critical.
an hour ago

CL this old man is in awe of these two bright stars.
an hour ago
CL….a brilliant summary….copied and pasted into my “Words from the Wise” File.
an hour ago
Murph – After allowing Alito’s leak on Dobbs and putting up a phony investigation, I don’t believe that Roberts puts his legacy over covering the butts of his fellow corrupt judges.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….your road map is one worth passing on….and I will.
an hour ago
Murph – LOL! My unwritten dissertation had a lot of focus on changes in American law 18th C. to 1840. I was horrified by what America gave UP to be a unified nation. Long story. But it’s scary to watch it unravelling.
an hour ago

CL, they have the intellect and oratory skill that scares the you know what out of the barely literate reps in the Tenn, House
an hour ago
CL – That would be so sweet! Convict Trump on espionage…and deem him unfit to run for office under the 14th Amendment.
AdLiban hour ago
TW they do indeed!
an hour ago
Ad – that’s part of why DOJ – Smith – is doing this. He has evidence and witnesses to Trump flaunting Top Secret docs to people not eligible to see them.
an hour ago
Murph – Well clearly, Trump’s self-pitying and whining isn’t working with even many Repubs anymore. Latest poll, he only has 49% support in the Repub primary. Time was when he had 90% support in the GOP. More indictments and civil case losses like with E. Jean Carroll and Trump can only drop down farther and farther.
AdLib43 minutes ago

CL, based on reporting it seems Smith is getting closer and closer to dropping charges.
43 minutes ago
Barring an espionage conviction prior to the 2024 election, does anyone here think Trump won’t win the GOP nom?
AdLib43 minutes ago
Ad – remember the Chinese woman who wandered around MAL with a camera? We have NO CLUE what she saw, photographed. He had TS stuff out in the open. She could have accessed it to our enemy.’s advantage.
43 minutes ago
Ad – I think it so depends on whom the GOP run whether Trump can pull it off.
42 minutes ago
Side story- I was at my favorite watering hole and snack shop …two days ago….when a table load of first timers began making one derogatory comment after another about the Tennessee Three…..The two men were MLK N……..s and the woman a les…..with some much vile, lying vitriol…..now, most of those who frequent the place are very right oriented but decent folk…..there was very little initial reaction, but then another patron, a minister got up and said…..”There is stench in this room…” He paid his bill and left. I, and two others went to the bar to pay and I said that from now on I would check over the other patrons before sitting down. The others with me agreed…..sooooooo…
42 minutes ago

CL I remember that.
42 minutes ago
Murph – that’s pretty much miraculous that your townsfolk did that. Good on you alll!
41 minutes ago
41 minutes ago

Murph you really have some winners in your little town.
40 minutes ago
There is a core decency in the hearts of many of my neighbors…..I wonder if they are getting tired of being labeled as Magats? But, folks, silence is seen as consent…..so speak up….and some are.
39 minutes ago
Murph – did these first timers MOVE to your town or were they just passing through? Hope they kept on keeping on right outta there.
39 minutes ago
CL….I did not recognize those guys…..but I am told they are local but tend to spend their time at a biker bar.
38 minutes ago
Murph – I think then they tested the waters and found them uninviting. Back to the Biker Bar for them!
38 minutes ago
CL….I do so hope so.
38 minutes ago
Of note…..Trump flags are few……
37 minutes ago
If they make a thing of coming to your places, everyone needs to stay home for a time, bore them to death.
37 minutes ago
Murph – My road map for a unified Dem government in 2025 is simple. 1. Make abortion legal everywhere in the US. 2. Pass Voting Rights Bill that includes ending gerrymandering, insuring vote by mail for all voters, ending dark money and making DC and possibly Puerto Rico states. 3. Enlarge SCOTUS to 13 judges, create ethics rules governing SCOTUS judges, limit lifetime appointments to a set term like 15 years. Then pass immigration and Dreamer legalization laws, enhance criminal penalties for threatening our democracy and create a system to remove those who exercise criminal behavior in any of the three bracnches of government (as we know, impeachment is no longer a working system for presidents or judges). That’s at least a start.
AdLib37 minutes ago
Anyone catch the NRA synchophants?
37 minutes ago

Murph, the people you are talking about are receiving what they created and they are upset because there is no way for them to correct what they did. What I mean by this is sort of like Frankenstein. He created the monster that haunted him.
36 minutes ago
Ad – Voting rights is number one. BUT you CANNOT end gerrymandering since SCOTUS said it was a state’s right. So it has to be grounded in the VRA provisions on the integrity of excluded communities. Then the court size. The rest in any order.
35 minutes ago
CL – Yes, I am loving Jack Smith’s brilliance and tenacity. Apparently, he’s onto Trump showing a classified map to people at Mar-a-Lago. That is some deep dung Trump is in. I love seeing his hysterical “Truths”, he has only begun to freak out, so much more coming!
AdLib35 minutes ago
AD’s recipe for a Modern American Revolution. I agree.
35 minutes ago
CL – Yep, I remember that Chinese spy who was at Mar-A-Lago. And classified US secrets were in an unlocked drawer in Trump’s office.
AdLib34 minutes ago

CL have one question for you, is there a state here in the US you haven’t been to?
33 minutes ago
I am horrified that I appear to be the only voice discussing the pillaging of our legal history and basis for precedent as the foundation of decisions. I’d have thought legal scholars would tackle this. It’s hugely important and not THAT arcane!
33 minutes ago
CL – But which Repub could possibly beat Trump, even if he has five indictments?
AdLib33 minutes ago
TW – never been to Alaska, Hawaii, MT, ND, ID, Arkansas, MS. Otherwise I’ve been to or lived in many of them.
33 minutes ago
I went to an organizing meeting for Lucas Kunce, who is going to go for a Senate Seat again. Of note, his funding is going very well…not just small dollars….some deep pockets are backing him.
32 minutes ago
Murph – Wow…those guys in the bar are making MO look like a backed up sewer. No offense to you.
AdLib32 minutes ago

CL 43 states that is indeed amazing.
32 minutes ago
Murph – I do think he has a very good chance. What Dems offer is breathing room. “No Drama Obama” was popular largely because he was calm. Everyone is sick of the Hawley Hype. Kunce has a real shot at this.
31 minutes ago
CL…a thought off of an earlier comment from you…..What is so often forgotten is that the U.S. Constitution was written so that government for, by and from certain people would not vanish from the hear. And those people: men, white, educated, upper middle and upper class.
30 minutes ago
CL – Yes, voting rights can be mandated by Congress. According to the Constitution, Congress has sole power over states for Federal elections and districts are used for The House. Any rights nit exercised by Congress are retained by states. If Congress says “No Gerrymandering”, SCOTUS has no constitutional right to prevent that from taking place.
AdLib30 minutes ago
TW – my ONE foray into AL was as an Air Force wife headed to shop at Redstone Arsenal BX. I have still not recovered from crossing from TN to AL and having the “White Citizens Council Welcomes You” sign. Once in AL was enough.
30 minutes ago
AD….the sewer gas certainly creeps into many spaces here.
29 minutes ago
Ad – I agree there are federal entrees on voting rights, but using the VRA standards can be applied to STATE districts, too. Not telling them how to redistrict but how they CANNOT do so.
28 minutes ago

Cl, say more on the pillaging of the legal system, I think I understand what you’re getting at, but want to be sure. I recall reading somewhere the overall purpose of the SC was to be arbitrator on land disputes.
28 minutes ago
CL – The Fascist 5 in the SCOTUS who have torn up the concepts of precedent in the law should be a three alarm fire to all who value our democracy and constitution. But it hasn’t been a big topic of conversation, I agree.
AdLib27 minutes ago
I had one of my “friends” remind me that MLK’s dad was GOP and that MLK was neither Dem or GOP …….he did this interference to Sen Scott of SC…..I reminded him that the GOP in the South at that time was the party of reform and the Dems were the party of racism. He was shocked, aghast, and totally certain I was lying.
27 minutes ago
Murph – Kunce is a superstar of a candidate. Even in MO, I think he will make his mark though I know it is an uphill battle.
AdLib26 minutes ago
At the time of the Constitution, voters were many, slaves and indigenous people excepted. WOMEN voted as heads of households, anyone who had “the tools of their trade” (including women) could vote. That didn’t change until states winnowed it away. Free people of color voted in New England. Indigenous people who had whole towns, eg. Mashpee, MA did vote. Most of the latter did not. But voting access was REDUCED early 19th C. Took a whole lot to get it back.
26 minutes ago
CL – That’s nauseating to think that AL and TN still proudly display their racism but of course the TN 3 could address that.
AdLib25 minutes ago
Yes – the determination that it’s Dems who are racist is the current drumbeat. They forget Nixon’s deal.
24 minutes ago
Hey – when are the four of us going to get together on Zoom for a chat? We keeping batting this about……I know I would love it. Ad has done some research and it seems we are in support of the concept…yes?
24 minutes ago
Ad – clarification – that sign was up in 1968. Doubt it’s still there, but the mindset sure is.
24 minutes ago
Murph – Though at the same time, the decency that you and others showed in the bar, even Repubs, is affirming that you can’t paint any community with too broad of a brush and good people are everywhere including terribly corrupt states.
AdLib23 minutes ago

Murph that sounds like a great idea.
23 minutes ago
We sure could do it AND figure out a way when PPO is in CA to do it if y’all can’t come from MA and MO.
23 minutes ago
CL….you are correct….there were more people with more diversity voting than would seem to be the case…..but….the corridors of power were shaped to welcome those from the elites first and foremost.
22 minutes ago
CL – A new VRA can directly instruct states on how to run federal elections and create districts. That is in Congress’ powers. State have to abide by it and as you point out, the original VRA forced states to conduct elections and pass new laws within the boundaries they set.
AdLib22 minutes ago
ZOOM…..is an intercontinental system….
22 minutes ago
I do think the good guys, the ones who weren’t slave holders, did prefer the “yeoman farmer” to the laborers in Boston etc. But they laid a ground upon which we could build. THAT to me is a miracle – one the Federalists are trying to destroy.
21 minutes ago
Murph – it surely is.
21 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, I will put together a Zoom “Vox” on a date we all can make it. Just not Friday, don’t want to override Vox Classic.
AdLib20 minutes ago
The move in TN to bar gay and interracial marriage is going to blow up in their faces. There are just too many federal rights that state’s cannot void. Assuring the VRA standards IS one of them, and it governs every form of election based districting.
19 minutes ago
Vox Classic! LOVE IT!
19 minutes ago
CL – Got it, 1968 AL though is not that different from 2023 AL or TN though.
AdLib19 minutes ago
CL…..if you look at the construction of the House and Senate Chambers it says a lot. The House has benches, no assigned seating, no place for secretaries/pages and. teeny tiny cloak rooms….the Senate has permanent seating at large desks with a lower desk for a secretary and plenty of room for pages to move about. AND there are huge cloak rooms for the “guys” to meet, greet, plan”
19 minutes ago
“Classic” is indeed….classic.
18 minutes ago

CL TN wants to bar gay and interracial marriage? I missed that one.
18 minutes ago
Murph – it’s true in state houses, too. In Albany, the Assembly chamber is worn, beat up, carvings on desks, and I SWEAR, holes in the granite walls that look like it got shot up. CA is less uneven, but the green carpeting looks as if you’re walking on dollar bills. But there has always been an elite presence in senates.
17 minutes ago
CL….coincidence? I think not….
17 minutes ago
CL – Very good point, that’s what I was thinking. These TN knuckle-draggers don’t care what is anti-American and anti-Constitutional, they are just in a competition to prove just how much more hateful they are than the other Repubs as a badge of superiority. They will be overturned but they don’t care. It’s the act of spewing hatred and bigotry that they revel in.
AdLib16 minutes ago
TW – they DID bar it. No same sex marriages, no interracial ones now on. TN Senate hasn’t heard it yet, Governor either, but the Assembly passed it.
16 minutes ago
Jack Teixeira…….what a story…..and my guess is that he may not have understood what he was viewing, and passing on…..a stunt to appear to be the “big man” in a group of boys who love guns and are ultra right…….
15 minutes ago
Ad – I lived in Tullahoma, TN for two years, 1967-69. I’m glad I did, but I’m more glad I’m gone. Was there April 4, 1968 and the aftermath of the murder was terrifying. I’ve never forgotten the open celebrations by old white guys at King’s death.
14 minutes ago

CL, that is news, I’m surprised that hasn’t gone national. Talking about wanting to go back in time.
14 minutes ago
Murph – I agree about Texeira, but he has to pay the penalty. I am DISGUSTED by those whitewashing him.
14 minutes ago
Jack Teixeira….speaks to the reality that much what we think is secure is not when a 21 year old kid with little education, training have such access.
13 minutes ago
And how about the utter hellscape that FL is turning into under Dictator DeSantis. On top of all the insane laws they’ve been passing, they’re passing a law that prevents home owners from suing the firms that built their homes from damages they suffer due to improper building. Insurance is skyrocketing and poor Harleigh is flooded in Ft. Lauderdale tonight! FL is a worsening hellscape.
AdLib13 minutes ago
TW – I think national news has had some of it, but until the Senate and Gov pass it, I think it’s ‘wait and see’ mode.
13 minutes ago
CL…oh, there needs to be a penalty…..a year in jail, a year of house arrest, two years of community service, discharge from the military…….but the focus needs to be on who gets to see what that is supposed to be secure.
12 minutes ago
Ad – Oh no! Poor Harleigh! And DeSantis is still on his book tour! I guess he figures if Abbotte was re=elected after the Big Freeze, nobody will care he’s not issuing an emergency declaration for flooding. All good. People won’t remember.
12 minutes ago

All there clearly is a pattern here with all these gerrymandered state legislature houses and senates.
11 minutes ago
CL – The law doesn’t bar those marriages, it allows court clerks in TN to refuse to issue marriage licenses with the BS claim that it goes against their religious beliefs. So it could apply to gay marriage, interracial marriages or marriages of Jews, Muslims, etc. Anyone.
AdLib11 minutes ago
Murph – I agree with you about the two espionage cases, the young man and the old fart.
11 minutes ago
11 minutes ago
Ad = religious exemptions are the cover, yes, but it’s TN. That’s pretty much ubiquitous.
10 minutes ago
Tullahoma had about 14,000 residents with 30 some churches, splinters of splinters. Never saw such a place!
10 minutes ago
I suggest that if your religious principles prevent your fulfilling your duties of office….it is time to resign, not upturn the law
10 minutes ago
Murph – My mostly uninformed guess is that Teixeira is a real stupid incel/MAGA/racist weasel who was so insecure, he needed these 25 losers to give him attention and respect. Prove me wrong.
AdLib9 minutes ago

All, the question I have about DeSantis is how long do we have to wait for the giant alligator the come out of the swamp and drag DeSantis back home.,
9 minutes ago
Murph – I am fine w religious accommodation but NOT fine with barring the door to get it.
9 minutes ago
CL…we have a small town near us with 500 residents and 6 Baptist Churches – each one claiming to be holier than thou, and truer that true.
9 minutes ago
Murph – LOL!!! First Holy Baptist church. Second Holier Baptist church. Third MOST holy Baptist church…and so on.
8 minutes ago
CL…I do not think that public figures should have the option to refuse to do their duty, one they sought, based on a principle like personal religious choice.
8 minutes ago
Murph – agreed. That’s the “bar the door” principle. My way or the highway is NOT public service.
7 minutes ago
CL – I know there are tons of wonderful people in TN, AL, MO (of course), FL, TX, etc. but the percentage of miscreants with power or guns in these states and others makes me wholly disinterested in going to any of those states (though I have been to FL and TX in the last year…to see good people there).
AdLib7 minutes ago
CL. The first was “The Baptist Church”…the next was “True Word Baptist Church” The third was “The Word God In Christ Baptist Church” etc.
6 minutes ago
I am traveling to OH Wednesday with a stop in Austin. I do NOT change planes. I am very glad. I don’t have to set food on TX soil.
6 minutes ago

CL Oh the wonderful glory of religion. What could possibly go wrong?
6 minutes ago
Murph – well, of COURSE.
6 minutes ago
TW – I think everything that COULD go wrong already IS.
5 minutes ago
CL – It would be firghtening to be in the head of FL people who think DeSantis is great. How detached from humanity would you have to be? Hatred and authoritarianism as state policy? Insane.
AdLib5 minutes ago
You know the things is that SOOOOOO SOOOOO SOOOO many of those I live near are indeed good, decent caring people who carry around bad beliefs that darken their behavior.
5 minutes ago

CL you think?
5 minutes ago
Good friends…..heading for the door…it is the time of planting…..Peace and Prosperity to You All. Murph
3 minutes ago

Murph how can that be? I mean good and decent but bad beliefs.
3 minutes ago
Murph – I do know that. I am dealing with a women directed and owned detective agency in TX. The TX ladies are VERY religious but totally wonderful. Their politics are unknown to me, but their humanity for my friend who is at high risk from a lethally-abusive former partner is amazing. I see the good and like it.
3 minutes ago
CL – Yes, the TN law doesn’t explicitly outlaw marriage, it is a sneaky work around to say clerks can refuse to give marriage licenses because “freedom”. Yeah. The freedom to take the freedom of others away is freedom in the GOP handbook.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Murph take care.
3 minutes ago
TW…the beliefs taint natural movement toward community based care for others.
3 minutes ago
CL…..I know folks like that.
2 minutes ago
Ad – that’s the wording. The practice is exclusionary. As one who helped write CA laws that were benign, I’ve seen how corrupt their enactments are.
2 minutes ago
Murph – That is what the 1st Amendment above all says, can’t make laws establishing religion and that’s what this law essentially does though maybe not explicitly but de facto.
AdLib2 minutes ago

Murph that is interesting we should discuss later as it requires a deeper conversation.
2 minutes ago
I have been up since 5 am for whatever reason, so I, too, and following Murph out the door. I’m fading. Good night! I won’t be here next week, but i WILL be back in WiFi land the evening of the 25th so will see you that Friday. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead. Hugs to you both.
a few seconds ago
CL – Yep, that’s the slimy way, craft laws that are exclusionary without actually saying it.
AdLiba few seconds ago
TW, up for a call?
AdLibin a few seconds

Well Ad, looks like we’re closing the bar down again.
in a few seconds
As usual!
AdLibin a few seconds

Yes will call in a minute.
in a few seconds
Sounds good!
AdLibin a few seconds
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